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English test 17 tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D

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with agents of erosion/ for agents of erosion/ other agents of erosion/ to other agents of erosion Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn của bộ GD - ĐT... Kyõ naêng 1/ Kỹ năng đọc.[r]

(1)     GOOD CHANCE FOR YOU TO MASTER ENGLISH Xuan Bac - Xuan Truong - Nam Dinh ‹Mobile phone: 0982 986 679 ENGLISH TEST 17 Tài liệu ôn thi đại học, tiếng Anh – Khối D §ç Hång TuyÕn  I Ngữ âm Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với ba từ còn lại câu A career A burglary A computer A elementary A curriculum A gravity A industrial A luxurious A evaporate 10 A brilliant B avoid B employment B expression B continental B enthusiast B professor B exhibition B energetic B temperature B insect C manage C courageous C instantly C beneficial C subordinate C pyramid C preparation C adventurous C impossible C lunar D advise D dependent D appliance D dormitory D democratic D colorful D decoration D congratulate D experiment D proceed Chọn từ có phần gạch phát âm khác các từ còn lại A procedure A architecture A earflaps A crabbed A reality A drought A applicant A brochure A distribute 10 A houses B soldier B charity B attached B aged (n) B gravity B daughter B abbey B champagne B triangle B crises C education C christen C delicate C crooked C abnormality C laughter C abandon C chairman C contribute C oases D credit D cholera D astrology D raised D responsibility D caught D happy D chalet D tributary D analyses II Ngữ pháp và từ vựng Chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) để hoàn thành câu sau No longer _ to all her housework with her hands because our family now owns some new labour saving devices (my mother has/ has my mother/ did my mother have/ does my mother have) Can you _ your paper with you when you come to see me, please? (bring/ collect/ take/ get) He gave the listeners a vivid _ of his journey through Peru (news/ communication/ account/ tale) She opened the packet and emptied the _ into a saucepan (fullness/ contents/ insides/ container) High interest rates _ people from borrowing money (decrease/ decide/ disgust/ discourage) The house stood by itself in the middle of a field It was completely _ (lonely/ isolated/ unaccompanied/ unsupported) The judge _ the criminal to twenty years in prison (condemned/ punished/ inflicted/ sentenced) He was an _ writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth of his ideas (ordinary/ influential/ unlimited/ accurate) Workers who not obey the safety regulation will be _ immediately (refused/ rejected/ disapproved/ sacked) 10 I bought this program book _ I could go over all the things we have studied this year.(that/so that/seeing that/ so far as) 11 You know I’ll always stand _ you if you are in trouble (by/ with/ for /up) 12 Let’s go for a long walk, _ we? (will/do/shall/must) 13 My doctor _ me to take up swimming as it is such a good exercise (suggested/ proposed/advised/said) 14 Phone me before ten; _ I’ll be too busy to talk to you (unless/ whether/otherwise/if) 15 I don’t _ locking the door (remember/ forget/ remind/ accept) 16 Fortunately the machine was not _ when it caught fire (in order/ in use/ in progress/ in ruins) 17 The cat was afraid when it saw its _ in the mirror (picture/ look/ sight/ reflection) 18 I disapprove _ people smoking in public places (of/ with/ at/ on) 19 They _ haven’t replied to the letter we sent two months ago (still/ yet/already/ever) 20 The four-day march over the mountains was very _ for some of the solders (fierce/hard/lasting/far) 21 _ is called erosion (When land wears away/ The wearing away of land/ Land which wears away/ Wearing away land) 22 To resist corrosion, _ for today’s car to prevent havoc caused by road salts, gravel, and other materials (new coatings developings/ having new coatings been developed/ new coatings have been developed/ development of new coating) 23 _, they continue to overeat and to eat the wrong foods (Even though many overweight people realize that they are threatening their health/ Many overweight people realizing that they are threatening their health/ Because of the fact that many overweight people realize that they are threatening their health/ However many overweight people realize that they are threatening their health) 24 _ from France in 1803 was one of the greatest events in the history of the growths of the United States (Purchasing of Louisiana/ The purchase of the Louisiana Territory/ Purchased Louisiana/ Louisiana Purchase) 25 Ancient mountains have been worn away by wind, rain and _ (with agents of erosion/ for agents of erosion/ other agents of erosion/ to other agents of erosion) Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (2) III Kyõ naêng 1/ Kỹ đọc Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho chỗ trống In 1848 gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill, about 1000 miles east of San Francisco, and the first great (1) _ began When the news leaked out, farmers, trappers, lawyers, preachers, sailors, soldiers and school teachers rushed to California by whatever (2) _ they could Within a year 100,000 people, only 800 of whom were women, had reached (3) _ across the American continent Gold fever began to spread Settlements throughout the United States were (4) _ Homes, farms and stores were abandoned as everybody raced for California Many came by sea and in July 1850 more than 500 ships were (5) _ in San Francisco Bay, many of which had been deserted by gold hungry (6) _ A few people became fabulously (7) _ but it was a risky business Law and order broke down Even if a (8) _ struck it rich there were always those who would try to take it away: gamblers, outlaws, thieves and saloon keepers Gold and silver were (9) _ in Nevada a few years later, and gold fever was an important part of the (10) _ of the western United States A gold mine B gold rush C gold medal D goldfish A means B weapons C opportunities D animals A overtime B overland C home D overkad A diverted B overland C deserted D crowded A stopped B left C stayed D anchored A miners B sailors C soldiers D businessmen A rich B thirsty C hungry D poor A miner B policeman C sailor D businessman A discovered B kept C put away D destroyed 10 A civilization B industrialization C modernization D colonization Athens and Sparta were the two most advanced Greek cities of the Hellenic period (750-338 B.C) Both had a citystate type of (1) _, and both took slaves from the peoples they (2) _ However, the differences outweigh the (3) _ in these two ancient civilizations Sparta was hostile, warlike (constantly fighting the neighboring cities), and military, while Athens (4) _ more towards the democratic and cultural (5) _ of life The latter city left its mark in the (6) _ of art, literature, philosophy, and science, while the (7) _ passed on its totalitarianism and superior military traditions The present (8) _ of a well-rounded education followed in the United States is (9) _ on the ancient Athenian idea The Spartan system, on the other hand, was concerned only with military (10) _ A government B party C power D right A settled B conquered C left D discovered A coincidence B similarities C differences D identities A catered B came C delivered D diverted A road B method C way D matter A regions B ways C farm D fields A invader B enemy C latter D former A system B method C curriculum D way A based B found C kept D affected 10 A preparation B education C speculation D exercise Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (A/B/C/D) cho câu Each nation has many good people who take care of others For example, some of high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, their shopping or mow their lawns For boys who no longer have fathers there is an organization called Big Brothers College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, museums or other places of interest Most of these clubs use a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others What is the best title for the passage? A Taking care of others B Voluntary work in the United States C Volunteers: the happiest people in the world D Helping old and sick people in the United States How volunteers usually help those who are sick or old in their homes? A They mow lawns, shopping and clean up their houses B They cook, sew or wash their clothes C They tell them stories and sing and dance for them D They take them to baseball games Big Brothers is _ A The name of a club B A home for children who have no brothers C The name of a film D An organization for boys who no longer have friends Most of boys’ and girls’ clubs use many high school and college students as volunteers because _ A They have a lot of free time B They can understand the problems of younger boys and girls C They know how to the work D They are good at playing games and learning crafts What volunteers believe? Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (3) A In order to make others happy, they have got to be unhappy B The happiest people in the world are those who make themselves happy C The happiest people in the world are those who are young and healthy D Bringing happiness to others make them the happiest people in the world Rachel Carson was born in 1907 in Springsdale, Pennsylvania She studied biology in college and zoology at Johns University, where she received her master’s degree in 1933 In 1936, she was hired by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, where she worked most of her life Carson’s book, Under the Sea Wind, was published in 1941 It received excellent reviews, but sales were poor until it was reissued in 1952 In that year, she published The Sea Around Us, which provided a fascinating look beneath the ocean’s surface, emphasizing human history as well as geology and marine biology The imagery and language had a poetic quality Carson consulted no less than 1,000 printed sources She had voluminous correspondence and frequent discussions with experts in the field However, she always realized the limitation of her non technical readers In 1962, Carson published Silent Spring, a book that sparked considerable controversy It proved how much harm was done by uncontrolled, reckless use of insecticides She detailed how they poison the food supply of animals, kill birds and fish, and contaminate human food At the time, spokesmen for the chemical industry mounted personal attacks against Carson and issued propaganda to indicate that her findings were flawed However, her work was vindicated by a 1963 report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee The passage mainly discusses Rachel Carson’s work _ A as a researcher B at college C as a writer D at the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service According to the passage, what did Carson primarily study at Johns Hopkins University? A Oceanography B History C Literature D Zoology When she published her first book, Carson was closest to the age of _ A 26 B 29 C 34 D 45 It can be inferred from the passage that in 1952, Carson’s book Under The Sea Wind _ A was outdated B became more popular than her other books C was praised by critics D sold many copies Which of the following was not mentioned as a source of information for The Sea Around Us? A Printed matter B Talks with experts C A research expedition D Letters from scientists Which of the following words or phrases is least accurate in describing The Sea Around Us? A Highly technical B Poetic C Fascinating D Well-researched The word reckless is closest in meaning to _ A unnecessary B limited C continuous D irresponsible According to the passage, Silent Spring is primarily _ A an attack on the use of chemical preservatives in food B a discussion of the hazards insects pose to the food supply C a warning about the dangers of misusing insecticides D an illustration of the benefits of the chemical industry Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word flawed? A faulty B deceptive C logical D offensive 10 Why does the author of the passage mention the report of the President’s Science Advisory Committee? A To provide an example of government propaganda B To Whom It May Concern: support Carson’s ideas C To indicate a growing movement concern with the environment D To validate the chemical industry’s claim 2/ Kyõ naêng vieát Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với từ/cụm từ có gạch chân cần phải sửa câu Tom is the best candidate for the position because he is very good at computing and who works very hard A B C D Before went abroad, he had finished his English course at the English-speaking Centre A B C D He spends money carelessly as if he was a millionaire A B C D She is the most beautiful woman who I have ever met A B C D Some students have always complain that they not have enough money to spend A B C D Between Europe and Asia is the Caspian Sea, which is known as the World’s most big lake A B C D In 1995, about a 3.9 million people were born in the United States A B C D Not very much of the earth’s land surface are crowded with glaciers A B C D Tyrannosaurus rex grew to a height similar to a giraffe A B C D 10 AIDS virus now ranks with tuberculosis and malaria as the world’s deadliest infectious diseases A B C D Chọn phương án (A/B/C/D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần với câu có sẵn sau đây Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (4) C©u 1: You need not this job A You have to this job B This job needs not be done C This needs to be done D You need this job C©u 2: I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job A That Karen had changed her job surprised me a bit B I was surprised that Karen hadn’t changed her job C Surprisingly, Karen had changed her job D It came as no surprise to me to hear that Karen had changed her job C©u 3: If I’d known about Josie’s illness, I wouldn’t have missed seeing her A I saw Josie, and I knew she was ill B I didn’t know Josie was ill, but I saw her C I didn’t know Josie was ill, and I didn’t see her D I didn’t see Josie although I knew she was ill C©u 4: Mrs Jones told me that her neighbors were moving to Florida A Mrs Jones is planning to move to Florida with her neighbors B Mrs Jones and her neighbors live in Florida C I knew that Mrs Jones had moved to Florida because her neighbors told me D “My neighbors are moving to Florida,” said Mrs Jones C©u 5: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean A Jean said that this week is special B Carlos told Jean something special C Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans this week D Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him C©u 6: Not many people attended the meeting A There was a poor turn-out for the meeting B People didn’t show up at the meeting C No people came to the meeting D Too many people turned out at the meeting C©u 7: Scarcely had the man left when the bomb exploded A The bomb had exploded before the man left B No sooner had the man left than the bomb exploded C The man left and had the bomb exploded D The bomb went off because of the man C©u 8: The coach’s tactics were directly responsible for the team’s defeat A The team lost because the coach had no tactics B The team’s responsibility is to defeat the coach’s tactics C The coach directly guided the team, but had no responsibility D The team lost as a direct consequence of the coach’s tactics C©u 9: The children made every effort to please their father A The children made little effort to please their father B The children tried their best to please their father C Please make every effort to please the children D The children made few efforts to please their father C©u 10: It’s been fourteen years since I last saw my brother A I didn’t see my brother fourteen years ago B I see my brother once every fourteen years C I haven’t seen my brother for fourteen years D My brother is fourteen years old Viết lại câu cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi “Don’t open your exam papers!” he said.He told us I’m going to ask Kevin to restyle my hair I’m having I’m sorry, we have no coffee left I’m afraid we’ve run _ “I’ll the shopping today,” said Barbara Barbara said that Are you making progress? How are you _ I’m sure I can solve your problem for you I know I can sort “Can I see you tomorrow?” she asked She asked if He may be here soon, and then he’ll tell us the answer If he _ I think you should get someone to fit a new kitchen Why don’t you have 10 My plane leaves at 12.20 My plane takes _ Sử dụng nguyên dạng từ/cụm từ cho sẵn ngoặc để viết lại các câu sau cho ý nghĩa không thay đổi Can you understand French more easily than Italian? (FIND)  _ We like the countryside more than the town (PREFER) _ My written English is better than my spoken English (BETTER)  _ The family are finding it difficult to manage on the money they have (GET)  _ I’ve never seen such an untidy room! (THE) I think I’ll read a book instead of watching TV! (RATHER) Very few bands have been as successful as Oasis (MOST)  _ I’ve never been to such an exciting concert before (EVER)  _ Please don’t open the window (YOU) _ 10 Fiona wanted to know the time (WHAT) The end Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (5) VAng sam 25% tr 75 + 82 Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và chọn phương án đúng (tr 128 bia xanh trang/xanh da troi trac nghiem tr Ket hop d 17 nam 07 nghóa gaàn nhaát tr 138 sach bia tim, tr 148 phải sửa câu tr 136 bia tim 25% tr 137 bia tim bia xanh da troi trac nghiem o tr 165, 151 nguyên dạng từ/cụm từ bia xanh tr 85 Tài liệu biên soạn bám sát hướng dẫn GD - ĐT Lop11.com (6)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 09:33

