POST - READING 8’ - T instructs Ss to use some strategies to do the task Instruction: You are to work in pairs and summarize the + Ss read the words and phrases given in the box to passa[r]
(1)Pre : 06.01.2013 Tea: 11.01.2013 UNIT 9: UNDERSEA A READING WORLD Week: Syllable Period: 58 I OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - learn more new words to talk about sea creatures - get the main ideas of the passage II LANGUAGE CONTENTS: Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss will be able to practice intensive reading and scanning for details through vocabulary Matching and Table completion exercises - Language: Enlarge vocabulary about sea conservations (investigate, maintain, submarine, mystery …) Skills: Scanning for specific information Use the new words which relate to the topic in speaking, asking and answering activities III METHOD: Communicative approach IV TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, whiteboard markers, chalks, pictures about name the sea animal V PROCEDURES / Class organization: / Oral test: (5’) - Let students go to the board and answer the questions - Correct their mistakes / New lesson: Teacher’s & Students’ activities - T sticks the map of the world on the board (the map is in English ) - T asks Ss to work in groups of and gives each group a set of flash cards with the names of the oceans in Vietnamese - T asks Ss to read the names of the oceans on the map and match the Vietnamese name with the appropriate English names - The winner is the group who finds the correct answers in the shortest period of time Contents WARM UP: (5’) * Answer: Arctic Ocean : Bắc Băng Dương Antarctic Ocean : Nam Băng Dương Pacfic Ocean : Thái Bình Dương Atlantic Ocean : Đại Tây Dương India Ocean : Ấn Độ Dương PRE - READING (10’) Find names of sea animals - T asks Ss to give the Vietnamese names of the animals in the pictures - Then T asks Ss for the English names of these animals - If Ss not know them in English, T should provide them * Answer: Seal Jellyfish Turtle Shark * Pre-teaching Vocabulary - gulf (n) : bay - mystery (n) : a thing of which the cause or origin is unknown Note: T should only teach the words which not or impossible to explain (bí ẩn) appear in Task - beneath (prep) : under sb/sth ( Dưới ) - T may ask some Ss to make sentences with the above - submarine (n) : Tàu ngầm words to check their understanding - marine life (n) : life in the sea - fall into(v ) : to be able to be divided into sth ( chia thành ) - water current (n) : dòng nước - organism (n) : a living being ( sinh vật ) - at stake : at risk ( bị đe doạ ) WHILE - READING Setting the scene You are going to read a passage on the life in the sea While you are reading, the tasks in the textbook Task 1: Gap filling based on word meaning guessing (7’) Instruction: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box All of the words appear in the passage (2) - T writes these words on the board - Then T instructs Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings - Ss guess the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the sentences and the components of the words For example, to guess the meaning of oversized Ss can use the relation between small, oversized and however …or (dù…hay ) T can also help Ss analyze the formation of the word: oversized = over (more, higher) + sized - T checks that Ss’ understanding by asking them to provide the Vietnamese equivalents to the words - T asks Ss to work individually to the task - T goes around exchanging their answers with other Ss - T asks Ss for their answers and tells them to explain their choices - T gives the correct answers Gulf, investigate, oversized, tiny, biodiversity, samples, challenges, provide * Answer: tiny investigate gulf biodiversity samples Task : Answer the questions (8’) Instruction: you are to read the passage again and answer the questions in the book + First, skim the six questions to understand them As Ss this they : Underline the key words For instance, in question Ss can underline what percentage, earth’s surface, covered, seas and oceans Decide what information they need to find in the text Look for questions words like “what percentage” which indicates Ss should read for specific thing like a number + Go back the first question and locate the information for the question by finding the key words in the passage and mark the - T instructs Ss to use some strategies to the task place + Read the part carefully to find the answer Ss can use their own words - T asks ss to work individually to the task + Continue with the rest of the questions * Answer: … 75% of the earth’s surface … by using modern devices ( services ) They investigate the seabed and bring samples of the marine life back to the surface for further study - Ss change ideas and peer correction We can know a wide range of information, including water temperature, depth, and the undersea populations They are those that live on or depend on the bottom like the starfish, those that move independently of water currents and - T feedbacks and gives the correct answers : those that are carried along by the currents The marine life would be at stake if the sea biodiversity was not maintained POST - READING (8’) - T instructs Ss to use some strategies to the task Instruction: You are to work in pairs and summarize the + Ss read the words and phrases given in the box to passage by filling each blank with a word or phrase given in understand the meanings T can explain the meanings the box of some words if ss find them difficult + SS read through the summary and identify the part of * Answer: speech of the word to fill in each blank - T goes round to offer help 1.three-quarters mysterious 3.modern discoveries biodiversity huge - T asks Ss to check their summary with a partner 7.plants and animals 8.closely connected - T checks with whole class - T summaries the main points - T asks Ss to learn by heart all the new words and make sentences with them as homework Homework (2’) Comments & supplements: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (3)