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on thi dai hoc 52 on thi dai hoc 52 chọn phương án a hoặc b c d với từ có trọng âm chính nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với vị trí trọng âm chính ở 3 từ còn lại 1 a prediction b judgment c intel

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In the early colonial days in North America, small cities sprang up along the Atlantic Coastline, mostly in what are now New England and the Middle Atlantic states in the United States [r]



Chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) với từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với vị trí trọng âm chính ở từ lại:

1 a prediction b judgment c intelligent d compulsion

2 a eruption b discretion c obliteration d proximity

3 a career b bookshop c landmark d childhood

4 a accelerate b impossible c assimilate d opposition

5 a indifference b Japanese c journalese d employee

Chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) để hoàn thành câu sau:

6 When I bought the shoes, they… me well but later they were too tight at home

a matched b fitted c suited d went with

7 The… people he looks up to are his grandparents

a just b only c were d bare

8 My car isn’t…… It’s always letting me down

a believable b reliable c trusty d unreliable

9 The………of days in a week is seven

a amount b number c figure d sum

10 A few Minister for Agriculture has been……

a determined b admitted c assumed d appointed

11 You’ve had a……escape I thought you never get away from him

a near b close c narrow d short

12 The passport she carried was………

a false b imitation c artificial d untrue

13 Please call the doctor if the victim is…… hurt

a serious b bad c badly d getting

14……he was sick , he turned up for his guitar lesson

a Because b Since c Although d Despite

15 We have just been told some…….news

a surprised b surprising c astonished d astonishing

16 Do you know the woman ………over there?

a who sit b sat c sitting d sits

17 You can learn to move information from your short- term memory ……your long- term memory

a to b.with c in d by

18 Their house is much…… than ours

a big b more big c bigger d more bigger

19 The children were completely fascinated………

a on the story the teacher told them b by the teacher told the story

c on the story telling them by the teacher d by the story the teacher told them. 20 Wild animals are……… almost everywhere

a serious threatened b serious threaten c seriously threaten d seriously threatened 21 … you tell me the price of these shoes, please?

a Ought b May c Do d Could

22 Cuba is…….sugar growing areas in the world

a one of the largest b one of the larger c one of largest d largest 23 If I were you, I………him as my nephew

a will have treated b am treating c would treat d will treat 24 my little sister is very good……drawing

a on b at c in d.of

25 Computers ……to a lot of jobs these days

a are used b using c are using d use

Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) cho câu từ 26 đến 35.

The principal difference between urban growth in Europe and in the North American colonies was the slow evolution(sự phát triển) of cities in the former(lúc đầu) and their rapid growth in the latter

In Europe they grew over a period of centuries from town economies to their present urban structure In North America, they started as wilderness communities and developed to mature urbanism’s in little more than a century


Canada This was natural because these areas were nearest England and France, particularly England, from which most capital goods ( assets(tài sản), such as equipment) and many consumer goods were imported

Merchandising(nghề buôn bán) establishments were, accordingly, advantageously located in port cities from which goods could be readily distributed to interior settlements(khu dân cư) Here, too, were the favored locations for processing raw ,materials prior(ưu tiên) to export Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Montreal , and other cities flourished, and as the colonies grew, these cities increased in importance

This was less true in the colonial South, where life centered around large farms, known as plantations, rather than around towns, as was the case in the areas further north along the Atlantic coastline The local isolation and the economic self-sufficiency of the plantations were antagonistic(đối ngược) to the development of the towns The plantations

maintained their independence because they were located on navigable(thích hợp cho tàu bè qua lại) streams and each had a wharf (cầu tàu) accessible(tới) to the small shipping of that day In fact, one of the strongest factors in the selection of plantation land was the desire to have it front on a water highway

When the United States became an independent nation in 1776, it did not have a single city as large as 50,000 inhabitants, but by 1820 it had a city of more than 100,000 people, and by 1880 it had recorded a city of over one million It was not until after 1823, after the mechanization(cơ giới hóa) of the spinning(tơ sợi) and weaving industries, that cities started drawing young people away from farms Such migration was particularly rapid following the Civil War ( 1861- 1865)

26 What does the passage mainly discuss?

a Factors that slowed the growth of cities in Europe b The evolution of cities in North America. c Trade between North America and European cities

d The effects off the United States ’independence on urban growth in new England 27 The word “ they” refers to

a North American colonies b Cities c Centuries d Town economies

28 The passage compares early European and North American cities on the basis of which of following?

a Their economic success b The type of merchandise they exported

c Their ability to distribute goods to interior settlements d The pace of their development 29 The word “accordingly” is closest in meaning to

a as usual b in contrast c to some degree d for that reason.

30 According to the passage, early colonial cities were established along the Atlantic coastline of North America due to a an abundance of natural resources b financial support from colonial governments c proximity(gần) to parts of Europe d a favorable climate

31 The passage indicates that during colonial times, the Atlantic coastline cities prepared which of the following for shipment to Europe?

a Manufacturing equipment b Capital goods c Consumer goods d Raw materials

32 According to the passage, all of the following aspects of the plantation system influenced the growth of southern cities EXCEPT the

a location of the plantations b access of plantation owners to shipping c relationships between plantation resident and city residentd economic self- sufficiency of the plantations 33 It can be inferred from the passage that, in comparison with northern cities, most southern cities were

a more prosperous b smaller

c less economically self- sufficient d tied less closely to England than to France 34 The word “ recorded” is closest in meaning to

a imagined b discovered c documented d planned

35 The word “ drawing” is closest in meaning to

a attracting b employing c instructing d representing Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) cho câu từ 36 đến 45.

According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer(giao) leadership on one or both of the parents In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge(nổi bật) as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment(tuyển)

Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural leaders” It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common ; rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group

Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals Instrumental leadership is


get things done” Expressive leadership ,on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well- beings of a social group’s members Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and conflict among them Group members expect expressive leaders to maintain stable relationships within the group and provide support to individual members

Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members They give others and may discipline group members who inhibit(hạn chế) attainment(cái đạt đc) of the group’s goals Expressive leaders cultivate(gq) a more personal or primary relationship to others in the group They offer sympathy when someone

experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a serious moment with humor, and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group As the difference in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect

36 What does the passage mainly discuss?

a The problems faced by leaders b How leadership differs in Small and large groups c How social groups determine who will lead them d The role of leaders in social groups.

37 The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT

a recruitment b formal election process c specific leadership training d traditional cultural patterns 38 In mentioning “ natural leaders” the author is making the point that

a few people qualify as “ natural leaders” b there is no proof that “ natural leaders” exist c “ natural leaders are easily accepted by the members of a group

d “ natural leaders” share a similar set of characteristics

39 Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from paragraph 2?

a A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in another group. b Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person

c A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership d Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications 40 The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on

a ensuring harmonious relationships b sharing responsibility with group members c identifying new leaders d achieving a goal.

41 The word “ collective” is closest in meaning to

a necessary b typical c group d particular

42 The word “ them” refers to

a expressive leaders b goals of the group c group members d tension and conflict

43 A “secondary relationship” mentioned in the text between a leader and the members of a group could best be characterized as

a distant b enthusiastic c unreliable d personal 44 The word “ resolve” is closest in meaning to

a avoid repeating b talk about c avoid thinking about d find a solution for 45 Paragraphs and organize the discussion of leadership primarily in terms of

a examples that illustrate a problem b cause and effect analysis c narration of events d comparison and contrast

Chọn phương án ( a b, c , d) để thay cụm từ gạch chân câu sau 46 He’s up to his ears in work and cannot possibly see you now

a fully occupied with b very interested in c not involved with d concerned with 47 if you give me a hand, then I shall be able to finish more quickly

a take my hand b help me c take my fingers d pick me up

48 I prefer to talk to people face to face rather than to talk on the phone

a in person b facing them c looking at them d seeing them

49 The manager dismissed the new proposal out of hand and said that it was not at all practical

a.quickly b utterly(dứt khoát) c directly d simply

50 As she is new to the job I would ask you to keep an eye on her for the time being

a look at b consider c check d observe

Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) cho chỗ trống từ 51 đến 60:


the museums was open , as there was a strike, and it was ( 59)….too cold to go for a swim I would have ( 60)….myself more if I had stayed at home

51 a on b for c at d from

52 a tourism b traveling c tourist d travel

53 a become b come c got d been

54 a would b should c must d could

55 a cured b treated c diagnosed d seen

56 a which b who c that d this

57 a regain b get over c recover d restore

58 a By b At c Until d Before

59 a rather b very c also d far

60.a relaxed b enjoyed c entertained d satisfied

Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) cho chỗ trống từ 61 đến 70:

This year’s annual local festival was one of the best we’ve ever had Almost everyone who lives in the town ( 61)…took part in it or watched it The weekend celebrations began ( 62)…a concert in the main square, at which a number of local groups played This ( 63)….the annual competition to find the best song written by a local person There were eight entries and the ( 64)…was local actor, Henry Turner He decided on The Right Way by Rosie Dash as the winner After the concert, there was a magnificent(hoành tráng) firework ( 65)…., which drew gasps of amazement from the crows(đường chim bay) On the following day, the annual parade was held, and this year it was even more spectacular than ( 66)… Hundreds of people marched through the streets, ( 67)….by bands, and some of the costumes were quite extraordinary There were large crowds on both sides of the streets and they cheered as the parade went ( 68)… When it was over, everyone went to the main square, where there was a market selling almost everything you could imagine, lovely food ( 69)….at plenty of stalls, dancing, and games for the children Everyone enjoyed themselves and the many weeks of hard work put in by the organizing committee ( 70)….worth it

61 a not only b both c either d also

62 a by b.with c at d from

63 a included b contained c involved d concerned

64 a moderator b referee c decider d judge

65 a show b display c performance d exhibition

66 a before b previously c unusual d commonly

67 a accompanied b followed c led d commanded

68 a along b past c away d forward

69 a selling b ready c available d prepared

70 a exactly b very c greatly d well

Chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) ứng với t ừ/ cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa đẻ câu sau trở thành câu đúng: 71 It’s no use ( A) to advise ( B) him to stop( C) smoking (D)

72 Living in the city(A) is more (B) comfortably (C) than in the country (D) 73 They (A) aren’t used to (B) walk (C) in the rain (D)

74 He hurried (A) in order to be not (B) late (C) for school(D) 75 The lesson is (A) too difficult (B) for us (C)to understand it (D)

Chọn phương án ( a b, c, d) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần với câu cho sẵn sau đây: 76 “I am sorry I made a mistake.” said he

a He said he had made a mistake b He told he had made a mistake c He apologized for making a mistake d He blamed you for making a mistake 77 Because the street was crowded with people, I couldn’t drive fast

a If the street weren’t crowded with people, I could drive fast

b If the street hadn’t been crowded with people, I could have driven fast. c If the street were crowded with people, I couldn’t drive fast

d If the street had been crowded with people, I couldn’t have driven fast 78 I don’t usually drink coffee in the morning

a I used to drink coffee in the morning B I’m used to drinking coffee in the morning c I didn’t use to drink coffee in the morning D I am not used to drinking coffee in the morning 79 The book is so expensive that she can’t buy it

a The book is too expensive for her to buy. b The book isn’t cheap enough for her to buy it c It is such expensive book that she can’t buy it d All are correct

80 Driving on the left is very dangerous in our country


Ngày đăng: 12/04/2021, 07:38

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