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Bài dạy phụ đạo khối 11 năm 2010

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Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence, containing the relative pronoun in capitals, or zero pronoun.. I don 't understand him.[r]

(1)BÀI DẠY PHỤ ĐẠO KHỐI 11 (11 A2, 11 A4) – 21-01-2010 A READING Read the text below and decide which answer, A, B, C, or D best fits each space In the 1972 the Australian government (1) a quota system which allowed a (n) (2) number of kangaroos to be killed or 'culled' every year Legislation was introduced because farmers claimed that the kangaroos were (3) their crops The problem is that (4) two and a half million kangaroos can be killed legally each year, a futher two and a half million are killed illegally The animals are killed for a variety of (5) The main one, however, is that kangaroo meat is sold for human (6) usually in the (7) of steaks - or is used as pet fooD There are also thousands of dollars to be made (8) the sale of their skins The environmental group Greenpeace and Australia's Animal Liberation (AAL) are now campaigning for a ban (9) the sale of all kangaroo products They (10) that this will stop unscrupulous farmers killing the animal for (11) A spokesperson for AAL said, ‘People aren't concerned because there are still (12) six million kangaroos in Australia so they are (13) an endangered species People just don't care about (14) like this unless there is a real threat But we know certain types have already become extinct in some areas We must act now (15) it is too late A introduced A approximate A enriching A while A results A consumption A shape A by A on 10 A claim 11 A interest 12 A exceedingly 13 A never 14 A issues 15 A when B produced B certain B injuring B because B pretexts B need B disguise B during B of B hope B profit B another B hardly B tasks B unless C turned out C estimated C ruining C when C excuses C employment C form C for C for C wonder C benefit C over C seldom C duties C until D offered D unknown D spoiling D unless D reasons D usage D figure D from D against D consider D advantage D above D unlikely D cases D before He was one of the first novelists who also worked as a magazine editor, journalist and sodal campaigner The magazine that he edited, Household Words, was mainly his own writing 10 Ch Dickens was also famous for the dramatic readings that he gave from his own novels II Match the famous people a to h with information to Then complete sentences about them, including the relative pronoun who Carl Linnaeus Marie Curie … Aristotle … Mary Shelley Andre-Marie Ampere Sonja Henie Maria Montessori … Marco Polo … a He was a physicist and made an instrument for measuring current and voltage b She was a physicist and the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize c She was a writer and wrote the novel Frankenstein d He was a botanist and worked out a method of naming plants and animals e She was an ice-skater and took part in the Olympic Games at the age of II f He was a merchant and visited China in the 13th century g He was a philosopher and taught Alexander the Great h She was a doctor and invented a new method of teaching young children Key: d – b – G - c – a – e - h - f III Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence, using whose Make any necessary changes J S Bach had two sons Their music was better known than his for many years John F Kennedy had a brother Robert His death was also apolitical assassination Lord Byron the poet had a daughter, Ada Lovelace Her work in mathematics led to the development of the first computer Pablo Picasso had a daughter, Paloma Her fashion designs have become famous worldwide John Lennon had a son, Julian His music career has not be en as successful as his father's B WRITING I Tick the sentence if the words underlined can be left out, or write 'no' if it cannot Charles Dickens was one of the first authors whose books reached a wide public No This was partly because, with the first book that he wrote, he introduced a range of mainly London characters which people found interesting and amusing √ He invented people whose names often suggested what they were like For example, David Copperfield has an unfeeling stepfather who is called Mr Murdstone It was also a result of changes in publishing which were introduced at around the time he began writing Books became cheaper because of new methods of printing which used steam-powered machinery His novels were published as serials, and people waited impatiently to read the next part that he produced IV Rewrite each pair of sentences as one sentence, containing the relative pronoun in capitals, or zero pronoun Einstein is a scientist I admire him WHO Shakespeare is a writer I don 't understand him ZERO Marie Curie is a scientist We are studying her WHOM Newton is a physicist We often discuss him ZERO Homer is an ancient Greek writer We study him in translation WHO Leonardo is an artist Everybody knows him THAT Jane Austen is an author Most people enjoy her ZERO Beethoven is a composer I like him THAT V Make a non-defining relative clause from the two sentences Make any necessary changes The polar bear is a large bear that lives in the Arctic It is also known as the white bear The polar bear is found all across the Arctic It has a population of about 20,000 Lop11.com Phụ Đạo 11 (21-01-2010) ~ (2) About 60% of the bears are found in Canada They hunt well on land and in water The polar bear may become extinct by the end of the century It is threatened by global warming The sea ice in the Arctic is beginning to melt Bears use this as a platform [bệ / sàn] when they hunt seals [hải cẩu] The polar bear is the largest land predator It is twice the weight of a lion ar tiger The males weigh between 400 kg and 600 kg They are twice the size of the females The bear cubs [gấu con] remain with their mothers far ten months They are bom helpless and blind [mù] Adult bears live for as long as 30 years They not hibernate [ngủ đông] 10 Polar bears can often be seen in open water kilometres from land They are excellent swimmers VI Rewrite the formal sentence as an informal sentence ending with a preposition Leave out the relative pronoun Alan Graham is the teacher from whom I've leamt most He is someone for whom I have the greatest respect [kính trọng nhất] We all admire people to whom we owe a lot [mắc nợ] Especially if it is a person with whom we enjoy working There are some people with whom you can easily form a relationship But you don't always work with people for whom you feel admiration [thán phục] And now here is the person for whom we have all been waiting He is the man to whom I am pleased to present the Teacher of the Year Award C PHONETICS Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others A protect B prohibit C pollute D cultivate A agriculture B extinction C environment D establishment A nature B dangerous C interfered D devastating A capture B discharge C survive D extinct A fertilizer B interference C maintenance D offspring D GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY I Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence The government is thinking of bringing a law to prohibit the killing of endangered animals A on B up C in D round In some countries environmental organizations have been to inform people and gain their support A made up B set up C brought up D taken up We continue to rainforests and increase the dangers of global warming, A cut off B cut in C cut out D cut down In some countries there have been widespread demands for the of seal hunting A extinction B disappearance C abolition D establishment Some people have a more attitude towards animals than they towards children A human B humane C humanized D manly aren't effective anymore because insects have become resistant to them A Fertilizers B Pesticides C Herbicides D Medicines They started a campaign to smoking among teenagers A encourage B decrease C discourage D prohibit If we not take steps to protect the world's wild life, many species of birds and animals are likely to completely A die out B die down C die away D die from The Earth will be a planet where' human beings, animals and plants live in peaceful A cooperation B coordination C corporation D coexistence 10 Overharvesting brought North American alligators to in their natural habitats A nearly extinct B near extinction C extinct near D extinction nearly II Choose the word or phrase A, B, C, or D, that best completes the sentence 11 The environmentalists hope the forest to its former condition A to restore B restoring C restored D having restored 12 Several cars owners had parked them under the trees, were damaged A their B of which C whom D whose 13 My English teacher, Mrs Brookes, was someone I had great respect A that B whom C for who D for whom 14 If coastal erosion continues to take place at the present rate, in another fifty years this beach anymore A doesn't exist B isn't going to exist C isn’t existing D won't be existing 15 She joined the local tennis club, were at least 60 A most of its members B most whose members C most of whose members D most members 16 Since 1950 the world nearly one-fifth of the top soil from its agricultural land and one-fifth of its tropical forests A was losing B is losing C had been lost D has lost 17 A lack of cross-cultural awareness can result in misinterpretation, A that offense may cause B which may cause offense C those may cause offense D for which may cause offense 18 So thick and rich of Illimois that early settlers there were unable to force a plow through it A as the soil B the soil was C was the soil D the soil III Complete each sentence with one suitable word Midway through the second half our team scored their fourth goal, at … point the visiting team gave up completely There is one person to… I owe more than I can say It was the kind of accident for ……nobody was really to blame ……leaves last should turn off the lights Mary was late yesterday, …….was unusual for her At 6.00, … was an hour before the plane was due, it poured out with rain [mưa rơi xuống] I don't know ……told you that, but they were wrong The first time I saw you was … you answered the door Mrs Brown was the first owner … dog won three prizes in the same show 10 I've just spoken to Sally, ……sends you her love The End Lop11.com Phụ Đạo 11 (21-01-2010) ~ (3)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 22:24



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