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Nội dung

Music = saùng taùc nhaïc War = gaây chieán tranh Noise = gaây oàn aøo Peace = taïo hoaø bình Trouble = gaây phieàn toaùi Chuù yù: moät soá thaønh ngöõ ta kho[r]



DO(có nghĩa tạo ra, xây dựng) MAKE ( có nghĩa thực hiện, hồn thành)

Reaserch = nghiên cứu An assignment = nhiệm vụ A job = công việc Business = kinh doanh the washing = công việc giặt, rửa

the cleaning = công việc lau chùi the ironing = công việc ủi đồ hair = làm tóc

this = làm that = làm something = làm việc anything = làm thứ

A cake = làm bánh A bed = đóng giường A dress = may đồ A report = làm báo cáo A decision = đưa định A demand = đưa yêu cầu An error = gây lỗi

A mistake = lỗi tả A request = đưa đòi hỏi A speech = đưa thuyết trình A mess = gây rối

A chair(a table, other spieces of furniture) Breakfast ( lunch, dinner,tea….)

Music = sáng tác nhạc War = gây chiến tranh Noise = gây ồn Peace = tạo hồ bình Trouble = gây phiền tối Chú ý: số thành ngữ ta không sử dụng Do Make Commit a crime = gây nên tội ác

Write a book (a poem, a letter,a piece of music) Draw / paint a picture = vẽ,sơn tranh Take a picture (photograph) = chụp hình Build a house = xây nhà

Give a lecture ( a lesson, aperforment, orders) Play a game / play a music instrument (nhạc cụ)

 Two word verbs with go: Go after

Go ahead Go along Go away Go back

Go by(of time) Go down (of prices) Go off

Go on Go out Go over

Go up (of prices)

Chase or pursure somebody Be carried out,take place Progress, develop

Leave a place Return

As the time by Become lower Be fired, explode Continue

Stop burning

Look at something carefully Become higher

Đuổi theo Tiến hành Phát triễn Rời nơi Quay lại


Một số giới từ thường kèm……

Clever, present, quick, skilful At excited about wait for

Acquainted, crowded, friendly, popular With run about good At(moân)

Interested, rich, successful In Tell sb about bad At(moân)

Absent, different, safe From check in amazed at

Confuse, sad, serious About tune in amused at


Important,kind,likely,open,pleasant, similar To pleaseweak within delightedgood For(health)at Afraid, ahead, aware, capable, confident, full Of live on laugh at Available, difficult, late, perfect, usefull For born into aware of

Cách chia số động từ thường gặp Some

A few Several Many Both

Count-noun plural

Verb form

plural AllSome A few Several Both

Of the

Count- noun plural

Verb form plural

women Are Of the women are

Each Every Either Neither


singular Verb form singular Each Non Either Neither

Of the Count- noun

plural Verb form singular

student has Of the women is

All (not) mtuch Little

Count-noun singular

Verb form

singular AllMuch Little

Of the Non-Count noun

Verb form singular

money Has Of the money has

Nghĩa số từ thường gặp

Verb-n.phrase+ pre meaning Verb-n.phrase+ pre meaning Catch sight of

Give place to Give away to Keep place with Lose sight of

Make allowance for Make fun of

Make a fuss over/about Make room for Make use of

Quan sát Chonï chổi đường Chạy theo Mất dấu vết Chú ý đến Tạo niềm vui Gây ồn Dọn chổ Tận

Lose touch with Lose track of Put a stop to Take account of Take care of Take notice of Pay attention to Put an end to Set fire to

Take advantage of Take note of

Mất liên lạc Lạc dường Ngưng lại Chú ý đến Chăm sóc Lưu ý

Chú ý , quan tâm Kết thúc

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 16:37
