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English 9 week 1 nga

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By the end of the lesson students will be able to read the text for details bout the visit of Lan 'sfriends.. Language contents :?[r]


Unit : A visit From a pen pal


Häc sinh cã thÓ:

- Đọc lấy thông tin quốc gia.

- Tự giới thiệu thân đấp lại lời giói thiệu ngời khác - Nghe chọn tranh theo nội dung

- ViÕt th kÓ việc thăm họ hàng/ bạn bè nơi xa

II/ Teaching aids:

Text books, cassette recorder, posters, pictures, word cues III/ Procedure: There are lessons

Lesson 1: Getting started- Listen and read Lesson 2: : Speak

Lesson : Listen Lesson 4: Read Lesson 5: Write

Lesson 6: Language focus

Date of preparing : ……… Period 1

Unit : A visit From a pen pal

Lesson 1: Getting stated - Listen and read


By the end of the lesson students will be able to read the text for details bout the visit of Lan 'sfriends


Language contents :

1 Vocabulary :

- corres pond - a mosque

- To be impressed by - To pray

2 Grammar: past simple with wish 3 Skills : reading, speaking, writing

B Teaching aids: Textbook English 9, colored chalks, pictures, poster C Methods: matching, ROR

D Contents

I : Organization

Class Date of teaching Absent ss:

9A 9B

II: Warmer : Matching ( Getting started)

- T shows pictures and asks “Where are they?” - Ss answer in Vietnamese

- T writes the names in Vietnamese beside each picture in one column and English words in the other on- Ss match English words with Vietnamese words invidually - Ss work in pairs and compare with a parner.e

- T gives feedback


a §Ịn Hùng Dong Xuan market b Văn Miếu Foodstall

c Chợ Đồng Xuân Hung Temple

d Viện Bảo TàngLs The Temple of Literature e Quán ăn National theater

f Nhà hát lớn History Museum * Answers:

- T gives instructions: Now a foreign friend is coming to stay with you for a week What activities would you during the visit?

- SS : I will take her to visit The temple of literature………… We will eat delicious food in the foodstall

- gets feedback

- T introduces the lesson: Today you are going to learn a text about Lan’s pen pal and her visit to Viet Nam

III : New lesson:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content


– reading:

1 Pre teach (explanation ) (explanation ) (translation) (mime) Check: ROR 2.Open prediction. * Set the sence

Lan’s pen pal – Maryam from Malaysia

Who’s this ? ss : Lan’s pen pal What’s her name ? ss: Maryam Where is she from ? ss: Malaysia T says : Lan’s pen pal came to visit her in Ha Noi Now I want you to guess the places

she visited

Check : what are you going to ? ss:Guess

- T collects ss’ Ideas

II- While reading

1 Checking prediction s

- T asks ss to read the text on page – then check their prediction, then add more information

- T check

T collect ss’ Ideas then corred with whole class

2. Multiple choice

-T asks ss to look at exercise on page - T asks ss some questions:

How many sentences are there ? Are they completed ?

How many correct option you choose to complete a sentence ?

I Vocabulary

- To corres pond / trao đổi thư tín - a mosque : nhà thờ hồi giáo

- To be impressed by : ấn tượng - To pray : cầu nguyện

Answer key Hoan Kiem Lake

Ho Chi Minh’s mausoluem The History Museum The Temple of Literature

The mosque on Hang Luoc street

Answer key C- two weeks


Let ss run through exercises

- T asks ss to read the text again to choose the correct option to complete the sentences on page

- T colects ss’ Ideas by asking them to go to the board to write the answer one by one 3 Model sentence

What did Lan say to Maryam at the end of the week?

I wish you had a longer vacation got

? How many clauses are there? (2) In the clause what is the verb? ( had)

? What tense is used for the verb in clause 2? ( past )

? Does the clause express an action in the past? ( No)

? Is lan’ wish real at the present? ( No ) - It ‘s the wish sentence at the present Form: S + wish + S + V-ed/C2

Use: to express a wish

III Post reading

- T asks ss to use the model sentences to write the sentence

a You can not swim

b You don’t have many friends c Your house is small

d You sing badly

e You don’t know how to use computer. f You speak English badly

IV : Summary

What tense we use after wish? What you wish?

V Homework


Ss write sentences with “wish”

E,g: I wish I could swim

2 B- Ho Noi people were friendly D- all the above

4 B- invite Lan to kuala lumpur

Model sentence

S + wish + S + V-ed ( colum 2) + were……

* Evaluation:


+ Instructions:………



The parts I like best:……….




Date of preparing…… Period 2

Week 1

Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal

Lesson 2: Speak


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce yourself and respond to the introduction


Language contents :

Vocabulary :

Grammar: past simple with wish 3 Skills : speaking, writing

B Teaching aids: Textbook English 9, pictures C Methods: Brainstorming, eliciting, write it up D Contents

I : Organization

Class Date of teaching Absent ss:

9A 9B

II: Warmer : Brainstorming:

III : New lesson:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

I Pre-speaking

Making and responding introductions

? Match and order the conversation between Nga & Maryam: (pairwork)

T gives feedback Eliciting:

Making introductions Responding to the introductions Hello I’m Lan

Let me introduce

Nice to meet you Pleased to meet you Introducing yourself




phone number hobbies


+ must be (You must be Maryam)

+ be different from (Kuala Lumpur isn’t different from HN)

Some pairs practice the conversation

II While- speaking


Activity 1: Role adoption : (3a) S1: Nga S2: Maryam

myself I’m Hoa I’m 14 years old

- Really? me, too


1c 2e 3a 4d 5b

You Maryam’s friend Hello, you must be

Pleased Let me introduce I’m Do you like Vietnam? Do you live ?

What’s it like?

Activity 2: Prescribed role play : (3b) YoKo/ Tokyo


Paul/ Liverpool Group 2

Jane/ Perth Group3

- T devides the class into three groups and practice

III Post speaking

: Write it up.

Ask Ss to write about Maryam’s friend base on the table (3b-p8)

That’s right


I’m Yoko

Oh, yes, I like people and old cities in

Yes, I live in (Tokyo - Japan) It’s a (busy capital city)



Make and respond to introduction Forcus on difficult words / structures

V Homework

Finish wrting at home * Evaluation:

+Steps:……… + Instructions:………



The parts I like best:………


The parts I want to change:………


Duyệt ngày …………tháng…….năm 2010 Tổ trưởng

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2021, 23:59



