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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Tiết 75 - Unit 12: The asian games

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TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Look and Speak Task 2: p.140 * Asking the students to work in groups of four to act out their speech with information in the box * Introducing the model [r]

(1)LESSON PLAN Unit 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Period : 75 Classes : 11 A2 Date of preparation : 16 / 03 / 2008 Date of teaching : 17 / 03 / 2008 Teaching item : SPEAKING I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES + LANGUAGE CONTENT : * To provide students with some information related to Asian Games and sports Vietnam is best at + LANGUAGE FUNCTION : * To talk about Asian games as well as express their own ideas about sport results and about their favourite games or athletes + EDUCATIONAL AIM : * To make students aware of friendship and solidarity in sport and of keeping health by taking exercise everyday 1/ Languages : * Vocabulary : + gold , bronze , silver medal + bodybuilding , billiards , karatedo , shooting , wushu * Model 1: A: Where and when were the first Asian Games held ? B: (They were held ) in 1951 in India A: How many countries took part in the Games ? B: Eleven A: How many sports were there at the Games ? A: Six * Model 2: In bodybuilding, the Vietnamese athletes won one gold medal and one bronze medal 2/ Skill : Speaking 3/ Educational factor : + To educate in students awareness of keeping health by taking exercise everyday II) TEACHER AND STUDENTS' PREPARATION 1/ Method : Communicative approach 2/ Techniques : Game: Stop the bus, Using picture , Translation , Using example , Explanation , Repetition , Substitution 3/ Materials needed : Textbook , Colour chalk , Handout , Pictures 4/ Students' preparation : * Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school * Prepare the keys for task 1,2 III) PROCEDURES IN CLASS Stabilization : (1 minute) * Greeting the students and asking them something about the attendance , their health, the weather and preparation Checking-up the previous knowledge : (5 minutes) * Calling one student to B/B: + Put an accent on the following words volleyball performance Vietnamese enthusiasm appreciate aquatic considerably introduce + Answer the questions: What is the purpose of the Asian Games ? How many participants took part in the 14th Asian Games ? In which sports events did the Vietnamese athletics win the gold medals at Busan Games ? * Correcting the mistakes , giving remarksLop11.com and marking (2) Answer keys The purpose of the Asian Games is to develop intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia In this multi-sport event , young people from all over Asia gather together to compete It is an occasion when strength and sports skills are tested; friendship and solidarity are built and deepened 9919 participants took part in the 14th Asian Games They won the gold medals in bodybuilding , billiards , and women’s karatedo at the Games in Busan , Korea Presentation of the new materials SPECIFIC STAGES TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 8ms Warmer: Game: Stop the bus * Asking the students to work in two groups * Drawing one line and some letters of some names of countries on B/B Group A Group B Country : ……………………………………………………… Sports : …………………………………………………………… * Giving Ss a letter from the alphabet, for example letter M Asking the students to work in pairs quickly as possible, they should think of a word connected with each category beginning with letter M and write them down For example: Country : Malaysia Sports: Mountain climbing The first group to write down one word for each category should shout: “Stop the bus” If the word are correct, give the group one point then choose another letter * Checking the students’ understanding of the instruction Expected answers: T: Thailand  Table tennis, Tennis, Tae kwon , Triathlon P: Philippines / Pakistan:  Ping pong V: Vietnam  volleyball B: Brunei  basketball , boxing , bodybuilding , billiards , bowling , badminton , baseball C : Campuchia / Cambodia :  Chess , Cycling M: Malaysia / Myanmar  Mountain climbing / mountain biking S: Singapore  Snookers , squash * Emphasizing on the students’ answers and introducing the new lesson STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON * Working in two groups * Looking at the names of countries on B/B and finding out the countries and sports Unit 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Period 75 : SPEAKING Lop11.com (3) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES * Writing the lesson down Unit 12 : THE ASIAN GAMES Period 75 : SPEAKING STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES * Writing the lesson down Pre speaking: Activity 1: Pre-teach vocabulary * Introducing the new words to the * Students write down the new words students bronze medal [brɔnz] n 5ms huy chương đồng 5ms 5ms While speaking: Activity 1: Brainstorming and Repetition Task 1: (p.139) * Asking the students to work in pairs to create a situation and then use the model given to make a conversation * Going around the class and giving help if necessary * Calling some pairs to the front of the class to act out the conversation huy chương đồng bodybuilding ['bɔdi,bildiη] thể dục thể hình bida thể dục thể hình Activity 2: Introducing the model Model 1: A: Where and when were the first Asian Games held ? B: (They were held ) in 1951 in India A: How many countries took part in the Games ? B: Eleven A: How many sports were there at the Games ? A: Six Useful language: Remember to use simple past tense to talk about events in the past Passive voice can be used to talk about the year the Asian Games took place Ex: The first Asian Games were held in 1951 in New Delhi , India New words: bronze medal [brɔnz] n billiards ['biljədz] : trò chơi bodybuilding ['bɔdi,bildiη] billiards ['biljədz] : trò chơi bida shooting ['∫u:tiη :baén suùng * Asking the students to read the words after the teacher in chorus THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON shooting ['∫u:tiη :baén suùng * Reading the words after the teacher in chorus * Copying the model Model 1: A: Where and when were the first Asian Games held ? B: (They were held ) in 1951 in India A: How many countries took part in the Games ? B: Eleven A: How many sports were there at the Games ? A: Six Useful language: Remember to use simple past tense to talk about events in the past Passive voice can be used to talk about the year the Asian Games took place Ex: The first Asian Games were held in 1951 in New Delhi , India Task 1: (p.139) * Working in pairs to create According to the model, ask a situation and then using and answer about Asian the model given to make a Games using information in the table conversation * Some pairs go to the front of the class to act out the conversation Lop11.com (4) TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Look and Speak Task 2: (p.140) * Asking the students to work in groups of four to act out their speech with information in the box * Introducing the model speech As can be seen at 14th Asian Games held in Busan , Korea, the Vietnamese athletes won some medals in the following sports In bodybuilding , the Vietnamese athletes won medals (1 gold medal and bronze medal) In billiards …… * Going around the class and giving help if necessary * Calling some representatives to the front of the class to act out the speech 10 ms 1m Post speaking Play a game : Guessing game * Dividing the class into two big groups Let the students in each groups choose one best student to go to the front and the other express things , and he or she has to guess the names of the nations If the student in the groups expressing can’t answer , the other student can answer take turns like this until time is over HOMEWORK: * Asking the students to write down the homework + Prepare LISTENING STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON * Working in groups of four , acting out their speech with information in the box Task 2: (p.140) Take turns to talk about the sports results of the Vietnamese athletes at 14th Asian Games * Some representatives act out the conversation Model: As can be seen at 14th Asian Games held in Busan , Korea, the Vietnamese athletes won some medals in the following sports In bodybuilding , the Vietnamese athletes won medals (1 gold medal and bronze medal) In billiards …… * Dividing the class into two big groups and playing the game * Writing down the homework HOMEWORK: + Prepare LISTENING Self-evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com (5)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:10

