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Bài soạn môn học tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 2 đến period 53

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-Check with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Pair work Expected answers: 1, broke/was playing 2, wrote/was Whole class 3, was working/broke Cat Tien High school Teacher –[r]

(1)Lesson plan – English 11 9th, Date of planning: Aug 2010 th Date of teaching: Aug 11 , 2010- UNIT 1: friendship Period 2: READING I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general information, and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to express their ideas about friendship II PREPARATION: - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm up - Ask Ss work in pairs and answer some questions - What are the girls and boys doing in this picture? - How they feel? - What does the picture tell you? - Give comments and suggestions - To provide Ss’ with some language to help them understand the text - To help enrich Ss knowledge of vocabulary Pre- reading: Teaching vocabulary: - lasting (adj)=lifelong (bÒn v÷ng, l©u dµi) - to be concerned with=(quan t©m tíi ai, c¸i g×) - constant (adj)=(th-ờng xuyên, không thay đổi) - constancy (n) =(S- không thay đổi) - rumour (n)=(tin đồn) - gossip (n)=(chuyÖn tÇm phµo) - trust (n)=(Sù tin t-ëng) - sorrow (n)=(Sù ®au khæ) - pursuit (n)=(Sù theo ®uæi, ®am mª) *Give some practice on pronunciation (Read-Ss repeat) While- reading Task 1: (p.14) - Ask Ss to look at their book and work individuals - Instruct Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess meanings - Ask Ss to guess the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the sentences - Check that Ss understanding the words correctly - Ask Ss work individually to the task - Go around to help Ss if necessary - Ask Ss to exchange their answers with other Ss - Ask Ss to explain their choices Answers: 1, mutual 2, incapable of 3, unselfish 4, acquaintance/ friend 5, give and take 6, loyal to 7, suspicious Task (p.14) Cat Tien High school Lop11.com Pair work - Listen and read Individual work Pair work Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (2) Lesson plan – English 11 - Get Ss the task individually and then find a peer to compare their answers with - Ask Ss read the text carefully and try to summarize it in the Ss’ own works - Call on some Ss to give their answers and asks others Ss say whether they agree or disagree - Give feedback and correct answer: Answer: -Part B Task 3: (p 15) - Ask Ss underline the key words, decide what information they need to find in the text, look for questions words like ‘why’ which indicates Ss should read for specific thing like a reason - Ask Ss to put the number for each line of the paragraph - Ask Ss work individually to the task, then discuss their answers with their peers - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices - Give feedback and correct answer: Answer: The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness It tells us / me that a person who is concerned only with his own interests and feeling can not be a true friend ( line 1-2 paragraph 2) Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of true friendship because they take up interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it, and they feel the attraction of some new object ( line 2- paragraph 3) The third quality for true friendship is loyalty It tells us / me that the two friends must be loyal to each other, and they must know each other so well that there can be no suspicions between them ( line 13 paragraph 4) There must be a mutual trust between friends because if not, people cannot feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets ( line 1-3 paragraph 5) Talkative people can’t keep a friend long because they cannot keep a secret, either or their own or of the others ( line 3-4 paragraph 5) The last quality for true friendship is sympathy It tells us / me that to be a true friend you must sympathize with your friend Where there is no mutual sympathy between friends, there is no true friendship ( last paragraph ) After- reading - Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the question in the book - Go around to help Ss if necessary - When they have finished, ask every two pairs to share ideas - Call on some Ss to report their ideas to the class - Give feedback Home work -Do ex 1-2 (p.4-5-6) in Exercise book (Par Reading) Individual work Pair work Individual work Pair work Pair work Individual work IV COMMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Cat Tien High school Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (3) Lesson plan – English 11 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Aug 12th, 2010 Date of teaching: Aug 14th, 2010 UNIT 1: friendship Period 3: SPEAKING I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Introduce themselves and know how to make friends with someone new - Describe the physical characteristics and personalities of their friends using appropriate adjectives II PREPARATION: - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board, porters III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm up - Give some question for Ss: + What is your own idea of a good friend? + How you understand the proverb “A good friend is a friend indeed?” - Have Ss about three minutes to discuss Suggested ideas * friendly, good- natured, helpful, caring, honest,… Pre- speaking - Ask Ss to read Useful language on page 16 and may ask if Ss know the meanings of the adjectives provided - Elicit or teach some new words: + Forehead (n)=(tr¸n) + Broad (adj)=(réng, bao la) + Crooked (adj)=(cong) + Grey (adj)=(x¸m) - Ask Ss to provide some adjs/ expressions used to describe people’s appearance While- speaking Task (p.16) - Give some example sentences A: could you describe the boy in the picture? B: The boy is about 16 he is medium, he has an oval face, a straight nose He’s wearing a pair of glasses He’s handsome -Ask Ss to work in pairs to describe the people in the picture, and then calls on some Ss to present their answers -Ask Ss give comments - Give feedback Task (p.16) - Elicit or teach some new adjectives + Caring =chu đáo + Hospitable=hiÕu kh¸ch + Modest=khiªm tèn + Sincere= ch©n thµnh + Understanding=th«ng c¶m, th«ng hiÓu - Divide the class into groups of with a group leader They discuss and the leader will take notes of the ideas, and then one representative Cat Tien High school Lop11.com Group work -Listen to teacher and read in chorus -Read one more time then write on note book carefully Pair work Group work Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (4) Lesson plan – English 11 will report the result to the whole class T reminds Ss that they have to explain their choice as well - Give example “My group thinks that being caring is the most important in friendship because when friends care about each other, they will know when to share happiness or difficulty with their friend .” - Go round to offer help when Ss discuss - Call on some Ss to report the results of their discussion - Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments After- speaking Task 3: (p.17) - Elicit the questions they may ask, for example Pair work + his/her physical characteristics + his/her hobbies + his/ her personalities - Give some examples +What does he/ she look like? +What are his/ her hobbies? +How is he/she? –Is he/ she friendly? - Ask Ss to work in pairs to perform the interview in minutes and Individual work goes around to offer help - Call on some pairs to perform the interview - Elicit feedback from the class and gives final comments Homework: - Ask Ss to practice once more and Ex in Exercise book.(p.9) rewrite Task on notebook carefully Prepare next period IV COMMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Aug 14th, 2010 Cat Tien High school Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (5) Lesson plan – English 11 Date of teaching: Aug 17th, 2010 UNIT 1: friendship Period : listening I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening II PREPARATION: - Text book, CD player, cards, sheets of paper, chalk and board III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up *Talking about your friend - Ask Ss to discuss the questions on page 17 in pairs - Call on some Ss to give their answers and comments on the answers - Get Ss to guess what they are going to listen about Pre- listening Teaching vocabulary + Apartment building=toµ nhµ cã nhiÒu c¨n hé + Sense of humour =khiÕu hµi h-íc + Give sb a ring= phone sb + Go through a rough time=tr¶i qua thêi k× khã kh¨n) - Ask Ss to listen and repeat While- listening Task (p.18) - Read through the statements to understand them and underline key words; share, Residential Area - Play the tape once for Ss to the task - Ask for Ss’ answers and writes them on the board - Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answers - Ask Ss to work in groups of to compare their answers - Check Ss’ answers by calling on some Ss and asks Ss to explain their answers -Give the correct answers Lan’s talk 1, F (They used to live in the same building there) 2, F (It is what people think) 3, T 4, F ( Lan went to Do son first and then 5, T 6, F ( they have been best friends since Pair work Listen and repeat Individual work Pair work Group work -Long’s talk 1, F 2, F 3, T 4, T 5, T Task (p.18) Answer the questions When did Ha’s family move to Hai Phong? What does Lan like about her friend? How did Long and Minh meet? Cat Tien High school Pair work Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (6) Lesson plan – English 11 What does Long like about his friend? - Ask Ss to listen again and write down the answers - Play the tape again for Ss to compare their answers Pair work - Get Ss to work in pair and check their answers - Call on some Ss to give answers - Provide correct answers if necessary If many Ss cannot complete the task T might want let Ss listen one more time and pause at the answers for Ss to catch Answer key: Ha’s family moved to Hai Phong in 1985 Ha ‘s very friendly and helpful Minh played the guitar, and Long was a singer His friend has a sense of humour He is a good listener, friendly and helpful After- listening - Get Ss to work in pairs to talk about how Ha has been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend - Go around to offer help and collect Ss’ mistakes Pair work - Call on some pairs to present their answers - Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments Home work: - Tell Ss to learn by heart all new words and make some sentences with them, describing a certain person IV COMMENTS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Aug 14th, 2010 Cat Tien High school Period Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (7) Lesson plan – English 11 Date of teaching: August 18th ,2010 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Part D: WRITING I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: -Write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and expressions that they have learned in previous lessons II: PREPARATION : - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board, sheets of paper III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm- up Game: -Memory check - Hang a poster with descriptive adjectives on the board - Tell Ss to look at the words for a few seconds, try to remember them - Put the poster away and ask Ss to write down as many words they can remember as possible The student will the most words listed wins the game *These are the adjectives: tall beautiful handsome short curly long shy Individual work kind smart timid pretty thin black straight slim Pre- writing - Ask the student how she/ he can remember so many words - Tell Ss if they put things under some classifications, it’s easier to remember them - Ask Ss to put the adjectives under three headings of Hair/ Face, Whole class Build and Opinion - Expected answers: * Hair/ Face : -long, black, curly, straight * Build: -tall, slim, short, thin * Opinion: -beautiful, pretty, kind, handsome, timid, shy, smart - Get Ss to read the task and guidelines silently and work out what they are required to write about - Before writing ask Ss to ask and answer about their friend Example  What’s your friend name?  How old is he/ she?  Where does he/ she live? Pair work  Where/ When did you meet him/ her?  What is he/ she like?  What you like about him/ her? - Ss’ writing should include three parts: 1, general information about their friend 2, His/her physical characteristics and personalities Cat Tien High school Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam7 Lop11.com (8) Lesson plan – English 11 3, What Ss like about the friend - Ask Ss use the simple past tense and past continuous in their writing *Note: - We often use the past continuous together with the past simple - The past indicates a long ‘background’ action or situation; the simple past refers to a shorter action or situation that happened in the middle or interrupted it - Have Ss prepare an outline for their writing and exchange it with their peer - Go around to offer help and give corrective feedback While- writing - Get Ss to write about their friend in 15 minutes - Go around to observe and offer help After- writing Whole class -Ask Ss to exchange their writing with another student for peer Individual work correction - Go around and collect mistakes and errors - Collect some writings for quick feedback -Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicits self and peer Pair work correction (T provides corrections only when Ss are not able to correct the errors.) Whole class - Finally, T provides general comments on the writings Suggested writing My best friend is Peter We first met in school extra-activities We are the same age: 17 He is living at 124 LDC , district with his parents He has a high fore head so he is very intelligent he can the difficult mathematics quickly ,he is good at Maths He is tall and handsome, he has short black hair, brown eyes and dark skin We have a lot in common We like to watch the football matches whenever ,we can talk about them all the time I like the chicken soup and he does ,too We both are sociable and humorous However, there is something different between us: I wish to become an English teacher in the future ,but he wants to be a good engineer because he likes the machines very much besides football Homework - Ask Ss to improve their writing, taking into consideration their friends’ and T’s suggestions and correction and extra exercise -Rewrite their writing on notebook carefully - Prepare next period (P.5 Language focus) IV COMMENTS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… Date of planning: Aug 17th, 2010 Period Cat Tien High school Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (9) Lesson plan – English 11 Date of teaching: Aug 23rd, 2010 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Part E: LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Distinguish the sound / dʒ / and / tʃ / - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - Use some structures containing infinitive with and without to appropriately II PREPARATION: - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board, III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Divide the class into groups and ask Ss to write down 10 adjectives describing character of personality The winner will be the group completing the task in the shortest period of time Pronunciation - Model the sounds / dʒ / and / tʃ / for a few times and explains the differences in producing them +The phonetic sound / d / is a voiced palatal +The phonetic sound / tʃ / is an voiced fricative palatal / / / / jam children - Read two sounds and ask Ss to listen and repeat *Pronouncing words containing the sound: - Read the words in each column all at once - Read the words once again, each time with a word in each column to help Ss distinguish the differences between the sounds in the words - Read the words and ask Ss to repeat them - Call on some Ss to read - Give feedback *Practising sentences containing the target sounds - Read the sentences and ask Ss underline the words with the sounds and write / d / and / t ʃ / under them - Ask Ss to provide the sentences in pairs - Go around to provide help - Ask some Ss to read the sentences and give feedback Grammar 1, To-infinitive - Review the form and use of to-infinitives and give examples A, The infinitive can be replaced after nouns/ pronouns to show how they can be used or what is to be done with them E.g.1 I have some letters to write = I have some letters that I must write Does he get anything to eat? There is plenty to ' B, Might explain to Ss that we can put to-infinitives after adjectives The form is: adj + to-infinitive too + Adj + to-infinitive; Adj + enough + to - infinitive Cat Tien High school Lop11.com Group work Whole class Individual work Whole class Pair work Whole class Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (10) Lesson plan – English 11 * Note: be busy + V-ing Exercise 1: (p.20) - Ask Ss to ex1 individually and then compare their answers with another students Pair work - Call on some Ss to read out their answers Answer Who wants something to eat? I am delighted to hear the news My mother has some shopping to You always have too much to talk about It’s lovely to see you again It’s too cold to go out I am happy to know that you have passed the exams 2, Infinitive without to - We can use a noun or pronoun object + bare infinitive after verbs of perceptions such as feel, hear, watch, see, notice, observe, perceive, smell, Whole class find The bare infinitive generally refers to the complete action + We use the bare infinitive after let and make: let sb sth = allow sb to sth; make sb sth= force sb to st E.g They arrived home late ( He saw)  He saw them arrive home late * Subject + Verb + Object + V- bare - inf Exercise 2: (p.21) - Ask Ss to exercise in pairs Ss have to rewrite the sentences by using the words given - Ask Ss to compare answers with another pairs Pair work - Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers - Ask other Ss to feedback and gives correct Answers The police watched them get out of the car They let him write a letter to his wife I heard they talk in the next room The customs officer made him open the briefcase The boy saw the cat jump through the window Do you think the company will make him pay some extra money? I felt the animals move toward me Individual work Do you think her parents will let her go for picnic? Homework: - Ask Ss to Ex in English Exercise (Part Use of language- P.6-7) - Redo all exercises IV COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Aug 22nd,, 2010 Date of teaching : Aug 25th, 2010 Cat Tien High school Period 10 Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (11) Lesson plan – English 11 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Part A: READING II OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, identifying the sequence of events and guessing meaning in context - Use the information they have read to discuss the story II PREPARATION: - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Ask Ss some questions: 1, What can you see in Picture A? 2, What you think might be relationship between the girl and the man? Why? 3, What you see on the table? 4, Whose money you think it is? Why? Pre- reading *Teaching vocabulary: - making a fuss: -lµm Çm Ü lªn - sneaky (a) - vông trém, lÐn lót - glance at (v) : - liÕc nhanh, nh×n qua - embarrassing (a) : - embrace (v)- ng-îng ngïng, lóng tóng - appreciate (v) - coi trọng, đánh giá cao - Give some practice on pronunciation (Read-Ss repeat) While- reading Task 1: (p.22) - Ask Ss to look at their book and work individuals - Instruct Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess meanings - Ask Ss to guess the meaning of the words based on the contexts in the sentences - Check that Ss understanding the words correctly - Ask Ss to work individually to the task - Go around to help Ss if necessary - Ask Ss to exchange their answers with other Ss - Ask Ss to explain their choices Answers 1, glance 2, making a fuss 3, embarrassing 4, idols 5, sneaky *Task (p.24) - Ask Ss to read the text silently again and then with a peer work out the sequence of the pictures given on page 22 - Call on a student to give and explain his/ her answer - Give corrective feedback Cat Tien High school 11 Lop11.com Whole class Whole class Listen and repeat Individual work Pair work Individual work Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (12) Lesson plan – English 11 Answers 1, Picture D 2, Picture B 3, Picture F 4, Picture E 5, Picture A 6, Picture C Task (p.24) - Ask Ss to read the questions carefully and give them some tips to the task - Ask Ss to underline the key words to decide what information they need to find in the text - Ask Ss to look for questions words like ‘Why’ which indicates Ss should read for specific thing like a reason - Get Ss to check their answers with peer - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices Answer A red floppy cotton hat so that she could buy the hat for herself./ to buy the hat for herself A wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her before Because she didn’t like to make a fuss She bought the hat with it After- reading Discussion - Introduce the task; Ss work in small groups of and discuss the questions “ What you think the girl had to after she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers? “ - Teach some structures that can be used for giving suggestions E.g ‘Perhaps she could’, ‘She might want to ’, and some adjs that express feelings E.g ‘embarrassed’, ‘ashamed’, ‘confused’, ‘sad’, unhappy’, ‘uneasy’, ‘uncomfortable’ - Go around to check and offer help - Call on the groups to tell and explain their choices - Give feedback Home work: - Ask Ss to read the text once more then translate into Vietnamese - Ask Ss to prepare next period (to be continued) Individual work Pair work Group work *Suggested answers: - She might feel embarrassed and guilty/ ashamed because that was not her money -Perhaps the girl could place a notice on a local newspaper to apologize the boy and contact him to give him the money back IV COMMENTS : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period Date of planning: Aug 22nd ,2010 Cat Tien High school 12 Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (13) Lesson plan – English 11 Date of teaching: Aug 27th , 2010 UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Part B: SPEAKING I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Identify structures that are used to talk about past experiences and their influences on one’s life, i.e present perfect and past simple, structure with “Make” - Use these structures to talk about a past experience and how it affects their life II PREPARATION : - Text book, handouts, chalk and board, porters III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Ask Ss some questions: “ Have you ever + past participle E.g.1 Have you ever spoken English to a native speaker? Have you ever sung in public? Have you ever met a famous person? - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer Pre- speaking : Teaching vocabulary - native: (adj) -thuéc b¶n xø - affect: (v) –hiÖu qu¶ - appreciate: (v) –coi trọng, đánh giá cao - attitude: (n) -can đảm While- speaking : Task : (p.25) - Introduce the task and get Ss to it individually then compare the answers with a peer - Call on a student to read out his/her answers - Check with the class and gives corrective feedback - Introduce or elicit the structure Whole class Whole class Individual work Pair work “Make sb st” or “Make sb + Adj” - Write the structures on the board and elicits their meaning and uses - Get Ss to make sentences with the structures or add more opinions to column B E.g Speaking English to a native speaker makes you more interested in learning English - Elicit feedback from the class and give final comments Expected answer: 1, D 4, B 2, C 5, E 3, A Task : (p.25-26) - Introduce the task: Ss are going to work individually on the Cat Tien High school 13 Lop11.com Individual work Pair work Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (14) Lesson plan – English 11 sequence of the conversation and then find a peer to compare their answer with - Call on a student to read out his/ her answers - Check with the class and give corrective feedback - Help Ss to review the use of present perfect and past simple when talking about a part experience *Present perfect: -used with ‘ever’ to ask about a past experience: E.g.: Have you ever been to Hanoi? *Past simple: used when one keeps asking about that experience: E.g :When did you go there? Who did you go with? Get Ss to read the sample conversation in closed and open pairs Expected answer: 1, B 5, E 2, D 6, G 3, H 7, C 4, A 8, F After- speaking : Task 3: (p.26) - Introduce the task * Useful structures: + Have you ever… ? + How did it happen? + When did it happen? + How did the experience affect you? - Get Ss to work in pairs to have a conversation In the meantime, go around to check and offer help - Call on some pairs to perform their conversations in front of the class - Elicits feedback from the class and give final comments Homework : - Ask Ss write a paragraph about a past event that has had an influence on him/her - -Prepare next period Pair work Individual work IV COMMENTS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… Period Date of planning: Aug 26th, 2010 Date of teaching: Aug 30th, 2010 UNIT : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Part C : LISTENING I OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening II PREPARATION : - Text book, CD player, cards, sheets of paper, chalk and board Cat Tien High school 14 Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (15) Lesson plan – English 11 III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up - Ask Ss to work in pai rs to describe the picture on page 27 of the text book by answering the question 1, What can you see in the picture? 2, What’s happening? 3, Who are they? - Give comments on their answers: Pre- listening Teaching vocabulary: - memorable (a)=đáng nhớ - terrified (a)=sî h·i - scream (v) shout very loudly - replace (v) =thay thÕ - gas stove (v)=bÕp ga - embrace (v)=«m - escape (v)=trèn thoát - protect (v)=b¶o vÖ While- listening Task : (27) - Get Ss to read through the statements to understand them and underline key words For example, the key words in the first statements are “Christina” and “businesswoman” Pair work Whole class - Check with the whole class and ask them to guess what the unforgettable experience the girl is going to tell might be ( a fire) - Play the tape once for Ss to listen and the task - Get Ss to find a partner to check their answers with - Check the answers with the whole class If many Ss cannot answer the questions T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch Expected answers: 1, T 2, F ( 13 years ) 3, F ( in the kitchen) 4, F (she was sleeping) 5, T Task (p.28) - Ask Ss to study the text carefully for the missing information they need to fill and guess the answers - Remind Ss that they need to focus on this information and write the answers down in note forms, not full sentences - Play the tape again - After playing the tape, get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers - Call on some Ss to give the answers if necessary Expected answers: 1, small 2, everything 3, family 4, replaced 5, took 6, appreciate After- listening Individual work Pair work Individual work Pair work - Before getting Ss to discuss, teach them some useful expressions of asking and giving opinions 1, What you think about? Cat Tien High school 15 Lop11.com Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (16) Lesson plan – English 11 2, What’s your opinion about .? 3, What’s your feeling about .? 4, What’s your point of view about ? 5, How you feel about ? 6, Do you have any opinions about ? - Give examples and get Ss to some practice with the structures -Expressing agreements: I agree, I think so, too That’s true, and That right, and -Expressing disagreements: Whole class Well, maybe, but That might be true, but Well, I don’t think so I think -Expressing opinions: I think, I feel, In my opinion, I believe Whole class - Divide the class into groups and get them to discuss the question in the text book - Go around to check and offer help - Ask Ss to report their peers’ ideas - Check if other groups would have the same or different ideas - Listen and takes note of their errors - Provide corrective feedback after that Homework - Tell Ss to learn by heart all new words and make some sentences with them - Prepare next period IV COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Period 10 Date of planning: Aug 30th , 2010 Date of teaching: Sep 1st, 2010 UNIT : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Part D : WRITING I OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: -Write about a friend, real or imaginary, using the words and expressions that they have learned in previous lessons II PREPARATION : - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board, sheets of paper III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Warm up : - Ask Ss some questions: 1, How many parts does a personal letter normally have? 2, What are these parts? 3, What we normally write in the Salutation? 4, What we normally write in the Closing? 5, Where we normally sign the letter? *Expected answers: 1, parts Cat Tien High school 16 Lop11.com Students’ activities Work in groups Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (17) Lesson plan – English 11 2, The heading, the Salutation (Greeting), the Body, the Closing, and the Signature Listen to teacher, 3, “Dear” or “Hello/Hi 4, “Sincerely”, “your”, “Love” 5, Under the Closing Pre- writing - Elicit the verb tenses that can be used for describing a part event (past Individual work simple, past perfect, past continuous) If necessary review the uses of these tenses - Get Ss to read the task silently and work out what they are required to write about -The steps to write the most unforgettable experience 1, What happened? – 2, When it happened? - two years ago, when I was in grade 10, when I Whole class was 15,… 3, Where it happened?- in my house, at school, in the street, in a holiday resort, 4, How it happened? 5, Who was involved? 6, How it affected you?- it changed my outlook on life/ it made me careful/ it made me appreciate…more/ it gave me more confidence while- writing - Give Ss a sample writing Individual work *Get Ss to write their own letters in ten minutes - Go around and help if necessary -Ask Ss to get in pairs, exchange their letters and correct each other -Go around to offer help Sample writing Dear Mary, I want to tell you about my funny thing It happened to me last Saturday When I was in a coffee shop I bought a newspaper, a coffee and a packet of biscuits I chose an empty table and sat down I began doing the crossword After a few minutes a man sat down opposite me Whole class I didn’t say anything and carried on with my crossword Suddenly he Give comment reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was too short to say anything Anyway, I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I decided to ignore it When the man took a second biscuit, I didn’t look up and I didn’t make a sound, I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle After a couple of minutes, I casually put out my hand, took the last biscuit and glanced at the man He was staring at me furiously I nervously put the biscuit in my mouth and decided to go The man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the coffee shop Two minutes later I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up And there, on the table, where my newspaper had been, was my packet of biscuit Do you know how I felt? I was very embarrassed By the way, how are you? Write to me as soon as Cat Tien High school Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam18 Lop11.com (18) Lesson plan – English 11 possible Your friend, Daisy Post – writing : *Choose one letter and reads it to the class -Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards Homework : - Rewrite the letter again - Prepare the next lesson IV COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Sep 1st, 2010 Date of teaching: Sep 3rd, 2010 UNIT : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Period 10 : LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Distinguish the sound / m / , / n / and / / - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly -Distinguish the uses of different verb tenses; present simple for indicating the past, past simple, past continuous and past perfect -Use the verb tenses to solve communicative tasks II PREPARATION : - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board, sheets of paper III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm - up : -Divide the class into groups and ask Ss write down 10 adjectives describing character of personality The winner will be the group Group work completing the task in the shortest period of time Pronunciation : *Model three sounds / m / , / n / and / / for a few times and explains the differences in producing them -Play the tape once for Ss to hear the words containing these two sounds, then play the tape again and this time asks Ss to repeat after Listen to the teacher’s the tape explanation *Pronouncing words containing the sound: -Read the words in each column all at once -Read the words once again, each time with a words in each column Listen and repeat to help Ss distinguish the differences between the sounds in the Cat Tien High school Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam19 Lop11.com (19) Lesson plan – English 11 words Pair work -Read the words and ask Ss to repeat them -Ask Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs -Go around providing help -Ask some Ss to pronounce the words and gives correction if necessary Grammar : *Ask Ss remember and give the forms, usage, spelling of the past simple tense: Pair work -Ask Ss work in pairs then discuss and report about their pairs’ discussion -Ask Ss to compare answers with another pairs Whole class -Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers -Ask other Ss to feedback and gives correct S + V ( ed / II ) *Ask Ss remember and give the forms, usage, spelling of the past Pair work continuous tense: -Ask Ss work in pairs then discuss and report about their pairs’ discussion -Ask Ss to compare answers with another pairs -Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers -Ask other Ss to feedback and gives correct S + WAS + V- ing Whole class WERE *Ask Ss remember and give the forms, usage, spelling of the past perfect tense: -Ask Ss work in pairs then discuss and report about their pairs’ Pair work discussion -Ask Ss to compare answers with another pairs -Call on some Ss to go to the board to write their answers Whole class -Ask other Ss to feedback and gives correct S + HAD + P.P ( ed / III ) *Exercise 1: (p.30) Individual work -Get Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with Pair work -Check with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Expected answers: Whole class 1, invites 2, sets 3, gets 4, waves 5, promises 6, carries 7, contains 8, has baked 9, is 10, is shining 11, are singing 12, is *Exercise 2: (p.30-31) -Get Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check Individual work their answers with -Check with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Pair work Expected answers: 1, broke/was playing 2, wrote/was Whole class 3, was working/broke Cat Tien High school Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam20 Lop11.com (20) Lesson plan – English 11 4, started/were walking 5, told/were having 6, didn’t listen/was thinking *Exercise 3: (p.31) -Get Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with -Check with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Expected answers 1, had eaten/ arrived 2, found/had taken 3, got/had closed 4, got/ had left 5, got/had arrived 6, paid/had phoned 7, went/said/hadn’t arrived 8, had looked Home work : - Redo all exercises - Prepare the next lesson Individual work Pair work Whole class IV COMMENTS : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: Sep 3rd, 2010 Date of teaching: Sep 6th, 2010 UNIT 3: a party Period 12 : READING I OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Students will able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and correcting false statement - Use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their culture II TEACHING AIDS: - Text book, handouts, pictures, chalk and board III PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm - up : - Ask Ss work in pairs and answer the questions 1, What is the relationship between the people in pictures? (P.32) 2, What are they celebrating? How old are they? How they feel? What are they going to do? - Call on some Ss to answer the questions and ask Ss give reasons for their answers: - Check with the class and asks SS to guess what they are going to read about Pre - reading : * Vocabulary: + mark (v): -đánh dấu + milestone: -an important event or stage in one’s life + lasting (a) : -continuing a long time Cat Tien High school 21 Lop11.com Pair work Teacher – Pham Thi Minh Tam- (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 02:44
