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Mét sè tÝnh tõ ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm tiÒn tè vµo tríc tÝnh tõ kh¸c a.. Mét sè tÝnh tõ mang nghÜa phñ ®Þnh ®îc thµnh lËp b»ng c¸ch thªm tiÒn tè tríc tÝnh tõ a.[r]


Cách thành lập tính từ

1 Một số tính từ đợc thành lập cách thêm hậu tố (suffixes) vào sau danh từ a –ful: có …

Ex: harm -> harmful (cã h¹i ) use - > useful (cã Ých)

success - > successful (có kết , thành cơng) hope -> hopeful (đày, có hi vọng)

beauty -> beautiful (đẹp) power - powerful (có quyền lực) b -less (mang nghĩa phủ định) khơng Ex: child -> childless (khơng có con)

odor - > odorless (không màu)

home > homeless (không nhà, vô gia c) life -> lifeless (kh«ng cã sù sèng)

hope -> hopeless (kh«ng cã hi väng) power - > powerless (kh«ng cã qun lùc) c -ly (có vẻ, có tính chât, hàng )

man - > manly (có tính đàn ơng, hợp với dàn ông) friend > friendly (thân thiện)

world > worldly (có vẻ trần tục) hour - > hourly (hµng giê)

year > yearly (hang năm) day - - > daily (hàng ngày) d -like (gièng nh, t¬ng tù nh)

child -> childlike (co cac tinh gièng nh trỴ con) god -> godlike (nh thần, nh thánh)

life - > lifelike (gièng nh thËt) brother - > brotherlike (nhu anh em) e -y ( cã nhiÒu)

Ex: ain - >rainy (cã ma, ma nhiỊu)

snow - >snowy (có tuyêt, phủ đầy tuyết) dust -> dusty (đày bụi)

sand > sandy (cã c¸t)

salt -> salty, (cã muèi, cã vÞ muèi) health -> healthy (kháe manh) wealth - > wealthy (giÇu cã) f -ish(cã tÝnh chÊt cña)

Ex: fool - > foolish(ngu ngoc) child - > childish (thuoc tre con, hop voi tre) Self - > selfish (ich ky) girl - > girlish (nhu gai)

g -al (thuoc ve)

Ex: magic - > magical (thuoc ve ma thuat) Industry -> industrial (thuoc cong nghiep) nature - > natural (thuoc tu nhien)

music - > musical (thuoc am nhac)

profession - > professional (chuyen nghiep) h: -ous

Ex: poison - > poisonous (có chất độc) nerve -> nervous (lo lắng)

danger - > dangerous fame - > famous

mountain - > mountainous (cã nhiỊu nói) mystery - > mysterious

g -able

Ex: fashion - > fashionable Comfort - > comfortable value -> valuable


a -ive

Ex: act - > active (tích cực, động) Progress - > - > progressive

Attract - > attractive Expense - > expensive b:- -able/-ible : cã thÓ

Ex: accept - > acceptable (có thể chấp nhận) count - > countable (có thể đếm đợc) achieve -> achievable (có thể thực đợc) change - > changeable

eat - >eatable reduce -> reducible

comprehend - > comprehensible

3 Một số tính từ đợc thành lập cách thêm tiền tố vào trớc tính từ khác a super-

Ex: human - > superhuman (siêu phầm, siêu nhân) natural - > supernatural (siªu nhiªn)

sonic - > supersonic (sieu thanh)

fine - > superfine (sieu hang, thuong hang) b under –

Ex: nourish -> undernourished (thiếu ăn, suy dinh dỡng) developed - > underdeveloped

done - > undedone(nưa sèng nưa chÝn, t¸i) ground -> underground (tàu điện ngầm) c

over-Ex: anxious-> overanxious (quá lo lắng)

confident - > overconfident (quỏ tự tin) bearing - > overbearing (độc đoán) joyed - > overjoyed (quá vui sớng)

crowded - > overcrowded (quá đông, đông nghịt) d

sub-Ex: conscious - > subconscious (thc tiỊm thøc) atomic - > subatomic (thc h¹ nghuyªn tư) way - > subway

4 Một số tính từ mang nghĩa phủ định đợc thành lập cách thêm tiền tố trớc tính từ a

un-Ex: happy - > Unhappy fortunate - > unfortunate comfortable - > uncomfortable forgettable - > unforgettable certain - > uncertain lucky - > unlucky b

in-Ex: direct - > indirect convenient - > inconvenient dependent - > independent formal - > informal visible - > invisible c im- (trớc từ bắt đầu m, b, p) Ex: patient

possible mature Perfect polite balanced


removable - > irremovable rational > irrational (phi ly)

relevant -~ irrelevant (khơng thích đáng, khơng tơng xứng) e il- (trớc từ bắt đầu l)

Ex: legal - > illegal (

logical - > illogical (kh«ng logic, phi lý) literate - > illiterate (thÊt häc, mù chứ)

liberal - > illiberal (không hào phóng, hep hòi) f

dis-honest - > dishonest (không thành thËt agreeably - > disagreeably (khã chiu) affected - > disaffected (bÊt b×nh, bÊt m·n) courteous - > discourteous (bÊt lÞch sù)

5 Một số tính từ kép đợc thành lập cách kết hợp danh từ với khứ phân từ (noun+ past participle - > Adjective)

Ex: man + made > man-made hand + made > hand-made corn + fed > corn-fed snow + covered - > snow-covered horse + pulled > horse-pulled

city + run - > city-run (do thành phố quản lí)

6 Ngoài thành lập tính từ cách kết hợp well/ ill với khứ ph©n tõ (well/ ill + past participle - > Adjective),

Ex: well + done - > well-done (nÊu kÜ, nÊu chÝn) ' well + prepared -> well-prepared

well + known - > well-known ill + prepared - > ill-prepared

ill + bred - > ill-bred (mÊt d¹y, vô giáo dục) ill + founded - > ill-founded (vô cứ)

Cách dùng tính từ 1 Trớc danh tõ: Adj + Noun

Ex: His farther is a mechanical engineer

2 Sau c¸c linking verb: be, get, seem, appear, feel, taste, look, smell, stay, become, grow Ex: She is beautiful

Peter felt upset because he failed the test Mary looks happy now

This coffee tastes good 3 Keep/ make/ find + O + adj Ex: The news made her happy

These gloves will keep your hands warm I find this exercise easy

4 It be/ seem/ look …+ adj + (for sbd) + toV Ex: He is too short to play football

5 be + so adj that + clause / such + (a/an/the) + adj + N + that + clause Ex: She is so angry that she couldln’t speak

He is such a handsome man that every girl admires him

6 Trong câu cảm th¸n: How + adj + S + V! / What + (a/an) + adj + N! Ex: How sexy the girl is!

What a sexy girl! C¸ch dïng tr¹ng tõ

1 Sau trợ động từ trớc động từ thờng: auxiliary V + adv + V Ex: She can easily this exercise

Tom drove carefully along the narow road

The house was completely destroyed by the storm Tríc adj: be/ look/ feel … + adv + adj

Ex: I’m trully grateful for your help That man looks extremely sad and tired Sau too cÊu tróc: V + too + adv Ex: She came too late to see her yesterday Trong cÊu tróc so … that: V + so + adv + that Ex: Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident She sang so beautifully that everybody applauded Đứng cuối câu: S + V (+ O) + adv


She speaks English perfectly Tríc enough : V + adv + enough

Ex: You’d better write clearly enough for everybody to read

7 Đôi trạng tử đứng ỏ đầu câu câu ngăn cách với thành phần khác câu = dấu phẩy

Ex: Suddenly, he hear a strange voice

Jane felt ill She went to work, however, and try to concentrate

Cách thành lập tính từ trạng từ I. Supply the correct word form.

1 He is a ……… boy He is always asking questions (curiosity) All the pupils have done the exercises …… (easy)

3 Keep……… ! The teacher is explaining the lesson (silence) Be … in your work! (care)

5 Time passes…… when you are alone (slow)

6 Ho Chi Minh City is an important …… center (commerce) We have a …… newspaper in this town (week)

8 This exercise seems…… (difficulty) He has …… bought a new car (recent) 10 It's too … for me to buy.(expense),

11 How …… those shop windows are! (beauty)

12 The cartoon last night was very …… (interest) 13 Last night the singer sang very … (good)

14 The story is about an …… trip (excite) 15 In May the days are often …… (long) 16 Helen speaks English very … (fluent) 17 This is the most … machine in our field (value)

18 We can keep the land in … condition by killing weeds (well) 19 The huge windows gave us a …… view of the grounds (splendidly) 20 That was an … match, wasn't it? I was … to see it (excite)

21 Rubber trees are very …… (use)

22 I want to make new dresses but I don't have a … machine (sew) 23 Water has no color It is a …… liquid (color)

24 He is a …… person He often makes me laugh (fun)

25 I didn't know how you … your birthday party (celebration) 26 These flowers look … (nature)

27 The film is so …… ,so I'm …… (bore) 28 How …… the street is! (danger)

29 The Sword Lake is one of …… places in Hanoi (history)

30 The love for book is … in developing the pupils' knowledge (help) 31 This public library is … to all people (open)

32 She lives …… although she is very poor (happy) 33 He is very …… (friend)

34 She smiles so……… , doesn't she? (attract)

35 We all held our breath because of that …… film (thrill) 36 John is old enough to be…… of his parents (depend)

37 May Day is celebrated regularly in…… countries (society) 38 They were happy because their work was finished …… (success)

39 Manchester players have been trying to score another goal, but their efforts are …… (succeed) 40 Two of these tablets should be taken …… (day)

41 Dogs are very ……… pets (faith)

42 The Thames flows……… through green meadows (gentle)

43 Relax in our …… chairs and enjoy our excellent tea and hot chocolate (,comfort) 44 I’m so… you're going to visit my country (please)

45 What a naughty boy! He always does things … (noise) 46 How …… of you to break that cup! (care)

47 We're so …… of her for telling the truth (pride) 48 Paris is …… for the Eiffel tower (fame)

49 They sat ……… by the stream (quiet)

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2021, 18:10
