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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period 74 đến Period 76

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New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up : - Look at the table - Asks Ss work in pairs and ask and - work in pairs and practice answer the questions - correct answers[r]

(1)Period 74 : UNIT 12: THE ASIAN GAMES B SPEAKING I /AIMS: - Ask and answer the questions about the Asian Games II/ TEACHING AIDS -E 11, (colored) chalks, pictures, tape and cassette III/ PROCEDURES Greeting + checking attendance Check up: review new words New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up : - Look at the table - Asks Ss work in pairs and ask and - work in pairs and practice answer the questions - correct answers - give the meanings of the words - Gives Ss to listen the passage (tape) - One of the students to read aloud - Presents some key words - listen the mistakes and take notes TASK Work in pairs - asks students to read the words and - read and give the meanings of the words translate them into Vietnamese - read and translate into venue the - asks students to read the sentences in the sentences book and give the meanings - work in pairs and fill each blank - calls ss to work in pairs - check the answer with a partner - asks ss to look at the table and asks and - answers in front of the class answer the questions TASK 2: Work in groups - asks ss to take turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at the 14th Asian games, using the information from the table - Gives Ss to read task scan the content of the text and complete the table - asks ss to work in pairs and find the ideas CONSOLIDATION - Asks students to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Lop11.com - read - scan the ideas - read and give the meanings the sentences in task - work in pairs and find the ideas - give answers - (2) - Calls some ss to present their results HOMEWORK : - Learnt by heart the lesson - Prepare the next part: listening Period 75 : UNIT 12: THE ASIAN GAMES C LISTENING I Aims: - Listen carefully and answer the questions about the content of the listening Gap filling II/ Teaching aids: - Teacher’s book - Typescript - Cassette, tape III Teaching produces A Revision B Checking the previous lesson C New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities * Before you listen Asks and answer the questions (sgk) - Work in pairs - Explains the meaning - Read the questions carefully and answer them * Listen and repeat - Read the words clearly - coming live - gymnasium - Explain the meaning - land - Repeat the words - freestyle - gymnast * While you listen Task 1: listen and choose the best - give some example for the answers answer A, B, C, D for the sentences - Correct Answers: - Read the words clearly - Reads and repeat the words clearly - Explain the meaning - Explains the meaning - Repeat the words - Asks ss to read the statement carefully - Read the statement carefully - Reads the typescript - Listen to the typescript twice - Requires ss to listen to the - Choose the best answer typescript twice - Answer their choices - Ask ss to choose A,B,C,D for the - Correct and give the answers sentences Lop11.com (3) Task 2: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS - Reads and repeat the words clearly - Explains the meaning - Explains the meaning - Asks ss to read the statement carefully - Reads the typescript - Requires ss to listen to the typescript twice - Ask ss to guess the content of the listening they’ll hear * After you listen: work groups - asks ss to write R (for renewable) and N (for nonrenewable) - Read the questions carefully - Listen the typescripts again - Answer the questions - Read the answers - Correct - Listen again & check - Read the words aloud - Repeat the words - Explain the meaning of the words - listen again and fill in each blank a suitable word D Homework: - Prepare the next part “WRITINNG” - Read the answers - Correct - work groups Period 76: Unit 12 D WRITING I Aims: Describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games II/ Teaching ands: Text book, workbook, guide book, Chart III/ Teaching procedures A Revision B Checking the previous lesson C New lesson: Writing Teacher’s activities Suppose Vietnam is going to be a host country for the coming Asian Games Write a paragraph of 120 words to describe the preparations for the Games - Asks ss to look at the table carefully Students’ activities - Lop11.com look at the table carefully Read each sentence Asks ss to understand the exact information to write the paragraph (4) Read each sentence Asks ss to understand the exact information to write the paragraph - asks ss to speak some new words - guides ss to start your description with: “ to prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of things to First of all, we will build one more National Stadium and…… - goes round to help them, explains gives ideas Homework - Read & give remark - Prepare the next part: Language Focus - Period 77: - asks ss to speak some new words - work individually - write on their notebooks - check with their partners - Correct - use another structures to describe the Asian Games UNIT 12 E LANGUAGE FOCUS A Aims - Pronunciation / str / / skr/ / skw/ - Relative clauses (revision) - Omission of relative pronouns B Teaching aids: textbook , chalks , tape , computer C Steps of Teaching Classroom procedures - Greeting, checking attendance Preview the lesson: New lesson: Teacher’s activities Pronunciation : - Presents three sounds /str/ /skr/ /skw/ - Gives Ss to listen to three sounds & asks Ss to repeat in chorus - Asks Ss to listen all words (Computer) - Asks Ss listen and repeat the words Practice these sentences - Gives Ss to listen twice - Asks Ss listen and repeat the sentences Lop11.com Students’ activities - listen and repeat - listen and repeat - Listen Listen and repeat - repeat take note (5) in chorus Calls some Ss to repeat Corrects mistakes GRAMMAR Exercise - asks ss to compare the relative pronoun has or no pronoun - calls ss to give the examples - explains the example - asks ss to complete each sentence Exercise Complete each of the following sentences, using a suitable sentence in box to make a relative clause with a preposition - asks ss to complete each sentence with the relative clause with a preposition ( using pronoun) - asks ss to complete each sentence with the relative clause with a preposition ( without using pronoun) - asks ss to compare relative pronoun used pronoun or without - Ex : The flight I wanted to travel on was fully booked  the flight on which I wanted to travel was fully booked - asks Ss to exercise 2, rewrite the sentences - gives them to compare the sentences with a partner - Calls some Ss to come to the blackboard to write the answer - Checks and corrects Exercise : - asks Ss to exercise3 , check (√) the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted with a partner - Calls some Ss to come to the blackboard to write the answer - Checks and corrects Answers: , 2, 4, 6, Homework Lop11.com - compare the relative pronoun has or no pronoun - Give examples - complete each sentence - Pay attention to the notes - complete each sentence with the relative clause with a preposition ( using pronoun) - asks ss to complete each sentence with the relative clause with a preposition ( without using pronoun) - compare them - compare relative pronoun used pronoun or without - exercise - compare the answers - write out - exercise - compare the answers - write out - other Ss check and correct (6) Ss learn the part “Language focus” again and prepare new lesson Lop11.com (7)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 23:59

