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Maïo töø xaùc ñònh (Chæ ngöôøi , vaät cuï theå – caû ngöôøi noùi vaø ngöôøi nghe ñeàu bieát ñoù laø ngöôøi naøo , vaät naøo ) Ex : in the city.. -in the morning / in the afternoon / in t[r]



1 The Present Simple Tense ( Thì đơn ) : a) Form ( Cách thành lập ) :

*Động từ be ( am / is / are )

(+) I + am Ex : I am a student He , She , It , danh từ số + is Lan is beautiful We , You , They , danh từ số nhiều + are We are fine (-) I + am

He , She , It , danh từ số + is + not We , You , They , danh từ số nhiều + are Ex : I am not a student / Lan is not beautiful / We are not fine (?) Am I ?

Is he , she , it , danh từ số ? Are we , you , they , danh từ số nhiều ?

Ex : Am I a student ? / Is Lan beautiful ? / Are we fine ? *Động từ thường :

(+) I , We , You , They , danh từ số nhiều + V… Ex : They walk to school.


He , She , It , danh từ số + V es He walk


to school.

* Thêm es vào động từ tận : , o ( go : ) , s (miss : nhỡ , nhớ ) , sh ( wash : rửa , giặc ) , ch (watch : xem) ,x (fix : sửa ) , z ( buzz : kêu vo vo )

* Những động từ tận phụ âm + y đổi y thành i trước thêm es : study → studies * have → has

(-) I, We , You , They , danh từ số nhiều + not + V Ex : They not walk to school don’t

He , She , It , danh từ số + does not + V He does not walk to school doesn’t

(?) Do + I , we , you they , danh từ số nhiều + V ? Ex : Do they walk to school ? Does he , she , it , danh từ số + V ? Does he walk to school ? b) Use ( Cách dùng ) : Thì đơn dùng để :

-Một thói quen hành động thường xuyên

Ex : Lan plays badminton in the morning ( Lan chơi cầu lông vào buổi sáng ) (*) Thì đơn thường dùng với trạng từ :

always (luôn ) , usually (thường xuyên ) , often (thường ) , sometimes (thỉnh thoảng ) , seldom (hiếm ) ,rarely(ít ) , generally ( thường thường ) , every morning / afternoon /evening / week … (mỗi buổi sáng /buổi chiều / buổi tối …) , once / twice / three times a week / month / year … (mỗi tuần / tháng / năm lần / hai lần / ba lần …

2 The Present Progressive Tense ( Thì tiếp diễn ) a) Form :

(+) I am

He , She , It , danh từ số is + V-ing Ex : John is listening to music We , you , they , danh từ số nhiều are

(-) I am

He , She , It ,danh từ số is + not + V-ing Ex : John is not listening to music We , you , they ,danh từ số nhiều are

(?) Am I

Is he , she , it ,danh từ số + V-ing ? Ex : Is John listening to music ? Are we , you , they , danh từ số nhiều

c) Use : Thì tiếp diễn dùng để :

- Diễn tả hành động diễn thời điểm

Ex : I am listening to what you say ( Tôi lắng nghe anh nói ) (*)Thì tiếp diễn thường dùng với trạng từ :

now (bây ) , at the moment , at present (hiện giờ) hay dạng mệnh lệnh : Look ! …/ Listen !


1 be ( am / is / are ) : , , ở

Ex : Nga is a student She is tall and thin 2 live : sống

Ex : I live in Cat Lam 3 come : đến

Ex : Where you come from ? 4 sit : ngồi

Ex : Lan is sitting in the living room 5 open : mở

Ex : The museum opens at am 6 close : đóng

Ex : It closes at pm 7 stand : đứng

Ex : My father is standing there 8 have : Có , ăn

Ex : My school has two floors I have breakfast / lunch / dinner 9 get up : thức dậy

Ex : I get up at six

10 get dressed : mặc quần áo

Ex : Nga gets dressed and goes to school 11 brush : đánh , chải

Ex : I brush my teeth 12 wash : rửa Ex : I wash my face 13 go : đi

Ex : I go swimming in the summer 14 play : chơi

Ex : I play badminton 15 : làm

Ex : I my homework 16 watch : xem

Ex : I watch television 17 listen : nghe Ex : I listen to music 18 read : đọc

Ex : Na is reading a book 19 take : lấy

Ex : Mr.Quang is taking the vegetables to the market 20 take a shower : tắm

Ex : I take a shower 21 eat : ăn

Ex : I eat a big breakfast 22 start = begin : bắt đầu

Ex : My classes start / begin at 7.00 23 end = finish : kết thúc

Ex : My classes end / finish a 11.15 24 help : giúp đỡ

Ex : My sister helps me with my homework 25 work : làm việc

Ex : My father works in a hospital / on a farm 26 meet : gặp

Ex : We often meet my friends and eat 27 spend : tiêu dùng

Ex : I spend one hour on my homework 28 walk : bộ


29 travel : lại

Ex : He travels to work by car 30 leave : rời đi

Ex : I leave the house at half past six 31 ride : cưỡi

Ex : She is riding her bike 32 drive : lái xe

Ex : I can drive a motorbike 33 wait : chờ

Ex : They are waiting for a bus 34 write : viết

Ex : Lan is writing a letter 35 fly : bay

Ex : A bird can fly 36 arrive : đến

Ex : Mr Quang is arriving at the farm 37 load : chất hàng

Ex : Mr Quang and the farmer are loading the truck with vegetables 38 unload : bốc dỡ hàng

Ex : He is unloading the vegetables 39 copy : chép

Ex : Ba is copying Nam’s work 40 correct : sửa

Ex : I am correcting mistakes 41 say : nói

Ex : She doesn’t say a word 42 make : làm

Ex : She is making a cake 43 look : nhìn

Ex : Lan is looking at her teacher 44 park : đỗ xe

Ex : You can’t park here 45 warn : cảnh báo Ex : This sign warns us 46 slow down : chậm lại

There is an intersection ahead We must slow down 47 turn left / right : rẽ trái / phải

Ex : This sign says “ No right turn ” We must not turn right We must go straight ahead or turn left 48 cross : băng qua

Ex : Nga is crossing the road II Động từ khuyết :

-can : -can’t : -must : phải

-mustn’t : khơng phép -should : nên

-shouldn’t : không nên

Ex : You can’t park here : Bạn đỗ xe You must slow down : Bạn phải chậm lại

You mustn’t go fast : Bạn không phép nhanh III Giới từ :


-in front of : phía trước -behind : phái sau

-to the left of : phía bên trái -to the right of : phía bên phải -opposite : đối diện

-between … … -near : gần

-next to : kế bên IV Các từ để hỏi : -what :

-what time : -who :

-when : -which : -where : đâu -how : -how old : tuổi -how many : V Mạo từ : a , an , the

1 Mạo từ không xác định (Chỉ người , vật chung chung ) -a/an :

+ an : dùng trước danh từ số bắt đầu nguyên âm (u , e , o , a , i ) Ex : an eraser , an engineer , an apartment

+ a : dùng trước danh từ số bắt đầu phụ âm Ex : a book , a pen , …

2 Mạo từ xác định (Chỉ người , vật cụ thể – người nói người nghe biết người , vật ) Ex : in the city

-in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening VI Câu hỏi Yes / No :

- Là câu hỏi bắt đầu với : Is , Are , Do , Does , Can , Must , Should Ex : Is your house big ? => Yes , it is / No , it isn’t

Are there any flowers in your yard ? => Yes , there are / No , there aren’t

Câu hỏi Cách trả lời

1 Is there …… ? => Yes , there is / No , there isn’t Are there any … ? => Yes , there are / No , there aren’t Is + vaät ……? => Yes , it is / No, it isn’t

4 Is + người … ? => Yes , he/ she is // No , he/she isn’t

5 Do …… ? => Yes , I / we / they // No , I /we/they don’t Does ….? =>Yes , he / she / it does // No , he/she/it doesn’t Can… ? => Yes , ….can / No , ……can’t

8 Must……? => Yes , … must / No , ….mustn’t Should…….? => Yes , …….should / No , ………shouldn’t


I Choose the best answer : Chọn đáp án đúng Phong and Nam ………….ten years old


A am B is C are D work That is my father ………is thirty-nine years old

A He B She C I D they This is my sister ………….name is Hanh

A My B His C Our D Her Hello, ………… name is Tan I’m a student

A his B her C your D my ……… is he ? He’s twenty

A How many B How old C How D What ………is that ? – That’s a lamp

A Who B How C What D When How many books are there ? – There …………one

A has B am C is D are ………….do we have English ? – On Tuesday and Friday

A Who B How C Which D When 10 ……….is that ? – That’s my brother

A Who B What C Where D How 11 My apartment is …………the second floor

A at B from C in D on 12 Is she ………….grade seven ?

A in B at C to D behind 13 Minh………his face in the morning

A wash B washes D washs D watches 14 Our class ……….English on Wednesday

A have B is C has D does 15 She does ………….homework in the evening

A his B her C she D my 16 Thu and Nga help ………mother after school

A her B she C their D they 17 What ………… you go to school ?- At seven o’clock

A are B time C grade D city 18 ……….is a lake near the hotel

A this B there C that D he 19 Is Mrs Mai a nurse ? – Yes , ……… is

A he B she C it D this 20 We are ………… the yard

A in B at C on D to

II Match the questions to the correct answers : Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời.

30 What’s that ? A Yes , it is 31 Is that your pencil ? B Yes , he does 32 Does your friend listen to music ? C It’s a stereo 33 What is behind her house ? D The river B READING :

I Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the passage : Chọn từ thích hợp để hồn thành đoạn văn sau This ……(34)……my family There ……(35)……five people ……(36)……my family : my father , my mother , my brother , my sister and me We live ……(37)… Quang Trung Street My father is forty years …(38)… He is ….(39) ….engineer My mother is thirty – six ….(40)……is a nurse My brother is twelve My sister is ten I’m fourteen ……(41)……are students 34 A am B is C are D in


36 A in B on C at D with 37 at B for C to D on 38 old B yard C in D many 39 the B an C a D that 40 She B He C I D They 41 They B He C She D We

II Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) : Đọc đoạn văn sau quyết định câu sau (T) hay sai (F)

This is Mai She is my classmate She is twelve years old She is a student She lives in a big city She is in grade She gets up at every morning She washes her face at 6.10 She has breakfast at 6.15 She goes to school at 6.30

42.Mai is twelve years old 43.Mai is a student

44.Mai lives in the country 45.It is a small city

46.She is in grade

47 She washes her face at 6.15

48 She has breakfast at a quarter past six 49 She goes to school at half past six C WRITING :

I Choose the sentence that has a similar meaning as the root one : Chọn câu có nghĩa giống câu cho 50 I am Lan

A My is Lan B My name Lan C My name’s Lan D I name is Lan 51 He is Nam

A His is Nam B His name’s Nam C His name Nam D He’s name’s Nam 52 She is Nga

A She name’s Nga B Her name Nga C Her’s name Nga D Her name’s Nga 53 Lan is Minh’s sister

A Minh is Lan’s sister B Minh is Lan’s brother C Minh are Lan’s brother D Minh is Lan brother 54 Mrs Nga is Mai’s mother

A Mai is Mrs Nga’s daughter B Mai is Mrs Nga daughter C Mai is Mrs Nga’ girl D Mai is Mrs Nga’s sister 55 The school is big

A It is big school B It is a big school C The school isn’t big D It is a school big 56 My class has forty students

A There is forty students in my class B There are forty students in my class C There have forty students in my class D There has forty students in my class 57 Nga gets up at six fifteen

A Nga gets up at a quarter to six B Nga gets up at a quarter past six C Nga gets up at fifteen to six D Nga gets up at half past six 58 Hung walks to school

A Hung goes to school by bike B Hung goes to school by walking C Hung goes to school on foot D Both B and C are correct 59 Mai rides a bike to school

A Mai goes to school by motorbike B Mai goes to school by bike C Mai goes to school by bus D Mai walks to school

II Find the mistake in the following sentences : Tìm lỗi sai câu sau.

60 Our classroom is in the second floor.


61 Nga have English on Friday and Saturday.




64 There is forty students in my class.


65 Tom’s brother is twenty-two year old.


66 Thu and Lan goes to school by bike every day.


67 Mai gets up on six every morning.


68 There is a armchair in the room.


69 Does your friend go to work on bus ?


70 This sign says “No parking” You can park here




I Choose the best answer (3 ms) :

1 There is a “No parking” sign here You ……… park your car here.

A can B can’t C must D mustn’t

2 This sign says “Stop !” We ………stop.

A can B can’t C must D mustn’t

3 Our roads are dangerous places We ………have discipline.

A can B can’t C must D mustn’t

4 Where is your father now ? – He ……… a book.

A read B reads C reading D is reading

5 Their house ……….a big garden.

A have B has C is D haves

6 There ……… many trees and flowers in the garden.

A am B is C are D have

7 There is a well ………the left of the house.

A in B to C by D with

8 There is a big yard ……….front of the house.

A on B at C for D in

9 A paddy field is a rice ………

A yard B garden C paddy D park

10 They’re friends ……….books are new.

A They B Their C These D Those

11 Quang and the farmer are loading the truck ……… vegetables.

A at B to C from D with

12 Ba ………lunch at school.

A have B.has C eat D does

II Match the questions to the correct answers (1 m)


13 What does she ? A By bike


15 How many students are there in your class ?

C At six thirty 16 What time does he go to school ? D There are thirty


I Choose the suitable word to complete the passage (2.25 ms):

Hi My ………(17)…….is Mai I’m eleven ……(18)…… old I’m ………(19)…….student I live ….(20)… a small house

… (21)… the city My house is …….(22)…….to a park I get up at half past five I take a shower and ……(23)……

dressed I have my breakfast , then I leave the house at half past six The school is ….(24)… my house Classes

start at seven and end at half past eleven I walk ……(25)……after school time.

17 A brother B father C name D school

18 A year B years C past D students

19 A a B an C the D one

20 A on B in C at D to

21 A on B in C at D to

22 A near B behind C next D in front of

23 A take B.wash C watch D get

24 A next B in C near D with

25 A.house B home C to school D to work

II Read the passage , then choose the following statements are true (T) or false (F) (1.25 m):

Every morning , Bi gets up at six He washes his face and brushes his teeth At six thirty he eats his

breakfast then he goes to school At twelve thirty , he goes home and has lunch In the afternoon , he plays

soccer In the evening , he does his homework then he watches TV.

26 Bi is a student.

27 He has breakfast at half past six.

28 Bi plays games after breakfast.

29 Bi goes to school in the afternoon.

30 Bi does his homework and watches TV in the evening.


I Choose the sentence that has a similar meaning to the root one(1.25 m)

31 Mr Hai drives his car to work.

A Mr Hai goes to work by bus B Mr Hai goes to work by train.

C Mr Hai goes to work by car D Mr Hai goes to work by motorbike.

32 Lan has a brother, Minh.

A Lan is Minh’s sister B Minh is Lan’s brother

C Minh has a sister D Both A and B are correct

33 Her classes start at seven and end at eleven fifteen.

A She has classes from seven to eleven fifteen B Her classes begin at seven and finish at eleven fifteen.

C She has classes at seven and at eleven fifteen D Both A and B are correct

34 Mr Long is Nam’s father.

A Nam is Mr Long’s daughter B Nam is Mr.Long’s son

C Nam has a father D Mr.Long has a son.

35 The tree is tall


II Find the mistake in the following sentence (1.25 m):

36 He listens by music in the evening


37 What time does your classes start ?


38 Minh washes my face in the morning.


39 W have Math in Monday and Friday.


Ngày đăng: 19/05/2021, 08:31
