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B GIÁO D C VÀ ðÀO T O TRƯ NG ð I H C NÔNG NGHI P HÀ N I LÊ TH OANH NGHIÊN C U X SAU THU HO CH VÀ S LÝ N M THÁN THƯ D NG CH PH M CARNAUBA TRONG B O QU N QU XOÀI CÁT CHU LU N VĂN TH C SĨ NÔNG NGHI P Chuyên ngành : CÔNG NGH SAU THU HO CH Mã s : 60.54.10 Ngư i hư ng d n khoa h c: TS NGUY N DUY LÂM HÀ N I - 2009 L I CAM ðOAN - Tơi xin cam đoan r ng, s li u k t qu nghiên c u lu n văn trung th c chưa ñư c s d ng ñ b o v m t h c v - Tơi xin cam đoan r ng, m i s giúp ñ cho vi c th c hi n lu n văn ñã ñư c c m ơn thơng tin trích d n lu n văn ñ u ñư c ch rõ ngu n g c Tác gi lu n văn Lê Th Oanh Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… i L I C M ƠN ð hồn thành đ tài t t nghi p ngồi s c g ng c a b n thân ñã nh n ñư c r t nhi u s quan tâm giúp đ nhi t tình c a th y cô, b n bè ngư i thân Trư c tiên, tơi xin đư c bày t lịng bi t ơn sâu s c t i TS Nguy n Duy Lâm - Trung tâm Nghiên c u ki m tra ch t lư ng nông s n th c ph m Vi n Cơ n nơng nghi p Cơng ngh sau thu ho ch t n tình hư ng d n, giúp đ tơi q trình th c hi n đ tài hồn thành b n lu n văn Tơi xin đư c g i l i chân thành c m ơn t i th y cô giáo Khoa Công ngh th c ph m, Vi n ðào t o Sau ñ i h c - Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i Tôi xin ñư c chân thành c m ơn cán b t i Trung tâm Nghiên c u ki m tra ch t lư ng nông s n th c ph m - Vi n Cơ n nơng nghi p Cơng ngh sau thu ho ch nhi t tình giúp đ t o m i u ki n thu n l i cho th i gian th c hi n ñ tài Bên c nh tơi xin g i l i c m ơn chân thành t i t t c ngư i thân, b n bè ñ ng nghi p nh ng ngư i ln bên c nh đ ng viên giúp đ tơi q trình h c t p th c hi n b n lu n văn Hà N i, ngày 08 tháng 10 năm 2009 Tác gi Lê Th Oanh Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… ii M CL C L i cam ñoan i L i c m ơn ii M cl c iii Danh m c b ng v Danh m c ñ th vii M ð U 1.1 ð tv nñ 1.2 M c đích u c u c a ñ tài T NG QUAN TÀI LI U 2.1 Tình hình s n xu t, tiêu th xoài th gi i nư c 2.2 K thu t thu hái, phân lo i bao gói 2.3 Các lo i b nh sau thu ho ch thư ng g p xoài bi n pháp x lý 2.4 Các phương pháp b o qu n xoài 12 2.5 B o qu n xoài b ng k thu t t o màng ph b m t 17 V T LI U, N I DUNG VÀ PHƯƠNG PHÁP NGHIÊN C U 23 3.1 Nguyên v t li u thi t b nghiên c u 23 3.2 N i dung nghiên c u 24 3.3 B trí thí nghi m phương pháp l y m u 25 3.4 3.5 Phương pháp phân lo i qu Phương pháp x lý qu b ng nư c nóng hóa ch t 28 3.6 Phương pháp phân tích m u 28 3.7 Phương pháp x lý s li u 31 K T QU NGHIÊN C U VÀ TH O LU N 32 4.1 Nghiên c u nh hư ng c a ñ già thu hái đ n ch t lư ng qu xồi Cát Chu thu ho ch 4.1.1 nh hư ng c a ñ già thu hái t i ch tiêu lý Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 32 32 iii 4.1.2 4.2 nh hư ng c a ñ già thu hái t i ch tiêu hóa h c 33 Nghiên c u x lý n m thán thư qu xoài Cát Chu trư c b o qu n 34 4.2.1 K t qu x lý b ng nư c nóng 34 4.2.2 K t qu x lý b ng hóa ch t 41 4.3 Nghiên c u tác d ng c a ch ph m Carnauba n ng đ khác t i tính ch t sinh lý lý c a qu xoài Cát Chu 43 trình b o qu n 4.3.1 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n cư ng ñ hô h p 43 4.3.2 nh hư ng ñ n t l hao h t kh i lư ng t nhiên 45 4.3.3 nh hư ng c a ch ph m ñ n ñ c ng 46 4.3.4 nh hư ng c a ñ n s bi n ñ i màu s c 48 4.4 Nghiên c u tác d ng c a ch ph m Carnauba n ng ñ khác t i tính ch t hóa h c dinh dư ng c a xoài Cát Chu b o qu n 49 4.4.1 nh hư ng c a ch ph m ñ n hàm lư ng ch t r n hòa tan t ng s 49 4.4.2 nh hư ng c a ch ph m ñ n s bi n ñ i hàm lư ng axit t ng s 50 4.4.3 nh hư ng c a ch ph m ñ n hàm lư ng vitamin C 52 4.5 nh hư ng c a ch ph m ñ n t l th i h ng 53 4.6 K t qu ñánh giá ch t lư ng c m quan c a qu xoài Cát Chu sau b o qu n 55 K T LU N VÀ KI N NGH 57 5.1 K t lu n 57 5.2 ð ngh 57 TÀI LI U THAM KH O 58 PH L C 62 Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… iv DANH M C B NG STT Tên b ng Trang 4.1 Các ch tiêu lý c a qu xoài Cát Chu thu ho ch 32 4.2 Các ch tiêu dinh dư ng hóa h c c a qu xồi Cát Chu 33 4.3 nh hư ng c a nhi t ñ x lý ñ n t l (TLB) ch s b nh (CSB) c a m u xoài 4.4 nh hư ng c a nhi t ñ x lý ñ n ch tiêu lý 4.5 35 nh hư ng c a nhi t ñ nư c x lý ñ n ch t lư ng c m quan t l th i h ng 4.6 37 38 nh hư ng c a th i gian x lý ñ n t l b nh (TLB) ch s b nh (CSB) c a m u xoài 4.7 nh hư ng c a th i gian x lý ñ n ch tiêu lý c a qu 4.8 39 nh hư ng c a th i gian x lý ñ n ch t lư ng c m quan t l th i h ng 4.9 42 nh hư ng c a n ng ñ Azoxystrobin ñ n t l b nh (TLB) ch s b nh (CSB) c a m u xoài 4.11 41 nh hư ng c a m t s hóa ch t khác ñ n t l b nh (TLB) ch s b nh (CSB) c a m u xoài 4.10 40 43 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n t l hao h t kh i lư ng t nhiên 46 4.12 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n ñ c ng c a qu 47 4.13 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n s bi n ñ i màu s c 48 4.14 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n hàm lư ng ch t r n hòa tan t ng s 4.15 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n hàm lư ng axit h u t ng s 4.16 49 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n hàm lư ng vitaminC Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 51 52 v 4.17 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n t l th i h ng xoài Cát Chu 4.18 nhi t thư ng (280C±2) 53 nh hư ng c a ch ph m Carnauba ñ n t l th i h ng xồi Cát Chu nhi t đ l nh (140C±1) 53 4.19 B ng ñánh giá ch t lư ng c m quan c a qu xoài Cát Chu b o qu n Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 56 vi DANH M C ð STT 4.1 Tên ñ th Trang S ph thu c cư ng đ hơ h p c a xồi Cát Chu vào n ng ñ ch ph m Carnauba 4.2 TH nhi t ñ thư ng (28oC±2) 44 S ph thu c cư ng đ hơ h p c a xồi Cát Chu vào n ng ñ ch ph m Carnauba nhi t ñ l nh (14oC±1) Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 44 vii M 1.1 ð U ð tv nñ Xồi (Mangifera indica L.) lo i qu có giá tr dinh dư ng cao, qu xồi chín có mùi thơm h p d n nên ñư c nhi u ngư i ưa thích v i d a, đư c coi “vua” c a lo i qu Xồi đư c coi m t nh ng ăn qu quan tr ng th gi i S n lư ng xoài l n nh t lo i qu nhi t ñ i, hàng năm ñ t dư i 23 tri u t n, chi m kho ng 37% t ng s n lư ng qu nhi t ñ i [4] Trong nh ng năm g n ñây, nhu c u tiêu th xoài tươi th th gi i tăng m nh, ñ c bi t th trư ng châu Âu B c M Lư ng xoài nh p kh u vào vùng chi m 66% nh p kh u c a th gi i [4] Chính l mà s n xu t xoài thương m i ph c v cho xu t kh u ñang ñư c nhi u nư c quan tâm nư c ta, xoài m t nh ng ăn qu nhi t ñ i quan tr ng ñã ñư c nhân dân ta tr ng t lâu đ i Nhân dân ta có kinh nghi m tr ng thâm canh xoài, t hình thành nhi u vùng tr ng xồi truy n th ng, ch n l c lai t o đư c nh ng gi ng xồi ngon n i ti ng xoài Cát Chu (ð ng Tháp), Cát Hịa L c (Ti n Giang), xồi Thanh Ca (Khánh Hịa, Bình ð nh), xồi trịn n Châu (Sơn La) [12] Tr ng xồi nói riêng ăn qu nói chung cịn thu l i nhu n kinh t r t l n M t hec ta tr ng xồi m i năm thu đư c 30-110 tri u đ ng [11] Do đó, hi n nhi u ñ a phương ñã ý phát tri n xồi v i di n tích ngày m r ng Theo s li u c a T ng c c Th ng kê, Vi t Nam ñ n năm 2001 có 40 t nh tr ng xồi v i di n tích 49.550ha, chi m 8,12% t ng di n tích ăn qu c nư c v i s n lư ng 180.259 t n Tuy nhiên, s n lư ng xoài xu t kh u ch chi m m t lư ng nh so v i s n lư ng xoài hàng năm, ví d năm 1998 xồi xu t kh u qua L ng Sơn ch có 1.399 t n Có nhi u Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… nguyên nhân d n đ n tình tr ng phát tri n xồi cịn ch m, chưa phù h p v i ti m s n xu t xu t kh u c a ñ a phương Trong có c vi c cịn thi u công ngh b o qu n ch bi n xồi thích h p nư c ta, chưa có s li u c th nói v t l t n th t sau thu ho ch c a xồi, t l hư h ng rau qu nói chung lên ñ n 25-30% [7] Trên th gi i ñã có nhi u nghiên c u áp d ng phương pháp b o qu n rau qu tươi b o qu n nhi t ñ th p, bao gói khí u bi n, ph màng b m t, v.v Trong đó, b o qu n b ng công ngh ph màng phương pháp b o qu n ñư c ñánh giá phù h p v i ñi u ki n c a nư c cịn nghèo Vi t Nam có chi phí th p, d áp d ng không nh t thi t ph i b o qu n l nh Cơ s c a phương pháp t o l p màng ph tr c ti p b m t qu t v t li u polime L p màng có tác d ng h n ch s thoát nư c, làm gi m hơ h p, làm ch m chín, ngăn c n s phát tri n c a vi sinh v t gây hư h ng rau qu , trì ch t lư ng hình th c qu th i gian b o qu n lưu thơng, đ c bi t khơng gây đ c h i cho ngư i tiêu dùng [9] Xoài lo i qu khó b o qu n, r t nhanh chóng b hư h ng ph m ch t sau thu ho ch Thông thư ng ch có th b o qu n đư c t i đa 4-5 ngày nhi t đ mơi trư ng kho ng 20-25 ngày b o qu n l nh [4] Hi n tư ng th t qu b m m nhũn th i gian chín di n nhanh nguyên nhân gây t n th t l n nh t Bên c nh s th i h ng vi sinh v t mà ch y u n m b nh thán thư n m gây th i ñ u cu ng gây Hai lo i n m không nh ng gây hư h ng qu mà cịn làm gi m hình th c qu c ch t lư ng bên chưa h ng v y làm gi m s ch p nh n c a ngư i tiêu dùng Các hi n tư ng hư h ng nêu ñ c bi t di n nhanh b o qu n mơi trư ng nhi t đ i c a nư c s n xu t xoài ñó có Vi t Nam B o qu n l nh hi n ñang ñư c s d ng r ng rãi b o qu n Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… Least Significant Difference= 0.083 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 5.21000 ct4 B 4.86000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.95000 ct2 D 0.45000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000325 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.036 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 4.31000 ct4 B 2.35000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N C 0.97000 D 0.25000 Bang 4.13 nh hư ng c a ch ph m đ n s s c qu xồi nhi t ñ l nh TRT ct2 ct1 bi n ñ i màu The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 0% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000227 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.274 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 7.14000 ct4 B 5.39000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.27000 ct2 D 1.24000 ct1 E 0.00000 ct5 E 0.00000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 3% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000417 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 78 Least Significant Difference= 0.371 Means with the same letter T Grouping A B The Analysis of T Grouping C D E F The SAS are not significantly different Mean N TRT 7.52000 ct6 6.41000 ct5 SAS System Variance Procedure Mean N TRT 5.78000 ct4 3.02000 ct3 1.21000 ct2 0.65000 ct1 System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 6% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000547 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.2142 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 6.34000 ct6 B 5.98000 ct5 The SAS system Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N C 4.62000 D 3.10000 E 0.73000 F 0.52000 TRT ct4 ct3 ct2 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000317 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.0624 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 5.74000 ct6 B 4.25000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 3.60000 ct4 D 2.14000 ct3 E 0.64000 ct2 F 0.47000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 79 the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00057 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.434 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 5.01000 ct6 B 4.24000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 3.71000 ct4 D 1.90000 ct3 E 0.51000 ct2 F 0.36000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000557 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.0829 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 3.69000 ct6 B 3.21000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N C 2.98000 D 1.35000 E 0.46000 F 0.30000 Bang 4.14 nh hư ng c a ch s nhi t ñ l nh TRT ct4 ct3 ct2 ct1 ph m ñ n HL ch t r n hòa tan t ng The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 0% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00029 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 1.5231 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 14.32000 ct4 B 11.37000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 9.59000 ct2 D 7.68000 ct1 E 0.00000 ct5 E 0.00000 ct6 The SAS System Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 80 Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 3% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000427 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 1.0376 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 14.25000 ct6 B 13.44000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 11.35000 ct4 D 9.56000 ct3 E 8.04000 ct2 F 7.20000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 6% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.001837 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.7421 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 14.12000 ct6 B 12.45000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 10.51000 ct4 D 8.76000 ct3 E 7.87000 ct2 F 6.83000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000337 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.37334 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 14.06000 ct6 B 11.97000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 9.31000 ct4 D 8.26000 ct3 E 7.64000 ct2 F 6.71000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.30257 Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… not not not not 81 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.0291 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 10.37000 ct6 B 9.63000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 8.15000 ct4 D 7.96000 ct3 E 7.04000 ct2 F 6.54000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00007 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.22152 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 9.640000 ct6 B 9.030000 ct5 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 8.410000 ct4 D 7.460000 ct3 E 6.860000 ct2 F 6.380000 ct1 Bang 4.15 nh hư ng c a ch nhi t ñ thư ng NOTE: Means NOTE: Means ph m ñ n HL axit h u t ng s The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 0% This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000425 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.13412 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 1.54000 ct1 B 1.32000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 0.96000 ct3 D 0.00000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 3% This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000042 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.15129 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 82 A B 1.630000 ct1 1.450000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.310000 ct3 D 1.140000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 6% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000075 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.0173 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT B 1.680000 ct1 A 1.560000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT D 1.480000 ct3 C 1.270000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000058 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.1153 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT c 1.700000 ct1 d 1.620000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT a 1.540000 ct3 b 1.390000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000075 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.0073 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT b 1.730000 ct1 a 1.640000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.580000 ct3 D 1.430000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 83 NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000367 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.1083 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT c 1.74000 ct1 B 1.70000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT d 1.62000 ct3 a 1.53000 ct4 Bang 4.15 nh hư ng c a ch nhi t ñ l nh ph m ñ n HL axit HC t ng s The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 0% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000067 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.1499 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 1.590000 ct1 B 1.470000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.240000 ct3 D 1.040000 ct4 E 0.000000 ct5 E 0.000000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 3% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00033 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.1033 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 1.68000 ct1 B 1.59000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.38000 ct3 D 1.20000 ct4 D 1.18000 ct5 E 1.01000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 6% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 84 the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000457 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.0089 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 1.71000 ct1 B 1.63000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.52000 ct3 D 1.41000 ct4 E 1.37000 ct5 F 1.24000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000237 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.0088 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 1.72000 ct1 B 1.63000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.52000 ct3 D 1.41000 ct4 E 1.37000 ct5 F 1.24000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00034 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.1335 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 1.75000 ct1 B 1.66000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 1.60000 ct3 D 1.54000 ct4 E 1.46000 ct5 F 1.31000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000437 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.1038 Means with the same letter are not significantly different Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 85 T Grouping A B Mean N 1.77000 1.70000 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N C 1.64000 D 1.60000 E 1.49000 F 1.36000 Bang 4.16 thư ng NOTE: Means NOTE: Means NOTE: Means nh hư n c a ch ph m ñ n HL VTM C TRT ct1 ct2 TRT ct3 ct4 ct5 ct6 nhi t ñ The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 0% This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.0006 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 5.0889 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 40.21000 ct1 B 34.92000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 26.02000 ct3 D 0.00000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 3% This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE 53.53117 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 3.6218 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 48.730 ct1 A 43.207 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT A 40.320 ct2 A 35.210 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 6% This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000442 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 2.4242 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 51.67000 ct1 B 43.32000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 86 T Grouping C D Mean 38.24000 29.30000 The SAS System N 3 TRT ct3 ct4 Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000392 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 4.1395 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 52.12000 ct1 B 44.87000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 40.32000 ct3 D 30.21000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000325 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 1.3636 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 53.87000 ct1 B 45.32000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 42.41000 ct3 D 31.23000 ct4 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000392 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.2435 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 53.69000 ct1 B 47.43000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 44.32000 ct3 D 36.43000 ct4 Bang 4.16 Nh hư ng ñ n hl VTM C nhi t ñ lanh The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 0% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 87 Means NOTE: Means NOTE: Means the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000337 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 6.3334 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 54.32000 ct1 B 45.22000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 38.49000 ct3 D 30.32000 ct4 E 0.00000 ct5 E 0.00000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 3% This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00027 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 2.2909 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 56.19000 ct1 B 50.32000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 45.32000 ct3 D 39.21000 ct4 E 30.51000 ct5 F 27.43000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 6% This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00012 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 3.0199 with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 57.430000 ct1 B 53.320000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 48.920000 ct3 D 43.290000 ct4 E 38.970000 ct5 F 33.420000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000377 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 1.6543 Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 88 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 58.34000 ct1 B 55.43000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 50.32000 ct3 D 47.22000 ct4 E 40.53000 ct5 F 35.83000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisowise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.000347 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 1.9439 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 59.32000 ct1 B 56.43000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 51.23000 ct3 D 48.40000 ct4 E 40.42000 ct5 F 38.25000 ct6 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= 10 MSE= 0.00043 Critical Value of T= 2.23 Least Significant Difference= 0.3787 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 60.23000 ct1 B 58.32000 ct2 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 53.12000 ct3 D 48.92000 ct4 E 42.65000 ct5 F 39.21000 ct6 Bang 4.17 nh hư ng c a ch ph m ñ n t l th i h ng The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 0% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000242 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 6.3314 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 100.00000 ct4 Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 89 B 35.43000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 8.97000 ct2 D 2.36000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 3% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000125 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 4.2223 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 17.560000 ct4 B 10.820000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 5.780000 ct2 D 1.470000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 6% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000133 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 3.3231 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 7.310000 ct4 B 5.290000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 4.420000 ct2 D 1.190000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.0001 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 2.0234 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 16.420000 ct4 B 10.340000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 3.750000 ct2 D 1.050000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate the experimentwise error rate Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… not not not not 90 Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.000125 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.09923 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 26.320000 ct4 B 14.320000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TRT C 2.970000 ct2 D 0.980000 ct1 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 1.05225 Critical Value of T= 2.45 Least Significant Difference= 0.03 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 30.14000 ct4 B 19.43000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T Grouping Mean N TR C 1.78000 ct2 D 0.67000 ct1 Bang 4.17 nh hư n c a ch ph m ñ n TLTH nhi t ñ l nh The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 0% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.00005 Critical Value of T= 4.30 Least Significant Difference= 0.2482 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 100.00000 ct6 B 10.32000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 3% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.00005 Critical Value of T= 4.30 Least Significant Difference= 0.1148 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 12.430000 ct6 B 4.530000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 6% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.0002 Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 91 Critical Value of T= 4.30 Least Significant Difference= 0.0497 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 11.05000 ct6 B 3.21000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 9% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.00005 Critical Value of T= 4.30 Least Significant Difference= 0.1028 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 6.170000 ct6 B 2.430000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNb 12% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.00035 Critical Value of T= 4.30 Least Significant Difference= 0.0657 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 19.73000 ct6 B 2.32000 ct3 The SAS System Analysis of Variance Procedure T tests (LSD) for variable: CNB 15% NOTE: This test controls the type I comparisonwise error rate not the experimentwise error rate Alpha= 0.05 df= MSE= 0.00005 Critical Value of T= 4.30 Least Significant Difference= 0.0248 Means with the same letter are not significantly different T Grouping Mean N TRT A 29.560000 ct6 B 4.740000 ct3 Trư ng ð i h c Nông nghi p Hà N i - Lu n văn Th c s khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 92 ... 2.2 K thu t thu hái, phân lo i bao gói 2.2.1 Th i gian k thu t thu hái Xồi thư ng đư c thu hái giai đo n chín sinh lý ñư c làm chín ñ n ñ t t nh t [8] Xồi nên thu ho ch t lúc cịn ương ð chín thu. .. khoa h c Nông nghi p……………… 2.3 Các lo i b nh sau thu ho ch thư ng g p 2.3.1 Các b nh n m thư ng g p xoài bi n pháp x lý qu xoài sau thu ho ch B nh thán thư n m Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, b... màng Carnauba đ i v i qu xồi Cát Chu sau thu ho ch 1.2.2 Yêu c u - Theo dõi ñánh giá s phát tri n c a n m thán thư h i xoài - ðánh giá s bi n ñ i ch t lư ng qu xoài sau x lý ph qu b ng ch ph m Carnauba

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2013, 11:07


