Warm up: Read the following competitions and put them into correct columns: General Knowledge Quiz, English Competition, Painting Competition, Sculpture Competition, Singing Contest,[r]
(1)Date of teaching:
READING I Objectives:
- Educational aims: Ss should have enjoyment from taking part in competitions and know how to work in groups
- Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will understand the aims and meanings of competitions II Preparation: books
III Procedure:
1 Warm up
Check the old lesson
Ask Ss to the exercise: Write the following sentences in reported speech
1 “Come and see me whenever you want.” He invited ……… “Sue, give me your phone number.” He told ……… I’ll give it to her tomorrow.”
Tim promised ……… “All right, I’ll wait for you.”
She agreed ……… * Correct the answers and give marks
* Ask Ss to sing the song in “Road to Mount Olympia” Lead-in the new lesson
* Ask Ss to match the photos with the names of competitions
- Go around the class and gives help
- Introduce some other kinds of competitions (Beauty Contest, Soccer Competition…)
- Asks Ss find out the judge, M.C, and representative(s) in the pictures * Ask Ss to answer the questions:
1 Do you like taking part in competitions like this? Why?/ Why not?
2 Do you hope to win a competition? Which competition you like to win?
3 Is winning the most important thing in a competition? Why? / Why not?
3 While-reading
Asks Ss to read the passage silently Task 1:
- Teacher asks Ss to match the words or phrases on the left with their definitions on the right
- Go around the class and give help - Checks the answers and give feedback
- Ask Ss to give the meaning of some new words:
compete, recite, sponsor, stimulate, observe, smoothly
Task 2:
-Ask Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions
- Go around the class and give help - Check the answers and give feedback
Call on two Ss write on the board
1 He invited me to come and see him whenever I wanted
2 He told Sue to give him her phone number Tim promised to give it to her the day after She agreed to wait for me
Pair work
Suggested answers:
a Quiz: “Road to Mount Olympia” b London Marathon
c Sao Mai Television Singing Contest d Olympic Games
Ss work in pairs, answering the questions
Ss read the passage
Ss work individually then compare the answer with their partners
Suggested answers:
1 d f e c b a
Give the meaning
Ss read the passage again and answer the questions
Group work (group of 8)
An Answers
1. The representatives of three classes of the (writer’s) school took part in the annual final English Competition last Saturday
(2)Task 3:
- Ask Ss to read paragraph again and complete the sentences
- Check the answers and gives feedback
4 Post-reading
Ask Ss to translate the poem into Vietnamese 5 Homework:
Translate the poem into your notebook
4. They had to complete five activities in all On completion of each activity, they had to answer the questions in the worksheets within two minutes 5. They had to observe and score the students’ performance The maximum score for each activity was 15 At the end of the competition they would announce the total score of each group The group that got the highest score would be the winner 6. The winner would be awarded a set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
Ss read the passage again and complete the sentences
Ss work individually then compare the answer with their partners
In Activity 5, Hung was unable to recite/ complete the poem (he could not remember the last sentence)
2 Having achieved the highest score, Group B became the winner of the competition
3 Group C lost the game because they just got 60 points
Nga encouraged her group by saying “For me the most important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it”
(3)Date of teaching :
- Educational aims: Ss should be aware of the purpose and benefit of the competition or contest - Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for and give information about types of competitions as well as describe a competition or contest
II preparation: book
III Procedures
1 Warm up: Read the following competitions and put them into correct columns: General Knowledge Quiz, English Competition, Painting Competition, Sculpture Competition, Singing Contest, Running Competition, Poetry Reciting Competition, Jumping Competition, Tam Sao That Ban Competition, Ai La Trieu Phu Competition, Chung Suc Competition
General Knowledge Entertainment Sports
2 Pre-speaking: Task 1:
Which of the competitions /contests you like or dislike? Put a tick in the right column Then compare your answers with a partner’s
Teacher makes a model:
- Do you like General Knowledge Quiz?
- Yes, I I like English Competition What about you? Teacher goes around the class and gives help
3 While-speaking: Task 2: Textbook page 69
Teacher explains the task: Ask your partner how he/she feels about each type of the competitions/contests in Task
A: What you think of the General Knowledge Quiz?
B: Oh, it’s great It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge Teacher instructs Ss to use useful language to talk about the competitions
Teacher goes around the class and gives help Task 3: Textbook page 70
Teacher asks Ss to talk about a competition or contest they have recently joined or seen
- Teacher goes around the class and gives help 4 Post-speaking:
Teacher asks Ss present their talk before class 5 Homework:
Write a passage (about 50 words) about a contest you have joined or seen
Ss work in groups and put the competitions into correct columns
Individual work
Ss work individually then compare the answer with their partners
Group of three or four
(4)Date of teaching:
I objectives:
- Educational aims: Ss should take part in sport activities to improve their health
- Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the history of the Boston Marathon and know the rules of the Boston Marathon
II Preparation: Cassette player, tape
III Procedures
Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false If false, correct the sentence to make it true
a The persons who win the competition are the champions b You need a normal pair of shoes to run
c Athletes wear shorts
d Only men can participate in a marathon
e A marathon is a long running race of about 26 miles or 42 kilometers
Teacher goes around the class to check students’ work and help them with new words
Teacher corrects the exercise
Teacher says: Which sport are the sentences about? Teacher shows a picture of a marathon and introduces the topic of the listening text
2 Pre-listening:
Activity 1: Ask and answer the following questions What is the Boston Marathon?
2 Who you think can take part in the Boston Race? Activity 2:
Teacher instructs Ss to pronounce some new words race, formally, female, athletic, clock, association, champion, distance, Kuscsik, Mc Dermott
3 While-listening: Task 1: Textbook page 71
- Teacher asks Ss to read the statements about the Boston Marathon
- Teacher plays the tape twice, asking Ss to listen to the dialogue and decide whether the statements are true or false
- Teacher plays the tape again and checks the answers Task 2: Textbook page 71
- Teacher asks Ss to read the questions and guess the answers
- Teacher plays the tape twice, asking Ss to listen to the tape and answer the questions
- Teacher plays the tape again (sentence by sentence) and checks the answers
4 Post-listening:
- Teacher asks students to summarize the history of the Boston Marathon
- Name some famous runners in Vietnam and say what is special about them
5 Homework: Comments:
Ss work in groups
Ss answer the question > Marathon Ss describe the pictures in textbook Ss work in pairs, answering the questions
Ss work in class, listening to the new words and repeating
Ss work individually Suggested answers:
1 T T F F T F
Ss work in groups, reading the questions and guessing the answers Ss listen to the text and answer the questions
Key: New York in 1972 6164
Ss work in groups
The representative of groups report
(5)Date of teaching:
I Objectives:
- Educational aims: Ss should be considerate to others, know how to share feelings and ideas with the others
- Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of reply
II Preparation: books
III Procedures
1 Warm up: Guessing game
- Give three pieces of information related to the guess words and ask what thing is it?
* It has letters
* It is used to exchange information among the people * A thing that you receive or sendto other people The key word: LETTER
Lead-in: Today, we’ll learn how to write a formal letter. Teacher asks Ss to list some formal greetings and closings 2 Pre-writing:
Activity 1:
Ask Ss if they want to participate in a competition what information about the competition they would like to know
Teacher goes around and gives help Activity 2: Task page 72
Teacher says: Read the letter and find out the information required for the English Speaking Competition
Teacher goes around and helps Ss with the new words participant (n)
entry procedure (n) venue (n)
Teacher corrects the exercise
3 While-writing: Task 2: Textbook page 73
- Teacher says: Imagine you are Kate Johnson, secretary of the English Speaking Competition Write a letter responding to Thu Trang, using given details
- Teacher goes around and gives help 4 Post-writing:
Teacher chooses two letters and corrects the popular mistakes
5 Homework:
Ss work in groups
Ss work in groups, listing some formal greetings ( Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Mr Mc Donald…) and closings ( Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely…)
Ss work in groups
When …………? Where…………? How to participate?
Who………? What…………?
Suggested answers:
- number of participants
- entry procedure
- venue
- date and time
- phone number and e-mail Ss work in groups
Suggested answer:
22nd November, 2007 Dear Thu Trang,
Thank you for your letter and welcome to our English Speaking Competition Here are some details about the competition:
The number of participants is limited – just 25 the competition is held on 25th November 2006, at 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi It starts at 8.00 p.m Contestants should be present one hour before the competition for registration.
For more information please contact me on the phone number: (04)9424894, and email: Englishclub06@yahoo.com
(6)Date of teaching:
I Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practise pronunciation and distinguish the sounds /tr/, / dr/, /tw/ and understand reported speech with Gerund
II Preparation: books III Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1 Warm-up
- Ask Ss to read the sentence:
While a twin was trying to drive his dramatically dreadful truck to travel agent at twelve he hit a tree
- Check and introduce the new lesson. 2 Pronunciation: /tr/ , /dr/ , /tw/ - Have Ss listen to the words - Explain the meaning if necessary - Ask Ss to practise the sentences
- Ask Ss to underline the words beginning with /tr/ , /dr/ , /tw/
3 Grammar:
REPORTED SPEECH WITH GERUND Make situation: Ask a student: “open the door, please!” Say thank to him or her:
- “ It’s nice of you to help me Thank you very much.” Ask Ss: “ What did I thank for “A” for?
Write the answer on the board: “Teacher thanked A for helping her.” - Ask Ss to the exercise
- Correct
Ask Ss to give the structures: S + V1 + O + Prep + V-ing S + V2 + Prep + V-ing
* V1: thank …for, congratulate … on, accuse …of, warn …against, prevent …from.
* V2: apologize for, insist on, dream of, look forward to
- Ask ss to exercise - Correct
4 Homework
Ask Ss to the exercise in notebook Comments:
Read loudly
Pair work Exercise 1
1 John congratulated us on passing our
2 Mary apologized for not phoning me
3 Peter insisted on driving Linda to the
4 The teacher accused the boy of not paying
attention to what he had said
5 Bob has always dreamed of being rich
6 I warned Ann against staying at the hotel
near the air port
7 Her mother prevented Jane from going out
that night
8 Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her
Exercise 2 An Answers:
1 Tom insisted on paying for the meal
2 Mr and Mrs Smith looked forward to
meeting their children soon
3 The boy denied breaking the window of
the woman’s house
4 The policeman stopped the customer
(from) leaving the shop
5 The thief admitted stealing Mrs Brown’s
6 Ann suggested having a party the next