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Nội dung

Rèn luyện các kĩ năng nghe, nói, đọc, viết thành thạo về chủ đề.. Rèn luyện kĩ năng vận dụng linh hoạt các kiến thức ngữ pháp để xây dựng câu III?[r]



I Nội dung chủ điểm :

Học sinh giới thiệu, hỏi trả lời vè đồ vật người gia đình II Kĩ :

Rèn luyện kĩ đọc, nhớ từ Tiếng Anh Kết hợp nghe, nói đọc viết chủ đề III Ngữ pháp - Từ vựng :

1 Ngữ pháp :

To Be in the Simple Present TensePossessive Pronouns

Forming plural nouns

Making questions with question words 2 Từ vựng :

Ôn luyện từ học Từ :

 Nghề nghiệp : architect - worker - farmer - driver

 Người thân : grandfather - grandmother – aunt - uncle - parents IV Kế hoạch thực :

Period Theme Lesson Content

1 2 3 4

I 1

2 3 4

TO BE in the Simple Present tense Possessive Pronouns

Making WH – questions Test

Week: Date of preparation: Period : Date of teaching :


I Aim : Futher Practice in the verbs TO BE in the Simple present tense and vocabulary II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work arrangement

A WORD POWER :( 8ms)

Complete the word list with the words from the box :

sister – farmer – telephone – lamp – doctor – nurse – brother – grandfather – television – driver – worker – mother – father – architect – teacher – grandmother – stereo – couch – bookshelf – table – parents – uncle – aunt – desk – stool – window – door

Things Jobs Family


telephone farmer sister lamp doctor brother

etc etc etc  Elicit new words from Ss ( give Vietnamese meaning ) :

- farmer - grandfather

- architect - grandmother

- driver - parents

- worker - uncle

- aunt


I am / am not

He / She / It

This / That is / isn’t ( singular nouns )

We / You / They

These / Those are / aren’t ( plural nouns )

S + be + noun / adjective / adverb / ( … )

Further Practice :(30ms)

I. Complete the following sentences : 1. We _ in class

2. _ your father an architect ? 3. It _ not a ruler

4. Tuan and Mai _ students 5. Those lamps _ new

Pair work

T – Whole class

T – Whole class


6. There _ an armchair in this room 7. _ that your bookshelf ?

8. Her grandfather and grandmother _ old 9. _ they nurses ?

10. _ there many people in your family ?

II. Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative form :

1 Students are in class Mr Minh is an engineer

3 There’s a television in the living room I am a worker

5 There are our teachers III. Choose the correct words :

1 ( I / Lan / My sister ) is twelve years old

2 ( children / Miss Hoa / This student ) are lovely These people ( is / am / are ) my family members Are ( this girl / the girls / that girl ) in grade ? My brother and I ( is / am / are ) students The ( room / school / houses ) aren’t small My teachers ( is / am / are ) nice

8 Is there ( a stereo / many stereos / any stereos ) in your living room ?

9 There aren’t ( a telephone / any telephones / telephone ) in my room

10 What are ( this / that / these ) ? IV. Write sentences, using the cues given

1. My grand mother / in / living room 2. Nam and Ba / good students / ? 3. Those / not / my brother and sister 4. What / that / ?

5. it / your house / ?

6. Lan’s father / not / architect 7. There / five people / my familt 8. Who / those people / ?

Individual work

Individual work

Group work

Self- Evaluation :

-Week: Date of preparation: Period : Date of teaching:


I Aim : To get Ss to review Possessive Pronouns and Plural nouns II Procedure :

Time Steps / Activities Work arrangement

A REVISION :(12ms)

Possessive Pronouns ( adjectives ) :

I à my

You à your

He à his

She à her

It à its

We à our

They à their

Forming plural nouns :

+ s /s/ Formation Pronunciation /z/

+ es /iz/

 Notice :

a child children

a man men

a woman women


leaf à leaves but roof à


potato à potatoes but kilo à kilos B FURTHER PRACTICE :(33ms)

I Give plural nouns and then put them into correct column of pronouncing ending sounds

city – bookshelf – tomato – stereo – architect –lamp – roof –country – family – bench – class – box – book – half – photo – potato – play – couch – dish – pencil – nurse – boy – dress – place –house – beach – dictionary – parent – television – pencil – kilo

/s/ /z/


roofs architects photos bookshelves cities countries


II.Complete the following sentences with appropriate possessive pronouns

1 This is Miss Lien and these are _ students What’s _ name ? My name’s _ Phong Who’s that ?- That’s my sister _ name’s Chi He’s a woker and _ name’s Minh

5 We live in _ house in a city

6 Are these your books ? – No Those are _ books


_names are Paul and Dick

8 Is this _ eraser, Lan ? – Yes, it’s my eraser _ name’s Ha I am a teacher

10 The pen is new and _ color is nice III Replace underlined words by appropriate pronouns

1 Mr Tan is a farmer

2 The children are in the yard My books are on the bookshelf Miss Lan’s house is big

5 Ba and Hoa’s classroom is on the second floor Ba’s mother is a nurse

7 Where are your pens ?

8 Van and I are in the same class The telephone is on the table 10 You and your sister are nice  Self- Evaluation :

-Week: Date of preparation: : Period : 3 Date of teaching:


I. Aim : Further practice in question words. II. Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work arrangement

A Brainstorming :(7ms)

Have Ss to think about the question words they have learnt and then go to the board and write down their ideas


who where Question words

( etc ) B Exercises:(38ms)

I Matching :

Ss match each question in column A with an appropriate ( short ) answer in column B


1 What’s this ? a In the country Where you live ? b A doctor

3 Who is that ? c Thirteen

4 How old are you ? d My brother

5 How many letters are there in the English Alphabet ? e Fine

6 How are you ? f twenty-six

7 What you ? g A couch

II Gap Fill :

1. _ are you ? - I’m very well, thanks 2. _ is your name ? – Ba

3. _ you spell his name ? – B – A 4. _ they ? They’re doctors

5. _ does your uncle live ? – He lives on LeLoi Street 6. _ is he ? – He’s fourteen

7. _ classes are there ? Twenty

8. _ are those children ? – They are Nam and Ba II Read the passage and answer the questions :

IV. Pre reading ( prediction )

- Set the scene : Lan is talking about her family - True – False prediction :

a There are four people in her family b They live in the city

c Her father is an engineer d Her mother is a teacher e Lan is fifteen years old

V. While reading( comprehension questions )

- Ss read the passage and check their predictions :

I’m Lan I live on TranPhu Street in Danang There are five

- Think about and write down


people in my family : my grandmother, my father, my mother, my brother and me My grandmother is seventy-two years old My father is forty- three years old He’s an engineer My mother is forty She’s a doctor My brother is fifteen We are students. - Ss answer the questions :

1 How many people are there in Lan’s family ? Where they live ?

3 How old is her grandmother ? What dows her father ? Is her mother a teacher ?

6 Is her mother forty-three or forty years old ? How old is her brother ?

8 What Lan and her brother ? VI. Post reading ( recalling )

Ss read the passage again and try to remember Some Ss recall the text

Self- Evaluation:

-I.Choose the right words to complete the sentences Hello, ( her / his / my ) name is Nam


2 My brother and I ( am / is / are ) students ( Who / How / What ) is that ?

4 We are ( in / on / to ) the classroom

5 ( This / these / There ) are four books on the table This is his sister ( My / She / Her ) name’s in Chi These are Nga and Lan ( We / She / They ) are nurses ( How / How old / How many ) are you ? I’m five II.Match the answers to the questions


1 How are you ? a There are four

2 What’s his name ? b I live on QuangTrung Street

3 How many chairs are there ? c N_G_A

4 What they ? d No This is my pen

5 Where you live ? e His name’s Trung

6 How old is your father ? f Very well, thanks

7 Is that your pen ? g He’s fifty

8 How you spell your name ? h They are architects III.Complete the following dialogue

Phong : Hello, Nga

Nga : _, Phong _ _ _ ?

Phong : I _ _, _ you Nga, this is Lan Nga : Hi, Lan, What _ you _ ?

Lan : I’m a worker And you ? Are _ _ _, too ? Nga : Yes, _ _ How _ _ _, Lan ?

Lan : I’’m twenty _ _ And you ? Nga : I’m twenty-one

Lan : I must go now _ , Nga and Phong Nga &Phong : _

Answer keys :

I/ my are Who in There Her They How old II/ f 2.e 3.a 4.h 5.b g d c

III/ Hello ( Hi ) / How are you am fine, thank

do / you a worker I am / old are you years old

Goodbye Goodbye



Học sinh nói thói quen ngày từ nhà đến trường trường học II KĨ NĂNG :


III NGỮ PHÁP - TỪ VỰNG : 1. Ngữ pháp :

- Present Simple Tense with ordinary verbs - WH questions and Yes – No questions - Prepositions of time / Adjectives 2. Từ vựng :

Từ vựng thuộc chủ điểm IV KẾ HOẠCH THỰC HIỆN :

Period Theme Lesson Content

5 6 7 8

2 1

2 3 4

Present Simple with ordinary verbs Questions

Possessive Case Revision & Test

I Aim : Further Practice in Simple Present Tense II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work Arrangement

A Warm up : Matching

A B Read TV Do to music Play my homework

Individual work Week : Date of preparation:

Period : Date of teaching :


Listen books Brush games Watch my teeth Go my face Get lunch Have up Wash to school B Further Practice :

I. Gap Fill

Ss work in pairs to discuss and complete the sentences

1) Every day Lan _ to school in the morning and _ her homework

2) Chi and Mai _ up at six and _ to school at a quarter to seven

3) Lan _ books and _ television in the evening 4) At four o’clock, we _ volleyball

5) In the evening, I _ to music and my sister _ TV 6) Nga _ the housework in the afternoon

7) Mr Ha _ lunch at 12

8) My brother _ her face evry morning II. Supply the verbs in the Present Simple Present

1) Jane usually (go) to work at 6.45

2) Phuong and Chi ( watch ) TV in the evening 3) Lucy ( not listen ) to music in the afternoon 4) Hoa ( have ) classes from to p.m

5) Chi ( take ) a shower every morning ? 6) The children ( get ) up at six

7) Mai ( not have ) lunch at home 8) We ( not play ) soccer

III. Gap Fill

Ss complete the dialogue and then practice with their partners A : What _ you have breakfast ?

B : At 6.30

A : _ go to school in _ ?

B : No, I don’t I go in the afternoon A : What _ in the morning ? B : I my homework

A : What you _ ?

B : In the evening ? Oh, I _ TV or listen _ A : _ ?

B : I go to bed at ten o’clock IV. Writing

Write a passage about your routines, using the cues Name / ( Tam ) // I / year old //Go / Le Quy Don School //

Every morning / get / six // I / teeth / wash // I / dressed / 6.15 // go / school / 6.30 // I / home / 11.15 / and / lunch /11.30

Suggested ideas :

My name’s ( Tam ) I’m twelve years old I go to Le Quy Don School Every morning I get up at six o’clock I brush my teeth and wash my

Pair work

Individual work

Pair work


face I get dressed at 6.15 and go to school at 6.30 I go home at 11.15 and have lunch at 11.30.

Some Ss go to the board and write their passages on the board T asks the others to correct

Self- Evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ………

I Aim : To get Ss to practice asking and answering, using WH Qiestions and Yes – No Questions II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work Arrangement

I Odd one out

1) Teacher Father Mother Sister 2) Wash Teeth Brush Go 3) Watch Go Am Have 4) How What House Who 5) Does Where When How 6) TV Face Take Shower 7) Plays Watches Goes Brush 8) Has Listen Do Get 9) Washes Brushes Watches Couches 10) Soccer Game Music Volleyball

Pair work Week: 6 Date of preparation :

Period: 6 Date of teaching :


II Gap Fill

Complete the following questions 1) _ class are you in ? – 6c

2) _ is your classroom ? – On the 2nd floor

3) _ you play games ? – In the afternoon 4) _ time you have English ?

5) _ you have history ? – On Tuesday 6) _ does Tom live ? – In New York III Reading

 Presentation the passage

Peter is an engineer Every day he gets up at seven o’clock He doesn’t take a shower in the morning At half past seven he has breakfast At a quarter past eight he goes to work At twelve o’clock he has lunch He goes home at four He plays tennis He doesn’t go out in the evening He watches TV and at half past eleven he goes to bed.

 Practice  Gap Fill


……… 8:15

……… 4:00

In the evening

……… gets up has breakfast

……… has lunch

……… ……… goes to bed

 Answer Given

a) 7:00 d) goes home b) has breakfast e) tennis c) 8.15 f) 11.30 IV Lucky numbers

1) LN

2) What time you have breakfast ?

3) Do you go to school in the morning or in the afternoon ? 4) What time your classes start and end ?

5) When you have English ? 6) LN

7) LN

8) When you your homewoek ? 9) What you after school ? 10) LN

11) What you in the evening ? 12) What time you usually go to bed ?

Individual work

Pair work

Pair work


* Self- Evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ……… ……….

I Aim : Futher Practice in possessive Case and asing adjectives , school vocabulary. II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work Arrangement

I Revision

Have Ss recall the use and formation os the possessive case Complete the chart

OF Possessive Case Possessine Pron

The coat of the boy The room of my mother The windows os the house The house of Mr Ming The pen of Lam

The book of my teacher The name of his sister The door of the classroom

Pair work Week : Date of preparation :

Period : Date of teaching :


The desk of the students

The bag of Miss Hoa The boy’s coat My mother’s room

/ ( etc.) His coat

( etc )

II Gap Fill

Complete the passage

This is Mai She is one _ my classmates We are in grade 6, _ 6d Our school _ quite big Our school _ four floors Our _ is on the third floor Mai is a good _ in our class Mai lives far from _ but she always _ to school on time.

III Reading

My name is Mike and this is my school It is big It has five floors : the ground floor, the first floor, the second floor The third floor and the fourth floor I am in grade 7, class7b My classroom is on the first floor Every morning I go to school at a quarter past six The classes start thirty minutes later and end at eleven.

Comprehension Questions 1) What’s his name ?

2) Is his school big or small ?

3) How many floors does his school have ? 4) Which grade and whichclass does he in ? 5) Where is his classroom ?

6) What time his class start ? IV TransformingWriting

Have Ss write a short passage telling about their own school Suggested ideas :

My name is ( Hung ) This is my school, Le Quy Don school It is quite big It has thirty-nine classes There are two floors in my school My class, 6/8 is on the ground floor… ( etc )

Have some Ss read their passage aloud Correct

Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

* Self- Evaluation:



Activities Work arrangement

I Each sentence has one mistake, Find the mistake and correct it 1) Mai and Phuong goes to school at a quarter to seven

2) Thanh is on class c

3) Ba’s sister often get up early

4) Does your father watches TV in the evening ? 5) My mother name is Lien

II Choose the correct answers

1) Those lamps ( is / are / doesn’t ) new 2) ( Are / Is ? Am ) these your books ? 3) Is this her ( eraser / pens / rulers ) ?

4) How many ( class / classroom / floors ) does your school have ? 5) What’s your brother’s name ? ( My / Her / His ) name is Binh 6) Is ( your / her / its ) name Mai ? Yes, it’s Mai

7) Are they ( big / small / rooms ) ? No, they’re small 8) Is she a doctor or an ( nurse / driver / architect ) ? 9) Those ( book / books / notebook ) are small

Pair work

Individual Week : Date of preparation :

Period : Date of teaching:


10) ( Who / What / When ) you have literature ?  Answer keys :


1) goes  go 2) on  in 3) get  gets 4) watches  watch 5) my mother  my mother’s II

1) are 6) her 2) Are 7) big 3) Eraser 8) architect 4) Floors 9) books 5) His 10) When II TEST

A. Supply the correct verb forms

1) Theirhouses ( be ) big and their school ( be ) , too 2) There ( be ) a school and many houses on this street

3) Nga ( wash ) her face and ( brush ) her teeth every morning 4) Children ( not go ) to school on Sundays

5) What he ( have ) on Monday ?

B. Complete the passage and then answer the questions

I’m Thu I am in grade six and class 6A My school is small and it’s _ country It _ two floors and twelve classrooms There _ five hundred students and thirty teachers in my school Every morning I _ up at six, _ breakfast at 6.30 and _ to school at 6.45 _ the afternoon I _ my homework and the housework In the evening I read _ and listen _ music

1) Where’s Thu school ?

2) How many classrooms does her school have ? 3) How many teachers are there in her school ? 4) What does she every morning ?

5) When does she her homework ?  Answer keys

A are / is B in has are get have go In books to is It’s in the country

washes / brushes It has twelve classrooms don’t go There are thirty




Học sinh nói nơi ở, mơ tả đơn giản nơi môi trường xung quanh địa phương II KĨ NĂNG

- Rèn luyện vốn từ học

- Rèn luyện kĩ nghe, nói đọc viết III NGỮ PHÁP - TỪ VỰNG

1. Ngữ pháp

- Present Simple and Present Progressive Tense

- Prepositions of position : next to, behind, between,… - Modal verbs

2. Từ vựng

- Tên nơi công cộng

- Tù thuộc chủ điểm chủ đề IV KẾ HOẠCH THỰC HIỆN

Period Theme Lesson Content

9 10








Places – Road signs ( Prepositions of position and Modal verbs )

Revision and test

I Aim : Further Practice in Simple Present vs Present Prossessive and vocabulary II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work Arrangement


I Complete the word lists with the words from the box

school – pen – eraser – chair – temple – table – restaurant – schoolbag – bench – pencil – ruler – hospital – stool – museum – couch – factory – supermarket – post office – park – zoo – bed – book – shop –

Places School things Furniture school pen chair temple eraser table ( etc )

II Complete the sentences with the words from the box

movie theater – restaurant – mountain – toystore – bookstore Everest is the highest

2 I go to the to see a new film We have our lunch in a small

4 The children like to play toys They go to the I buy some books in the


Present Simple Present Progressive S + V / V-s, -es S + is / am / are + V-ing S + don’t / doesn’t + V S + isn’t / am not / aren’t + V-ing

Pair work

Individual work

Whole class Week : Date of preparation:

Period : Date of teaching :


Do / Does + S + V ? Is / Am / Are + S + V-ing ?  Practice :

1) Complete the table, using Present Progressive Tense instead of Present Simple tense

Every day Now

- My father gets up at a.m - He goes to school at 6.45

- My mother rides her bibe to school at 6.30 - They have lunch at 12.00

- They watch TV in the evening - My father is getting up now - ( etc )

2) Supply the forms of verbs

Tri ( be ) a student He ( go ) to Le Quy Don School Every day he ( get ) up at five and ( leave ) home for school at half past six He ( live ) near the school so he ( walk ) there His classes ( start) at a quarter to seven and ( end ) at eleven.

Now he ( be ) in the dinning room He ( eat ) breakfast His friends ( wait ) for him in front of his house.

Answer key :

is / goes / gets / leaves / walks / start / end is / is eating / are waiting

3) Speaking

Ss work in pairs, asking and answering about Tri Example :

S1 : What does Tri ? S2 : He’s a student

S1 : Where is he doing now ? S2 : He’s eating his breakfast ( etc )

Pair work

Individual work

Pair work

* Self- Evaluation:


I Aim : Further practice in Present Simple and Present Progressive Tense II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work arrangement

I Warm up : Matching A B Play video game Ride a car Drive by car Travel a bicycle Wait for my father Walk to school

II Supply the correct verb forms 1) Listen ! Someone ( play ) piano 2) Mai (be ) tired now

3) It’s 6.00 p.m Marry is at home She ( have ) dinner She always ( have ) dinner with her family around 6p.m

4) Where’s your father ? – He ( be ) in the living room He ( watch ) TV

5) The child isn’t in the room He ( play ) in the garden 6) Look ! The birds ( fly )

7) She ( cook ) and I ( ) the housework at the moment 8) Where you ( go ) now ? – I ( go ) to the market

9) What your uncle ( ) ? – He ( be ) a worker 10) They ( have ) a beautiful garden

Answer key :

1 is playing is is having / has is / is watching is playing are flying is cooking / am doing are (you ) going / am going does ( your uncle ) / is 10 have

III Writing

Ss work in groups of four, writing the sentences with the cues given

Whole class

Individual work

Group work Week : 10 Date of preparation :

Period : 10 Date of teacher :


1) Traffic lights / change / green / red / now 2) You / go / school / bus / every day / ? 3) What time / Mai / leave / house / school / ? 4) Lan / listen / radio / moment

5) His mother / in / kitchen / now Give feed back and correct

* Self- Evaluation :

……… ……….

I Aim : Place and traffic vocabulary, further practice in prepositions of places and madal verbs CAN – CAN’T / MUST – MUSTN’T

II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

arrangement A PLACES :

Look at the map, then complete the sentences with suitable preposition : NEAR, BEHIND, IN FRONT OF, TO THE LEFT, TO THE RIGHT, OPPOSITE, BETWEEN



1) There’s a bank near the supermarket

2) There’s a bookstore the supermarket 3) There’s a hotel the supermarket 4) There’s a park the supermarket

5) There’s the bookstore and the post office

Group work Week : 11 Date of preparation :

Period : 11 Date of teaching :





6) There’s the bank 7) There’s the post office 8) There’s the park B MODAL VERBS :


+ V ( bare infinitive ) MUST / MUST NOT

I Gap Fill :

1) I swim I go swimming every week 2) The traffic light are red You stop 3) The car go very fast We be careful 4) You play soccer in the street

5) My brother drive a car He’s too young 6) The students their homework

7) There is a “ No Parking ” sign here You park your car here 8) This sign says “ stop ”.We stop

9) Our roads are dangerous places We hace discipline 10) We not go so fast on busy streets

II Making Questions :

1) I’m doing my homework (WHAT )

2) Hoa’s brother can ride a motobike ( WHO ) 3) Mr Hoang is going to his factory by bike ( HOW ) 4) You mustn’t go out at night ( WHEN )

5) Mr Hung and Mr Minh are loading the truck with vegetables ( WHO )

6) You can’t park here ( WHAT )

7) Our teacher are going to board ( WHERE )

8) The bussinessmen are traveling to HaNoi by plane ( HOW ) Example exchange

S1 : I’m doing my homework S2 : What are you doing ( now ) ? - Ss work in closed pairs - Checking : open pairs

Individual work

Pair work

* Self – Evaluation :



I. Each sentence has one mistake Find the mistake and correct it 1) Mai are doing her homework ( are  is )

2) There is an intersection ahead so you must go fast ( must must not / fast slowly ) 3) The sign says “ No Parking ” so we can park here ( canà cannot )

4) Mai lives at the country ( at in ) 5) There are a lake, a park and many trees near my house ( are is ) 6) Nam goes a bike ( a by )

7) Their father work in a factory ( work works ) 8) Can he drives a car ? ( drives drive ) 9) I leave my house to school at 6.30 ( to àfor )

10)There’s a bookstore next my house ( next next to ) II. Gap Fill

Complete the following sentences with appropriate verbs 1) Those people are to HCMC by plane now 2) Mr Phong his truck to our farm every morning 3) It’s seven now and David is breakfast

4) Our classes at seven o’clock 5) Can those man a car ? 6) We can’t soccer here 7) You must homework now

8) There _ many flowers in the park Answer key :

1 traveling ( going ) drives having ( eating ) start drive play are


I Matching :


1) What time is it ? a Red

2) What are those ? b Mr Long’s daughter 3) Who’s that ? c Small

4) Where are your books ? d Yes, they are

Week : 12 Date of preparation : Period : 12 Date of teaching :


5) Are these your books ? e Five

6) What color is your dress ? f On the table 7) Where are you going now ? g Half past two

8) What is he doing ? h My books

9) How many pencil are there ? i He’s writing 10) Is your hat small or big ? j To the cinema II Complete the passage with appropriate prepositions :

I’m Ha I live _ HaNoi with my family My house is _ Tran Phu Street It is not very big It is _ to a lake There is a flower garden _ of my house _ the right , there is a well. _ the left, there are many trees I learn _ Tran Phu School My school is _ my house so I walk _ school every day Sometimes I go _ bike.

Answer key :




Học sinh miêu tả hình dáng người sức khoẻ người : cảm giác, nhu cầu ý muốn B KĨ NĂNG

Rèn luyện kĩ vận dụng kiến thức ngữ pháp, từ vựng kĩ khác: nghe, nói, đọc, viết

C NGỮ PHÁP VÀ TỪ VỰNG 1) Ngữ pháp :

- Using adjectives to describe something or someone - Polite offers and requests

- SOME – ANY 2) Từ vựng :

Ôn luyện từ học

Phát triển thêm mốtố từ thuộc chủ điểm D KẾ HOẠCH THỰC HIỆN

Period Theme Lesson Content

13 14 15 16



- Adjectives

- Polite offers and requests


I Aim : Futher Practice in body vocabulary to describe people II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

arrangement A Word Power :

- Elicit new words from students ( giving Vietnamese meaning )  Blond (adj )

 Curly ( adj )  Fair ( adj )  Slim ( adj )  Straight ( adj )

- Gap Fill : complete the sentences, using the words given blond - round – eyes – weak – slim – white – is – has

1) Mai is quite _ She looks small 2) Her teeth are _

3) She has long _ hair 4) Her face is _ 5) She _ full lips 6) Her _ are black

7) She _ small but she isn’t _ B Adjectives :

- Model sentences :

S + have / has + noun ( She has full lips ) S + be + adj ( Her lips are full ) - Practice :

Rewrite the sentences , beginning with the words given 1) Lan has an oval face  Lan’s face ……… 2) Mai ‘s hair is short and curly  Mai has ……… 3) His nose is small  He has ……… 4) I have long straight black hair  My ……… 5) Those books are heavy  Those are……… - Production :

 Write about one of your friends 1) What’s his ( her ) name ? 2) What does he ( she ) ?

3) What is he ( she ) like ? ( tall or short ? hair ? face ? eyes ? … )

 Tell a partner about your friend

 Some Ss retell before class, T corrects if necessary

T – whole class

Pair work

T – Whole class

Pair work

Individual work

Pair work

* Self – Evaluation :

Week : 13 Date of preparation : Period : 13 Date of teaching :


……… ……… ……… ……… ……….

Week : 14 Date of preparation : Period : 14 Date of teaching :


I Aim : Further Practice in offers and requests II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

arrangement I Warm up :


A B How you feel ? a I’m twelve

2 How are you ? b I’d like some orange juice How old are you ? c I like orange juice

4 What would you like ? d There is some coffee What you like ? e I’m hot

6 What you want ? f They’re carrots What is there to drink ? g I’m fine

8 What are these ? h I want some orang juice Answer keys : 1.e g a b c h d f

II Further Practice :

 Rearrange the following sentences to make an appropriate dialogue Answer key

 I’d like the menu, please (1 )  And I’d like some vegetables ( )

 I’d like some potatoes and some peas Oh, and I’d like some water ( )

 Thanks, I’d like some rice ( )  Certainly ( )  Here you are ( )  Which vegetables you like ? ( )  Practice the dialogue

Ss play the roles to practise the dialogue - Closed pairs

- Checking : open work ( -3 pairs )  Write the sentences with the cues given 1) he / like / cold drinks ?

2) apple juice / my / favorite drink 3) I / would like / chicken / rice

4) There / twenty oranges /one apple / table 5) there / not / milk / kitchen

6) I / hungry / thirsty

7) what / you / would like / drink ? 8) she / have / cabbages ?

- Give feedback - Correct

Individual work

Individual work

Pair work

Individual work


……… ……… ……… ……… ……….

Week : 15 Date of preparation : Period : 15 Date of teaching :


I Aim : To get Ss to practice using SOME – ANY & MANY – MUCH II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

arrangement I Warm up :

Fill in the columns, using the words given

Carrot orange apple soda cabbage lemonade tomato pea coffee lettuce fish water beef banana milk onion chicken tea potato bean rice egg cake ice cream Countable nouns Uncountable nouns carrot orange soda lemonade ( etc )

II Further Practice :

 Have Ss recall the uses of SOME – ANY / MANY - MUCH  Choose the correct words

1) How ( much – many – old ) kilos of meat does Lan want ? 2) How much ( eggs / bean /beef ) you want ?

3) There isn’t ( a / some / any ) rice

4) Do you have ( many / any / a ) thing to drink ? 5) Would you like ( a / some / any ) orange juice ? 6) There are ( a / some / any ) oranges and bananas 7) Is there ( a / some / any ) cabbage ?

8) My sister wants ( a / some / many ) new bicycle 9) How many ( toothpaste / tube of toothpaste / tubes of

toothpaste ) they want ?

10) There aren’t any ( water / cakes / banana ) on the table Answer key :

1 many beef any any some

6 some a a tubes of toothpaste 10 cakes

 Complete the dialogue and then answer the questions How much thousand Can anything How many store wants needs some half

Mrs Thanh is in a _ now She _ to cook potato soup, so she _ some beef and potatoes

Shopkeeper : _ I help you ?

Mrs Thanh : Yes, I’d like _ a kilo of beef Shopkeeper : Is there _ else ?

Mrs Thanh : I need _ potatoes

Shopkeeper : _ potatoes you want ? Mrs Thanh : Five, please

Shopkeeper : Here you are

Mrs Thanh : Thank you _ are they ? Shopkeeper : They are thirty _ dong

 Questions :

1 Where is Mrs Thanh ? What does she need ?

3 How much beef does she want ?

Whole class

Individual work

Individual work


4 How many potatoes does she want ? How much are they ?

 Answer keys

store wants needs Can half anything some How many How much She is in a store

2 Some beef and potatoes half a kilo

4 five

5 30,000 dong

* Self – Evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……….

Week : 16 Date of preparation : Period : 16 Date of teaching :



I Warm up : Matching


A box of toothpaste

A kilo of eggs

A bottle of soap

A can of chocolates

A dozen rice

Abar of meat

II Answer Given :

1) I’d like some beef ( What woul you like ? ) 2) He wants a hot drink ( What does he want ? ) 3) I feel hungry ( How you feel ? ) 4) Her eyes are brown ( What color are her eyes ? )

5) I want two bars of soap ( How many bars of soap/How much soap you want? ) III Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words given

1) Does your store have any chicken ?

Is _ 2) There aren’t apple pies in the supermarket

The supermarket _ 3) My sister’s hair is short and blond

My sister has 4) That truck is big

That is _ 5) There aren’t any carrots in the store

 The store doesn’t B TEST

I Match the question in A with an answer in B

A B Are there any vegetables in the fridge ? a Yes There is some

2 Can I help you ? b Two cans

3.How much are they ? c I’d like some beef

4 Is there any milk in the bottle ? d No There aren’t any

5 How much rice does your mother want ? e They are fifteen thousand dong How many cans of peas you need ? f No, thanks I’m full

7 What would you like to drink ? g Five kilos

8 Would you like some sandwiches ? h Iced coffee, please II Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words given :

1 My hair is long ,curly and brown

I ……

2 There aren’t any carrots in the market

The market ………

3 Does the store have any chocolates today ?

Are there ……… Hoa has an oval face


I d c e a g b h f II I have long curly brown hair

2 The market doesn’t have any carrots

3 Are there any chocolates in the store today ? Hoa’s face is oval

* Self – Evaluation :

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………



Học sinh có khả nói viết người xung quanh chơi mơn thể thao giải trí gì, hỏi đáp chủ đề thể thao


Rèn luyện kĩ nghe, nói, đọc, viết thành thạo chủ đề

Rèn luyện kĩ vận dụng linh hoạt kiến thức ngữ pháp để xây dựng câu III NGỮ PHÁP - TỪ VỰNG

1 Ngữ pháp - Verb Forms

- Adverbs of frequency with the Simple Present Tense for regular activities - Asking and anwering about frequency activities

2 Từ vựng

- Ôn luyện từ vựng học - Từ :

+ Verbs : ( to ) enjoy - (to) sail - (to) be good at + Nouns : basketball - chess - high / long jump IV KẾ HOẠCH THỰC HIỆN

Period Theme Lesson Content

17 18 19 20



Verb Forms

Adverbs of frequency Regular activities Revision & Test

I Aim : Further practice in Verb Forms ( To- Infinitive, Bare Infinitive, V-ing ) and Sports vocabulary

II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

Arrangement Week : 17 Date of preparation :

Period : 17 Date of teaching :


I Warm up

Ss think of sports Activities and then go to the board and write on the board

Tennis Soccer Badminton Jogging Sports Activities Skipping

Volleyball ( etc ) II Elicit new words

T elicits new words from students ( give Vietnamese meaning ) 1 (to) enjoy

2 (to ) be good at 3 (to ) sail

4 (to ) play basketball 5 (to) play chess III Verb Forms

Have Ss recall the verb forms in the structures learnt - Would like + to-inf

- (to) want + to-inf - Is / am / are + V-ing - (to) enjoy + V-ing - (to) like + Ving

- (to) be good at + V-ing - Can + bare inf

- do(not) / does (not) + bare inf IV Further Practice

Supply the correct verb forms

1 Do they ( play ) volleyball ?

2 Mai is ( ) aerobics in the yard now Would you like (play ) a game ? My friends enjoy ( play) chess I can’t ( play) basketball Boys like ( play) soccer They want (go) jogging Are you ( swim ) ? Anaswer key

play doing to play playing play playing to go 8.swimming

Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs

1 They badminton every afternoon Nam isn’t sailing now

3 My mother doesn’t enjoy soccer match on TV Does she like aerobics ?

5 I am not good at sports Can you table tennis ?

7 They are chess in the living room Would you like volleyball ?

Whole class

T – Whole class

Pair work


Answer key :

1 play going playing doing playing play playing to play

* Self – Evaluation :

I Aim : Further practice in adverbs of frequency with the Present Simple Tense II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

Arrangement I Warm up

Crossword puzzles ( Across :

Group work Week : 18 Date of preparation :

Period : 18 Date of teaching :


volleyball, tennis Down :

soccer, badminton )


II Further Practice

 Put the adverbs into the correct place in the sentences 1) I am late for school ( never )

2) We go to the Zoo on the weekend ( sometimes ) 3) Do you listen to the radio in the morning ? ( often ) 4) Where they have a picnic ? ( usually )

5) My father stays home at weekends ( always ) 6) What you go fishing ? ( often )

7) Where is Nam play soccer with his friends ? ( usually ) 8) I must stay up late ( sometimes )

 Read the passage and then answer the question

Jack and his sister, Jill play sports every day so they are tall and strong In spring they often play tennis In summer, Jack often goes swimming and Jill does aerobics In autumn, Jack often goes sailing and Jill often goes jogging In winter, they play tennis Sometimes they have a picnic or go camping when it’s hot When it’s too cold, they stay at home and listen to music or play chess

1) What Jack and Jill often in spring ? 2) Does Jack often aerobics in summer ? 3) When does Jill often go jogging ?

4) Do they sometimes go camping ? 5) When they play chess ?

 Write five sentence about your regular activities

Have Ss write sentences about their regular activities, using adverbs of frequency with Present Simple Tense

Example :

I always go to school in the morning I never play sport at noon

Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

* Self – Evaluation :



I Aim : Futher Practice in adverbs of frequency II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

Arrangement I Warm up

Match the verbs with the nouns

Play zoo swimming school jogging badminton

Pair work Week : 19 Date of preparation :


picnic soccer park volleyball aerobics tennis Go sports exercises movies game fishing housework camping homework walking


II Further Practice

 Comple te the passage with the words given, and then answer the questions

they never camping stadium sports take jogs some

Nam likes very much He in the park every morning In the afternoon, he often plays soccer with friends They usually play it in the near Nam’s house They play soccer in the street On the weekend, he and his friends sometimes go in the mountains They always food and water Sometimes, camp overnight

1) Does Nam like sports ? 2) How often does he jog ?

3) What does he often in the afternoon ? 4) Who does he usually play soccer with ? 5) What they never ?

6) How often they go camping ? Answer key :

Sports jogs some stadium never camping take they 1) Yes, he does

2) Every morning 3) He plays soccer 4) Some friends

5) They never play soccer in the street 6) Sometimes

 Chatting

Ss work in pairs, asking and answering about their regular activities 1) Which sports you often play ?

2) Do you play soccer ? If yes, how often you play it ? 3) What you usually in your free time ?

4) What you never ?

5) How often you go to the zoo ?

 Write about your partner’s regilar activities

Ss use the information in chatting to writea short paragraph about their partner’s activities

Example :

My friend, Long like sports very much He often play table tennis … etc

Group work

Pair work


* Self – Evaluation :



I Choose the correct words

1 Lan and Hoa sometimes ( go / goes / is going / are going ) to the Zoo I ( play / plays / am playing / are playing ) badminton with my sister now Phuong usually ( fly / flies / is flying / are flying ) his kite in the morning He ( isn’t / doesn’t / never / aren’t ) goes camping in the winter

5 Would she like ( listen / to listen / listening / listens ) to the music ? I must ( / does / doing / to ) exercises every morning

7 Do children like ( play / playing / to play / plays ) cchess ?

8 My father enjoys ( watch / watches / watching / to watch ) soccer matches Answer key :

1 go am playing flies never to listen playing watching Week : 20 Date of preparation : Period : 20 Date of teaching :


II Complete the following dialogue

Mai : Hi, Nam What _ you doing ?

Nam : Hi, Mai I _ jogging What about you ? Mai : I am _, too

Nam : How often _ you jog ? Mai : Every day And you ? Nam : I _ every day, too Mai : Do you like _ soccer ? Nam : Yes, I _ What about you ?

Mai : I like tennis I often _ tennis three times a week Nam : Good Do you enjoy _ a kite ?

Mai : Yes I like _ fishing, too Answr key :

are am jogging jog playing play flying going III Find out a mistake in each sentence and then correct it

1 Lan like playing tennis very much ( like  likes ) We are playing aerobics now ( playing  doing ) Phuong is going to the zoo once a month ( is going  goes ) When does Hoang jogs ? ( jogs  jog ) B TEST

I Arrange the words to make correct sentences often / you / fishing / fow / / go / ?

2 always / Lan / jogs / the / in / morning / her / with / mother go / I / fishing / the / at / weekend / sometimes

4 a / the / Hoa / to / movies / twice / month / goes II Complete the passage

Ba and Mai _ my classmates They _ sports very much They jog every morning After school in the afternoon, they often _ badminton They sometimes _ in the lake near their school or _ fishing in their free time At the weekend they often _ a picnic.Now they are _ badminton in the school yard I am _ them

* Self – Evaluation :




Học sinh nói kì nghỉ người khác, đồng thời biết cách đưa lời đề nghị kế hoạch cho kì nghỉ


Rèn luyệnkĩ nghe, nói đọc viết kĩ học Tiếng Anh III NGỮ PHÁP - TỪ VỰNG

1. Ngữ pháp

 GOING TO Future  Suggestions

2. Từ vựng


Period Theme Lesson Content 41 & 42

43 & 44 45 & 46



GOING TO Future Suggestions

Revision & Test

I Aim : Practice in GOING TO Future II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

Arrangement I Word Power

Arrange these words into two groups : family and places

hotel father aunt museum temple grandmother uncle restaurant bay beach mother sister citadel grandfather ( FAMILY : father, aunt, grandmother, uncle, … )

( PLACES : hotel, museum, temple, … ) II GOING TO Future

Forms : S + is / am / are + going to + inf

S + isn’t / am not / aren’t + going to + inf. Is / Am /Are + S + going to + inf ? Uses : to talk about plans for the near future

III Practice

 Write the complete sentences with the cues, using GOING TO Future The students / play games / tomorrow afternoon My father / visit HaLong Bay / next week

Individual work

T – Whole class

Group work Teaching date :

Period : 41 & 42

Lesson : 1


3 We / drink some coffee / this morning She / not stay in a hotel / for two days you / see NgocSon Temple / this weekend ? Example

The students are going to play games tomorrow morning  Supply the correct forms of the verbs

1 Nam often (go ) fishing on the weekend My father ( travel ) to Hanoi tomorrow The children ( play ) in the park now I ( visit ) my uncle and aunt next week They often ( not go ) swimming in the winter he ( travel ) to HCMC by train next week ? His sister ( ) aerobics every morning Where ( be ) your grandmother now ? Answer key

1 goes is going to travel are playing am going to visit don’t often go Is ( he ) going to travel does is

 Transformation writing

Have Ss write five sentences about their plans for the near future Example :

I’m going to have a picnic this weekend etc

Individual work

Individual work

I Aim : Furtherpractice in making suggestions and responding II Procedure :

Steps / Activities Work

Arrangement I Warm up

( jog visit run go travel stop ) II Suggestions

Let’s + inf - Yes, let’s / That’s a good idea

Whole class

T – Whole class Teaching date :

Period : 43 & 44

Lesson : 2



Why don’t we + inf ? - No, I don’t want to What about + V-ing ?

III Further practice

 Write suggestions to the following situations

Situations Suggestions

1 I am hungry now I feel tired

3 It is very hot today I am thirsty

5 I am cold

6 I like plating soccer

Why don’t you eat some rice ? ( etc )

 Complete the dialogue Ba : What are we _ to tomorrow ? Tu : _ go to the zoo

Ba : I _ want to go to the Zoo It’s too far Tu : _ going to DamSen Park ?

Ba : That’s a good idea _ are we going to travel ? Tu : _ go by bike

Ba : No It’s too hot _ we go by bus ?

Tu : Good idea Tomorrow, we _ go to DamSen Park by bus

( Answer key : going Let’s don’t What about How Let’s Why don’t we we are going to )

- Ss practice the dialogue ( play roles ) - Questions :

1 What does Tu want to ?

2 Why doesn’t Ba want to go to the zoo ? What are they going to tomorrow ?

4 Are they going to travel by bike ? Why not ? How are they going to travel ?

Group work

Individual work

Pair work


 Match the answer to the questions


1 What is she doing now ? a I am going to visit my aunt.

2 Which sports you play ? b She is cooking some beans. 3 Does he go to the movies in his free time ? c I often go sailing

4 How often you go camping ? d Yes, he does. 5 What are you going to this weekend ? e Once a month

( b c d e a )  Gap Fill

Teaching date :

Period : 45 & 46

Lesson : 3


do want Why go by travel have going S1 : What are we going to _ in the vacation ?

S2 : Let’s _ camping

S1 : We don’t _ a tent What about _ to Hue ?

S2 : I don’t _ to go to Hue _ don’t we go to Huong Pagoda ? S1 : That’s a good idea How are we going to _ ?

S2 : _ go by minibus S1 : Yes Good idea

( go have going want Why travel Let’s )  Supply the correct verb forms

1 Lan usually ( play ) badminton in the fall They ( not go ) fishing in the winter

3 My sister ( drink ) some fruit juice at the moment Lan and Nam ( see ) a new film tonight

5 He ( jog ) every morning

( plays don’t go is drinking are going to see jogs ) II TEST

 Complete the sentneces I’m going to _ in a hotel

2 Which place is Mai going to _ ? We are _ books

4 They can _ a picnic near the lake What about _ volleyball this afternoon ? Let’s _ our kites

7 Would you like _ some tea ?

8 Nam never _ fishing when it’s cold

 Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the words given Why don’t we go to the movies tonight ?  What about ……… She always goes to bed before ten o’clock  She never ………

3 Let’s play badminton  Why don’t we ………

 Make questions

I am going to visit My Son this summer vacation Mrs Ha sometimes goes to work by car

They are playing games in the yard Answer keys :

 stay visit reading have playing fly to drink goes

 What about going to the movies tonight ? She never goes to bed after ten o’clock Why don’t we play badminton ?


Week : 28 Date of preparation: Period : 25 Date of teaching:



By the end of the lessson Ss will be able to further practice in countries,nationalities, languages

I.Knowledge:countries,nationalities,languages II.Skills:listening and writing

III.Teaching aids:workbook,reference B.Teaching proceduce


Makes greeting and check attendance II.New lesson


-recalls countries,nationalities,languages

Name Nationality Language

Vietnam Vietnamese Vietnamese Japan Japanese Japanese China Chinese Chinese Australia Australian English Great Britain British English

Canada Canadian English & French *Model sentences

-elicits the sentence from the Ss:


Where are you from?

Where + tobe + S + from? I am from VietnamS + tobe + from + country (ask and answer about where people are from )


I.Make questions and answer using word cues Lan / Vietnam

2 You / France John / The USA

4 Susan and Mary / Great Britain Bruce / Australia

6 Yoko / Japan Laura / Canada Marie / France Lee / China

10 Minh’sfriends / Vietnam

II.Complete the sentences using nationality and language

1 John is from the United States.He is He speaks

2 Her friends are from China.They are They speak I’m from Vietnam.I’m I’m speak

4 Daisy is from England.She is She speaks They are from Australia.They are They speak He is from Japan.He is He speaks

7 She is from Canada.She is She speaks

8 Susan is from Great Britain.She is She speaks III.Make questions basing on the answers

1 .? No.she is not China

2 .? I’m from Vietnam

3 .? Her mother is going to the market now

4 .? Yes.He is from England

5 .? No.He isn’t going to school now

Self- Evaluation:


Week : 29 Date of preparation : Period : 26 Date of teaching :


I Aims and objectives:

- To help the students to practice using adj to tall about the feelings

II/ Procedures

1 Warm up:

Chating : how are you? New lesson:

- T directs Ss to some exercises: - Ss work in individual

- T calls some ss to the board and write the answer: - T corrects

 Đặt câu hỏi với “How… Feel? “ trả lời theo gợiíy

1 Mai/ hungry

2 Huy and Vinh/ thirsty Lan’s father/ hot Nam/ full

5 They/ tired

6 The children/ happy You and Nam/ hungry Miss Hoa/ cold

9 you/ tired 10 he/ cold

ex: How does Mai feel? She is hungry

 Đặt câu hỏi trả lời theo từ gợi ý

1 You/ noodles

2 your mother/ a cold drink they/ go to the movies Huong/ an apple he/ some coffee she/ hot tea

7 your children/ hot milk nam/ play video game ex: What would she like? She ‘d like hot tea

 Dặn dò: học bài- làm tập nhà  Self- evaluation :


Week : 30 Date of preparation : Period: 27 Date of teaching :

present Progressive tense

A Aims:

Helping Ss to practice present progressive tense and some exercises

B Procedure:

T ask Ss to re- tell structures of present progressive tense Useges: diển tả hành động xảy ta nói

Form :

KĐ : S + is/are/am + V-ing

PĐ : S + is/are/am + not + V-ing

NV: Is/are/am + S + V-ing? EX: I am riding a bike

She is reading book Hoa is listening to music

* Practice:

1 Dựa vào từ gợi ý để viết thàng câu hoàn chỉnh.

a Lan/go/ school now b They/ watch/TV now c I/ do/homework now d.What/ Tam/ read now.?

2 Trả lời câu hỏi sau.

a What is he doing ? b Where are you going? c Is she driving a car? d What are they doing? e Are you doing exercises?

3 Circle the best answer (a, b or c ) for each sentence:

1/ What……… you get up?

a that b time c are 2/………does he go to school?

a Where b What c How 3/.This is my brother ……… name is Tuan

a her b your c his 4/.Do you like milk? – Yes, I………

a b.like c don’t 5/.What is he doing? – He……… football

a are b is playing c am 6/.We………doctor

a are b is c am 7/……… grade are you in? – I am in grade


a on b in c at 9/ She is a doctor She works in a ………

a hospital b bakery c bank 10/ If the traffic light is green, you ……….go straight a head

a.have b can’t c can 11/ She………Math and History today

a has b is c have

12/ The photocopy store is ………the bookstore and the bakery a next b.between c near

* Self- Evaluation :


Week : 31 Date of preparation : Period: 28 Date of teaching :


I Aims and objectives:

- To help the students to practice using “How much “ to ask about the price II/ Procedures

- T reminds: * How much ?

- How much you want? 200 grams of

- How much is/ are ? (price of st) It is

Ex: How much is a cake? - It is 500 d

How much are they? - They are 12,000 d * Exercises:

1 Khoanh tròn phương án a, b, c d để hoàn thành câu sau: How you feel? - I’m ………

a big b small c tired d short

2 There is ………fruit juice on the table

a some b any c a d an

3 ……… carrots you want?

a How many b How much c Where d What

4 Are there any ………….on the table? - There are three

a oranges b orange c apple d banana

II Ghép từ cột A với từ cột B để thành câu có ý nghĩa:


1 When does she have Math? a - A dozen, please

2 When we have history? b - She has it on Monday and Tuesday Can I help you? c.We have it on Tuesday and Thursday 4.What’s your favorite food, Mai? d - Yes, I would like some cabbages How many eggs you want? e - I like fish


Period : 29 Date of teaching :

Revision: future tense: going to

Let’s / What about ? / Why don’t we ?

Exercises & review for test

1/ Future tense:

Thì tương lai

- Future with be going to: S + is/am/are (not) + going to + V(inf) is/ am/ are + S + going to + V(inf) ?

* Adverbs: tomorrow, tonight, next week

Ex: What are you going to do? - I am going to visit Hue Where is he going to stay?

- He is going to stay at his friend’s house

2/ Let’s / What about ? / Why don’t we ?

Let’s + V(inf)

Why don’t we + V(inf) + ? What about + V-ing + ? Ex: Let’s listen to music

What about listening to music? Why don’t we listening to music?

3/ Vocab,

Exercises & review for test

: (Workbook Unit 14 A1,2,3, B1) * Multiple choices:

1 Where are you going………? - I’am going to stay in a hotel

a to stay b stay c staying d stays

2 How long is she going to stay? - She ………to stay for a week

a going b is going c goes d to go

3 Tomorrow, I ………soccer match

a am watching b watch

c am going to watch d go watching Minh and Nam ………a picnic near a lake

a is going to have b going to have

c are going to have b having

5 What are you going to on the weekend? - ………

a I go to the movies b I’m seeing the movies

c I go to see the movies d I’m going to see the movies I want ………by bike

c to go b go c going d goes

7 Let’s ………table tennis

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 07:16
