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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 64 đến period 68

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Activity 2: Task 2 - Ask Ss to read the passage again - Ask Ss to write down the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative source of energy - Walk round to give a help - Ask Ss to[r]

(1)- Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class 11B2 Absent students 11B7 period 64 UNIT ELEVEN: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON ONE: A- READING A Objectives Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Understand the importance of saving sources of energy and using alternative sources of energy - Develop such reading micro-skills as identifying meaning in context, scannig for information and passage comprehension - Use the information they have read to exercise " Gap-filling" Knowledge + Lexical items: fossil fuels,exhausted, alternative, geothermal heat, Solar panels + Grammar: Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives Skill + Main-skill: Reading + Sub-skills: Speaking and listening B Teaching method: Communicative approach C Teacching aids: - Teacher: Sub-board, pictures, textbook - Students: textbook D Procedure Teacher's activities Students'activities * Warm up (3mm) - Ask Ss to complete the sentences + We use….to cook + We use… to run machines,cars, motorbikes - Check the answers - Group work - Correct the answers * Suggested keys oil,coal.wood.natural gas gas I Before you read (10mm) - Ask Ss to study the pictures carefully - Ask Ss to work in pairs- answer the - Individual work - Pairs work Lop11.com (2) questions: + What source of energy does picture refer to? + What you need energy for? - Walk round to give a help - Check the answers II While you read (25mm) - Ask Ss to read the passage silently then exercises in pages 125+126 Activity 1: Task - Ask Ss to study the aim of task carefully(fill each blank with a suitable word) - Ask Ss to work individual then compare with other partner - Walk round to give a help - Check the answers Activity 2: Task - Ask Ss to read the passage again - Ask Ss to write down the advantage(s) and disadvantage(s) of each alternative source of energy - Walk round to give a help - Ask Ss to compare their results - Check th e answers Activity 3: Task - Ask Ss to read again the passage - Ask Ss to study two questions - Ask Ss to discuss in group of four answer the questions - Walk round to give a help - Ask Ss to compare their answers - Correct the answers *suggested keys 1.+ Nuclear power + dam + windmill We need energy to live and work - To cook meal - To light,heat or cool the house - To run machines… - Read silently - Individual work - Compare their results - Correct the answers * Suggested keys released limited alternative exhausted energy - Read silently - Individual work - Compare their results - Correct the answers - Read silently - Individual work - Group work - Compare their results Lop11.com (3) - Call some groups to answer - Check the answers - Speak out - Correct the answers * Suggested answers 1.Our major source of energy comes from fossil fuels Five sources of energy are mentioned in the text I think Solar energy is the most potential III After you read (10mm) - Ask Ss to study the words in the box and the passage - Ask Ss to complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank with a suitable word from the box(group work) - Walk round to give a help - Call some group to give their results - Check the answers - In dividual work - Group work - Speak out - Correct the answers * Suggested key energy alternative one sources fuels unlimited limited environment IV Home work: (2mm) Do the cloze test page 115 in the students' book Lop11.com (4) - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class 11B2 Absent students 11B7 Period 65 UNIT ELEVEN : SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON TWO: B- SPEAKING - Greeting class - Asking pupil: Who's absent today? 11B2 A Objectives Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will able to : - Talk about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources - Know the importance of energy sources Knowledge + Lexical items: + abundant (a) + nuclear reactor ( n) + radiation (n) + renewable (a) + run out (v) + Grammar: Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives Skill + Main skill: Speaking + Sub-skills: listening and writing B Teaching method: Communicative approach C Teaching aids : English book 11, Extra-board D Procedure Teacher's activities Students'activities * Warm up: (3mm) - Ask Ss to close the book then ask Ss to - Individual work write down the sources of energy - Check the answers - Correct the answers * Suggested keys Oil, coal, natural gas - Ask some questions to introduce the - Answer the teacher's questions lesson + Which sources of energy is the most popular in our country? + Is it limited or unlimited? What should we to be sure that we can Lop11.com (5) continue to use it in the future? I Activity 1: Task 1( 10mm) - Ask Ss to read all sentences in the box - Explain some new words + nuclear reactor + hydroelectricity - Ask Ss to read after the teacher - Ask Ss to tick( v) if the facts are advantages or disadvantages - Check the answers II Activity 2: Task ( 10mm) - Ask Ss to study the example - Ask Ss to work in pairs talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using each alternatve source of energy - Explain some new words + enormous (adj) + plentiful (adj) + convenient(adj) - Ask Ss to read - Give useful language: + I think that…… + Why you think/believe so? + It is………….However,…… - Call a good pairs Ss to model - Walk round to give a help - Call some pairs to speak - Check the mistakes II Activity 2: task 3(19mm) - Ask Ss to work in group of three to express your belief on the increasing use of alternative sources in the future - Ask Ss to use useful language in task * Model A: I think that more and more people will use the Solar energy B: Why you think so? C: But it's expensive and we can only have it at specifictime of the year - Read silently - Listen carefully - Read in chorus - Individual work - Individual work then compare with a partner - Correct the answers * Suggested answers 1-D 4-A 7-D 2-D 5-D 3-D 6-A - Individual work - Pairs work - Listen and copy down - Read in chorus - Listen and copy down - Speak out - Speak out - Correct mistakes - Group work - Observe Lop11.com (6) A: I hope that the progress of science and technology will help to over come this problem B; That's right and then we don't have to worry about the shortage of energy C: And our life will be more comfortable with cheap simple devices run on the solar energy - Walk round to give a help - Check the Ss' results - Correct III Home work (3mm) Write about the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy and an alternative source of energy Lop11.com (7) - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class 11B2 Absent students 11B7 Period 66 UNIT ELEVEN: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON THREE: C- LISTENING - Greeting class- Asking pupil: who' absent today? 11B2 A Objectives Aims: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to : - Develop extensive listening skills - Use the information they have listened to for doing exercises: multiple-choice questions and gap-filling Knowledge + Lexical-items: - ecologist - fertilize (v) - radiation (n) - petroleum (n) - replace (v) + Structure: - Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives Skill: + Main skill: listening + Sub-skills: speaking and writing B Teaching method: communicative approach C Teaching aids: English book 11, extra-board D Procedure Teacher'activities Students'activities * Warm up (5mm) - Ask Ss to close the book then pick out - Individual work the odd one from the following words * suggested keys: the house and explain why " the air,the sun,the land,the ocean, the house - Ask a question"what kind of energy - Pairs work can be taken from each of these resourses?" - Correct the answers - Walk round to give a help * Suggested keys Lop11.com (8) - Check the answers The air - wind power The sun - Solar energy The land- geothermal heat The ocean- water power - Introduce the new lesson I Before you listen(10mm) - Ask Ss to open the books and read the Listen and repeat - Explain and give the maining of words + ecologist (n) + renewable (adj) + fertilize (v) - Ask Ss to read all the words II While you listen (23mm) Activity 1: task - Ask Ss to study the questions - Ask Ss hear a monologue about the importance of some vital natural resources then write down the answers - Play the tapescript first - Check the answers first - Play the tapescript second - Play the tapescript third - Check the answers - Listen and copy down in their notebooks - Read in chorus - Individual work - Listen carefully - Listen first - Give the answers - Listen again carefully - Correct the answers * Suggested keys 1-D 3-D 2C 4-A 5-C Activity 2: task - Ask Ss read the passage then guess the - Individual work missing words - Ask Ss to listen again to the last part of the talk and write in the missing words - Pairs work - Play the tapescripe first - Play the tapescripe second - Call Ss to give the answers - Listen carefully - Check the answers III After you listen (10mm) - Ask Ss to study the aim of after you listen - Correct the answers * Suggested keys unlimited gases atmosphere amount may Lop11.com (9) - Ask Ss to work in group of four to decide which group these sources of energy belong to renewable or nonrenewable - Walk round to give a help - Check the answers - Individual work - Group work of four - Correct the answers * Suggested keys + Nonrenewable: coal,petroleum,oil, gas + Renewable: geothermal heat,wind energy IV Home work: (2mm) of energy Name five renewable and five nonrenewable sources - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class 11B2 Absent students 11B7 Peroid 67 UNIT ELEVEN: SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON FOUR: D- WRITING - Greeting class - Asking pupils: who's absent today? 11B1 A Objectives Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Describing information from a chart Knowledge - Lecxical items: chart (n),consumption (n),as can be seen (exp),follow (v),make up (v),show (v),total (a) - Grammar Skill + Main skill: writing + Sub- skills: speaking, listening B Teaching method: Communicative approach C Teaching aids: English book 11, extra-board Lop11.com (10) D Procedure Teacher's activities * Warm up - Ask Ss some questions + What kind of energy is consumed the most in Vietnam? + Which one ranks next?Why? I Pre- writing - Provide words to explain + as can be seen (exp) + chart (n) + consumption (n) + follow (v) + make up (v) + total (a) - The TENSE : simple past - Ask Ss to read all the words Activity 1: Task - Teacher's intrduction for task - Ask Ss to study the chart and the content of task carefully - Ask Ss to fil in the gaps with the information from the chart in 2000 - Walk round to give a help - Ask SS to compare their results - Check the answers Activity 2: Task - Teacher's introductions for task - Ask Ss to work individually then compare with other partners - Walk roud to give a help - Call some Ss to give their ideas - Check the answers Students'activities - Answer the teacher's questions + Petroleum + Coal + Nuclear and hydroelectricity - Listen and copy down - Read after the teacher - Listen carefully - Individual work - Group work - compare their results - correct the answers * Suggested keys - 117 - coal - smallest - Listen carefully - Work individually then compare with other partner - speak out - correct the answers * Suggested keys - 170 petroleum biggest II While-writing Lop11.com (11) - Ask SS to study all the words,the chart and the contents of task and carefully - Ask Ss to work in group of four to describe the chart,using the information from task and task - Walk round to give a help - Ask Ss to change their writing with other groups III Post writing - Call some groups to hang their writings on the board - Ask Ss to study and check their mistakes - Give marks - Individual work - group work - change their writings - hang their writings - correct their mistakes * Suggested keys The total energy consumption in 2000 was about 117 million tons, Petroleum made up this figure the largest amount of this figure with 57 million tons (contributed to with 57 million tons) There was nearly as much coal used as petroleum.Nuclear and hydroelectricity only made up a small proportion of the total,about 20 million tons IV Homework: - Re-write the writing - Do exercises in workbook - Prepare the new lesson Lop11.com (12) - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching Class 11B2 Absent students Period 68 UNIT ELEVEN:SOURCES OF ENERGY LESSON FIVE: E- LANGUAGE FOCUS A Objectives Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the clusters /∫r/,/spl/,/spr/ - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these clusters correctly - Use relative clauses and omission of relative pronouns correctly Knowledge + Lexical items: + to conduct + extraordinary + locate + overlook + progress +research + surround - Grammar: Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitves Skill + Main skills: reading and speaking + Sub skills: writing and listening B Teaching method: Communicative approach C Teaching aids: - Teacher: English book 11,extra-board - Students: English book 11 D Procedure Teacher's activities Students'activities I Pronunciation (13mm) Activity 1: - Introduce and read three sounds - Listen carefully /∫r/,/spl/,/spr/ - Help Ss to read after the teacher - Read in chorus - Guide and help Ss to practise these - Read in chorus words with the sounds /∫r/,/spl/,/spr/ in the book Activity 2: - Read all sentences - Listen carefully Lop11.com (13) - Ask Ss to read all sentences - Ask Ss to read individually - Walk round to give a help - Call some Ss to read aloud II Grammar: (30 mm) Activity 1: Exercise - give example eg: The man who spoke to John is my brother The man speaking to John is my brother - Explain the grammar of relative clauses replaced by participles - Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences, using a present participal phrase - Help Ss to exercise in pairs the compare with other pairs - walk round to give a help - check the answers Activity 2: Exercise - Ask Ss to read all sentences in ex - Explain then help Ss to rewrite the sentences using a past participial phrase - Ask Ss to compare their results with other pairs - Walk round to give a help - Check the answers Activity 3: Exercise - Ask Ss to study all sentences in Ex - Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences using to infinitive - Read in chorus - Read individually - Listen carefully - Listen carefully - Pairs work - Correct the answers - Read silently - Listen carefully - Pairs work - Correct the answers * Suggested keys The ideas presented in that book are interesting A city located in the southern part of the country A house built in 1890 The photographs puplished in the newspaper were extrordinary The experiment conducted at the University of Chicago was successful A hospital sponsored by the government - Individual work Lop11.com (14) - Ask ss to work individual then compare in group - Walk round to give a help - Check the answers - Individual work then compare in group - Correct the answers * Suggested answers1 The last man to reach the top The last person to leave the room… The first person to see is Mr Smith The second to be killed in that way The first person to catch… III Home work: (2mm) Do exercises and in pages 72,73 Lop11.com (15)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:57
