PYGMALION PLOT ANALYSIS DENOUEMENT • It turns out that Eliza has been at Mrs. Higgins's apartment the whole time. She acts calm and collected, and gives Pickering most of the credit fo[r]
1. Plot Type and Analysis: Development and
Denouement Conclusion
1. Literary Devices in Pygmalion 2. Settings
3. Pygmalion Genre 4. Tone
5. Writing Style
• Higgins shows up at his mother's house the
next day looking for Eliza. She seems to have left in the middle of the night, and Higgins can't handle his daily affairs
without her. He desperately wants to get her back, and even thinks about calling the police in to help search.
• The old runaway plot. A classic. Eliza is lost,
then found. It's a perfect way to build suspense and get us ready for the play's conclusion, but first…
Time Scene Presentation
2:32:13 – 2:43:14 “Higgins at his Mothers’ place” That last chat between Eliza and Higgins
(5)PYGMALION PLOT ANALYSIS DENOUEMENT • It turns out that Eliza has been at Mrs. Higgins's apartment the whole time. She acts calm and collected, and gives Pickering most of the credit for her transformation, thus infuriating Higgins. When Eliza, surprised by the appearance of her father, howls as she used to before she was trained, Higgins declares victory. The two proceed to have a long argument. • This isn't really a denouement in the usual sense. You could lump the events listed about with Eliza and Higgins's final argument, but the two episodes are really distinct episodes. Still, a lot of the plot is tied together: Doolittle is reintroduced, Eliza is brought back into the picture, she goes on to explain how she feels, we see that her transformation isn't quite complete, and we're ready for the conclusive fight.
Time Scene Presentation
2:43:14 – 2:51:35 “my own spark of divine fire “ Henry’s full of
conceit realization
(7)PYGMALION PLOT ANALYSIS CONCLUSION • The argument, which focuses on Eliza's future, ends after Eliza threatens to sell Higgins's trade secrets to support herself. Higgins nearly strangles her, before deciding that Eliza has finally established herself as his equal. He invites her come back and live with him and Pickering again. Eliza declines and says goodbye for the last time. Higgins feels confident she'll come back anyway. • There isn't really anything about the conclusion that's