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Tham khảo tài liệu ''đề ôn thi hsg – đề 21'', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Teacher : Quynh Nhu ĐỀ THI THỬ ANH VĂN – SỐ 21 Make the correct choice: Let’s go a ride to the countryside a.in b.with c.for d.by We borrowed these text books the library a.from b.in c.at d.for 3.Miss O’shay felt sorry her a.with b.about c.for d.at 4.Mark applied a scholarship to study at Oxford University a.with b.for c.from d.to 5.She devoted all her life science a.to b.with c.for d.of 6.Please listen carefully what I have to say a.with b.of c.to d.about 7.John was ashamed his bad spelling a.in b.about c.at d.of 8.Poor they are, they live a happy life a.although b.as c.because d.since 9.John in getting a visa to go to Spain a.was difficult b.was difficulty c.had difficulty d.met difficulty 10.Are they used in Ho Chi Minh City ? a.for travelling b.to travelling c.to travel d.travelling 11.He improves his listening skill listening to English on the B.B.C a.with b.to c.by d.at 12.They objected my buying that house a.to b.with c.at d.in 13.I’m tired working in the hot weather and I can’t work quite well a.off b.from c.with d.by 14.All of you here are capable doing that job a.of b.with c.by d.at 15.The patient had already died the time I saw her a.by b.since c.during d.despite 16.The United Nations _of about 160 nations a.consists b.consist c.is consisted d.consisting 17.Physics _ by Mr Brown a.is teaching b.teaches c.teach d.is taught 18.The United States _between Canada and Mexico a.lies b.lie c.lays d.lay 19.Better methods of refrigeration depend engineers a.on b.of c.with d.at 20.It is very kind you to help me a.to b.with c.of d.about 21.What is the reason your absence ? a.why b.about c.with d.for 22.I’m really proud my father a.with b.of c.about d.for 20.The plane off when I arrived the airport this morning Teacher : Quynh Nhu a.will take b.has taken c.had taken d.takes 21 he had sold his house, his family moved to Dalat a.Before b.After c.Since d.Although 22.There a lot of progress in applied science a.are b.were c.has been d.have been 23 our company has produced 15 documentary films a.Up to now b.Up to then c.At present d.Since 24.These cars made in Japan a.were made b.were making c.made d.make 25 anybody finished the answers of the test ? a.Is b.Are c.Has d.Have 26.Those who absent today must have a good excuse a.are b.is c.has been d.was 27.He has succeeded easily, surprises us most a.that b.it c.which d.who 28.The tourists, many of are American, wish to visit the former battles in Vietnam a.who b.whom c.that d.them 29.She was sitting in the garden a book a.read b.and reading c.and read d.was reading 30.I came back home very tired a.feeling b.felt c.was feeling d.and feeling 31.She came in not to wake the baby a.so as b.such as c.as if d.if so 35.By the time you receive this letter, I for Japan a.will leave b.will have left c.have left d.would have left 36 The computer has been in use since 1946 a using b useless c useful d used 37 The computer has been considered as the marvel the machine age a in b at c of d on 38 At times computers seem almost human a Sometime b sometimes c Many times d At the time 39 Some computers can work 500,000 times any person can a as faster as b more faster than c faster than d more fastly than 40 Can computer our brains? – No, I don’t think so a replace b place c take place d be replaced 41 A computer can simple computations _ lighting speed and perfect accuracy a on b for c at d with 42 A computer can gather a wide range of information _ many purposes a in b at c for d form 43 How we use them is us, not the computer, to decide a with b for c from d to 44 Even though they are taking some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our brain, computer are not replacing us a over b to c up d off 45 For the scientist it can get information outer space or from the depths of the ocean a from b for c to d in 46 It can multiply two-ten digit numbers 1/1000 second a in b with c without d at Teacher : Quynh Nhu 47 Writers often joke about the time in the future _ computers will all our thinking for us a that b which c when d whose 48 Calculating machines have been used _ a long time a since b with c ago d for 49 She is a good typist She types fast and _ a accurate b accuracy c accurately d correct 50 I can’t understand Would you ask him to speak _? a clear b clearly c more clearly d more clear **** Pollution spoils our environment (1) _ many ways The air we breathe, for instance, is constantly (2) _ by smoke and by chemicals such as carbon monoxide in the exhaut fumes of cars and other kinds of motor vehicles For wild life, however, there (3) _ even greater dangers in the pollution of water of rivers or seas A good illustration of this is oil released from the tankers (4) _ sea It kills all kinds of sea animals, including birds (5) _ feathers become covered with oil so they cannot fly, as well as fish and other forms of marine life Other causes of water (6) include power stations, (7) release warm water into rivers This kills the fish and plants which live there These are only (8) _ examples, there are many more a by b on c with d in a polluted b dirty c purified d cleaned a is b are c be d being a at b in c on d by a that b which c whose d who a pollution b purity c shortage d problem a they b.that c.which d.where a litlle b.a few c.a little d.few Fill in each space with an appropriate preposition : We walked _ town _ Sunday That bad boy threw rocks _ my dog They arrived _ the United State last year The pupils left their bicycle leaning _ the wall Next month, I’m going to Scotland _ a short holiday There was panic when people realized the building was _ fire Are you afraid ghost ? He doesn’t understand the lesson because he is often late school The school library is open every students 10 Your concept is different mine 11 Smoking is very harmful your health 12 She was absent school because she was very sick yesterday 13 It’s stupid _ her to go out without a coat 14 What are you so angry _ ? 15 I was satisfied _ the present you gave me Teacher : Quynh Nhu 16 I’m not ashamed _ what I did 17 I feel sorry _ Tom He has no friends 18 I’m a little short money Can you lend me some ? 19 I get fed up _ doing the same thing everyday 20 Why are you always so jealous _ other people ? 21 A hammer is used _ driving in nails Rewrite the following sentences as directed 1.Everyone loves her She behaves well -Because _ 2.Although it rained heavily, we still went to school -In spite of 3.He can swim faster than I can -I can’t _ 4.He was too poor to pay his debt -He was not _ I go to school by bicycle in ten minutes -It takes He did that exercise in an hour - It took He spent the whole morning writing the composition - It took He spends one hour reading newspapers -It They finished their work in three days -It 10 We spent a day cleaning the house - It 11/The last time I saw her was in 1985 -I haven’t _ 12/That meal was excellent -How 13/That factory is producing more and more pollution -More and more pollution _ 14/We must leave now or we’ll miss the train -If 15/She is a faster and more careless driver than I am -She drives 16/How old you think this building is? -When you think 17/He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party -He wishes _ 18/This homework is so long that can ‘t finish it -This is such 19/We spent five hours getting to the countryside It took _ 20/On arriving in Moscow, I sent a postcard to my friend Teacher : Quynh Nhu -When I _ 21/I hope to see you at New year Eve -I’m looking forward _ 22/It won’t be difficult to find his house -You won’t have any _ 23/They cancelled the flight because it was foggy -Because of _ 24/ Because the traffic is heavy, I sometimes come to my office late -Because of _ 25/ It is necessary to learn English -Learnimg _ 26/Mary didn’t come to the club because she was ill -Because of _ 27/He had to go to hospital because there was too much dust from the mines -Because of _ 28/He gave up his job because he was too old to work -Because of 29 He walked slowly because of his injured legs -Because his 30 He retired last month because of his illness -Because he _ 31 Could you open the door, please? -Would you mind 32 My teacher asked me ,” Where did you go last night ? “ - My teacher asked 33 My friend had excellent plan He did a good job, too -My friend not only _ 34 He didn’t go to school yesterday, so he didn’t understand the lesson -If _ 35 People say that the price of gold is going up -The price _ 36 Do you know the building ? The windows of the building are painted green -Do you know the buiding wh- ? 36 I went to see the house I used to live in it - I went to see the house in 37/ Some people think he is a dangerous criminal - He _ 38/ They will have to sign these documents - These documents _ 39/ The workers are going to pull down that old building - That old building 40/ No one told me the truth -I _ Fill in each blank with one suitable word : 1/Sometimes what to be a may turn out to be advertising 2/As more things are made to be sold and more people have services to sell ,advertising Teacher : Quynh Nhu 3/This in turn makes it possible to more things to sell 4/The of ancient Egypt hired criers to walk through the streets shouting and singing about the things they had to sell 5/At night, electric signs flash in many colors 6/They have the same purpose: to get people to some product or some service 7/Some advertisements are tiny want .Others fill several pages Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets : He was sleeping and (not understand) _ what you (say) to him He (wake) if you (speak) louder Some animals (not eat) _ during the winter and only (come) out in spring After leaving school he (study) French in Paris for two years and then (move) to America, where he now (live) _ He (visit) England once or twice and (know) English well; but (not have) yet the opportunity of visiting European countries By the time you get back, I (finish) all my correspondence and then I (can help) you with yours In a few minutes’ time, when the clock (strike) six, I (wait) here for an hour Teacher : Quynh Nhu ... 16/How old you think this building is? -When you think 17/He is sorry now that he didn’t invite Jane to his party -He wishes _ 18/This homework... advertising 2/As more things are made to be sold and more people have services to sell ,advertising Teacher : Quynh Nhu 3/This in turn makes it possible to more things to sell 4/The ... as b more faster than c faster than d more fastly than 40 Can computer our brains? – No, I don’t think so a replace b place c take place d be replaced 41 A computer can simple computations

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2021, 13:06



