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T asks ps to read the examples and the sentences given in exercise 1 , then put the words in the correct order to make sentences, using the main verb in the present simple[r]


Saturday, September1st 2007


Order period: 01

§ Reading

A Aims:

- Ps can use information they have read to discuss the topic

- Help them develop their reading micro – skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general imformation, and guessing meaning context

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, handouts, colour chalks, lesson plan - Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : no

- S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson1


I Warm – up ° Questions:

a – What are the girls and boys doing in the picture? b – How they feel?

c – What does the picture tell you? ° Suggested answers:

a – One boy is playing the guitar, the other girls and boy are singing

b –They seem very happy because I can see their smile c – The picture tells me that friends can happily many things together/ Friendship brings happiness to us

II Pre – reading: Discusing the poem:

° Questions: What you think of the friend in the poem? ° Suggested answers:

- The friend in the poem is very dedicated and thoughtful - He/she is willing to help his/her friend in any arcumstances III While – reading

° Vocabulary:

Lasting (adj) bền vững, lâu dài Tobe concerned with quan tâm tới

Constant (adj) thường xuyên, khg thay đổi

Constancy (n) không thay đổi Rumour (n) tin đồn

Gossip (n) chuyện tầm phào Trust (n) tin tưởng Sorrow (n) đau khổ

Purruit (n) theo đuổi, niềm đam mê

* Task 1: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box mutual

T: asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 12 and asks them some questions

Ps: look at the picture in their textbooks and try to get the correct answers

T: asks the whole class to read the poem on page 13 and asks them to answer the question:

Ps: read the poem.

T: gives some suggested words: friendly, dedicated, thoughtful Ps: try to get the answers quickly T: reads and writes the new words on the board

Ps: coppy down.

T: conducts repetition chorally Ps: repeat.

T:writes the words on the broad then intructs ps to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain the words to guess their meaning

Ps: guess the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the sentences


incapable of unselfish acquaintance/friend give – and – take loyal to suspisious

* Task 2: Which of the choices A, B, C, or D most adeoquately sums up the ideas of the whole passage?

A A friend in need is a friend indeed B Conditions of true friendship C Features of a good friend D Friends and acquaintances IV Post – reading:

* Task 3: Answer the questions

1 The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness It tell us / me that a person who is concerned only with his / her own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend.(paragraph 2)

2 Because they take up an interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object (line 2-3, paragraph 3)

3 The third quality for true friendship is loyalty It tell us / me that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them.(line 1-3, paragraph 4)

4 Because if not people cannot feel safe when telling the other their secrets.( line 1-3, paragraph 5)

5 Because they cannot keep a secret, either of their own or of others’.(line 3-4, paragraph 5)

6 The last quatily is sympathy It tell us / me that to be a true friend one must sympathise with his / her friend Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends, there is no true friendship

Ps: work in pairs ,read though each sentence provided in the task to identify the given words to fill in each blank

T:goes around to hepl ps when necessary

T: asks to ps exchange their answers with other groups, tells ps to expain their choices and gives the correct answers

T: searches through the list of main ideas provided in the task then read the text carefully and try to summa- rize it

Ps: the task individually

T: calls on some ps to give their ans wers, asks other ps to say whether they agree or disagree T: skims the questions, shows ps how to this task

T: does 1st question as model (reads it, finds the key words in the passage, marks the place and finds the answers)

T: asks ps to the task indi vidually

T: calls on some ps to write their answers on the board, then gives the correct answers

S4: Homework: Answer the questions, using the suggested phrases:

1 Why we need to have friends? ( Trust felings / share interests/ sorrows….) Can you be a good friend?

3 Which of the qualities mentioned in the reading text you have? Which don’t you have?

S5: Comments:

Saturday, September 2nd 2007


Order period 02

§ 2: Speaking


- By the and of the lesson, Ps will be able to describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friend, using appropriate adjectives

- Help Ps in their speaking B Materials:

- T: Textbook, handouts, colour chaks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : Read the first paragraph, then answer the question : Why we need to have a friend ?

- S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson


I Warm – up: Match the adjs from the box with the parts of the body they can be used to describe ( some of the words can be used more than once)


Short /Tall Broad Straight Heart-shape Oval Turn-up Round Snub

Large Wide Shortish Wrinkled Dyed Long Dhoulder Sleek Crooked Flat Glossy Pointed Medium Square Wavy Fat

B Parts of the



Face Square, round, oval, heart-shaped

Nose Crooked(khoàm), flat(tẹt), hooked(két), turn-up(hếch), snub(hếch ngắn), pointed(nhọn) Hair Curly(xoăn), long, shoulder-length, wavy(gợn

sóng), short, glossy(bóng), traight, dyed(nhuộm), sleek(mượt)

Forehead Wrinkled(có nếp nhăn), wide, high Height Tall, short, medium

I Pre – speaking:

* Task1: describing physical characterictics / appearance

The boy is about 16 years old He may be short –sighted because he’s a wearring a pair of glasses He has short black hair, a round face with a broad forehead, a small nose, thin lips and a small chin He’s quite good-looking

2.The girl is about 14 She’s also wearing a pair of glasses She has shoulder-length black hair She has an oval face with a straight nose, full lips and a pointed chin She’s quite pretty

3.The man is in his forties He’s tall and well-built He has short brown hair and a square face with a broad forehead, small eyes, a crooked nose and thin lips He’s quite good-looking

4.The woman is in her twenties She’s quite tall and slim She has long curly brown hair and an oval face with big eyes, a traight nose, heart-shaped lips and a small chin She’s very beautiful

T: divides the class into groups then distributes the handout A and B to ps to in their own groups Ps: work in group, match the adjs from the box with the parts of the body

T: hangs a big coppy of the handout B on the board, calls p in each group to go to the board and fill in the column

G1 – Face G4 – forehead G2 – Nose G5 – Height G3 – Hair

Which group has many correct adis will be the winner

T: gives feedback and key by hanging other coppy.(C)

Ps: take note

T: reads the useful words, asks ps to look at the pictures in their textbooks (p15) and use the above adjs and the useful words to describe them

Ps: work in pairs, describe the people in the picture

T:gives an example then calls on 4 ps to present their answers describes


II While – speaking:

*Task 2: Describing personalities(tả xác) Vocabulary:

caring: chu đáo hospitable: hiếu khách modest: khiêm tốn sincere: chân thành understanding: thông cảm generous: rộng lượng honest: tốt bụng pleasant: dễ chịu Suggusted answers:

- My group thinks that being earing is the most important because when friends care about each other, they will know when to share happiness …… with their friend ………

- Being helpful

Task 3: Role – play: Tall about a famous friend Vocabulary:

Humorous (adj) Quick - witted = intelligent (adj) Good – natured = kind (adj) Studious = hardworking (adj) Questions:

a What his / her name? b When was he / she born? c What does he / she look like? d What are his / her hobbies? e What is he / she like?

IV Post – speaking: summerises the main points of the interview by using the above answers:

His name is ……… he was born in the ……… he’s tall / short He’s a square face and a broad forehead His hobbies are playing fooball He oftEn goes swimming in his free time …………

T: introduces the adjs provided in the textbook,conducts repetition chora-l ly, asks if ps understand these adjs or not

T gives suggested answers: a his name is ……… b he was born in/on ……… c he looks like ……… d his hobbies are ……… e he likes ………


T: divides the class into groups of 10 with a leader

Ps: discuss, the leader takes notes of the ideas

T: calls on the best pupil to report the result of their discussion

T:gives feedback and final comments

S4: Homework:

Practise reading all the words that are used to describe people’s physical characteristies and personalities


Saturday, September 8th 2007

Unit 1


Order period 03

§ 3: Listening

A Aims:

- Listen for specific information and taking notes while listening - Help Ps in their listening micro – skill

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, handouts, colour chaks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : describe a person, using the cues below

Hight: medium Face: square Nose: straight Age: 26 Appearance: good-looking Job: worker - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson


I.Warm – up:

1 He is kind, willing to help sb He makes sb feel relaxed

3 He spends a lot of time studying or reading He is able to wait sb for a long time

a patient c helpful

b friendly d studious

II Pre – listening:

* Talking about your best friend Who is your best friend?

2 How did you happen to met him/her? How long have you known aech other?

4 What qualities you admire in your best friend? * Pre – teaching vocabulary

- a partment building: - sence of humour:

- give sb a ring = phone sb - guitarist

- favourite - motorbike - around

- go through a rough time III While – listening

Listen to the lasks and then the tasks that follow:

* Task 1: Listen and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):

Lan’s Talk

- T writes the adjs on the board, then reads the given sentences aloud

- Ps keep quiet, listen to teacher and choose the suitable adjs

- T gives the correct answer: 1-c 2-b 3-d 4-a

- T asks Ps to discusc the qs in pairs

- Ps work in pairs

- T calls on some ps to give their answer and comments on the answers Then gets ps to guess what they are going to listen about


1 Ha and Lan shared an apartment in Nguyen Cong Tru Resdential Area in hanoi

2 Lan thinks that Haiphong people are unfriendly Lan spent two days in Do Son

4 Ha took Lan to Do Son on her motorbike

5 Ha introduces Lan to a number of her friends there

6 Ha and Lan have become friends since Lan’s trip to Do Son Long’s Talk

1 Minh and Long have been friends since school Long was a guitarist

3 Long loves Minh’s sence of humour They have a lot of things in common

5 Minh always helped Long out of difficulties Answers:

- Lan’s Talk: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F - Long’s Talk: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5T * Task 2:

How are where they met What they like about their friends Lan

……… ……… ……… ………

……… ……… ……… ……… Long

……… ……… ……… ………

……… ……… ……… ……… IV Post-listening:

-How Ha / Minh has been Lan’s / Long’s best friend ?


- T asks ps to the task, using some strategies:

.1 st, ps read through the statements to understand words

.2 nd, ps listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words

.3 rd, ps decide whether the statement are true or false base on what they can hear -T plays the tape onse for ps to the task, then asks for their answers and writes them on the board

-T plays the tape the second time for ps to check their answers

-T checks ps’answers by calling on some ps and asks ps to explain their answers - Tgives correct answers - Ps work in pairs, answer the question

- T goes around and offers help

4 Homework : Learn all the new words prepare for next period Comments :

Sunday, September 9th 2007


Order period 04

§ 4: Writing

A Aims:

- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and expressionthat they have learnt in previuos lessons

- Help Ps in their writing B Materials:

- T: Textbook, handouts, colour chalks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebook, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2 : Old lesson: Write word that are used to describe people’s physical and give examples - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson



1 My sister has got a straight / flat / snub / pointed nose Her face is square / round / oval / heart-shaped

3 She has short black hair / long dyed hair / shoulder-length hair She is tall / short / medium

5 She is fat / thin / slim / overweight

6 She is hospitable / generous / honest / tudious / intelligent II Pre-writing:

1 The three main parts:

* General information about their friend - Name

- Age

- Home address -Place to meet -How to meet

* His / Her physical characteristics his / her personalities - Height : tall / short / medium

- Hair : short / long / shoulder-length - Face : square / round / oval / heart-shaped - Eyes : big / small / black

- Nose : straight / flat / snub / pointed - Helpful

- Sincere - Studious

* What ps like about the friend

- To have the same hobbies: to enjoy learning English, reading books

- To have a great sense of humour

- To be a very good listener / constant friend - To study hard

2 The verb tenses:

T asks ps to traslate some sentences into English

Ps work in pairs, traslate the Viet-namese sentences into English

T gets ps to read theguidelines silently

Ps read theguidelines silently and work out what they are required to write about

T introduces the three main parts of the writing

Ps take notes.

T provides words , phrases , sentnces to help pupils in their writing


* The simple past: S + was + adj + n / S + V2/ed * The simple present : S + is + adj + n / S + Vinf/ (e) s III While-writing:

My friend’s name is……… She is about ……….years old She lives in / at ……… with her parents……….We became friends ……….years ago when we studied together

She is of medium height ………She has ……… hair She is quite slim ………

She s a ……… face with a……… nose, a……… chin and ……… eyes

What I like about her is that she has the same hobbies with me We both like ……… We enjoy learning ……… She is very helpful and modest She always gives a helping hand whenever being asked I hope that our frienship will continue

IV Post-writing:

To collect and correct ps’ writing’s mistakes and errors

Ps coppy down the structures. T gets ps to write about their friend in 15 minutes

Ps write about their friend in 15 minutes

T goes around to observe an offer help

T asks ps to exchange their writing with another p for peer correction

Ps exchange their writing

T goes around collects mistakes and errors , then collects some writing for quick feedback T corrects some typical errors.

4 Homework : Review all the new words that are used to describe people’s physical characteristies and personalities, rewrite the writing

Prepare for next period Comments :

Monday, September 10th 2007


Order period 05

§ 5: Language focus

A Aims:

- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to distinguish the sounds / dz / and / t / - Help ps in their pronoucing the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly B Materials:


- Ps: Textbook, pens, pencils, notebook, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : Look at A, describe him / her - S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson


I Pronunciation:

/ dz / / t / jam children joke changeable January cheese vilage which II Grammar:

1/ To infinitive:

S + be + adj + to inf S + V ( + O ) + to inf 2/ Bare infinitive:


S + had better + bare inf Will

S + V ( + O ) + bare inf …… III Exercises:

* Exercise 1:

1 Who something eat want ?

-> Who wants something to eat? Letter I write some have

-> I have some letter to write

-> Iwas/ am delighted to hear the news

-> My mother has some shopping to

-> You always have too much to talk about

-> It’s lovely to see you again

-> It’s / was too cold to go out

-> I’m happy to know that you have passed the exams * Exercise 2:


-> The police watched them get out of the car

T models the two sounds / dz / and / t / for a few times and explain the differences in producing them, then asks ps to read the two sounds and the words in each column again Ps reads the two sounds / dz / and / t / and the words in each column again

T asks some ps pronoun the words and gives correction if neccesary Ps practise reading the sounds/ words / sentences

T introduces the grammar: To infinitive / bare infinitive by gving many examples then asks ps to draw out the rules and the structures Ps listen to the instructions, draw out the rules and the structures then coppy down the lessons

T asks ps to read the examples and the sentences given in exercise , then put the words in the correct order tomake sentences, using the main verb in the present simple and making the other an infinitive without to



-> They let im write a letter to his wife

->I heard them talk in the next room

->The customs officer made him open the briefcase

-> The boy saw the cat jump throgh the window

-> Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money ?

-> I felt the animal move toward me

-> Do you think her parents will let her go on a picnic ?

without to

T asks ps to read the examples and the sentences given in exercise , then rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets

Ps read the examples and the sentences given in exercise ,then rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets

T calls on some psto write their answers on the board and corrects them

4 Homework: Learn the structures by heart Prepare for next period Comments:

Saturday, September 22nd 2007


Order period: 06

§ Reading

A Aims:

- Ps can use information they have read to discuss the story

- Help them develop their reading micro – skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general imformation, and guessing meaning context

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : no

- S3: New lesson : Unit1 – Lesson1


I Warm – up


II Pre – reading: Discusing the pictures:

° Questions:

- What can you see in picture a/ d/ e ?

- What you think may be relationship between the girl and the man?

- What you see on the table? - Whose money you think it is ? ° Suggested answers:

- I can see a man and a girl - I think they are father and daughter - I see a wad of dollar notes

III While – reading * Vocabulary:

embarrassing (adj) a sloppy cotton hat (n) pop star idol (n) glance at (v) sneaky look (n) imagine (v) make a fuss (v) decide (v)

* Task 1: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box glanced making a fuss

embarrassing idols


* Task 2: Rearrange the fictures:

1- picture d 3- picture f 5- picture a 2- picture b 4- picture e 6- picture c

* Task 3: Answer the questions:

1 What did the girl wish to have when she was in grade 9?

à She wished to have a sloppy cotton hat

à He gave he rsome money onher birthday so that she could buy he rhat of her dream for her self


àShe saw a wad of dollar notes that look exactly like hers

àBecause she didn’t want to make a fuss

àShe bought the hat of her dream

IV Post-reading: Discuss the question: What you think the girl had to after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers?

1 Perhaps she could She might want to

in Vietnamese Ps listen to teacher.

T asks the whole class to look at the picture on page 22 and asks them some questions

Ps look at the pictures in their textbooks and try to get the correct answers

T writes the words on the broad then

aks them to give their meaning Ps write the words then give their meaning

T conducts repetition chorally. Ps repeat chorally.

T intructs ps to read the passage quickly

Ps read the passage quickly T asks ps to task 1

Ps read the given sentences ,guess their meaning based on the contexts in the sentences, then fill each blank with one of the words in the box

T: searches through the main ideas of the passage,then asks ps to rearrange the fictures

Ps: the task individually

Ps: work in pairs ,read though each questions provided in task to answer the questions

T:goes around to hepl ps when necessary

T: skims the questions, shows ps how to this task

T: does 1st question as model (reads it, finds the key words in the passage, marks the place and finds the answers)


3 I guess she could T calls on some ps to give their ans-wers, ask them to explain their choices, asks other ps to say whether they agree or disagree then give the correct answers

S4: Homework:

Read the story again , try to translate it into Vietnamese Prepare for next period. -

S5: Comments:

Sunday, September 23rd



Order period 07

§ 2: Speaking

A Aims:

- By the and of the lesson,ps will be able to identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences - Help ps use these structures to talk about a past experience

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chaks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : Read the first paragraph, then answer the question : When did her embarrassing experience happen ?

What did the girl wish to have when she was in grade 9? Was her idol a pop star ?

What you think the girl had to after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers?

- S3: New lesson : Unit2 – Lesson


I Pre-speaking: * Task1:

1 Speaking English to a native English speaker

2 Being seriously ill

T introduces task and get ps to it individually

Ps read the task , it individually T calls on a p to read out his/ her answers


3 Travelling to other parts of the country

4 Failing an exam

5 Talking to a famous pop star

II While – speaking:

*Task 2:

- Have you ever spoken E to a native speaker? - Yes, I talked to an E girl last summer

- How did you meet her?

- I was walking along Trang Tien Street when an English girl

came up to me and asked me the way to Hoan Kiem Lake I told her , then we started talking about the lake

- What did you talk about? - Everything about the lake - How did experience affected you?

- Well, it makes me more interested in learning E * Task 3:

- Have you ever been seriously ill/ travelled to other parts of the country/ failed an exam ?

- How did it happen? - When did it happen?

- How did the experience affect you?

IV Post – speaking: Your most embarrassing experience

T checks with the class and give corrective feedback

T elicits the structures:

Make s.o s.th… Make s.o + adj… Ps: take note

T introduces task and get ps to put the lines in the conversation in the correct order then practise the dialogue

Ps: work in group, put the lines in the conversation in the correct order then practise the dialogue

T calls on a pair to read out their answers

Ps read out his/ her answers

T checks with the class and give corrective feedback

T introduces task and get ps to it in group

Ps work in group , task

T goes around to check and offer help then calls on some pairs to perform their conversation in frot of the class

T elicits feedback from the class and give final comments

S4: Homework:

Practise speaking all the dialouges that are used to talk about past experience Prepare for next period


Sunday, September 23rd 2007


Order period 08

§ 3: Listening

A Aims:

- Listen for specific information ,deciding T/ F statements and filling the gaps while listening - Help ps improve their listening skill

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : Tell about your most embarrassing experience, by answering the following questions:

Have you ever been ? How did it happen?

When did it happen?

How did the experience affect you? - S3: New lesson : Unit2 – Lesson


I Warm – up:

Tell the story about the fire in DD market II Pre – listening:

* Discussing the picture:

1 What can you see in the picture? 2.What is happening?

3 Who are these people? * Pre – teaching vocabulary

- memorable:

- terrified (a) - scream (v) - replaced (v) - gas stove (n) - embraced (v) - escape (v) - protected (v) III While – listening

* Task 1: Listen to the interview and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):

1 Christina is a business woman The fire happened years ago The fire started in the bedroom

4 When the fire started, Christina was reading a book Her mother came and rescued her

* Task 2:

………(1) small……… (2)

- T tells the story , leads ps to the topic

- Ps keep quiet, listen to teacher - T asks ps to discuss the qs in pairs

- Ps work in pairs

- T calls on some ps to give their answer and comments on the answers Then gets ps to guess what they are going to listen about

- T helps ps pronounce the words given in the book by conducting repetition in chorus



(3) family……… ………(4) replaced………(5) took……

…… ……….(6) appreciate * Tape script:

Interviewer: Christina :

C: Well, my most unforgetable experience happened 13 years ago, when my house burned down


C: The fire started in the kitchen where I forgot to turn off the gas stove

I ………

C: I wassleeping when I was suddenly woken up by terrified heat I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by wall of fire


C: I was terrified Then I heard my mother’s voice calling my name I rushed to her She carried me out…………

I ……….

C: ……….Although I lost many things in the fire, the experrience helped me grow up


C: Well, before the fire I was selfish I always complained to my mother about how small my room was, or how few clothes I had Then the fire came and destroyed everything I owned But I slowly began to realise that I didn’t really need my old things I just needed my family After all, you can get new clothes anytime, but a family can never be replaced.

IV Post-listening: Christina says that family is more important than things Do you agree or disagree with her? Giving your opinions

.1 st, ps read through the setences to understand words

.2 nd, ps listen to the tape and pay attention to the key words

.3 rd, ps decide whether the statement are true or false / choose the right word to fill in the gaps base on what they can hear -T plays the tape onse for ps to the task, then asks for their answers and writes them on the board

-T plays the tape the second time for ps to check their answers -T checks ps’answers by calling on some ps and asks ps to explain their answers

- T gives correct answers - Ps work in pairs, answer the questions

- T goes around and offers help

4 Homework : Learn all the new words Prepare for next period Comments :

Monday, September 24th



Order period 09

§ 4: Writing


- By the end of the lesson, ps will be able to write a personal letter, telling about a past experience , using the words and expression that they have learnt in previuos lessons

- Help ps in their writing B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2 : Old lesson: Do you think that family is more important than things? Giving your opinions - S3: New lesson : Unit – Lesson



1.Have you ever written a letter in English?

2.Do you know how many parts a personal letter normally have? What we normally write in the salutation?

4 What we normally write in the closing? Where we normally sign the letter? II Pre-writing:

1 The five main parts: * The heading

* The salutation/ greeting * The body

* The closing * The signature 2 The verb tenses:

* The simple past: S + was + adj + n / S + V2/ed * The past continuous: S + was / were + Ving

* The past perfect: S + had + V3/ed III While-writing:

DD, September 20th 2007


I’m writing to you about………

Let me tell you about ……… my past embarrassing / unhappy / funniest experience which still imprinted deeply on my mind

On that day………

T asks ps some questions, leads in the new lesson

Ps answer them.

T gets ps to read the guidelines silently

Ps read the guidelines silently and work out what they are required to write about

T calls on some ps to answer and elicits more ideas from the class Ps pay attention.

T introduces the parts of a personal letter normally have Ps take notes.

T provides words , phrases , sentnces to help pupils in their writing

Ps pay attention and take notes. T reviews the previous structures that can be used in their writing Ps coppy down the structures. T gets ps to write their letter in 15 minutes


One day ……… ……… I thought I ………

Luckily,……… Immediately ………

My life was finally saved Now, I realize ……… / I understand……… Stop for now./ Write to me soon

See you soon Your old classmate ………… IV Post-writing:

To collect and correct ps’ writings’mistakes and errors


T goes around to observe an offer help

T asks ps to exchange their writing with another p for peer correction

Ps exchange their writing

T goes around collects mistakes and errors , then collects some writing for quick feedback T corrects some typical errors.

4 Homework : Review all the new words , the main parts of a personal letter normally have and the structures:

* The simple past: S + was + adj + n / S + V2/ed * The past continuous: S + was / were + Ving

* The past perfect: S + had + V3/ed Prepare for next period


Friday, September 28th



Order period 10

§ 5: Language focus

A Aims:

- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to distinguish the sounds / m / / n / and / n / - Help ps in their pronoucing the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan…


C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : How many parts a personal letter normally have? What are they? Write the structure of the past continuous tense

- S3: New lesson : Unit – Lesson


I Pronunciation:

/ m / / n / / n / may nose wrong make nice running small snow morning II Grammar:

1 The simple past tense:

Tobe :

* Affirmative:

S + was / were + n / adj * Negative:

S + was / were + not + n / adj * Interrogative:

Was / Were + S + n / adj ? Verbs

* Affirmative:

S + V2 / Ved .

* Negative:

S + did + not + Vinf

* Interrogative:

Did + S + Vinf ?

2 The past cotinuous tense

* Affirmative:

S + was / were + Ving

* Negative:

S + was / were + not + Ving * Interrogative:

Was / Wer e + S + Ving ?

3 The past perfect tense *Affirmative:

S + had + V3/ed * Negative:

S + had + not + V3/ed * Interrogative:

Had + S + V3/ed ? III Exercises:

* Exercise 1:

……….(0) lives……….(1) invites ……… (2) sets………(3) gets……….(4)waves……… (5) promises…….………… (6) carries

T models the three sounds / m / / n / and / n / for a few times and explain the differences in producing them, then asks ps to read the two sounds and the words in each column again Ps reads the two sounds / dz / and / t / and the words in each column again

T asks some ps pronoun the words and gives correction if neccesary Ps practise reading the sounds/ words / sentences

T introduces the grammar: To infinitive / bare infinitive by gving many examples then asks ps to draw out the rules and the structures Ps listen to the instructions, draw out the rules and the structures then coppy down the lessons

T asks ps to read the examples and the sentences given in exercise , then put the words in the correct order to make sentences, using the main verb in the present simple and making the other an infinitive without to


……… (7) cotains …,………(8) has baked……… …… (9) is……….(10) is shining………(11) are singing ……….(12) is

* Exercise 2:

1 He broke his arm when he was playing football Julia wrote her first novel when she was 15 years old

3 I was working on the computer ………broke……… When it started torain………were walking ……… He told us about his ……… were having……… Sorry, I did not listen ……….was thinking………

7 I phoned you last night………did not answer……… were you doing… ? Mary did not wear……….…….did not notice……… ….was driving………… * Exercise 3:

1 They had eaten……….…arrived……… When I found ……… had taken ……… By the time … got ……… had closed………

4 When they got to the station ………had left ……… By the time you got the letter ……….had arrived ……… The pollice paid no attention……….had phoned……… I went to the post ………… …………said……….….had not arrived…….…… When I had looked at the new dress………asked……… cost

other an infinitive without to

T asks ps to read the examples and the sentences given in exercise , then rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets

Ps read the examples and the sentences given in exercise ,then rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets

T calls on some ps to write their answers on the board and corrects them

4 Homework: Learn the structures by heart Prepare for next period Comments:

Saturday, September 29th


Order period 11 + 12


A Aims:

- Review the privious lesson - Help ps review their lessons B Content & keys :

I - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ):


When she came back ten minutes later, I told her I thought it was quicker to it by hand She asked what I meant “Well, they aren’t ready yet,” I replied You can imagine how I felt when she lifted the lid and took out the potatoes the size of peas The potato peeler was not automatic

………T……… The story happened in summer

………T… … The football team members would have potato for lunch ………T……… At first, the author peeled potatoes with a knife

………T……… The owner of the restaurant explained how to use the potato peeler very carefully

………F…… The potato peeler could stop when the potatoes were ready

* Class 11T2 : Please write the title of the passage in three or four words:

My most embarrassing experience

II- Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:

6.He ( pay ) no attention to her complaint because she ( phone ) him so many times before

paid had phoned

7 She ( write ) many books since she ( leave ) school has writen left

8 What you ( ) at the moment? – I ( write ) a letter What are you doing ? am writing

9 The room ( be ) too dark It needs ( paint ) a lighter shade

is painting

10 Do you think the company will make him ( pay ) some extra money? pay

11 It’s lovely ( see ) you again I ( not, see ) you for ages to see haven’t seen

12 “Tom began driving years ago” means:

Tom has been a driver for years / Tom has driven for years

13 Rewrite this sentence with the same meaning : “I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday.” I apologize for being rude / having been rude / my rudeness to you yesterday

14 He ( tell ) us about his marriage when we ( have ) afternoon tea

told were having

III- Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D:

15 Tom and Paul have known each other for a long time They are close friends

A best B mutual C intimate D good

16 Henry’s _ has made him very popular among his friends

A selfishmen B impoliteness C unhappiness D generosity 17 Mai, who is my intimate friend, has just left the country

A lovely B close C humourous D reliable

18 The most important thing of a true friendship is _

A happiness B richness C selfishness D unselfishness 19 The homeless children were left in the trust of an unselfish woman

A being paid attend B being controlled C being taken care of D being treated 20 All of us extremely admire her courage and constancy

A fidelity B kindness C self-confidence D humour

* Choose one word whose underlined part pronounced differently:

21 A pleasure B friendship C residential D unsefishness

22 A joy B changable C guess D imaginary

23 A warm B barmy C arm D alarm


24 A loyalty B mutual C unsefishness D constancy

25 A available B category C enrich D immediate

26 A contain B event C holiday D instead

*Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting: 27 Will Mr Hurphy to come here any minute ? – Yes, he will


28 Everyone in the village helped them to built the new Youth Centre A B C D

29 He always helps me the wash up A B C D 30 It’s too cold go out


31 Many Americans over the age of thirteen don’t like to talk about their age A B C D 32 Failing an exam makes you more interested to learn Enlish


- The end

Saturday, October 6th 2007

Unit : A PARTY

Order period: 13

§ Reading

A Aims:

- Ps can use information they have read to discuss celebration in their culture

- Help them develop their reading micro – skills as scanning for specific ideas, identifying and correcting false statement

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : no

- S3: New lesson : Unit – Lesson


I Warm – up :

1 Do you know what birthday cake means ? Have you ever given a birthday party ? What you have to prepare for it ? ………

T asks the whole class some questions about a party


II Pre – reading: Discusing the pictures:

° Questions:

- What is the relationship between the people in the pictures? - What are they celebrating?

° Suggested answers:

- The people in picture might belong to a family - I think the people in picture belong to a family

- The people in the first picture are celebrating a birthday - The people in the second picture are celebrating a wedding

anniversary III While – reading * Vocabulary:

blow out (v) mark (v) milestone (n) lasting (a) golden (a) adult (n) celebrate (v) anniversary (n)

silver anniversary (n) golden anniversary (n) * Task 1:




Y PARTY People sing a song

2 People eat cake

3 People receive cards and gifts // joke about their age

5 // remember their wedding // go out for dinner

7 // blow out candles

* Task 2:

1 Lisa’s family and friends are at her eightt birthday party Everyone makes cake and ice cream at the birthday party Lisaopen birthday cards and food from her family and friends Many American over the age of 30 don’t like to talk about their


5 Fifteen months ago, Rosa and Luis got married

6 People call the 5th wedding anniversary the “golden anniversary”

7 Rosa and Luis are happy to be together for their silver anniversary


T introduces the pictures, asks ps to answer the questions in their textbooks

Ps look at the pictures in their textbooks and try to get the correct answers

T writes the words on the board then aks them to give their meanings Ps write the words then give their meanings

T conducts repetition chorally. Ps repeat chorally.

T intructs ps to read the passage quickly

Ps read the passage quickly T asks ps to task 1.

Ps read the given sentences ,guess their meaning based on the contexts in the sentences, then task individually

T searches through the main ideas of the passage,then asks ps to task

Ps work in pairs ,read though each sentence provided in task to under-line the wrong word and provide the correct one

T goes around to hepl ps when necessary


IV Post-reading: Answer the following questions:

Where you prefer to celebrate your birthday, at home or in the restaurant? Why/

Do your parents celebrate their wedding anniversaries?

Are you going to celebrate your wedding anniversaries in the future? Why ( not ) ?

Ps work in group ,continue to the task

T calls on some ps to give their ans-wers, ask them to explain their choices, asks other ps to say whether they agree or disagree then gives the correct answers

S4: Homework:

Read the story ain , try to translate it into Vietnamese Prepare for next period. -

S5: Comments:

Sunday, October 7th 2007

Unit : A PARTY

Order period 14

§ Speaking

A Aims:

- By the and of the lesson,ps will be able to identify structures that are used to talk about a party - Help ps use these structures to tell their partner about the party

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chaks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : Read passage A (page 33 ), then answer the questions : How old is Lisa?

What does she when people finish singing ? Do her friends give her presents?

Do many Americans over the age of 30 hate to talk about their age? - S3: New lesson : Unit – Lesson


I Warm-up:

1 Do you like giving parties ? Have you ever been to a party ? Whose party was it ? / Where ? II Pre-speaking:

T asks follow-up questions then leads ps to the topic


* Task1:

1 Whose party was it ?

2 What was the occation ?

3 Did you take the gift for the host ?

4 Who did dyou go with ?

5 Where was the party ?

6 Were there any decorations?

7 Were there a lot of people there ?

II While – speaking:

*Task 2:

Last Sunday, I went to ………birthday A lot of ps were invited I brought ……… for her The party was organized at home / restaurant We had cake, ………, ……….………We sang,……… and ……… The party lasted …… hours ………We left her house at about ………

* Task 3: Budget Date and time

3 Who to invite Place

5 Formal / informal dress Decorations

7 Entertainment Food and drink IV Post – speaking:

Tell the rest of the class about your party


T goes around the class to check and offers help

T put ps in pairs and gets them to tell each other about the parties they have been to ,

Ps work in pairs, to tell each other about the parties they have been to, based on the outlines they have made for task ,

In the mean time, T goes around the class to check and offers help, then calls on some pairs to perform their conversations in front of the class Ps perform their conversations in front of the class

T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments

T introduces task and asks if have ever planned a party with s.o else ps to it in group

Ps work in group , task

T goes around to check + offer help then calls on some pairs to perform their parties in front of the class T elicits feedback from the class and give final comments

S4: Homework:


Sunday, October 7th 2007

Unit : A PARTY

Order period 15

§ Listening

A Aims:

- Listen for specific information ,deciding T/ F statements and answering the questions while listening

- Help ps improve their listening skill B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks……… C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson : Tell about the party you have been to - S3: New lesson : Unit – Lesson


I Warm – up: Suggested words:

Balloon fun Cake party Candle song Candy music Cards cookies Chocolate icing Present confetti Flowers gift II Pre – listening:

* Answering the questions:

1 When you like to organize your birthday party, during the day or in the evening?

2.What food and drink are often served at your birthday party? What activities you often have at your birthday party? * Pre – teaching vocabulary

- gathering (v) : - decorated (v) - restaurant (n) - icing (n) - prizes (n) - slices (n) - birthday cake (n) - clapped (v) III While – listening

* Task 1: Listen to the interview and decide whether the

- T devides the class into group of ten and intrduces the game: The group should generate as many words related to birthday (parties) as possible in ms

Ps generate as many words related to birthday ( parties ) as possible leads ps to the topic T devides the board into as many sections as the number of group is

T call on the representative of each group to come to the board and write their list when time is up

Ps come to the board and write their list

T gets the whole class to count: each correct word gets point T asks ps to discuss the qs in pairs


statements are true (T) or false (F):

1 Mai’s birthday party was held at home in the evening Over twenty guests were at the birthday party

3 The birthday cake was cut at the beginning of the party The birthday party lasted about three hours

5 All friends stayed after the party to tidy up the mess * Task 2:Answer the questions:

1 How old was Mai?

2.Why didn’t she like having her party at the restaurant? 3.What did Mai’s mother serve ?

4.What time was the birthday cake brought out? What was the birthday cake like ?

6 What did all the guests ?

7 What time did the birthday party finish ? III Post-listening:

Take turn to talk about Mai’s birthday party * Tape script:

Mai is my neighbour She turned 16 recently and her parents held a birthday party for her I was one of those invited

The party began at about in the afternoon Therewere about 20 of us gathering in Mai’s house She didn’t like having the party at a restaurant because it is noisy and expensive We gave present to M and she happily opened them It must really be exciting to receive all those presents Afteer that M’s mother served us soft drinks and biscuits We then listened to music and played cards The winners were given frizes At about 4:30 M’s mother brought out the birthday cake It was beautifully decorated with pink and white icing Sixteen colourful candles sat in the middle of the cake.We all clapped our hands eagerly and sang “Happy birthday” as she blew out the candles and cut the cake We helped ourselves to slices of the dilicious cake and sang all the song that we knew

Finally, at about six in the evening the party came to an end We were all tired but happy The parents of other children came to collect them by motor bikes I helped M and her mother clean up the mess we had made After that I walk home, which was only three door away

T calls on some ps to give their answers and comments on the answers Then gets ps to guess what they are going to listen about

- T helps ps pronounce the words given in the book by conducting repetition in chorus

- T asks ps to the tasks , using some strategies:

.1 st, ps read through the setences to understand words

.2 nd, ps listen to teacher and pay attention to the key words

.3 rd, ps decide whether the statement are true or false / answer the questions base on what they can hear

-T read the tape script one for ps to the task, then asks for their answers and writes them on the board

-T reads the second time for ps to check their answers

-T checks ps’answers by calling on some ps and asks ps to explain their answers / corrects them

4 Homework : Learn all the new words Prepare for next period Comments

Sunday, October14

th 2007

Unit : A PARTY


I Aims:

- Define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation.

- Help ps write an informal letter of invitation.



- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan, hand-outs


- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks………


Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson :

Ask ps to

talk about Mai’s birthday party.

- S3: New lesson : Unit – Lesson 4.





Have you ever given a party ?


Have you ever invited your friend to a party ?


// // // writen letter of invitation ?


How you say to invite your friend to the party


Pre- writing:


Task 1:

1 On what occasions are parties held?

> Occasions for giving parties: birthday, graduation,

wedding anniversary, Christmas,……

2 What kind of clothes people often wear at a party?

> Dressing codes:

Formal : dresses, suits,…

Informal: jeans,T-shirt,skirt


What kind of presents people often bring to a party?

> Presents to give: books, chocolate, pictures,

flowers, pens, hats, watches ….




* Task 2:

67 Ngoc Ha Street, HN, VN

Dear Minh Hanh,

I am having a at my house .

December.Would you like to come ? Most of our

classmates , too There will be lots of

refreshments and some … .am

going to cook Ofcourse there will be dancing


Please let me know by Monday whether you can

T i

ntroduces the lesson by

asking ps some questions.


answer the questions

and listen to the teacher’s



sets the scene


listen to the teacher.


asks ps to work out the

content of their letters by

answering the questions in

Task 1.


work in pairs: Answer

the questions.


collects the ideas from

the class and write them on

the board.


asks ps to work in pairs to

read the letter of invitation

and complete it with the

words or phrases given.


work in pairs : Do

following the teacher’ s






* Task 3:

A sample letter:


I’m going to hold my birthday party at …… ……

o’clock next……… at ……… I’d like to invite

………… to come to the party I intend to invite

about ………… people They are my………… I will

order a delicious birthday cake, sweets

and … There will be dancing and karaoke

competition So,there’ll be a lot of fun Would you

come to join us? Please let me know by ………

whether you can come.

Hope to see you then.

Yours truly,





a Yours

b Dear David

c It is such an age since we met and I am very anxious

to hear how things are with you.

d Let me know if this is convenient for you.

e I shall be in London for a couple of two days next

week and I was wondering if you could have lunch

with me.

f What about Friday , 16



g If this would suit you , I suggest we meet in the bar of

the International Hotel at 12.30.

h Pierre.

not, then gives feedback

T reads through task and

asks ps to work out the


Ps work in group: read and

answer the questions.


goes around to check and

offers help.


gets ps to write their

letters in ten minutes, based

on the outlines they have



write the letter in 10


T goes around to offer help.


gives a hand-out to each

group , and asks them to

rearranged the given

fragments to make a letter

of invitation to lunch.


work in groups:

rearrange the given

sentences to make a letter

following the t ’s guide.


gives the correct


S4: Homework

: Revise lesson 1, 2, ; prepare next period.

S5: Comments:

Friday, October 12th 2007


Order period 17

§ Language focus

A Aims:

- By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to distinguish the sounds / l / / r / and / h /

- Help ps in their pronoucing the words and sentences containing these sounds


B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan….

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks………

C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson :

Ask Ss to present how to write a letter of invitation.

- S3: New lesson : Unit – Lesson 5.


I Pronunciation:

/ l / / r / / h /

lunch pretty hit

lovely Europe house

lemonade parent holiday

jelly really hospital

II Grammar:

Infinitive and gerund

* Infinitive only: ask, choose, decide, demand, agree,

arrange , wait , learn , manage , deserve , expect , fail,

hesitate, hope, offer, intend, plan, refuse, seem

* Gerund only: admit, avoid, deny, enjoy, keep, verbs that

are followed by prepositions.

* Both: begin, start, continue, stop, love, like, hate,

remember, forget, regret, try.

Passive infinitive

* Form:

S + V + to inf

-> S + V + to be + V



models the three sounds

/ l / / r / and / h / for a few

times and explain the

differences in producing

them, then asks ps to read

the two sounds and the

words in each column



reads the three sounds

and the words in each

column again.


asks some ps pronoun

the words and gives

correction if neccesary.


practise reading the 2

sounds/ words / sentences.


* Use: To emphasise the action/event rather than the agent

Passive gerund:

* Form:

S + V + Ving

-> S + V + being + V


* Use: To emphasise the action/event rather than the agent

III Exercises:

* Exercise 1


1.Most passengers dislike having to sit in small,

2 I can’t risk getting another speeding ticket.

3 Did Dick mean to tell Sue about the party ?

4 You must keep practising on the computer until you

5 The judge demand to see the original document

* Exercise 2


1 B- to be called

2 A- to divide

3 B- to be invented

4 B- to be met

5 A- to drive

* Exercise 3


1 D- to be included

2 C- to open

3 B- being concerned

4 B- // rescued

5 C- to upset

introduces the new

grammar by giving many

examples then asks ps to

draw out the structures.


listen to the

instructions, draw out the

structures then coppy

down the lessons.


asks ps to read the

examples and the

sentences given in

exercise , & then

complete the sentences

with the correct form,

gerund/ inf and choose the

correct answer to

complete the sentences


work in pairs: read the

examples and the

sentences given in

exercise , & then

complete the sentences

with the correct form,

gerund/ inf and choose the

correct answer to

complete the sentences


calls on some ps to

write their answers on the

board and then corrects


4 Homework: Revise the exercises ; Learn the structures by heart.

Prepare for next period.


Saturday October 13th 2007


A Aims:

- Review the privious lessons.

- Help ps check their knowledge themselves by doing some exercises.

B Materials:

- T: Textbook, colour chalks, lesson plan….

- Ps: Textbooks, pens, pencils, notebooks, exercisebooks………

C Teaching steps:

- S1: Classroom procedure

- S2: Old lesson :

Ask ps to present the structures of passive inf and passive gerund.

- S3: New lesson :


I Listening:

1.A- They have known each other for 25 years.

2.D- They have became friends because they lived next door to

each other.

3.B- They lost contact with each other when one of them

moved to Scotland.

4.A- They have been living here in Brighton since 1998.

5.C- They did not see each other at James’ wedding.

II Reading:

1 Because they had been childless for ten years after they got


2 To take some photographs of the happy family.

3 The boy were dressed in a smart brand-new outfit and

looked like a little prince.

4 Because he was interested in the toys.

5 He felt that it was delightful and looked forward to the

next day to have the films developed.

III Grammar:

1 It’s pleasure to see you again after so long


reads once for ps to hear

the paragraph.


listen to T


reads it again and ask ps

to complete the sentences.


listen and complete the



asks them to give their

answers and correct


introduces the passage,

gives some new words

then ask ps to read the

passage about a birthday

party in pairs and then

answer the given qs

Ps work in pairs, try to

answer the given qs


T c

orrects ps’ answers.


2 To be honest, we’ve never done this type of work before.

She agreed to phone them.

I must pay the phone bill tomorrow.

5.They expected to be met at the airport by the General


Jonh hoped to be appointed as a headteacher of the school


1.Whose birthday was it ?

2.Where an dwhen was it held?

3.What did you there?

4 How did you enjoy it ?

the sentences ,using the

right form (base, full or

passive) of the verbs in



following the

teacher’s requirement.


calls on six ps to write

their answers on the board

and then corrects




reviews the parts of a

letter then asks ps to write

about their birthday party

in 120 words by answering

the questions.


work in groups: answer

the questions and write

about their birthday party


goes around and gives

help if necessary.

4 Homework: Revise the exercises ; Learn the structures by heart.

Prepare for next period.




15 10 2007



Order period 19

§ Reading

A Aims:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for

general information.

- Help ps use the information they have to discuss the topic.

B Materials:

- T

: Textbook, lesson-plan


colour chalks

- Ps :

Textbook , schoolthings

C Teaching steps :

S1: Classroom produce

S2: Old lesson :

The present / past perfect tense.

S3: New lesson:

Unit – Lesson 1:



I.Warm-up :

1 Have you ever helped the blind people csross the


2 taken the patient to hospital ?


helped the old the housework ?

II Pre-reading


* Read the following:

“If you give me

I will

If you

I will whole life long”

* Vocabulary



volunteer (n) -> voluntarily


orphanage (n)


The aged (n)


To mow (v)


Organization (n)


To over come (v)


To participate in (n)


To suffer sth (v)

III While you read:


asks ps some questions to lead

in the new lesson


answer the questions.


asks ps to look at the 4

sentences and ask them to read,

then explain what it means.


read and explain what it



calls on some ps to present

their opinion.


present their opinion.


gives comments and



reads the passage and elicit

new words from ps then conduct

repetition chorally


write down the new words

and following the teacher’s



* Task 1:





* Task2:


A ( line – , paragraph )


D ( line – , paragraph )


B ( line – , paragraph )


D ( last paragraph )


B ( A : too general; C and D : not cover the whole

text )

* Task 3



They read books to the people there, play games with

them or listen to their problems.


They give care and comfor to them and help them to

overcome their difficulties


They volunteer to work in remote or mountainous


IV Post-reading:

Why people volunteer work ?

Ps’ answers

speech of the word “ volunteer”

and write these words on the

board then asks ps to read

through the sentences provided

in the task to identify the part of

the word to fill in each blank.

Ps listen to T then read the 4

setences in task 1, complete


T asks ps to exchange their

answers with others.

Ps work individually and

exchange their answers with


T asks ps for their answers and

gives feedback

T asks ps to task 2,

Ps work in pairs, read each

sentence in the task carefully

then read through the passage

and choose the best answer in

task 2, answer the qs in task 3.

T goes around to help ps when

necessary then asks some ps to

report their ideas to the class

Ps report their ideas to the class.

T gives feedback and the correct


T asks ps to work individually to

discuss the question.

Ps work in groups, following

the teacher’s requirement

S4: Homework:

Read the passage again and translate it into Vietnamese.

Prepare for the next period.

S5: Comments:



Order period 20

§ Speaking

A Aims:

- Ps will be able to talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work.

- Help ps in their speaking.

B Materials:

- T

: Textbook, lesson-plan


colour chalks

- Ps :

Textbooks , pens, pencils,

C Teaching steps :

S1: Classroom produce

S2: Old lesson :

Read the passage again ( paragraph & ) , answer the questions::


What young volunteers usually in the homes of sick or old people?


Do they volunteer to work in remote areas?

S3: New lesson:

Unit – Lesson 2:



I.Warm-up :

What you volunteer to if ?

- your best friend is sick

- your neigbour is an old man

- there are handicapped children in your village.

II Pre-speaking :

* Task 1: Suggested answers


The activities which are not volunteer work : taking

part in an excursion and participating in an English

speaking club.( because you take part in these

activities for yourself not to help other people )


Some other volunteer activities : taking part in

environmental conversation activities , donating

blood , directing traffic , guiding foreign sports teams

around when they go to Vietnam to complete…

III While- speaking


* Task 2


A What kind of volunteer work are you participaitng



asks ps some questions to lead

in the new lesson


following the teacher’s



asks ps to work in pairs to

decide which of the activities in

the book are volunteer works.


work in pairs to decide which

of the activities in the book are

volunteer works


B We are helping people in moutain areas.

A What exactly are you doing?

B We’re teaching the children to read and write.

A Do you enjoy the work?

B Yes, I like helping people.

* Suggested answers


1.Helping people in mountainous areas.


Teaching the children to read and write.


Giving them money.

2 Helping old or sick people


Cleaning up their houses.


Doing their shopping.


Cooking meals.

3 Helping disadvantaged or handicapped children.


Teaching the children to read and write


Listening to their problems.


Playing games with them.


Taking them to places of interest.

4 Taking care of war invalids and the families of martyrs.


Listening to their problems


Cleaning up their houses


Doing their shopping.


Cooking meals

5 Taking part in directing the traffic.


Directing vehicles at the intersections.


Helping old people and young children to cross the


IV Post-speaking:

* Task 3:

“ I usually take part in I play games

Besides , I help I enjoy /

like the work very much.”


intrduces the dialogue , explains

some new words quickly and

coducts repetition in chorus then

asks ps to read the list of volunteer

activities and the exact things

related to them


listens to the teacher, work in

groups, following the teacher’s



goes around and helps ps finds

out one activity in the first column

can go with several activities in

the second column.


matches each activity on the

left with corresponding activities

on the right, then make similar



calls on some pairs to speaking

about the topic they take part in,

elicits feedback from the class and

gives final comments.


guides ps how to task


talk about a kind of volunteer



gives comments and suggestion.

S4: Homework:

Revise the lesson.

Prepare for the next period.

S5: Comments:



Order period 21

§ Listening

A Aims:


Ps will be able to develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for

specific information.

- Help ps in their taking notes and answering the questions while listening.

B Materials:

- T

: Textbook, lesson-plan


colour chalks

- Ps :

Textbooks , pens, pencils,

C Teaching steps :

S1: Classroom produce

S2: Old lesson :

List ten volunteer activities


S3: New lesson:

Unit – Lesson 3:



I.Warm-up :

1 War invalid : thương binh

2 Martyr : liệt só

3 Donation : tiền quyên góp

4 Sponsor : nhà tài trợ

5 Handicapped : tàn tật

6 Orphanages : nhà trẻ mồ côi

7 Organization : tổ chức

8 remote : xa xoâi

9 Big Brother : Anh Caû

10 Red Cross : Hội chữ thập đỏ quốc tế

II Pre-listening :

* Task 1:


How often you support charities ?


What’s the best way of raising money to support

charities ?


Which of these kinds of volunteer work you prefer ?



- Organization for Educational Development


Spring school

- Co- operate

- Disadvantaged children

- Fund-raising

- Co- ordinate


puts the vocabulary items on

the board in any order then calls

on ps from teams and p

from the team runs to the board.

T gives a Vietnamese

translation for one of the words

on the board


works in teams, run to the

board, collect the correct words,

get the points.After three

minutes the teams with more

points will be the winner



asks ps to read through the

questions and choices on page



read through the questions

and choices.


makes sure ps understand all

them, then asks ps to discuss the

questions in pairs.


work in pairs, discuss the



calls on a p to report


III While-listening


* Task 1:


Spring School is an informal school in


Around 30 street children live and study at school.


About 250 children from District regularly


Organization for Educational Development 1998


The school requires volunteer to help in June.

* Task :

Suggested answers :


It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi

Minh City.


Dance,theatre , singing and circus classes were set up

in 1999.


Because they need money to continue their English and

Performance Arts classes.


They dance , sing and play music at one of the largest

hotels in Ho Chi Minh City.


Because they need help to contact sponsors and expand

the school activities.

IV Post-listening:


The aim of Spring School.


The number of children who live and study at the

school or attend classes.


The activities the children at the school take part in.

- The kinds of volunteers that Spring School requires.


corrects ps’ pronunciation if



instructs ps how to task 1

and task ,then reads the

passage once for ps to task 1.


listen to the passage and fill

in the missing information in

each sentence.


reads the passage the second

time for ps to check their



check their answers.


calls on some ps to present

their answers T may read the

passage one or two times and

stops at the answers for them to



asks ps to answer the

questions in task (do the



asks ps to summarise the

story about Spring School ,

using the suggestions in their



work in groups, summarise

the story.


calls on two ps to present their

summary and elicits feedback

from the class then give final


S4: Homework:

Read the above tasks again.

Prepare for the next period.

S5: Comments:

Friday, October 26th 2007



Order period 22

§ Writing

A Aims:

- Ps will be able to write a thank-you letter to a donor

- Help ps in their writing.

B Materials:

- T: lesson plan, textbook, colour chalks,

- Ps: pens, pencils, textbooks, note books

C Teaching steps:


Classroom procedure


Old lesson: Tell the whole class what you know about Spring School.


New lesson: Unit – Lesson 4



I Warm-up:

1 To write the date on the right or the left.

2 To start with Dear ,

3 To present the main part.

4 To end it with Your sincerely.

To sign

II Pre-writing:

* Task 1:

1 The opening the letter

2 The way the money is used

3 The gratitude to the donor

4 The donated amount.

5 The way the receipt is issued.

6 The closing of the letter.

III While-writing:


reminds ps of some rules of

writing formal letters in



listen to teacher.


asks ps to read the sample

letter on page 52 and discuss

the purpose of the letter in



work in group to read the

letter and discuss.


calls on some ps to give the



give the answers.


asks ps to read the letter

again and task1 When they

finish , ps exchange their

answer with another pupil.


* Guided sentences:

+ On behalf of …………., I would like to thank you

for your generous donation of $……….Your

contribution makes it possible for us to………

+ Thank you very much for your generous donation

of $………in support of ………

* A sample letter:

.……… Street

Dam Doi District , Ca


The Director ………


Ca Mau City

29 October 2007.

Dear……… ,

On behalf of New Future School, I would like to

thank you for your generous donation of VND 1

million Your contribution will make it possible

for us to build our school library.A good library

can help the Ss very much in their studying We

will issue a receipt as soon as possible.

Once again thank you very much for your

kindness We hope to receive more assistance and

cooperation from your company in the future.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your faithfully,


Principal of New Future School.

IV Post-writing:

Ps’ writing.


checks their answers by

asking some ps to read their

answers out loud.


read their answers out loud

in front of the class.


gives feedback and corrects

their answers.


asks ps to read the

instruction carefully then write

the letter in 15 minutes.


reads the instruction

care-fully then write the letter



goes around to observe and

gives help then asks ps to

exchange their writing with

another pupil for peer



exchange the writing for



collects some typical errors

and corrects them then

provides general comments on

the letter.




- Revise the lesson


- Prepare for the next period.



Sunday, October 28th 2007


Order period 23

§5 Languge focus

A Aims:

- Distinguish the sounds / w / and / j / in words and sentences containing them well.

- Use gerunds , present participles , perfect gerunds and perfect participles correctly.

B Materials:

- T: lesson plan, textbook, colour chalks,

- Ps: pens, pencils, textbooks, note books

C Teaching steps:

S1 Class organization

S2 Old lesson: The present perfect and past perfect tense

S3 New lesson: Unit – Lesson 5



I Pronunciation:

/ w / / j /

we yes

west year

wine yellow







A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding

“-ing” It always has the same function as a noun.



* As the subject of the sentence:


Smoking is not good for your health

* As the complement of “ to be”

Ex: Her favourite pastime is fishing.

* After prepositions

Ex: We are bad at singing.

* After a number of “ phrasal verbs” which are

composed of a verb + preposition / adverb.

To look forward to , to give up, to be for / against ,

to take to , to put off , to keep on

Ex: He had better give up smoking.

* In compound nouns

Ex: I’ve just bought a reading lamp.

* After the expressions

can’t help, can’t stand, …

Ex: Her mother can’t stand seeing her at the pub


introduces the two sounds

/w/ and / j / then reads them a

few times as a model and

explains the differences in

producing them.


keep quiet and pay attention

to the teacher carefully.


conducts repetition chorally.



Exercise 1

hearing bending

behaving meeting

spending waiting



Present participle :



The present participle of most verbs has the form

V-ing and is used in the followV-ing ways:

* As part of the continuous form of the verb

Ex: She and I are having lunch with our friends

* After verbs of movement / position in the

pattern : S + Verb + present participle.

Ex: His children often go swimming on a Sunday.

* After verbs of perception in the pattern : verb +

object + present participle.

Ex: We heard someone

knocking the door.

* As an adjective

Ex: This film is boring.


After the verbs

: spend , waste : Verb + time/money

+ present participle.

Ex: He spends 45 ms walking to school every day.

* After the verbs :

catch and find : verb+ O + present


Ex: We found our cat


in the bathroom.

* To replace a sentence or a part of a sentenc


Ex: He put on his coat and left the house

Putting on his coat , he left the house

b- Exercise 2


c- Exercise 3



burning – rising














having made


having been


having been


having tied


having read


having taken


leaves detailed instruction to

help ps understand the

grammar well: gerund and

present parti-ciple


listens to teacher, write

down the structures and the

exer-cises in their textbooks

individually, then compare

their answers with another



goes around and offers help,

then calls on some ps to read

out their answers.


read out the answers.


corrects their answers and

gives feedback.

S4: Homework:

Revise the lesson, prepare next period.

S5: Comments:

Sunday, October 28th 2007





A Aims:

- Review the previous lesson.

B Content & keys:

I Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms:

1 Everyone ( have ) a number of acquantances.


2 Minh and Long ( become ) friends since school

have become

3 Two friends must ( be ) loyal to each other.


4 They made her ( stay ) there for the weekend.


5 My most embarrassing experience ( happen ) a few years ago.


6 Chistina ( interview ) about the most unforgettable experience in her life.

is interviewed

7 When the fire started , Chistina ( read ) a book.

was reading

8 Volunteers usually help the sick by ( mow ) the lawns.


9 ( fail ) twice, he didn’t want to try again.

Having failed

10 Would you please remember ( put ) away all the tapes when you’ve finished listening

to them?

to put

II Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D:

11 We were shocked to hear the news of your

A having fired

B having been fired

C to be fire

D to have been fired

12 The _ show had everybody laugh till their sides split

A boring

B humourous

C dull

D good

13 Children should be encouraged _ their individual interests

A develop

B to be develop

C developing

D to develop

14 In the middle of our dinner, there was a knock at the door.

A We were having dinner, there was a knock at the door

B We had just finished dinner, there was a knock at the door

C We were having dinner, we knocked at the door.

D There was a knock at the door then we had dinner


A The boss doesn’t allow us making personal calls.

B The boss doesn’t allow us to make personal calls.

C The boss allows us not to make personal calls

D The boss doesn’t allow to make personal calls.

16 This room is too dark We need a lighter shade

A painting it

B to have it painted

C to be painted

D to have it paint

17 Henry got into trouble when he refused his briefcase for the customs officer

A opening

B to open

C open

D to have opened

18 I got Mary _her car for the weekend

A to let me borrow

B let me borrow

C to let me to borrow

D let me to borrow

19 My parents wouldn’t let me up late when I was a child

A staying

B to be stayed

C to stay

D stay

20 They _ a lot of preparations before the match started

A had made

B has made

C were making

D will make

21 Oil lamps _ for years before electricity was discovered

A used

B had used

C had been used

D has been used

22 He said he grateful for the help you him during the time he _ here

A was – had given – stayed

B was – gave – stayed

C had been – have given – had stayed

D was being – have given – stayed

23 I am not going to tell you about this It is personal

A common

B secret

C important

D private

24 Do you know how to _ this machine?

A make fun of

B make a complaint about

C make room for

D make use of

25 The police have warned tourists to look _ for pickpockets in the town centre

A up

B down

C out

D forward

26 We didn’t want to _ the _ neighbour, so he was always alone

A make friends with – unselfish

B make fun of – selfish

C befriend- unselfish

D make friends with – selfish

27 The most important thing of a true friendship is _

A happiness

B richness

C selfishness

D unselfishness

28 He heard the clock _ six and knew that it was time for him get up

A to strike – to get

B strike – to get

C strike – getting

D striking – getting

29 I caught him _ over my wall I asked him _ but he refused _ anything

A climbing – to explain – to say

B to climb – to explain – to say

C climb – explaining – to say

D climbing – to explain – saying

30 I was just beginning _ asleep when I heard the phone

A felt

B falls

C to fall

D to be fallen


Parents often have dreams for

( 31 ) their

children’s future They hope their

children will have a

( 32 ) better

life than they had They dream that their children

will things that they

( 33 ) couldn’t

Parents who come to the U.S from foreign

countries hope their children will have better

( 34 ) education

here They think their

children will have more career

( 35 ) choices

and more successful lives

IV Read the passage below and answer the questions:

Sping School is an informal school It provides classes to disadvantaged children in

HCM City Around 30 street children live and study at the school and about 250

children with special difficulties from district regularly attend classes The

Organisation for Educational Development co-operated with Sping School to set up

English classes in 1998.Children frome these classes participate in fundraising

performances They raise money to continue their English and Performance Art


36 Why is Sping School an informal one ?

Because it provides classes to disadvantaged children


How many children live, study and attend classes ?

Around / about 280 children ( live, study and attend classes )


Are they disalbed children ?

No, they aren’t.


Why they participate in fund-raising performances ?

Because they need money / raise money to continue their English and

Performance Art classes



What is the aim of Sping School ?

It helps street children and special difficult children

- The end

Friday, November 2nd 2007

Week 9


Order period 26

§ Reading


- Develop such reading micro-skill as scanning for specific ideas , identifying main

ideas , and identifying meaning in context

- Help ps use the information they have read to discuss illiteracy issues.

B Materials:

- T: lesson plan, textbook, colour chalks,

- Ps: pens, pencils, textbooks, note books

C Teaching steps:

S1 Class organization

S2 Old lesson: No

S3 New lesson: Unit – Lesson 1



I Pre-reading:

* Questions:

1.What can you see in the picture ?

2.Who is the teacher ?

What about the students ?

Where you think the class is taking place ?

* Suggested answers:

1 I can see a class room, a teacher and children It

seems that this is a very poor area because the class is

poorly equipped and the children are wearing old


2 Maybe he’s a border soldier and work as a

volunteer teacher because he is wearing a soldier’s


3 This is a class for ethnic minority children in a

mountainous area.

4 Perhaps the class takes place in the morning

because I can see the sunlight outside.

II While-reading

* Task :



Pho cap giao duc tieu hoc.


Hoi khuyen hoc Viet Nam.


Xoa mu chu


Ky thuat canh tac.


Ke hoach hoa gia dinh.


Task :

Answer: D

( Option A is too general ;

T: Get Ss to work in pairs and

try to make sence of the

picture on page 56 , using the

given prompts.

Ss: Work in pairs.

T: Call on some Ss to describe

the picture T may elicit their

answers by asking questions

Ss: Describe the picture by

answering the questions.Give

reasons for the answers.

T: Check with the class and

ask Ss to guess what they are

going to read about.

T:Get Ss to read the passage

silently and then the task

Write the given phrases on the

boardand ask ss to go back to

the passage to locate and read

around these phrase so that

they can guess their meanings.

Ss: Do following the teacher’s


T: Check Ss’ understanding of

the phrases by calling on some

Ss to tell their equivalents in


Ss: Tell the equivalents in



Option B and C are too specific.)


Task :


94% of the population ( line 1-paragraph )


The campaign for illiteracy eradication ( lines

1-2 paragraph 1-2 )


600 in 2000 ( line , paragraph ) and 800 in

2001 ( lines – , paragraph )


They willingly / voluntarily spent their vacations

teaching ethnic minority illiterate people to read

and write ( line 3-4,paragraph )


Illiteracy will soon be eradicated ( lines 5-7 ,

paragraph )

III Post-reading:

Suggested answers.

Many people in disadvantaged areas not have a

chance to go to school To help them participate in the

society , along with other things , we need to teach them

how to read and write.We could this by :


Opening schools / upgrading schools in these areas.


Sending teachers / volunteer teachers


Buying books.


Providing individual rewards to families that send

their children to school.



whole class and give

corrective feedback.

T: Get Ss to read the task

requirement and the task

individually and then find a

peer to compare their answer


Ss: Read the text carefully and

try to summarizes it in the Ss’

own words.Search through the

list of main ideas provided in

the task to find the most

suitable one.

T: Call on some Ss to give

their answers and ask other Ss

to say whether they agree or

disagree.Give feedback and


T: Get Ss to check their

answers on the board and ask

them to explain their choices.

Give the correct answers.

S4: Homework:

Read the passage again and translate it into Vietnamese.

Prepare for the next period.

S5: Comments:


Week 9


Order period 27

§ Speaking

A Aims:

- Ss will be able to talk about schooling and literacy related problems

- Help ps improve their speaking skills.

B Materials:

- T: lesson plan, textbook, colour chalks,

- Ps: pens, pencils, textbooks, note books

C Teaching steps:

S1 Class organization

S2 Old lesson: Read the second pharagraph and answer the questions:


When did the Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion start the caimpaign

for illiteracy eradication?


What did the students to help the people living in their home villages?

S3 New lesson: Unit – Lesson 2:



I Warm-up:


Problems :


cutting classes


forgetting teasing


making noise




doing homework

- How you solve them?

II Pre-speaking:

* Task 1:

Expected answers :

1.b/g , 2.a/e , 3.d/f , 4.c/j , 5.h/i

III While- spaking:

* Task :

Asking for opinion :

What you think we need to / could / should ?

What you think about ….?

What’s your opinion about ….?

What you have in mind … ?

T asks ps to collect the

problems they often have at



collect the problems they

often have at school.


choses some main answers

and introduces the lesson:

Today we will discuss the

problems your class cope with

and offer some solutions to

these problems.


task in pairs to match

each problem in A with its

appropriate solution in B.

T calls on some ps to give the


Ps give the answers.


Giving suggestions :

Maybe we can…

We might want to……

Probably we should ……

We could…….

IV Post-speaking:

* Task 3

:Suggested answers :

1 Class size : an ideal class size is 20-30 Ss , so the

school should recruit more teachers and open new classes

T should encourage Ss to work with different groups ,

not with the same group all the time.

2 Desks : buy larger desks or if there are new classes ,

the current number of desk is adequate

3 Equipment : provide fans, build library,

then guides them to task 2.


work in groups , task 2.


asks ps to present their

answers and corrects them,

asks ps to task 3.

Ps work in pairs, to define

the problems of their own

school and suggest as many

solutions as possible based on

task an 2.

T calls on some different

gro-ups to present the problems

and solutions they have

identified after checking that

they have finished the task.


present their answers.

T elicits comments from the

class and provide feedback.

S4 Homework :

- Write a paragraph about a school problem and give solutions to.

- Prepare for the next period.

S5 Comments:


05 11 2007


Week 10


Order period 28

§ Listening

A Aims:

- Ss will be able to talk about schooling and literacy related problems

- Help ps improve their speaking skills.

B Materials:

- T: lesson plan, textbook, colour chalks,

- Ps: pens, pencils, textbooks, note books

C Teaching steps:

S1 Class organization

S2 Old lesson: Write a paragraph about a school problem and give solutions to.

S3 New lesson: Unit – Lesson 3:



I Pre-listening:

* Answer the questions:

1 Have you ever done a survey? ( khảo sát )

Yes, I did one last year, about street accident.

2 Do you know where Perth is?

Yes, it’s in the Southwest of Australia.

* Vocabulary:

effective (a) có chất lượng/ hiệu

maturity (n) trưởng thành, cẩn thận

weakness (n) nhu nhược, yếu đuối

performance (n) cách biểu / trình diển

self-respect (n) lòng tự trọng

academic (n) gỉang viên đại học/ cđ

(a) có t/chất ht & ng.cứu

Western Australia vùng tây châu Uùc

II While-listening:

* Task 1:

1.D B 3.B 4.B

* Task :

Where did the survey take place?

—> It took place in Perth.

What percentage of the students felt mutural

respect was essential for effective learning to take place?

—> 80% of the ss felt that mutual respect in the

classroom was essential for effective learning learning to

T asks ps to answer the



answer the questions.


introduces the new words,

conducts reprtition in chorus.


listen to teacher and



corrects ps’ pronunciation if



asks ps to task ,then

reads the passage once for ps

to task

Ps listen to the passage and

choose the best optition to fill

in the missing information in

each sentence.

T reads the passage the

second time for ps to check

their answers.


take place.

What did the old students feel?

—> They felt they should be allowed to give some input

into the shool decision-making.

III Post-listening:

Which you think is more essential for better

learning - good teachers or good textbooks?

IV Tapescript


In an informal servey carried out in Perth, Western

Austrlia, ss were asked to give their views on what

makes an effective school 80% of the ss felt that

mutual respect in the classroom was essential for

effective learning learning to take place This implied

that the ss should be treated as individual with both

their strengths and their weaknesses; 60% of the ss felt

they should be encouraged to set realistic goals for

their own learning, and to have positive attitude toward

themselves and others.

About 55% of ss expected their teachers to be

motivated and interested in what they were doing,tis

would then reflect in the performance of the students.

Nearly all the students belive that learning should be

centered on important life skills such as

communication, building respect, and

self-confidence, the ability to learn from failure, and time

management, suited to the maturity of the students


100% of the ss felt that the social side of school was as

important as academic activities The older ss felt that

they should be allowed to give some input into the

shool decision-making.


calls on some ps to present

their answers T may read the

passage one or two times and

stops at the answers for them

to catch.


asks ps to answer the

questions in task (do the



give the answers.


asks ps to present their

answers and checks with the

whole class.


present their answers.


elicits comments from the

class and provide feedback


work in pairs, to define the

problems of their own school

and suggest as many solutions

as possible based on task an



calls on some different

gro-ups to present the problems

and solutions they have

identified after checking that

they have finished the task.


present their answers.

S4 Homework :

- Prepare for the next period.

S5 Comments:


Week 10


Order period 29

§ Writing

A Aims:

- Ss will be able to write a paragraph, describing the information in the table.

- Help ps improve their writing skills.

B Materials:

- T: lesson plan, textbook, colour chalks,

- Ps: pens, pencils, textbooks, note books

C Teaching steps:

S1 Class organization

S2 Old lesson: no

S3 New lesson: Unit – Lesson 4:



I Pre-writing:

* Vocabulary:

decline (v) giảm, suy giảm

drammatically (adv) cách bất ngờ

vary (v) thay đổi

cosiderablely (adv) nhieàu

Lowland (n) vùng đồng bằng

Midland (n) vùng trung du

Highland (n) vùng cao

In constrast trái / ngược lại

* Task 1:

1 varied

2 rise

3 declined

4 different

5 went up

6 drammatically

II While-writing:

* Task 1:

1.D B 3.B 4.B

* Task :

Where did the survey take place?

—> It took place in Perth.

What percentage of the students felt mutural

respect was essential for effective learning to take place?

—> 80% of the ss felt that mutual respect in the

T asks ps to answer the



answer the questions.


introduces the new words,

conducts reprtition in chorus.


listen to teacher and



corrects ps’ pronunciation if



asks ps to task ,then

reads the passage once for ps

to task

Ps listen to the passage and

choose the best optition to fill

in the missing information in

each sentence.

T reads the passage the

second time for ps to check

their answers.


classroom was essential for effective learning learning to

take place.

What did the old students feel?

—> They felt they should be allowed to give some input

into the shool decision-making.

III Post-listening:

Which you think is more essential for better

learning - good teachers or good textbooks?

IV Tapescript


In an informal servey carried out in Perth, Western

Austrlia, ss were asked to give their views on what

makes an effective school 80% of the ss felt that

mutual respect in the classroom was essential for

effective learning learning to take place This implied

that the ss should be treated as individual with both

their strengths and their weaknesses; 60% of the ss felt

they should be encouraged to set realistic goals for

their own learning, and to have positive attitude toward

themselves and others.

About 55% of ss expected their teachers to be

motivated and interested in what they were doing,tis

would then reflect in the performance of the students.

Nearly all the students belive that learning should be

centered on important life skills such as

communication, building respect, and

self-confidence, the ability to learn from failure, and time

management, suited to the maturity of the students


100% of the ss felt that the social side of school was as

important as academic activities The older ss felt that

they should be allowed to give some input into the

shool decision-making.


calls on some ps to present

their answers T may read the

passage one or two times and

stops at the answers for them

to catch.


asks ps to answer the

questions in task (do the



give the answers.


asks ps to present their

answers and checks with the

whole class.


present their answers.


elicits comments from the

class and provide feedback


work in pairs, to define the

problems of their own school

and suggest as many solutions

as possible based on task an



calls on some different

gro-ups to present the problems

and solutions they have

identified after checking that

they have finished the task.


present their answers.

S4 Homework :

- Write a paragraph about a school problem and give solutions to.

- Prepare for the next period.

S5 Comments:

Ngày đăng: 10/04/2021, 07:49

