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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 - Unit 1 đến unit 16

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Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Asks Ss a question: Work individually “How do you feel when you are given bad marks?” Asks some Ss to present their ideas.. Comments and correct[r]

(1)LESSON PLAN 11 Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT FRIENDSHIP Lesson: READING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to have an adequate understanding about firendship II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related to friendship III TEACHING AIDS cassette player, pictures, worksheet, extra board IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Teacher’s activities - Has Ss listen to the tape and asks: What song are you listening to? What does the song talk about? What you think about friendship? - Asks some Ss to present their answers - Comments - Leads Ss into the content of the text Pre-reading (7mn) - Has Ss read the poem and discuss the Work in pairs question provided - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments - Has Ss open their book to read the text silently - Explains some new words New words: + acquaintance (n) + selfishness (n) > < unselfishness (n) + constancy (n) + enthusiasm (n) + loyalty (n) + suspicious (adj) + two-sided (adj) + give-and-take (n) + trust (n) + secret (n) + sympathy (n)  TASK - Has Ss fill in the blank with a suitable word Work individually or phrase - Checks and corrects  TASK - Has Ss choose the best title for the text Work in pairs - Asks some Ss to present theirideas - Comments and corrects While- reading (7mn) (7mn) Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com Students’ activities Work individually and give answers (2) LESSON PLAN 11 (6mn)  TASK - Has Ss read the text again and practise Work in pairs asking and answering the questions in pairs - Asks some Ss to present their anwser - Comments Post- reading (11 mn) - Has Ss discuss the question : “Why we Work in pairs need to have friends?” - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to present ideas - Comments Homework (2mn) - Ask Ss to the exercises of Reading in Do at home Workbook, page 4-6 - Ask Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT Lesson: FRIENDSHIP SPEAKING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about physical characteristics and personalities II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related physical characteristics and personalities III TEACHING AIDS pictures, handout , worksheet IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Pre-speaking (10mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Shows a picture and asks Ss a question Work individually “What does he look like?” - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments and corrects - Leads Ss into the content of the lesson  TASK - Has Ss look at the people in the picture Work in pairs and describe their physical characteristics Ex: A: Can you describe the man in the picture ? B: The man is tall He has a square face, a crooked nose …… - Introduces Ss some languages for physical characteristics description Useful vocabulary 1: Height: medium height (cao trung bình), rather short (hơi thấp), too tall (rất cao) … Face: round, square, diamond, oblong, Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com (3) LESSON PLAN 11 While- speaking (10mn) triangular, oval, heart … Hair: wavy, curly, straight, bald, short, long Forehead: high (cao), low (thấp) … Nose: long, short, straight (thẳng), flat (tẹt), turned-up (hếch), crooked (khoằm) … Eyes: green, blue, brown, gray … Appearance: plain (ngay thẳng, chất phát), attractive (cuốn hút), well-dressed (ăn mặc đẹp), casually-dressed (mặc quần áo bình thường), handsome (đẹp trai), beautiful (đẹp), good-looking (dễ nhìn), pretty (xinh xắn), moustache (ria), beard (râu cằm và hai bên má) … Mouth: heart-shaped (hình trái tim), wide (rộng), thin lips (môi mỏng), thick lips (môi dày) Build (tướng mạo): thin (ốm), slender (mảnh mai), muscular (vạm vỡ), plump (béo), heavy built (đô, lực lưỡng), overweight (béo phì), fat (béo, mũm mĩm) 10 Age: young (trẻ), middle-aged (ở tuổi trung niên), elderly (lớn tuổi, cao tuổi), old (già), in his early/mid/late fifties … 11 Characters: easygoing (dễ chịu), friendly (thân thiện), hardworking (làm việc siêng năng), honest (thật thà), intelligent (thông minh), kind (tử tế, tốt bụng), mature (trưởng thành), patient (kiên nhẫn), polite (lịch sự), sincere (chân thành), sympathetic (thông cảm), tolerant (biết tha thứ), trustworthy (đáng tin cậy), learned man (người hiểu biết), caring (chu đáo), helpful (hay giúp đỡ), pleasant (dễ chịu), modest (khiêm tốn), generous (rộng lượng), hospitable (mến khách, hiếu khách) - Walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some pairs to practise their dialogues - Comments and corrects  TASK - Has Ss read all the the adjectives of Work in groups personalities - Explains some new words - Has Ss discuss and number the personalities in order of importance in friendship - Walks around the class and helps Ss if Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com (4) LESSON PLAN 11 (10mn) necessary - Asks some Ss to present their results - Comments  TASK - Has Ss play the roles and talk about their Work in pairs best friends, using the suggestions to ask nad answer the questions - Explains some new words + humorous (adj) +quick-witted (adj) +good-natured (adj) + studious (adj) + eager to learn + patient (adj) + calm (adj) - Walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to practise their conversations in front of the class - Comments and corrects Post- speaking (8mn) - Asks some Ss to report what they have interviewed - Comments and corrects Homework (2mn) - Asks Ss to the exercises of Speaking in Do at home Workbook, page 7-8 - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT FRIEDSHIP Lesson: LISTENING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a dialogue within 150-180 words for general or specific information II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related to friendship III.TEACHING AIDS cassette player, picture IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Teacher’s activities - Gives Ss some words and asks them to describe their friends - Checks and corrects - Leads Ss into the content of the lesson Students’ activities Work individually Pre-listening (8mn) - Has Ss ask and answer the questions - Asks some pairs to present their feedback - Comments and corrects Work in pairs Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com (5) LESSON PLAN 11 While- listening (9mn) (10mn) - Explains some new words related to the tape + sense of humour (n) + favourite (adj) + apartment building (n)  ( picture)  TASK - Has Ss read all the statements carefully - Has Ss listen to the tape twice and asks Work individually them to decide whether the statements are (T) or (F) - Checks Ss’ results - Has Ss listen to the tape again and corrects  TASK - Has Ss listen to the tape again and asks Work individually them to note down the ideas in the table - Checks and corrects Post- listening (12mn) - Has Ss take turns to talk about how Ha has Work in pairs been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend - Asks some Ss to present their feedback to the class - Comments and corrects Homework (1mn) - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT FRIENDSHIP Lesson: WRITING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write about a friend within 120-130 words based on the cues provided II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words: words related to physical characteristics and personalities II TEACHING AIDS pictures, extra board III PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5 mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Has Ss look at the pictures and describe the Work individually people in the pictures + What does he / she look like ? - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments and corrects - Leads Ss into the content of the lesson Pre-writing (10mn) - Reminds Ss of some languages to describe one’s physical characteristics and Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com (6) LESSON PLAN 11 personalities + height : tall, medium, short,…… + face : square, large, oval,…… + forehead : broad, high,… + nose : straight, crooked,… + hair : black, grey, …… + appearance : handsome, beautiful, goodlooking,……… + personalities : friendly, humorous, quikwitted, good-natured, helpful, honest, caring, studious, patient, sincere …… - Has Ss use the words provided to describe Work in groups their friends - Asks some Ss to present their ideas on the board - Checks and corrects While- writing (18 mn) - Has Ss read the suggestion of the task Work in pairs carefull - Has Ss write a paragraph of 120-130 words about their friends - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary Post- writing (10mn) - Asks Ss to write their paragraphs on the board - Comments and corrects Homework (2 mn) - Asks Ss to the exercises of Writing in Do at home Workbook, page - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT FRIENDSHIP Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds // & // in words and in sentences - use infinitive with to and infinitive without to in speaking and writing II TEACHING AIDS cassette player III PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Pronunciation Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Writes a sentence on the board and has Ss One Ss reads and says read the sentence what sounds are repeated John has just bought a chair - Underlines the sounds and leads Ss into the lesson  Activity Listen and repeat Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com (7) LESSON PLAN 11 (6 mn) (7 mn) Grammar & vocabulary (7mn) (6mn) (5mn) (7mn) Homework (2mn) - Writes two sounds // & // on the board - Has Ss listen to the sounds and repeat after the tape  Activity Practise these sentences - Has Ss listen to the sentences - Asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress - Has Ss repeat the sentences - Asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds // & // - Checks the result  Activity Infinitive with to - Gives Ss some examples Ex: a Da Lat is a beautiful city to visit b I’m very happy to meet you again c I don’t know what to now d John wants to speak to you now - Has Ss comment on the cases in which to inf appears - Reminds Ss of the cases in which to inf appears  Exercise 1: - Has Ss put the words in the correct order to make sentences, writing the main verb in the present simple and making the other an infinitive with to - Checks the result  Activity Infinitive without to - Gives Ss an example Ex: My father lets me go out tonight - Reminds Ss that inf without to can be used after causative verbs ( eg: make, let, have… ) and perceptive verbs (eg: hear, see, watch,…) - Reminds Ss that when perceptive verbs followed by O + Bare inf, the action is watched from initial till the end  Exercise 2: - Has Ss rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Checks and corrects - Repeat in chorus, individually - Read in chorus - Work individually Work individually Work in pairs Work individually - Asks Ss to the exercises of Language Do at home Focus in Workbook, page 6-8 - Asks Ss to prepare the new lesson carefully ……………………………………………………………………\ Date of planning: / Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com (8) LESSON PLAN 11 Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson: READING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a passage for specific information II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related to personal experiences III TEACHING AIDS pictures, extra board IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) - Pre-reading (8mn) While- reading (5mn) (5mn) (8mn) Post- reading (12mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Asks Ss a question: Work individually “How you feel when you are given bad marks?” Asks some Ss to present their ideas Comments and corrects Leads into the new lesson - Asks Ss to look at the pictures and guess what is happening in each of them - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments - Has Ss read the text - Explains some new words + embarassing (adj) + floppy (adj) + idol (n) + glance at (v) + sneaky (adj) + make a fuss (exp)  TASK - Has Ss complete the sentences with the words provided in the box - Checks and corrects the mistakes  TASK - Asks Ss to read scan the text again and put the pictures of events in the order they happened in the story - Checks and corrects  TASK - Asks Ss to reread the text - Has Ss practise asking and answering the questions in pairs - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Corrects the mistakes Work in pairs Work individually Work in pairs Works in pairs - Has Ss discuss the question : What you think the girl had to after Work in groups she discovered that the money she had taken from the boy’s bag was not hers ? - Asks some Ss to present their ideas before Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com (9) LESSON PLAN 11 the class - Comments and corrects Homework (2mn) - Asks Ss to the exercises of Reading in Do at home Workbook, page 12-14 - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT Lesson: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES SPEAKING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about past experiences and how they affected one’s life II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related to personal experiences III TEACHING AIDS handout , worksheet IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (7mn) Pre-speaking (8mn) While- speaking (10mn) Post- speaking (18mn) Homework Teacher’s activities - Asks Ss some questions : Have you ever passed a nightmare ? When did it happen ? How did it happen ? How did you feel then ? - Asks some Ss to present their answers - Comments - Leads Ss into the new lesson  TASK - Has Ss read all the sentences carefully - Has Ss match the sentences in box A and those in box B - Checks and corrects  TASK - Has Ss read all the sentences carefully - Has SS rearrange the sentences in a correct order to make a conversation - Checks and corrects - Asks Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs  TASK - Has Ss continue making a conversation similar to the one in Task 2, using the ideas in Task and the structures used to talk about past experiences - Walks around the class and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to present their conversation in front of the class - Comments and corrects - Asks Ss to the exercises of Speaking in Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com Students’ activities Work individually Work in pairs Work in pairs Work in pairs Do at home (10) LESSON PLAN 11 (2mn) Workbook, page 16-17 - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson: LISTENING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to a short conversation for general or specific information II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related to personal experiences III TEACHING AIDS film, cassette player IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (6mn) Teacher’s activities - Has Ss watch a film and asks them some questions: What is happening in the film? Students’ activities Work individually How you feel after watching the film ? - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments - Leads Ss into the lesson Pre-listening (7mn) While- listening (7mn) (8mn) Post- listening (16mn) - Has Ss look at the picture and say what is Work in pairs happening in it - Checks and corrects - Explains some new words + memorable (adj) + scream (v) + escape (v) + embrace (v)  TASK - Has Ss read all the sentences carefully Work individually - Has Ss listen to the tape twice and asks them to decide whether the statements are (T) or (F) - Checks - Has Ss listen again and corrects  TASK - Has Ss listen to the tape again and asks Ss Work individually to fill the missing words into the blanks - Asks some Ss to present their answers - Plays the tape again and corrects - Has Ss discuss the topic : Work in pairs Family is more important than things Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Why ? - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to present their ideas before Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 10 (11) LESSON PLAN 11 the class - Comments and corrects Homework (1mn) - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson: WRITING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to describe a past experiences within 120-130 words based on the suggested cues II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words Words related to past experiences II TEACHING AIDS extra board III PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (8mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Has Ss fill in the blanks with the words Work in pairs provided a.proud b.embarraced d.angry e.sad f.frightened David was very ………… when his father appeared on TV Tom was very ………… when John took his car without asking him George was very ……… when he was given bad marks Linda was very ……… when she saw an accident Mary was very ………… when she sent him a birthday present on the wrong day - Walks around and explains Ss the new words if necessary - Asks some Ss to present their results - Checks and corrects - Introduces Ss the personal experiences in sentences above and asks: When did you last feel ………….? a.angry b.surprised c.frightened d.happy - Asks some Ss to answer the questions - Leads Ss into the lesson Pre-writing (7mn) - Has Ss read a letter Dear Janes, Last night I had a terrible dream I was waking along an empty street late at Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 11 (12) LESSON PLAN 11 night Suddenly a tiger appeared at the end of the street He ran toward me with his big mouth open and sharp teeth He roared and jumped upon me I screamed loudly and awoke I’m still frghtened now What about you ? How are you? What are you doing these days? Send my best wishes to your parents Write to me soon I’m looking forward to hearing from you Sincerely yours, Paola  Has Ss complete the chart Work in pairs Name of experience When it happened Where it happened How it happened How the experience affected the writer While- writing (18mn)  Checks and corrects - Has Ss write a letter to his/ her pen friend Work individually telling him/her about one of his/her most memorable past experiences, using some suggested main points When it happened Where it happened How it happened Who was involved How the experience affected you - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary Post- writing (10mn) - Asks some Ss to write their letters on the board - Comments and corrects Homework (2mn) - Asks Ss to the exercises of Writing in Do at home Workbook, page 17 - Asks Ss to prepare next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 12 (13) LESSON PLAN 11 Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds /m/ - /n/ -  in words and in sentences - use present simple indicating the past time, simple past, past progressive and past perfect in speaking and writing II TEACHING AIDS cassette player , extra board III PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Pronunciation (6mn) (7mn) Grammar & vocabulary (4mn) (4mn) (5mn) Teacher’s activities - Writes a sentence on the board and has Ss read the sentence This man has just sung a very nice song - Underlines the sounds and leads Ss into the lesson  Activity Listen and repeat - Writes two sounds/m/-/n on the board - Has Ss listen to the sounds and repeat  Activity Practise these sentences - Has Ss listen to the sentences - Asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress - Has Ss repeat the sentences - Asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds /m/-/n - Checks the result  Activity Present simple indicating past time - Gives Ss an example Ex : When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing at her desk Suddenly the window opens and a masked man enters - Has Ss comment on the tense of the verbs and the situattion in the example - Explains Ss the use of the simple present tense Note : Present simple can be used for dramatic narrative to describe the action of a play, a story, ect in the past more vividly  Exercise 1: - Asks Ss give the correct form of the verb in brackets, using the present simple tense - Checks and corrects  Activity The simple past & The past progressive Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com Students’ activities One Ss reads and says what sounds are repeated - Repeat in chorus, individually - Read in chorus - Work individually Work in pairs Work individually 13 (14) LESSON PLAN 11 (4mn) (4mn) (4mn) Homework (2mn) - Gives Ss some examples Ex : a He lived here in 1998 b I was watching TV at 9.00 last night c When I was walking to school, I met Mary - Reminds Ss of the uses of the simple past Work individually and the past progressive  Exercise 2: - Asks Ss to complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or past progressive - Checks and corrects  Activity The past perfect tense - Gives Ss an example Ex : Yesterday, after I had had breakfast, I went to school - Reminds Ss of the use of the past perfect Work individually tense  Exercise 3: - Has Ss give the correct form of the verb in brackets, using the simple past or the past perfect - Checks and corrects Do at home - Asks Ss to the exercise of Language focus in Workbook, page 14-16 - Asks Ss to prepare the new lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT Lesson: A PARTY READING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the passage of 240270 words for general or specific information II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related to a party III TEACHING AIDS pictures IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (6mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - T says : “Last night I went to a birthday Work individually party of my friend The party was very big and interesting I met many friends And I’ll never forget it.” - T asks : What about you ? Have you ever taken part in a party ? What did you and your friends in the party ? Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 14 (15) LESSON PLAN 11 How did you feel after the party ? - Asks some Ss to answer the questions - Comments - Leads Ss into the lesson Pre-reading (8mn) While- reading (8mn) (9mn) - Has Ss look at the pictures and answer the Work in pairs questions - Asks some Ss to answer the questions - Has Ss read the passage - Explains some new words +celebrate (v) + anniversary (n) + milestone (n) + tragic (adj)  TASK - Has Ss read all the activities in the table Work in pairs carefully - Asks Ss put a tick () on the activities suitable for each party - Checks and corrects the mistakes  TASK - Has Ss read all the sentences carefully - Has Ss find out the word in each sentence Work in pairs that is not true according to the passage, then asks them to provide the correct one - Asks some Ss to present their results - Corrects Post- reading (12mn) - Has Ss discuss the question in pairs Work in pairs “Where you prefer to celebrate your birthday party, at home or in the restaurant? Why?” - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments and corrects Homework (2mn) - Asks Ss to the exercises of Reading in Do at home Workbook, page 18-20 - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT Lesson: A PARTY SPEAKING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about a party and how to plan a party II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words words related to a party III TEACHING AIDS pictures Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 15 (16) LESSON PLAN 11 IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Shows a picture and asks Ss some Work in pairs questions + What is it ? + Have you ever celebrated a birthday party ? Pre-speaking (8mn) While- speaking (7mn) (15mn) + What should you to celebrate a birthday party? - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Leads Ss into the lesson  TASK - Has Ss discuss about a party they have Work in groups been to by answering the questions in groups - Walks around and gives Ss new words if necessary - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments and corrects  TASK - Has Ss tell their partners about a party they Work in pairs have been to, using the questions in Task - Walks around and gives Ss new words if necessary - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments and corrects  TASK - Has Ss read the suggestion of the task - Has Ss discuss by making questions for the Work in groups things mentioned budget (How much you spend for your party?) date and time (When you organize your party?) who to invite (How many people you plan to invite and who are they?) place ( Where you organize your party?) formal or informal dress (What kind of clothes you wear at the party?) decorations (How you decorate your party ?) entertainment ( What activities will take place ? ) food and drink ( What foods and drinks will be served ? ) - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary Post- speaking (8mn) - Asks some Ss to tell the class about their Do at home party - Comments and announces the winner Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 16 (17) LESSON PLAN 11 Homework (2mn) - Asks Ss to the exercises of Speaking in Workbook, page 23-24 - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT A PARTY Lesson: LISTENING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to monologue within 150-180 words for general or specific information II LANGUAGE FOCUS * New words words related to a party III TEACHING AIDS cassette player, pictures IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Shows Ss some pictures and asks them some Work individually questions What is it ? What are they doing ? - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments - Leads Ss into the lesson Pre-listening (8mn) - Has Ss answer the questions in pairs Work in pairs - Comments - Explains some difficult words + gather (v) : + decorate (v) : + clap (v) : + icing (n) : + delicious (adj ) :  TASK - Has Ss read all the sentences carefully - Has Ss listen twice and asks them to decide Work individually whether the statements are (T) or (F) - Checks - Has Ss listen again and corrects  TASK - Has Ss read all the questions carefully - Has listen again and asks them to answer the Work in pairs qnswer the questions - Asks some Ss to answer the questions - Has Ss listen once again and corrects While- listening (10mn) (10mn) Post- listening (11mn) - Has Ss retell what they have heard about Mai’s party Work in groups - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to present feedback Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 17 (18) LESSON PLAN 11 - Comments and corrects Homework (1mn) - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT A PARTY Lesson: WRITING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of invitation to a party within 120-130 words based on suggested ideas II LANGUAGE FOCUS  New words Words related to a party III TEACHING AIDS hand out IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Pre-writing (7mn) (6mn) While- writing (15mn) Post- writing (10mn) Homework (2mn) Teacher’s activities - Has Ss read some letters and asks them to decide what type of letters can go with them - Checks and corrects - Leads Ss into the lesson  TASK - Has Ss read all the questions carefully - Has Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Comments and corrects  TASK - Has Ss read the letter carefully - Has discuss the word for blank - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Checks and corrects  TASK - Has Ss write a letter of invitation to a party based on the guidelines - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Asks some Ss to write their letters on board - Checks and corrects Students’ activities Work in groups Work in pairs Work in pairs Work individually - Asks Ss to the exercise of Writing in Do at home Workbook, page 24 - Asks Ss to prepare the next lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com 18 (19) LESSON PLAN 11 Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT A PARTY Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce exactly and fluently the sounds /l/ - /r/ - /h/ in words and in sentences - use infinitive & gerund, passive infinitive & passive gerund in speaking and writing II TEACHING AIDS cassette player, pictures III PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Pronunciation (6mn) (7mn) Grammar & vocabulary (5mn) (5mn) (5mn) Teacher’s activities - Has Ss look at the pictures and say what animal it is in each picture lion rabbit horse - Underlines the letter in the words of each animal - Has Ss guess what sounds they are and leads Ss into the lesson  Activity Listen and repeat - Writes two sounds/l/-/r/-/h/ on the board - Has Ss listen to the sounds and repeat  Activity Practise these sentences - Has Ss listen to the sentences - Asks Ss to pay attention to the sentence stress - Has Ss repeat the sentences - Asks Ss to pick out the words containing the sounds /l/-/r/-/h/ - Checks the result  Activity Infinitive and gerund - Gives Ss some examples Ex: a I plan to go to Da Lat next month b I enjoy playing tennis at weekends - Reminds Ss of some verbs followed by infinitive and some followed by gerund  Exercise 1: - Has Ss give the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using infinitive or gerund - Checks and corrects  Activity Passive infinitive and passive gerund - Gives Ss some examples Ex: a I didn’t expect to be invited to his party b I appreciated being invited to his party - Introduces Ss the formation of passive infinitive and passive gerund Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com Students’ activities Look at the pictures and say what animals they are Guess what sounds are repeated - Repeat in chorus, individually - Read in chorus - Work individually Work individually 19 (20) LESSON PLAN 11 Active Passive (5mn) (5mn) Homework (2mn) + to inf (eg: to invite ) + v-ing (eg: inviting ) + to be + P.P (eg: to be invited ) + being + P.P (eg: being invited )  Exercise 2: - Has Ss choose the correct answer to Work individually complete the sentences - Checks and corrects  Exercise 3: - Has Ss continue choosing the correct the Work individually correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences - Walks around and helps Ss if necessary - Checks and corrects - Asks Ss to the exercises of Language Do at home focus in workbook, page 20-23 - Asks Ss to prepare the new lesson carefully …………………………………………………………………… Date of planning: / Date of teaching: / PERIOD: UNIT Lesson: VOLUNTEER WORK READING I OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read a passage of 240-270 words for general or specific information II LANGUAGE FOCUS * New words words related to volunteer work III TEACHING AIDS extraboard, pictures IV PROCEDURE Stages/time needed Warm-up (5mn) Teacher’s activities - Shows Ss some pictures and asks them some questions Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? - Asks some Ss to present their ideas - Leads Ss into the lesson Pre-reading (8mn) - Has Ss read the saying carefully Asks some Ss to present their ideas Comments and corrects Has Ss read the passage Explains some new words + volunteer (n)/(v) + voluntary (adj) Teacher : Tran Minh Hien Lop11.com Students’ activities Work in pairs Work in pairs 20 (21)

Ngày đăng: 02/04/2021, 00:57


