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phaân phoái chöông trình moân tieáng anh phaân phoái chöông trình moân tieáng anh lôùp 8 caû naêm 3 tieát x 35 tuaàn 105 tieát hoïc kyø i 3 tieát x 18 tuaàn 54 tieát hoïc kyø ii 3 tieát x 17 tuaàn

197 7 0

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Nội dung

& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1.. Controlled- practice : a)-Plays the cassette twice - Gets the Ss to work in pairs to practise the dialogue.[r]



Cả năm: 3 tiết x 35 tuần = 105 tiết Học kỳ I: 3 tiết x 18 tuần = 54 tiết Học kỳ II: tiết x 17 tuần = 51 tiết

Unit Period Content Note

1 Language review How to learn English

Extra board Unit MY FRIENDS

Getting started & Listen and read Speak and listen

Read Write

Language focus

Pictures of some sudents and some people are used to decribe , extra board, tape record, execise books, workbook Unit MAKING ARRANGEMENTS 10 11

Getting started & Listen and read Speak and listen

Read Write

Language focus

Pictures of phoning conversation,extra

board,tape record execise books, workbook Unit AT HOME 12 13 14 15 16 17

Getting started & Listen and read Speak

Listen Read Write

Language focus

Pictures of house-hold application, funiture, some room in a house , extra board, tape record, execise books, workbook

18 19

Review Test 45’

extra board, wordbook, exercise books Unit OUR PAST 20 21 22 23 24 25

Getting started & Listen and read Speak

Listen Read Write

Language focus

Pictures about life in the past and in the present, extra board, tape record, execise books, workbook

Unit STUDY HABITS 26 27 28 29 30 31

Getting started & Listen and read Speak

Listen Read Write

Language focus

Pictures of Mr Hao’s house, extra board, tape record, execise books, workbook Unit THE YOUNG 32 33 34

Getting started & Listen and read Speak




Read Write

Language focus

execise books, workbook


39 ReviewTest 45’ extra board, wordbook,exercise books Unit



40 41 42 43 44 45

Getting started & Listen and read Speak

Listen Read Write

Language focus

Pictures about some place in the neibor hood, extra board, tape record, execise books, workbook



46 47 48 49 50 51

Getting started & Listen and read Speak

Listen Read Write

Language focus

Pictures about life in the city and life in the countryside, extra board, tape record, execise books, workbook

52 53

Language review extra

board,wordbook,exercise books


Date of preparation:August, 26th2005 Date of teaching: August, 27th2005


Class: 8A12

Aims and Objectives:

- To help the Ss review simple tenses, adverb of manner, comparative & superlative of adj or adv

- To have Ss review & remember the grammartical points well

1 Language:

Vocabulary: Review


+ Tenses : Present simple, Past simple, Present continuous, Future simple + Adverbs of manner

+ Comparative & superlative of adj or adv

2 Skills: Writing, Speaking

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Explanation, word-forming, pairworks

5 Teaching aids needed: Textbook, exercisebook, teacher’s book

6 Procedure: Teaching steps &

time Teacher’s activities Students’activities


(5 ms)

II.Checking up III.Presetation of the new materials

(32 ms)

- Greets

- Calls some Ss to answer the question: ”What did you during the summer vocation ?”


1 Lead in

- Form the question & answers above, introduces the past tense

- Tells the aims of the lesson: Consolidates some tenses, adverbs of manner & comparison

2 Pre_practice

A Tenses:

- Asks the Ss to give the forms, usages of the four tenses

a The simple present tense:

* S + V (e,es)

Do/does + S + V ? S + do/does + not + V.

- Greet

- Some Ss called answer

- Listen and recall the tenses have learnt - Listen

- Give the forms and usages


* Expresses a habit, the truth Adverbs followed: often, always…

b The present continuous:

* S + is, am, are + V-ing. S + is, am, are + not + V-ing. Is, am, are + S + V-ing ?

* Expresses an action happening in the present

* Adverbs: now, at the moment, … c The simple future:

* S + will/shall + V(b-inf) S + will/shall + not + V(b-inf) Will/shall + S + V(b-inf) ?

* Expresses an action that will happen in the future

* Adverbs: Tomorrow, next,… d.The simple past:

* S + V (ed/2nd column) S + did not + V (b-inf) Did + S + V (b-inf) ?

* Expresses an action that happened in the past

* Adverbs: Yesterday, last, ago B Adverbs of manner:

Adj + ly -Adv

Ex: Slow + ly – slowly Careful + ly – carefully

- Gives ex ample and explains where to put adj/adv

Ex: Lan is a good student She studies well

C Comparative and superlative of adj or adv:

Adj comparative superlative Short shorter the shortest Much more the most

Clever more clever the most clever *Comperative:

-S + (short)adj + er + than -S + more + (long)adj + than



(5 ms)

V.Home work

(3 ms)


the (short)adj + est the most + (long)adj 3.Controlled-practice:

- Asks the Ss to two below exercises * Give the correct verds tenses:

a Hoa (be) born in Hue but now she (live) in Hanoi with her uncle and aunt She (go) to Hanoi two years ago Now she (study) at Quang Trung school b Next year, Jane (visit) my house and

I (know) in 1998

* Choose the word form:

a My mother is a - cyclist She cycles - (slow/slowly)

b I swim - I am a -swimmer (bad/badly)

- Gets Ss feedback and corrects

4 Free-practice:

- Asks Ss to make sentences using each of these tenses

Ex: I will be 14 in May next year

- Gets Ss to write their sentences on the board

- Gives correction

- Asks Ss to write sentences using cues given about their actions yesterday, today, tomorrow, carefull, safely

- Gets some Ss speak out and corrects - Tells the Ss about the curriculum and how to learn English

- Asks the Ss to

 foresee the English

prepair Unit one: Getting started, listen and read (Questions: What are the children doing?, Are you interested in those games?)

- Do exercises

a was, lives/is living, went, is studying b will visit, knew a slow , slowly b badly, bad - Listen

- Make sentences - Write sentences - Listen

- Write

- Speak out - Take note

Self evaluation:


Date of teaching: August, 28th2005

Unit 1:


Period 2:

Getting Started, Listen And Read

Class: 8A12

Aims and Objectives: - Language content:

+ To enable the Ss to discrebe some activities + To help them talk about themselves

- Language function:

+ To help the Ss ask and answer (descrebe) about friends, relatives

- Educational aims:

+ To educate the Ss to play healthy activities, play with friends

1 Language:

Vocabulary: seem, receive, next door neighbor

Structures: What do/does… look like ? (not) adj + enough + to inf What + (a/an) + N !

2 Skills: Listening (skimming), reading (skimming, scanning), speaking

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Explanation, repetition, role-play

5 Teaching aids needed: Textbook, pictures, workbook, actions

6 Procedure: Teaching steps &

time Teacher’s activities Students’activities

I.Stabilization (Getting started)

(7 ms)

- Greets the Ss

- Says sth about the weather, absentees, Ss’ duties

- Asks the Ss to give some their favorite activities

- Writes all on the board

- Has the Ss to look at the four pictures and questions

What are these children doing ?

Where are they ?

Are they all boys ?

What time of the date you think it is ?

What are you often play at recess?

Whom you like playing with ?

-Gets some pairs to speak out and corrects - Omit

- Greet the T - Say sth too - Give out

- Have a look

- Look at all the pictures, discuss with friends (pairwork)


II.Checking up: III.Presenting new material: (listen and read)

(30 ms)

1 Lead in:

- From the question: Who you like to play with?, asks about their friends: What do/does she /he look like?

-Asks the Ss to tell sth about Hoa (in English 7) Introduces the dialogue: Hoa tell Lan about her friend Nien

2 Pre-practice:

- Lets the Ss listen to the dialogue twice - Teaches new words:

 seem (v): (situation and example) Ex: He seem tired

 receive (v):(example:Yesterday I receive a gift from my penpal friend.)  nextdoor neighbor : person who live

nextdoor your house  look like (v) :

Ex: What does she look like? She is thin and tall - Gives form :

-> What do/does + S + look like?  enough (translation)

- Gives the form

Ex:Nien is not old enough to be in Hoa’class

-> (not) adj + enough + to inf

- Gives situation and present exclaimatory sentence

- Ex : What a lovely smile! -> What + (a/an) + adj + N!

- Checks the Ss’understand Blank fill Lan … happy She …a letter from Hoa,

her…in Quinhon

- Has the Ss listen again and repeat sentence by sentence

3 Controlled-practice:

a Practice the dialogue with parner: - Asks the Ss to work in pair to practice

speaking the dialogue

- Calls some pairs to speak out Helps the

- Listen and answer - Answer

- Listen - Listen

- Get newwords and structures

- Listen and repeat Do exercise

- Pairwork


IV.Consolidation (4ms)

V Homework


Ss correct pronunciation b Answer the questions:

- Has the Ss to pairwork again asking and answering the questions in books  Where does Nien live?

 Does Lan know Nien? …

4 Free-practice:

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs asking and answering:

“ What does you father/ mother/… look like?”

- Calls some pairs to talk in class and corrects

- Gives some cues and asks the Ss to write a paragraph about Hoa and Lan Devides the class into four groups with four mini boards

* Cues:

a Lan / Hoa’best friend

b They / same class / Quang Trung school

c Last year /Hoa / to school first time

d Lan / show / around / introduce / to new friends

- Asks four groups to hang the para on the blackboard Helps Ss correct

- Asks Ss to

write their para on their notebooks

write three sentences using (not)adj + enough + to inf

prepare “speaking and listening part”: find some descriptive adj, sentences to introduce someone and respond

- Pairwork

- Asks and answer in pairs

- Talk

- Write paragraph

( groupwork)

- Hang the board - Take note

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: August, 29th2005 Date of teaching: August, 30th2005


Period 3: Speak & Listen Class: 8A12

Aims and Objectives:

- Language content:

+ To enable the Ss to use the language of description, introduction, response + To help them to use some descriptive, precative adjectives

- Language function:

+ To enable the Ss to speak out and decribe S O’ S appearance + To help them make introduction and response well

- Educational aims:

+ To help them have a standard beharior

1 Language:

Vocabulary: Descriptive and precative adjectives Expressions of greeting

2 Skills: Speaking, listening (scanning, long term memory,…)

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Substitution, gap-fill-repetition, pairwork,…

5 Teaching aids: Pictures of persons, textbook, workbook, chalk, cassette tape

6 Procedure: Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(4 ms)

II.Checking up

(4 ms)

- Checks the attendance - Warm up: Game: BINGO Parts of the body

Eye Nose Ear

Mouth Head Hair

Hand Leg Heart

- Calls Ss:

+ One answers the questions:

What you often play at recess ?

Who you often play with ?

Do you play in a team / group / indiridually ?

+ One summarires the dialogue & answer:

Who is Nien ?

Where does she live ?

Is she Hoa’s classmate ? - Remarks, corrects and marks

- The monitor answers - All take part in the game



(30 ms)

A Speak 1 Lead in:

- Uses a picture of a girl & questions “What does she look like ?”

- Corrects “She’s very beautiful with long blond hair She has big brown eyes…”

- Tells the aims of the lesson: Describe S.O’S appearance

2 Pre-practice:

- Asks the Ss to look at the pictures in the book

- Gets all to repeat the adj in the box, asks about the meaning

- Introduces the game “Guessing who he/she is based on your partner’s description”

Ex: A: This person is short and their She has long blond hair B: Is this Mary ?

A: Yes

Asks the Ss to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence

3 Controlled practice:

- Asks the Ss to pairwork One describes a person One guesses who he/she is

(based on the pictures in the book)

- Calls some Ss to describe the persons in the pictures, the others guess who he/she is - Corrects

4 Free practice:

- Asks the Ss to work in groups to think of a person in class, then describe him/her

- Call some representatives of some groups to speak out

B Listen: 1 Lead in:

- Asks the Ss to complete the conversation Lan: Hello My name’s Lan

- Listen

- Look at the picture & answer

- Listen - Look at

- Repeat chorally - Listen & know

- Repeat chorally - Work in pairs

- One describes the others guess



(3 ms)

Nice _ you

Hoa: Hi Nice _ you, too My _ Hoa - Corrects & says about the aim of the period: isten and know how S O is introduced & how to response

2 Pre-practice:

- Review: the expressions

ü Nice to meet/see you

ü It’s a/my pleasure to meet you ü The pleasure is all mine

ü How you ?

I’d like you to meet Come and meet

- Gets all to repeat the expressions

3 While listening:

- Lets the Ss read the conversation and guess the expressions need felling

- Asks the Ss to listen & complete the conversation

- Has the Ss listen once

- Has them listen again & the excruse - Asks them to compare the results

- Calls some to check & corrects by listening the last time

4 Post listening:

- Asks the Ss to work in groups of three to make a short conversation like this

Lan : Hello Nam

Nam : Hi, Hoa I’d like you to meet my close friend, Minh

Lan : Nice to meet you Minh Minh : Nice to meet you, too - Gets some groups to speak out

- Calls some to go to the bb, look at the hidden pictures, then describe the persons in the pictures

- Asks some to guess - Asks the Ss to complete

A: Miss Lan, I………My father Miss Lieân : ……… ……, Mr Taân

- Complete - to meet

to meet/name’s - Listen

- Review and take note

- Repeat chorally - Read silently - Listen

- Listen

- Listen & complete - Compare

- Discuss in groups of three & make a conversation

- Speak out

- Some Ss called the requirement


V:Home work

(4 ms)

Mr Tân :………, Miss Liên - Calls some to checks & corrects - Asks the Ss to

ü Find a person you know & describe


ü Do exercise / 6, (Write sentences

describing the persons in the pictures

ü Prepare : “Read” ( find some adj

describing characters)

- Answer

- Listen & take notes

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation:September, 4th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 5th 2005

Unit 1:


Period 4: Read Class: 8A12


- Language content:

+ To supply the Ss vocabulary about character, hobies + To help the Ss get specific information about Ba’s friends - Language function:

+ To enable Ss to talk about their friends’ characters, hobbies

+ To enable the Ss to know how to describe S.O’s characters and his favorite activities - Educational aims:

+ To help the Ss know and learn the good characters from their friends + To educate them to play & heathy & good activities

1 Language:

Vocabulary: Character, sociable, generous, reserved, Outgoing, volunteer, orphanage, joke

Structures: Yes/No/ Wh questions

2 Skills: Reading (Skimming, scanning, …) W, S

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Explanation, Q-A, giving the best choice,…

5 Teaching aids: Picture, chart, textbook, teacher’s book

6 Procedure: Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(2 ms)

II.Checking up

(4 ms)

III.Presenting new material

(30 ms)

- Greets

- Says sth about the weaher and absentees - Gives pictures : one of My Tam, one of shakespeare

- Asks the Ss to describe them - Remarks & corects

1 Lead in:

- Calls some to answer

a) Do you have many friends ? b) Who is your close friend ? c) Can you describe him/ her ?

- Corrects & introduces the aims of the lesson “know about Ba and some of his friends“

2 Pre-reading:

- Teaches some new words

ü Character (n) / /

ü Sociable (a) / /

ü Generous (a) / / explanation

ü Reserved (a) / /

- Greet

- The monitor answers - Describe the persons in the pictures - Listen

- The Ss called answer

- Listen & know


ü Outgoing (a) / /

ü Volunteer (v) / / ü Be/get tired of

ü Jokes (n)

- Checks the Ss’ understanding by rub out and remember

- If there is time gets the Ss write word by word on the boad

- Gives T/F statements prediction

- Gets the Ss work in pairs to guess which are true , which are false

a Ba only has friends: Bao, Song, Khai b Ba and his friends have the same characters

c Bao, Song, Khai are quiet reserved in public

d.They all enjoy school and study hard - Gets feedback

3 Controlled practice:

- Asks the Ss to read the text then check their predictions

- Gives the keys: a.F, b.F, c.F, d.T

a) Asks the Ss to read the text again & make the right choice

- Gets some to give their ideas - Gives correction

Keys: a A, b C, c B, d D

b) Asks the Ss to work in pairs to practise asking & answering the questions

(a – f page 14)

- Calls some pairs to speak out - Gives correction


a) Ba feels lucky to have … b) Bao is the most sociable ………

f) We have the same characters different

4 Post reading:

- Asks the Ss to describe one of their close friends (group work )

- Do exercise

- Write word by word - Readthe statememts - Guess

- Gives feedback - Read the text and check the predictions - Gets the result

- Read again, the requirement

- Give ideas - Take note

- Discuss & practise asking & answering in pairs

- Speak out - Take notes



(4 ms)

V.Home work

(3 ms)

ü Appearance: tall/ short

ü Characters: honest, friendly, … ü Hobbies: reading books, …

- Calls some to speak out & corrects

- Asks the Ss to play the game “Find S O who” in stabilization will help the Ss master the lesson well

Find S O who Name

Usually helps other people doesn’t speak a lot in public always goes to the library sometimes tells funny story… - Asks the ps to

ü Write a paragraph about noe close friend

(about 50 words )

ü Write the answers in their exercise


ü Do exercise 4/8

ü Prepare some information about one of their friends (name, age, appearance, …)

- Speak out

- Listen & take notes

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: September, 5th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 6th 2005

Unit 1:


Period 5: Write

Class: 8A12

Aims and Objectives:


+ To enable the Ss to write about themselves and other - Language function:

+ To help the Ss (to) practise writing sentences to describe S.O + To enable the Ss to write a paragraph about their close friends - Educational aims:

+ To help them learn the good characters from their friends

1 Language:

Vocabulary: Review

2 Skills: Writing, speaking, reading

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Q-A, pairwork, exercise writing

5 Teaching aids: Chart, chalk, textbook, teacher’s book

6 Teaching procedure: Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(3 ms)

II.Checking up

(4 ms)

III.Presentation of the new material

(30 ms)

- Leaves time & asks the Ss to complete a short lifestory about themselves

Name, Age * Short lifestory Appearance

Family Address

Friends needed - Gets some Ss paper & reads out

- Calls one to write Bao, Khai, Song or Ba.

Find S O who Name

usually helps other people doesn’t speak a lot in public always goes to the library sometimes tells funny story… quiet reserved, like the peace and quiet of the local library humorous, not going out, enjoy telling jokes

- Remarks, corrects & marks

1 Lead in:

- From a student’s short lifestory, tells the aims of the period: to write short information, then make these into a paragraph to say about a person (the 3rd

- Listen & write a short lifestory

- Listen

- One called goes to the bb & the requirement


person )

2 Pre-reading:

- Asks the Ss to read the information about Tam Then answer some questions

a) What’s his name ? b) How old is he?

c) Where does he live ? d) Who does he live with ? e) What does he look like ? f) What is he like ?

g) Who are his best friends? - Gets some to answer

- Lets the Ss read the paragraph describing Tam

- Asks them to compare the summaring information & the complete para

- Asks the Ss to give (review) some attributive & precative adjectives

- Guides how to write the information in short & into a para

3 While writing:

a) Asks the Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the information about their parner’s friends using the questions in the books

ü What’s his/ her name?

ü How old is he/ she ?

- Has them to write the information in the sheet of paper

ex: Name Le Thi Hoa - Age : 14 - Gets some to check & corrects

b) Asks the Ss to write a para to describe their friends based on the information in the paper Goes around and help the Ss

- Asks the Ss to tick their para on the wall, change to another to read

- Reads gets two para to read out and corrects

- Gives correction of commam mistakes and erros

- Read and answer

- Give answers - Read

- Compare the forms - Answer: tall, thin, sociable, generous,… - Takenote

- Asks & answer in pairs

- Get the information & write down

- Write a para

- Listen & follow the requirement



(5 ms)

V.Home work

(3 ms)

4 Post writing:

- Asks the ps to write a similar para about himself/herself

- Leaves time then goes round to help the Ss - Gets some papers & corrects (read out sentence by sentence)

- Sticks a paper on the bb with the content “His name’s Tran Duc Thuan He’s 14 years old He lives in HCM city with his mother, father & his younger sister, Thao He’s tall & thin & has short black hair He’s out going, humorous and helpful His best friends are Bao and Hoa “

- Calls some voluntary pairs to play the game: One goes to the bb to read & remember rach sentence of the para, then comes back & tall the partner to write until they have a complete para

- Asks the ps to write the para in their notebooks, in two form:- summanring

- completing + exercise 7/11,12

+ prapare Language focus Tenses

- Write down - Get the help

- Listen & take note - Do the game

- Listen & take notes

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: September, 8th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 10th 2005

Unit 1:


Period 6:

Language Focus

Class: 8A12

Aims and Objectives:

- Language content:


- Language function:

+ To have them and write sentences using the grammar points above + To help the Ss review how to describe S O

- Educational aims:

+ To educate the Ss to say st true, the ability to st

1 Language:

Vocabulary: Review

Structure : The present simple The past simple

(not) + adj + enough + to infi

2 Skills: Writing, speaking, reading

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Completing, Q - A, pairwork

5 Teaching aids: Charts, chalk, textbook, teacher’s book

6 Teaching procedure: Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(2 ms)

II.Checking up

(5 ms)

III.Presentation of the new material

(31 ms)

- Greets

- Checks the attendance

- Calls some to bring their notebook to the bb & checks

- Remarks & marks

Exercise1,2: The simple tenses 1 Lead in:

- Asks the Ss to give the correct verb tense a) Hoa (be) tall and thin

b) She (be) my neighbor when I lived in Vinh

- Asks the ps to the names of tenses using above

- Tells the aims of the lesson: “To review the simple tenses

2 Pre-pratice:

- Asks the Ss to draw out the structures again Note:

Simple present Simple past

a) S + V(s, es) S +V(ed/2nd


b) a habit, general, things happend in the truths past

- Greet

- The monitor

- Some Ss called the requirement

- Listen & know

- Give the correct verb tense

- Answer


c) always, usually,… yesterday, ago,…

3 Controlled practice:

Complete the paragraphs :

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to the exercise : use the correct verb tenses

- Lets them compare the answers

- Calls some to give the answer & corrects a) 1.Lives Was

Sent is

 Complete the dialogue :

- Asks the Ss to practise in pairs to complete the dialogue

- Asks them to comprare the result with the others

- Calls one pair to present - Gives corrections

Exercise 3: Describe 1.Lead in:

- Gives the picture, ask s the Ss to describe the man

- Gets feedbacks and leads

2 Pre-practice:

- Asks the Ss to tell the structure to describe some one

- Notes: What + do/does + S + look like? -> S + be + adj

-> S + has/have + noun -> S + be + wearing + …

3 Controlled practice:

Look and describe :

- Asks ps to have a look at the picture then asks them to close their books

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs : ask & answer the questions

a) How many people are there ? b) What does each person look like ? c) What is each person wearing ? - Calls some pairs to speak out - Gives corrections

4 Free-practice:

- Do exercise

- Listen & know

- Pair work

- Compare the result - Speak out

- Listen

- Look at and describe - Take note

- Draw out

- Look at the picture - Discuss & find the correct answer


- Asks the Ss to work in groups one describe someone in group and orther guess

- Gets the representator to speak out

Exercise 4: Enough 1.Lead in:

- Asks: Can I touch the ceiling?

- Says: Yes, I am not tall enough to touch the ceiling

- Leads the Ss to the exercise

2 Pre-practice:

- Asks the Ss to review the structure - Notes: (not)adj+enough+to inf

ex: The water is warm enough to drink He is not old enough to go to school. 3 Controlled –Practice:

Complete the dialogues :

- Asks the ps to work in pairs to complete the dialogue

- Calls some pairs to speak out

- Writes some situations, asks the Ss to make sentence with enough

a) He is strong He can move the table

b) He’s not tall He can’t be a good basketball player

4 Free- practice:

- Gets Ss feedback & corrects - Game : lucky number

- Devides the class into groups

- Draws a square with question or exercise in each blank(in which the number (6 &9 are lucky number)

- Asks each group to choose the number, then answer or the exercise in the

- The representator called speak out

- Answer - Take note - Review

- Pair work - Speak out - Make sentence

- Take note


IV Consolidation


V Home work


number if they are wrong the others will answer instead

-Uses a chart, asks the Ss to the exercise : Rearrange the mixed words a) She/ brown/ has/ big/ eyes

b) Daughter/ blond/ has/ hair/ Long’s/

c) go/ not/ warm/ is/ enough/ to/ swimming/ it

d) East/ in/ always/ rises/ sun/ the/ the - Gets Ss feedback & corrects

- Asks the ps to write the exercise again in their notebooks

- Guides them to exercise 5,6/ 9,10

- Has them prepare Unit (getting started & listen & read)- Questions

What’s this ? what is it used for?

- Do the exercise

- Listen

- Listen & take note

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: September, 10th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 12th 2005

Unit 2:


Period 7: Getting Started

& Listen & Read Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : - Language content:

+ To help the Ss to know a conversation on the phone - Language function:

+ To enable the Ss to get the details of the conversation

+ To enable them to be to use a telephone to make a corfirm arrangement


+ To educate the Ss to know the use of some modern objects in reality + To help them have polite behavior

1 Language:

Vocabulary : Words of equipments

Structure : Be going to

2 Skills: Speaking, Reading(skimming), listening(recogning context), Writing,

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Matching, Q-A

5 Teaching aids: Pictures, real objets, cassette-tape

Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I Stabilization

(5 ms)

II.Checking up

(4 ms)

III.Presentation of the new material


- Uses pictures of objects, asks the ps to look at & answer

ü What is this ?

ü When we use it ?

- Asks the ps to work in pairs to match each picture with its name

- Calls some to answer & corrects - Gets all to repeat the words :

ü answering machine

ü mobile phone ü fax machine

ü telephone directory ü public telephone

ü address book

- Gives pictures of different persons, asks the ps to listen & recognize the person is described

- Remarks & corrects

1 Lead in:

- Draws a picture of a telephone & questions : What’s this ?

ü Do you often phone your friends ?

ü What you often talk on the phone ?

üAsks the Ss to look at the picture

Introduces the lesson content “ Nga phones Hoa to invite her to see a film at Sao Mai theatre “

2 Pre-pratice:

- Look at & ask and answer

- Repeat chorally

- Look at, listen & recognize


- Has the class listen the dialogue once Questions :

ü What does Hoa say when she picks up the phone to answer it ?

ü How does Nga say and introduce in the phone?

- Teaches some expressions:

ü Holdon situation & explanation ü Where it is on

ü Im’ using ( ≈ I until use ) ü All right

- Asks the Ss to listen & repeat

* Present continuous tense means an ation that until happen in the near future

3.Controllod practice:

a) Lets the Ss listen the dialogue a gain - Asks them to work in pairs, practising speaking the dialogue

- Calls some to speak out

- Corects the poonunciation, intonation b) Asks the Ss to read the dialogue silently - Asks them to pair work, ask & answer the questions (a-f/19)

- Calls some to speak out - Corects & gives keys

4.Free practice:

- Asks the Ss to make the conversation on the phone and make arrangement using given cues:

Nga : 646941 Lan : Can I speak Nga : Hi,

Lan : see a play ? Nga :Yes

Lan : where

Hoa : at Mai theatre Lan : what time

Hoa : 7.00

Lan : (Dis) agree

- Listen and answer

- Listen & repeat - Draw out then take notes

- Listen

- Do pair work - Speak out - Listen & repeat - Read silently -Asks & answer in pairs

- Speak out


IV Consolidation


V Home work


- Asks the Ss to work in groups to give a chain story

EX : A : Nga phones Hoa

B : she invites Hoa to go the cinena

- Gets some papers & reads out - Recalls the lesson content

- Asks the ps to make a short dialogue : phones & make an arrangement

- Has them exercise 1,2/14,15

- Guides them to prepare “ Unit - Speak & listen”

- Asks them to exerises 1,2/14-16 (workbook)

- Discuss in groups & write down

- Listen

- Listen & take notes

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: September, 12th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 13th 2005

Unit 2:


Period 8: Speak and Listen Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : - Language content:

+ To help the Ss to practice talking on the phone - Language function:

+ To enable the Ss to be able to talk about on the telephone about intentions with “going to”

- Educational aims:

+ To educate the Ss to have good intentions

1 Language:


Structure : Be going to

2 Skills: Speaking, Listen (skimming, scanning, inferingrelation ships)

3 Method: Communicative approach

4 Techniques: Chart, textbook, chalk, cassette

5 Teaching procedure: Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I Stabilization

(5 ms)

II.Checking up

(4 ms)

III.Presentation of the new material


- Warm up

- Checks the attendance

- Calls one to go to the bb & answer: What’s the conversation about ? Who made the call ?

3 What did Nga phone Hoa for ? Where will they meet ? When ? Did Hoa agree ?

- Remarks, correct & marks

A SPEAK 1 Lead-in:

- Set a situation & question “You want to invite your friend to play badminton What will you ?”

- From the Ss answer, says & tells the aims of the lesson practice speaking conversation & know how to make a meeting arrangement on the phone

2 Pre-practice:

a) Lets the Ss read all the sentences in part

- Has them guess & answer

ü Who made the call ?

ü What did he/she call for ?

- Gets some to answer & corrects b) Helps the Ss’ review:

+ Can I speak to…., please? + Would you like to … ? + be + going + to + V(b-inf)

Ex: I’m going to the pop concert at the City Concert Centre tonight

3 Controlled practice:

a) Asks the Ss to read the sentences

- Say something about the absentees, the weather

- Answer

- Take note

- Listen and answer - Take note

- Read

- Guess and answer - Answer

- Review


silently, then rearrange the dialogue - Asks them to give their answer - Give correction & keys

1.b; 2.f; 3.j; 4.a; 5.i; 6.c; 7.e; 8.k; 9.g; 10.h; 11.d

- Asks the Ss to practice speaking the conversation in pairs

b) Lets the Ss read the open dialogue, answer

ü Who made the call ? ü What did he/she call for ? - Gets some to answer & corrects

Asks the Ss to work in pairs to complete the conversation

- Gets feedback, corrects

- Asks the Ss to practice the dialogue in role ( asks them to change the roles)

- Calls some pairs to speak out - Gives correction (pronunciation)

4 Free practice:

- Asks the Ss to make another conversation (making an arrangement)

Ex: inviting your friends to play table tennis, to go swimming, to go for a picnic,… - Calls some pairs to speak out

- Corrects the pronunciation

B LISTEN: 1 Lead-in:

- Gives situation, says & leads to “Listen” part

- Situation: you phone your friend What will you if you can’t meet him/her on the phone ?

2 Pre-listening:

- Question “How you give a massage if you want to make an appointment to see him?

- Guides the Ss to write a massage: Date Time

- Give the answer - Take note

- Pair work

- Change the role - Read and answer

- Practice the dialogue - Speak out

- Make conversation

- Speak out - Take note

- Listen

- Listen and answer




V Home work



Telephone number

3 While listening:

- Lets the Ss to listen to the tape once & answer

* What’s the conversation about ? a b c - Has the Ss to listen again & answer: a) Who made the call ?

b) Who did she want to meet ? When ? - Asks them to fill in the massage

- Has them listen the last time & check the answer

- Corrects, writes the massage on the board

4 Post listening:

- Guides the way to get information in short: leave & write a massage

- Sets the situation: You phone your friend, to invte her to go to the Lan but she isn’t home Leave a massage for her father

- Get Ss feedback & corrects

- Uses a chart: complete and practice Phong: Hello …is 8537471

Tam: Hello Is this….? Phong: Yes, ….this ?

Tam: It’s me, Tam Will you be free………? Phong: Yes, …

Tam: Would you like………….? Phong: Sure …time will it start ? Tam: It’ll start at… let’s meet at……… Phong: ….will we meet ?

Tam: We’ll……

Phong: Great I’ll see you……….Bye Tam: …

- Gets some pair to complete the conversation

- Give correction

- Asks the Ss to make another conversation (making an arrangement) & exercise

- Listen and answer

- Fill in

- Listen the last time and check

- Write down - Take note

- Listen and take note - Give feedback

- Look at, listen, complete

- Speak out the conversation

- Take note


- Guides them to prepare “Read”

ü Find some new words ü What’s the reading about ?

ü Who was Alexander Graham Bell

- Take note

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: September,16th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 17th 2005

Unit 2:


Period 9: Read

Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : - Language content:

+ To enable the Ss to know about the invention of the telephone & the inventor : Alexander graham Bell

- Language function:

+ To develop the Ss skills of reading comprehension + To get them to put correct events in the correct order

- Educational aims:

+ To educate the Ss to have a great love for great persons


Vocabulary : experiment, emigrate, invent, deafmute, transmit, device, demonstrate

Structure :

2 Skills: Reading(skimming, scanning, understanding ideas)

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techniques: Q-A, getting ideas, T/F statememts, ordering, summarizing

5 Teaching aids: charts, textbook, teacher’s book, picture of Alexander Graham Bell

6 Procedure : Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(4 ms)

II.Checking up

(4 ms)

III.Presentation of the new material


- Asks the Ss to write massages of their own (for their fiends)

- Gets some papers & reads out

- Calls Ss to make a dialogue making an arrangement to st

- Remarks, corrects & marks

1 Lead in:

- Uses the picture of a telephone & asks a) What is this?

b) Is it useful? c) Who invented it? d) When did he invent it? - Gives the picture ofA lexan-

der Braham Bell Then tell something about him

- Tells the aims of the lesson “knwong about the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Braham Bell”

2 Pre-pratice:

a) Gives one more question “ How could/did Bell invent the telephone”

- Gets Ss to answer the question b) Teaches the words

ü emigrate (v)/ e’migreIt/ - move to another


ü deaf – mutes (n), ps’ guessing


- Do as required - Listen

- The Ss called the requirement

a) It is a telephone b) Yes, it is

c) He was/isA lexan-

der Braham Bell b,c

- Listen & know - Answer in their own


ü transmit (v) sent sounds to s w

ü invent (v)

invention (n) inventor (n)

ü device (n)/ divais/ ≈ tool (n) ü conducts (v), ps’ guessing

ü exhibition (n)/ /

( showing, things to evenyonw)

ü commercial (a) / /

c) Checks Ss understanding of the words by slapping the board

- Lets the Ss listen to the text, check their pronunciation

3.White reading :

- Has the Ss read the statements in the books, guess T or F

- Gets Ss’ feedback Don’t corect

a) Asks the Ss to read the text silently & decide ( true or false) ( if it’s true you have to give out the evidence & if it’s false you have to correct it)

- Has the Ss discuss the answers with their friends

- Calls some to give their answer out corrects Keys : a) F b) F c) T

d) F e) F f) T

b) Asks the ps to read the text again & put the events in the correct order

- Has them discuss the order with their friends (in pairs)

- Calls some to read the sentences which are in the correct order

- Gives correction

Notes : Neither………nor

4 Post reading :

- Asks the Ss to work in groups of four to summarize the content of the reading

Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was born in Edinburgh on march 3, 1847……

- Calls some to speak out

- Play the game

- Read and guess - Gets feedback - Read silently, find if each sentence true or false

- Discuss the answers in pairs - Speak out

- Listen & write down

- Read silently as required

- Discuss the order in pairs

- Listen


IV.Consolidation (4ms)

V Home work (3ms)

- Gives correction

- Asks the Ss to close their books & answer Questions :

a) When was Alxander Gramham Bell born? Where?

b) What did he invent?

c) Which led to the invetion of the telephone? d) Who conducted many experiments with Bell?

e) When was the first telephone in use? - Gets some to answer directly

- Gives correction

- Asks the ps to reread the text & learn by heart the words & questions

- Asks them to exercise (p.18) (work book)

- Guides them to prepare “write”

- How to write/ leave a (telephone) massage

in group of four

- Speak out

Book closed


a) He wes born on March 3,1847 in Edinburgh Scotland b) He invented the telephone

c) The experiments with ways of trans mitting speech - Answer directly - Listen

- Listen & take notes

Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: September, 18th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 19th 2005

Unit 2:


Period 10 :



Class : 8A12 Aims and objectives : - Language content:

To help the Ss write a telephone massage

- Language function:

+ To develop Ss’ skills of writing a telephone massage + To enable Ss to practise filling the missing information


+ To educate the Ss to write a massage when S.O is out & to use the telephone

1 Language:

Vocabulary :furniture delivery, stationary order

Structure :

2 Skills: writing, speaking

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techniques: gap – fill, writing a telephone massage

5 Teaching aids: textbook, teacher’s book, worksheet chalk,

6 Teaching Procedure : Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I.Stabilization I.Checking up

Test(15 ms)

III.Presentation of the new material


- Checks absence

1 Lead in:

- Sets the situation : you want to invite Hoa your friend to see a movie You phone her but she’s out & her sister answer the phone what will you do?

- Tells the aim of the lesson : “ writing a telephone massage”

2 Pre-pratice:

- Teaches new words:

 customer(n): a person who comes to buy some thing at a shop

delivery(v): translate furniture delivery stationary (n) : translate  Stationary order

- Guides how to write a telephone massage: time, date, who sent, to whom, content of the massage & telephone numbers

3.White reading :

a) Lets the Ss read the information in the telephone massage, to fill in the gaps

- Calls some to present

- Corrects & asks the Ss to write down the complete passage

Keys : (telephoned) May 12

- Listen

- Listen & guess

- Leave a massage time place

- Read and fill in the gaps


IV.Consoli dation (3ms)

Speak took name delivery Mr Ha at

b) Explains the requirements of exercise 2, has the Ss read the passage silently & complete the massage

- Asks them to work in pairs, discuss the answers

- Calls some to read out & corrects Keys:

Date : time 16

Time : After midday For : Mrs Van

Massage : Mr Nam called about his stationary order He wanted you to call him at 634 082

c) Asks the Ss to read the model in part again

- Asks them to read the conversation & complete the telephone massage

Qs : Who makes the call? What does he/ she want? What time will he come? - Leaves time for Ss to complete

- Asks them to compare the answers in pairs

- Calls some to read out - Gives correction

4 Post reading :

- Asks the Ss to work in groups, devides the class into four group each group sets a situation then change to another group to write the massage

- Gets each representative of each group to hang extra board with the massage on the board

- Remarks & corrects - Sets the situation

You called your friend, Lan about learning English but she isnot at home Lan’s

- Listen read silently, complete

- Discuss - Read out - Takenote

- Read silently

- Read the conver sation & complete the massage answer

- Check with partners - Read out

- Listen

- Work in groups

- Do as required - Listen

- Asks and answer time : before 7pm


V Home work (3ms)

younger sister answer the phone You leave a massage to ask Lan to come to you housse before 7p.m tomorrow evening - Asks the Ss to asks and answer about the information necessary to write this massage - Gets some to read out & corrects

- Asks the Ss to write this massge at home - Asks the Ss to write exerise 1,2,3 on their notebooks

- Asks them to exerise 4,5 (workbook) - Guides them to prepare ‘ Language focus Intensions ‘Be going to

Adverbs of place


Massage : Miss Hoa ealled about

- Listen & take notes

Self evaluation :

TEST 15’

I.Complete the sentences with the best option ( 2pts) The moon (moves/ move/ is moving) around the Earth Last week I (write/ writed/ wrote) a letter to my friend Look/ the sun (rises/ is rising/ rised)

4 I (am going to see/ will see/ see) a movie tonight would you like to come? II Match the questions in A with the anwer in “B” (3pts)

A Would you like to leave a massage? B a) she’s fat and short What does she look like? b) she’s sociable & helpful

3 What’s she like? c) Yes, please


5 What does she like? e) Im’ sorry he’s out

6 Shall we meet at 5p.m? f) Yes, that’s o.k

III Make sentences from the words given (3pts) She/ not/ okl/ enough/ go/ school/

2 He/ going/ read/ new/ novel/ His daughter/ has/ Long/ dark/ hair IV Answer the questions (2pts)

1 Where and when was Alexander G Bell bom? What did he invent? When?



I/ 0,5 x = pts

1 moves is rising am going to see wrote II/ 0,5 x = pts

1 c e d f a 6.b III/ 1,0 x = tps

1 She is not old enough to go to school He’s going to read a new novel His daughter has Long & dark hair IV / 1,0 x = pts

1 Alexander graham Bell was born on March 3rd, 1847 in scotLand

2 He invented the telephone & it was invented in 1876

Date of preparation: September, 19th 2005

Date of teaching: September, 20th 2005

Unit 2:


Period 11 : L

anguage Focus

Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : - Language content:

To help the Ss talk about intentions with “Be going to”

To review some adverbs of place & asks the ps to use them well - Language function:

+ To enable the Ss to write sentences expressing intention with “be going to” + To enable Ss them to use the adverbs of place in the right positions

- Educational aims:


1 Language:

Structure : Be going to Adverbs of place

2 Skills: Writing, Speaking, Reading 3 Method : Commanicative approach 4.Techniques: writing completing, Q-A 5 Teaching aids: pictures, chat, textbook 6 Teaching Procedure :

Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I.Stabilization (2 ms) II Checking up III.Presentation of the new material


- Warm up

checking absence - Absent


1 Lead in:

- Sets the situation :

I have a funny story I have nothing to tonight what am I going to do?

- I’m going to read a funny story tonight


- Introduces & says the aims of the lesson : telling about the intention for the future 2 Pre-pratice:

a) Asks the Ss about the structure of future intentions

Be going to + Infinitive

- Note: indicating the intentions for the future b) Notices some words & expressions

fishing rods

action movies Ps’

invite S.O to guessing

homework in math

c) Guides how to each exercise 3.Controlled practice :


- Lets the Ss read the situations in the exercise

- Has the Ss work in pairs practising speaking the situation

P1 : Nga has a movie ticket P2 : she’s going to see a movie

- Calls some pairs to speak out & corrects Keys :

- Listen & guess

- Listen & know

- Recall

- Be going to + inf - Recalls the words & their meaning

- Listen - Practice


a) They’re going to go fishing

a) she’s going to read the new novel b) she’s going to her homeuork c) He’s going to watch

d) She’s going to give him a birthday present

Exercise 2:

a) Asks the ps to practise in pairs to ask & answer “ What are you going to on the weekend ? “ in the questionaire

- Asks the Ss to write three activities more in the questionaire

- Asks the ps to tick (V) & make crosses (x) in “you” column

- Has them compare the answers in pairs - Calls some pairs to present

b) Asks the ps to work in pairs:

one asks & one answers, then mark (V) or (x) into the columm “your partner”

- Calls some to speak out before class - Gives correction

4 Free practice:

- Asks the Ss to ask and answer about their intention in next week, month, year

- Calls some pair to talk in class


1 Lead in:

- Draws the picture and asks:”Where is the cat?”

- Introduces the aim of the exercise:review adverd of place

2 Pre- practice:

Recall some adverbs of place

here ≠ there

outside ≠ inside

downstairs ≠ upstairs 3 Controlled - practice:

- Asks the Ss to practise in pairs to complete the speech bubbles using the adverbs of place - Has the ps compare the answers with the partners

- Calls pairs to present - Corrects

Keys : a) upstairs d) outside b) here e) there c) downstairs f) inside

- Take notes

- Do as required

-Write activities in the questionaire

- Do as required

- Compare the answer in pairs

- Asks & answer in pairs

- Speak out - Listen

- Do as required - Talk in class

- Look at the picture and answer

- Take note

- Complete

- Compare the answer in pairs


V.Consolidation (4ms)

V Home work (5ms)

- Asks the Ss to make questions & answer Example :

I’m very thirty (what/you/drink) what are you going to drink ?

I’am going to drink water a) I’m very hungry (what/eat?) b) I’m bored (what/do)?

c) Hoa’s not going by bicycle (what/Hoa/go) - Asks the Ss to exerise 6/19

- Guides them to prepare “ getting started & listen & read unit 3”

- Asks and answer

- Listen & take notes (What is the girl going to do?, where is she?)

Date of preparation: September, 22th 2005 Date of teaching: September, 23th 2005

Unit 3: AT HOME

Period 12 : Getting Started & Listen and Read Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : - Language content:


+ To help them master & compare” haveto” &” ought to”

- Language function:

+ To enable the Ss to listen and say about the chores + To help them practise speaking conversation

- Educational aims:

+ To educate the Ss what needs to be done at home + To help their parents

1 Language:

Vocabulary : chores & things related Structure : Have to ≠ ought to

2 Skills: Listening(skimming), speaking

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techniques: Explanation, repetition, pairwork, completing, Q-A

5 Teaching aids: pictures, cassette player

6 Teaching Procedure : Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities




II Checking up


III.Presentation of the new material


- Asks the Ss to look at the six pictures quickly in a minute and try to remember the verds in the pictures as many as possibles Which team remembering more verds is the winner

- Calls one to write the intentions for the situations below

a) Nam bought a cassette yestrlay b) It’s my birthday next week c) Ba is learning to drive - Remarks, corrects & marks

Listen and read :

1 Lead in:

- Asks somes questions

what you have to at home?

Do you have to water the flowers, vegetable?

Do you have to cook meals?

- Introduces the situation in the dialogue “ Mrs Vui has to go home late & she asks Nam to some things”

-Look at the pictures,and


- Representator write verds on the board - One st called does the exercise

- Listen and take note

- Answer


2 Pre-pratice:

- Asks the Ss to guess “What does Mrs Vui ask Nam to ? “

- Corrects the answer (in Ss way) - Teaches some words & structures

yoursefl (prom)

cupboard (n) – picture

steamer (n) – explanation

under (prep) drawing(to illustrate)

beside (prep) : ps’ recalling

sauce pan (n)

frying pan (n) pictures

rice cooker (n)

sink (n)

- Checks the Ss understanding of the words, sticks the pictures of some things & draws , then asks the Ss to match the words with the correct picture

- Gives examples to explain the modal verbs : have to & ought to

Ex1 : It’s raining now I have to wear


Ex2 : you ought to go to bed eaily

- Asks the ps to elicit the form & the meaning & usages

- Gets Ss’ feedback and notes: a) Have/has to + bare infinitive Ought(not) to + bare infinitive b) Have to -> must = obligation

3 Controlled practice :

- Asks the Ss to listen & reperat sentence by sentence (plays the cassette once)

1 Has the Ss practise reading the dialogue in pairs

- Calls some pairs to read out

- Corrects the pronunciation, intonation Asks the Ss to read the dialogue silently & list out the work that Nam has to - Calls some to read out the answer Keys :

- Anwer

* cook dinner

*go to the market & buy some fish & vegetable

- Listen, repent, guess the words’ meaning & write down

- Matching

- Take note

- Draw out - Take note

- listen & repeat - practise in pairs


IV.Consoli dation


V Home work


- Nam has to cook dinner

- He has to go to the market & buy some fish & vegetables…………

4 Free practice :

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to discuss the answer what you often at home (besides your lenrning) ?

- Gets some to speak out & corrects - Calls some Ss to answer

What does Nam have to ?

What you have to at home ?

Do you have to feed the chickens ?

- Corrects - Asks the Ss to

write the chores that they often on their notebooks

excrcise 1/20

Prepare unit speak

Finds prepositions of position

- Discuss the questions in pairs

- Speak out

- The Ss called answer

- Listen

- Listen & take notes

Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: September 25th, 2005 Date of teaching: September 26th, 2005

Unit 3: AT HOME

Period 13 : SPEAK Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : - Language content:

+ To help the Ss review & use prepositions of position + To enable them to ask or advise S.O to some thing

- Language function:

+ To develop Ss speaking skill

+ To enable them to talle about the position of the things in the house (describe the things in the picture)

- Educational aims:


1 Language:

Vocabulary : prepositions of place

Structure : sentences rising prepositions of place

2 Skills: Skimming, writing, speaking

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techniques: Explanation, sentences building, pairworks

5 Teaching aids: pictures, texbook, teacher’s book

6 Teaching Procedure : Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities



II Checking up


III.Presentation of the new material


- Greets

- Asks the Ss about the weather and the absentees

- Lets the Ss play a game, devide the class into two teams (A,B)

- Hangs the picture of the kitchen (page 28) on the board

- Takes away the picture and asks the Ss to write down as many things as they can remember.Which team having more things wins the game

- Calls two Ss to ask and answer in pairs the following questions

what you have to at home ?

Do you have to sweep the floor/ wash dishes/ cook/ ?

- Asks the Ss to write some chores that they at home

- Gets some papers & corrects - Remarks, corrects & marks

1 Lead in:

-Asks Ss the prepositions of the items in the pictures

+ Where is the clock? the fruit ? the flowers? the rice cooker? the cupboard?

- Greet

- Say something too - Play the grame after listen to the teacher’s instructions

- Look at the picture for 30 seconds, try to remember the things in the picture Then write Ask and answer

- Write some chores

- Answer

+ It’s above the fridge in the bowl on the table next to the bowl

of fruit



2 Pre-pratice:

a Helps Ss review the prepositions of places they have learned : in, on at, next to, above, under, below, behind, …

- Reviews vocabulary about the item in the room:

rug (n)

cushions (n)

b Notes: - Let’s - ought to

- should = ‘d better c Guides Ss how to exercises

3 Controlled practice :

a Asks the Ss to look at the pictures (page 28), has them work in pairs to practice speaking about the position of the iteam - Calls some pairs to speak out

* Keys(suggestion)

+ The calendar is all the wall, under the clock and above the refrigerator

+ The sink is next to the stove

+ The cupbard is on the wall, above the counter

b Asks the Ss to look at the picture on Page 29 Then answer :

What is this? Is it put in the correct order?

Can you put it in the correct order?

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to arrange the furniture in Mrs Vui’s living-room (Ss should discuss like this:

- S1: I think the telephone should be put on the coffee table

- S2: Ok, you are right/ No, I think we’d better / ought to/ I think it should be …

- Encourage the Ss to draw the room with the arrange funiture in their opinion

above the counter - Review

- Take note

- Listen and take note - Look at the picture in the books, pair work talk about the position of the item - Speak out

- Listen and take note

- Speak out - Take note

- Look at the picture - Answer

It is….No, it isn’t - Work in pairs

- Draw the picture of the room




V Home work


- Calls some pair to present the arrangements(with their pictures)

- Corrects

* I think the coffee table should be between the couch and the armchair

* Let’s put the magagines on the shelf above the books

4 Free practice :

- Lets the Ss play the game

- Asks the Ss to draw a plan of their house - Gives some words: Cupboard, shelf, bed, coffee table, picture, clock, lamp, wardrobe, letter, photos,

- Asks ss to put the words in the correct room

- Gets feedback - Corrects

- Lets Ss play another game: crosses & Noughts

On In Near

Next to Behind Between

Under Beside In front of

Team A : Noughts Team B : Crosses

- Devides the class into teams

- Each member of each team must choose the prep & make sentence with it and a noun showing the furnituer If the sentense is right, that team has a “cross” or “Nought” - If they have “O” or “x” in a line, they are the winners

- Asks the Ss to

describle their bedroom

excrcise 2/21,22

prepare “ Listen”

find something need to cook rice or fried rice

find how to cook rice/ fried rice

- Take note

- Play the game - Draw

toilet kitchen bedroom

living room

- Take part in the game

- Take note

- Listen & take notes


Date of preparation: September 26th, 2005 Date of teaching: September 27th, 2005

Unit : AT HOME

Period 14 :


Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : - Language content:

+ To help the Ss know things needed to cook the “ special Chinese Fried rice” & how to cook it

- Language function:

+ To develop Ss listening comprehension skill + To enable them to listen & check the right items - Educational aims:

+ To make the Ss be aware of the importance of cooking well and of changing the food in a meal

1 Language:


2 Skills: Listening (pridicting, scanning, Long tem memory, dentifying words)

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techniques: Explanation, rearranging, guessing, identifying

5 Teaching aids: Cassette player, pictures, worksheet textbook

6 Teaching Procedure:

Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(5 ms)

II Checking up


III.Presentation of the new material

- Hangs the picture of a room

- Asks the ps to look at & identify the furniture in the room & remember its pcsition in thee minutes

- Takes out the picture asks the Ss to listen & say true or false

1 There is a bed in the corner of the room The shelves are on the closet

3 The wardrobe is in the middle of the room

4 The table is between two chairs The lamp is next to the bed

6 The table is on the right of the wardrobe There are some pictures on the wall On the left side of the room there is a window

9 The bed is opposite the door - Gets Ss feedback & corrects

- Calls one to desscribe the furniture in the room again

- Corrects & marks

1 Lead in: Questions (5ms)

Do you have to tidy up your room

- Look at the furniture, remember its position - Listen &say T or F


- the stuclent called the requirement



Do you have to cook meals ?

How you cook rice ?

What about fried rice ?

- Corrects says the aims of the lesson “ to listen & find out things needed & how to cook the speccal Chinese Fried rice ?

2 Pre-pratice:(9ms)

- Asks the Ss to work in groups & predict what food material & spice needed to cook the special Chinese Fried rice & how to cook it

- Sticks some pictures on the bb & asks the Ss to look at them

- Asks them what each item is

- Guides the Ss to the listening “listen & check the eight item as desscription”

3 Controlled practice (10ms) - Plays the cassette for the first time

- Asks the Ss to listen & answer “what food they talk about ?

a the special Chinese rice

b the special Chinese Firied rice c the special Chinese noodles ?

- Asks the Ss to listen again & check the right item (2nd listening)

- Asks them to compare the answer with the 1st guessing words

- Gets them to listen again & corrects Keys : a fried rice

b pan

c garlic and green peppers d ham and peas

4 Free practice :

- Asks the Ss to re-order the sentences (chart)

1 Put the ham and the peas in Wait untit it’s hot

3 Put the pan on the stove

- Listen & know

- Look at

a) a plate of fred rice/a plate of noodles b)a sauce pan/ a frying pan

- Listen & anwer

- Listen & check the right item

- Compare the answer with the guessing words

- Listen, give the answer

Take notes


IV.Consolidation (3ms)

V Home work (3ms)

4 Fry the garlic and the green peppers Prepare a pan, a little oil, garlic some peppers, a piece of ham & some peas Put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in Pour a little oil in to the pan

- Gets Ss feedback & corrects

- Asks one to speak out “ How to cook the special Chinese fried rice again

- Gets some to speak out & corrects - Recalls how to cook the food once more - Makes the Ss be aware of cooking the food well & the importance of changing the food among the meals

- Asks the Ss to write the steps of cooking the food above their notebooks

- Guides the Ss to prepare “read” “what can be dangerous to small children in a house, especially in the kitchen?”


- Speak out - Listen

- Listen & take note

Self ealuation :

Date of preparation: September 29th, 2005 Date of teaching: October 1st, 2005

Unit : AT HOME

Period 15 : Read Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : -Language content:

+ To enable the Ss to master the warnings (in some posters ) about dangerous things to small children

-Language function:

+ To develope Ss reading comprehension skill + To enable them to identify True– False statements

+ To help them practise asking & answering with why questions - Educational aim:

+ To educate the Ss to pay attention to the warnings and make them be aware of dangerous warnings

1 Language:


Structure : why question

2 Skills: Reading (scanning, skimming, rading for opinions)

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techniques: Explanation, repitition, questioning, T/F statements, pairwork

5 Teaching aids: Chats, chalk, textbook, posters

6 Teaching Procedure : Teaching

steps & time

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(5 ms)

II.Checking up

(4ms) III.Presenta tion of the new



- Sticks some warnings (posters of warning) on the bb

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to discuss what each poster tells about

- Calls some to go the bb, point at the porter & tell the others what it’s about

- Gives correction

- Calls one to go to the bb and tell : what food material and spice we use to cook the special Chinese Fried rice “?” – How we cook it ? - Remarks, corrects & maks

1 Lead in:

- Gives drugs, scissors, knives and asks: * What are they?

* Are they dangerous for children?

* How can we keep children out of dangerous? - Introduces the content & the aims of the lesson “Read some warnings in the posters & find some dangerous things & objects to small children in the house”?

2 Pre-practice:

a)- Asks the Ss

“ what can be dangerous to small children in the house” ?

- Maches

elctical sockets

cookers in the kitchen medicine & chemicals all of them

b)- Corects & teaches some new words

- Discuss in pair

EX : this posters tells that we mustn’t smoke

- One goes to the bb

& the

requirements - Listen


precaution (n) explaination

drug (n) ≈ medicine

destroy (v) / /

EX : the storm destroyed 10 houses in the city

fire (n) → cause a fire

object (n) example with real things

injure / / ≈ hurt (not die)

socket (n) (realia)

safety (adj)

keep out of → explanation

c) Checks the Ss understanding of the words :

Blank fill (chart)

+ A match can

+ Some such as scissors, knives can be dangerous to small children

+ Fire home and the children because someone plays with matches

+ You should put all and in locked cupboard to children them

- True/False statements prediction

- Asks the Ss to read the statements in the book and guess which is true or false

Guess Correct

a b c d e


3 Controlled practice (12ms) Question :

“why we keep children out of dangerous things” ?

- Asks the Ss to read the reading silently and answer again “what are dangerous to the children?

- Gets them to read it again & find if each True or False

- Asks some to speak out & asks them to correct

- Listen, guess the

words meaning,

repeat & take note

Do exercise

+ cause a fire objects

+ …objects

+ destroys & injures +…chemicals & drugs keep out of

- Read in silent and guess


IV.Consoli dation (4ms)

V.Home work (3ms)

the false

- Gives correction

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to ask & answer the questions (read silently first)


a) Why must we put all chemicals and drugs in looked cupboard ?

Because children often try to eat and drink them - Calls some pairs to present

- Gives correction keys :

b) Because the kitchen is a dangerous place c) Because playing with matches can cause a fire d) Because children mustn’t put anything into electrical sockets……

e) Because the dangerous cbjects can injure or kill children

4 Post reading : (5ms)

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs & list out “ what mustn’t we let the children ?”

- Calls some to speak out - Gives correction

example: children mustn’t

play in the kitchen

play with matches

put some thing in the electrical sockets - From “ Free practice” questions

a) Why mustn’t children play in the kitchen ? ……… - Calls some to answer

- Notices the children to be aware of dangerous things

- Asks Ss to answer the question again & reread the safety precaution carefully

- Has them prepare “write”

- Review prep of position & household objects - Guides them to de exercise 5/24

- Read silently & answer

- Read the text again & T/F sentements - Listen & take notes - Read the text silently them ask & answer in pairs

- Present

- Take notes

- Pair work & answer - Listen

- Answer - Write down


Date of preparation: September 29th, 2005 Date of teaching: October 3rd, 2005

Unit : AT HOME

Period 16 : W


Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : Language content:

- To help the Ss review prepositons of position & some household cbjects & define where it is

- To help the Ss write a description of a room Language function :

- To enable the Ss to write a description of a room in a house - To have them describe the rooms of their own ( in a paragraph) - To develep the Ss writing skill

Educational aims :

- To make them be aware of the positions of the things in a room or in a house & arrange them tidily & scientifically

1 Language:

Vocabulary : Review Structure : there is/ are


3 Method : Commanicotive approach

4.Techniques: Explanation, sentence building, identifying, describing, pairwork

5 Teaching aids:pictures, textbook, exerisebook, chart

6 Teaching Procedure : Teaching

steps & time

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(2 ms)

II.Checking up


III.Presenta tion of the new



- Warm up

- Checking absence

- Calls some to write the words & answer the questions

* New words

Sự phòng ngừa thuốc uống ổå cắm điện làm bị thương Hóa chất

* Questions :

a)Why mustn’t we let children play in the kitchen?

b) why must we cover electrical sockets?

c)Why must we put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboard ?

- Remarks, corrects & marks

1 Lead in:

- Hangs picture & gives the questions a) what is this ?

b) where is it ? ………

- Uses the answers of the questions above to in troduce the aims of the lesson describing a room in sentence & in para level

2 Pre-pratice:

- Recalls & teaches

on/to the left (right) of

in the left (right) corner of


in the middle of


next to

beneath ≠ above

- The Ss called answer

- Listen

- Look at the picture & answer It’s a bookshelf It’s above the desk

- Listen

- Listen, guess the

words meaning






* dish rack * towel rack

jar (n) of sugar/ flour/ tea pictures lighting fixture

- Has the Ss read the paragraph describing Hoa’s bedroom as well as look at the picture of Hoa’s room to define where each furniture is

- Gives some comprehension questions + What is there on the left of the room? There is the desk on the left of the room + Where is the refrigerator ?

It’s in the right corner of the room + Where is the table ?


Explains the requirement of the exercise * Notes there is/ are

3 Controlled practice

- Gets the Ss to write sentences or a para to describe Hoa’s kitchen based on the cued & the model & the picture

- Asks them to change the writing in pairs & compare

- Calls some to check & corrects * Suggestion :

This is Hoa’s kitchen There is a refeidgerator on the right cormer of the room Next to the refrigerator is the stove & the oven On the other side of the oven, there is a sink……

4 Free- practice:

- Asks the Ss to talk about their bedroom/ living room/kitchen to their partners

- Calls Ss to describle their classroom - Gives remarks

- Asks the Ss to write a descrition of their bedroom

- Gets some Ss’papers to correct - Asks the Ss to :

* write a descrition of their classroom

* write the para on exercise on their notebook * prepare “language focus”( review reflexive

- Read silenthy

- Look at the picture & anwer

- Listen

- Practise writing - Change, compare the writing in para - Listen & write down


pronouns, Modal verds, Why - questions Self ealuation :

Date of preparation:October 1st,2005 Date of teaching:October 4th,2005

Unit : AT HOME

Period 17 : L

anguage focus

Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : Language content :

- To help the Ss review the usage of “must” &” have to”,”ought to”, reflexive pronouns and the structure with why -> Because

Language function :

- To enable the Ss to practise making sentences with pictures given and completing the dialogue (using the points of grammar above.)

- To help them use have to, must in the correct situation Educational aims :

- To educate the Ss know what has to at home (in free time) - To advise them to sth by themselves (if they can)

- To help the Ss find out the reasons for the questions

1 Language:

Vocabulary : Word – revision

Structure : Have to / Must / Ought to Reflexive pronoun

Questions Why -> Because


3 Method : Communicative approach

4 Skills: Reading (scanning, skimming) writing (sentence – building), speaking

5 Teaching aids: pictures, chart, worksheet, textbook

6 Teaching Procedure : Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(2 ms)

II Checking up


III.Presentation of the new material (33ms)

- Greeting

- Checking absence

- Calls some to bring their exerise notebooks & check the writing in the last period

- Remaks, corrects & marks Excrrise : Look at the picture

1 Lead in:

- Calls one to answer “what you have to at home ?”

- Calls another to answer - Remarks & tells the aims of

Excrrise : Review and practise sentences using have to & must

2 Pre-pratice:

-Asks the Ss to recall the usage of Have to & Must

* Have to + bare inf → obligation

( necessary to st) * must + bare inf →

- Asks the Ss to look at the pictures & asks about the action in each picture

- Explains the requirement of the exercise

3 Controlled practice

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs using Must, Have to & the verbs in the box to complete the dialogue

- Asks the Ss discuss each other (between pairs) about the answer

- Calls some pairs to present & gives correc tion

- Gets one pair to speak out the complete

- The Ss called the requiremen

-The Ss called answer - Listen

- Recall

- Look at the pictures & answer

- Listen

- Complete the dialogue in pairs (silently)

- Compare the answer in the pairs



4 Pree practice :

-Asks the Ss to work in pairs ask & answer the question “What you have to at home ?”

-Calls some pairs to present Exercise : Look at the pictures

1 Lead in:

- Asks: What you often in your freetime?

- Says:“You ought to help your mother with the housework”

- Introduces the exercise using ought to →


2 Pre-practice:

- Asks the Ss to recall

Ought to → give advice to S.O

EX : I failed my English test → you ought to study harder (Asks the Ss to look at the picture & explains)

- Explains the requirement “look at the pictures & give advice to the people in the pictures by using “Ought to “

3 Controlled practice :

- Asks the Ss to look at the pictures & the situation then give advice to the people using “ought to “

- Asks the Ss to take the roles of the people in the pictures

Eg : A : I’m late

B : You ought to get up early - Calls some to present before class - Gives correction

Keys : (suggestion)

a) You ought to get up early

b) You ought to eat more fruit & vegetables

c) You ought to go to the dentist’s

4 Free-practice :

- Calls some Ss to illustrate the situations

- Asks &answer in pairs

- Listen & answer - I often play games, listen to music,…

-Recall Ought to

neân → khuyên nên làm

- Listen

- Look at the pictuve & the situation, give advice, play the roles

- Present the roles - Listen


by actions

- Calls some to give advice to him - Corrects in their own mistake Exercise : Complete the dialogue

1 Lead in :

-Asks the Ss to look at the pictures again & questions: Did anyone help her to the chores ? – she did the chores herself →

relexive pronoun

-Introduces the aims of exercise “ To review & practise the usage of reflexive pronouns”

2 Pre practice :

Personal pronouns Reflexive pronouns I Myself You Yourself/yourselves He/ she/ It Himself/ herself/ itself We ourselves

They themselves

* Notes : Refloxive pronouns can be used as an object or fust for emphasic

EX : I myself the home work->emphasic I cut myself (o)

- Guides the Ss how to the exercise Complete the dialogues by using the reflexive promouns

3 Cotrolled practice :

- Asks the Ss to complete the dialogues by putting Reflexive pronouns in the right blank in paris

- Calls some to speak out & correct

4 Free practice :

- Asks some to make sentences with each of reflexive pronouns

- Calls some to speak out & correct E xereise :

1 Lead in:

- Asks the Ss to look at the picture in the

- The Ss called ge to the bb & act

- Give advice - Listen

- Look at & anwer →

No one - Listen

- Draw out

- Draw out from example & take note - Listen

- Complete the dialogue in pairs

- Speak out


IV.Consoli dation


V.Home work (3ms)

books & questions

 Why did Hoa go to school late this morning ?

- Introduces : Q-A with “why because”

2 Pre- practice:

- Recalls Questions : Why

Answer : Because - Guides “Practise in pairs ask & answer using “ why – Because

3 Controlled - practice :

- Asks the Ss to practise asking why & answering “Because” in pairs

- Calls some to speak out & correction

4 Free- practice :

- Make question & answer from the situation

a) It was very cold we didn’t go to the beach

b) Bob didn’t have a city map so he got lost - Calls some pairs to speak out

- Gives correction

- Has the class play a game:

Lucky number : 3,5,6,8

1 Fill in : He looks at – in the mirror Give advice : I’m thin

4 Give advice : I’m bored

7.Make question : I didn’t put on warm clothes so I felt cold

- Devides the class into groups & explains the rules of the game

“Choose the number & the requirement If you choose lucky number” you will get points Each right answer take points If you are wrong, the left can answer

- Asks to Ss to list out all of gram mar points from U1 – & review some

vocabulary related, and reread and redo some kinds of exercise

- Look at the picture, listen & answer

Because she watched TV late last night

- Practise in pairs

- Work in pairs ask & answer

- Speak out - Listen

- Take part in the game



Date of preparation: October 4th 2005 Date of teaching: October 6th 2005

Unit : AT HOME

Period 18 : L

anguage review

Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : Language content :

- To have the Ss review some points of grammar “enough, be going to, modalverb, question” why, descriptive sentences

Language function :

- To enable the Ss to practise writing sentences using these to develop the Ss skills of doing drill rewriting sentences, answering the questions

Educational aims :

- To make the Ss trave a general view before doing St

1 Language:

Vocabulary : Review Structure : Review

2 Skills: Writing, reading (scanning)

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techiques: Explaination, exercise wrting

5.Teaching aids needed: exercise books, teacher’s book, textbook, chart, worksheet

6.Teaching Procedure : Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(2 ms)

II Checking up (3ms)

III Presentation of the new material (31ms)

- Checks the attandance

- Plays the game “I eat, I smell, I hear - Calls ome of the looser to check up the lesson : Rewrite

1 Nam is absent today because he is ill Why……… ?

2 I’m tired

You ought to……… - Remaks, corrects & marks

1 Lead in:

- From the exercise 1, asks the Ss to tell the grammartical points

- Tells the aims of the lesson “ review some points of grammar learned”

2 Pre-pratice:

- Asks the Ss about some grammar points - Notes:

a) ( not) + adj + enough + to inf

* Eg:It’s warm enough to go swimming b) Be goimg to + V b-inf -> intention * Eg:We are going to learn Chinese next month

c) Modals

Have to -> necessary to St Must -> necessary to St Ought to → giving advice

d) Asks for & gives reason why – Because * Eg : Why is Nam tired ?

Because he stayed up late last night - Asks the Ss to give some kinds of exercises again

- Guides the Ss to each kind of exercise, does modal or give example

3 Controlled practice:

- Gives exercise:

- The monitor answers - All stand up & play the game

- One student goes to the bb & rewrites

- Listen

- Answer

* Why questions * ought to + V(b-inf) - Listen

- Answer - Take note

- Listen and take note


IV.Consoli dation

I Rewrite the sentences with the words given :

1 Nam was sick so he didn’t go to school

→ Because

2 It was very hot You could fry an egg on the pavement → Enough

3 Your friend begins smoking → Ought to Lan has a stamp and an envelop → She’s

going to

II.Rearrange the words into correct sentences :

1 Married/ fat/ man/ she/ short/ a/

2 Summer/ going/ music/ to/ listen Nam/ is/ this

3 Ought/ computer / stop/ to/ playging games

4 Have/ children/ wear/ uniform/ to school/ go/ when/ to

III.Underline the best complete :

1 Mrs Nga called (on/ at/ about) her newspaper delivery

2 Thomas Watson was Bell’s (assist, assistance/ assistant)

3 The sun(sets/ set/ is setting) in the west I repaired the bicycle (myself/ itself/ myselves)

- Calls one by one to go to the bb & the exerises

- Gives correction

4 Free practice :

- Asks the Ss to make sentences with the structures above( one sentence for one structure)

Eg :I am not old enough to be in the 9th


- Calls some to speak out, then go to the bb & write down

- Recalls the grammar points & asks them

- Do exercise

1 Nam didn’t go to school because he was sick

2 It was hot enough to fry an egg


- Rearrange the sentences

1 She married a short fat man

2 This summer Nam is going to listen to music

1 about assistant sets Myself

- Do the exerises - Take note - Make sentences



V.Home work (4.ms)

how to some exeries

- Pays attention to common mistakes when doing exerises

- Asks the Ss to prepare the knowledge for TEST I

- Asks them to pay attention to the kinds of exercises

- Listen

- Take note

Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: October, 7th 2005 Date of teaching: October, 10th2005

Unit : Period :19

Class: 8A12

TEST I Time alloted : 45mins

A Aims and objectives:

- To check the Ss understanding &practising during the three lesson (from Unit – 3) B.TEST:

I.C hoose the most suitable words, phrases or sentences to fill the blanks :(2ms)

1 I cut shaving this morning

a yourself b myself c himself d herself

2 Vietnamese children wear uniform when they go to school

a must b have to c has to d had to

3 Would you like a message ?

a to leave b leave c leaving d left

4 Alexander Graham Bell was born March 3, 1847

a in b on c at d during

5 I a letter from my old friend last week

a sent b gave c received d took

6 He is not get married

a enough old to b enough old for c old enough to d old enough for You will cook dinner yourself

a ought to b must c should d have to

8 My teacher a round face


II.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:(2ms)

1 Nam (give) Hoa a letter yesterday The sun (rise) in the east

3 Minh (have to) cook dinner next week His brother (read) a newpaper at the moment

III Rewrite the sentences: (2ms)

1 Nga has a movie ticket She is going ……… You should study harder You ought ………

IV Rearrange the words in the correct order to make sentences: (2ms)

1 Has/ she/ long/ hair/ black

……… enough/ Jane/ stay/ to/ alone/ old/ isn’t/ at home ………

V Read the passage, then answer the questions : (2ms)

Mai is Lan’s next-door neighbor in Danang She is very beautiful She has big brown eyes and a lovely smile Two weeks ago, she went to Hanoi to visit Lan They traveled around the city and saw a lot of interesting places She thinks Hanoi is beautiful but so noisy and busy, so she doesn’t like to live there

* Questions:

1 Who is Lan’s next-door neighbor in Danang ? What is she look like ?

3 Where did she go two weeks ago ? Why doesn’t she like to live in Hanoi ?



Lớp SS Giỏi Khá TB > TB Yếu Kém < TB

8A12 43 8.3 23 4.7.9 16 33.4 43 89.6 10.4 0 10.4

ANSWER KEYS I/ 8 x 0.25 = 2ms

1 b c

2 a/ b c

3 a d

4 b c

II / 0.5 x = 2ms

1 gave rises


III / x = 2ms

1 She is going to go to the movie theatre You ought to study harder

IV/ 1 x = 2ms

1 She has long black hair

2 Jane isn’t old enough to stay alone at home

V/ 0.5 x = 2ms

1 It’s Mai

2 She is very beautiful, has big brown eyes and a lovely smile She went to Hanoi

4 Because Hanoi is so noisy and busy

Date of preparation: October, 10th 2005 Date of teaching: October, 12th2005


Period 20 :

Getting started & Listen and read

Class: 8A12

Aims and objectives : Language content :

-To provide the Ss basic knowledge of daily life that Vietnamese spent 100 years ago - To enable the Ss to use the structure with “Used to + V-inf”

Language function :

- To make the Ss practice speaking by practising the dia asking and answering the questions

- To help the Ss distinguish between facts & opinions

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tellthe activitives people used to in the past and express their felling about the past events

Educational aims :

-To educate the Ss to know about the past, what their great grandparents did to understand & sympathize with them

1.Language :

Vocabulary : Look after, great grandma, equipment folktale, traditional stories Structure : What like?

Used to Had to

2.Skills: Speaking, reading (scanning), listening

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techiques: Explaination, exercise wrting

5 Teaching aids necded:exercise book, teacher’s book textbook, chart, woksheet


Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(2 ms)

II Checking up


III.Presentation of the new material


- Greets

- Checks the attandance

- Plays the game “I eat, I smell, I hear

Getting Started

- Asks the Ss to look at the picture on page 38 and tell the names of the things that not belong to the past

- Gives correction

- Asks the Ss to ask and answer in pairs Modal:Do you have a mobilephone? No, I don’t

Do you have school uniform? Yes, Ido

- Calls some Ss to speak out

1 Lead in:

- From the Getting started tells the aims of the lesson “ we are going to learn a dialogue about the thing Nga’s mother used to do”

2 Pre-pratice:

- Plays the tape for the first time

Question:What did grandmother use to do? - Plays the tape the second time

- Calls some to list the things

- Lets the Ss listen to once more check the result and pay attention to the pronunciation - Preteaches new words:

look after (v) = take care of

great grandmother(n)= grand ma’s mother

folktale (n)

Eg: Tam cam is a tradional folktale story

equipment (n)-> eg: refrigerator, washing, … - From the listening task, asks Ss to retell What grandma’s mother used to teaches structure

- Asks Ss draw the structure and usage

- Greet

- Themonitor ansers - All stand up & play the game

- Look at the picture and tell the names of the things


- The TV,the radio, the mobilephone, the light fixture, modern clothing / school uniform

- Listen

- Listen and list What great grandmother used to

- Listen, compare - List

-Listen, check the result ( book opened) - Take note


* Note:

a) Form: Used to + V(b- inf)

Usage: Express the action that usually happened in the past and finishes now

b) Had to ( past form of have to) c) What + be + S + like?

Eg: What was the life like?

- Checks SS’ understanding: ( blank fill)

Your grandma’s mother is called……

Nga’s grandmother had to ……her sister and brother

Today we the housework with the help of the modern…

3 Controlled practice:

a) Asks the Ss to practice the dia in pairs (change the role)

- Calls some pairs to role play

b) Has Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs

- Calls some to answer - Gives correction

a) She used to live on the farm

b) Because he had to stay at home and help her mom

c) She used to cook meal, d)……

c) Explains the requirementin exercise

Fact (F) = truth

Opinion ( O) = personal idea Eg: I learn English (F)

English is difficult (O)

- Asks the Ss to read the statements and predict they are F or O

- Gets Ss’ prediction

- Asks Ss to reread the dia, and check their prediction

- Asks Ss to correct the false statememts - Gets feedback

Guees Answer Correction


had to look after younger brother - Answer and take note

- Do exercise

- Practise - Roleplay

- Ask and answer - Answer

- Takenote

- Takenote






b c d e f

4 Free practice : (6ms)

- Has Ss read the statements part on page 39 and decide which is their fact, which is their opinion

Statements F O

a b c d e f

- Gets feedback Survey:

Did you use to….? Name

get up late ride bicycle fast go to school

eat too much candy forget to homework

- Gets feedback: Asks: Who used to get up late/ ride bicycle to fast/

- Asks Ss to write the result of their survey on notebook

- Aks Ss list out what their grandma did (45yaers)

-Asks the Ss to prepare “ Speak” part find the differences between life in the past and now

- Do exercise

- Gives feedback - Survey

- Gives feedback - Takenote


Date of preparation: October, 11th 2005 Date of teaching: October, 13th2005

Unit :


Period 21 :


Class: 8A12

I Aims and objectives : Language content :

- To help the Ss speaking about the way things used to be and the way they are now - To enable the Ss to use the structure with “Used to + V-inf”

Language function :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “used to” to talk about the things they used to

Educational aims :

-To make the Ss remember what they used to do; favourite childhood memories, and get rid of bad habits

1.Language :

Vocabulary : vocabulary review to talk about the past Structure : Used to + V(b-inf)

2.Skills : Speaking, listening, writing

3 Method : Communicative approach

4.Techiques: Pairwork, groupwork, sentences building

5 Teaching aids necded:teacher’s book, textbook, pictures

6 Teaching Procedure : Teaching steps

& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities


(3 ms)

- Greets

- Checks the attandance

- Tells a short funny story about teacher’s chilhood

- * Jumble words:

rieletcity -> electricity

- Greet


II Checking up


III.Presentation of the new material


mrkaet -> market permasuktr -> supermarket eletivoisn -> television - Gets feedback

- Asks one Ss to tell what Nga’s grandmother used to in the past

- Gives correction, marks and remarks

1 Lead in:

- Recalls the conversation between Nga and her grandma Asks: Where did Nga ‘s grandma used to live?

- Gets the answer and write on the board Says and tell the aim of the lesson

2 Pre-pratice:

- Asks Ss to give the form and usage of “used to”from the answer

* Note:

Form: S + used to + V(b-inf)

S + did not + use to + V(b-inf) Did + S + use to + V(b-inf)?

Usage: Express a past habit, or action usually happened in the past

- Asks the Ss to look at two picture in the book and give ideas about them Devides the class into two teams, one tells about the picture 1(past), another tells about the picture 2(present)

- Guess feedback and gives correction A B House small big

Travel walk by car, motobike Children play at home go to school Life work hard have entertaiment

3 Controlled practice:

- Asks the Ss to look at two pictures in the book Then talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now depend on the questions below:

- Gives feedback - Answer the questions - Take note

- Recall and answer : She used to live on a farm

- Listen - Answer - Take note

- Look at the picture and give ideas

- Give feedback and takenote




V Homework


a Where did people live in the past? And now?

b How did they travel? And now?

c What was about their life/ work? And now?

d Did the children go to school? And now? e What about the electricity? And now? f What was about their entertainment? And now?

4 Free practice :

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs, tell the partner about the things he/ she used to last year Eg: Last year I used to get up late Now I get up early and morning exercise

- Calls some to speak out

- Reads out the names and the things of the Ss who had good or bad habits the most - Says some statements

a People used to work hard all the time b Most children used to stay at home c People go to work by car

d There is electricity everywhere

- Asks Ss to write about the things they used to last year

- Asks Ss to prepare a traditional story

in a small Now they live in big house or building

b They used to work Now they can go by cars or motorbikes c………

- Pairwork

- Speak out - Listen

- Say Past or present a Past

b Past

- Take note


Date of preparation:October 16th 2005 Date of teaching: October 17th 2005

Unit :


Period 22 :


Classes :8A12

Aims and objectives :

Language content :

+ To get the Ss tobe used to a folktale telling a moral lesson about greedy and stupid character

+ To enable the to exepress and know things happend then past

Language function :

+ By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the main ideas of a story by listening and further practice in Past Simple Tense

Educational aims :

+ To educate the students to know a moral lesson about gready and stupid character, educate the Ss not to be to greedy that will lead to being stupid foolish

1.Language :

+Vocabulary : lay – laid, discover, exeitedly, in amazement, unfortunately, decide, greedy

+ Structure: Past Simple Tense

2 Skills : Listening (skimming, scanning, recoginire purpoce – undestanding ideas) speaking, Writing

3 Education factor: To make Ss love to tradional story and proud of them with foreigner


2.Techiques: Getting, main ideas, explanation, chasing the best answer, grap work,


3 Material needed: Cassette tape, chart, Workstreet

4 Students’prearation: Traditional story ( what is it about?)

5 Previous exercises: III Procedures in class:

1.Stabilization:(3ms) Guides the Ss to play the game “Find S.O who” Did you use to Who

get up late ?

go to bed early?

cry at night ?

2 Checking up :(5ms)

- Calls to go to the bb to tell about what they used to - Remarks corrects & marks

3 New lesson : Steps/

time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Lesson’s content 1 Lead in: Questions

- Do you of ten read stories ? What kinds of stories you like best?why ?

Which moral lesson you get from this story ?

- Gets Ss answers From the answer introduces the aims of the lesson “We’regoing to listen to a folktale you listen to it and find out what the story wants to say”

2 Pre-listening:

a) Teaches the new words (after the 1st listening)

 lay - laid – laid (egg) – ps’ guessing

excited (a) – excitedly

collect (v) – collect stamps shells

discover (v) ≈ find out

in amazement ≈ at suprise

decide (v) – explaination

- Answer

- Listen & know

- Listen, repeat guess the words’ meaning then copy down

Unit :

OUR PAST Period 22: Listen I Vocabulary:

lay - laid – laid (egg)

excited(a) excitedly(adv)


Ex: collect stamps shells

discover (v)

≈ find out

in amazement ≈ at suprise

decide (v) – explaination

fortunately (adv) ≈ unluckily

foolish (a) ≈ stupid

(not intelligent)

greedy (a)


fortunately (adv) ≈ unluckily

foolish (a) ≈ stupid (not intelligent)

greedy (a) – situation & explanation

b) Checks the Ss understanding of the words Blank – fill

1 He……… one of his chickens……… a gold egg He shouted………… He ate all the cakes in his parents………

He had a bad stomath because he was too……

3 He is………….to that work without his parents’ agreement c) Asks the to look at four titles and guess which the most suitable to the story

Don’t kill chickens

Don’t be foolish and greedy

Be happy with What you have

It is difficult to find gold

3.While listening:

- Plays the cassette once (Asks the Ss to listen and answer “ Who and What animals the story tell about ?”

- Has the Ss listen for the 2nd time and decide “which is the most suitable moral lesson ?” - Asks them to discuss the anwer in pairs

- Calls some to answer

+ Question : (if the Ss can’t choose the best one)

a)What did the farmer use to sell? b)What did he discover when he went to collect eggs one day? c)What did his wife want ?

- Do exercise

discovered/ excitedly amazement

greedy foolish

- Guess the suitable title

- Listen for the 1st time

and answer

a farmer and his wife


- Listen and find out the main idea of the story (moral lesson) - Discuss the answer in pairs

- Listen and answer a)He used to sell eggs b)He discovered one of the chiclens laid a golden egg


a)What did the farmer use to sell? b)What did he discover when he went to collect eggs one day? c)What did his wife want ?

d)What did he then ?


d)What did he then ? e)What happened at last ?

- Play the cassette for the last time

- Gives correction

Key :b)Don’t be foolish and greedy

4 Post listening:

- Asks the Ss to work in groups (of four) to write a summary of the story (based on the Qs above) - Has them to change the story into another group & check

- Calls some representatives to speak out and corrects

- Recalls the content of the story - Asks the Ss about the moral lesson in the story & makes them aware of it

- Asks the Ss to rewrite the summary on their notebooks - Guides them to exerise 6/30 (workbook)

- Asks them to prepare “read” “preread the story “the lost shoe

c)His wife wanted to find more eggs

d)He decided to cut open all the chickens - Listen and check

- Make a summary in groups of four

- Some of Ss called

stand up & speak out - Answer “don’t be too foolish & greedy”

- Take notes

II Homework:

- Rewrite the summary on their notebooks

- Do exerise 6/30 (workbook)

- Prepare “read” “preread the story “the lost shoe

Self- evaluation:

……… ………



III Homework:


Date of preparation: October 16th 2005 Date of teaching: October 19th 2005

Unit :


Period 23 :


Classes : 8A12


Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To help the Ss understand one of folktales : “the lost shoe” + To provide some vocabulary related to the story

Language function :

+ To develop Ss reading the story for details

+ By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to understand and retell the story “The lost shoes”

Educational aims :

+ To make the Ss aware of the lives of some gentle characters who had difficutives (in life) but their lives were happy after that

+ To educate the Ss to love, protect & help each other

1.Language :

Vocabulary : cruel, upset, broken heart, hold, ray harvest festival, fairy change into Structure : The past simple

2 Skills : Reading (skimming, scanning) Speaking.Writing

3 Educational factor: Educate the Ss to love, protect & help each other, have a

good live way


2.Techiques: Explanation, completing, Questions and Answers summarizing

3 Teaching aids : textbook, chalk, chart

4 Students’preparation : Preread the story, find new words Answer: What is the story about?

5 Previous exercise : 6/30 (workbook)

III Procedures in class : 1 Stabilization : (3m)

-Asks the Ss to book at the jumpled woreds and says out a) l s o o f h i d) c i e x et d

b) l l o a k e f t e) r m o a l c) p m e e i q u t a f) v d i e r s o c - Get some to speak out

2 Checking up :(5ms) Word form

1 We feet very (comfort) in the new house I like (collect) stamps when I was younger Everybody look at me in (amaze)

4 It’s (fool) of you to that


1 Comfortable collecting amazement foolish

3 New lesson: Steps/

time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Lesson’s content 1 Lead in:


Do you like folktales ?

Can you tell me the names of some stories ?

What are these stories usually about ?

- Calls some to answer & corrects

- Tells the aims of the lesson “Were going to read the folktake” the lost shoe what can you guess from the tittle ?

2 Pre-reading:

- Answer

- Listen

Unit : Our Past Period :23 Read I Vocabulary:

Cruel (a) hate & treat unequally to S.O

upset (a) ≈ unhappy

Broken heart ≈ heart attack

hold- held- held ≈ meeting

harvest festival – explaination


a) Has the Ss to read the story quickly and answer

Who was little pea ? Who was stout Nut Whose shoes were lost ?

b) Corrects and teaches the words

Cruel (a) hate & treat unequally

to S.O upset (a) ≈ unhappy

Broken heart ≈ heart attack

hold- held- held ≈ meeting

harvest festival – explaination fairy (n) explanation

change….into rags (n)

- Review structure: The past simple:

S + V ( ed/ 2nd column)

c) Checks the Ss understanding of the words : Blank fill

1 Don’t be………to animals 2.He’svery…………because his son failed exam

3.She dreams a ………… apprears and her into a beautiful girl People held a ……… in the fall

3.While reading:

a) Asks the Ss to read the text silently find the words or phrases to complete the sentences

- Gets them to compare the answer with their partners - Calls some to present before class

- Corrects & gives keys Keys :

- Read quickly & answer

- Listen guess the word’s meaning and repeat then copy down

- Do the blank fill 1.cruel


3.fairy/change 4.harvest festival

- Read silently and complete the sentences - Compare the answer in pairs

Listen & copy down

fairy (n) explanation


rags (n)

II Grammar:

*The past simple: S +V ( ed / 2nd



a) a farmer b) died

c) used……again d) marry/choose e) new dothes f) lost

Exercise /42:

a) She was a poor farmer’s daughter b) She made Little pea the chores all day


a) a farmer b) died c) used……again d) marry/choose e) new dothes f) lost

b) Asks the Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the book on page 42

a) Who was Little pea ? b)What did stout Nut’s mother make Litte pea all day ?

c) d, e (textbook p.42)

- Gets the pairs to discuss the answer toge ther

- Calls some to answer - Gives correction and keys Keys :

a) She was a poor farmer’s daughter

b) She made Little pea the chores all day

c) Before the festival started, a fairy appeared and magically changed her rags into beautifut clothes

d) He prince decided to mary the girl who fitted the lost shoe e) Ss answers

4 Post reading:

- Chooses 14 students to make team (each team includes Ss)

- Asks the Ss to stand into a raw

- Explains the rule of the game - Each team has to tell a story without preparation each student in each team has to

- Asks and answer in pairs

- Takenote

- Do exercise - Takenote


make a sentence and the story continues until the last sentence read out

Eg :

St Once upon a time there was a beautiful her

St 2.Her name was

- Checks if each team has a logic content

- Recalls ( T/ F sentences) 1.The main character in the story is little pea

2 Stout Nut’s mother is little pea’s step mother

3 She treated little pea well 4.The prince wanted to marry the girl named lithe pea

5 Little pea had not of new clothes for the harvest fetival 6.A fairy magically changed little pea’s rags into beautiful clothes

7 The prince decided to marry he girl who fitted the lost shoe - Gets Ss feedback and recalls the content of the lesson

- Asks the Ss to summame the story at home

- Asks them to exercise 4,5/29

- Guides them to prepare “write”the past simple, preread the story, find out the new words

- Decide T ar F T

2 T 3.F 4.F

5 F T

7 T

- Give the anwer - Listen & take notes

III Homework:

- Summame the story

- Do exercise 4,5/29 - Prepare “write” review the past simple

Self- evaluation: II Consolidation:


III Homework:


Date of preparation: October 18th 2005 Date of teaching: October 20th 2005

Unit :


Period 24 :


Classes : 8A12


Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To help the Ss to master one folk take more” How the tiger got his stripes” + To enable them to use the past tense well

Language function :

+ To get the Ss to complete the story using the words given

+ By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able touse Simple Past Tense to write a folktale

Educational aims :

+ To educate the Ss to love folktale

1.Language :

Vocabulary :stripe, master, servant, rope, wisdom, straw, escape, graze, light Structure: The past simple

2 Skills : Reading (skimming, scanning) Speaking.Writing

3 Educational factor: Educate the Ss to love folktale

II Teacher’s and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Completing, sentences building, pairworks


4 Students’preparation : Preread the story, find new words , review the past simple

5 Previous exercise : 4,5/29 (workbook)

III Procedures in class : 1.Stabilization : (3m) - Asks some questions:

Do you want to read imaginary stories? What are their names?

Which story you like best?

Have you ever read the story “ how the tiger got his trip”?

2 Checking up:(5ms)

Calls one to retell the story “the lost shoe” Answer: Ss’ answer

3 New lesson: Steps/

time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Lesson’s content

1 Lead in: Questions

- Asks the Ss to look at the picture of a tiger & answer “Do you know why tigers have black stripes ? which story tell you about that ?

-Asks the Ss can tell the story (in Vietnamese)

- Correts and introduces the story”How the tigers got back stripes”

2 Pre-writing:

-Asks the Ss to read the story silently

- Gives out some new words & asks the Ss to guess the meaning

stripe (n)

master (n) servant (n) Guess the

wise (a) – wisdom (n) meaning fromth

escape (v)

straw (n)

tie (v)

- Look at and answer

- Tell the story - Listen

- Guess the meaning of the words

Unit4: OUR PAST Period 24: Write 1 Vocabulary:

stripe (n)


servant (n)

wise (a) wisdom (n)

escape (v)

straw (n)

tie (v)

light- lit - lit (v) lighted


1.appeared/ came


light- lit - lit (v) lighted

- Gets all to repeat all the words chorolly

- Explains the requirement of the exercise

1)- Asks the Ss to use the words given to complete the story (p.43)

- Asks them to discuss the answers in pairs

- Calls one to speak out the complete story

- Corrects & gives keys Keys :

1.appeared/ came 6.tied 2.was 7.lit 3.said 8.burned 4.left

9.escaped 5.went

2)- Gives some comprehension questions:

a Where was the man?

b What did the buffalo when the tiger appeared?

c What did the tiger want to know?

d What did he before going home? Why?

e What did he when he returned?

- Gets Ss’answer and corrects

3 While – writing:

- Asks them to rewrite the story put the subject “I” instead of the man using the words given

- Has them discuss with their partners about the written story - Calls some to write the story on the bb

- Repeat in chorus - Listen

- Compelete the story using the words given - Discuss

- Speak out

- Listen and take notes

- Read the story again and answer

a He was in his field b It grazed nearby c ………

- Read the story magine one of them is the man retell the story (written task)

- Listen & take noke

2.was 3.said 4.left 5.went 6.tied 7.lit 8.burned 9.escaped


- One day as I was in the field and my buffalo was grazing nearby a tiger came It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and why I was its master………


- Give correction Keys : (suggestims)

- One day as I was in the field and my buffalo was grazing nearby a tiger came It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and why I was its master………


4 Post writing:

- Asks the Ss to work in groups to retell the story taking the role of the man & the tiger

- Calls some groups to present - Gives correction

sample :

Tiger : Can you tell me why you are the master while the stronger buffalo is your servant Man: Because I have something called wisdom……


- Recalls the content of the story - Pays attention to how to write a story

- Asks the Ss to write a short paragraph to tell what happened to them last summer

- Guides them to prepare -“Language focus”

past simple tense

prepositions of time used to (form & usage)

- Discuss & retell the story (dialogue)

- Present the roles (pairwork)



- Listen & copy down

4 Homework: - Write a short paragraph to tell what happened to them last summer - Prepare

-“Language focus”

past simple tense

prepositions of time

used to (form & usage)

Self evaluation :

II Consolidation:


III Homework:


Date of preparation: October 20th 2005

Date of teaching: October 20th 2005

Unit :


Period 25 :

Language focus

Classes : 8A12

I.Aims and objectives :

- Language content :

+ To help the Ss review and master some points of grammar such as the simple past, prepositions of time, the form and usage of “used to”

- Language function:

+ To develop Ss’ skill of doing exercises with prepositions of time + To enable them to correct the exercise errors

- Educational aims :

+ To enable them to use “used to” in everyday communication 1.Language :

Vocab : Related to the exercise Structures : The simple past

Prepositions of time “uesd to + V(bare infintive) 2 Skills : Wrting, Reading, Speaking

3 Educational factor: To enable them to use “used to” in everyday communication II Teacher and students’preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Listen-repitition, Qs-As,Gap-fill, Guessing word, sentence- building 3 Material needed :Poster, picture, book, and real objects

4 Students’ preparation: Review preposition of time, used to, the past simple. 5.Previous exercises :


- Leaves one minute, asks the Ss to write as many verbs as possible (in piece of paper)

- Gets some papers & reads out

2 Checking up previous knowledge : (5ms) - Calls one to complete the sentences

1.I/ used/ cry/ when/ I/ baby

2.My grandmother/ use/ good at/ swimming 3.They/ used/ go/ school/ on foot

- Answer:

1.I used to cry when I was a baby

2.My grandmother used to good at swimming 3.They used to go school on foot

3 New lesson:

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content Eexrcise one : Past simple

form of verbs 1 Lead in:

- From stabilization “say & leads to the exercise “write the past form of each verb (irregular verbs)

2 Pre-writing:

- Write some verbs on the bb (both regular & irregular verb) - Asks the Ss to give out the past form of verb (pair work) Run go solve sit

fly work open Take ride bave

Be have eat buy

3.Controlled practice:

- Has the pairs write the past form of verbs

- Calls some to write on the bb - Gives correction

Keys : Run-ran be-was/ were

- The student called complete the sentences

- Listen

- Write on the note books

- Write the past form of verbs in pairs

- Look at & take notes

Unit :


Period 25 :

Language focus

Exercise 1: Past form Run - ran go – went sit – sat fly – flied work – worked open - opened come – came take – took – did ride – rode be - was/were have – had eat – ate I.Presenting new


Fly-flew go-went

Take-took ………

4.Post writing:

- Asks the Ss to make sentences with the past verb form

Eg : I came to Lan’s house last night

- Calls some to speak out - Corrects in the Ss ways Exercise 2:

Complete the dialogue use the past form:

1.Lead in :

- Form Ss sentences above make questions & leads to exercise to “complete the dialogues by making the questions for the answers Eg : Where did you go last night?

(I went to Lan’s house) 2.Pre practice :

- Gets the Ss to pay attention to the past form of verbs

- Guides how to complete the dialogue (by making correct sentences)

3.Controlled practice :

- Has the Ss to pairwork Completing the dialogues

- Calls some to speak out - Gives correction (in Ss ways) 4.Free practice :

- Asks Ss to work in pairs, making questions & answers using the past simple

Eg : Which folktale did we learn last period ?

We learned the folktale “the lost shoe”

- Calls some pairs to speak out & correts

Exercise 3:

- Make sentences

- Listen - Take note

- Listen & know

- Listen & know - Listen

- Do pairwork comple the dialogue

- Speak out (the pairs called)

- Asks & answer in pairs

- Compare the ways to express time

Exercise 2: The simple past : S + V(ed/ column)


Complete the sentences: 1.Lead in :

- Asks the Ss to compare

I had Math,English yes terday time

I will have literature, history on Friday time prep of time - Says and leads to the exercise 2.Pre practice :

- Asks the Ss to recall the preps of time

Nov, 2004

In Summer

The morning Monday, July

On Monday morning

At - a.m

Between a m and & p.m

after p m before

- Guides how to the exerise 3.Controlled piactice :

- Has the Ss use the prepositions above to complete the sentences (in pairs)

- Lets the Ss compare the answers

- Call some Ss to present - Gives correction & keys a) on d) at / after b) in e) before c) between

4.Free practice :

- Asks the Ss to make sentences using prepositions of time Eg : We’re going to have a miniTEST on Tuesday

- Calls some to present (write on bb)


Complete the dialogue using

- Listen

- Recall the prep of time then copy down

- Listen

- Complete the sentences using prep of time

-The pairs compare the answer together present the sentences

-Take note

- Make sentences

- Write on the bb

Preposition of time: Nov,

In Summer The morning

Monday, July

On Monday morning

At - a.m

Between a m and & p.m

after p m before



“used to + V” 1.Lead in :

- Sets the situation & example I used to have short hair Now I have long hair

-> A habit in the past - Says & leads to the point 2.Pre practice :

- Recalls the form usage of “used to”

(+) used to + V (bare inf) (?) Did + S + use to + V (-) S + did not use to + V

* Expresses an action, a habit that usually happened in the past

- Guides the Ss to the exercise “look at the picture complete the dialogue use “used to” and the verbs in the box

3.Controlled practice :

- Gets the Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue by using “used to” and the verbs in the box

- Has the paris compare the answers

- Calls some to speak out - Gives correction

Keys : Hoa (1) : used to have (2) : used to be (3) : used to live 4 Free practice :

- Asks the Ss to say a bout the things habits…….used to happen (relate themselves & their relatives)

Eg : I used to follow my mother to the market when I was a kid - Calls some to speak out & corrects

- Recalls the verbs & its past form (pay a ttention to irregular verbs) & the past simple

- Asks about the form & usage

- Listen to

- Recall

- Listen & know

- Complete the dialogue in pairs

- Compare

- Speak out

- Do the require ment

- Give form & usage

- Take notes


* S + did not use to + V

* Expresses an action, a habit that usually happened in the past


Learn the lesson by II Consolidation:


of “used to” again (Make them to use “uesd to” in everyday communication

- Asks them to write on their note books

Learn the lesson by heart

Doexcise 1,2/ 27,3/ 28

Prepare “unit : Getting started &listen & read”

+ Preread the dia find out new words and the content


Doexcise 1,2/ 27,3/ 28

Prepare “unit : Getting started & listen & read”

+ Preread the dia find out new words and the content

Self evaluation:


Date of preparation : October 25 th, 2005

Date of teaching : October 28th 2005

Unit :


Period 26 :

Getting Started & Listen And Read

Classes : 8A12

I Aims and objectives : - Language content :

+ To help the Ss know some names of subjects , the structures HOW OFTEN and reported speech(advice)

+ To read the dialogue between Tim ans his mom for details about his study - Language function :

+ To anable the sts to ask and answer using the structure How often

+ By the end of the lessonthe sts will be able to understand the dialogue between Tim and his mom for details about his study

- Educational aims :

+ To make the st remember the lesson shedule and make them relate themselves to Tim ( have a study habit)

1 Language

a)Vocabulary :report, semester, pronunciation, improve

b) Structure: Reported speech( advide), How often

2 Skills : Litening (skimming, short term memory), Speaking, Reading,Writing 3 Educational factor: The Ss will have a habits

II Teacher’s and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techniques: Completing, sentence building, pairwork, Q-A, questioning,

Networks, T/ F statements, Survey

3 Teaching aids : textbook, chalk, chart, picturecassette, tape 4 Students’ preparation : , find new words , subjects at school 5 Previous exercise : 1,2/ 27 ; 3/ 28(workbook)

III Procedures in class :

1 Stabilization : (3ms) Networks English III Homework:


Subjects at school

- Asks the sts to work in pairs, asking and answering like the model: A: How often you have Math?

B: I/ We have Math times a week Checking up: (5ms)

Questions: Make up the sentences I/ ussually/ go/ school/ a.m

2 He/ be/ back/ 4.15 pm and 4.30 p.m My dad / go/ work/ breakfast


1 I ussually go to school at a.m

2 He will be back between 4.15 pm and 4.30 p.m My dad goes to work after breakfast

New lesson: Steps/

Time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities The lesson content 1 Lead in

- Asks the sts to look at the picture in the book (p 46) and answer

Who are they?

What are they talking about? - Gets the sts’s answer and corrects - Introduces the lesson content:

Discussing about the study habits

2 Pre practice:

- Has the sts listen to the tape and answer

Who is Jim?

Is he a good student?

What were they talking about? - Gets the sts’ answer and corrects - Teaches some new words

report/ report card sts’ guessing from the context

be proud of (example)

Eg: Tim learns well His parents are proud of him

improve(v) (explanation: make st better)

pronunciation(n) ( translation)

- Look at the picture and answer

- Give feedback - Listen and know

- Listen and answer

- Give feedback

- Listen, repeat, guess the words’ meaning, then copy down

Period 26 : Unit :




New words

 report/ report card:phiếu liên lạc

be proud of: tự


Eg: Tim learns well His parents are proud of him

improve(v): cải


pronunciation(n): I Presenting new


try one’s best ( situation and example)

Ex: I’ll try my best to improve my English

semester(n) ( 1st semester, 2nd semester)

* Checking vocabulary: Blank fill He …… his best to get a good school ……… this … His learning …… a lot So his parents are … him

- Introduces reported speech from the situation in the textbook

3 Controlled practice:

- Has the sts listen to the tape once again and pay attention to the pronunciation

- Asks the sts to work in pairs to practise the dialogue

- Calls some pairs to speak out - Has them read the text silently and decide if the statements are T or F - Calls one to answer: “ Was Tim out when his mother called him?” - Asks the sts to the same: Make Qs and As to decide T or F

- Lets the sts make questions to the teacher T answer and gives keys

Keys a) F b) T c) F d) T e) F f) T

- Asks the sts to read the dialogue again and answer all the questions in the textbook (p47)

- Has them work in pairs to practise asking and answering

- Calls some pairs to speak out loud and corrects

Answer keys:

a) Miss Jackson is Tim’s mother

b) She gave Tim’s mother his report card

c) Tim study well this semester d) ; e) ; f) …

- Fill in the blank

- Liten and know

- Listen again and pay attention to the pronunciation

- Practise the dialogue in pairs

- Speak out

- Read, then decide T or F

- One answers - Do as required

- Read the dialogue, answer

- Practise asking and answering in pairs

sự phát âm

try one’s best : coá


Ex: I’ll try my best to improve my English

semester(n): học kì

2 Practice the dialogue

3 T/ F statements


a) F b) T c)F d) T e)F f) T

4 Answer

Answer keys:

a) Miss Jackson is Tim’s mother b) She gave Tim’s

mother his report card


Free practice: Survey - Asks the Ss to work in groups - Asks them to stand up and asks the other the question: What subject you need to improve? - They have to write the names and the subjects that their freinds answer


Name What subject Mai Literature

- Gets the sts’ answer and give feedback

- Asks the sts who need to improve the same subject work in groups and find out how to improve

- Calls some to answer again

What subject you need to improve?

How you to improve it? - Recalls the lesson content from the sts’ answer

- Asks the sts to take notes + Review the lesson at home + Prepare a short paragraph to talk about your favorite subjects/ what you are good at/ bad at/ …

- Do the survey

- Give feedback

- Do as required

- Answer ( book closed)

- Copy down

Homework: + Review the lesson at home

+ Prepare a short paragraph to talk about your favorite subjects/ what you are good at/ bad at/ …

* Self evaluation:





Date of preparation : October 26 rd, 2005

Date of teaching : October 29th 2005

Classes A12

Unit :


Period :


I Aims and objectives : - Language content :

+ To help the Ss know about the habits and the methods of learning at scool, at home and about the shedules that they have make in a suitable way

- Language function :

+ By the end of the lesson the sts will be able to talk about their study habits - Educational aims :

+ To educate the Ss know the importance of good method of learning 1 Language :

a) Vocabulary : relating to the speaking

b) Structure: Qs- As

2 Skills : Reading (skimming, scanning) Speaking.Writing 3 Educational factor: The Ss will love

II Teacher’s and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techniques: Discussion, Pairwork Groupwork , Q-A , Brainstorming 3 Teaching aids : textbook, chalk, charts

4 Students’ preparation : , find the subject that they are bad/ good at then find the suitable way to improve them ,

5 Previous exercise : 1/ 32(workbook) III Procedures in class :

1 Stabilization : (3m) Brainstorming Speak English to a friend in class


- Asks the sts to write down Checking up: (5ms)

New lesson:


Time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities The lesson content 1 Lead in

- Calls one to answer

Are you good at English?

How you learn/ improve English?

- Corrects and leads to the point:

Talking about one’s habits of learning

2 Pre practice:

- Has the sts read all the cues and the questions

- Asks if the sts understand all of them

- Emphasizes on some words:


watch films/ read newspapers in English

speak to foreiners

- - Guides the sts to the pair work 3 Controlled practice:

- Asks the sts to answer the Qs in mins

a) When you your homework?

b) Who helps you with the homework?

c) ; d) ; e)

- Calls some to answer the questions above

- Asks the sts to work in groups of four: one in turns is the interviewer and the others are interviewees

- Answer

- Listen and know

- Read the Qs and the cues to answer

- Listen and answer - Listen, give the meaning

- Listen and know

- Answer the Qs in their papers

- Answer

Unit :



Period :

Lesson 1

: Speak

1.Words and



watch films/ read newspapers in English

speak to foreiners

2 Speaking task * Questions

a.When you your homework? b.Who helps you with the homework? c… , d… , e……



A: When you you homework? B: I my homework after dinner C: I my homework at 8p.m D: I my homework late at night …

- Asks the interviewer to take notes


me Do home- work Help withthe home work

Lan dinnerAfter brotherHis … Mai At p.m Her

mother …

… …

- Calls some to report what the interviewees said

Eg: Lan said that she did the homework after dinner

- Calls some to speak out and corrects

Free practice:

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to discuss this question

* What you to improve your speaking/ reading/ listening/ writing English?

In speaking: talking to friends, go to the English club, …

- Gets some representatives to write on the b.b

- Gives correction

- Asks the sts to look at the ways to improve the skills once

- Recalls the lesson content and notice the sts how to improve English

- Asks the sts to copy down

+ Write a paragraph to say about

- Do the interview in groups

- Copy down the table and as required

- Report what the interviewees said

- Discuss the question in pairs

- some representatives write on the b.b - Listen

- Have a look at how to improve english again, listen to the teacher

- Write down

* Survey


+ Write a paragraph to say about how to





how to learning English well

+ Prepare Listen learning Englishwell.

+ Prepare Listen

* Self evaluation:

Date of preparation: November 3rd, 2005

Date of teaching: November 4th, 2005

Unit five : STUDY HABITS

Period 28 : Listen

Classes :8 A12

I.Aims and objectives :

- Language content :

+ To help the Ss (to) know the content form of a school report + To provide some vocabularies related to the topic

+ To help them get some personal information - Language function :

+To enable them to listen and get specific information to complete the report card - Educational aims :

+ To make the Ss have a love for studying and encourages them to work hard to have a good report

1.Language :

Vocabulary : day present, pleased, behavior participation comments, cooperation, making period

2 Skills : Listening (skimming, scanning, ), writing

3 Education factor: The Ss have a love for studying and encourages them to work hard to have a good report

II Teacher and students’ preparation: 1.Method : Communicative approach 2.Techniques: Completing, dicussing 3 Material needed: cassette – tape,

4 Students’preparation:Foresee the open report card, guess the words or phrases 5 Previous exercises:practice speaking

III Procedure in class: 1 Stabilization:(4ms)

- Gets the class the play the “Guessing game”

- Asks all to guess the object in the box, Ss can make Y/N questions to guess the object and the person who has the right name of the object will have the object

2 Checking up the previous knowledge: Questions:


Who helps you with your home work ?

How much time you spend on English ?

What you to improve English ? Answer: Ss’ answers

3 New lesson:



1 Lead in:

- Has the Ss look at the listening task & answer “what’s this? “ - Asks the Ss can guess & think about the report

- Says and leads to the point this “Nga’s report card You’ll hear the conversation about this “ 2 Pre-practice:

- Introduces and explains some new words and the content & form of a report card

Name Class Subject Marking period Days present Days absent Behavior participation Cooperation

A : Excellent B : good C : Fair D : poor E :Fall ; S : satisfactory U : unsatisfactory Comment

-Teacher’s signature - Parents’ signature

pleased (adj) (please (v,n)

aceptable (a)

writing skills

- Listenning comprehension - Encourage sb to st - Gets all Ss read the words - Calls some to read

- Explains the requirement “listen and complete the report card after having them guess the results of “Nga’s report

3.While listening: - Has the Ss listen once

- Asks them to listen once more & answer:

“How many people are there in the conversation ? – who are they ?

“ What is Nga’s teacher’s name?

- Listen

- Look at & answer – It’s a report card

- Answer the Qs

- Listen, guess the word’s meaning or the content, form then repeat the new words

- Repeat chorally - Read out

- Listen

- Listen only - Listen & answer

- There are three They are Nga’s teacher & her parents

Unit five :

STUDY HABITS Period 28 :


1.Form of the report card: Name Class Subject Marking period Days present Days absent Behavior participation Cooperation A:Excellent B : good C:Fair D : poor E :Fall ; S : satisfactory U : unsatisfactory 2 New words:

 pleased (adj) please (v,n)  aceptable (a)  writing skills I Presenting new


“ What subject was reported? For what term?

- Plays the cassetle more times, asks the Ss to complete the report - Has them compare the results with the gueeses

- Asks them to listen for the last time & checks (sentence by sentence)

- Gives correction (1) 87 days presents (2) days absent

(3) Spanish pronunciation (4) Listening: comprehension (5) Speaking: A

(6) Reading : A (7) Writing: B 4.Post listening:

- Asks the Ss to make a school report based on the listening task - Gets them to discuss with their partners about the report card - Call some to speak out

Eg : Last year, I learned very hard and my grades were good… - Recalls how to write, complete a report card (content & form ) - Recalls the new wods

- Encourages them to work hard to have a good report

- Asks them to write on their notebooks

learn the new words by head

write a repord card of your own

- Listen twice

- Listen & checks - Takenote

- Make school report - Discuss

- Speak out

- Listen - Listen

-Take note

3 Homework:

learn the new words by head

write a repord card of your own


Date of preparation: November 4th, 2005

Date of teaching: November 5th, 2005

Unit five :


II Consolidation:




Period 29 :


Classes : A12

I.Aims and objectives :

Language content :

+ To help the Ss know how to learn vocabulary throught the reading + To provide some words, phrases related to this topic

Language function :

+ By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text and get specific information

Educational aims :

+ To make Ss know & practise how to learn English vocab (to study betler) 1.Language :

Vocab : related to how to learn English vocab

Struc tures : Questions

2 Skills : Reading (skimming, scanning, ) S W

3 Educational factor: How to learn English vocab (to study betler) II Teacher and students’preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Explanation, T/F stalements, Qs – As, pair work 3 Material needed : charts, textbook, chalk

4 Students’preparation: foresee the reading and exercises, find new words, how to learn vocabulary

5 Previous exercise: III Procedure in class:

1 Stabilization:(3ms)

- Gets the whole class to play the game “Pelmanism” - Writes some words & Ss meaning on some cards - Slicks the cards on the bb

- Devides the class into teams each teams (2ss) choose cards If the cards are fixed they got ae part & vice versa they have to slick the card again

2 Checking up : (4ms) - Calls one to answer

How many days were you absent last year ?

How was your behavior participation & operation ? How was your English ?

- Answer: Ss’ answers 3 New lesson:


time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:


- Has the Ss look at the pictures in the books and guess what they learn

Questions :

Do you like learning English?

How many words you try to learn a day ?

What you when you have a new word ?

How you learn that new word ?

Do you have any special ways to leam English words ?

- Gets Ss answer & corrects in their ways

- Tells the aims of the lesson 2 Pre-reading:

- Has the Ss to read the text silently, answer “what’s the text about ?”

- Teaches the new words

make a list

put onto

mother tongue → explanation

instead →situation & example

leam by heart → context

come across ≈ meet

underline (v) action

hightlight (v)

revise(v) → revision(n)

so as to – in order to → translation

Eg: He joins an English club to speak English better

- Gets all to repeat chorally 3 While Reading:

1.- Questions “How many ways of learning vocab does the text mention? “what are they ?”

2.- Asks the Ss to read the text silently again and decide true or false

- Has them to change to their

- How to learn a word

- Answer

- Listen - Listen

- Read quickly answer It’s about…

- Listen, guess the words’ meaning, then repeat

- Repeat chorally

- Scan the text & answer

- Read silently, devide T or F

- Discuss with their partners

Unit five:


Period 29 :


1 Vocabulary:

make a list

put onto

mother tongue → explanation

instead →situation & example

leam by heart → context

come across ≈ meet

underline (v) action

hightlight (v)

revise(v) → revision(n)

so as to – in order to → translation

Eg: He joins an English club to speak English better



- Calls some to speak out and give explaination for their choice Keys : a: F c: F

b:T d: T

3.- Gets them to read the text again and answer the questions in the book (p.50)

- Has them to discuss the answers in pairs

- Calls some to speak out loud - Gives correction & gives keys Keys :

a)No learners learn words in the same way

b)Because such sentences help them remember the use of new words

c)To remember words better learners write examples, put the words and their meaning on stickers, underline or highllight them


4.Post - reading:

- Asks the Ss to work in groups to make a list of ways of learning new words (in the book & some ways that they know)

Eg : Make a list and put in to it the meanings of new words in their mother tongue

……… - Calls some to speak out & corrects

- From the ways of learning the words recalls and makes them remember “should try different ways of learning words so as to find out the best way for you” - Makes them aware of the impor tance of learning words by heart - Asks the Ss to take notes

write the ways of learning new words on the notebooks

Do excrise

- Do as required

- Read silently, answer the Qs

- Discuss the answers in pairs

- Speak out

- Listen & take notes

- Discuss in groups of four & list some ways of learning words

- Speak out

- Listen and takenote

- Listen

3.Answer the


a)No learners learn words in the same way

b)Because such

sentences help them remember the use of new words

c)To remember words better learners write examples, put the words and their meaning on stickers, underline or highllight them

d) …

4 Homework:

write the ways of learning new words on the notebooks

Do excrise

Prepare “write” – How to write a friendly letter II Consolidation:




Prepare “write” – How to write a friendly letter

Self evaluation :



Date of preparation: November 9th, 2005

Date of teaching: November 10th, 2005

Unit five :


Period 30 :



I Aims and objectives :

Language content :

+ To provide a form, main parts of a friendly letter

+ To help them master and know how to present, the language of writing letter Language function:

+ To eanble the Ss to write a letter based in the form

+ By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know the format of a friendly letter and practice writing a letter to a friend

Educational aims :

+ To make the Ss aware of what needs to when far from home & make them love relatives friends

1.Language : Vocab :

Structures : Form of a friendly letter 2 Skills : Writing

3 Educational factor: the Ss aware of what needs to when far from home & make them love relatives friends

II Teacher and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach 2.Techiques: letter writing

3 Material needed : Textbook

4 Students’ preparation: foresee the form of the letter 5 Previous exercise:

III Procedure in class: 1 Stabilization:(2m) Check absence

Asks about the weather, health 2 Checking up:(5ms)

Question: Ss tell some ways to learn new words and give the best way of their own Answer: Ss’ answer

3 New lesson:


time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- Gets the Ss to play the game “we write letters”

- Devides the class into groups

- The Ss called the require ment


- Hands out some papers in which there is one part of a letter

- Asks the Ss to discuss & re arrange the to parts into a letter 2 Pre-writing:

- Asks the Ss to draw out the frame of a friendly letter

- Asks them to label the parts * A friendly letter : parts A: Heading – writer’s address and the date

B: Opening – Dear…, C: Body of the letter

D: Closing – Your friend,/ regards,/ love,

- Has them to read the letter carefully & answer “what’s it about?”

- Gets them to read the cues & compare with the complete letter 3.While writing:

- Leaves time & asks the Ss to write a friendy a letter using the words given

- Lets the Ss compare their writing with their partenrs

- Calls some to write on the bb - Gives correction


- Gets the whole class play the game “ Error Hunter”

- Asks the Ss to work in groups - Delivers uncomplete/ uncorrect letters

- Asks the Ss to find out & corrects The group who find out & corrects the error most quickly is the winner

- Recalls the form of a friendly letter

- Listen

- Play the game as quired & directed

- Draw out

- Look at & label the parts of a letter

- Read the letter & answer

- Read the cues and compare

- Write the letter individually

- Compare the results with their partners

- Write on the bb - Listen & copy down

- Play the games as required & directed

i- Recall &listen

Unit five :

STUDY HA BITS Period 30 :


Form of a letter:

* A friendly letter : parts

A: Heading – writer’s address

and the date B: Opening – Dear…, C: Body of the letter D: Closing – Your friend,/ regards,/ love,

Homework: II.Consolidation:


- Asks if they don’t know who will receive this letter

- Asks the Ss to write on their notebooks

write a letter to your friend to tell about your result of learning last semester/ year

do exercise 9/37 (workbook)

prepare “Language focus”

(adverbs of manner, modals should, reported speech)

- Takenote

write a letter to your frend to tell about your result of learning last semester/ year

do exerase 9/37 (workbook)

prepare “Language focus”

(adverbs of manner, modals should, reported speech)

Date of preparation:November 13th 2005 Date of teaching: November 14th 2005

Unit five : STUDY HABITS

Period 31 : Language focus


I Aims and objectives : Language content :

- To help the Ss review & use well the adverbs of manner modal verb “should” - To get them to master the reported speech

- To enable them to know a kind of exercises change into reported speech Language function :

- To eanble them to the exercises complete the dialogue, make sentences & rewrite the sentence; using the grammar points

- To enable them to give advice to the others; & report “commands requests & advice” Educational aims :

- To make the Ss give the right advice to others

- To educate them to report what the others said correctly 1.Language :

-Vocab : based on the exerises

- Structures : Adverbs of manner; Modal “should” reported speech commands requests & advice

2 Skills : Writing, Speaking, Reading

3 Education factor: The Ss give the right advice to others II Teachers and students’preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Explanation; pairwork; speaking orally rewriting 3.Material needed : Charts ; chalk ; textbook

4 Students preparation:exercises, structures of reported speech 5 Previuos exercise: 9/27( workbook)

III Procedure in class: 1 Stabilization:(1m)

- Greets

- Asks about the weather, the attendance 2 Checking up: TEST 15’


& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’content I.Complete the dialogce :

1 Lead in:

Questions : “How did you the

TEST ?” - Answer


- Analyses the answer Very badly

Adv of manner Well

- Introduces the grammar point and exercise

2 Pre-practice:

- Asks about the form, uses of adverbs of manner

*Adj + LY  Adv of manner

*He studies well

(modifies to a verb) - Notices the irregular case : good  well hard 


fast  fast far  far

3 Controlled- practice:

- Lets the Ss read the dialogues silently & complete them by using adverbs of manner

- Has the Ss discuss with them partners about the keys

- Calls some to speak out 4.Free- practice:

- Has the Ss make sentences to compare adj & adv (usages) Eg : He’s a good student

He studies well

II Work with a partner Say what he should say :

1 Lead- in :

-Has the Ss look at the picture & questions “What you think about Mr Hao’s house ?”

Is it old or new ? What should he ? - Introduces the exercise 2 Pre- practice :

- Recalls :

- Guides the Ss to the exercise

- Have a look at the adverbs

- Recall- >Adj+ly -> adv

- Listen, answer & take notes

- Read silently & complete the dialogue - Change the answer with

their friends - Speak out - Make sentences

- Have a look at the picture & answer

- Listen

Unit :

STUDY HA BITS Period 31 :

Language focus

I Adverds of manner: *Adj + LY  Adv of


*He studies well (modifies to a verb) - Notices the irregular case :

good  well

hard  hard

fast  fast

far  far

II Advice: Should


3 Controlled- practice :

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs, discuss what Mr Hao should using the cues given

- Has the pairs compare the answer each other

- Calls some to speak out Keys :

-Mr Hao should repair the roof paint the house eat the grass replant the trees mend the door 4 Free- practice :

- Asks the Ss to give their partner a suitable advice

Eg : You should buy a new pair of shoes

- Gets some to speak out & corrects

III Reported speech : 1.Lead in :

- Gives two sentences and asks the Ss to compare:

Miss Jackson said”Can you give tim this dictionary?”

Tim’mother report it to Tim: Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionnary

- Gets Ss’ feedback

- Analyses the direct speech, reported speech & introduces the topic

2 Pre- practice :

- Gives example & asks the Ss to analys

Eg : “stand up” she said to one

 she told me to stand up

Eg : “Can you help me” she said

 she asked me to help her

Eg : “You should work harder on English grammar”

 she said I should work harder

- Asks the Ss to elicit the structure

- Discuss in pairs

- Compare the answer - Speak out

”you should repair the


- Look at the example & analgse

- Speak out

- Listen

- Answer

- Listen & know

- Read the examples carefully

- Elicit and takenote

III Reported speech :

* Commands & requests :

S + V + O + (not) to infi

Introductory v + Advice :

S + V + O + should + V (bare infi)

* Notes : Changes in Reported speech

1st person

 3rd person

2nd person

 the same

as O (main clause) 3rd person

 not


Changes in tenses Simple present 

simple past

Present progressive 

past progressive

Future 

Future in the past


* Commands & requests : S + V + O + (not) to infi Introductory v

+ Advice :

S + V + O + should + V (bare infi)

* Notes : Changes in Reported speech

1st person

 3rd person

2nd person

 the same as O

(main clause) 3rd person

 not changed

Changes in tenses

Simple present  simple past

Present progressive  past


Future  Future in the


Changes in adverbs / pron This/ there  that/ there

Here  there

Now  then

Today  that day

Tomorrow  the next day

The following day Yesterday  the day before

Last night  the night before

- Notices the Ss the exercise in the books just use the structure

Tell/ ask sb to st and changes the person

3.Controlled practice

-Asks the Ss to read the example carefully

- Has them report Miss Jackson’s commands requests & advice

- Gets the Ss to change the answer to their friends & checks - Calls some to speak out

- Gives correction & keys 4: Free practice:

- Has the Ss to work in pairs

One gives commands requests

- Takenote

- Read the example - Do the exercise

- Discuss the answer with friends

- Speak out

- Practise in pairs

This/ there  that/ there

Here  there

Now  then

Today  that day

Tomorrow  the next

day/The following day Yesterday  the day


Last night  the night


or advice

One reports what his partner said

-Uses a chart Turn in to Repoted speech

1.Teacher said to Trung “write that exercise down carefully” 2.Mrs green said “please sing at our party, Lan”

3.Mary said to John “ Can you open the box for me?”

4.”You should change the way you learn English” she said - Gets the Ss’feedback & corrects

- Recalls the exercices - Asks the Ss to write down

Learn the lesson carefully

Do exercise 2,3,4,7 (work book)

Prepare “Listen & read” (Unit 6)plan & intention for the future

1.The teacher asked Trung to write

2.Mrs Green told Lan to sing

3.Mary asked John to open the box for her 4.she said we should

change the way we learned English

- Listen - Take notes


Learn the lesson carefully

Do exercise 2,3,4,7 (work book)

 Prepare “Listen & read” (Unit 6)plan & intention for the future

Self evaluation :



TEST 15’(A)

I.Choose the best word to complete the sentence (5ms) 1.They … two weeks on a farm last summer

a.spend b spent c spending II.Consolidation:



2 There did not used to ….TV 100 years agos a have b had c has

3 We ……have an English test next week

a are going to b is going to c should You look tired, you … go to bed early

a have to b should c are going to

5 My mother comes back home late, so I … cook dinner myself a has to b ought to c have to

6 He usually does housework ……

a my self yourself c himself We must be there …… 8.30 a.m and 9a.m a at b on c between

8 I’ll be home …….seven because I want to see the seven o’clock news a after b at c between

9.My birthday party is … ….September 1st

a in b.on c at

10 We often go on the trip ……Summer

a in b.on c at

II Make sentences using the given words(2ms): I / usually / go / school / morning

… 2.They / not / go / school / Thursday …

3.The bank / open / a.m / and / close / 3p.m ………

III Write the past form of each verds(2ms):

1 run ……… ride …………

3 fly ………… take ………

5 sit ………… get ………

7 eat ………… be ………



TEST 15’(B)

I.Choose the best word to complete the sentence (5ms) There did not used to ….TV 100 years agos

a have b had c has


a.spend b spent c spending You look tired, you … go to bed early

a have to b should c are going to He usually does housework ……

a my self yourself c himself

5 My mother comes back home late, so I … cook dinner myself a has to b ought to c have to

6 I’ll be home …….seven because I want to see the seven o’clock news a after b at c between

7.My birthday party is … ….September 1st

a in b.on c at

8 We must be there …… 8.30 a.m and 9a.m a at b on c between

9 We often go on the trip ……Summer

a in b.on c at

10 We ……have an English test next week

a are going to b is going to c should II Make sentences using the given words(3ms):

1 I / usually / go / school / morning

2 They / not / go / school / Thursday

3 The bank / open / a.m / and / close / 3p.m ………

III Write the past form of each verds(2ms):

1 eat ………… sit …………

3 get ……… take ………

5 ride ………… fly …………

7 run ……… be ………

TEST 15’ I Grammar and structure

A Underline the best answer: (2,5pts)

1.I usually listen to music (on/ in/ at ) Sunday mornings 2.He used to (lay/ played/ playing/ computer games) 3.I can’t hear you You spoke too (soft/ softly/ loud) 4.The teacher told the boy (stand/ stading/ to stand ) up 5.Mrs Hong came and (gave/ gives/ given ) me this pareel B Complete the dialogue : (2,5 pts)


B : ……… by bike 2 A : How often you have geography ?

B : I have geography……… 3 A : What did the tencher tell you ?

B : she told me to toy ……… at school 4 A : Did you use to go swimming ?

B : Yes I ……… rveryday 5 A : ……… ? B : I did my home work after dinner

II : Writing : (2 tps)

1 “ You should change the way you leam E “, she said  she said to me

2 bob didn’t have a aty map so he got lost  bob got lost

because……… II Reading Answer the questions : ( 3tps) 1.Who helps you with you homework ? 2.What is necessary in learning words ? 3.How should you learn words ?


A : 0,5 x x = 2,5 pts

1 on softly gave

2 play to stand

B : 0,5 x = 2,5 pts 1- B I went to school 2- B once a wcek 3- B my best

4- B used to go swimming

5- A when did you your home work last rught ? II:1,0 x = 2pts

1.She said to me I should change the way I learned E 2.Bob got lost because she dodn’t have a city map III : 1,0 x = 3pts

1;3 : Ss answer

2.Revision is necessary in learning word

Date of preparation:November 14th,2005 Date of teaching: November 15th,2005

Unit :


Period 32 :

Getting Started & Listen And Read

I Aims and objectives : Language content :


- To provide the Ss words of social activitives

- To help them know the application form when enrolling an activity Language function:

- To eanble the Ss to ask & answer about the activities that the Y & Y take part in - To enable them to fill out the application form

- To help them practise the dialogue Educational aims :

- To educate the Ss to know the work and duty of a young pioneer member 1.Language :

Vocab : Related to the “Y & Y”’ s activies

Enroll; application form; fill out; outdoor activities Structures : Questions

2 Skills : Reading (skimming, scanning ) Speaking, Listening, Writing

3 Education factor: The Ss to know the work and duty of a young pioneer member II Teacher and students’ preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Pairwork; speaking orally; completing; 3 Material needed: Calsette – tape; textbook; pictures 4 Students’preparation: plan & intention for the future 5 Previous exercise: Exercise 2,3,4,7 (work book) III Procedure in class :

1 Stabilization(Getting started): (6ms) - Questions

In VietNam, which organization are there for the young ?

What useful activities are there in these organization ?

- Corrects & asks the Ss to work in pairs to identify the activities that the “Y & Y’ participate in & ask more to the list

- Calls some to speak out loud & corrects

help the blind/ poor people

helping elderly people

helping hardicaped children

cleaning up beaches; streets, markets the neighborhood

2 Checking up:(4ms)

Turn into Reported speech

1 “Open your books, please” -> She asked us

2 “You should practise English as much as possible” -> The teacher said to us “Can you give me that pen ?”-> She asked me


She asked us to open our books



& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities The lesson’ content 1 Lead in:

- Asks Ss some questions about their activities and their summer holiday?

* What you usually on your summer holiday?

* Are you members of the Young Pioneers and yuoth Organixation?

* Are there any activity programs for the summer? * Do you take part in them? * What activity you like most?

- Gets Ss feeclback Introduces the title of the lesson

2 Pre-practice:

1.-Has the Ss listen to the tape once

- Asks if their guesses are right

- Questions “what information does Nga give to the secrectary”

2.-Teaches the new words

enroll (v) – introduces above

take part in ≈ participate in (v) Eg : He usually takes part in games at school

application form (n) 

explanation & realia

fill out (v)  action (in an

application form

hobby (n) = interest (n)

out door activities (n) Ss guessing

3.-Checks the Ss unders tanding of the words : Blank fill

Nga wanted to …………(1) for some activities given by the youth Union the secrectary

- Listen & know then answer the questions

- Listen & know

- Listen

- Listen, repeat, guess the words’ meaning and then copy down

- Look at the chart & fill in

Unit :


Getting Started & Listen and Read I New words:

enroll (v) – introduces above

take part in ≈ participate in (v) Eg : He usually takes part in games at school

application form (n)

fill out (v)

hobby (n) = interest (n)

out door activities (n) II Grammar:

Gerund: Eg : I like drawing (gerund) Drawing is my Ipresenting new


gave her an (2) ……….and asked her to (3)……… it Nga had to give her name, address, phone number and her (4)………….she said she

liked drawing (5)

……….and acting 4.-Introduces the new language “Gerunde”

Eg : I like drawing (gerund) Drawing is my hobby S ( G)

-Elicits : G = V – ing +Function – O/ S/ C +Like/ enjoy + gerund 3 Controlled practice:

a) –Has the Ss listen to the tape again

- Asks them to work in pairs practising the dialogue

- Calls some pairs to speak out loud

b)- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to fill in the information about Nga by asking & answering the questions

What’s her name ?

Where does she live ? What’s her address ?

What’s her phone number ? / Does she have a phone number ?

What’s her date of birth ?

What are her hobbies / interests ?

- Gets Ss feedback & gives correction

4.Free practice:

- Gets the Ss to pairwork again to ask & answer the questions Do you want to attend the Young pioneers

1.- enroll

2.- applicatin form 3.- fill out

4.- interests/ hobbies 5.- outdoor activies

- Listen, have a look at the example elicit the structure

 O


*Like + Gerund - Copy down

- Listen

- Practise the dialogue in pairs

- Speak out loud

- Complete Nga’s details by asking & answering the questions first

- Listen

- Do pairworks asking &

S (G) hobby


club this summer ? Why or Why (not) ?

- Calls one to make a model - Gets some pairs to speak out loud

- Corrects in Ss ways

- Uses the chart in checking new word to recall the lesson - Makes them know the

importance of the Young pioneers club & Youth Union

- Asks the Ss to take notes

Answer the question “which activitives of the Y & Y you like best ? why ? “

Prepare “speak” – which structure used for

+ Asking for favor (& responding)

+ Offering & responding assistance

+Prepare for these topics

answering the Qs

- Practice with the T - Speak out

- Listen

- Listen & know

- Copy down III Homework:Answer the question “which activitives of the Y & Y you like best ? why ? “

Prepare “speak” – which structure used for

+ Asking for favor (& responding) + Offering & responding


+ Prepare for these topics

Date of preparation:November 16th,2005 Date of teaching:November 17th,2005


Period 33 : SPEAK

I.Aims and objectives : Language content :

- To help the Ss review and got acquainted with the structure of asking for nswering to favors; offering & responding to assistance

Language function:

- To enable the Ss speak well the structure “Can/ could you me a favor, May I help you ? “ No problem

- To enable the Ss to pairwork; groupwork, using the structures above II.Consolidation:



Educational aim:

- To educate the Ss to ask for favor & offer assistance and repond to these politely 1.Language :

Vocab : related to the to pic

Struc tures : * Can/ could you help me, please ? Can you me a favour?

Can/ could you ?

*Certainly/ Of course/ sure/ No problem what can I for you ? 2 Skills: Speaking, Listening

3.Education factor: the Ss to ask for favor & offer assistance and repond to these politely

II Teacher and students’preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Pairwork; group work; word cues

3 Material needed : Chats; textbook; structures of asking for & responding to favors; 4 Students’preparation:

5 Previous exercise: III Procedure in class :

1. Stabilization :(Getting started)(3ms)

Leaves minutes & ask the Ss to list out the activities that the Y & Y organization take part in (in pairs)

- Gets Ss feedback & write on the bb Checking up:(5ms)

- Calls Ss

One fills out the information of his own in as application form

One answers “which activitives of the Y & Y” you like best ? why?


& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities The lesson’content 1 Lead in:

- Sets the situation of the conversation

T:Could you help me, please ? Ss : What can I for you ? T: Can you turn on the lights for me ?

Ss : Certainly 2 Pre-practice:

*.-Asking for favors : Can/ could you help me Could you me a favor ?

- The Ss called go to the board & the require ment

- Listen and takenote Responding to favors : Accept : Certainly/ Of

Unit :

THE YOUNG I.Presnting new


I need a favor

Can/ could you ………….? * Offering assistance : May I help you ?

Do you need any help ? Let me help you

*Other ways of asking for farvors :

I wonder whether you could help me ?

Do you think you could help me ?

- Has the Ss read the dialogues in pairs

- Gets some to answer the questions

Who needs a favor ? who asks for a favor?

What does she ask for ?

Why does she ask for favor ?

Who offers assistance ?

What does the receptionist for the tourist ?/ what does the tourist ask the receptionist for ? - Analizes & guides how to make similar dialogues

3 Controlled practice:

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs, using the structures & the situations to make up similar dialogue

Model :

A : Can you help me, please ? B : Cetainly what can I for you ?

A : Can you tell me the way to the National park ?

B : Sure you go along this road and then turn right go for about 300 meters It’s on your left A : Thank you very much That’s very kind of you

B : Never mind You’re welcome

- Calls some pairs to speak out

course/ sure/ No problem

What can I for you ? How can I help you ? Refuse : I’m sorry I’m

really busy Responding to


Accept : Yes thank you Yes that’s very kind of


No thank you

No thank you I’m fine - Answer

- Listen

- Practise in pairs

=>Mrs Ngoc

=>for helping her carry her bags

=>Because she’s hurt her arm

=>the receptionist =>she shows him the

way to the nearest bank

- Speak out - Takenote


*.-Asking for favors : Can/ could you help me

Could you me a favor ?

I need a favor Can/ could you ….? *Offering assistance : May I help you ?

Do you need any help ? Let me help you

*Other ways of asking for farvors :

I wonder whether you could help me ?

Do you think you could help me ?

Responding to favors : Accept : Certainly/ Of

course/ sure/ No problem

What can I for you ? How can I help you ? Refuse : I’m sorry I’m

really busy

Responding to asistance Accept : Yes thank you Yes that’s very kind of


No thank you


loud - Corrects

4.Free practice:

- Asks the Ss to paiwork again, thinking of a situation and making up a new dialogue based on the structures

- Monitors & controlls the class to the activity

- Calls some pairs to speak loud - Gives correction

- Recalls the structures asking for favors & offering assistance - Recalls the situations which offen happen in daily life

- Asks the Ss to write down ümake a dialogue asking for favor or offering assistance üdo exercise 1/38 (workbook) üprepare “Listen” children of the world unite

- Pairwork

- Speak out

- Recall and takenote

- Copy down Homework:

ümake a dialogue asking for favor or offering assistance üdo exercise 1/38 (workbook)

üprepare “Listen” Song: children of the world unite

Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: November 20th,2005 Date of teaching: November 21th,2005


Period 34 : LISTEN

I.Aims and objectives :

Language content :

- To help the Ss listen for the detail, learn by heart the content ,rythm of the chidren song “ Children of the world unite”

Language function:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete the song, and understand the main ideas

- To enable the Ss to get some skills of listening a song Educational aim:

II.Consolidation: (3ms)


- To educate the Ss to love and help and unite each other - To make them love peace, union for children

1.Language :

Vocab : unite,peace,

Struc tures : * Let’s

2 Skills: Speaking, Listening ( scanning, skimming, short term memory)

3.Education factor: Ss love and help and unite each other,love peace, union for children as well

II Teacher and students’preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach 2.Techiques: Pairwork; gap fill

3 Material needed : Extra board, tape, color chalk. 4 Students’preparation:

5 Previous exercise: 1/38 (workbook) III Procedure in class :

1. Stabilization :(Getting started)(3ms) Game:Asking for favors

Asks the Ss to make a list the thing that they need for help.Then go around and ask for favors After two minutes if someone who has most assitance is the winner

2 Checking up:(5ms)

Question: one pair to go to the board make up the dialogue base on the situation “ use your dictionary”

Answer: Ss’ anwers


& time Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities The lesson’content 1 Lead in:

- Hands the extra board with the uncomplete song Asks Ss to read quickly and answer: * What is it?

* What is it about ?

- Gets feedback and introduces the aim of the lesson and the song

2 Pre-listening:

- Pre-teaches some new words * unite (v) ( translate)

- Read and answer

It’s an English song It’s about children - Listen

- Work in pairs Unit :

THE YOUNG I.Presenting new


* peace (n) (antonym)

- Asks to work in pairs to read the song, and guess the missing words

- Has the pairs discuss the answer

- Calls some pairs to speak out - Writes the words on the board,and guides how to the listening task

3 While-listening: - Plays the tape first

- Plays the tape the second time - Plays the tape the third time - Has the Ss compare the answer with their partners - Gets the Ss listen for the last time and check

- Keys:

- (1) unite (2) peace (3) right (4) North (5) North (6) South (7) of (8) world (9) show (10) place (11) out (12) stand (13) world

4 Post-listening:

- Has the Ss listen to the song again and sing follow one by one sentence

- Gets one to sing the song - Asks Ss

* What is the content of the song?

* What are your felling after you listen to thiis song?

- Gets Ss’ answer,corrects - Asks the Ss to write down ü learn by heart the song üprepare “Read”

+ Find new words

+ Find some organization for the young in Vietnam and in America

- Discuss

- Tell the words - Listen to

- Listen to only

- Listen and fill the blanks

- Compare with partner - Listen to and check - Write down

- Listen to and sing follow

- Sings

- Takenote

PIONEERS CLUB Period 34 : Listen New words: * unite (v) ( translate) * peace (n) (antonym) -Keys:

(1) unite (2) peace (3) right (4) North (5) North (6) South (7) of (8) world (9) show (10) place (11) out (12) stand (13) world


ü learn by heart the song

üprepare “Read” + Find new words

+ Find some organization for the II.Consolidation:



young in Vietnam and in America

Self –evaluation:

Date of preparation:November 21 st,2005 Date of teaching: November 22 nd,2005

Unit :


Period 35 :


Classes : 8A12

I.Aims and objectives : Language content :

- To provide some knowlege of the two organizations: The Boy Scouts and The Girl Guides - To provide some new words to related the reading

Language function:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about youth organization- The Boy of Americia (BSA)


- To educate the Ss to know the importance and necessity of social activities/organizations

- To make them love for and join in the social activities/ organization/Association 1.Language :

Vocab : Boy scouts of America, Girl Guides Associationcoeducational Camp Fine Boy and Girld, encourage, citizenship, personal fitness, lead to, similar to,differ, worldwide

Struc tures : Questions

2 Skills: Reading ( scanning, skimming, comprehenshion techniques), Spaeking 3.Education factor:

- The Ss to know the importance and necessity of social activities/organizations - The Ss love for and join in the social activities/ organization/Association II Teacher and students’preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Pairwork; gap fill, Question and answer 3 Material needed : Extra board, tape, color chalk. 4 Students’preparation:

5 Previous exercise: III Procedure in class :

1. Stabilization :(Getting started)(4ms)

Game: -Gets the Ss to play the game “Hot seat”

Topic : word & phrases expressing the activies that the Y & Y take part in 2 Checking up:(5ms)


Calls one to tell again the activities that the Y & Y participate in Answer: Ss’ anwers


& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- From “ Checking up” question“ what organizations you know besides the Y &Y ?”

- Introduces the associations Boy scouts of America & Girl guides Association

- Asks if they remember any thing about the associations -Tells the aims of the lesson

- One tells again the activitives that the Y & Y participate in

- Listen to I.Presenting new


“We’ll learn more about those associations the aims their history”

2 Pre-practice: a)-Teaches the words

encourage(v) (explanation: give the verd which means to give somebody support)

personalfitness (translation)

businessman(n) explanation

lead – led – led  context

similar to  the same as

coeducational camp Fine boys & girls  Translation

voluntary youth organization

aims (n)  purpose (n)

differ (v) (different (a) difference (n))

- Calls some to speak out the word loud

b)- Checks the Ss understanding of the word’s : slap theboard

c)- Sticks the poster with the statements on the bb Asks Ss to guess T/F

1 The Boy Scout of America is a Youth organization

2 Scouting begin in America

3 William Boyce is a businessman in London Boys and Girls can join


5 The Scouting

Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world

- Gets feedback and gives correction

1 T F F

- Listen; guess the word’s meaning then repeat in chorus

- Speak out loud - Slap the board

- Guess T/F

- Gives feedback - Takenote

Unit :

THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Period 35 : Read New words:


(explanation: give the verd which means to give somebody support)

 personalfitness (translation)  businessman(n) explanation 

lead – led – led 


similar to  the same as

coeducational camp Fine boys & girls 


voluntary youth organization

aims (n)  purpose (n)

differ (v) (different (a) difference (n))

Dates Events

1907 The beginning of the scout Assou action 1903 Willam Boyce

was introduced to scouting 1910 The fouding of

the girt guides Association & Camp Eire Boys & Girls 1994 Over five


4 F T

3 Controlled practice:

a)-Asks the Ss to read the text silenthy & exercise : Fill in the missing days

- Goes round & helps

- Has them compare the results with their partners

- Calls some to speak out loud & explain their choice

- Gives correction

b)-Gets the Ss to answer the

questions in exercise

- Has them change the answer to their partners & corrects - Calls some to answer

- Calls some to write on the bb - Gives correction

* Scouting began in England in 1907

*The meeting between a boy scout and Mr Willian Boyce led to the Scouts Association * ……… 4.Post-reading:

- Asks the Ss to discuss in groups of four

What social activitives the Y & Y in VN often ?

What about the BSA ? Are they the same ?

Eg: outdoor activities

- Calls some representatives to

- Read and exercise Fill in the missing dates

- Compare the results with their friends

- Speak out loud -Take notes

- Read the text again & answer

- Work with partner - Answer

-Write on the bb - Take notes

-Discuss the Qs in groups

Homework: üWrite some

information about the Scouts Asscciation aims, date of anniversaty

üprepare“Write”( find

Dates Events

1907 The beginning of the scout Assou action 1903 Willam Boyce was

Introduced to scouting

1910 The fouding of the girt guides

Association & Camp Eire Boys & Girls 1994 Over five million


speak out & corrects

- Lets Ss play game:Yes-No.Ten Ss go to the board, teacher read one statement if it is mentoined in the text Ss will run to the place of Yes And opposite.The Ss who run to No will come back to their seat.The last one is the winner - Asks the Ss to copy down üwrite some information about the Scouts Asscciation aims, date of anniversaty

üprepare “Write”( find new words)

- Speak out

- Listen and take part in the game

- Copy down

new words)


Date of preparation:November 23th, 2005 Date of teaching: November 24th, 2005

Unit :


Period 36 :


Classes : 8A12

I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To provide the Ss some more activitives in the y & y To help them review how to write a letter

Language function:

+ By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter telling about plans in the future (based on a notice or a dialogue)

Edcational aim: II.Consolidation:



+ To educate the Ss to know and then join in some activitives in the Y &Y which are very useful

1.Language :

Vocab : help the community; recycling programs collect; save; natural resources; Struc tures : Letter - form

2 Skills : writing, reading

3.Education factor:The Ss to know and then join in some activitives in the Y &Y which are very useful

II.Teacher and students’preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Completing substitution; Noughts & crosses 3 Teaching aids :

4 Students’preparation:foresee the writing task 5 Previous in class:

III Procedure in class: 1 Stabilization:(4ms)

- Gets the whole class play the game “Noughts & crosses” - Make sentence with word

Youth Voluntary Scouts

Citizenship Organization Member

Program Worldwide encourage

2 Checking up: (4ms)

Question:- Calls Ss to go to the bb

üOne summarizes the dates which get fitled with the events üOne answer the question

+ What are the Scouting groups that girls can join ? + What are the three aims of the Scouting program ?


& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’scontent 1 Lead in:

- Introduces the aims of the lesson relates the Y & Y and some activitives then says about the notice

2 Pre-writing:

a)-Pre teaches some words

ühelp the community


ürecycling program

- Listen

- Listen guess the words’ meaning & copy down

Unit :

THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Period 36 : Write I.Presenting new


( explanation)

ücollect (v) used glass paper cans üsave (v) – explanation

ünatural sources  translation

üraise fund  explanation

üregister (v)  (n)

üparticipate in = take part in üenvironment month 


b)-Checks the Ss unders tanding of the words( slap the board) c)-Asks the Ss to read “the Notice” carefully

3 While writing:

a)- Asks the Ss to complete the letter based on the “Notice” - Lets them check with their partners

- Calls to read out the complete letter

- Gives correction

(1)community (2)recyling (3)collect (4)send (5)recyling (6)save (7)earn (8)participate (9)planting (10)helping b)-Asks the Ss to pratice the dialogue between Hoa & Aunt in pair

- Has them to take the role of Hoa

- Gives compreheshion questions:

* Why does Hoa look happy? * What is she going to in the envirement month?

* What are they going to do? - Gets feedback, correct and asks Ss to write a letter to Hoa’s partners telling what she is going to

- Goes roud and helps

- Calls some to read out the

- Do as requird & directed - Read silently

- Complete the letter - Check with friends - Read out

-Take notes

- Practice the dialogue in pairs

- Role play - Answer

* Because she is able to join in the Y & Y Green group


- Write a letter telling what Hoa is going to

- Asks the help

New words:

ühelp the community ürecycling program ücollect(v)used glass paper cans üsave (v) ünatural sources üraise fund

üregister (v)  (n)

üparticipate in = take part in

üenvironment month Modal letter:

Dear Mom and Dad, I’m very happy to tell you that Y & Y green group of my school The green group is

holding an

environment month plan We are going to clean the lake banks on weekends We are going to plant tree and floewrs in the school garden and water them after class We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools

I hope that we can bring more and earn some money for our school

The program is very interesting I will tell you more about the group activities late Love,



- Gives correction Suggestion :

Dear Mom and Dad

I’m very happy to tell you that Y & Y green group of my school

The green group is holding an environment month plan We are going to clean the lake banks on weekends We are going to plant tree and floewrs in the school garden and water them after class We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools

I hope that we can bring more and earn some money for our school

The program is very interesting I will tell you more about the group activities late

Love, Hoa

4.Post writing:

- Sets a situation & asks the Ss to write a letter “Your school Y & Y is holding the Voluntary summer campaign and you are going to join it You are going to collect rubbish plant and water trees in the street, teach street children Vietnamese and help policemen in the intersection maintain traffic order”

- Calls some to write on the bb - Gives correction

- Asks about the activitives of the Y & Y again & encourages the Ss to join them

- Notices how to write a letter Four parts in the letter: Heading , opening, body of the letter, closing

- Asks the Ss to write down

- Takenote

- Have a look at the situation then the assignment

- Write the letter on the bb - Listen

- Copy down


üwrite the letter above on your exercise II.Consolidation:



üwrite the letter above on your exercise notebook

üGive the correct verb forms 1.(recycle) programs are very useful to protect the environment

2.Our duty is to save (nature) resources

3.All member in the class enroll the Y & Y (organize)

4.You can keep these flowers fresh by (water) them everyday

üprepare “Language focus “ *Present tense with future meaning


*Modals: Can, Could, May


üGive the correct verb forms

1.(recycle) programs are very useful to

protect the


2.Our duty is to save (nature) resources 3.All member in the class enroll the Y & Y (organize)

4.You can keep these flowers fresh by (water) them everyday üprepare “Language focus “

*Present tense with future meaning


*Modals: Can, Could, May

Self evaluation :

Date of preparation:November 27 th, 2005 Date of teaching: November 28 th, 2005


I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To get the Ss to revise some points of grammar: the present simple with future meaning; function of gerunds; usages of some modals can, could, may

Language function:

+ To enable the Ss to some exercises ask & answer the questions, make sentences complete build dialogues

+ To make the Ss plan, intention for the near future and make them ready to pacticipate in the activities of the Y & Y

Educational aim:


1.Language :

Vocab : related to the exercises

Struc tures : Present tense with future meaning Gerunds

Modals can, could, may 2 Skills : Speaking, Reading, Writing

Educational factor: Educate them to behave poliltly II Teachers and students’preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: pairwork, sentence – building; completing 3 Teaching aids : Chalk, textbook, chart, picture

4 Students’preparation: review present tense with future meaning Gerunds

Modals can, could, may 5.Previous exercise:Write letter

üGive the correct verb forms

1.(recycle) programs are very useful to protect the environment 2.Our duty is to save (nature) resources

3.All member in the class enroll the Y & Y (organize)

4.You can keep these flowers fresh by (water) them everyday III Procedure in class:

1 Stabilization:(2ms) - Warm up

- Checks actendance 2 Checking up:(5ms)

- Calls one to the homework - Remarks & marks

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson‘s content

I/Pessent tense with future menning

1 Lead in:

- Situation & example

üwhen does the program start/ finish ?

 furure meaning


- Recalls (after analyzing the example above)

üShedule future event present üa certain event/ plan tense

 implyes future meaning

- Listen and answer

- Recall then copy down

Unit :


Language focus

I/Pessent tense with future menning

üShedule future Pre üa certain event tense /plan I.Presenting new


- Lets the Ss read the Y & Y spring Activities program

- Explains the requirement - Introduces the phrases üCollects and empty garbage ügather to support cultural sport program

- Calls one to make a model T: When they collect and empty garbage ? where ?

S : On January 8/ AT Dong Xuan market

3 Controlled practice:

- Lets the Ss read the plan indi – vidually

- Has the Ss work in pairs asking and answering about the activities - Calls some to speak out loud - Gives correction

4 Free- practice:

- Asks them to look at all the sentences again and answer “which tense we use in this exercise”

- What does it imply ?

- Calls some to make sentences using this grammar poirt

II/ Gerunds :

1.Lead in :

- Questions “What you like doing in your free time ? Eg: I like reading books gerund

- Introduces the point & the exercise

2 Pre practice : - Gives examples I like reading books

Reading books is my favorite pastime

My favorite pastime is reading books C of S

- Read the frame carefully - Listen

- Take notes

- Read the plan individually

- Do pairwork

- Some pairs called speak out

- Present simple to express an arranged action that will happen in the future

- Answer

- Analy the examples & elicit the structure

- Takenote

implyes future


II/ Gerunds :

I like reading books Reading books is my favorite pastime My favorite pastime is reading books C of S


- Asks the Ss to elicit the structire subject

a)Function object

complement of S

b)Verbs are followed by gerunds like enjoy, hate, love, dislike, stop * Prepositions + gerunds

- Guides how to the exercise talk about their friend’s hobbies by looking at the chart then talk about themselves

3.Controlled practice :

a)-Asks the Ss to look at the table and talk about their friends

Eg : Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up


- Calls some to speak out loud - Gives correction

- Lets the Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions Eg:

A: Do you like playing soccer ? B: No.I hate it what about you ? A: Yes.I live playing soccer - Calls some pairs to speak and loud

- Corrects in Ss ways

III/ Work with a partner Modals :

1 Lead in:

- Sets a situation & example T: Can you help me ?

S: Certainly What can I for you ?

T: Can you turn on the light ? S: Sure I’ll help you

- Intrduces the point of grammar 2 Pre- practice :

- Asks about asking for &

responding to favor & offering & responding to assistance

* Asking for favors

- Can/could you help me, please ? - Could you me a favor ?

- Elicit

- Listen

- Look at the table & talk

- Speak out loud

- Do pairwork asking & answering the Qs

- Speak out

- Know the situation & make a modal with the teacher

- Listen - Answer

- Responding to favors


a)Function: - subject - object - comp -lement of S

III Favor

* Asking for favors


……… * Offering assistance

- May I help you ?

- Explains the exercise’s requirement

3 Controlled- practice :

a)-Asks the Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue using the cues in the box

- Calls some pairs to speak out loud

- Gives correction

b)-Asks the Ss to work in pairs again to complete the dialogue by using the structures have learnt (asking for favors … )

- Monitors & helps

- Lets the Ss to practise the dialogues in pairs

- Calls some pairs to speak out 4.Free- practice:

- Asks the Ss to pairwork again, creating a situation and the making a dialogue based on it - Goes round & helps

- Calls some pairs to speak out Model :

A : Can you help me, please ? B : Sure How can I help you ? A : Could you bring this bag for me ? It’s heavy

- Recalls the points of grammar ( Give the correct verb forms) a I enjoy (cook ) meal

b (Play) badminton is her favorite

c The Y & Y members (collect) and (empty) garbage on January - Gets feedback and corrects - Notices how to the exercise

- Asks the Ss to write down on their notebooks

üMake a new dialogue using a new creation

üDo exercise 2.3.4 (workbook)

certainly/ of course/ sure

- Responding to assistane Yes/ No Thank you

- Listen & takenote - Complete the dialogue

using cues in the box - Speak out loud (4 pairs)

- Do pairwork again

- Practise the dialogue in pairs

- Speak out

- Make a dialogue in pairs

- Speak out

- Recall - Do exercise

- Copy down

me, please ?

- Could you me a favor ?

……… ………

*Responding to favors

certainly/ of course/ sure

* Offering assistance

- May I help you ? *Responding to assistane

Yes/ No Thank you


üMake a new dialogue using a new creation II.Consolidation:



üPrepare knowledge for the Language review :grammar structures

üDo exercise 2.3.4 (workbook)

üPrepare knowledge for the

Language review :grammar structures Self- evaluation:

Date of preparation:November 30th, 2005 Date of teaching:November 1st,2005


Classes : 8A12

I Aims and objectives : Language content:

+ To help the Ss review & use all the grammar points from Unit 6+ =>Unit Past simple present simple; prepositions of time; reported speech; gerunds; modals may, can, could,

Language function:

+ To enable the Ss to some kinds of exerises using thise points + To prepare the Ss a general view before TESTING

Educational aim:

+ To make Ss be careful in doing exercise 1.Language :


Prepositions of time / gerund Modals

2 Skills: Writing Education factor:

II Teacher and students’ preparartion: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Asking and answering, word form, build sentences 3 Teaching aids : extra board

4 Students’preparation : review structures Previous exercise: exercise 2.3.4 (workbook) III Procedure in class:


Has short talk about Ss health the weather Checks the attendance


Checking up:(5ms)

Calls Ss to exercise 3/40(workbook)


& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- From Ss task leads to the point To revise some grammar points & exerises using these grammar points

2 Pre-practice:

- Asks the Ss about the form, usages of the present & past simple

a Present :

+ S + V( s – es (3rd person)

*Express a habit, general wich in presend

*Adv : Adv of prequency; today b.Past simple:

S+V( ed/ V2rd column)

*a habit, an action happend & finished in the past

- Draw out

- Tell the form and usage

- Takenote

Period 39: LANGUAGE REVIEW a Present :

+ S + V( s – es (3rd person)

*Express a habit, general wich in presend

*Adv : Adv of prequency; today b.Past simple:

S+V( ed/ V2rd column)

*a habit, an action happend & finished in the past


*Yes terday, ago, last

c Preposition of time & places : in, on, at

d Reported speech : person Changes tense Adv

Ex : “Can you show me the way to the National park, please ? “

=>He asked me to show him the way to the National park

* Command & request : S + V + (not) to infi

* Advice: S + V + S + should e Modal verbs :

a)Modals + bare infi

b)Used to ask for favor offer assistance; give advice, ……

f Gerund – To- infi :

Form of verbs :

Bare infi (After modals) To infi V, to V2

Gerund (After prep; enjoy, …… … like,…….)

g Form of a letter : 1.Heading


3 Body of the letter 4.Closing


- Asks Ss to exercise

-Turn into reported speech

- Recall some structures using these verbs draw out & give examples

- Give the content of each part

- Do exercise

*Yes terday, ago, last

c Preposition of time & places: in, on, at

d Reported speech: person

Changes tense Adv Ex : “Can you show me the way to the National park, please ? “

=>He asked me to show him the way to the National park * Command & request :

S + V + (not) to infi

* Advice: S + V + S + should

e Modal verbs : a)Modals + bare infi b)Used to ask for

favor offer

assistance; give advice, ……

f Gerund – To inf:

Form of verbs :

Bare infi (After modals)

To infi V, to V2 Gerund (After prep; enjoy, ….like, ….) g Form of a letter : 1.Heading


3 Body of the letter 4.Closing

5.Signature Exercise : Choose the best answer

1.Can you fill (in/ out/ on) this form for me ?

2.The doctor asked him (to take/ taking/ take) a rest 3.Nam hates (going/ go/ to go ) to the market

4.It’s too cold outside (Could/ Are/ Do) you close the door for me?

Keys: Exercise1 out


5.They are planing (to join/ join/ joining) the club

6.The boy scout (voluntaryl/ volunteer/ voluntaring) work 7.It’s very kind (in/ of/ to) you to say so

8.The world health(organize/organizing/organization) is an international one

9 He didn’t study (good/ well/ goodly) He always gets bad mark 10 (Wacth/watching/ towatch) is my favorite

Exercise : Rewrite the sentences

1.”You should stay in bed for a few days “ she said (change into reported speech)

2.Mrs Jackson said to Jim “Would you give me a hand, please ?” => Mrs Jackson asked Jim

3.The teacher said to Tim, “Come into my office, please” =>the teacher told Tim

4.Bao/ help/ his fninds in the orphanage/ play fooball/ last week => Bao helped

Exercise : Read the passage, then decide if the follwing sentences are True (T) or False (F)


We are all destroying the Earth The seas and rivers are too dirty to swim in There is so much smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of world’s cities We have cut down so many trees that there are now vast areas of waste land all over the world As a result, farmers in parts of Africa can not grow enough to eat In certain countries in Asia there is too little rice Wild animals are quickly disappering For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many However, it not enough simply to talk about the problem We must act now because it is too late to any thing about it Join us now! Save the Earth This is too important to ignore

1.The sea and rivers are polluled now 2.Smoke is harmful to human health 3.We have planted many trees now

4.In all over the world, farmers cannot grow enough to eat 5.Wild animals are threatened by extinction

6.There are only a few tigers exist in India 7.Save the Enrth is an unimportant problems

5 to join voluntary of

8 organization well

10.Watching Exercise 2:

She said I shuold stay in bed


3.Controled proactice :

- Gets the Ss to the exercises - Leaves time & then goes round to help

- Calls one by one to the exercise (write on the bb)

- Gives correction 4.Frec practice :

- Asks the Ss to make sentences using forms of verbs

Eg : I like collecting stamps - Calls some to speak out

- Recalls the grammar points and the exercises using there points - Notices the ways to these exercises

- Asks the Ss to prepare the lesson carefully before doing TEST II

- Do the exercise

-Write the answers on the bb

- Make sentences


-Take notes Homework:

Review all struture carefully before doing test

Self evaluation : ………

Name: English test Class:8A12

Period 39 : THE SECOND 45 MINUTE I Circle the best answer : (2,5ms)

1.We lost the match because we didn’t play

a. well b good c goodly d bad

2.The children like ……….to school by bus

a go b went c going d to go

3.We can participate………different activitives in the Y &Y

a on b in c at d for

4 The spoon fell……… the cooker and the cupboard

a. between b of c among d in

5.By recyding we can save……… recources

a. nature b naturally c unnatural d natural

II Give the correct verd forms(1m)

1 Yesterday his mother (ask) him to cook dinner

III.Homework: (5ms)


2 They used to (drive) fast

III.Write :

A : Rearrange the letter in correct order : (2 ms) 1 Dear Lan,

2 Your friend,

3 Next Sunday Father will drive Mom and me to Dam sen water park

4 99 Nguyen Tri Phuong street

5 Please let me know if you can go

6 Can you join us ?

7 Mai Huong

8 December 14; 2004

9 We can stop at your house at about 8.30 to pick you up

10 Ha Chi city

B.Rewrite the sentences : (1.5ms)

1 Lan asked her sister “Can you help me this exercise”

->Lan asked her sister ………

2 The teacher said to us “ You should all the homework”

->The teacher said to us………

3 Ba/ love/ do/ voluntary work/ free time

-> Ba loves………

IV.Read the passage and the exercises below :

In the first year of a lower secondary school.I had some difficulties in learning English My pronunciation of English words was really bad and my English grammar was worse I did not know how to improve them One afternoon, after the lesson, my teacher of English told me to wait her outside the classroom She took me to the school library and showed me cassetter of pronunciation kept in a glass bookcase She also told me how to use an English – English dictionary to improve my English grammar “Now I think you know what you should do” said she.I did not know that only one year later I would win the first prise in the English speaking contest held for secondary school students in my hometown

A Answer the questions (1.5ms)

What difficultes did he have in leaning English ?

2. Who help him to improve his English?

3 Did he improve his English one year later ?

B Put True (T) or False (F) for each bellow statement(1.5ms) 1. … His pronunciation of English words was very good

2. …… His English teacher showed him how to use an English dictionary

3 … He would win the first prise in the English speaking contest held for secondary school students in his hometown

ANSWER KEYS I/ 0,5 x = 2,5 ms

1. a 4 a

2. c 5. d

3. b

II/ 0,5 x = m 1. asked 2. drive III

A : 2ms

99 Nguyen Tri Phuong st Ho chi Minh City


Next Saturday father will drive Mom and me to damsen water part Can you join us ? we can stop at your house at about 8.30 to pick you up Please let me know if you can go

Your friend, Mai Huong B : 0,5 x = 1,5ps

1 Lan asked her sister to help her that exercise

2 The teacher said to us that we should all the homewok 3 Ba loves doing voluntary work in his freetime


A : 0,5 x = 1,5 pt

1 He had difficulties in pronunciation of English words and English grammar His English teacher helped him to improve his English

3 Yes, he did B: 0,5 x = 1,5pt

1 F 2 T 3 T


Lớp SS Giỏi Khá TB > TB Yếu Kém < TB

SL % SL % SL % SL % SL % SL % SL %


Date of preparation:November th, 2005 Date of teaching: November th, 2005

Unit :


Period 40 :

Getting Started & Listen And Read

Classes : 8A12

I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To help Ss know about the places in their neighborhood + To introduce & help the Ss master the present perfect + To get the Ss to know about Nam & neiborhood Language function :

+ To enable the Ss talk about their neighborhood + To get them to listen & practise the dialogue


Educatronal aims :

+ To make Ss pay attention to things around them 1.Language :

Vocab : : Words of places; closeby; serve; pancake, delicious Struc tures : The present prefect tense

2 Skills : Speaking, Reading, Listening,Writing

Educational aim: Ss pay attention to things around them II Teacher and students’preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Speaking orally, matching; pairwork;

3 Teaching aids : Pictures; chart; cassete; tape, flathcards 4 Students’preparation: find some places around their house 5 Previous exercise:

III Procedure in class: 1 Stabilization:(4ms)

Sticks pictures on the board Asks : Where is it?

What is it?

Stick the names of the places.Asks the Ss to match names of places with the suitable pictures

Answers: a Grocery store b stadium

c wet market d drug store e hair dresser’s f swimming pool 2 Checking up:(3ms)

Corrects mistakes in the last 45’ test 3 New lesson:

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- From the stabilization, asks Ss what they call the places around their house Introduces the topic and the lesson content “you will listen to a dialogue between Nam & Na to know about where are there in the neighborhood & what are in their neighborhood “


a)-Asks the Ss to listen to the tape

- Listen

- Listen & answer Unit : MY I Presenting new


once & answer (twice)

ü Who is new to the neighborhood ?

ü What is there around the corner ?

- Gets Ss’ answer

- Lets them listen once more & checks

b)-Teaches some words üCloseby ≈ nearby

üServe (v) – explainnation üPancakes (n) – explannation üDelicious (a) ≈ tasty (a)

c)-Checks : Rub out & remember d)-Introduces the structure : Eg: Nam has lived here for 10 years

We’ve been here since last week

- Elicits the structure from examles

Form :(+) S + have/ has + Vpp (?) Have/ Has + S + Vpp? (-) S+have/has+ not + Vpp +Usage :

Expresses an action happened : In the past & continuing to the present

+For/ since :

For : a period of time Since : a point of time Controlled practice:

a)-Asks the Ss to listen to the tape once more

- Has them practice the dialogue with a partner

- Calls some pairs to speak out loud & corrects pronunciation & intonation

b)-Has the class read the dialogue silently & complete the sentences - Goes round & help

- Calls some to read the complete sentence

- Gives correction


- Book opened

- Listen repeat guess the words’ meaning & copy down

- Play as T’s guide

- Have a look sentences & look the strutures

- Takenote

- Listen

- Practise in pairs - Speak out

- Read the dialogue silently

- Read the complete sentence

- Listen



Started & Listen

And Read

1.New words: üCloseby ≈ nearby üServe (v) –üPancakes (n) –üDelicious (a) ≈ tasty (a)

2 The prsent perfect: Form :

(+) S + have/ has + Vpp

(?) Have/ Has + S + Vpp?

(-) S+have/has+ not + Vpp

+Usage :

Expresses an action happened :

In the past & continuing to the present

+For/ since :

For : a period of time Since : a point of time


a) new d) Restaurant b) Last week e) Hue c) Tired f) Pancakes 4.Free - practice:

- Asks the Ss to work in groups & talk about there neighborhood Eg: I have lived here for about 13 years There is a wet market in my neighborhood we can buy fresh fish here

- Calls some representative to present

- Gives corection -Questions :

üWho is new to the neighborhood ?

üDoes Nam live in the neighbor hood ?

ü How long has he live there ? üWhat is there around the conner in the neighborhood ?

üIs the food good?

- Summarizes the lesson content & recalls the precent perfect tense - Asks the Ss to copy down on their notebooks

üDo exercise 1,2 (workbook) üPrepare “speak” How to send a letter

- Discuss in proups

- Speak - Listen - Book closed - Na is

-Yes, He’s lived there - about 10 years

- A restaurant -Yes, it is - Listen

- Copy down

d) Restaurant e) Hue

f) Pancake

3 Homework:

üDo exercise 1,2 (workbook)

üPrepare “speak” How to send a letter

Date of preparation: December th, 2005 Date of teaching: December 5th, 2005 Class: 8A12

Unit :


Period 41 : SPEAK

I.Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ The Ss will be able to master the way to send a leter or a parcel at the post office Language function :

+ By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about how to send parcels or letters Educatronal aims :

To make the Ss behave politly in communication 1.Language :

Vocab : (N) airmail, sarface mail, parcel, gram, (V) weigh => (N) weight II.Consolidation:



Struc tures : How much is / are + S S + is/ are + price 2 Skills : Speaking, reading

Educational factor: the Ss behave politly in communication II Teacher and students’preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Questions – Answer, pairwork Roleplay, substitution, dialogue creation, Network

3 Teaching aids : Picture; chart; textbook

4 Students’ preparation: new words and preread the dialogue 5.Previous exercise:

III.Procedure :

1 Stabilization: (3ms) “Network”

grocery store

Post office

2 Checking up: (5ms)

Find s.o who Na Nam Is new to the neighborhood ?

Has lived there for10 years knows the are well

has been here since last week

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- Asks the Ss to look at a letter & answer

* What’s this ?

*Where can I post it to my friend? * How can I post it?

* Have you ever sent a letter? - Hangs a picture of a post office and questions

üWhere are they ?

üWhat is the woman doing ? - Introduces the aims the content of

- Look at and answer It’s a letter

At the post office Stick stamp on it Yes / No

They are at the post office The woman is

Unit 7: MY

NEIGHBORHOOD Period 41 :Speak



the lesson “we will learn about how to send a letter or a parcel at the post office “

2 Pre-practice: a)Teaches some words üparcel (n) => realia üairmail (n)

üsurface mail (n)

üweigh (v) => action & example & picture

üweight (n)

ügram (n) => kilogram

b)Checks the Ss understanding Blank fill

a (1)…… is more expensive than (2)…………

b she (3)…………the letter and said its (4)……… is 20g

c Minh gets a lot of (5) ……….from his friends on his birthday

c)Helps the Ss review & pick out some structures

üDo you want to send it airmail or surface mail

üHow much is/ are + S ? S + is/ are + price

3 Controlled practice:

Asks the to practice the dialogue with a partner

- Calls some pairs to speak out - Qs :

üWhat does Mrs Kim want to send ?

üWhere does she send the letter to ?

üDoes she send it airmail or surgace mail?

üHow much is it ?

- Asks the Ss to work in pair to make similar dialogues with the given cues

- Listen to

- Takenote

a)airmail/ surgce mail b)weighed/ weight c)parcels

- Review and give examples

- Practise the dialogue - Answer

- Pairwork

- Read the model dialogue

1 New words:

a)Teaches some words

üparcel (n) => realia üairmail (n)

üsurface mail (n) üweigh (v) => action & example & picture üweight (n)

ügram (n) => kilogram

2 Grammar:

Do you want to ………


- Guides how to make a dialogue a)letter/ KonTum/ surface mai/ 20 g

Model : on the extra board

T: (Clerk): Good moming Can I help you ?

S: (Customer): I want to send this let ter to Kon Tum ?

T:Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail ?

S: I don’t know how much is surface ?

T: It’s 12.00 dong S: What about airmail ?

T:Aimail is a bit more expensive but it’s faster

S: O.K I’ll send it surface T: All right

- Controlls the class the the pair work

- Calls some pairs to speak out - Corrects pronunciation & intonation

4.Free- practice:

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs again, making up a new dialogue in different places such as market, shop…

Model : on the extra board

A: Good moming can I help you ? B: I want to buy some pens

A: There’ re many kinds of pens here you want to buy Ben Nghe or Thien Long pens ?

B: I’m not sure how much is a Thien Long pen ?

A: 1,500 dong A Ben Nghe pens is cheaper

B: How much is it ? A: 1000 dong

B: O.K I’ll take a Ben Nghe one - Goes round & helps the pairs - Calls some pairs to speak out - Gives correction

Eg: I have live here for about 13

- Make new dialogues with new situations & places - Speak out

- Listen to

- Listen & answer


years There is a wet market in my neighborhood we can buy fresh fish here

- Calls some representative to present

- Gives corection

- Asks the Ss to recall some strctures used at the post office I want to ………

Do you want to ……… ? How much is……… ?

- Asks the Ss to copy down ülearn by heart the dialogue

ümake another dialogue based on a new a situation & learn it by heart

üprepare “listen” what you often on the wee kend

3 Homework:

ülearn by heart the dialogue

ümake another

dialogue based on a new a situation & learn it by heart üprepare “listen”

what you often on the wee kend Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: December 9th, 2005

Date of teaching: December 10th, 2005

Class: 8A12

Unit :


Period 42 : LISTEN

I Aims and objectives : - Language content :

+ To provide sone phrases related to places & activities in the neighborhood - Language function :

+ To im prove Ss listening comprehension skill with different information then enable them to choose and identify the true/ false or not mentioned information

+ By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know what Na is going to on the weekend by listening

- Educatronal aims :

+ To make the Ss concern about things around them 1 Language :


2.Skills :Listening (skimming; listening for opinion; predicting; long term memony) 3 Educational factor:

II Teacher and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

2.Techiques: Predicting;T/F statement; Gap fill, getting main ideas 3 Teaching aids : Cassette tape; textbook

4 Students’preparation: 5 Previous exercise: III Procedure in class:

1 Stabilization:(Getting started)(3ms) - Greets

- Checks the attendance

- Has a short talk to the Ss about the weather, health 2 Checking up: (5ms)

- Calls one pair to practise the dialogue at the Post office with the cues given: Parcel/ Buon Ma Thuoc

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- Questions :

üWhat you often on the weekends ?

üDo you remember Na ? - Introduces the aim the lesson’s content : Na is going to tell you what she will on the weekend

2 Pre-listening:

a) Teaches some words & phrases

üTown ground => explanation üEnglish speaking Contest

- Answer

- Listen & know

- Listen, repeat guees & the words’ meaning & take notes

Unit 7: MY

NEIGHBORHOOD Period 42 :Listen I Presenting the new


üThe New comer üVS = versus : đấu với üCulture House

üPhoto exhibition üSpecial event

üOpening show

b) Checks the Ss’ understanding :Slap the board c) Asks the Ss to match words, phase in column A with one suitable in B


1 School Cultural House Cinema Stadium B

a exbibition b E Contest c Footbal match

d Some with the wond

- Gets Ss answer & asks them to guess which word can be filled

While listening : a)- Plays the cassette once - Asks the Ss to listen and fill in the blanks with suitable place or program

- Has the Ss listen for the 2nd time, lets them check the answer with their friends

- Calls some to speak out loud - Gets them listen once more & check

- Gives correction 1.The New comer 2.Town ground 3.E speaking contest 4.Culture House

b)- Gets the Ss to predict True/

- Slap the board - Do the matching

1-b 2-a 3-d 4-c

- Guess the words

- Listen & fill in

- Listen the 2nd time

- Speak out

- Listen the 3rd time -Take notes

- Predict

1 New words: üTown ground =>

üEnglish speaking Contest

üThe New comer üVS = versus : üCulture House üPhoto exhibition üSpecial event

üOpening show

Exercise 1:


False or no information mentioned

- Asks them to listen twice or more (if necessary) and check the correct box for true or False or No information (plays the cassestte twice or more) - Calls some to speak out, then answer after checking with a partner

- Plays the cassette once more time & check

- Gives correction

a)True b)False c)False

d)True e)True

f)No Information 4.Port listening :

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs to make a dialogue based on the diagram

A: What/ this weekead B:Not sure what to do/ where to go A: Why don’t…………

B: No……… A: What about………

B: That’s great - Cals some pairs to speak out - Corrects in Ss ways

- Questions:

üwhat Nam & Na on the weekends

- Notices the Ss to listen a long conversation to get

- Listen & check the box

- Listen once & check - Take notes

- Do pairwork, making dialogues

- Pairwork - Answer

- Listen and know - Copy down

Exercise 2:

a)True b)False c)False

d)True e)True

f)No Infomation

2 Homework: II.Consolidation:


information or find out information not mentioned - Asks the Ss to write down on their notebooks

üwrite the dialogue on the noke book again

üdo exercise üprepare “Read”

- Where can you go shopping ? - What can be found there?

üwrite the dialogue on the noke book again üdo exercise

üprepare “Read”

- Where can you go shopping ?

- What can be found there

Self evaluation :

Date of preparation:December 11th, 2005 Date of teaching: December 12th, 2005

Unit :


Period 43 :


I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To provide some information about a shopping mall

+ To introduce some words phrases related to the topic & help them master the present perfect

Language function :

+ By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the passage about a new shopping mall

Eduacational aims:

+ To make the Ss have a right choice when going shopping 1.Language :


Vocab : Related to the text

Structiwre : the present perfect tense

2 Skills: Reading (skimming, scanning, reading for opinion) 3 Educational factor: Ss have a right choice when going shopping II Teacher and students’ preparation:

1. Method : Communicative approach

Techniques: Qs – As; T/F statements; Explanation; sentence - building 3 Teaching aids : small board; chart; textbook

Students’ preparation: new words and exercises Previous exercise:

III Procedure in class: 1. Stabilization: (4ms)

- Guessing the words (revision): Gives Ss the definitions and get Ss to find out the words as quickly as possible

a A place where you can buy everything ( Supermarket)

b A place where you can buy vegetable and fruit ( grocery store) c A place where you can buy books ( bookstore)

d A place where you can come to eat ( restaurant)

e A place where you can come to see the movies ( Movies theater) f A person who come to the store buys something ( customer) 2 Checking up:(4ms)

- Calls one to tell about some activities that often happen in their neighborhood Answer: Ss’ answer


& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- From the stabilization ask the ss where they can all the above activities

- Is it different from shopping or market ?

- Introduces the aims the lesson’s content.”

Pre-reading :

a)Asks Ss to read the advertisement Helps ss to understand it

b)Teaches some words

üBe different from ≠ the same as→

- Answer

- Listen

- Read

- Listen, guees the words’ meaning, copy down

Unit :



Period 43 :


1 New words:

üBe different from ≠ the same as→

üConvenient (a) üCustomer (n) buyer üIncomfort

Eg: Customers will shop I.Presenting new


üConvenient (a) → situation & explanation

üCustomer (n) buyer üIncomfort

Eg: Customers will shop in comfort and won’t worry about anything

üTake one’s business ≃ take one’s job

ügoods (n) clothes; hat books, …

üConcern about ≃ pay attention to

üA wider selection of products →translation

üOrganized (v)


c) Checks the Ss understanding(Rub out and remember)

d) Helps the Ss review structures

+ The present perfect

Eg: They have organized a community meeting in order to discuss the situation

=> Passive present perfect Eg: The residents have been concerned about the new mall for a few months

While - reading :

a) Gets the whole class to read the text silently and decide True or False

- Leaves time & controls the class to the exercise

- Lets the Ss check the answer with their partners

- Calls some to give out their answer and explanation for these choice

- Gives correction

- Read and write the words

- Recall

=>S + has/ have + Vpp

- Read the text silently and check True or False

- Disuss the answer with their partners

- Speak out

- Takenote

in comfort and won’t worry about anything üTake one’s business ≃ take one’s job

ügoods (n) clothes; hat books,…

üConcern about ≃ pay attention to

üA wider selection of products

üOrganized (v) <=>organization(n) 2 Grammar:

+ The present perfect S + has/ have + Vpp Eg: They have organized a community meeting in order to discuss the situation

=> Passive present perfect

S + has/ have + been + Vpp


a)False b)False c)False d)True e)True

b)Has the class read the text again and answer the four questions in the book (p.68) - Leaves times & helps the Ss to answer the questions

- Calls some to write the answer on the board, other write on the notebooks

- Gives correction 4.Post - reading : (5’)

- Controls the class the play the game “Making sentences” - Asks the Ss to make sentences with a number or a word that is related to the text Eg: 50  there are 50 air –

conditioned specially stores in the shopping mall

*50, 4, 10, 1,

Customers owners , goods

- Asks the Ss to close their books & answer

1.Is the shopping mall differ ent from the present shopping area ?

2.Is it convinient or un ……….?

3 How convenient ?

4.What facitities does the shopping mall offer ?

- Asks the Ss to write down üFind out some advantages & disadvantages in shopping in a big mall or supenmarket

üPrepare “write” Read the advertisement of the reading text and find out How to write a notice

- Read the text silently again & answer the Qs individually

- Answering the Qs - Speak out

- Takenote - Play agame

- Bookclosed, making sentences based on the numbers or words

- Bookclosed, answer the Qs

- Copy down

3 Homework:

üFind out some advantages & disadvantages in shopping in a big mall or supenmarket

üPrepare “write” Read the advertisement of the reading text and find out How to write a notice II.Consolidation:


Self evaluation :

Date of preparation:December 12th,2005 Date of teaching: December 13th,2005

Unit :


Period 44 :


I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To help the Ss master the form of a notice and how to write a notice Language function :

+ by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a notice in English Educational aims :

+ To make the Ss speak or write Ss in short form 1.Language :

Vocab : affect (n) contact, hardware store Structiwre : How to write a notice (form, content) 2 Skills : Writing

3 Educational factor: Ss speak or write Ss in short form II Teacher and student preparation:


2.TechiquesExplanation rub out & remember running dictation, Disscussion Teaching aids : work sheet, miniboard, textbook

4 Students’preparation: 5 Previous exercise: III Procedure in class:

1 Stabilization:(2ms)

- Check the attendence - Say sth about the weather


Checking up:(5ms)

Question: - Calls one to present some information about the shopping mall Answer: Ss’ answer


& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead in:

- Guides & controls the class to play a small game

- Asks the Ss to take a small picce of paper

- Reads one by one word “notice a write, to , how, about, leam will, we, today - Asks the Ss to read this backword

- Asks some questions:

“What have the residents and store owners (a hended to ) down at the end of the reading ?

- Introduces the aims of the lesson “Before holding the meeting, they have to write a

- Listen

- Play the game as required & directed

=>To day we will leam about how to write a notice (afler one min)

=>They have intended to arganize a meeting to discuss

- Listen & answer

- Listen I.Presenting new


notice to inform everyone in the neighborhood How they write a notice: Today we well study about this”

Pre-writing :

a)-Write down and teaches some words

üeffect (n) / I’fekt/ changed by st or s.o

üHardware store (translation) üContact (v)/Kantsekt/ Sb → Eg: Where can I contact you ? - Checks the Ss understanding of the words : Rub outs & remember

b)-Has the Ss read the notice & answer the questions

üWho wrote the notice ? üWhat’s the notice about ? üWhen does the meeting happen ?

üWhat time & where will it take place ?

üWho can we contact ?

- Gets Ss answer & elicits the form of a notice

*A notice usually includes Topic :

Time : Place : Participants :

- Sets the scene “the school speaking club is going to hold a speaking contest” → write a notice about this

While- writing :

- Asks the Ss to write a notice about the English speaking contest

- Monitors & corrects

- Lets the Ss check with a partner

- Calls some to write on the bb

- Gives correction

- Listen, repeat, guess the words’ meaning then copy down

- Repeat, write the words again

- Read and answer

=>Tran Phu Residents & store owners meeting to discuss

=>On May 20

=>At 8.00pm.at Binh’s Hardware store, Mr Pham Van Tri

- Elicit and then write down

- Listen & know

- Do the writing

- Check with a partner - Write on the bb

- Have a look & copy down

Unit : MY NEIGHBORHOOD Period 44 : Write 1 New words:

üeffect (n) / I’fekt/ changed by st or s.o üHardware store

üContact (v)/Kantsekt/ Sb

Eg: Where can I contact you ?

2 Notice:

*A notice usually includes

Topic : Time : Place : Participants :

Modal notice:


“ The school English speaking club HOLDING A SPEAKING CONTEST TO


TEACHER’S DAY Date : November 15

Time : 7.30 p.m to 10.00pm Place : Has 204, Building G Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H at the above address for more information” 4 Post - writing :

- Asks the Ss to use the above notices as examples to write a notice for a class meeting a picnic, a sport club, a group discussion or a Y & Y meeting

- Has them to write the notice in groups of four

- Gives round & helps

- Calls some representatives to present

- Corrects in Ss ways - Running dictation

- Sticks a small piece of paper on the board with the intend “The Y & Y of class 8A2 is going to organize a picnic to Hoang Hau Beach in Qui Nhon city the picnic will be on January We will start at 7.00 at the school gate the person to contact is the monitor Nguyen Xuan Kien at 830233”

- Asks the Ss to work in pairs one goes to the bb reads the passage & turns back to tell the other information they get & they left has to write these into a notice

- Gets some paper & read out - Recalls how to write a notice

- Asks the Ss to write down

-Listen & know

- Discuss & write a notice in groups of four

- Present the notice - Listen

- Play the game as required & directed

- Pairwork

- Read out

- Listen & copy down

speaking club


SPEAKING CONTEST TO CELEBRATE THE TEACHER’S DAY Date : November 15 Time : 7.30 p.m to 10.00pm

Place : Has 204, Building G

Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H at the above address for more information”

3 Homework:

üWrite the notice of above writing on the II Consolidation:



üWrite the notice of above writing on the notebooks üPrepare “Language focus” - The present perfect with “for” & since

- Comparison with “like” (not) as … as ; (not) the same as, …


üPrepare “Language focus”

- The present perfect with “for” & since - Comparison with “like” (not) as … as ; (not) the same as, … Self evaluation :

Date of preparation: December 13th,2005 Date of teaching: December 15th,2005

Class: 8A12

Unit :


Period 45 :

Language Focus

I Aims and objectives :

Language content :

+ To help the Ss master well the present perfect through the exercises

+ To review the structure of comparison with like (not) as as (not) the same as, different from

Language function :

+ To enable the Ss to exercses (give the correct verb tense; complete the dialogue; ) using the present perfect

+ To get the Ss to use adjectives in comparing st with st Educational aims :

+ To help make the Ss have a right choice of st 1.Language :

Vocab : Relate to the exerises

Structure : The precent perfect with “since” & “for” Comparisom with “like”, “(not) as as “ The same as ; different from


II Teacher and students’preparation: 1. Method : Communicative approach

2.Techniques: Explanation, pairwork sentences bulding, 3 Teaching aids : Realia; extra board

4 Students’ preparation: 5 Previous exercise: III Procedure in class:

1 Stabilization:(3ms) - Greets

- Asks about the weather, Ss’ health - Take a short talk a short funny story 2 Checking up:(5ms)

- Checks Ss’ exercise notebooks

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content Exercise 1,2,3,4 :

1 Lead in: Qs

üHow long have you studied E ? =>I’ve studied E for years since 2002

- Asks Ss what tense is used ? - Introduces the aims of the (lesson) execises “To study more about the present perfect tense” Pre-writing :

- From example, asks about the form, usage of the tense

*Form:(+) S + have/ has + Vpp *pp = past pasticiple

V3rd column (irregular verd - ed)

*Usage : expresses an action that happened in the past & is continuing to the present

*For & since

For : a period of time

- Answer

- I’ve (we’ve) studied E for years (since ) - Listen & know

- Recall the form, usage of the present perfect

Unit : MY


Language Focus

1.The present perfect *Form:(+) S + have/ has + Vpp

*pp = past pasticiple V3rd column (irregular verd -ed)

*Usage : expresses an action that happened in the past & is continuing to the present


Since : a point of time

*The present perfect with “how long” - How long have you lived here ? - I have lived here for 10 years - Asks if the Ss can undestand how to the exercises

Controlled- practice :

Exercise :

- Asks the Ss to distingush the regular or irregular V & find pp - Gives correction

Eg : be – been Go – gone Live – lived

Exercise :

- Asks the Ss to use “For” or “since” to complete the expressions

- Gets them chek with their friends

- Calls some to speak out loud - Give feed back

Eg : for five minutes Since January

Exercise :

- Gets the Ss supply the correct verb tense

- Has them check with partners -Calls some to write on the bb -Gives feedback

Eg : we have not eaten in that Restaurant for years

I have not seen her since yesterday

Exercise :

- Asks the Ss to complete the dialogue using the correct verb tenes

- Goes round & help

- Has the Ss work in pair to practise the dialogue

- Calls some ro speak out loud - Gives correction

4.Post- writing :

- Write some verbs on the bb: be,

- Give example

- Asks if necessary

- Find out - Take notes

-Complete the exp ressions with “for” & “since” - Check with partners - Speak out

- Copy down

- Supply the correct verb tense

- Check

- Write on the bb - Copy down

-Complete the dia in pairs & practise it

- Speak out

Eg: How long have you lived here ? I have lived here for


live, send, work

- Asks the Ss to give the correct pp of each verb then make sentences using them

Eg : She’s been in the hospital for a month

Exercise :

1.Lead-in :

- Give Two pencils, one is new and anoter is old Asks Ss : Is it new ?

- Says: Yes, this pencil is not as new as that one

- Says & introduces the aims of the exercise

2.Pre- practice :

- Recalls some ways of comparison

üThe same as ≠ different from üLike same≃

ü(not) as… as

Eg: she is like a prencess

This pen is different from that one

This ruler is as long as that one - Guides the way to this exercise

=>Similarity : the same as, like difference : different from Comparison of equality (not) as….as

3.Controlled- practice :

- Asks the Ss to compare the 2 things using the adjectives & the pictures in the book

- Has the Ss compare the answes with their partners

- Calls some to read out loud - Gives correction

Suggestion :

c)-The red dictionary is different from the blue dictionary


4.Free -practice :

- Asks the Ss to make sentences to compare the things or

-Supply the correct pp & make sentences using thses

- Have a look listen & answer

- Listen

- Elicit from examples

- Gives more examples

-Write sentences to compare the things -Check with partners -Read out loud


üThe same as ≠ different from

üLike same≃ ü(not) as… as

Eg:- This pen is different from that one - This ruler is as


persons in the picture a) vẽ hình

- Recalls the exercises above - Notices the way to compare things , persons…… and how to supply the correct verb tense a)-Uses a mini board : cicle the right answer

1.My room is …… from her room (same/ different/ cheap) 2.This classroom is…… clean as that one( as/ same/ like)

3.I haven’t (see/ saw/ seen) him since last month

4.John has worked in that firm…… 1990(in/ for/ since) - Asks the Ss to write down üDo exercise 5,6,7 (p.46,47 workbook)

üPrepare Unit Getting started & Listen and read

- Find some words or phrases to say the similaty & differences between the countryside & the city

a)thes bag is not as big as Lan’s

Lan’s bag is different from this

- Listen

- Choose the best

=>different => as =>Seen =>Since - Copydown

3 Homework:

üDo exercise 5,6,7 (p.46,47 workbook)

üPrepare Unit Getting started & Listen and read

- Find some words or phrases to say the similaty & differences between the

countryside & the city

Self evaluation : ……… ……… III.Homework:


Date of preparation:December, 20th 2005 Date of teaching: December, 22nd 2005 Class: 8A12

Unit :


Period 46:

Getting Started & Listen & Read

I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To help the Ss reading for details the differences between city life and country life Language function :

+ By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the city life and the country life

Educational aims :

+ To make the Ss have a general view about life in the city & in the country changes + To make them love country life; where they live

1.Language :

Vocab : Relative, remote, medical facitities, definitily, change for the better assessible Structure : Present progressive

2 Skills : Listening (scanning), reading (skimming; sacnning) speaking; writing 3 Educational factor: Ss love the countryside life.

II Teacher and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach Techiques : Pairwork; groupwork 3.Teaching aids : Pictures; chat; cassette 4 Students’ preparation: forsee the dialogue 5 Previous exercise:


1. Stabilization:(4ms) Brainstorming:

Noisy quiet

Traffic jam fresh foods

2 Checking up:(5ms) - Supply the correct verb tense I(not, meet) her for one month

2 He (know) Lan sinxe 1995

3 My sister (start) a new job since yesterday 4.My family (be) here last christmas

3 New lesson: Steps

& time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead- in:

- Chatting: Talk to Ss about life in the city and life in the country by asking some questions:

a Where you live?

b Do you want to live in the city? Why?

c Do you want to live in the country? Why?

- Calls some to speak out - Writes the ideas on the bb - Introduces the aims of the lesson “Hoa & Na are talking about life in the country & changes there”

Pre-practice :

a)-Asks the Ss to listen & answer (play the casette twice) üWhere did Na go ?

üHow does she think it is ? üDoes Hoa like living in the country ?

- Asks the Ss to listen & check (3rd time )

- Chat

- Speak out loud - Listen

- Listen & answer (book closed)

- Listen & check (book open)

Unit :


Period 46:

Getting Started & Listen & Read

1 New work: üRelatives (n)

üPermanent (a)≈ exiting all the time üPermanently (adv) üRemote (a) ≈ far üMedical facitities üAccessible (a) => canbe ased


b)-Writes down & teaches some words

üRelatives (n) =>explanation üPermanent (a)≈ exiting all the time

üPermanently (adv) üRemote (a) ≈ far

üMedical facitities


üAccessible (a) => canbe ased üChange for the better => Ss guessing

üDefinitely (adv) => explanation

c)-Checks Ss understanding of the word’s slap the board

d)-Asks the Ss about the present progressive

Ex: Things are changing in the countryside

üForm :

(+) S + is/ am/ are + V-ing (?) Is/ am/ are + S + V-ing (-) S +is/am/are +not + V-ing Usage: Used in talking about Changes => indicating the future

Controlled- practice : a)-Plays the cassette twice - Gets the Ss to work in pairs to practise the dialogue

- Calls some to read out loud - Corrects Ss ponunciation & intonation

b)-Asks the Ss to read the dialogue silently & answer the Qs (p.73)

- Goes round & helps

- Lets the Ss check the answer with their partners

- Calls some to read the answer out loud

- Gives correction * Keys:

a Na has been to Kim Lien

- Wirte down

=>bà con, họ hàng =>Lâu dài, mãi =>Xa xôi

=>Có thể tiếp cận

- Slap the board - Recall

üS + be + V-ing üBe + S+ V-ing? ü S + be + not + V-ing - Takenote

- Listen

- Do pair work - Read out

- Read the dialogue

- Check with their partners - Read out loud the answers - Takenote

üChange for the better üDefinitely (adv)

2.The present perfect (+) S + is/ am/ are + V-ing

(?) Is/ am/ are + S + V-ing

(-) S +is/am/are +not + V-ing

Usage: Used in talking about

Changes => indicating the future

Questions on page 73 * Keys:

a Na has been to Kim Lien village



b She was there for the weekend

c To her the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to

d ……

4.Port- writing :

- Asks the Ss to work in groups of four “write the things you like & dislike in the city (team A)

- Asks another team to work in groups of four write the things you like & dislike in the country( team B)

- Calls some representatives of each group in eak team to speak out

- Corrects in Ss ways

- From Ss answer above recall advantages & disadvantages in the city & country

City Country Quiet Noisy Peaceful Crowded Pollution Fresh air Beautiful Friendly views


- Asks the Ss to write down üwrite things you like in the city & country

üDo exercise 1/49 (work book) üPrepare “speak”

* Talk about changes in your neighboohood

- Groups in team A write the ths they like ond dislike in the city

- Groups in team B in the country

- Representatives speak out loud

- Listen & know

- Copy down

the weekend

c To her the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to

d ……

3 Homework:

üwrite things you like in the city & country

üDo exercise 1/49 (work book)

üPrepare “speak” * Talk about changes

in your neighboohood

Self evaluation : II.Consolidation:



Date of preparation: December 25th 2005 Date of teaching: December 26th 2005 Class: A12

Unit :


Period 47 :


I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To help the Ss master well some words relating to the city and the country and use these to talks about changes with “gets, become”

+ To get them review comparative of adjectives Language function :

+ To enabe the Ss to talk about changes in some where Educational aims :

+ To help the Ss know about changes in their hometown & make them love their hometown

1.Language :

Vocab : Adjs, verbs to talk about changes Structiwre : Comparative

2 Skills : Speaking

3 Educational factor: To help the Ss know about changes in their hometown & make them love their hometown

II Teacher and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

Techiques : Pairwork; discussion; speaking orally, networks Teaching aids : Pictures; texbook; chalk

Students’preparation: forsee the pictures and find out the adjectives to describe them Previous exercise:


- Checks the attendance

- Has a short talk about the weather, Ss health 2 Checking up:(5ms)

- One lists the things relating to the city & country

- One answers Do you prefer living in the city to or in the country ? why ? - Remarks & marks base on Ss’ answer

3 New lesson:

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead -in:

- Guides the Ss to play the game Networks

Traffic jam Peraceful

Not fresh air

- Asks the Ss to look at the pictures & questions

- Are they different from each other ?

- Says and introduces the aims of the lesson “Talk about changes of places”

Pre-practice :

- Asks the Ss to have a look at the pictures & find the things in each picture

Picture1 Picture Small houses High buildings Bicycles Motorbikes, cars

Narrow roads Long & wide roads Parks Parks

- Play a game

- Look at and answer

- Listen

- Look at the pictures & find out the things in each

Unit :




Period 47 :


1 Things in the pictures Picture1 Small houses bicycles Narrow roads Parks Picture 2

High buildings Motorbikes, cars

Long & wide roads

Parks 2 Form of I.Presenting new


City Countr


-Recalls the form of comparative short adj/ adv – ER

more + long adj/ adv

- Helps the Ss to compare things in the pictures

Ex: The town is becoming busier The town is becoming more beau tiful

- Explains get and become : change

- Asks the Ss to about change of the town by comparing things in the pictures & follwing the examples above

While- practice :

- Asks the Ss to dissuss in pairs to talk about changes of the town - Leaves time, goes round & helps

- Calls some pairs to speak out loud the changes of the town - Calls some to describe the changes again

- Gives correction

Suggestion :

-Traffice is getting busier there are more tall buildingd and houses

-The houses are getting more modern

……… 4.Post - practice :

- Asks the Ss to work in groups of four to talk about changes in their hometown (using the present progressive)

Ex: The town is becoming busier The are more entertaiments - Calls some representatives to present

- Gives correction

- Notices the way to talk about changes of places by comparing things now with things years ago

- Recall

- Listen & know

- Listen & the require ment

-Discuss & practice in pairs

- Speak out loud in pairs - Decrbe the changes of the town individually

- Listen

- Discuss in groups of four

- Present - Listen - Listen


short adj/ adv – ER more + long adj/ adv

Suggestion :

-Traffice is getting busier there are more tall buildingd and houses

-The houses are getting more modern


- Makes the Ss know about changes in their hometown again

- Asks the Ss to write down üwrite a short paragraph to say about changes in your hometown

üDo exercise 5/51

üPrepare “Listen” what will you say if you phone a relative far from your home ?

-Take notes

3 Homework:

üwrite a short paragraph to say about changes in your hometown

üDo exercise 5/51 üPrepare “Listen” what will you say if you phone a relative far from your home ?

Date of preparation: December 26th, 2005

Date of teaching: December 27th, 2005

Class: 8A12

Unit :


Period: 48 LISTEN

I Aims and objectives : - Language content :

To help the Ss receive some structures using in communication on the phone whose speaking ? Hold on a moment

And the present progressive tense - Language function :

To improve Ss full of listening comprehension listen and get the information To enable the Ss cpmplete the dialogues using the information they heard or their own information

- Educational aims :

To eduacate the Ss communicate well and make them behave politely 1.Language :

Vocab : Review

Structure : Can/ could I speak to , please? who’s speaking ?

Hold on a moment Do you want to speak to Present progressive tense

2 Skills : Listening (skimming, short term memory)

3 Educational factor: the Ss communicate well and make them behave politely II Teacher’s and students preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

Techiques :Gap – fill; pairwork; discussion; dialogue - reation Teaching aids : Cassette – tape; charts ; textbook


1 Stabilization:(2ms)

Ss describe ” What are the people around doing?” Eg: Lan is writing.

Hoa and Nga are talking 2 Checking up:(5ms)

Two Ss to go to the bb & talk about their home town’s changes 3 New lesson:

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead - in:

- Uses actions and asks the Ss “what am I doing ? what are they taking about ?”

- Introduces the aims of the lessen

Pre-listening :

- Introduces some structures: üWho is speaking ?

üDo you want to speak to Lan ? üHold on a moment

üIs that….? Yes is speaking - Uses a chart & asks the Ss to complete the dialogue(dialog in Exercise Language focus p.78) - Lets the Ss practise the dialogues in pairs

- Calls some pairs to speak out dialogue

- Has the Ss read the (text) with missing words

- Asks if they can fill in the missing words

- Writes their guess on the bb While - listening:

- Plays the cassetle two times - Gets the Ss to compare with

- You are calling S.O/ speaking to S.O on the phone

- Take note

- Do the exercise

- Practise the dia in pairs - Speak out

- Read, guess the missing words

- Have a look

- Listen & fill in

- Compare with the guesses

Unit :



1.Structures: üWho is speaking ? üDo you want to speak to Lan ?

üHold on a moment üIs that….? Yes is

speaking I Presenting new


their first guesses

- Lets them check the answer in pairs

- Calls some to read out the answer

- Play the cassetle for the last time

- Gives (pause the word’s missing for Ss to listen the words are fully) correction

4.Post - listening:

- Asks the Ss to make a dialogue based on the dialoguse in the book

Model : A:Hello

B:Hello Is that Minh ?

A:It’s grandma How are you ? B:Oh, grandma Im’ fine How about you ?

A:Im’ fine

B:Where are you phoning from? A:Qui Nhon city I’ll come home next week on Sunday

B:Onsunday OK see you on sunday – Goodbye

A: Bye

- Recalls how to the blank fill in listening task

- Qs “what will you often talk to a relative on the phone when he phone far from home

- Asks the Ss to copy down üPractise the dialogue üDo exercise 2/49,50; 4/51 üPrepare “read” – find chages in the city & the country

- Listen & checks

- Creat a new dialogue based on the old

- One practise with the teacher

- Listen - Answer

- Copy down

2 Dialogue model : A:Hello

B:Hello Is that Minh ?

A:It’s grandma How are you ?

B:Oh, grandma Im’ fine How about you ?

A:Im’ fine

B:Where are you phoning from? A:Qui Nhon city I’ll come home next week on Sunday B:Onsunday OK see you on sunday – Goodbye

A: Bye

3 Homework:

üPractise the


üDo exercise

2/49,50; 4/51 üPrepare “read” –

find chages in the city & the country

Self evaluation :

……… II.Consolidation:




Date of preparation:January, 08th, 2005

Date of teaching: January, 11th, 2005

Class: 8A12

Unit :


Period 49 :


I Aims and objectives : Language content :

+ To provide some words relating to the urgent problem migration to life

+ To help the Ss know about the caues, effects & the real situation of the problem Language function :

+ To enable the Ss to use the information from the passage given to fill in the gaps (complete the summary )

+ To help them to define words (fin synonyms ) Educational aims :

+ To eduacate the Ss to love the place where they were born and make them have a general view for a very hot & urgent problem imigration to cities

1.Language :

Vocab : Words relating to migration to life Structure : Compound noun

2 Skills : Reading (skimming,) 3 Educational factor:

II Teacher and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

Techiques :Explanation; Gap – fill; discussion; difinition - repetition Teaching aids : chart ; textbook; Extra board

Students’preparation : Previous exercise : III Procedure in class :

1 Stabilization : (3ms)


good job


medical facitities Convenient traffic

2 Checking up: (4ms)

- Calls one pair to make a dialogue, talking about a conversation on the phone

Steps & time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson’s content 1 Lead - in:

Questions :

üDo you like to live in the city? üDo you thinh many people want to live in the city ? why ?

- Introduces the aims of the lesson:

Many people want to live in the city, they move to cities and there are some problems about this Pre-reading :

- Writes down & teaches

üRural (a) > < urban (of the city) üLeave behind

Ex: They leave behind their traditional way of life and move to the city

üWell paying job (n) üPlenty of (a) ≈ much üStruggle (n)

üTyphoon (n) bigstorm üFlood (n) situation & üDrought picture

üOver crowding explanation üStrain (n)

üIncreased pollution üLive apart =>explanation üMigrant(n)mifration (n)=>explanation

- Checks the understanding of the words (slap the board)

- Answer

- Listen

- Listen, repeat guess the words meaning & copy down

Unit :



1 New words:

üRural (a) > < urban (of the city)

üLeave behind

Ex: They leave behind their

traditional way of life and move to the city üWell paying job (n) üPlenty of (a) ≈ much üStruggle (n)

üTyphoon (n)


üFlood (n) üDrought

üOver crowding üStrain (n)

üIncreased pollution I.Presenting new


- Give a guiding questions “What problems may arise when so many people move to the city ? what is the most urgent problem ? 3.Controlled - practice :

a)-Gets the Ss to read the text silently and complete the summary

- Goes round & helps if necessary *adequate (a) ≈ enough

- Lets the Ss check the answer with their partners

- Calls Ss to read the complete summary out

- Gives correction

b)-Gets the Ss to read the phrases & find the words that have meanings as followed

Eg: a great pressure = strain - Calls some to read out loud the answers & to explain for their choice

- Gives correction

a) Rural b) Plentiful c) Increase d) Strains

e)Tragedy f) Urban 4.Post - reading:

- Has the Ss work in groups of four & make an intenview

Qs : Suppose that you go to a big city to look for a job what troubles you ?

=>Loneliness traffic jam

- Gets some to be interviewees - Asks the Ss to turn back the summary & words related

- Makes Ss aware of some problems arisen in the city because of atrain

- Asks the Ss to copy down üCopy the summary & reread it üDo exercise 3/50/workbook

- Answer in their way

- Read silently & complete the summary individually

- Work in pairs comparing the result

- Read out the summary

- Work individually

finding the words that have the meaning as the phraces

- Make an interview in groups of four

- Have a look at the summary & then listen

-Take notes

üLive apart



Keys: a) Rural

b) Plentiful c) Increase

d) Strains e)Tragedy

f) Urban


üCopy the summary III.Homework:



üPrepre “write” – How to write a friendly letter

& reread it

üDo exercise


üPrepre “write” – How to write a friendly letter

Self evaluation :

Date of preparation:December 28th, 2005 Date of teaching: January th, 2006 Class: 8A12

Unit :


Period 50 : WRITE

I Aims and objectives : - Language content :

+ To help the ss master the form of a friendly letter - Language function :

+ By the end of the lesson, the ss will be able to write a friendly letter: about their neighborhood

- Educational aims :

+ To make them have a general view about their neighborhood 1 Language :

a) Vocab : review

b) Structure :form of a friendly letter 2 Skills : Writing, Speaking 3 Education factor

II Teacher and students’ preparation: 1 Method : Communicative approach

Techniques : Q-A ; discussion; letter writing Teaching aids : textbook; Extra board

Students’ preparation : ( How to write a friendly letter) Previous exercises: 3/50 (workbook)

III Procedure in class :

1 Stabilization : (3ms) - Greets

- Checks the attendance

- Has a short talk about the weather, health 2 Checking up (5ms)

* Questions: What are people from the countryside doing? - Why? Do they so? What problems will arise?


in the city - …

3 New lesson:


/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content 1 Lead- in:

- Reads some sentences of a letter: Phuoc Son village,

Tuy Phuoc district, Binh Dinh province Dear Lan,

- Asks if the ss know what the teacher is reading

- Asks them how to write a letter to a friend, then introduces the lesson content: Practicing how to write a letter to friend

Pre- writing :

- Asks the ss to retell the form of a friendly letter and what they write in each part

+ Heading: writer’s address date

+ Opening: Dear … ,

+ Body of the letter: letter content + Closing: Regards, / Love, / … Signature,

- Asks the ss to answer the questions in the book in minutes - Gets some’ answers

- Has the ss practice asking the questions and answering in pairs(Exercise on page 76)

a.Where you live? (smal town/ big city/ village)

b.What does your house look like? ( nice/small with 4/5 room

- Listen and answer

- Listen and know

- Recall the form of the letter

- Answer the Qs on the book

- Answer out

- Practice asking the questions and

answering in pairs a I live in a village b My house is small,

Unit :

COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Period 50 :WRITE F orm of a friendly letter

+ Heading: writer’s address, and date + Opening: Dear , + Body of the letter: letter content

+ Closing:

Regards/ Love/ … Signature

I.Presenting new


and a nice small garden)

c What can you see from your bedroom window? (small park with many green and tree)

d … e …

- Guides the sts to write the letter to their friends telling about theirneighborhood basing on the answers

3 While- writing:

- Gets the whole class to write the letter to their friends

- Has them check the writing in pairs

- Calls two ss to write the letter on the board

- Gives correction

Suggestion: Dear … ,

I live in a small town My family has a large house with four rooms and a small garden My sister and I share the bedroom From the bedroom, I can see a lot of trees and flowers

In my neighborhood, … 4 Post- writing:

- Has the sts work in groups of and find out 10 mistakes in the letter.( write on the mini board) “ Dear Lan,

Thank you for the letter you send me last week.

I live in a appartment in the center of Hanoi It’s small with rooms: a bedroom, a living room and a kitchens Near my house there are a park I often take a walk or plays soccer there The thing I like best are the Chilren’s Palace I go there everyday play the piano, sing and dance … What you like best on your neighborhood? Please write to me I has to stop now to go to sing


- Listen and know

- Do the writing

- Check the writing in pairs

- Write on the board - Correct the writing

- Work in groups of and find out 10 mistakes in the letter ( write on the mini board)

Send sent






to play


* Suggestion: Dear … ,


with my class I’m looking forward to hear from you soon

With best wishes, Yours

- Gets some mini board and check - From the letter above, asks the ss about the form of a friendly letter again

- Notices them what needs to write in each part

- Notices Ss how to write a friendly letter, and how to write about the neighborhood

- Asks the Ss to copy down üCopy the writing again üDo exercise 4/ 51(workbook) üPrepre “Language focus” ( The present progreesive tense + Comparative)



- Listen and know

- Take notes

Homework: üCopy the writing again

üDo exercise 4/ 51(workbook)

üPrepre “Language focus”

(The present progreesive tense + Comparative)

* Self evaluation :

……… … ……….… ………

II.Consolidation: (3ms)


Date of preparation: December 28th, 2005

Date of teaching: January th, 2006

Class: 8A12

Unit :



I Aims and objectives : - Language content :

+ To help the sts master the two grammar points: the present progressive, comparative and superative adjectives

- Language function :

+ To build the ss the skills of doing some exercises: dialogue build, … - Educational aims :

+ To help the sts to know about the changes of their hometown 1 Language :

a) Vocab : relating to the exercises

b) Structure : the present progressive

comparative and superative adjectives 2 Skills: S - L - R - W

3 Education factor: To help the ss to know about the changes of their hometown. II Teacher and students’ preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

Techniques : Q-A ; discussion; explaination, dialogue build, Noughts and Crosses, … Teaching aids : textbook; Extra board, real objects

Students’ preparation : The form, use of the two points. Previous exercises: 4/ 51(workbook)

III Procedure in class :

1 Stabilization : (2ms) - Greets

- Checks the attendance

- Has a short talk a funny story 2 Checking up (5ms)

* Questions: Checking some exercise notebooks * Answer :



/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content I/ The present progressive tense

1 Lead- in:

- Calls osme to answer: “ What are you doing tonight?”

- Asks about the tense and introduces the point: The present progressive tense

2 Pre- practice :

- Eg: What are you doing tonight? I’m doing my homework

- Asks the sts to elicit the form, use of the present progressive

a) Form: Is/ am are + V- ing b) Uses:

+ to talk about the future

+ to show changes with “ get”, “become”.

* Get, become + adj

- Explains the requirement of exercise 1,2,3

3 Controlled- practice:

- Gets the whole class to repeat the two dialogues

- Asks them to make similar dialogues

- Gets some pairs to speak out

- Asks the sts to complete the dialogues in pairs

- Calls some pairs to speak out - Gives corrrection

- Gets the sts to complete the sentences:

1 boy/ get/ tall

2 old men/ become/ weak weather/ get/ cold …

- Asks the whole class to repeat the sentences in chorus

4 Free- practice:

- Has the sts work in pairs: “ What are you going to to tomorrow?” - Calls some to answer and corrects II/ Comparative and superative

- Listen and know

- Answer - Elitcit

- Listen

- Repeat

- Make dialogues - Speak out - Complete the dialogues - Speak out

- Listen and take notes - Complete the sentences:

- Repeat in chorus

- Ask and answwer in pairs

- Answer

Unit :


Language Focus

I/ The present progressive tense a) Form: Is/ am are + V- ing

b) Uses:

+ to talk about the future

+ to show changes with “ get”, “become”.

* Get, become + adj

I.Presenting new


adjectives. 1 Lead- in:

- Sets the situation and example::

The blue pen is the cheapest

Thered pen is the most exspensive The white pen is more exspensive than the blue

- Introduces the points Pre- practice :

- Ask the sts to recall the form of the Superative and Comparative

Comparative Superative

Short adj - er than Short adj- est More + long adj than the most +adj * Good/ well - better - the best

Bad/ - worse - the worst - Helps the sts to find the suitable adjectives to make comparison between the city and the countryside 3 Controlled- practice:

- Leaves time and lets the sts make comparisons ( things)

- Calls three sts to go to the board and write down

- Calls one to read the left - Sticks the ads on the b.b

- Asks the sts to reaad tem carefully * Questions:

Is the house/ new/ ?

How large is the house?

How much is it per month?

- Gets some to make sentences with the adjs: old, exspensive, small, big, hot, beatiful, modern, new, good 4 Free- practice:

- Gets the sts to play the games: Noughts and Crosses

Old exspensive Beautiful

Big hot good

small modern new

- Controlls the class to play the game - Has the sts to choose the best one:

- Listen the example and take notes

- Listen and know - Copy down

- Find adj and make sentences with them

- Make comparisons ( things)

- Write down - Read out

- Have a look at the three ads

- Answer

- Play the game as required and directed

- Do the multiple choice

1 am doing is becoming

II/ Comparative and superative adjectives

Comparative Short adj - er than More + long adj than Superative

Short adj- est the most +adj

* Good/ well - better - the best

Bad/ - worse - the worst


1 Let’s play soccer on Sunday

+ Sorry I can’t I (do/ did/ am doing)

2 The weather is becoming … hotter ( is/ becomes/ is becoming)

3 Life in the coutry is … than in the city ( peaceful/ more peaceful/ peacefuler)

4 London is … bride in Europe - Asks the sts to copy down

üLearn by heart the structures üDo the exercises again

üPrepare “vocab and structures from Unit 1-8”

3.more peaceful

4 The biggest - Copy down

Homework: üLearn by heart the structures

üDo the exercises again

üPrepare “vocab and structures from Unit 1-8”

* Self evaluation :

……… ……… ………

Date of preparation: December 28th, 2005 III.Homework:


Date of teaching: January th, 2006

Classes: 8A12

Period 52 :


I Aims and objectives :

- Language content :

+ To help the sts revise some tenses, structures, prepositions - Language function :

+ To enable them to some ecxercises - Educational aims :

+ To prepare the ss some knowledge before exam 1 Language :

a) Vocab : review

b) Structure: - Verb form andd tense

- Prepositions of time and place - Comparison

- Reported speech

- (not) adj + enough + to infinitive - Why -> Because

2 Skills: Writing

3 Education factor: To help the sts be careful when doing exercises II Teacher and students’ preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

Techniques : Explanation, rewriting, speaking orally, … Teaching aids : textbook; Extra board, worksheet

Students’ preparation : words and stuctures from Unit 1-8 Previous exercises:

III Procedure in class :

1 Stabilization : (2ms) - Greets

- Checks the attendance

- Has a short talk about the weather, health 2 Checking up (5ms)

* Questions: Make sentences using comparative or superative * Answer : ss’ answer

3 New lesson:




1 Lead- in:

- Asks about some points of grammar of the three sentences again

- Has the sts list the grammar points from Unit 1-8

- Introduces the lesson content: “ To review the some points and some exercises using them.”

Pre- practice :

A VERB FROM AND TENSE * Tense of verb:

1 The present simple:

 S + V (v, v-s, es)

 - general meaning - future meaning

2 The present progressive:

 S + is/ am/ are + V-ing

- to talk about changes

- to show changes with get, become

3 The past simple:

S + V ( v-ed, v- 2nd column)

 To express an action that happened and finished in the past

S + has/ have + past participle

 To express an action that happened in the past and continues to the present * Form of verb:

1 V-ing

+ After like, enjoy, hate, dislike, love… + After preposition

2 Bare infinitive: + After modals Full infinitive: + V1 to V2

+ Adj + enough + to infi + Ask/ tell s.o to something + would like + to infi


+ Prep of time: in, on at, …

+ Prep of position/ place: in, on, at, + Adj + prep

+ V/ N + prep

* for + a period of time in the present Since + a point of time perfect tense

- Answer

- Make a list in groups - Listen and know

- Recalls the forn, uses, then give example for each tense

- Tell the three form of verb

- Elicit the form

- Recall where and when these

prepositions are used

- Give examples with

for and since

- Elicit the form then


A Verb from and tense

* Tense of verb: The present simple:

 S + V (v, v-s, es)

 - general meaning - future meaning 2.The present progressive:

 S + is/ am/ are + V-ing

 to talk about changes

to show changes with get, become

3 The past simple:

 S + V ( v-ed, v- 2nd column)

To express an action that happened and finished in the past

S + has/ have + past participle

 To express an action that happened in the past and continues to the present

* Form of verb: V-ing

+ After like, enjoy, hate, dislike, love… + After preposition

2 Bare infinitive: + After modals Full infinitive: + V1 to V2 I.Presenting new


C COMPARISON: + (not) as + as

The same as/ different from

Comparative Superative Short adj - er than Short adj- est More + long adj than the most +adj * Good/ well - better - the best

Bad/ - worse - the worst D SOME OTHER STRUCTURES: Be giong to+bare infi intention (not) adj + enough + to infi Why - Because reasons Reported speech

* Commands & requests: S + V + (not) to infinitive * Advice:

S + V + S + should + bare infinitive 3 Controlled- practice:

- Asks the sts to take notes then the exercises:

I/ Supply the correct verb tense & form:

1 She likes … roses in the garden (plant) My father used ( smoke) a lot last year They are thinking of (import) flowers from Vietnam

4 Lan told her sister ( move) the table I ( go) to the movies tonight The film (begin) at 7.30

6 Susan ( not, go ) to work yesterday The weather ( get) warmer

8 I like your car How long you (have) it I (know) her since January

II/ Rewrite the sentences:

1 Mary said to me, “ Can you carry my bag” ( Mary asked me …)

2 The boy is not strong He can’t lift the case (enough)

3 He didn’t prepare the lesson at home, so he got bad marks ( because)

4 This book is cheap, but that book is cheaper, ( as … as )

- Has the sts check the task together - Calls some to write the answer on the

give examples using the points

- Revise some structures and their form

- Take notes then the exrcises


- planting - to smoke - importing - to move - am going - begins - did not go - is getting - Have you had - have known II/

1.Mary asked me to carry her bag

2 …

- Check the task together

- Copy down

+ Adj + enough + to infi

+ Ask/ tell s.o to something

+ would like + to infi

B Prepositions + Prep of time: in, on at, …

+ Prep of position/ place: in, on, at, + Adj + prep + V/ N + prep

* for + a period of time in the present Since + a point of time perfect tense C Comparison: (not) as + as

The same as/ different from

Comparative Superative

Short adj + er +than Short adj+ est

More + long adj than the most +adj

* Good/ well - better - the best

Bad/ - worse - the worst

D Some other structures:

1 Be giong to+bare infi intention

2 (not) adj + enough + to infi

3 Why - Because reasons



- Gives correction 4 Free- practice:

- Asks the sts to make sentences using the structures above

- Lets them check the answer together - Calls some to speak out loud - Asks the sts to choose the best one: Jane is … beautiful than her sister (as/ the most/ than)

2 We’ve been here … last week ( since/ for / in)

3 The Moon … around the Earth ( move/ moves/ is moving)

4 Vietnamese language is different … ( as/ like/ from)

- Asks the Ss to copy down

ü Notices the kinds of exercises above

ü find out some ways of doing exercises in the texts; the writing

- Make sentences with the structures

- Check the As together - Speak out loud - Choose the best one Than

Since Moves from

- Copy down

* Commands & requests:

S + V + (not) to infinitive * Advice:

S + V + S + should + bare infinitive * Exercises:

Homework: ü Notices the kinds of exercises above

ü find out some ways of doing exercises in the texts; the writing

* Self evaluation :

……… ………

II.Consolidation: (4ms)


Date of preparation: December 28th, 2005

Date of teaching: January th, 2005

Classes: 8A12

Period 53 :


I Aims and objectives :

- Language content :

+ To help the ss know how to exercises in the reading, writing - Language function :

+ To enable the ss to some kinds of exercise deal with passage, writing tasks - Educational aims :

+ To prepare the ss some knowledge before exam 1 Language :

a) Vocab : review

b) Structure : review 2 Skills : Writing

3 Education factor: To help the sts be careful when doing exercises II Teacher and students’ preparation:

1 Method : Communicative approach

Techniques : Multiple choice, explanation, exercise writing Teaching aids : textbook; Extra board

Students’ preparation : some kinds of exercises Previous exercises:

III Procedure in class :

1 Stabilization : (2ms) - Greets

- Checks the attendance

- Has a short talk about the weather, health 2 Checking up: (5ms)


Steps / Time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content 1 Lead- in:

- Asks about some grammar points and introduces the aims of the lesson: “to practice doing some kinds of exercise deal with the points have learn”

Pre- practice : - Recalls:

a) topic: relating to topic * Excercises:

+ Answer the questions + T/ F statements + Fill in the blanks + Multiple choice b) writing

- letters

- Description of something/ s.o - Massages/ notice

* Exercises: - write a paragragh - using the words given - rearrange the words 3 Controlled- practice:

- Has the sts copy the exercises and them

I/ Complete the passage with the words from the box:

Many (1) … Believe that life on a farm is quiet and easy, but (2) … is very hard, I myself have (3) … on a farm for nearly 20 years and I know what farm work (4) … You must get up early, (5) … the chickens and the cows, water the vegetables, flowers, a (6) … of gardening and then (7) … on the fields But my aunt likes this way and (8) … her children

II/ Write a passage using the words

- Listen and know

- Give out the kinds of exercise

- Copy down, then the task

(1) people (2) it (3) lived (4) is (5) feed (6) lot (7) work (8) so


a) topic: relating to topic

* Excercises:

+ Answer the questions

+ T/ F statements + Fill in the blanks + Multiple choice b) writing

- letters

- Description of something/ s.o

- Massages/ notice * Exercises: - write a paragragh - using the words given

- rearrange the words

I Presenting new material: (30ms)



Dear Mum and Dad,

1 I/ have/ wonderful time/ HaLong Bay weather/ be/ lovely/ and/ beach and islands/ look/ beautiful

3 Yesterday/ I/ visit/ Thien Cung Grotto I/ be/ visit/ Dau Go cave/ tommorrow I/ be/ going/ takee/ photos/ there See/ soon

Love, Linda

- Asks the sts check the answer keys in pairs

- Gets some to tell the answer 4 Free practice:

- Asks the sts to find some topics to these kinds of exercise

- Gets the st’ feedback and gives suggestions

- Recalls how to the exercises relating to the passages, and written tasks

- Asks the Ss to copy down

üreview vocab and structures from Unit 1-8

ü Notices some passages and written tasks relating to the topics

üPrepre knowledge for the first semester test

I’m having a

wonderful time in Ha Long Bay

- Check the answer in pairs

- Find some topics to these kinds of exercise

- Listen and know

- Take notes üreview vocab and Homework: structures from Unit 1-8

ü Notices some passages and written tasks relating to the topics

üPrepre knowledge for the first semester test

* Self evaluation :

……… ………

TEST’S RESULT II.Consolidation:



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Ngày đăng: 11/04/2021, 17:01



