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E 6 Unit 5 3

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Nội dung

- Sets the situation: chats about Ss’daily activities after school “ what do you do after school?” - Introduces the new lesson: Uses the pictures in the textbook to pres[r]


Năm học 2008-2009 Giáo n Tiếng Anh 6



Period : 27 LESSON: A MY DAY ( 5, 6,7)

Date of preparation : October 19th, 2008 Date of teaching : October 24th , 2008 Classes : 6A3 , 6A4 , 6A5 6A6

I. Aims and objectives :

* Language content : _To present vocabulary related to sports.

_To enable Ss to use WH-questions with the present simple tense of the ordinary verbs * Language function: _To help Ss talk about after school activities.

* Educational aim: _To make Ss aware of the importance of work arrangement 1.

Language :

a Vocabulary: soccer- volleyball- sport b Structures: Do you play soccer?

Yes, I do/No, I don’t

2 Skills : Speaking – Listening - Reading - Writing

3 Educational factor : Knowing to practice the good daily habits II. Teacher’s and students’ preparation :

1 Method: Communicative approach:

2 Techniques: Repetition-explanation- pair work 3 Material needed: Pictures

4 Students’ preparation: picture, new lesson.

5 Previous exercises: Teacher’s key to the last exercises III. PROCEDURES IN CLASS :

1 Stabilization:3 minutes a Warm–up: Greetings

b Checking absence: Ask the monitor 2 Checking up previous knowledges: Time needed:5ms

* Questions: Asks the Ss to ask and answer with each other about their own daily activities after school

* Keys to questions: Ss as directed in turn, speak then write 3 Presentation of the new materials:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content of the lesson


Năm học 2008-2009 Giáo n Tiếng Anh 6




I Lead - in:

- Sets the situation: chats about Ss’daily activities after school “ what you after school?” - Introduces the new lesson: Uses the pictures in the textbook to present the new material, the dialogue

- Has the Ss repeat the dialogue in groups

II Pre-Practice -Plays the tape twice

- Introduces some new words: _soccer / football(n):bóng đá(picture) _volleyball(n):bóng chuyền (picture)

_badminton (n):cầu lông (picture ) _table-tennis(n): bóng bàn(picture)

_sports(n):thể thao (network ) _ girl(n):nữ (picture)

_boy(n):nam(picture) 2-Checking vocabulary : (matching)

- Presents the new structures: *+ Do ( you / they ) play…? + Yes, (I / they)

+ No, ( I / they ) don’t * + Does ( he / she ) play ? + Yes, ( he / she ) does + No, ( he / she ) doesn’t III While - Practice

- Has the Ss listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue

- Directs the Ss to practice

- Individual speaking - Focus on the pictures to guess the information - Repeat the dialogue in groups

- Listen to the tape

- Practice reading in chorus then, individual

- Practice saying the new words in a meaningful way - Listen and write down

Look at the picture

- Listen to the tape and repeat in chorus, groups - Pairwork

- Practice in front




MY DAY (5,6, 7)

I New words

_soccer / football(n):bóng đá

_volleyball(n):bóng chuyền

_badminton (n):cầu lơng _table-tennis(n): bóng bàn _sports(n):thể thao _ girl(n):nữ


II Structures *+ Do ( you / they ) play…?

+ Yes, (I / they) + No, ( I / they ) don’t * + Does ( he / she ) play ?

+ Yes, ( he / she ) does

+ No, ( he / she ) doesn’t

Remember :


Năm học 2008-2009 Giáo Aùn Tieáng Anh 6



reading the dialogue with their partners

- Calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class and corrects the Ss’mistakes

IV Post -Practice

-Directs the Ss to practice speaking the questions and answers to one another about some sports activities using “ yes / no – questions”

- Directs the Ss to practice the questions and answers ( the part on page 55) with the partners - Corrects the mistakes

V Consolidation

-Asks the students what they have just learnt in the lesson

- Gives the Ss the part “ Remember”

of the class and take notes

- Free pairwork

- Pairwork - Individual speaking

- Listen carefully

* Play : I play You play We play They play He/she plays * Watch : I Watch You watch We watch They watch He/she watches

* Do you play soccer ? Yes, I

No, I don’t

I don’t play soocer

4 Homework: ( 2ms)

-Asks the Ss to learn the new words, structures and exercises 5 Preparation for the next lesson: ( 2ms)

-Asks the Ss to prepare for B 1, 2,3,4

Self - evaluation: ………

Ngày đăng: 15/05/2021, 15:56
