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Nội dung

- Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions - Call on some Pairs to practice asking and answering the questions and then give feedback 3.. Post - reading : (Survey ).[r]



Date of planning : 13/10/2010 Date of teaching : 21/ 10/2010 PERIOD 26 UNIT :STUDY HABITS

Lesson : getting started Listen and read

I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the dialogue between Jim and his Mom about his study

II Materials

Textbooks , pictures, cassette .

III / Procedure :

Teacher s work Student s work

1 Warm up : Net work

- Ask Ss to write as many subjects as they can on the blackboard

- Ss work in groups to play games - Ss read the answers aloud

- Lead in the new lesson by Chatting 2.New lesson.

I Pre - reading :

- What subjects are you good at ? / bad at ? - What subject you like best ? / Why ? - How often you have maths ? /

Literature ?

- Introduce the Ss some new words - Ask ss listen and repeat in chorus , individually

- Have ss copy down

* Checking : Rub out and remember * T / F statements predictions

- Ask Ss to read the statements and predict they are true or false

* Possible answers :

Chemistry / Physics / maths / geography / literature / history

* Vocabulary :

- a report card ( realia ):phiếu diểm - pronunciation ( mime ) : phát âm

- to improve ( situation ): tiến bộ,cải tiến - to be proud of = tự hào

- to try one,s best = cố gắng hết sức

* T / F statements

Statements key

1 Tim was out when his mother called him

F Tim,s mother met his teacher at


F Tim,s report is poor F

Subjects at school


- Call on some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board

II While - reading :

- Turn on the tape and ask Ss to look at their books , then read the dialogue to check their predictions

- Call on some Ss to read their results , then give feedback :

- Ask Ss to correct false statements

- Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of class

- Listen and correct their pronunciation if any * Comprehension questions :

- Ask Ss to work in pairs , answering the questions

- Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering the questions ,then give feedback - Ask them to practice in open pairs

III.Post - reading : Survey

- Ask Ss to work in groups by standing to ask each other the question “ What subject you

need to improve ? “ and they have to write the names and the subjects that their friends answer :

Name What subject



History ………

- Ask Ss who need to improve the same subjects work in group and discuss how to improve

* Reinforce

Retell the ways to improve some subjects Homework

* Write the way how to improve the subject that they are not good

Preparing the next lesson

4 Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar

T Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish

T * Correct false ones

1 Tim was in the living room / at home his report is excellent

3 He needs to improve his Spanish pronunciation

* Answer the questions a She is Tim,s teacher

b She gave Tim,s mother his report


c He worked really hard

d She said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation

e She gave him a dictionary * Group work

- Work in groups to find out which subjects they need to improve

Discuss how to improve those subjects

- Listen to the teacher

-I need to improve skills listening and writing

- Copy the homework

Week 9

Date of planning : 15/10/2010 Date of teaching : 22/10/2010


unit 5:Study habits

Period: 27 lesson : Speak & Listen

I Objectives :

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about their study habits

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen for specific information to fill in a report card

II Materials

Textbooks , pictures, cassette .

III Procedure

Teacher s work Student s work

1 Warm up : Brainstorming - Ask Ss to write their ideas on the blackboard

- Read English newspapers / magazines - Listen to the English radio program

- Have Ss work in groups to play games - Have Ss read all the ways of improving English

2 New lesson I Speaking

.1 Pre - speaking : Introduce the topic of the speaking

- Call on some Ss to read the possible answers above and copy down

- Have Ss read the questions and words in the boxes

2 While – speaking * Model :

Lan said she did her homework after dinner

He / she said ………

* Brainstorming

( Possible answers )

- Speak English to friends in class - Watch English TV

- Do grammar exercises - Read English stories

- Work in groups to the exercise - read the answer again

I Speaking

* Example:

T: When you your home work? S: I my home work after dinner

* Interview: ss go around the class to ask and note down what they interview in * Report what you have just interviewed eg : Nga said that she did her homework after dinner

Note: change the tense in the reported speech

Simple present is changed into Simple past

How to improve your English


- Call on some pairs to read the model - Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of class

- Correct mistakes if any 3 Post - speaking :

- Ask Ss to write with information above Eg : Lan ,s elder brother helps him with his


- Call on some Ss to read their writings

- Write the reported speech on the board



1 Pre - listening : Introduce the topic of the listening and some new words :

* Pre – teach vocabulary :

* Checking : What and where * Prediction :

- Ask Ss to look at Nga,s report and predict

the missing information and then compare with their partners

* give feedback a day present (1) b Day absent (2)

c Behavior – participant (3) d Listening (4)

e Speaking (5) f Reading (6) g Writing (7)

- Call on some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board

3.While - listening : * Listen :

- Get Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

- Call on Ss to read their results and give feedback

* Comprehension questions :

- Ask Ss to answer some questions about

* Rewrite the reported speech in the notebook

II Listening * Vocabulary :

- behavior (n) = c¸ch c xư

- A participant (n) = nguêi tham gia

- Satisfactory >< unsatisfactory (a) = tho¶ m·n

- cooperation (n) = hợp tác - attendance (n) =sự tham gia - to appreciate = đánh giá cao

*1 Prediction : a day present (1) b Day absent (2)

c Behavior – participant (3) d Listening (4)

e Speaking (5) f Reading (6) g Writing (7) Check * Listen

1 87 days present days absent

3 participation : Spanish pronunciation Listening : Comprehension

5 Speaking : A Reading : A Writing : B

* Comprehension questions : They are Mr Lam and Mrs Linh Miss Lien

3 The subject was reported is English ………


Nga,s report card

1 Who are Nga,s parents ?

2 What is Nga,s teacher,s name ?

3 What subject was reported ? For what term ?

4 What does S stand for? What about F U A B C D? - Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and work

4 Post - listening : Survey

Questions You Your

partner When you your

homework ?

2 Who helps you with your homework ?

3 How much time you spend on Maths /

English / History / Literature ?

4 Which subject you need to improve ?

5 What you to improve your English?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs , asking their partners questions and taking notes of the answers

- Ask Ss to work in groups of 0r to report what they have known about their partners, study

- Correct mistakes if any Homework :

* Copy the effective ways of learning English they have found out

F = Fall A = Excellent B = Good C = Fair D = Poor

U = Unsatisfied

* Work in groups to the survey and present it before the class

Listen to the teacher

*Retell about Ss ‘s study habbit

- copy the homework* Write something about your partners, study habits

Eg : Lan is my best friend She works very hard and always get good grades she usually does her homework after school * Prepare the next lesson


Week 10

DOP: 18/10/2010 DOT:26/10/2010




Lesson3: Read


I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the text and get specific information

II Materials

Textbooks , pictures, cassette



Teacher’s work

Student’s work

1 Warm up : Chatting Do you like English ?

2 How many new words you try to learn a day? What you when you read a new words ? How you learn / remember new words ? - Call on Ss to practice asking and answering the questions above

2.New lesson

I Pre - reading : Introduce the topic of the reading passage and some new words

- Ss listen and repeat in chorus , individually - Have Ss copy down

* Checking : Slap the board * Brainstorming

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of the ways how a language learner can learn new

2 While - reading : * True / False statements

- Ask Ss to read the statements , then read the text and decide which is true and which is false Page 50 - Call on Ss to read their answers and give feedback * Reading :

- Call on or Ss to read the passage aloud

Answer the teacher’s questions

I Pre- reading

* Vocabulary :

- Mother tongue ( example ) :tiếng mẹ đe

- to underline ( example ): gạch chân

- to highlight ( example ):đánh dấu

- to come across ( synonym )gặp qua

- to stick ( mime):dán

* Brainstorming : Ss write out the ways to learn the words by heart * Possible answers :

- Learn by heart

- Translate it into mother tongue - Write each word on one piece of paper and put it into the pocket to learn whenever

- Learn through example sentences

- Write it on small piece of paper Ways language

learners learn new words


* Comprehension questions

- Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions - Call on some Pairs to practice asking and answering the questions and then give feedback Post - reading : (Survey )

- Ask Ss to work in groups to interview one another and tick the ways they have used to learn new words

Ways of learning words Lan Hoa Make a list of words , their

meanings and learn them by heart

2 Write sample sentences with new words

3 Stick new words somewhere in the house

4 Underline or highlight the words

5 Read stories in English Learn words through songs


V v


V v - Call on Ss to report about their groups

Ex : Lan learns words by making a list of words *Retell the way to read the text well

3 Homework :

* Write the ways of learning words that you think are the best for you

* Prepare the next lesson

and stick everywhere in the house ……

* True / False statements a F b T c F d T - read the sentences again * Comprehension questions a No They learn words in different ways

b Because they help them to remember the use of new words c They write examples , put the words and their meanings on stickers , underline or highlight them

d They may think they can not so Instead , they learn only

important words

e Revision is necessary in learning words

f Learners should try different ways of learning words t find out what is the best

- work in groups to the


- present the survey in front

of the class - Listen to the teacher - copy the homework

Week 10

DOP: 21/10/2010




Period: 29 Lesson : Write


I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know the format of a friendly letter and practice writing a letter to a friend

II Materials

Textbooks , pictures, cassette III Procedure :

Tết âm lịch

Teacher’s work

Student’s work

1 Warm up : Chatting

a Have you ever written to someone ? b To whom you usually write ? c What you often write about ? 2.New lesson

I Pre - writing : Introduce the topic of the writing and some new words to Ss

- Ss listen and copy down

- Have listen and repeat in chorus , individually

* Checking : Rub out and remember * Ordering

- Ask Ss to put the parts of the letter in the correct order

a Opening d Body of the letter b Closing e Signature

c The date f Writer’s address

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss to read the letter to check their order

* Labeling

- Ask Ss to label each section with the correct letter

* Comprehension questions

- Have Ss work in pairs and answer some questions

a Who wrote the letter ? To whom ? b What are there in the heading ? c What is the main part of the letter ? d What did Hoa receive a few days ago ? e What subject is Hoa good at ?

f Where is she going to celebrate the Lunar

Answer the teacher’s questions a.yes, I have

b I write a letter to my close freind c.I often tell about live

* Vocabulary :

- Lunar New Year Festival (explanation):

tết âm lịch

- Enjoyable (adj ) = vui thó , thÝch thó - to celebrate = kØ niƯm

-> celebration (n) : lễ kỷ niệm

* Ordering

1-f 2-c 3-a 4-d 5-b 6-e

Label each section with the correct letter

* Comprehension questions a Hoa wrote to Tim

b -Writer’s address

- The date c - Heading

- Opening

- Body of the letter - Closing

d She received first semester report e She is good at Science, English and History

f She is going to Hue

- Ask and answer the questions


New Year Festival ?

- Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering in front of class

II.While - writing :

- Ask Ss to imagine that they are Lan and write a letter to her pen pal Donna in San Francisco , using the given information - Call on some Ss to demonstrate their writings in front of class

III.Post - writing : Correction

- Call on Ss to read aloud their letters and *Retell the way to write a personal letter 3.Homework :

* Write a letter to your friend to tell him / her about your second semester report and about Summer holiday

* prepare next lesson

Body of the letter - Closing

d She received first semester report e She is good at Science, English and History

f She is going to Hue

- Ask and answer the questions * Suggested letter :

15 Quang Trung street Hanoi , July 12 th , 2005 Dear Donna

Thanks for your letter I am glad to hear you had an interesting Mother,s Day

We have received our second semester report last month I got good grades for Geography , Physics and Math but my English and History results were poor My teacher advises me to improve English and History I think I have to study harder next school year

In a few weeks , we are going to celebrate the mid Autumn festival That is an


- moon festival in Vietnam This

afternoon , I am going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus and I am going to stay ther with them until the festival

comes I will send you a postcard from there

Write soon and tell me all your news Best

Lan ,

- Copy the homework

Week 10

DOP: 22/10/2010




PERIOD: 30 Lesson : Language focus


I Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to use adverbs of manner and modal Should as an advice , reported speech with commands , requests and advice


Textbooks , , pictures, cassette III Procedure

Teacher’s work Student’s work

1 Warm up : Pelmanism

good ride bad well badly rode eat ate sit sat

- Explain the meanings and uses of them + Hard (a) and hard ( adv ) have different meanings

2 New lesson I.Presentation

* Adverbs of manner

- Setting the scene “ Use any word from the game Pelmanism to complete the following sentences “

* Form : S + V + a / an + adjective + noun or : S + be + Adjective

S + V + adverb

* Use : Adj modifies the noun after it / the subject

Adv modifies the verb of the sentence

* Modal : Should

-> Explain the modal “ Should “ + Form : S + Should + infinitive + Use : give advice

+ Meaning : nen ( lam gi )

* Commands , requests in reported speech

- Explain the form of the reported speech : * Form :

To ask / tell + someone + to something + Example :

a “ Can you give Tim this dictionary ?” => Mr Jackson asked me to give you this

*Pelmanism Good – bad Eat – ate Sit – Sat Well – badly Ride – rode * Individual

* Adverbs of manner

* Form : S + V + a / an + adjective + noun or : S + be + Adjective

S + V + adverb

* Use : Adj modifies the noun after it / the subject

Adv modifies the verb of the sentence

* Modal : Should

-> Explain the modal “ Should “ + Form : S + Should + infinitive + Use : give advice

+ Meaning : nen ( lam gi )

* Commands , requests in reported speech

- Explain the form of the reported speech : * Form :

To ask / tell + someone + to something + Example :

a “ Can you give Tim this dictionary ?” => Mr Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary

b “ Please give Tim this dictionary ” => Miss Jackson told me to give you this



* Advice in reported speech - Explain the form of it

* Form : S + said ( that ) + S + should + V

Example : Miss Jackson said , “ Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation “

=> Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation II Practice:

Exercise / 52 : Complete the dialogues - Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of class

- Give feedback

- Ask ss to practice the dialogue in open pairs

- Ask Ss to look at Mr Hao,s house and

answer some questions a Is his house new ? b Is the wall discolored? c How is the door ?

d Is there grass in his garden ? e Should Mr Hao repair the roof ? Exercise / 52

Give Ss the question “ What should he with his house ?

= >mend ? / paint ? / replant ? / cut ? / repair ?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to use the verbs to advise Mr Hao what to

- Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering the question “ What should he with his house ? “

- Give feedback

Exercise / 53 : Explain the situation to Ss - Have Ss work in pairs to exercise - Call on some pairs to read their answers aloud , then go to the board to write them


Explain the form of the reported speech : * Form :

To ask / tell + someone + to something + Example :

a “ Can you give Tim this dictionary ?” => Mr Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary

b “ Please give Tim this dictionary ” => Miss Jackson told me to give you this dictionary

* Advice in reported speech - Explain the form of it

* Form : S + said ( that ) + S + should + V * pair work

* Exercise / 52

1 hard fast badly softly

- Answer the teacher’s questions Suggested answers :

a No , it isn,t

b Yes , it is c It is broken

d Yes There is lots of grass in his garden

e Yes, he should Exercise / 52

* What should he with his house ? a Mr Hao should repair the roof b………… paint the house c ……… cut the grass d ……… replant the tree e ………… mend the door

* Exercise / 53

a Miss Jackson asked me to wait for her outside her office



- Give feedback

- Call on some Ss to practice is pairs and correct their pronunciations

III.Production : Exercise / 53

- Ask Ss to work with their partners - Call on some Ss to practice in pairs and correct pronunciation

- Give feedback

* Retell all about the grammar notes 3 Homework :

* Review command , requests and advice in Reported Speech

* Copy all the exercises in their notebooks * Prepare the next lesson

b Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester

c Miss Jackson asked me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation

d Miss Jackson told me to meet her next week

Listen and copy down * Exercise / 53

a Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation b Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish every day

c Miss Jackson said you

should listen to Spanish conversation on TV

d Miss Jackson you should practice reading aloud passage in Spanish e Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words

- Copy the homework


Week 11

DOP : 25/10/2010 DOT : 2/11/2010

Unit 6


Period 31:

Lesson 1: Getting started Listen and read

I Objectives :

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the dialogue about the young pioneers – Students are going to have plans in the future


II Materials

Textbooks, pictures, cassette .

III Procedure :

Teacher’s work

Students’s work

1 / Warm up : Chatting

Ask Ss some questions about their activities and their summer holidays

1 What you often on your summer holiday ?

2 Are you members of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization ?

3 Are there any activity programs for the summer ?

2 New lesson:

I Presentation : Introduce the topic of the lesson and some new words to Ss

* Pre – teach vocabulary :

- Ss listen and repeat in chorus and individually , then copy

* Checking : Rub out and remember

* Listen and read the dialogue :

- Set the scene “ Nga is a student in grade eight She wants to enroll in the activities for the summer.“

- Ask Ss to listen and read the dialogue at the same time

- Get Ss to work in pairs and complete Nga,s details

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of class

- Give feedback

- Ask Ss some questions : + What is her name ? + What does she live ? + When was she born ? + What are her hobbies ?

- Call on some Ss to answer the questions * Concept checking

- What is after “ likes “ ? -> drawing

* Chatting ( whole class )

- Answer the teacher’s questions Do you take part in them ? What activity you like most ? * Vocabulary :

- to enroll ( translation ) :đăng ký vào học - application form ( visual ): nộp đơn - Out door activities : Games that you play in the open air rather than in a building or a house such as : football , tennis

- Acting (n) : hoạt động * Complete Nga’s details

* Name : Pham Thi Nga

* Home address : Tran Phu Street * Phone number : Not available * Date of birth : April 22 , 1989 * Sex : Female

* Interest : Drawing , outdoor , activities , acting

* Answer some questions : + What is her name ?

- Her name is Nga + What does she live ?

- She live at Tran Phu Street + When was she born ?

- She was born on April 22 , 1989 + What are her hobbies ?

- Drawing , outdoor , activities , acting * Concept checking

* Form Like , love , enjoy , hate +


- What is after “ enjoys “ ? -> acting

- “ drawing “ and “ acting ” is called gerund - What is the form of “ gerund “ ? -> V- ing - When we use “ gerund “ ? - > after some verbs : like , love , enjoy , hate , mind * Form Like , love , enjoy , hate + gerund

* Drill : word cue drill

- Prepare cards with these cues on them : II


a play soccer / volley ball b watch TV / listen to music c read books / homework

d Chat with friends / the housework e Cook meal / decorate the house => What are your hobbies ?

I like / love playing soccer and volleyball - Call on Ss to practice asking and


- Correct mistakes if any

- Call on some pairs topractice thedialogue III

Production ( Survey )

T: call Ss to read the dialogue again and retell something about Nga

- Give feedback by asking Ss to report their friends, hobbies

Retell about Nga and her hobby 3.Homework

* Write about their friend’s hobbies

* Prepare the next lesson


* Drill : word cue drill Answer the questions

I love playing soccer and I like playing volleyball

- He likes watching TV but he hates

listening to music

- They like reading books but they don’t

like doing exercises

- She likes chatting with friends but she

hates doing the housework

- We love cooking meals but we dislike

decorating the house

*Work in groups to ask about others’ hobbies

- Listen to the teacher

- Copy the homework


I like playing the guitar -Lan enjoys reading novels

Week 11

DOP : 27/10/2010 DOT : 3/11/2010

Unit 6


PERIOD 32 lesson : Speak & Listen

I.Objectives :

-By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask for favors and respond to favors offer and respond to assistance


- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to complete a song for details II


Textbooks , pictures, cassette III

Procedure :

Teacher’s work Student’s work

1 / Warm up : Shark, s attack

- Cut out a shark and a school girl / boy from card

- Draw some steps , then stick the cut out girl / boy on the top of the steps , the sharks in the sea

2.New lesson A.Speaking I Pre - speaking

- Ask Ss the meanings of the word FAVOR

+ What you say to ask for a favor ? Can you help me ?

Could you me a favor ? Can / Could you ……… ? + When you ask for favor ? Need some help

+ How you say to respond to favor ? Certainly / Of course / sure

No problem

+ What does the receptionist say ? May I help you ?

+ What is for ?

For offering assistance

+ another way to offer assistance ? Do you need any help ? / Let me help you

+ How you say to respond to assistance ?

Yes No , thank you

- Ask Ss to copy down the following phrases

- Ask Ss to repeat chorally and then individually all the phrases in the chart II While - speaking

Play the game

- Draw gaps for the word (- - - - -)– favor

I Speaking vocabulary:

Asking for favors:yêu cầu được giúp Responding to favours: đáp lại sự giúp Ofering assistance: đề nghị sự giúp

Asking for favor Responding for favor * Can / Could you

help me please ? * Could you me a favor ?

* I need a favor * Can / could you ?

* Certainly / of course / sure

* No problem * What can I for you ?

* How can I help you ?

* I am sorry I am really busy

Offering assistance Responding to assistance * May I help you ?

* Do you need any help ?

* Let me help you

* Yes / No Thank you

* Yes That is very kind of you

* No thank you I


* Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogues

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of class

- Correct pronunciation if any * Use appropriate phrases to make similar dialogues about some of the following situations with a partner - Have Ss work in pairs

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of class

- Give feedback

III Post - speaking : Situation : A receptionist wants to help a tourist who needs to go to the nearest bank Receptionist :

………? Tourist : yes Can you ……… ?

Receptionist : Sure Turn right when you get out of the hotel Turn left at the first corner … your right

Tourist :……… - Ask Ss to work in pairs to make the dialogue

- Call on some Ss to practice the dialogue in front of the class B


I Pre - listening : Introduce the topic of the listening and some new words to Ss * Guess the missing words

- Ask Ss to guess the words to fill in the gaps in the song

- Get them to share with their partners and

report their predictions Then write them on the board

II While - listening :

- Turn on the tape times and ask Ss to check

am fine I can manage

- Take notes and work in pairs to make up dialogues

- Present the dialogue in front of the

class-Work in groups to play the role Receptionist : …

May I help you ?

Tourist : yes Can you show me the way to the nearest bank?

Receptionist : Sure Turn right when you get out of the hotel Turn left at the first corner It’s on your right

Tourist : Thank you very much………

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make the dialogue

II listening About a song

*unite: đoàn kết, đoàn tụ in + v.ing Unite sb/sth with sb/sth

1 Guess the missing words

1.unite 2.peace right love 5.north 6.south of world 9.show 10.place 11 out 12.stand 13.world

2 Check statements

- Call on some Ss to read their results


their predictions

- Give feedback

-Turn on the tape once more to check the

results again

III Post - listening :

- Ask Ss to work in groups to learn how to sing the song

+ Ss listen to the tape and repeat in chorally

- Retell the way to ask and respond to favor

3 Homework :

* Learn by heart the expressions to offer : assistance and favor and how to respond them

* Write the dialogue between you and a tourist who lost money

3 Group works :

+ Ss listen to the tape and repeat in chorally -Call on some Ss from each groups to sing a song

* Copy down the completed song

Week 11

DOP : 29/10/2010 DOT : 5/11/2010

Unit 6


PERIOD 33 lesson 3: read

I Objectives :

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know mor about a youth organization – the Boy Scouts of America ( BSA )

II Materials

Textbooks , pictures, cassette III Procedure

Teacher’s work Student’s work


/ Warm up : Jumbled words - Write six words whose letters are in disorder

1 Racchtaer Pexainl

2 Iojn Nessmsibuan Mai Thauolgh

- Ask Ss to work in teams and call on Ss from h team write the right words on the board

2 New words

I.Pre- reading : Introduce the topic of the reading passage and some new words to Ss

* Pre – teach vocabulary :

- Ss listen and repeat in chorus and individually , then copy

* Checking : Slap the board * T /F Statements prediction

- Stick the poster with the statements on the blackboard and guess which is true , which is false

a The Boy Scout of America is a youth organization

b Scouting began in America

c William Boyce is a businessman in LOndon

d Boys and girls can join BSA

e The Scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world - Ss listen to the tape and read the passage to check their predictions

- Call on Ss to report their predictions and write them on the board

II.While - reading : *Reading :

- Turn on the tape and ask Ss to look at their books at the same time to read the passage to check their predictions

- Call on some Ss to read their results aloud and give feedback :

- Have them correct false statements

Jumbled words

1 Character Join Aim Explain Businessman Although

* New words

Repeat chorally , individually

- to encourage : give the verb which means to give Sb support : động viên

- Citizenship (n) = quyền công dân

- coeducational (a) ( translation ): giáo dục chung cho cả nam và nư

- Voluntary (a) = tự ý , tự nguyện - to lead – led – led : lãnh đạo To establish: thiết lập

* T /F Statements prediction a T b F

c F d F e T

* Correct the false statements b Scout began in England

c William Boysce is an American business man

d BSA is mainly for boys * Fill in the missing dates

a Scouting began in England in 1907 b The meeting between a boy scout and Mr William Boyce led the Scouts

Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910 c Girls can join in the Girls Guides

Association and Camp Fire Boys and girls d They are building characters , good citizenship and pers

* Interview


- Call on some Ss to read the passage aloud

- Correct mistakes if any * Fill in the missing date

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to exercise / 57

- Call on some pairs to demonstrate in front of class

- Give feedback :a.1907 b 1909 c 1910 d 1994

- Have Ss work in pairs to practice asking answering the questions

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class and then give feedback

III.Post - reading : Interview a member of the Boys Scouts of American

- How many purposes are there in Scout of America?

- Ask Ss to work in closed pairs 3 Homework

- Retell about the content of the text - Prepar the next lesson

Interview Member of BSA

1 When did scouting begin ? When were the aims

established ? Can a girl join the BSA ?

4 How many members does the Scouting Association have now ?

5 Is it the largest voluntary Youth Organization in the world ?

- In 1907 in England - They were

established in 1907 They are building the characters , good citizenship and personal fitness - No , It is mainly for boys but girls can join similar

organization such as the Girl Guides Association or the Coeducational Camp fire Boys and Girls Over 25 million - Yes, Of course

* Pairwork

+ There are three purposes: - it builds character

- It encourages good citizenship - Personal fitness

Checked, 1/11/2010

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2021, 00:22

