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Unit 6. The young pioneers club

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By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about future activities and practice in gerunds used after some verbs love, like, hate, enjoy II. Pro[r]


UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Division of lessons

1 Getting started + Listen & Read Speak

3 Listen Read Write

6 Language Focus Week: 11

Date: 28/10/2013 Period: 31



At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present to introduce some activities of the Y &Y organization and understand the dialogue

II Language contents: 1/ Grammar :

gerund 2/ Vocabulary : Pioneer (n)

Young pioneer (n) , Young Pioneer Organization (n) , Youth Organization (n), To

participate (v) Blind (adj) Bind people (n) Elderly people (n) Handicapped (adj) To care for = to take care of , To enroll (v)

To fill out (v) = fill in , To act (v), Sex (n), Male >< female (n III Techniques:

Network, Rub out and remember IV Teaching aids:

Book, chalk, tape, cassette… V Procedures

Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

- T prepares pictures of activities that the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer and Youth Organization participate in, sticks

I Warm-up


them on board in 30 seconds and gets Ss play Kim’s game

- Ss are divided into teams - T gives feedback

- T asks Ss some questions about their activities and their summer holidays + What you usually on your summer holiday?

+ Are you members of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization/

+ Are there any activity programs for the summer?

+ Do you take part in them? + What activity you like most?

- T explain the model gerund

- Set the scene: Nga is a student in grade

1 helping blind people helping elderly people

3 helping handicapped children cleaning up beaches

5 caring for animals taking part in sports

II Presentation

Pioneer (n) người tiên phong, người đâu Young pioneer (n) thiếu niên tiền phong Young Pioneer Organization (n) Đội Thiếu Niên Tiền Phong

Youth Organization (n) Đoàn Thanh Niên To participate (v) tham gia

Blind (adj) bị mù

Bind people (n) người mù Elderly people (n) người gìa

Handicapped (adj) bị tật nguyền, bị tàn tật To care for = to take care of: trơng nom To enroll (v) đăng kí, kết nạp

Application form (n) mẫu đơn To fill out (v) = fill in điền vào Hobby (n) sở thích

To act (v) đóng kịch To sign (v) ký tên Sex (n) giới tính

Male >< female (n) nam >< nữ

Checking vocabulary: Slap the board Model sentence

Gerunds (Danh động từ)

Danh động từ hình thức động từ thêm vần – ing dùng danh từ

Ex: working, watching, drawing, swimming, smoking, cooking


8 She wants to enroll in the activities for summer

- Ask Ss to listen and read the dialogue at the same time

- Get them to work in pairs and complete Nga's particulars

- Ask Ss some questions to check their understanding:

+ What's her name? + Where does she live? + When was she born? + What are her hobbies?

- Give feedback by asking Ss to report their friends' hobbies

Ex: Nam loves playing soccer He doesn’t like cooking and especially hates washing dishes

Ex: I like playing soccer

We love talking a walk in the fine weather Miss Nga enjoys teaching English at this school

I hate waiting for the bus III Practice

II Listen and read the dialogue Expected answers:

+ Name: Pham Mai Nga + Home address: Tran Phu Street + Phone number: Not available + Date of birth: April 22, 1989 + Sex: Female

+ Interest: drawing, outdoor activities, acting

IV Production Survey:

Do you like Nam Mai

love () like () don’t like () hate ()

love () like () don’t like () hate () - play soccer

- washing up - cooking meals

- gardening - watching TV

- camping V Home work:

- Learn by heart new words, structure - Read the dialogue again

- Prepare the new lesson: Speak + Find new words

+ Read the boxes and et contents + Practice the dialogue a and b + make a similar dialogue Comments:

Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:


Week: 11

Date: 26/10/2012 Period: 32


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for favors and offer assistance II Language contents:

Vocabulary: favor (n) , hurt / hurt (v), a flat tire(n) Grammar: modal verbs: can, could, may

III Techniques:

Pair- work, prediction IV Teaching aids:


Teacher’s and students’ activities On the board - Ask Ss to work in teams and play

the game

- Ask Ss the meaning of the word FAVOR

- Expected answers: giúp đỡ, chiếu cố, ân huệ

- What you say to ask for a favor? + Can / could you help me?

+ Could you me a favor? + need some help

+ Certainly / Of course / sure + When you ask for favor?

+ How you say to respond to favor? - Ask Ss to copy down the phrases

- Set the scene then ask Ss to make a dialogue between Mrs Ngoc and Hoa Mrs Ngoc is carrying a heavy bag, but she's hurt her arm so she needs some help

- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

I WARM-UP Shark's attack FAVOR

II PRE- SPEAK New words

favor (n) chiếu cố, đặc ân

to offer (v) đề nghị offer (n) lời đề nghị tire (n) lốp, vỏ xe

flat (adj) xẹp, bị xì a flat tire: lốp bị xep Model sentence

Model ( động từ tình thái) may, can, could

S + can/could/may + V-inf

S + can’t/couldn’t/may not + V-inf Can/could/may + S + V-inf

Asking for favors Responding to favors Can / could you

help me, please? Could you me a favor?

I need a favor


+ ? + ? (-) Offering assistance Responding to

assistance ?

? ?

Yes / No Thank you Yes.That’s very kind of you

No, thank you I’m fine III.While- speaking :

Marks (10)

Dialogue a: Mrs Ngoc is carrying a heavy bag but she’s hurt her arm so she needs some help

Dialogue b: A receptionist wants to help a tourist who needs to go to the nearest bank


Tourist: Could you me a favor? You: Sure What can I for you?


- Ask Ss to make similar dialogues about some of the following situations

- Ask Ss to make another dialogue and then practice in pairs

way to the nearest police station?

You: Certainly Turn right out of the station Go straight ahead until you see the police station on your right

Tourist: Thank you very much You: You’re welcome

4 Post

 Write it up

Group 1: Tourist and you Group 2: Neighbor and you Group 3: friend and you Group 4: you and your aunt Homework :

- Learn by heart new words, model sentence - Practice the dialogues again

- Do exercise in workbook - Prepare: Lesson Listen + Fill the missing words + get the content of a song + find the new words + sing a song


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

-Ưu điểm: +Nội

dung: -+ Phương

pháp: -+

Đddh :

Khuyết điểm: + Nội

dung: -+ Phương

pháp: -+

-Hướng khắc phục:

+ Nội

dung: -+ Phương

pháp: -+


Đddh: -Week: 11

Date: 26/10/2012 Period: 33


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete a song and get the content of the song

II Language content Vocabulary:

(v) Unite

(n) Peace, war, right, north, south Grammar: none

III Techniques:

Prediction (guess words) IV Teaching aids:


Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents Teacher asks some questions

Ss answer

Teacher corrects and gives marks

Teacher presents some words Ss repeat and say the meaning

T asks Ss to guess the missing words (page 56)

Ask them to share with their partners Ss work in pairs

Teacher asks Ss to listen to the song twice (Don’t stop)

Ss work individually and then compare with their partners

Students listen to the tape for the third time

T can stop the tape T calls Ss to give the key

Teacher guides Ss how to sing the song Then calls some students to sing

T can give marks if they sing well

1 Warm up / Marks (10)

.What you often in your free time? Do you listen to music?

.What kinds of music you like?

.Do you like listening to an English song?  Suggested answer :

I often ……….in my freetime Yes, I /No, I don’t

I like……… (pop music) Yes, I /No, I don’t

2 Pre- listening :

New words Unite (v)

Peace (n)> < War Right (n)

North >< south: phía bắc, phía nam


3 While- listening : Keys

(1) unite (8) world

(2) peace (9) show

(3) right (10)


(4) love (11) out

(5) north (12)


(6) south (13)

world (7) of Post :

5 Homework : -Learn the new words - Try to sing the song

- Copy the song into notebooks - Prepare: Lesson Read + Find the new words

+ read the text to get the content of the text + fill in the missing words



Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

-Ưu điểm: +Nội

dung: -+ Phương

pháp: -+

Đddh :

Khuyết điểm: + Nội

dung: -+ Phương

pháp: -+

Đddh: -Hướng khắc phục:

+ Nội

dung: -+ Phương

pháp: -+


: -Week: 12

Date: 3/11/2014

Period: 34


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about a youth organization – Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union

II Language contents: 1 Vocabulary:

(v) Encourage, establish

(n) Citizenship, soft skill, federation, movement, guideline, communist, character, awareness

(a) Beloved, similar Grammar: Gerund III Techniques:

Slap the board, T/ F statements Prediction IV Teaching aids:

Textbook, tape, sub- board V Procedures:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Teacher asks some questions Ss answer

Teacher introduces “There are some in the USA What are they? Let’s see in the text”

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

1 Warm up :

a) Do you enjoy singing?

b) Do you know the song of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer and Young


c) Do you know any organizations in order countries?

Suggested answer: a)Yes, I do/No I don’t b) Yes, I do/No I don’t c) Yes, I do/No I don’t Pre- reading : Pre- teach

Scout (n) = biy scout: nam hướng đạo sinh Encourage (v) động viên, khuyến khích Citizenship (n) quyền cơng dân, nghĩa vụ Fitness (n) khỏe mạnh, cân đối thể


T holds class to play “ Slap the board”

T sticks the poster with the statements on the blackboard and guess what is True, what is false

Students work in pairs

Teacher asks Ss to read the passage on page 57 and check if their prediction is correct or not

T gives feedback

T asks them to correct false statements Students work in groups

Ss write the three sentences on the cards and then stick them on the board

Teacher asks Ss to exercise page 57 Ss work in pairs

Guide (n) = girl guide, girl scuot: nữ hướng đạo sinh

Association (n) hội, hiệp hội Voluntary (adj) tự nguyện Establish (v) thành lập Aim (n) mục đích Soft kill: kỹ mềm Federation (n)

Movement (n) phong trào Guideline (n) hướng dẫn Communist (n) cộng sản Character (n) nhân vật

Beloved (a) yêu mến, quí mến Awareness (n) ý thức, nhận thức Environment (n) môi trường, môi sinh *Slap the board

 T/ F statements Prediction

1 Union from 16 to 30

2 1930

3 confident

4 While – reading :

Guess Answer Correction



On March 1931 Develop their public awareness and from their personality

Answers a) 1931

b) December 1976

c) Develop their public awareness and

Citizenship Encourage

Beloved Awareness


After that Ss answer the questions in exercise

Ss work in pairs T corrects

T call Sts tell activities in school Ss work in pairs

T corrects and gives marks to Ss

from their personality d) the guidelines

a/ From 16 to 30 years old of age can one join the Youth Union

b/ The Youth Union founded on March 26 1931

c/ The complete name of Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union d/ Name some social activities of the Youth Union are Helping the Handicapped,

Cleaning the Environment, Green summer volunteers…

e) The activities aim to help the young

develop their public awareness and form their personality

f) President Ho Chi Minh established the guidelines for the Vietnam youth

4.Post – reading : Marks (10) - collect waste

- helping handicapped children - taking part in sports

5.Homework :

- learn by heart new words - Write the summary of the BSA - Do exercise 2,3,4 in workbook - prepare: Lesson Write

+Find the new words

+ read the notice to get the content + complete the letter

+ write a letter to tell what Hoa is going to


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:


Week: 12

Date: 03/11/2014 Period: 35

I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter about a future plan, using “be going to”

II Language contents: Vocabulary:

(n) Raise fund, a bank, and natural resources Grammar: Gerund

III Techniques:

Group work, dictation IV Teaching aids:

Textbook, sub-boards V Procedures:

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

T asks Ss the usage of “be going to” (express a future plan)

T gets Ss to make the sentence

“ I’m going to + verb” The verbs have to begin with a letter from A to Z Teacher gives marks

Teacher presents new words Ss repeat and say the meaning

T presents the form of gerund

Teacher asks Ss to read the notice Ss read silently

1 Warm up / mark (10)

Revision of the structure “be going to” Example:

T: I’m going to accept their invitation S1: I’m going to buy a new bicycle S2: I’m going to clean the house S3: I’m going to dust the furniture S4: I’m going to explain

S25: I’m going to yell

(It’s difficult to find a verb beginning with the letter Z)

2 Pre-writing :

* Pre-teach vocabulary Recycling (n) việc tái chế

Recyling program (n) chương trình tái chế To earn (v) kiếm (tiền)

To raise (v) thu, thu góp (tiền)

Raise funds for the poor: gây quĩ giúp đỡ người nghèo

Street children (n) trẻ em đường phố Sidewalk = pavement (n) vỉa hè Register (v) đăng ký


One student reads aloud Teacher gives some questions Gets Ss work in pairs to answer T corrects

T asks Ss to complete the letter Ss find suitable words to fill in the blanks

Ss work in pairs T gives the answers

Teacher sets the scene: “Hoa talks to her aunt about the Y & Y Green Group, about the activities that she is going to do”

Ask Ss to read the dial between Hoa and her aunt

Asks some questions to check their understanding

T asks Ss to help Hoa to write a letter to her parents

Get Ss work in groups of or to write a letter on posters

T moves around the class and choose four letters from groups

T has Ss stick their letters on the board and corrects

T reads a suggested letter

Ss write into their notebooks

Ex: Smoking is bad for you She go dancing at weekend My favorite sport is running

You can participate in other programs such as raising for the poor, helping street children. Questions:

a) What members of the Y & Y have to in the recycling program?

b) What is the purpose of the recycling program?

c) What other programs can members of the Y & Y participate in?


a They have to collect glass, paper, and cans to send them for recycling

b The purpose of the recycling program is to save the Natural resources and earn money for the organization


(1) Community (6) save (2) recycling (7) raise

(3) collect (8) participating

(4) send (9) planting

(5)recycling (10) helping While-writing :

 Why does Hoa look happy?

- Because she is able to join the Y 7Y Green Group

 What is she going to in the environment month

- She is going to clean the lake’s banks ,plant trees and flowers in the parks and water them  What are they doing to earn money for their school Y & Y?

-They are going to plant young trees to sell to some school


T reads slowly twice

Ss compare their letters with a partner @ DictationDear Mom and Dad,

I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to join the Y & Y Green Group of my school The Green Group is holding an environment month plan We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends We are going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools

We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for our school Y & Y

The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it?

I’ll tell you more about the group activities later

Love, Hoa

5 Homework:

- Learn by heart new words - Write a letter to a friend - Do exercises 5,6 in workbook - Prepare: Lesson Language Focus + Find new words

+Review the present tense with future meaning

+ Gerund

+ Modal: can ,could


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Class 8A3: -Ưu điểm:

Week: 12

Date: 05/11/2014

Period: 36


I Aims:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about future activities and practice in gerunds used after some verbs love, like, hate, enjoy II Language contents:


(n) a rest home, an orphanage, a stadium Grammar:

-Simple present -Gerunds

III Techniques:

Rub out and remember, Word -cue drill IV Teaching aids:

Textbook, cards of cues, picture of a stadium V Procedures:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

Teacher asks some questions Ss answer

T corrects and gives marks

T presents new words Ss copy

T reminds simple presents

Teacher explains “We use the simple present to express an action that happens in the future”

T reminds gerunds

1 Warm up / Marks (10)

.What activities you like doing after school? How much used paper did you collect?

.Who takes care of three trees in your class? ( Tell the names of three students )


.I like …( collect paper) after school I collected kg

Thien, Dieu and Tham take care of three trees in my class

2. Presentation:

Gathering (n) tụ họp, tụ tập Support (v) ủng hộ, cổ vũ Cultural (adj) (thuộc) văn hóa

Cultural-sport program: chương trình văn hóa thể thao

* Rub out and remember 1 simple present

use the simple present to express an action that happens in the future

2 Gerund

- When we use “gerund” ?(object for some verbs)



T asks them to play the roles of Mai and Lan to practice the dialogue T asks them some questions to check their understanding

Ask Ss to practice asking an

d answering about the Y & Y activity program by using the cues given in textbook

Call on some Ss to ask and answer Ss work in pairs

T ask Ss to read “ Y & Y spring activity program”

T asks Ss to talk about Ba, Lan T writes on posters

T asks Ss to look at the table (page 61) and talk about their hobbies T corrects if they’re wrong

T introduces the aim of exercise and reviews some details

Ss answer

T asks Ss to work in pairs and complete dialogues/62

T gives the key

T asks Ss practice the sentences with the cues given

Ss practice in individually T corrects and give marks to Ss


3 Modals: may, can, could S + can/could/may + V-inf

S + can’t/couldn’t/may not + V-inf Can/could/may + S + V-inf

3 Practice: 1.

The dialogue Ex

* Questions:

 When you use “Where”? ( to ask for the place )

 When we use “What time” ?( to ask for the time )

 Is the date at present or in the future? ( in the future )

 What tense we use in the dialogue? ( simple present )

S 1: When they plant and water trees along the streets?

S 2: on February

S 1: Where they plant and water trees along the streets?

S 2: On the city Center streets

S 1: What time they start and finish work? S 2: They start at a.m and finish at 10 p.m 2

A: Ba likes playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up

B: Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up, either

……… 3 :


A: buy a ticket

B: take me across the road

C: help me with this math problem D: water the flowers in the garden b)

A: May

A: Do you need B: Me help you A: Very kind 4 Production:

Word cue drill


T asks Ss to open workbooks and exercises 5,6 in workbooks

b) watch TV / listen to music c) read books / homework

d) chat with friends / the housework *Keys:

a I like playing soccer and I like playing volleyball

b I like watching TV, but I doesn’t like listen to music

……… Homework:

- Learn by heart new words - Practice exercises at home - Learn all grammar U6

- Exercise 5,6 ,7 / page 42, 43 in workbook - Prepare the consolidation

+ revise the structure: used to, past simple, preposition of time, reported speech, gerunds, modals


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Class 8A3: -Ưu điểm:

Week: 13

Date: 10/11/2014 Period: 37


This lesson helps students to review the grammar points they have learnt from Unit 4, 5, and they will have a chance to more and more exercises

II Language contents:

Grammar: - Used to

- Prepositions of time - Reported speech

- Present simple with future meaning - Gerunds

Vocabulary: from unit 4_6 III Techniques:


Sub-board V Procedures: Comments:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents

T asks Ss to put the following sentences into a dialogue

Ss work in pairs and read aloud before class

T corrects and gives marks

T asks Ss to repeat the structure

T asks Ss to repeat the structure “Reported speech”

T asks SS to tell some verbs which are followed by gerunds

1 Warm up: Marks(10) With pleasure

2 What can I for you? Sure, I’ll it

4 Can you carry this suitcase for me? Could you me a favor?

6 Thanks It’s very kind of you! *Keys:

(5-2-4-3-6-1 ) 2 Presentation: 1 Used to

S + used to + V-inf

S + didn’t + Use to + V-inf + O Did + S + use to+ V-inf + O? -> To talk about the habit in the past


Preposition of time

- In: in 2012, in January, in the morning… - On: on Monday, on June 3rd, on


- At: at six o’clock, at half past two, at noon, at night…

- Between: between am and am - After: after 3pm

- Before: before 3pm 3 Reported speech

S+ told/ asked + O+ To-inf S1 + said + S2 + should + Verb

4.Present simple with future meaning S + V s/es

S + do/dose + V-inf + O Do/dose + S + V-inf + O ?

use the simple present to express an action that happens in the future Ex: When they collect and empty garbage

On January

1. G

erunds Love Like

Prefer + V-ing Dislike


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Class 8A3: -Ưu điểm:

Week: 13

Date: 12/11/2014 Period: 38


By the end of the test, teacher can check Sts knowledge they have learnt from unit to unit

II Matrix

Mức độ Chủ đề

Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Cộng


Phonetic (10%) I 4c

(1đ) 4c(1đ)


Knowledge (30%) II 8c(2đ) III 4c (1đ)

12c (3đ)

Reading (30%) IV

6c (3đ)

6c (3đ)

Writing (30%) V 2c


VI 4c (2đ)

6c (3đ)

Tổng cộng Số câu 16c 2c 6c 4c 22c 6c

Số điểm

Tỉ lệ 50% 30% 20% 100%

III Contents:

I Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: (1m)

1 a knife b nice c rice d sink

2 a my b curly c library d lucky

3 a speech b March c machine d children

4 a folk b hold c photo d neighbor

II Find one choice in a, b, c or d that best complete the sentences: (2ms) Yesterday I ………….to the cinema


6 Many people decorate their homes ……… Christmas

a in b at c on d when

7 ………is the study of th earth and its country, mountains, rivers, weather, ect a Geography b Physic c Chemistry d Mathematics

8 The teacher told us………talk

a not b don’t c not to d not to

9 I enjoy………….to music

a listen b to listen c listening d listens 10 She has earned millions of dollars……….1994

a since b for c in d at

11 What does your sister…………?

a look as b be like c as d look like

12 The sun ………… in the east

a rise b rose c rises d rising

III Choose the words or phrases that are not correct (1m) 13 He always eats eggs for breakfast and drink some milk


14 Last year, Tim comes to the school for the first time A B C D

15 I would like to go to Da lat on holiday but I don’t have money enough


16 He lives on 26 Tran Phu Street in Ha Noi with his family


IV Choose the word (a, b, c, d) that best fits each of the blank spaces (3ms) The Y &Y is planning to …….(17) the community I will participate in its………… (18) program In this program, we will collect glass, used paper and ……… (19) Then we will …………(20) them for ……… By doing this, we……….(21) help save natural resources and ………(22) some money for the organization

17 A go B help C see D meet

18 A learning B going C recycling D beginning 19 A trees B flowers C stamps D cans 20 A send B use C have D play

21 A have to B can C does D did

22 A spend B study C earn D plant

V Put the following commands and request into report speech (1m) 23 Mrs Jackson said to Tim, “Could you give me a hand, please?”

……… 24 She said to her son, “ Go straight upstairs and get into bed”

……… VI Do as directed in brackets: (2ps)

25 They help the elderly and the street children (Make question for the underlined words)


26 Yesterday/ he/ promise/ take part/ recycling program (Write sentence with the cue give)

……… 27 Hoa and Tim are both 13 years old

(the same ….as)

Tim is ………age……… 28 How about going to the movie tonight?

(Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first) Let’s……… Comments:

Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Class 8A3:

Week: 13 Date: 15/2014 Period: 39


T helps Sts to mind the language material, which they can’t in their test and practice more exercises

II Answer keys:

I ( điểm) Mỗi câu đạt 0,25 đ 1d; 2a; 3b; 4d

II (2điểm) Mỗi câu đạt 0,25 đ 5c; 6b; 7a; 8c; 9c; 10a; 11d; 12c

III ( điểm) Mỗi câu đạt 0,25 đ 13 C; 14 A; 15 D; 16 B

IV (3 điểm) Mỗi câu đạt 0,5 đ 17 b 18 c 19 d 20 a 21 b 22 c V (1 điểm) Mỗi câu đạt 0,5 đ

23 Mrs Jackson asked/told Tim to give her a hand

24 She asked/told her son to go straight upstairs and get into bed VI (2 điểm) Mỗi câu đạt 0.5 đ

25 Who they help?

26.Yesterday, he promised to take part in recycling program 27 Tim is the same age as Hoa

28 Let’s go to the movie tonight III Statistics:


8 A 1 8 A 2 8A3 TK

IV Advantages

……… ……… ………

……… ……… ………

V Disadvantages

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Teacher’s and student’s activities Contents

Teacher asks Ss to repeat the structures Ask Ss to give examples

Teacher asks Ss to give the correct form of used to and the other into the past simple

T corrects and can give marks

T asks Ss to tell some preposition of time

Students retell some prepositions Then they an exercise

1/Used to:

S + used to + V(inf) -> habit in the past

Ex: He used to smoke last year

Give the correct form of used to and the other into the past simple:

1) I (smoke) but I (give it up) last year 2) He (live) in London before he (go) abroad 3) I (earn) a lot of money, but then I (lose)

my job

4) You (travel) a lot before you (get) this job ?

*keys: smoked lived, goes earned , lose traveled, get

2: Prepositions of time On, in, at, after,……


T corrects and gives marks

T has Ss remind the reported speech Ss write the model

Teacher asks students to exercise Ss practice

T corrects and gives opinions

T reviews the present simple with future meaning

Teacher explains the difference between present simple and present continuous

T asks Ss to exercise Students work in pairs T corrects

3) I couldn’t sleep night 4) We move here 20th October 5) The children get too many

presents Christmas *keys:

1.on 2.ago 3.at 4.on 5.on 3: Reported Speech

S + told, asked + O + to-inf Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first:

a) “Could you buy me an English exercise book, Ha ?”

Nam asked Ha( to buy him an English exercise book

……… ………

b) “Please turn off the radio”

Phuong told Tuan (to turn off the radio)

c) “Don’t talk during the test, Nam”, his teacher said

Nam’s teacher told him (not to talk during the test)

d) “You should improve your English, Phong”

-> The teacher

said……… ( Phong should improve his English,)

4: Present simple with future meaning -> Talking about timetable, usually a public one such as a train timetable

Ex: The match starts at half past seven Note:

Distinguish the pre simple from the pre continuous

a/ The present simple for a timetable

b/ The present continuous for arrangements to in future

Put the verbs into the present continuous or the present simple:

Emma: (you/ do) anything tonight ?


T asks Ss to give some verbs which can be used with Gerunds

After, Ss give the correct form of the verbs

T corrects

Teacher gives some more exercises Students observe and try to finish

Emma: Oh, of course I’d forgotten about that

Mary: May be we’ll see you later What (you/ do) tonight ?

Emma: Oh, (I/ go) to the cinema with Vicky The film (finish) quite early, so we (go) to another place afterwards


Are you doing are you doing

I am going am doing

He is staying finishes

Gets are going

5: Gerunds

S + enjoy, love hate, stop + V-ing Gerund: can be used after:

To look forward to : trông mong

To insist on : cố nài

Surprised at : ngạc nhiên Interested in : thích thú

Busy with : bận rộn

1) Nam thinks of (watch) football match on TV

2) Before (do) homework, I have breakfast 3) They hope (help) the elderly people and street children

4) They raise funds by (collect) used paper and broken glasses


- Review the structures, words - exercises

I) Choose the correct forms of verbs

1/ She likes (planting, to plan) rose in garden 2/ Please stop (asking, to ask) me questions 3/ She hopes (to have, having) a suitable iob 4/ Does she want (to become, becoming) a singer ?

II Make sentences from the words given 1) I/ used/ look after/ younger/ sister/ while/ parents/ work

2) Brother/ good/ fix/ lights


- Prepare Unit : getting started listen and read

+find the new words

+ read the dial to get the content + complete the sentences


Attendance: Class 8A 1: Class 8A 2:

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 17:48

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