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Nội dung

- Những cụm từ trên không có hình thức sở hữu, ta nói the problems of the poor hoặc poor people’s problems chứ không nói the poor’s problems.. people who have no home6[r]


REVISON FOR THE SECOND TEST 10 I.Choose the right words to fill the blank

1/ Her husband looks the children while she’s at work.(after/ for/ at/ to) 2/ The car she has just bought is very modern.( which/ who/ whom/ whose) 3/ Before you go to bed, please turn _ the lights.( in/ into/ off/ on )

4/ She is the girl sits next to me in class.(who/ which/ where/ whom) 5/ A tornado looks like a .( wind/ funnel/ wave/ rain)

A to drive B drive C driving D drove

6 Do you know the woman _ lives next door?

A she B who C her D whom

7 Daisy, _ is always well dressed, has won the beauty contest

A that B which C who D whom

II Match the word in column A to its definition or meaning in column B A B

1/ She is the nurse 2/ I bought some pencils

3/ Tim told me about his new job, 4/ I don’t know the name of the woman

a whom I spoke to on the phone b who took care of me

c which he’s enjoyed very much d which are in different colors

III Combine each pair of sentences with relative pronouns put in the comma(s) where necessary 1/ The old man is my grandfather He lives next door

……… 2/ Mr Tan is a teacher of English He is wearing a blue shirt

……… 3/ We couldn’t the test It was very difficult

……… 4/ This exercise is very interesting I am doing it now

IV Order these words into complete sentences.

1/ rained/ lot/ we/ a/ enjoyed/ holiday/ although/ the/ it

……… 2/ Although/ Mrs Thoa/ she/ was/ helped/ Tuan / tired/ with/ homework/ his

……… 3/ Paris/ visited/ a/ city/ beautiful/ is/ which/ I/ last summer

……… 4/ turn/ Can/ up/ volumn/ you/ the/ please?

The + Adjective

The + tính từ dùng để nói nhóm người xã hội nhóm người có tình trạng thể chất hồn cảnh xã hội đặc biệt

Những cụm từ chủ yếu là:

- the blind : người mù - the handicapped: người tàn tật

- the deaf: người điếc - the rich: người giàu

- the old: người già - the mentally ill: người bệnh tâm thần - the poor: người nghèo - the young: người trẻ

- the jobless = the unemployed: người thất nghiệp

- the injured: người bị thương - the sick: người bệnh - the homeless: người vô gia cư - the boastful: người khoe khang

- the illiterate: người mù chữ - the disadvantaged: người khó khăn

- the dead: người chết - the disabled: người tàn tật

# Notes:

- Những cụm từ mang nghĩa số nhiều The poor = all poor people: tất người nghèo

- Những cụm từ khơng có hình thức sở hữu, ta nói the problems of the poor poor people’s problems khơng nói the poor’s problems.

V Match the word in A with its definition in B


1 The rich a people who have no home


3 The homeless c young people considered as a group

4 The unemployed d people lacking many things necessary in

5 The injured life such as education, money, home, etc

6 The sick e people without having a job although able

7 The young to work

8 The boastful f people who don’t know how to read & write The illiterate g people who have lived for a long time 10 The disadvantaged h people who have a lot of money

i people who talk about themselves in a very proud way

j people who are physically and mentally ill VI Complete these sentences words given

The poor the rich the young the unemployed the old

The sick the disabled the injured the homeless the dead Mary wants to become a doctor to take care of _

2 Robin Hood robbed and gave the money to _ Many volunteers are taking care of from the accident

4 _always need care from their children

5 This organization was found to support _who had the excellent studying results at university

6 We need to find homes for _

7 We need to provide more training for _ It will help them to find new jobs We need to provide access to the building for _ A ramp, not just stairs

9 Nobody could survive from the earthquake last week People have been trying to find _

VII Read and answer the following questions.

Thomas Edison was born in Milan,Ohio,on February 11th,1847 His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas Edison was mostly self-educated His natural curiosity led him to start experimenting at a young age

Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with the invention of the electric light Although the electric light seems to be most useful, it was not his only invention He also invented the record player, the motion picture camera and over 1,200 other things

Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18th, 1931, at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world

1 When and where was Thomas Edison born? What is the most surprised at Thomas Edison?

4 What is considered Thomas Edison's most useful invention? How old was Edison when he died?

VIII Translate the sentences into passive voice form. They have awarded the best pupil a scholarship

2 They have given him a last chance before expelling him from the school They have chosen me to play for the school football team

4 Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the museum ? He has broken the nose in the football match

6 Have you sent the christmas cards yet ?

7 Our teachers have explained the English grammar They have painted the wall green

9 Someone has broke the window

10 They carried the children all the way home 11 Has someone posted my letter ?

12 They have closed the motorway because they are repairing it 13 people have made some comments on the event

15 I have invited her to the party

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 18:28
