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- Ask Ss to make sentences using conditional sentence type 1.. Call on some Ss to read them aloud Correct mistakes if any.[r]



Period 58


lesson 6


language focus

Date of making : 28/3/2010 I Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to further practice with pronouns : Who , That , Which , and clearly identify defining and non – defining clauses

- Practicing with relative pronouns and relative clauses II.Contents:


-Relative pronouns -Relative clauses Vocabulary :

- Horn (n) -Snout (n)

- Rhinoceros ( n) - Swallow (v) - Extensive ( adj) : - Tail (n)

III.Teaching aids : IV.Procedures :

Warm up: *Knowledge Game short answers

- Tell Ss to work with another partner to answer the following questions about general understanding

Questions Answers

1 Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake ? Kobe

2 Which country won the 1998 Tiger Cup ? Singapore

3 Which explorer discovered America ? Christopher


4 Which animal has one or two horns on its snout ? Rhinoceros

5 Which planet is closest to the earth ? Venus

6 Which animal in VN was chosen to be the logo of Sea Games 2003 ?


7 Which ASEAN country is divided into two regions by the sea ?


-whole class




1 Vocabulary pre-teach : - Horn (n) : (translation )

-Snout (n) : pointed front , above the mouth - Rhinoceros ( n) ( translation )

- Swallow (v) : make or let pass down one,s throat

- Extensive ( adj) : large , a lot - Tail (n) : ( translation )

* Checking technique : R & R - Divide class into two teams

* Revision of relative pronouns and clauses

- Ask them to make examples with relative clauses Exercise

- Refer Ss to the warm up activity Ask them to

-whole class

-individualy -whole class


use relative pronouns : who , which or that to answer the questions Start with the words given like the examples :

1.The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 in Japan is Kobe

2.The animal which has one or two horns on its snout is rhinoceros

3.The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus

4.The planet which is closest to the Earth is Venus 5.The animal which was chosen to be the logo of SEA Games 2003 is buffalo

6.The ASEAN country which is divided into two regions by the sea is Malaysia

- Call on some Ss to read their whole sentences - Feedback and give correct Answers

Exercise : ‘Matching’

- Keep Ss in pairs but with another partner

- Divide class into two teams A and B to practice (the pair who found partner the most quickly will be the winner )

- Give correct answers : 1.e 2.g 3.f 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.b

Exercise 3

- Instruct Ss to the exercise Underline the relative clause in the sentence Then add commas to separate the non- defining relative clause from the rest of the sentence

- Hang the subordinate board with all the sentences on the board :

*Model sentenses:

Viet Nam which is in south-east Asia exports rice Viet Nam, which is in south-east Asia, exports rice.

-Have ss add commas in these sentenses - Comment and give Answers :

b, Kangaroos , which come from Australia , have long tails

c, Ba, who lives in Trang Tien Street , likes playing the guitar

d, ( Defining )

e, Neil Amstrong , who first walked on the moon , lived in the USA

f, (Defining )

g, Miss Lien , who sings very well , is my English teacher


-individualy -in group

-whole class

-whole class


Production - Further practice with relative clauses :

* Setting the scene “ Now you write the sentences in Ex Replace each underlined clause with a clause you have written “

- Listen and correct mistakes if necessary(in group)


*Kangaroos,which comes from Australia,have long tails

-Kangaroos,which can be seen everywhere in

-in groups


Australia,have long tails

- Kangaroos,which are called chuot tui in Vietnamese ,have long tails

Home work : Redo all the exercises and copy

2 Prepare the next lesson -whole class

-Unit 10

Life on the planets

Period 61 Lesson : Getting started Listen and Read

Ngày soạn : 12-4-2009 Ngày dạy : -4-2009 I.Objectives : - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about UFOs with basic information received through discussion and the reading

II Teaching aids :

-Text book , picture and posters about UFOs and cassette III.Contents:


2.Vocabulary: Meteor (n) - Sighting ( n) : - Alien (n) - Sample (n)

- Spacecraft (n) : - Egg-shaped (adj) : - Plate – like (adj ) : - Treetop (n) IV.Procedure :

Stages Contents Activities

1.Warm up : Getting started - Question and answer - Explicit the meaning of UFOs =

Unidentified Flying Object

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the following questions :

1 Have you ever heard of UFOs ? Do you think they really exist ?

3 Have you ever seen any films on UFOs ? What are they about ?

5 What you want to know about UFOs ? If you saw a UFOs , what would you ? => Gather their ideas and provide some facts about UFOs - Lead in the new lesson

-whole class -in pairs

-whole class Presentation

: Vocabulary pre- teach: - Meteor (n) : small mass of matter from outer space entering atmosphere

- Sighting ( n) : act of seeing

- Alien (n) person from another world - Sample (n) : example , demonstration - Spacecraft (n) : craft for traveling in outer space


- Egg-shaped (adj) : being looked like and egg

- Plate – like (adj ) : having features and physical appearance like a plate

- Treetop (n) : the uppermost part of a tree * Checking technique : What and where

- Remark and set the scene of the text : -whole class 3.Practice : Finding contextual meanings of the words

-Ask Ss to work individually and find the words in the text having meanings as in the book instructed

- Call on some Ss to read their answers in front of class loudly

- Feedback and give correct answers : Evidence (roof, support )

2 Meteor ( falling star or shooting star ) Aliens ( unknown / strange people or things )

4 Collecting ( bringing together or gathering )

5 Captured ( caught as prisoner )

6 Disappeared ( became impossible to see ) * Ask Ss to read the text aloud

- Listen and correct pronunciation Completing the notes :

- Ask Ss to practice reading the text and doing the exercise

- Call on some Ss to report in the front - Give correct answers :

-whole class -individually -whole class

-whole class -whole class

4 Production : Matching

1.1947 a A woman 2 1952 b A farmer

3 1954 c Kenneth Arnold 4 1964 d A young pilot

5 1971 e 1,500 UFOs sightings 6 1978 f Two men

-Give feedback : 1.c ,2.e ,3.a ,4.b 5.f d

-in group

5.Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Rewrite the exercises in their notebooks Prepare the next lesson


Unit 10

Life on the planets

Period 62 : Lesson :


Ngày soạn : 12-4-2009 Ngày dạy : -4-2009 I.Objectives :


II.Teaching aids :

- Textbook pictures and posters about Mars and its position in the solar system III.Contents:

1.Grammer: 2.Vocabulary: IV.Procedure :

Stages Contents Activities

1.Warm up : * Guessing game :

Tell Ss to work in group of three to four and make good guesses about Mars


1, What you think might be on the mars ? Are there any people ? Any plants ? … Gather the ideas and comments

-whole class -individually

2 Presentation Introduce the aims of the lesson and some new words to Ss

1 Vocabulary- Pre teach :

- Microorganism (n) : organism too small to be seen through naked eyes

- Gemstones (n) : translation

- Little creatures (n) : small plants and animals

- Sparkling spots (n) ; Flashing spots - Trace (n) : translation

- Precious = valuable (adj)

* Checking technique : Rub out and remember

2 Part a : Matching

- Introduce the task to Ss “ There are drawings of thing a space-tourist to Mars saw and noted down Try to guess and match the drawings with the words in the box “

- Call on some pair to report - Give correct answers

-whole class

-whole class -in group

-in pairs Practice : Ask Ss to work in pairs and practice the

dialogue :

- Read the dialogue and tell them to practice

( Go around the class and provide help if necessary )

- Call on some pairs to practice their dialogues in front of class

- Correct mistakes ( pronunciation

-in pairs -in pairs

-whole class Production : -Ask Ss to work in group and discuss : Tell

each other what you think might be on Mars , on the moon and on other planets

( Perhaps , it at home)

- Call on some Ss to make a presentation in front of class

-in group

-individually Homework :

1 Summarize main points


3 Do the exercises in workbook (1,2 ) Prepare the next lesson


Unit 10:

Life on others planets

Period 63: lesson : Listen

Ngày soạn : 19-4-2009 Ngày dạy : -4-2009 I.Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen to rather long talk about the moon and be more confident in True or False listening comprehension exercise and get more information about the moon

II.Teaching aids :

-Textbook , cassette …… III.Contents:

1.Grammer: 2.Vocabulary: IV Procedure :

Stages Contents Activities

1.Warm up : *Networks

Ask Ss to work in groups of three to four ( The words must be correctly spelled and related to the topic )

-Call on some representatives to report in front of class

- Remark and give suggested answers : ( Mercury , Venus , Earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , sun , Pluto )

-in group

-in®iviually -whole class


2.Pre -

Listening : * Vocabulary aims and some new words of the lesson to – pre-teach : Introduce the Ss

- Science for fun program (n) : Translation - Crater (n) : mouth of volcano

- Olympic Champion ( n) : person who beated all other competitors in the Olympic Games

* Checking technique : Guessing Game: + Ask Ss to study the statements in the book

+ Tell Ss to explain their answers and compare with the correct answers when listening to the tape

-whole class

-in group -whole class

3 While - Listening :

- Have Ss listen to the description of the moon Then check stick the correct statements about the moon

- Turn on the tape several times if necessary

Feed back and give correct answers : True sentences : a-c-d-f-i-j

-whole class -individually -whole class 4.Post -


- Review the use of modal verbs may and Might :

May / Might + V – infi

- Ask Ss to the exercise , talking about Andy,s presents

- Call on some Ss to read their answers loudly

- Ask them to read them aloud and copy the correct answers

- Feedback and give correct answers : b It may be a box of crayons , or it might be a box of paint

c It may be a football , or it might be a basketball

d It may be a boat , or it might be a train e It might be a flying saucer , or it might be a meteor

f It might be an evening star , or it might be a space craft

-whole class -in group -individually

-whole class

5.Homework :

1 Summarize main points Do exercise 3,4 in workbook Prepare the next lesson V.Adjustments:

Unit 10:

Life on others planets

Period 64: Lesson : Read


I.Objectives :

At the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to enhance reading skill through Ordering and Answering questions exercises

II.Teaching aids :

- textbook , demonstrated posters and pictures about a space trip III.Contents:

1.Grammer: 2.Vocabulary: IV

Procedure :

Stages Contents Activities

1 Warm up : Question and answer

- Ask Ss questions about space trip Have you ever heard of a space trip ? What you go there for ?

3 What should we have to prepare if we want to take a trip to the space ?

4 What can we there ? …… - Remark and lead in the new lesson

-whole class

2 Pre -reading

: * Vocabulary pre-teach: Introduce the aims of the lesson and some new words to students :

- Physical condition ( n) : the state of health

- Push –up (n) : an exercise for

strengthening arm muscles performed by lying face down with the palms on the floor , and pushing the body up and down with the arms

- Orbit (n) : curved course of planet , comet, satellite around the body - Cabin(n) : room or compartment in a ship , space craft

* Checking technique : Rub out and remember

-whole class

-whole class 3While -

reading Ordering statements : - Ask Ss to read the passage

- Call on some Ss to explain their answers - Feedback and give correct answers : 4-1-5-2-3

2 Answering comprehension questions : - Ask Ss to read the passage more carefully and answer the questions

- Call on some ss to read their answers If you decide to take a space trip , You will have to run a lot , swim every day , and aerobics and push-ups to have an excellent physical condition

2 If you want to show you are in perfect health , you must a letter from a doctor You can see pictures of the earth : your country , interesting places , the oceans , the big rivers , the tall mountains

4 We can see those scenes 16 times a day

-in group


5 We can walk on the walls or on the ceiling

4 Post -

Reading : Exercise : Fill in the blank with the most suitable word : Many people say that they once saw … Flying Objects

2 If you want to take the trip to space , you must be in good ……… Condition

3 We call people from another planet


4 ………… , Earth,s outer neighbor , is

the fourth planet from the sun

- Call on some Ss to report in the front of the class

-Then give Answers:

1 Unidentified Physical Aliens Mars

-in group


5 Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Do exercise ( 5,6) in workbook Prepare the next lesson

Unit 10:

Life on others planets

Period 65: Lesson : Write

Ngày soạn : 3-05-2009 Ngày dạy : -05-2009 I.Objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write an argumentative exposition , using the right format and language structures

II Teaching aids :

-Text book , chalk , board III.Contents:

1.Grammer: 2.Vocabulary: IV.Procedure :

Stage Contents Activities

1.Warm up : Instruct the game :

- Call on some Ss to report

- Remark and give possible answers : + Father Christmas

+ Napoleon + Bill Clinton + Michael Jackson + Ronaldo …………

-whole class

2.Pre-writing Explain the definition of an argumentative writing and ask Ss to repeat the form of An argumentative writing

+ An argumentative writing should basically consist of three parts :

Introduction , Body , and conclusion


* Implicit the outline and the function of three main part through Matching exercise - Call on some Ss to repeat the results and explain their functions

- Give correct answers : + Introduction –ii + Body – iii

+ Conclusion – i

-whole class

3.While -

Writing - Tell Ss to practice reading the dialogue -Call on some pairs to practice in front of class

- Remark and ask them to use Ba,s opinions

in the dialogue to write an exposition ( Go around the class and pick up some typical writings to read aloud and have some necessary corrections )

-Give suggested answers ( Using subordinate board )

- Call on some Ss to read the suggested loudly

-in pairs -individually


4.Post - writing :

AskSs to practice in pairs and introduce Cross Check ( students correct for each other )

- Note : Comment and point out the most common mistakes that Ss make in their writing Suggest the waysthat Ss can avoid those mistakes in their later writing


- Call on some Ss to read their writings aloud

- Correct mistakes if necessary

-in pairs

5.Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Do the exercises in workbook Prepare the next lesson


Unit 10:

Life on others planets

Period 66+ 67:


Ngày soạn : 10-05-2009 Ngày dạy: -05-2009 I.Aims and objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to master the use of modal verbs : May , Might and distinguish the difference between conditional sentences type and type and use them properly

II.Teaching aids :

Textbook , additional exercises on conditional sentences III Procedure :




I / Warm up : Jumbled words

- Write the new words in the wrong order : aolobnl ecrasru

3 ertnmgau nilea 5.ductonini

- Tell Ss to work in groups to rearrange the letters in good order to make the right words

- Call on some representatives to write the correct words

- Correct and give the correct answers : balloon saucer argument

4 alien introduction

II / Presentation and practice

- Review the use of modal verbs may and Might : May / Might + V – infi

- Ask Ss to the exercise , talking about Andy,s


- Call on some Ss to read their answers loudly - Ask them to read them aloud and copy the correct answers

- Feedback and give correct answers :

b It may be a box of crayons , or it might be a box of paint

c It may be a football , or it might be a basketball d It may be a boat , or it might be a train

e It might be a flying saucer , or it might be a meteor f It might be an evening star , or it might be a space craft

III / Presentation and practice 2: Conditional type

Form : If clause , main clause

If S + V ( present simple ) , S + Will + V Use : Conditional type can be used to describe situations and consequences that are possible in the present or future

- Ask Ss to make sentences using conditional sentence type

Call on some Ss to read them aloud Correct mistakes if any

Feedback and give correct answers :

- Play games

- Work in groups to rearrange the letters in good order ( the group who get the highest score with the shortest time will be the winner )

- Go to the board to write the correct words - Repeat and copy down

- Repeat and copy - Work in pairs, using may / might and talking about Andy,s


- Compare their answers with a friend Read their answers aloud

Repeat and write in the notebooks





b … will miss…… does not hurry … c … Is not …… will drop …

d … will join ………finishes… e … writes… will not forget…… IV / Presentation and practice : Conditional type

Form : If Clause ……… , main clause If S + V (past simple ) , S + would + V. Use : Conditional type can be used to describe imaginary and unreal or untrue actions at present or in the future

Ask Ss to compare and explain the two types of conditionals:

Examples :

 If Lan work hard , she will pass the exam

 If I had a lot of money , I would buy a house in the center of the city

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book and

complete the sentences by using conditional sentence type

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud

-Make necessary corrections and give correct answers b If Mr Loc had a car , he would drive it to work c If Lan lived in HCM city , she would visit Saigon Water Park

d If Nam had an alarm clock , he would arrive at school on time

e If Hoa lived in Hue , she would see her parents everyday

f If Nga owned a piano , she would play it very well g If Tuan studied harder , he would get better grades h If Na had enough money , she would buy a new computer

- Ask Ss to read and copy down V / Production :

Ask Ss to practice answering the questions :

What would you if you met an alien from outer space ?

Listen and correct their answers VI / Homework :

1 Summarize main points

2 Redo all the exercises and copy Prepare the next lesson

Copy down

Complete the exercise by using the verbs in the box

Read their completed sentences aloud Repeat the correct answers and write down

Listen and repeat the form and use of conditional type Copy down

Explain the differences between the

conditional type and type

Read the examples aloud

Complete the sentences and

exchange the exercise and correct for each other

Read their answers aloud

Read the correct answers aloud and Copy down

Work in pairs and demonstrate in the front

Write down




Period 68+ 69: Consolidation

Ngày soạn : 10-05-2009 Ngày dạy : -05-2009 I.Aims and objectives :

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to summarize the basic knowledge they have learnt and prepare doing the test well

II.Teaching aids :

Textbook , chalk III.Procedure :

Introduce the aims and contents of the lesson to the students 20

min I / Part one : Grammar - Introduce the basic grammar to students and write the models on the board :

1 Past simple tense

*To talk about past activities * With Wish

2 The present perfect

3 Direct and reported speech : * Changes in tenses

Direct speech Reported speech

Present simple I Walk

Past simple I walked

*Present progressive I am walking

Past progressive I was walking

*Past simple I walked Past perfect I had walked

*Past progressive I was walking

Past perfect progressive I had been walking

*Present perfect I have walked Past perfect I had walked

*Present perfect progressive I have been walking

Past perfect progressive I had been walking

- Open their books and look at them carefully

- Read the exercises loudly And copy




*Past perfect I had walked Past perfect I had walked

*Past perfect progressive I had been walking Past perfect progressive I had been walking

4 Here and now in reported speech Direct speech

Reported speech *Time

Now Today Tomorrow Yesterday Last night Two days ago Then / immediately that day

the next/ following day the day before the previous day the night before two days before/ earlier


here there

*Demonstrative heads

this these that those

5 Passive voice :

Be + Past participle

Modal verbs + be + past participle Gerunds after some verbs such as : enjoy , hate , like , love …

7 Tag questions

8 Conditional sentence type and type - Type : If + present tense , will + V - Type : If + past tense , would / might + V Relative clauses

* Relative pronouns

*Defining People

Things That

Who Which *Subject People Things That Who Which *Object People Things That / 0 Who(m) Which

- Read all the examples aloud

- Read all the examples

- Do the exercises

individually and report in front of class


*Possessive People Things Whose

Whose / of which Whose

Whose/ of which

- Ask Ss to read all the examples 10 Adverb clauses

* Adverb clauses of result * Adverb clauses of reason * Adverb clauses of concession II / Part two : Exercises

- Ask Ss to the exercises in the workbook in unit ( 2,3,4,5 )

- Ask them to individually

- Have Ss demonstrate in front of class -Remark and correct mistakes if any III / Homework :

1 Learn by heart all the structures and copy the exercises

2 Prepare the second test


s Contents Activities

Period 70 the second semester test

Time : 45 minutes


A / Aims : Ss can the test well and test themselves about their knowledge they have learnt in Grade

B / Teaching aids : Paper , pens , chalk

C / Test : Tell the aims of the test and deliver paper to Ss

I / Supply the correct tense form of the verbs in parentheses : (2,0 m)

1 My father ( come ) home late last night He ( not get ) up yet

2 I hope you ( have ) a good time at the picnic tomorrow You (take) the fishing- rods along ?

3 Mary ( study ) hard in her room now She hopes ( be ) a doctor when she grows up While he ( write ) a letter , the telephone ( ring )

II / Complete the sentences with appropriate words in parentheses : ( 2,0 P )

1 He bought a lot of things : notebooks , pens , …… pencils from the shop ( but , or , and , so )

2 It was raining hard , ……… we could not go on a picnic as planned ( however , but , because , so )

3 Tommy suggested …… a pairs of shoes for Dad on his birthday ( buying , buy , to buy , bought )

4 The children laughed …… when they were watching a comic ( happiness , happy , happily , unhappy ) If it continues to rain , I think we …… home and watch TV

( would stay , will stay , used to stay , stay ) There is too much traffic … , the air is polluted

( however ,since ,therefore , but )

7 She goes to the library three times a week She… reads books there ( never , often , rarely , once )

8 A disastrous volcanic eruption happened in the Philippines 1991 ( on , in , at , since )

III / complete these sentences with the suggested words or phrases : ( 2,0 P)

1 I really enjoyed the firework It was displayed on the National Day ( Which ) Although he had a bad cold , he still went to work in the field ( In spite of ) “ Can you speak English ? “ Mr Brown asked ( Mr Brown asked me )

4 It is a pity I can not play the piano ( I wish )

IV / Read the following passage and write True or False after statements : (2,0 P )

It is now feared that the number of dead people following yesterday,searthquake

could be as high as 3000 Many of the victims died when their homes collapsed The government has sent many rescue workers to search for survivors who may still be trapped under the fallen walls , although there is no hope that anyone is still alive now

Statements True False

1 The earthquake happened three days ago

2 The number of people who died could reach 3000 The collapsed houses killed many people

4 The rescue workers are not working now because there is nobody who is still alive

V / Listen to a public announcement and decide if these statements are true or false (2,0 P )

Statements True False

1 Billy loved pictures when he was small His mother was good at drawing

3 Billy enjoyed his mother,s picture

4 He tried to draw a picture of his father and not happy with the picture


always wanted more Then , when he was a little older , his mother gave him a small blackboard , some pieces of chalk and a duster He liked those very much One day he was trying to draw a picture of his father on the blackboard Hedrew lines and rubbed them out , drew more and rubbed them out , but when he looked at his picture he was not happy

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 18:11

