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- Work individually (skim the passages) to find these informations - Work in pairs to choose the best answers.. (Keys:.[r]


Planning date:


Teaching date:

Chuyên đề 1: Reading

A day in the life of …


I - Teaching aims: - Knowledge:

- To help students be able to understand passages about a day in the life of peasants.

- Lexical items: plough, harrow, peasant, pump, transplant, ect

- Grammar: + The present simple + Adverbs of frequency - Education aims: to help students read about a daily routine

3 -Skill: - Reading: + Guessing meaning in context + Passage comprehension

+ Scanning for specific information II- Teaching aids needed:

+ Teacher: book, lesson plan, Radio, CD rom, pictures of a peasant, ect + Students: book, notebook, ect


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I -Warm up/ review.(5')

- Ask students to speak about their daily routine.

- Walk round and give any necessary help

Speak out

II -New lesson.

1 VII – page (BTBS)(10 )

* Today we learn part A reading

- Ask sts to skim the passages to find the informations in the part ‘Before you read’

- Guide students skim the passages to guessing meaning in context

Give comments

- Work individually (skim the passages) to find these informations - Work in pairs to choose the best answers


1 C B B 4.C D) 2 IV – page (BTBS)(10 )


- Ask students to answer some questions: - Call some students speak out the answers:

- Work in pairs to answer the questions

- Answers the teacher’s questions (* Keys:

1 maths finishes break after physics and biology physical Education

3 Read the passages and choose the best answer to the question.(7’) (see the appendix)


- Ask students to scan the passages to for specific information

- Walk round and give any necessary help - Give comment

- Compare their note with a partner (Keys:

1 C C A B C)

III -Homework (2’)

- Ask students to exercises in workbook (page: 4, 5) Prepare for the next period: written 10 subjects are learnt in school

- Take note

Appendix: Read the passages and choose the best answer to the question.

1 Peter comes from the States He was born in Vienna but now lives in Spain He works for a big development company This company builds hotels all over Spain He started working in Spain thirty years ago _ He has made a lot of friends and likes the life there

A and now he wants to go back to America B but he doesn’t like it C and now he speaks Spanish fluently D and it is his life

2 Once you take your new skills back to your workplace and start using them, you will notice some amazing changes Efficiency and profits will increase _ People will talk to you and about you in a different way You will be happy with the increased respect that you have Do not waste this opportunity to take advantage of our course

A Our seminar can help to make your business a success B It is hard but it’s probably worth it C Steadily more work will get done D Take care not to be over-confident How many of us can honestly say that we have never wished to know how to get rich quickly There are a number of ways to earn large sum of money these days including _ Another possibility would be to start a successful business

A winning a lottery or robbing a bank B some which are absolutely honest and legal C a prize in a competition or a legacy from a rich uncle

D.many that have been done by others before us

4 We require all customers to make a $100 deposit when they make a booking The deposit is only returnable in the event of a cancellation _ After that time the deposit is lost Customers may wish to take out a cancellation insurance which we can arrange at cost of $8

A due to illness or death B at least three weeks before the date of departure C according to our director D by an insured customer

5 When you enter the museum be sure to pause to enjoy the view up the Grand Staircase The sculptures at the head of the staircase have been in position since the days when the museum was a palace _ turn to your right after admiring the staircase If you wish to look first at the rich collection of paintings keep going up the staircase Turn to your left to investigate the museum’s attractive cafeteria and shop


Planning date:


Teaching date:

Chuyên đề 2: KNOWLEDGE OF UNIT 1


1 Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to be more confident in pronouncing the sounds / I / - /i:/ and better at using the past and the present simple tense and adverbs of frequency

- Pronunciation: Identifying the sounds: / I / - / i: / - Grammar and vocabulary: To help students revise:

+ The present simple + Adverbs of frequency + The past simple

2 Education aim: to help ss use English grammar in real situation Skill:do the exercises

II - Teaching aids needed:

+ Teacher: book, lesson plan, whiteboard markets, ect + Students: book, notebook, ect


Teacher's activities

Students' activities

I -Warm up/ review



- Ask students to work in groups of to to put them under appropriate heading:

- Adverbs: tomorrow, usually, carefully, beautifully, hardly, ever,

yesterday, tonight, always, last night, dangerously, never, often, next year, slowly.

Ask some students to write their answer on the board Feedback and give correct answers

- Close all the books


II -New lesson.

Grammar and vocabulary

a) Presentation (5')

* Review the present simple tense and adverbs of frequency.

- Call on some students to answer some questions regarding the use and form of the present simple tense

When we use this tense?

(We often use the present simple tense to talk about permanent situations, or about things that happen regularly, recently or all the time.)

* Review adverbs of frequency.

When we use adverbs of frequency? What adverbs of frequency does it go with?

Common positions:Adverbs of frequency 1 auxiliary verb + adverb

2 am/are/is/was/were + adverb 3 adverb + other verb

1 Position 1: auxiliary verb + adverb Examples: I have never seen a whale

* have, can, been are some of auxiliary verbs

* When there are auxiliary verbs, these adverbs come after the first. 2 Position 2: am/is/are/was/were + adverb

Examples: I am seldom late for school 3 Position 3: adverb + other verb

Examples: It often rains in the summer 4 Other positions:

Usually, often, sometimes and occasionally can go at the beginning or end of a clause, but always, rarely, seldom and never can’t

Examples: Usually I get up early (Always I get up early.)

* Review the past simple tense.

- Call on some students to answer some questions regarding the use and form of the past simple tense

When we use this tense?(We often use the past simple tense to describe a completed action or situations in the past.)

What adverbs of frequency does it go with? (Yesterday, last night, ect.)

- answers the teacher's questions

+ To say about what is always true

E.g.: It is cold in the winter + To say about habits E.g.: My father always gets up early

- Answers the teacher's questions

Some common adverbs of frequency

Always: luôn, đặn, lúc

Usually: thường thường Often: thường, hay Sometimes: Occasionally: đôi lúc, đơi (nhân dịp đó)

Rarely : khi, Seldom: không thường, ít khi,

Never: không bao giờ

Answers the teacher's questions

Adverbs of manner Adverbs of frequency Adverbs of time Carefully, hardly,

beautifully, slowly, dangerously

Always, usually, often, ever, never


Ask students to make more sentences with the past simple tense.

c) Exercise (33')

- Ask students to work in pair and the exercises - Walk round and give any necessary help

- Ask students to compare the answers with a friend

- Call on sts to read the completed passage aloud in front of the class

- Give correct answers:

work in pair

III -Homework (2’)

- Ask students to exercises in workbook (page 6, 7)

Prepare for the next period: what you talk about when you meet your friends?

- Work in pair - Take note

PHONETICS (6') Choose the word with the underlined

part which is pronounced differently

A. island B. prescription

C. answer

D. basic

A. little

B. ea ten C. click

D. fit

A. head

B. ready

C. peasant

D. realize

1 Choose the word whose stress pattern is different

A repair B thirty

C fellow

D quarter

A experience

B education C immediately

D occasional

A family

B disaster C buffalo

D several


I Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1 Could you please me the way to the post office? A speak B tell C talk D ask We use a to break up the earth and plant the seeds

D car B plough C dog D land

3 The holiday price is inclusive so our breakfast is by the hotel A taken B served C eaten D arranged The house was fire and it took almost three hours to extinguish it

A in B on C at D for


A Geography B Chemistry C Biology D History A is a man whose job is to stop fires from burning

A fire service B fireplace C firewall D fireman GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence (15')

1. “How are you feeling?”

“I’ve been feeling better since the doctor .” Came

2. Water and oil not mix

3. Playing computer games for 12 hours every day him exhausted makes

4. Linh’s house is near his school and it him only 15 minutes to go there on foot.takes

5. She was so surprised the exam result that she could not say anything at

6. Spain _ at one time a very powerful country was

7. “Who ate all the cookies?” “Cuong .”did

8. Binh to England to visit one of her cousins at the end of this month is going

9. Before electricity was discovered, oil lamps .were used

10.Almost every household a computer nowadays has

11.Did you say that you here only three days ago?” came

12.The excuse Hanh gave for her absence seems unbelievable.to be

13.Would you like with me tonight? to go out

14.On at the airport, I was very worriedt to find that no one for me

arriving/was waiting

15.“To take off” to move off the ground means

QUIZ (8')

1. Hoai did shouted at me when he met me at the station

2. The police is looking for the bank robbers who stole a large sum of money from the bank 3. Every student who are absent from class too often will not be allowed to take the exam 4. Huong felt unwell after a hardworking day so she took vitamins to felt better

5. Hang immediate comes home after she finishes school

6. Linh did not expect the mathematic class to be very interesting but they were excellent 7. Thirty minutes after it took on, the plane started to shake violently


9. One of the reason why Binh cannot catch up with his classmates is he is very lazy 10.It was so warm this afternoon that I don’t wear my jacket

Planning date:


Teaching date:

Chuyên đề 3: Reading



1 Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their school and better their reading comprehension skill by doing True or False exercise and Answering question; Reading about schools and related problems

Lexical items: School, sports, games, ect

Grammar: + Wh-questions: who, what, when, how, why + Gerund and to- infinitive.

2 Skill: - Reading for exact information

3 Education aim: to help students know more about school life II - Teaching aids needed:

+ Teacher: book, lesson plan, Radio, whiteboard markets, ect + Students: book, notebook, ect


( Oral test - Check students' Knowledges)

Teacher's activities Students' activities

I -Warm up/ review.(5’)

Ask students to work in groups to match the subject in A with the information in B



1 Biology a Poem, novel, Nguyen Du Math b Newton, Olm

3 Physics c Chemicals, H2O

4 Chemistry d Number, minus, Pascal History e Geology, climate Geograph


f Animals, plants, DNA

7 Vietnames g Revolution, The First World

- Work in groups to match the subject in A with the information in B


e Literature War

Feedback and give answer: II -New lesson.

1 I – (15 ) (S’ ee appendix) * Today we learn reading

- Ask sts to read the passage then answer the questions by clicking its corresponding letter A, B, C, or D

- Guide students read the passages to guessing meaning in context; Give comments

- Work individually to find these informations

- Work in pairs to choose the best answers


1 A D C B B) 1 II – (15 )(S’ ee appendix)

* Today we learn reading

- Ask sts to read the passage then answer the questions by clicking its corresponding letter A, B, C, or D

- Guide students read the passages to guessing meaning in context; Give comments

- Work individually to find these informations

- Work in pairs to choose the best answers


1 D A D C B) III -Homework and summary (3’)

- Summarize the main points of the lesson Assign homework

-ask st to learn by heart all of the new words

- Ask students to exercises in workbook (page: 10, 11) Preparing for the next lesson: Find out the common problems at school and small talks at school with friends

- Take note



I Read the passage then answer the questions by clicking its corresponding letter A, B, C, or D.

The Greatest – Muhammad Ali

Every sport has its great legends: football has Pele, basketball has Michael Jordan, and tennis, Steffi Graf Is there one athlete who is considered to be the best ever? Many would say that the person is boxer Muhammad Ali, known to his many fans as “the greatest”. “Cassius Clay” was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1942 At the age of 12, after his bike was stolen, young Cassius began boxing; by the time he reached high school, he was a successful amateur boxer After winning six state and two national boxing championships, he competed in the 1960 Olympics, where he won a gold medal That same year, at the age of eighteen, he became a

professional boxer.


1 A "legend" is a person

A famous and well-respected B disliked C unpopular but successful D rich and mean He is an "amateur" boxer

A Boxing is his job B He does boxing for a living C He has boxed for a long time D He boxes for enjoyment or interest

3 An "outspoken" person might give you opinion about something

A a careful and polite B an honest and direct C a strong political D an individual Which of the following can make you feel "disgusted"?

A eating a delicious meal B seeing awful living conditions C meeting an old close friend D traveling for free

5 Which is an example of "racism"?

A a club that invites any one to join B a restaurant that allows only white people to come in

C a school for girls only D a fan club of Britney Spears

II Read the passage then answer the questions by clicking its corresponding letter A, B, C, or D

The world’s oldest university, Al-Azhar, is in Cairo, Egypt It was first built as a mosque in A.D. 972 A few years later, learners and teachers began meeting in the mosque in “tutoring circles.” They read and talked about the subject of law Around 988, leaders in the city of Cairo decided to create a school for higher learning and the University of Al-Azhar was founded. At Al-Azhar, there were many university “firsts.” Courses were created The earliest ones taught were in law and religion In a course, students read and studied with the teachers, but there were also free discussion Often, students and teachers talked about a topic, and there was no “right” answer Finally, scholars from around the world came to Al-Azhar to teach and research At the university, people studied the past, but it was also a place for sharing new ideas. Over a thousand years later, Al-Azhar is still an important university in the world Its library contains more than 250,000 of the world’s oldest and most valuable books Today, many of the world’s most important universities such as Oxford and Harvard still follow the traditions started at Al-Azhar.

1 What happened in Cairo, Egypt in A.D 972?

A A university was founded B Learners and teachers struck C A pyramid was discovered D A mosque was built

2 Who founded the University of Al-Azhar?


C Tutoring circles D Scholars around the world

3 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an activity of the University of Al-Azhar? A Reading B Sharing ideas C Discussing D Studying music In a discussion at Al-Azhar, answers are

A unpredictable B fixed C flexible D right The most suitable title of this passage is

A The teaching and study at the University of Al-Azhar B Al-Azhar – The world’s oldest university

Ngày đăng: 18/04/2021, 22:39

