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D. Cindy said that “I haven’t seen John since last month.” A. Cindy said she hasn’t seen John since the previous month.. Cindy said she hadn’t seen John since the previous month C. Ci[r]


1 TENSES He sometimes (come) to see his parents

2 When I (come) , she (leave) for Dalat ten minutes ago

3 Right now I (attend) class Yesterday at this time I (attend) class David (wash) his hands now He just (repair) the TV set

5 You (be) here before? Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year Last night we (watch) TV when the power (fail)

7 London (change) _ a lot since we first (come) to live here

8 While we (talk) on the phone the children (start) fighting and (break) a window

9 I (spend) a lot of time traveling since I (get) this new job 10 When I (be) at school we all (study) Latin

11 After he (finish) breakfast he (sit) down to write some letters 12 I think Jim (be) out of town

13 The train half an hour ago

A has been leaving B left C has left D had left

14 Jack the door

A has just painted B paint C will have painted D painting 15 My sister for you since yesterday

A is looking B was looking C has been looking D looked 16 I Texas State University now

A am attending B attend C was attending D attended

17 I to New York three times this year

A have been B was C were D had been

18 John a book when I saw him

A is reading B read C was reading D reading

19 I have never played badminton before This is the first time I _ to play

A try B tried C have tried D am trying

20 Since _, I have heard nothing from him

A he had left B he left C he has left D he was left

21 After I _ lunch, I looked for my bag

A had B had had C have has D have had

22 After Mrs Wang had returned to her house from work, she was cooking dinner A B C D

23 The telephone rang several times and then stop before I could answer it A B C D

24 The police arrested the man while he is having dinner in a restaurant A B C D

25 We have written to each other when we were in primary school A B C D

26 I have finished the report yet, but by the time you return I will have certainly completed it


1 cooks b loves c joins d spends

2 a advises b raises c devises d goes

3 hands b parents c chores d boys

4 a brothers b weekends c problems d secrets

5 a clothes b cloths c roofs d books

6 a enjoys b feels c takes d gives

7 a attempts b shares c looks d beliefs


9 a appeared b agreed c coughed d loved 10 a sacrificed b trusted c recorded d acted

11 a laughed b weighed c helped d missed

12 smoked b called c photographed d based

13 a demanded b lived c questioned d supposed 2 PASSIVE VOICE

1/ The secretary opens the mails every morning

……… 2/ They are building a new school in this town

……… 3/ You should finish the report right now

……… 4/ We shall discuss the matter in the afternoon

……… 5/ He has to pay the bills before the fifth of the month

……… 6/ No one has opened that box for the past hundred years

……… 7/ The fire has destroyed many houses

……… / The children are carrying the chairs into the house

……… 9/ They hadn’t built the bridge when we first came here

- ……… 10 She cleans the floor every morning

……… 11 He will solve the problem soon

……… 12 He was cooking dinner at o’clock yesterday

……… 13 She made a lot of mistakes in the examination

……… 14 No one has locked the door


……… 16 Did she buy this book?

……… A new building ……… built near my school next June

A would be B can C will be D be My house ……….ten years ago

A is built B was built C has been built D is being built These letters ……… at the post office in the morning

A is sent B was sent C are sent D has been sent English ……… in many parts of the world

A speaks B was spoken C is speaking D is spoken The mails ……… by the secretary everyday

A opened B are opened C were opened D is opened The book ………read several times

A is B was C have been D has been The letter - by Tom now

A was written B is written C is being written D has been written 3 WISH CLAUSES

1 I wish I (be) - an astronaut in the future I can’t swim I wish I (can) - swim

3 I wish I (meet) - her yesterday She wishes she (be) - there last year

5 I wish you (not give) - them my phone number yesterday Tom wishes someone (give) - him a job next month

7 I haven’t enough money to buy that book – I wish -8 I’m sorry I didn’t help you yesterday – I wish -9 It’s a pity that you were not here last week – We wish -10 You drive too fast I’d like you to drive more slowly – I wish

-4 PREPOSITIONS We give each other presents ………… Christmas

2 Don’t sit ………… the floor

3 I’m going away ………… the end of January My sister won’t have dinner 11.30 p.m The country looks beautiful ……….spring My birthday is ……… May 5th.

7 I’m very busy ……… the moment

8 We get a lot of rain ……… November I have no time ……… The moment

10 I don’t like getting up early ……….the morning 11 Is Mrs Smith ……… home?

12 My father is interested ……….playing tennis 13 Lan is fond ………of studying English 14 She is good ……… cooking


16 I’m afraid ……… dogs

17 Ken was proud ………his good marks on English 18 Hue is famous ……….its historical places

19 It’s very kind ………you to help them 20 Hurry up or you will be late ……….school

5 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 1) If the weather … good tomorrow, we …… swimming

A is – go B is – will go C will be - go D will be – will go 2) If Tom was late again, he ……… his job

A loses B lose C will lose D would lose 3) If I had known that you were in hospital, I ………you

A will visit B visit C would have visited D would visit 4) You‘ll ………… yourself a lot of time if you take the car

A spend B make C save D spare 5) If he comes here, I ……….…… it

A make him B make him will C will make him D will make him will 6) If I ……….…… … you, I wouldn’t buy that coat

A am B was C were D would be 7) Tam ……… more if he ……… more time

A will read - had B would read - has C read – had D would read - had 8) If I didn’t want to go to the party, I ……….…….………… go

A don’t B didn’t C won’t D wouldn’t 9) I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can’t meet you

A If I have to work tomorrow evening, I can meet you

B If I didn’t have to work tomorrow evening, I would meet you C I could meet you tomorrow evening if I don’t have to work D I can meet you if I didn’t have to work tomorrow evening 10) If she understands the lesson, she ……….it

A will B C won’t D would

11) If he does his homework, he (not worry)……… about it 12) If today (be)……… Sunday, the pupils can go swimming

13) I (take) a walk if the weather were nice

14) We would buy a house if we (have) enough money 15) If I (be not) tired, I would go to the movie with you 16) If I (not have) class today, I would go shopping 17 I don’t have enough money I can’t go on a long holiday this year

 If _ 18 He is very slow, so we won’t wait for him

 If 19 You’ll ask the teacher He’ll explain the lesson to you


 If 21 She was ill She didn’t go to work

 If _ 22 Unless she studies hard, he will fail the exam

 If 23 Go away or I will call the police

 If _ 24 You didn’t ask Alice She didn’t tell you the truth

 If 25 If you don’t finish your exercises, you can’t go to bed


1 Jack asked me _

A where you come from? B where I came from

C where I am from D where did I come from?

2 She asked me _ I liked pop music

A when B what C if D x

3 The doctor him to take more exercise

A told B tell C have told D are telling

4 Claire told me that her father a race horse

A.owns B.owned C owning D A and B

5 The doctor _ him to take more exercise

A told B tell C have told D are telling

6 The last time I saw Linda, she looked very relaxed She explained she’d been on holiday the week

A ago B following C next D previous

7 When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy day

A that B the C then D this

8 Bill was slow, so I hurry up

A tell him B told him for C told to D told him to

9 I said that I had met her

A yesterday B the previous day C the day D the before day

10 The man asked the boys

A why did they fight B why they were fighting

C why they fight D.why were they fighting

11 “ the door”, he said

A please open B open pleased C please to open D please, opening 12 “Have you heard of her marriage?”

A she asked me if I hear of their marriage

B she asked me whether I had heard of their marriage C she asked me if I had heard of their marriage

D B and C


B Cindy said she hadn’t seen John since the previous month C Cindy said she wasn’t seen John since the previous month D Cindy said she doesn’t see John since the previous month 14 His wife said to him: “write to me as often as you can”

A His wife told him to write to her as often as he can B His wife told him to write to her as often as he could C His wife told him writing to her as often as he could D His wife told him writing to her as often as he can

15 “What were you doing last night, Mr John?” asked the police A The police asked what were you doing last night, Mr John

B The police asked Mr John what he had been doing the night before C The police asked Mr John what he had been done the night before D The police asked Mr John what had he been done the night before 1. “Don’t wait for me if I am late” He said to her

 He told her _ 2. “Where are you from, Nam?” said Mai

 Mai asked _ 3. Mary said “ I cannot go to the cinema with you, John”

 She _ 4. Tom asked Mary “Did you phone me last night?”

 Tom asked Mary _ 5. He asked me “Why didn’t you go to school yesterday?”

 He asked me _ 6. “How many students are there in your class?”

 The man asked me 7. “Have you seen John recently?” said Ann

 Ann asked me _ 7 TO- INF and GERUND

1 We are looking forward _ you again soon

A to see B to seeing C saw D have seen

2 My mother was afraid to let the boy _ the tree

A climbing B climb C climbs D climbed

3 I remember _ him a book but he said I did not

A to buy B buy C buying D to have bought

4 Remember _ John a present today is his birthday

A send B to send C sent D sending

5 I suggest _ some more mathematical puzzles

A B to C doing D done

6 Would you mind _ the door?

A open B to open C opening D opened

7 You should give up _ or you will die of cancer

A smoke B to smoke C smoking D smoked

8 The driver stopped _ a coffee because he felt sleepy

A have B to have C having D had

9 That old man tried to stop _ because of his bad health

A smoke B smokes C smoked D smoking

10 There is nothing prevent us from the mystery of that palace


11 You had better _ at home until you feel better

A stay B to stay C staying D stayed

12 The machine needs _

A B and C are correct B to be repaired C repairing D to repair 13 I couldn’t help _ when I heard the story

A laughing B to laugh C laughed D.laugh

14 Peter usually help his mother

A to housework B housework C with housework D.all are correct 15 She used that money _ a new car

A buy B buying C to buy D for buying

A doing B C to D that I

16 I must go now I promise _ late

A not being B not to be C to not be D I won’t be

17 Do you want with you or you want to go alone?

A me coming B me to come C that I will come D that I come

18 I’m sure I locked the door I clearly remember _ it

A locking B to lock C to have locked D to be locked

19 She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help

A laughing B to laugh C that she laughed D laugh

20 He tried to avoid my question

A answering B to answer C answer D how to answer

21 I enjoy to music

A listen B to listen C listening D listened

22 Have you finished your hair yet?

A wash B washed C washing D to wash


1 Most of the students did - on their test Their test results were - (good) Jame looked very (sad) - because she lost the game

3 The children seemed - They played - in the garden (happy) He is a - man He always drives - (careful)

5 The weather was so - yesterday (awful)

6 I can’t remember -what happened (clear) I was disappointed that I did so - in the exam (bad) It was raining - so we stayed at home (heavy)

9 Mary speaks English very - (fluent) 10 Nam is a - student (good)

9 MỆNH ĐỀ LÝ DO NHƯỢNG BỘ We stayed at home because it rain heavily

Because of -2 Although the weather was cold, they went swimming

In spite of -3 Though Lan felt tired, she went on working


Because of -5 Because of the heavy snow, we came late

Because -6 He didn’t pass the exam though he worked very hard

In site of -8 She missed the train because she got up late


1) Do you know the woman lives next door?

A she B who C whom D her

2) They are never on time, _ can’t be explained

A who B that C what D which

3) The man _ answered the telephone told me you were away

A whom B he C who D what

4) The women he fell in love with left him after a few weeks

A whom B who C which D whose

5) Do you still remember the day we first met?

A where B whom C which D when

6) The picture Laura painted is being shown in an exhibition

A that B which C why D A and B

7) The plane has just taken off is an hour late

A it B what C which D who

8) The week _ Mike went to camping was the wettest of the year

A which B when C how D who

9) Melanie was looking after a dog leg had been broken in an accident

A who B whose C that D what

10) I felt very sorry for the woman _ car was stolen

A that B whose C which D A and C

1 On the way home, we saw a lot of men, women, and dogs which were playing in the park


2 The man whom remained in the office was the manager A B C D

3 This is the only place which we can obtain scientific information A B C D

4 Chemistry is one branch of science on that most of the industries depend A B C D

5 1975 is the year in when the revolution took place A B C D

6 Mr Brown, that teaches me English, is coming today A B C D The hotel where we stay in last year was excellent


1 The taxi driver was very friendly He took me to the airport

The picture was beautiful She was looking at it

The man called the police His wallet was stolen


4 That is the boy I lent him my bicycle

_ This is Mr Smith His son plays in our team

_ I must thank the people I got a present from them

_ The man was very kind I talked to him yesterday

_ The problem has been discussed in class We are very interested in it I’ll never forget the day I met you on that day

10 The town was small I grew up there


1 When did you start learning English?

How long -2 Tram is the best student in this class

No one -3 It was such good milk that we couldn’t stop drinking it

The milk -4 The woman was so weak to lift the bag

The woman is -5 The picture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it

The picture was too It was such -6 I’m quite tall but you are taller

I’m not -7 Let’s go out for dinner

Why don’t we -8 I’m too poor to take a trip

I’m not -9 The man repaired his car in two hours

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2021, 20:32

