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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HỐ PHỊNG GD&ĐT HUYỆN NGA SƠN SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM MỘT SỐ GIẢI PHÁP NÂNG CAO CHẤT LƯỢNG DẠY VÀ HỌC TIẾNG ANH CHO HỌC SINH LỚP TRƯỜNG THCS CHU VĂN AN Người thực hiện: Mai Thị Chấn Chức vụ: Giáo viên Đơn vị công tác: Trường THCS Chu Văn An SKKN thuộc lĩnh vực (mơn): Tiếng Anh THANH HỐ NĂM 2021 INDEX CONTENT PAGE I INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing topics Research purposes Object of study Research Methodology New points of experience initiatives 2 II CONTENT OF EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE 1.Theoretical basis of the experience initiative Current state of the problem before applying the initiative The solutions used to solve the problems 4.Effectiveness of experience initiatives 17 III CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion Suggestions and proposals 18 19 I INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing topics English is an important communication tool in integrating with the international and regional community Our country is on the way of renovation, we are determined to industrialize and modernize the country and expand relations with many other countries Therefore, teaching and learning foreign languages in general and English in particular are increasingly considered as effective tools for the integration process The Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training has been constantly improving the quality of foreign language teaching and learning through comprehensive reforms in the coming years The foreign language teaching and learning scheme proposed by the Ministry of Education and Training (the Ministry of Education and Training) will renew the entire foreign language teaching system so far, from curriculum, textbooks, teaching methods and testing, assessing to ensure sufficient teachers, facilities for teaching and learning foreign languages Over the past few school years, the Department of Education and Training has created conditions for English teachers at all levels of primary, secondary and high schools to study, foster, improve their professional skills, and invest in facilities, teaching and learning facilities for the pilot/ model schools Foreign language teaching will start in grade with the duration of periods per week, replacing the 7-year program with the new 10-year program Knowledge goes through a spiral with familiar topics and knowledge from easy to difficult from grades to 12 To respond to this innovation and to properly implement the meaning that the innovation project teaches The foreign language set by the Ministry of Education and Training requires each teacher to innovate in his or her own teaching style On the student side, they are no longer surprised with this subject With the government's policy, many foreign language centers have been established, foreign teachers come to teach at the centers more and more, the household economy develops, so they have access to a variety of methods modern learning and teaching However, there are still children who are not fluent in reading and writing their mother tongue, so they have many difficulties in accessing foreign languages In addition, English is a subject that requires students to have a bit of talent in learning a foreign language, but most of their talents fall on good and good students, and those with average and weak levels are n hard work on them So how to attract good students to increasingly promote their strengths and passion, but also to make slow learners increasingly interested in the subject and gradually interested in the subject and learning outcomes have progressively improved That is a question that is not just me, but my colleagues and the education managers are concerned about In fact, teaching and learning English is not new but difficult for all teachers and students With the research of this topic, I want to partly help teachers overcome the above difficulties in order to conduct English teaching more effectively, students are active, active in learning and learning knowledge of the lesson Recognizing that importance, I – a secondary school English teacher is responsible for equipping students with basic and solid knowledge so that they can study English well So this school year I chose the topic: "Some solutions to improve the quality of teaching and learning English for 8th grade students at Chu Van An Secondary School" Research purposes - Find out solutions to improve teaching and learning English for teachers and students - Learn about students' learning status in general and in particular - Research the optimal methods that teachers can apply when students practice effectively in class - Steps to conduct an effective teaching period through changing some teaching methods for students to easily absorb lessons At the same time, guide students to practice and practice themselves to have skills and high techniques when learning English Therefore, the implementation of this method aims to promote students' activeness and creativity, contributing to improving the quality of English teaching Object of study - Objects of study are students in classes 8: 8A, 8B, 8C, 8E - English textbook 8, English exercise books Research Methodology - Applying practical teaching experience - Refer to practice methodology documents related to the topic - Consult the experiences of colleagues, attend the time, exchange ideas - Organize and conduct experimental teaching Prepare lesson plans to test the feasibility of the topic - Then the teacher asks questions to check students' grasp of the lesson content New points of experience initiative - Our main method in foreign language teaching is integration Integrating the tips in teaching, as well as the division of groups all need a harmonious, alternating combination so that they are suitable and effective - Engrave the lessons in students' memory deeply through pictures, illustrative clips, visual presentations collected by them, clips made by groups, food exercises, DIY objects to limit waste and clips of causes, consequences and solutions to environmental protection, or design of ethnic costumes… II CONTENT OF EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE 1.Theoretical basis of the experience initiative Currently, the teaching and learning of foreign languages secondary schools has made many obvious changes Students at all levels, including in remote areas, can learn foreign languages Teachers are trained annually by the Department of Education and Training and the Education and Training Department in the middle of the term or the summer vacation to improve their professional qualifications and renovate teaching methods to improve the quality of their subjects In all the schools in the remote areas, teaching materials and devices have been introduced more and more, making the class time more efficient and students are more interested in learning However, due to the students’ qualifications are not the same Foreign language learning environment for children such as talking with foreigners or English speakers at home is limited So it is still difficult to develop proficient speaking skills in children Moreover, at present, the status of distraction from learning, students who learn to cope with rote learning without knowing self-study, weak students are quite low in the high school entrance exams or high school graduation compare ưith other subjects How to remedy this situation? How to attract students to focus on learning is an issue that requires educators, teachers who are passionate about the profession, always making efforts to devise plans, programs, and improve methods to teach and learn better, improve the quality and efficiency of education To teach English lessons requires teachers to prepare and invest in class, even have a process of accumulating experience over time effective and convincing to be students, making them really excited and believed So, with this topic, I give my thoughts with the desire to contribute to exchange experiences, share learning together for mutual progress That is also the content, the purpose of the experiential initiative Current state of the problem before applying the initiative 2.1 Advantages The textbook program is built according to topics and themes in everyday life such as education, culture, environment, health, etc Therefore, most of the knowledge is quite real to students Knowledge of the previous lesson is often repeated in the next lesson and extended, so it helps them absorb new knowledge more easily As selected students, most students have quite good academic performance Awareness of society in general and parents of students in particular has been raised to a new level In particular, the attention of the Rector Board, the subject group and the help of friends and colleagues in the school is a great motivation to motivate teachers and students to rise together to dominate knowledge of the subject 2.2 Disadvantages In general, they have a sense of learning and adequate books, but some children still take the subject lightly On the other hand, their levels are not equal, the English communication environment is less, and they are afraid to communicate in English in class, so it is difficult to develop communication skills for students The basic knowledge of the subject does not meet the requirements of the subject; Moreover, the time spent in class review is too little, so it is difficult to help students consolidate old knowledge, especially weak and weak students In addition to some students who study seriously, there are many students who only learn through speakers, cannot engrave words into their memory, not practice reading, practice writing regularly, not belong to two-dimensional meanings When the teacher asks them, they will not be successful Moreover, they also find it very difficult to test or guide to self-study at home Because it is a foreign language, not all parents know it In addition, the way students learn vocabulary is also worth attention, students often learn vocabulary by reading words in English and try to remember the meaning in Vietnamese, writing practice is also to deal with teachers, but not consciously re-examining themselves, to inculcate new words and exist vocabulary So they forget very quickly and easily confuse words with words, lead to many students getting bored with learning and forgetting 2.3 The real situation of students Entering the school year, they have clearly shown their abilities in each subject and the orientation of their favorite subject I learn and observe to understand their abilities After the survey at the beginning of the year to classify students from there to have specific measures In general, the children in the school are obedient and have a sense of learning Many children love English So it is very convenient for me to proceed with this topic However, there are still some children who are lazy to study, have no learning ability, are slow to learn, difficult to pronounce, and their effectiveness is not high Numbers Excellent Fair Average Class Weak of students 8A 42 16 38,1% 20 47,6% 14,3% 8B 36 12 33,3% 14 38,9% 10 27,8% 8C 38 10 26,3% 18 47,4% 10 26,3% 8E 37 20 54,1% 12 32,4% 13,5% From the theoretical and practical basis, along with my experience in teaching, I choose a research topic: “Some solutions to improve the quality of English teaching and learning for 8th grade students Chu Van Secondary School An" The solutions used to solve the problem 3.1 Students are the center of the lesson The "student-centered" teaching method is the principle-based method that stimulates the students’ curiosity, from which the teacher will respond around the questions and problems that students encounter And students play an active role in accessing knowledge With this method, learners will be self-discoverers of knowledge, teachers are only instructors and information providers That is a way of teaching where the teacher only gives a certain topic (without explaining anything more), then divides the class into many groups, for each group to discuss together and then to draw conclusions for the lesson Teachers are only instructors, coaches, commenters on students' work and if they can help and supplement knowledge outside that students not know Under the guidance of the teacher, students will have to be more active and self-aware in participating in learning, applying and learning new knowledge Each student will have to find the optimal learning method for themselves, to independently use the materials suggested by the teacher, prepare the homework, from which the independence and creativity will be increasingly developed It is the teacher's duty to respect the individual student's differences and to help them find their own unique learning processes and interests This requires teachers to reorganize the classroom, place students at the center of the teaching process, respect the needs and learning styles of each individual student Teachers should not repeat the traditional "Read - copy" method, on the contrary, the student-centered method requires teachers to be really dedicated to the profession and invest a lot of time and effort to prepare for the lessons In this environmental study, students are assigned to work in pairs or small groups and are instructed to negotiate to understand meaning in a broad context Teacher-dominated classroom is characterized by teacher speaking most of the time in class, leading activities, and regularly evaluating students, while in a classroom in a learner-driven path As the center, students will be observed working individually or in pairs and small groups, each with a specific task or assignment A good example is when doing grammar and reading exercises with comprehension exercises, or discussing the lessons that students read in the previous lesson With an average class of 35-40, I split into about to collaborative groups After introducing the topic of the unit, I pose a few prompting questions for students to discuss in groups and guess the answer Next, I introduce new words I ask the groups to guess the meaning of the new word based on the context Then determine the content and structure of the article (paragraph) Another example during a writing lesson is that the teacher writes the names of all the students in the class in pairs that could be arranged by the teacher or based on the class chart on small pieces of paper, then put in a box Two students will represent the lottery and say the names of the two lucky pairs The two lucky couples who will write their essay on the sub-board will be corrected by the whole class and their teacher in the post-writing activity Also will get points if the article is good The rest of the students will work in pairs to write their papers in their notebooks or papers, and the teacher can collect some papers to mark at home The teacher provides a number of notes for students to pay attention when correcting errors such as: whether the content is good enough, grammar, words, phrases Then the teacher asks groups to hang a supplement board on the board to correct mistakes with the whole class Finally, the teacher commented on the pros and cons for students to overcome in the following articles and for students to go home to rewrite their papers Another way to adapt to a learner-centered classroom environment is through students correcting their friends' writing Using a process-based writing approach that allows students to interact with each other and with their writing products After they have finished the pre-writing process with the draft in hand, they can begin to re-edit each other by exchanging articles and making corrections to their friend's writing Finally, the teacher lets the students move on to the assessment of the quality of their writing With many years of an experienced teacher, I not find it difficult to implement this method, the teacher can take advantage of the available qualities such as body language, speech, voice but not necessarily having information technology equipment, modern equipment is just support The only difficulty is whether teachers want to put it in or not because this method requires them to be very enthusiastic and spend a lot of time preparing lesson plans and materials for lessons, difficult to teach elementary English is a must understand learners' psychology To implement the idea of the lesson, instead of students sitting and listening to the teacher, students now need space for them to participate in activities and have fun To implement the new approach, a teacher needs the flexibility to change some of the elements for a successful class For example, if there are no devices such as a recorder, DVD, TV, picture book, you can make posters, collect online stories, or draw by yourself to teach students 3.2 Use different types of group pairs Group discussion is a skill that helps you bring into play the collective intelligence power and the initiative and creativity of each member They are grouped into small groups of to students to discuss a small problem in learning English or can make a couple freely exchange the topic that the teacher has just given At the end of the discussion, students give their presentations in English For example: The teacher gives a topic: groups of students wrote about English words indicating free time activities, the Vietnamese ethnic groups, the festivals in Vietnam, the kinds of pollution in English Groups compete to see who can write more and stick their results on the board, letting groups read their results aloud Then the groups listen to and comment on the group's reading just presented Teachers are the ones who encourage students participate and give points based on their results During group discussion, teachers avoid criticizing the group of friends, embarrassing students and hesitating to join next time 3.2.1 Time to work in pairs or groups The form of working in pairs is suitable for conversation between two people, so it will suit all kinds of exercises: 1) Practice sentence model after the introduction of new language and after a few minutes of practice with the whole class (Teacher - student; half class - half class, open pair, closed pair) 2) Practice short conversations: close dialogues, similar conversations with available hints 3) Communication exercises 4) Reading the text, then asking and answering questions about the text, there are several ways to this: + Students discuss the questions in pairs or groups, and then read the text to find the answers + Students read to themselves silently and then ask and answer questions about the contents in pairs or groups 5) Short writing exercises: students work in groups, choose their secretary to write what the group discusses, this activity can be difficult to organize in large classes but has the advantage that students can correct their mistakes and teacher only gives marks to the group's articles after the activity ends 6) Discussion: Teacher states discussion tasks clearly, after discussion, teacher calls groups to report 3.2.2 Grouping method The form of teamwork has many advantages, especially in the practice of verbal functions, but in practice, when students work in pairs or groups, the teacher cannot control all of their speech and also not necessarily control There are many ways to organize work in pairs, groups * Pair works a- Between teachers and students b- Open pair: Two students not sit close together c- Closed pair: Between two students sitting next to each other In this form, the teacher has to number students in a row or column, specify the tasks of each student in the pair: ask- answers and vice versa or role A - B and vice versa * Group works In the case of a group work arrangement if the class is tight, it is possible to have two students sitting in two adjacent rows sitting with their heads facing each other to form a group of without having students move around much in the classroom, not waste time - When dividing groups, ensure quantity consistency - It is necessary to equalize the number of students to each group (excellent, fair, average) - How many students in a group depends on the size of the class - The factor that affects the grouping is the student's seat in the group - You can name groups in English according to the words they like Specific example: Student A is a good student, student D is a good student Student B is the average student, student E is the average student Student C is a weak student, student F is a weak student We can combine the following pairs: Each student can have at least 2-3 pairs for themselves to work The teacher should prescribe the students A and D named Rabbit; students B and E named Parrot; students C, F named Cat 3.2.3 Organize groups, pairs Pairing in 8th grade can be done in all parts of each Unit However, this activity is done a lot in the section Getting started, Communication and Skill Have students read in pairs, ask and answer questions, interview, share or survey a Ask the whole class to practice with the teacher and vice versa so the students know for sure what to Choose two students who are not sitting close together and speak aloud to the class b The teacher numbered students vertically or horizontally and asked students to practice in unison Ask students to change the roles when finished The teacher walks around the class to control the activity, noting to correct mistakes while the students are practicing, but the teacher should record these errors to correct after the practice is finished c Stop working after most of the class has finished Choose 2-3 pairs of students without prior notice to the class d Teachers correct common mistakes in the practice, focusing on correct pronunciation and grammar errors * When doing pair or group activities, note + Teachers must have good preparation Have a given template or example, providing all the necessary language for the exercise + Provisions on practice time + It is necessary to assign pairs or groups appropriately, it is possible to choose students with the same or different cognitive levels to work together depending on the intentions and properties of the exercises Set out rules for starting and ending the activity (tap the ruler, clap your hands) + There is the general supervision of the teacher There is timely support from the teacher when the students in the group are having difficulty (teachers who walk around the class listen and help weak students and answer students' questions) + After students complete assignments in groups, it is necessary to check and respond promptly such as commenting, commenting, correcting errors or providing correct samples + When working in groups, teachers can combine many methods to help students practice such as: repetition, substitution, change into form and combining teaching aids such as projectors, pictures, study cards, supplement boards to tutorial 3.2.4 Some examples to organize activities for pairs and groups For a period of a lesson, we cannot discuss all the contents of the lesson, but we only discuss the important contents of the lesson Here are some specific examples: Pair works Eg1: Unit 1: A closer look 1: Part 4:Find others’ leisure activities St1: How much time you spend a day on leisure activities? St2: ………………………… St1: What are the three activities that you the most? St2:………………………… St1: Why you spend much time on………… ? St2: ………………………… St1: Does it affect your study? St2: ………………………… Eg1: Unit 2:Skill1: Part 5a St1: Where you live? St2: ………………………… St1: What’s it like? St2:………………………… St1: What are people like? St2: ………………………… St1: Can you tell me two things you like and two things you don’t like about your place? St2: ………………………… St1: Where you prefer to live, in the country or in the city? Why St2: ………………………… St1: Report the content of the interview Group works Eg1: Unit 2: Project: Part 4: I love the countryside Devide the class into group of five Take turn to draw a group picture of a place you would like to live in the countryside Let students discuss the draw in ten minutes then five minutes and one student observe and write Ask students to stick their works and ask them to send one student to give the presentation Remark Eg2: Unit 3: Project: Design a costume based on an ethnic style you like Devide the class into group of five Take turn to design a group picture of a a costume based on an ethnic style you like Let students discuss the draw in ten minutes then five minutes and one student observe and write Feedback Ask students to stick their works and ask them to send one student to give the presentation In addition to what can be done in class, there is still work to be done at home This job, in addition to applying the lessons, also teaches students many essential life skills Unit 3: How to make sticky rice Unit 7: Getting started: Part In this part, students work in groups: Each group appoints a team leader who is also the editor, a secretary based on the pictures taken by the members about environmental pollution where they are living, with the team leader write articles and make clips: Clip can convey information by word or by voice acting and must show causes, effects and solutions This article is used to take into the test scores With this exercise, children relax, team spirit and educate about environmental protection Within this topic I cannot post the clips that the students made 3.2.5 For teachers, there are some points that need to be done well: - Select tips and methods suitable for each type of lesson - Always instruct and assign clearly tasks so that students understand what to - Always encourage students to boldly ask teachers when there are problems - Check closely so that students always perform the lesson as required - Always write down common mistakes or points to note so that they can be pointed out to students and helped them correct afterwards 3.3 Methods that promote students' learning motivation As mentioned above, students can only learn when they are interested in the subject and see their progress Therefore, in addition to using challenging situations to attract and attract students to classroom activities, teachers must also know how to encourage and motivate them in learning In order to help students realize the progress in learning, teachers need to pay attention to the moderation in teaching, avoid making too high demands on students In addition, teachers should encourage students to learn according to the motto of trial and error in practice In fact, there are students who know but dare not speak because they are afraid of making mistakes Some other children did not dare raise their hands to speak because they were afraid of being laughed atby classmates and teacher when speaking wrongly In my opinion, this is a psychological factor that teachers of foreign languages need to consider in order to help students enjoy learning or at least be more active in their lessons During the teaching process, the teacher should create comfort for them, not be too strict with the mistakes that students make (For example: pronunciation errors, spelling mistakes, even grammar errors) to avoid psychological fear of children when practicing Because if you want them to study well, it takes a long process to have Example: During practice, students say: She spended an hour playing badminton every day or I has learnt English for five years Instead of interrupting them to correct their mistakes, the teacher can let the students finish answering, the teacher encourages or encourages them with statements like: "Very good", "thank you" or "not bad.",… Then the teacher calls other students to comment and correct the mistakes for you or the teacher to correct them to avoid discouraging them or losing interest in practice That helps students be comfortable during class In addition, to help your children enjoy learning, engage them with funny and interesting stories in English.This way, you can both review words and form sentences and practice listening skills because after you have finished telling them you must ask some questions to see if they can grasp it 3.4 Organize games during English lessons: Learning games are games whose laws include rules associated with knowledge and skills acquired in learning activities, close to the lesson content, helping students exploit their own experience to play Through playing, students can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned into the situation of the game and therefore, students can practice to consolidate and expand their knowledge and skills Thus, in the game, learning English skills are included in the game Organizing learning games to teach English in general and English in primary schools in particular, we have to base on the content of the lesson, time conditions in each specific class to match the games well suited Some English games I use in lessons such as: Who is faster: In two minutes, each group has to find out the words as much as possible, then send one to write on the board, in two minutes who write the the most is winner Chain game Guessing game: Look at the costume and get the ethnic groups Who am I? Quick quiz Country charade And many other games like Lucky number, hang man, bingo, noughts and crosses, who is a millionaire? 3.5 Applying information technology to teaching English: To have an opportunity for students to practice a lot, it is indispensable to support the "power point" software I have used this method in most of my classes to teach the children and it has been very effective They all have equal opportunities and exercises are built in multiple choice format, with sound and visual effects when they answer right or wrong Therefore most of the children are interested in participating Watch a clip related to the lesson to help them pronounce English more accurately and memorize longer This is a very attractive method for students, with better effectiveness and also makes the class more lively and comfortable for students when the whole class is only writing and doing homework In addition, the websites supporting learning and teaching English are very rich and diverse From lexical information, from live images to teaching methods, there are a lot on the Internet You just need a computer connected to the internet, to visit English learning websites online without any fees There are countless websites to learn English online, but here are 10 very effective learning websites that I have introduced to my students Depending on their level and energy, they choose a suitable website for their study topic and as a result they have improved a lot, especially in their pronunciation Teachers in class time can use this resource easily to make the lessons more lively and engaging for students Elllo ELLO is an online English learning site specializing in listening skills You can listen to talks from speakers around the world on a variety of topics such as sports, travel, entertainment, There is also a subtitle section below that is very convenient for learning English There are also many interesting English songs, video clips Fun Easy English Fun Easy English specializes in providing basic English knowledge and tips to teach English The website includes many skills, from pronunciation, grammar, to idioms, slang words, writing skills, etc Most of the sections are taught through clips with subtitles and pictures Go4English.com Go4English.com is the British Council's online English learning website - part of the British International Relations Cultural Department The site provides information about teaching and learning English for students, teachers and young children Here, you can take tests, listen to music, play games in English Lang-8 Lang-8 helps you to improve your writing skills Your article will be commented and edited by native speakers You can also help foreigners learn your own language by reading and editing their text Busuu Busuu offers courses on writing skills, vocabulary enhancement, reading comprehension skills, Besides the courses, there is a way to learn English by participating in forums and talking, interacting with other people members come from many countries around the world Livemocha Livemocha mainly teaches foreign languages through online English courses on communication by talking online with members from English speaking countries VocabSushi VocabSushi helps you learn common everyday vocabulary To learn a vocabulary, first understand the meaning, then read a word example sentence, listen to the native speaker's read the word, then take a test and see if you learn effectively or not That is the teaching method of VocabSushi BBC Learning English BBC Learning English is a website to learn grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, learn English tips in addition, you can also test your English level through online tests and learn how to teach English for others The most interesting part of the site is "6 Minute English" - you will listen to a short English clip with subtitles that can be downloaded to your computer in mp3 and pdf format for offline learning Learn English Free Online With 10 years of experience, Learn English Free Online is a rich resource for both students and teachers about: vocabulary learning methods with pictures, unique tips to learn English, many interesting tests, etc 10 Exam English Exam English - includes English tests such as TOEFL, CPE, KET, Almost all exams for English learners are available on the website Not only that, you can also test your own level in each specific skill such as reading comprehension, listening, grammar, vocabulary, essay writing, Using this information technology resource not only helps students learn English well, but also helps teachers enjoy teaching But everything has two sides of it, this form of learning is very attractive, so teachers and parents must know how to guide and mentor in the outreach process Therefore, it is very necessary to have a close coordination between school and home 4.Effectiveness of experience initiatives After a year of learning to apply these solutions together with regularly consulting with colleagues, I myself also checked after each lesson to find out the advantages and limitations from which I could perform better for the next lessons I see a certain improvement in students Specifically on the following sides: - Consciousness of learning: + Students are more interested in learning the subject There is a sense of competition and the spirit of learning from each other in the competitions - About vocabulary knowledge: + Many children have improved and expanded their vocabulary + Students enjoy discovering more new words in accordance with the content of each lesson and they use vocabulary more accurately - About phonetic knowledge: + Students pronounce more accurately Children began to become aware of the stress of words, sentence stress to make language in sentences more vivid and effective communication - About training skills + Skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing have improved significantly, the exercises have been implemented quickly, accurately and effectively + Be more active in communicating in English with teachers as well as friends - General results: After applying these new solutions, students have made remarkable progress in each lesson Results after applying new solutions in the first semester of school year 2020-2021 Excellent Class Numbers of students Fair Average 8A 42 36 85,71 14,29 0 8B 36 30 83,33 16,67 0 8C 38 31 81,58 18,42 0 8E 37 36 97,3 2,7 0 Weak III CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion: I always contemplate a famous philosophy of teaching method: "Bad teachers communicate the truth, good teachers teach how to find truth" Through the fact of teaching foreign languages at school, I can say that improving the quality of teaching and learning English for students is extremely important because: If they are interested in the subject, they will try their best to achieve high studying results Therefore, always innovative learning, making learners surprise about their ability to renew their teaching style is the great success of teachers in attracting English students Depending on the specific time, location and physical and mental conditions, teachers can create a new way of teaching English for the lesson Teaching methods must be appropriate to the characteristics of each student's class; affects emotions, brings joy, creates interest in learning for students Every change makes us uncomfortable and confused at first, so we need to have discussion before implementing an idea Let us renew our education together with daring teaching methods, with new teaching thinking, so that the quality of Vietnamese education can compare with the world In order to teach and learn foreign languages in general, English in particular no longer has the difficulties mentioned above During the teaching process, I have drawn some small experiences for myself in teaching as follows: - Pay attention to changing teaching methods and learning environment of students to help students correct and understand more in the learning process - During the teaching process, there will be many difficulties for both teachers and students because: students have difficulty concentrating seriously by surrounding factors or because they not like to learn However, teachers need to calmly handle each situation in a reasonable and best way to avoid stressing the lesson - Always learn from colleagues, self-study and refresher regularly - Research and study references Apply regularly to different situations in a positive way - Prepare lessons carefully before going to class - Allocate teaching time accordingly and balance - Check students' understanding of each lesson in practice - Instruct students to learn at home Suggestions and proposals: Through the process of researching this topic, I would like to propose a few ideas to contribute to improving the quality of English and for the topic to be applied effectively in practical teaching for students I recommend: 2.1 For Department, Department of Education and Training: The Department, Department of Education and Training is requested to organize more training sessions to share experience in subject teaching Create conditions for English teachers to organize "Fun to learn English" extra-curricular activities for students so that they will have more excitement to learn better The education department should regularly organize professional seminars in each school cluster for English teachers across the district so that we can exchange, learn and learn from experience in the teaching process Strengthening the organization of English clubs, organizing seminars on innovation of teaching methods, organizing sample lessons of difficult lessons, lessons applying information technology to exchange experiences 2.2 For school School libraries need to supplement English language learning method books for students 2.3 For teachers The specific task of teachers in implementing this topic is to understand the Organization theory for students to learn by new methods in the current innovation situation Conduct a survey on the learning situation and learning quality of students to build a reasonable implementation base to improve the learning quality of students However, in the process of researching and applying the topic, it is necessary to adjust accordingly to give practice methods for each object of students Furthermore, for quality education results, teachers need to be closely combined with other teaching methods, as well as with other teachers 2.4 For students First of all, students must have sufficient means and minimum learning aids for the subject such as books, notebooks, pens During school hours, they must always have a serious, positive attitude, actively participate in practice below the direction of the teacher Do your homework fully, prepare well before class, give yourself a confident, bold attitude without fear of wrong, fear of difficulty Each student needs to work out for themselves the correct learning method, regularly discuss and propose ideas about the advantages and disadvantages in the learning process For students' parents and local authorities, it is necessary to pay attention and remind their children to take proper study time at home and have a positive attitude to learning in class To organize practice activities for students with high results Above are the experiences of organizing learning in new method for students in English lessons that I have been using to find effective However, the results achieved are still unsatisfactory because there are still students lacking confidence, not actively participating in activities To this topic I tried my best, it took a lot of time and effort, strength but surely will inevitably fail We hope the sincere comments of our leaders, teachers, and colleagues to improve the efficiency of my class time to be better, more and more perfect Nga Son, April 10th, 2021 CONFIRMATION OF THE HEAD MASTER OF CHU VAN AN SECONDARY SCHOOL STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby acknowledge that this study is mine The date and findings discussed in the thesis are true, used with permission from associates and have not been published elsewhere Writer Tran Van Dau REFERENCES Mai Thi Chan Journal of Education Internet source for integrated interdisciplinary knowledge English teacher books English textbook Some other reference books Some websites https://atpsoftware.vn/10-website-hoc-tieng-anh-online-mien-phi-ma-hoc-sinhsinh-vien-khong-the-bo-qua.html http://portfolio.educ.kent.edu// http://dethi.violet.vn// htp://infocus.edu.vn// http://goseasia.about.com// http://protas.pypt.lt// http://language123.blogspot.com// DANH MỤC CÁC ĐỀ TÀI SKKN ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG CẤP PHÒNG GD&ĐT VÀ CẤP SỞ GD&ĐT ĐÁNH GIÁ STT NĂM 20012002 20032004 20052006 20062007 20082009 20102011 20112012 20142015 20172018 TÊN ĐỀ TÀI XẾP LOẠI Phát triển tư gây hứng thú cho C học sinh giảng dạy môn Anh văn trường THCS Phát huy khả phán đoán gây C hứng thú cho học sinh học phần nghe Gây hứng thú cho học sinh học từ C vựng Mở rộng hiểu biết xã hội thông qua C Tiếng Anh Đổi phương pháp dạy học, phát huy A tính tích cực học tập học sinh môn Tiếng Anh lớp Một số giải pháp bồi dưỡng phát huy C lực tự quản cho đội cờ đỏ Trường TH Thị Trấn Một số biện pháp rèn kỹ nói Tiếng C Anh cho học sinh lớp Sử dụng giáo cụ trực quan dạy học C Tiếng Anh trường tiểu học Một số phương pháp dạy ngữ âm- từ C vựng để phát triển kỹ giao tiếp tiếng Anh cho học sinh trường TH Thị Trấn CẤP ĐÁNH GIÁ Cấp tỉnh Cấp tỉnh Cấp tỉnh Cấp tỉnh Cấp huyện Cấp huyện Cấp tỉnh Cấp tỉnh Cấp tỉnh ... nói Tiếng C Anh cho học sinh lớp Sử dụng giáo cụ trực quan dạy học C Tiếng Anh trường tiểu học Một số phương pháp dạy ngữ âm- từ C vựng để phát triển kỹ giao tiếp tiếng Anh cho học sinh trường. .. Tiếng Anh Đổi phương pháp dạy học, phát huy A tính tích cực học tập học sinh môn Tiếng Anh lớp Một số giải pháp bồi dưỡng phát huy C lực tự quản cho đội cờ đỏ Trường TH Thị Trấn Một số biện pháp. .. 201720 18 TÊN ĐỀ TÀI XẾP LOẠI Phát triển tư gây hứng thú cho C học sinh giảng dạy môn Anh văn trường THCS Phát huy khả phán đoán gây C hứng thú cho học sinh học phần nghe Gây hứng thú cho học sinh học

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2021, 12:04



