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Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette.. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.[r]


Date of preparing: 10 /9/2017 WEEK Period 5


LESSON – PERIOD ( part 1-2-3)

I Aims:

1 Knowledge:After the lesson, students are able to:

- Pronounce correctly the word stress ‘city, ‘village, ‘mountain and ‘tower 2 Skills: -Develop listening, reading, writing skills.

3.Attitude: Ss look after , solve problems and study themselves.

- Studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss IV Procedures:Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up: 5’ Say greetings

- Have Ss play the game: Slap the board 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content Activity 1:

Look at the pronounce two-syllable words with the stress on the first syllable

- Listen follow in their book

- Ss learn to produce the sound of the letters:’city,

’mountains, ’tower and ’village.

Play the CD and have Ps repeat each line of the

1 Listen and repeat: 13’ ‘City Linda lives in a ‘city

‘village My best friend lives in a ‘village

‘mountain I lives in the


chant Then change the role

-Introduce the word stress ‘city, ‘village, ‘mountain and ‘tower

-Have Ps practice the sounds carefully -Play the CD and have Ps read :

Give out and check Activity 2:

.Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the suitable words to circle

- Play the recording times pupils to listen and circle

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers T give the answer:

- Have pupils to write on the boad the sentences - 3- pupils give the keys The rest of the class observe and give comments

- Check and correct Activity 3:

- Introduce the Chant :

Where you live?

Turn on the tape

Ps listen to the tape & read the chant line by line - Ps practise chanting: one chants the questions and the other chants the answers

- Ps practise chanting and doing actions - 2-3 groups to say the chant and actions

‘tower He lives in a tall and quite ‘tower

2 Listen and circle a or b Then say sentences aloud : 10'

- Check and correct

1.b 2.a a

3 Let’s chant: 10’

Where you live?

Where you live?

I live in Quang Trung street Where you live?

I live Green Avenue Where you live? I live in Green Tower ……… 4.Consolidation: 3’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson - Learn by heart : Chant

- Do homework: 1-4 5.Evaluation:

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Period 6


LESSON – PERIOD2( part 4-5-6) I Aims:

1 Knowledge:After the lesson, students are able to: I - By the end of the lesson , students are able to:

- answer questions by writing

2 Skills: -Develop Ss reading and writing skills

3.Attitude:-In this lesson, pupils have learnt to ask and answer questions about some places

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss IV Procedures:Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up:5’

- Have ss play the game: Jumbled letters. 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content Activity 4:

Set the scence : the text

Tell the class that they are going to read the text and tick Y or N

Sts read the sentences and underline the key words/ phrases

4 Read and tick Yes or No: 8’ Trung livse with his grandparents in Ha


Give sts an example:1 Trung lives with his parents in Ha Noi But in the passage, the informationis : trung lives with his

grandparents in Ha Noi Activity 5:

Tell the class that they are going to write about one of your friends

Give them time limit to read the questions write the firs draft of their answers in their notebooks

Set a time limit for them to the task independently Monitor the activity and offer help If necessary

Get them to swap and read their writing in pairs before inviting two or three pulis to read their answers aloud

Activity 6:

Tell the class that they are going to a drawing project They should work in groups to discuss the house they are going to draw, and its address Then they ask them to draw it on a piece of paper - Set a time limit for them to the task - Invite a few groups to present their drawings to the class and talk about them Display their drawings in the classroom if you wish

Activity 7:

- Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension

- Give them time to colour the stars and invite a few pupils to read the statements aloud

- Give further support to pupils who find it difficuilt to achieve certain objectives

in the city centre and near his new school

5.Write about your friend: 8’ What’s his/ her name/ What’s his/ her address? What’s his/ her home like? Where is he/ she from? Who does he/she live with? Does he/ she like his / her

hometown? Why/ Why not?

6.Project: 8’ Student practice

Write address: your’house

7 Colour the stars:8’

- ask and answer questions about address and homtowns

- listen to and understant text about addresses and homtowns

- read and understant text about addresses and homtowns

- write about my friend’s address and homtowns

4.Consolidation: 3’


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= -Date of preparing: 10 /9/2017 WEEK Period 7


LESSON – PERIOD 1( part 1-2-3) I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can:

- Use the words and phrases related to the topic Daily routines Ask and answer questions about someone’s Daily routines, using What you ? – I always/


2 Skills: -Develop Ps listening – speaking skills

3.Attitude:-In this lesson, studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss IV Procedures:Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student

5A 5B 5C 5D 2.Warm up:5’

Chatting about the house. 3.Newlesson


Activity 1:

Set the scence the picture

Look at the pictures in the book, identify the characters in the picture on page 12 and what they are saying

Ask Ss to identify the characters Who is this? Who are they? - Check Ss’ understanding:

- Listen to Quan and Tom on the tape

- Ss listen and repeat line by line in chorus twice - Read in group/ pair: One repeats Quan’s part, the other repeats Tom’s part

Activity 2:

Have ss look at the picture and identify the characters

Have ss look at the picture and identify the some where

Teaching newwords: (use the picture) - Ask Ss to read in chorus

- Call some Sts to read - Read in chorus

- Do as an example with picture a

What you do…? – I always/ usually/ often/

sometimes - Do the same

Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation - pairs perform their task at the front of the class The rest of the class observe and give comments

Activity 3:

Talking about their daily rountines and how often they something, using What you ? – I

usually and

How often ? – I once/twice a week/ a month

- Ss work in pairs

- Pupils practise answer ing the questions with

1 Look, listen and repeat:10’ pictures and names of

characters that they have learnt in Tieng Anh 3,4.

Sts depend on pictures – answers sentences

2 Point and say:12’ a.Vocabulary:

- : brush teeth: đánh - morning exercise: tập TD - always: luôn

- usually: thường xuyên - often: thường

- sometimes;

once/twice a week/ a month

Check: play game: What and


Sentence partner: What you in the morning?

I usually morning exercise.

3.Let’s talk: 10’

using : What you ? – I

usually and


information about themselves 4.Consolidation: 3’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson - Remember structure – vocabulary - Do homework: 1-2


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= -Date of preparing: 10 /9/2017 WEEK Period 8


LESSON – PERIOD 2( part 4-5-6 ) I Aims:

1 Knowledge: By the end of this unit pupils can: - Listen and tick pictures

- Read and complete the dialogues sing “This is the way we things” song 2 Skills: -Develop Ss writing and listening skills.

3.Attitude:-In this lesson, studious and obedient students and love their hometown, family and friends

II Teaching aids

1 Teacher’s: English book , lesson plan, pictures, word cards, , tape, cassette Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

III.Teaching methods

-Communicative approach.

-Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups Discuss IV Procedures:Time: 35’-40’

1 Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Student


2.Warm up:5’

Chatting about the house. 3.Newlesson

Teacher’s and Students’ activities Content Activity 4:

.T elicits the pictures

T follows the steps of presenting new words

get up, early, always, often, usually, how about, good idea, online,

sometimes, brush, morning exercise, cook, watch, centre, film, face

-Sts follows T’s instructions -T reads listening text

-Sts listen and tick pictures -Some Sts call out the answers *Answers:1.c; 2.b;3.b;4.a -Others give comments Activity 5:

T tells the context and completes the sentences

- Give a few seconds for Ss to read and look at the pictures

- Check comprehension and elicit the words to fill the gaps

- Ask Ss the task - Check their answers

- Do choral and individual repetition

Key: 1/do 4/TV

5/like 2/usually 3/play

Activity 6:

.Tell the class that they are going to sing This is way we things Have them read the lyrics and teach the

4 Listen and tick:10’.

*Answers:1.c; 2.b;3.b;4.a -Others give comments

2 Read and complete:13’

Hi My name ís Nam Every morning I get up early I (1) morning exercise, have breakfast and themn go to school After school, I (2) homework with my classmates Then I often go to the sprts centre and (3)

6 Let’s sing :8’

The song : This is way we things New words.:


unfamiliar words

Play the recording all the way

through for puils to listen and follow in their book

Sts practise singing and doing actions in group

Invite a group to sing the song and action


Face : mặt Way: cách

4.Consolidation: 3’

- Consolidate the content of the lesson - Remember song

- Do homework: 1-2 5.Evaluation:

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Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 19:48
