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If all this sounds familiar, the Computer User's Friend will be of enormous (interested)5.... With its simple solutions to common problems and (attract) 6...[r]


UBND tØnh B¾c Ninh Kú thi giáo viên dạy giỏi vòng lý thuyêt Sở giáo dục Đào tạo Năm học: 2009- 2010

M«n thi: TiÕng Anh THCS

Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể giao đề) Ngày thi: 30/12/2009


I Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question (5 pts)


1 A attacked B crooked C laughed D brushed

2 A exhaust B exhibit C anxiety D luxury

3 A character B chemistry C chapter D scholar

4 A lives B plates C games D rules

5 A storage B passage C message D teenage

II Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question (5 pts)


1 A mountain B maintain C fountain D maintenance

2 A economics B capability C optimistic D conquerable

3 A contestant B satellite C similar D interview

4 A admirable B applicant C appliance D applicable

5 A republic B example C existence D exercise

III Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (10 pts).

1 Only research has been carried out in this field.

A a few B a little C few D not much

2 I wanted some coffee but there was in the pot.

A any B no C none D nothing

3 This job working very long hours

A involves B consists C includes D contains

4 Jack can't remember the telephone number down.

A write B to write C written D writing

5 There is a fault at our television station Please not your

television set.

A adjust B change C repair D switch

6 The crowd at football match are often

A excited B exciting C excitement D excite

7 According to surveys, the majority of Britons want capital punishment restored

A the most B most C most of D the most of

8 When I first visited Moscow, I couldn't get accustomed the cold weather


A to

B with

C for

D in

9 Michael and his friend were badly injured in the last match, so can

play today.

A both of them B either of them C neither of them D not any of them 10 Mary put a on the letter

A five-cents stamp B five-cent stamp C stamp of five cents D five-cents stamps

IV Give the correct form of the verbs (5 pts)

1 You (still do) your homework? I finished mine ages ago

2 I (not realise) that the electricity bill (have to pay) last month and now the power (cut off)

3 The robbers (catch) as they (leave) the bank

4 Don't worry When you (arrive) in New York, you (pick up) by one of our drivers and (take) to the conference centre

5 When I woke up this morning, the world looked like a wonderland It (snow) all night

V.Give the correct form of the word (10 pts).


It's common situation: much to your (annoy) , you can't work out how to something (simplify) on your computer and after hours of frustration, you still can't it Your computer manual only causes more (confuse) and you get the (impress) that it was written for experts only If all this sounds familiar, the Computer User's Friend will be of enormous (interested)5 to you With its simple solutions to common problems and (attract) presentation, it will give you a lot more (confident)7 when using your computer and show you how you can never get a lot of (please) out of it The Computer User's Friend is always being used by many thousands of (satisfy) customers and, as they will tell you, it takes the (worried) 10 out of using your computer

VI Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition (5 pts).

1 She's always the go I don't know where she gets her energy from I pleaded John to change his mind, but he wouldn't listen I was just to leave when you telephoned

4 The police are looking the past record of the suspect Have you heard Mary recently?

6 The teacher told him to shut and not to say anything about it I proposed to her but she turned me

8 His new book will come next year You should have confidence what you

10 Some people are indifferent their surroundings

VII Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fitd each space (15 pts).


When the doctor told my mother that I (1) have to have a minor operation, she was surprised because I didn't (2) a fuss at all I was actually quite excited about going into hospital I imagined how interested all my classmates would be when they heard why I was (3) from school I had a whole day just to get used to (4) in hospital before the operation and I spent my time talking to the other (5) and watching TV I was a bit scared when they came to take me from the children's (6) to the operating (7) The doctor gave me a(n) (8) and told me to count to ten I didn't get as far as three before I fell asleep

When I woke up back in my bed, my stomach felt very (9) A nurse told me it would take a couple of weeks for the wound to (10) but that I would be able to get up and walk around in a couple of days She took my (11) to make sure that I didn't have a fever and I went off to sleep again When I woke up a few hours later, there was a boy I hadn't seen before in the next bed He was about the same age (12) me He'd fallen off his bicycle while trying to (13) up with his older brother who was riding very fast He had (14) his left leg It was going to take him a lot longer to (15) than me


14 A ruptured B broken C smashed D crunched 15 A recover B heal C cure D better VIII Fill in each blank with a suitable word (10 pts)

Vitamin C

In the past people suffered from a disease (1) scurvy Their gums bled, their skin became rough, their wounds did not (2) and their muscles wasted away The cause of these symptoms was a (3) of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits

The best (4) of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberies, and fresh vegetables These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or exposure (5) air

(6) today more people take vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have scurvy, including some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the chronically ill

Research shows (7) vitamin C reduces the severity of colds and can help prevent cancer There is also evedence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, speeds wound healing, helps prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as cigarette smoke Some recent research also (8) that vitamin C has a positive effect (9) some mental disorder and increases (10) span

IX Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning (10 pts). I started writing this letter two hours ago

I've Is the price very high?

Does ? Mary hasn't finished work yet

Mary is "Did you remember to lock the door?" my father asked me

My father asked me We didn't go to the theatre We stayed at home

We stayed "If I were you, I wouldn't trust Mary" she told Sam

She advised I've never read a more romantic story

It is It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car

The man She usually stays up so late

She is not used 10 "Would you mind not smoking in here?"

I'd rather

X Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, using the word in parentheses Do not alter the word given (5 pts)

1 Everyone but Jane failed to produce the correct answer succeeded He made an unsuccessful attempt to buy the company without

3 I don't personally care if they come or not matter

4 It's a great pity my father was so absent-minded last night wish

5 Many of us hadn't been in a helicopter before time


Hớng dẫn chấm thi giáo viên giỏi tỉnh vòng lý thuyết

Năm học: 2009-2010

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh THCS

Ngµy thi: 30/12/2009

I pts


II pts


III 10 pts





D 10 B

IV pts

Are you still doing

didn't realise - had to be paid - has been cut off were caught - were leaving

arrive - will be picked up - taken had been snowing

V 10 pts

1 annoyance attractive

simple confident

confusion pleasure

impression satisfied

interest 10 worry

VI pts

on up

with down

about out

into in

from 10 to

VII 15 pts

C C 11 A

A A 12 D

D B 13 D

C D 14 B

B 10 C 15 A


to 10 life IX 10 pts.

1 I've been writing this letter for two hours Does it cost a lot?

3 Mary is still at work

4 My father asked me if I had remembered to lock the door We stayed at home instead of going to the theatre

6 She advised Sam not trust Mary

7 It is the most romantic story I've ever read

8 The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car She is not used to going to bed early

10 I'd rather you didn't smoke in here X pts

1 Only Jane succeeded in producing the correct answer He attempted to buy the company without success It doesn't matter to me whether they come or not

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2021, 20:38



