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Unit 6. The young pioneers club

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Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano. There are important differences, but there is a very important similitary. It is this: learning how to [r]



Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Lesson 2: Speak

Lesson 3: Listen Lesson 4: Read Lesson 5: Write

Lesson 6: Language focus

************************************************** UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB

Week: 11th Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Period: 33rd @& ?


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce some activities of the Y&Y

organization to talk about future plan, and practice in gerunds used after some verbs: like, enjoy, …

II/Language contents: ▲Grammar:

-Present simple tense with future meaning -Gerunds

-like/enjoy + V-ing ▲Vocabulary:

-Acting, out door activities, application form, enroll, fill out, handicapped, hobby,…


-Chatting, Filling gap, Matching, Survey, individual work, pair work, …

IV/Teaching Aids: -Pictures


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T asks some questions -Ss listen and answer -T remarks

- T lets Ss read the activities in text book

1.Warm up:

▲Technique: Chatting

a) What you often on your summer holiday? + I often take part in sports,

b) Are you members of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization? + Yes, I am

c) Are there any activity programs for the summer? +Yes, there are

d) Do you take part in them? + Yes, I

e) What activity you like most? + I like outdoor activities most

*Possible answers:


(P.54) and check (V) in the boxes -Ss read and check

-T remarks

-Then add some activities that they know (groupwork)

-Ss add some activities that they know

-T explains Newwords Ss guess -Using synonym: join / take part in -Using picture

-Using picture

-Using explanation: games that you play in the open air rather than in a building or a house such as: football, tennis, …

-Using translation

-Using synonym: interest -Using picture

-T reads – Ss repeat (Chorally- individually)

-T has Ss write into their notebooks -T checks again

-T.explains grammar by giving examples Ss takenote

+Who’s talking with whom? -Nga is talking with secretary.

helping blind people

helping elderly people

helping handicapped children cleaning up beaches

caring for animals taking part in sports

-The other activities that Y&Y in HCM City often participates may be:

+ making small projects

+ participating in green summer/green Sundays + being soldiers of green summer

+ helping victims of natural disasters

+ taking part in cultural activities/ art clubs + Participating in the anti- illiteracy




-en’roll(v): đăng kí

-appli’cation form(n): đơn xin tham gia -fill out(v): điền thông tin

-’outdoor ac’tivities (n): hoạt động trời -’acting (n): diễn kịch

-’hobby(n): sở thích

-’handicapped (a): bị khuyết tật

▲Technique: Matching @Grammar:

*Gerund : V-ing…

Ex: I like drawing./ I enjoy acting V



+What does Nga want to do? -Nga wants to enroll for the activities

for this summer.

+What does the secretary ask Nga to do?

-The secretary asks Nga to fill application form out.

-Now you listen to the tape for the first time between Nga and secretary -Lets Ss listen to the tape again And then asks Ss to practice the dialogue -Ss listen and practice

-After that , T calls Ss to complete Nga’s details

-Ss complete

-T corrects their answers -Ss copy down

- Asks some questions to check Ss’ understanding

- Ss listen and answer

- T corrects and gives Marks

- Holds the class to play “Survey” enroll for some activities (groupwork)

- The class play



-The dialogue in the book -Listen to the tape


▲Technique: Filling gap *Complete Nga’s details: ●Name: Pham Mai Nga

●Home address: 5 Tran Phu Street

●Phone number: Not available

●Date of birth: April 22, 1989

●Sex: Female

●Interests: drawing, outdoor activities and acting

▲Technique: Ask and answer drill


a/ What’s her name? b/ Where does she live? c/ What’s her phone number? d/ When was she born? e/ What are her hobbies?

4 Production: Marks

▲Technique: Survey

●Name: Phan Trong Khanh

●Home address: Phuoc Đong village

●Phone number: 0166 633 633

●Date of birth: August 14, 1996

●Sex: Male

●Interests: Playing chess, listening to music.

a/ What’s your name? b/ Where you live?


-T writes on the board and explains how to the exercise

-Ss takenote

-Helping them how to prepare a good lesson at home

5 Homework:

-Learn the activities of Y&Y organization and Models by heart

-Exercise: Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs

a) Ba enjoys (go) to the circus

b) Nam doesn’t like (play) football but he likes (watch) football matches on TV -Prepare: UNIT6 (Cont.) Lesson 2 Speak

+ Look at the phrases in the boxes and read the Ds

UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Week: 12 th Lesson 2: Speak

Period: 34th @& ? I/Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask for favors and respond to favors, offer ask assistance and respond to assistance

II/Language contents: ♣Grammar:

-Modals: may, can, could ♣Vocabulary:



-Chatting, Rub out and remember, make new dialogue, Fill in gap, pair work

IV/Teaching aids: -Pictures


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T greets student -Student reads again

-T asks some questions -Ss listen and answer

-T remarks and gives Ss marks.

1/Warm up:

Technique: Chatting/Marks T: Good afternoon,…

S: Good afternoon, teacher T: Can you help me, please? S: Of course

T: Can you tell me the way to Phuoc Đong market?

S: Sure.When you get out of the school Go straight ahead, about 500 meters It’s on your left


- T explains newwords Ss takenote - Using synonym: kindness

- Using synonym: help - Using synonym: answer - Using synonym: suggest

- T.reads – Ss repeat

- T. sets the scene: “ In daily life, we always have to ask for and respond to favors, offer and respond to assistance What structures you know to

express these ideas?

-Ss listen and answer the structures that they know

-T explains Models -Ss listen and takenote

- Then, T asks Ss to practice asking for favors and responding to favors Offering assistance and responding to assistance

-Ss practice in pairs

- T guides “Now you work in pairs Use the structures you have learnt and the situations in the book page 56 to make up new conversations

-Ss make up new conversations -T corrects their mistake if there are any

-Ss takenote

S: You’re welcome

2/Pre-speaking: *Newwords:

-’favor(n): chiếu cố, đặc ân, ân huệ -a’ssistance(n): giúp đỡ

-re’spond(v): đáp, trả lời -’offer(v): đề nghị

Technique: Rub out and remember

Asking for favors Responding to favors

Can/ Could you help me, please?

Could you me a favor?

I need a favor. Can/ Could you…?

Certainly/Ofcourse/Sure No problem.

What can I for you? How can I help you? I’m sorry.I’m really busy.

Offering assistance Responding to assistance

May I help you?

Do you need any help? Let me help you.

Yes / No Thank you. Yes.That’s very kind of you.

No Thank you I’m fine.


-The dialogues on pages 55, 56

a) Mrs Ngoc: b) Receptionist: Hoa: Tourist: Mrs Ngoc: Receptionist: Hoa: Tourist:

Mrs Ngoc:

Technique: Make new dialogue You: May I help you?

Tourist: Yes Can you show me how to find the police station? I lost money

You: Certainly Go straight ahead Turn left at the second corner It’s on your right

Tourist: Thank you very much

****************************************** You: Can I help you?

Neighbor: Yes Can you help me tidy the yard? I can’t because I have a broken leg You: Of course I need a broom and I will help you

Neighbor: Thank you for your help


-T calls Ss to complete -Ss complete

-T corrects and gives Ss’ marks -Ss takenote

-T writes on the board -Ss takenote

-Helps Ss how to prepare a good lesson at home

Friend: Yes Can you help me fix my bike? It has a flat tire

You: Let me find a pump and I will help you Friend: Thanks a lot It’s very nice of you

****************************************** You: May I help you?

Aunt: Yes Can you buy me some vegetables ? I’m going to cook a meal

You: Of course Give me money and I will buy them for you

Aunt: Thank you very much


4/Post-speaking: (Marks) ♣Technique: Filling gap.

Complete the dialogues Use the expressions page 55 in the book English 8.

a) Librarian: Let me help you

Schoolgirl: Could you take the book on that shelf for me?

Librarian: Sure

b) Father: Can you help me, please? Son: What can I for you? Father: Can you turn off the TV? Son: Of course


-Practice the dialogues on page 55, 56 -Learn all patterns by heart

-Prepare: UNIT6 (Cont.) Lesson 3: Listen + Listen to the tape at home first + Fill in the missing words

UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Week: 12 th Lesson 3: Listen

Period: 35th @& ?


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the contents of the song: “Children of the world unite” by listening


♣Grammar: -None


-unite, peace, right, adapted, hold


-Chatting, Matching,Guessing game,Fill in gap, individual work, pair work, group work, …

IV/Teaching aids: -Cassette, tape


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T.asks some questions -Ss answer

-T gives Ss marks

-T explains newwords Ss takenote -Using explanation: join together for a purpose.

-Using antonym: war

-Using synonym: interests -Using translation

-T reads - Ss repeat (Chorallly, Individually) -T checks newwords

-T has Ss play game “Matching” -Ss match

-T remarks and gives marks -Ss takenote

-T explains Ss write down -T reads the example Ss repeat

-T asks Ss to guess the words to fill in the gap in the song

-Ss work in pairs Then share with their friends

1 Warm up/marks:

♣Technique: Chatting

T: Do you often sing a song in English? S: Yes, I

T: Can you tell me what its name is?

S: Its name is “Hello Teacher”or“Hi.How are you?” T: Can you sing it now?

S: Yes, I can

T: Clap your hands, please!

2 Pre-listening:


-U’nite(v): đồn kết -Peace (n): hồ bình -Rights (n): quyền lợi -A’dapted (adj): theo -Hold-held-held (v): nắm

Technique: Matching/marks

1 unite a hồ bình

2 peace b phía Nam (me) world c đoàn kết

4 North d giới

5 South e phía Bắc (you) rights f theo adapted g quyền lợi hold h nắm

Keys: 1c, 2a, 3d, 4e, 5b, 6g, 7f, 8h. *Grammar:

Let’s + V(base form)

Ex: Let’s sing a song.

Technique: Guessing game. -The song is about…


-Now you listen to the tape and complete the song by filling the words you hear in the blanks

-T lets Ss listen to the tape twice -Ss listen and fill in

-T has Ss listen to the tape again and check their answers

-T calls some Ss to write the answers on the board

-T.corrects Ss’mistakes Ss copydown -T calls one student to sing a song again

-Then, T.has Ss practice in groups to give out the main idea of the song -T writes on the board and explains -Ss takenote into their notebooks

you 10 place

3 While-Listening:


-Adapted from a song by Margarette Thormas- Cochran


unite south 11 out peace of 12 stand rights world 13 world love show

north 10 place

4 Post-Listening: Marks

-One student sings a song again


- It sings the praise of peace uniting for children of the world

5 Homework:

-Learn by heart newwords

-Listen to the tape at home until they can sing it well -Prepare: UNIT 6(Cont.) Lesson 4: Read

+Read the text

+Fill in the missing dates +Answer the questions

UNIT 6: THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Week: 12 th Lesson 4: Read

Period: 36th @&?


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

II/Language contents: ♥Grammar:

-Review the present and past simple tenses ♥Vocabulary:

- Communist, Youth, Union, citizenship, fitness, encourage, establish, organization, skill, found, beloved, officially, normally, Federation, social, campaign, movement, aim, awareness, principle, guidline,


- Filling gap, Ask and answer drill, Jumbled words, True/False statements, Slap the board, pair work, group work,…

IV/Teaching aids:


Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T.asks Ss to writesix words whose letters are in disorder

-Ss write

-T remarks and gives Ss marks

-T explains Newwords -Ss listen & guess -T reads – Ss repeat

(Chorally, then individually)

-T has Ss write into their notebooks

-T checks again

-T reads the text Ss listen carefully -Then T asks them to read silently -Ss read in silence

-After that, T asks them to fill in the missing information

-Ss fill in T corrects

-T calls Ss to ask and answer the questions -Ss practice

-Each student does a sentence and writes it on the board

-T corrects their answers -Ss write down

1.Warm up:Marks

Technique: Jumbled words

a) r a c c h t a e r = character: tính nết, cách b) u h y t o = Youth: tuổi trẻ, tuổi niên c) m a i = aim: mục đích, mục tiêu

d) o o i i a a r z nngt = organization: tổ chức e) l l i s k = skill: kĩ

f) l l o r m y a n = normally: thông thường

2 Pre-reading: @Newwords:

-’citizenship(n): quyền cơng dân

-’fitness(n): tình trạng khoẻ mạnh / sung sức -en’courage(v):cổ vũ, khuyến khích

-es’tablish(v): thiết lập

-’Communist (n): người cộng sản -’Union (n): hợp nhất, liên kết -found (v): hình thành

-be’loved (a): much loved: đầy yêu thương -o’fficially (adv): thức

-Fede’ration (n): thành lập liên đoàn -’social (a): thuộc xã hội

-cam’paign (n): chiến dịch -’movement (n): cử động -a’wareness(n): nhận thức - ’principle (n): nguyên tắc

- ’guidline (n): nguyên tắc, đường lối đạo ♥Technique: Slap the board.

3 While-reading:


Technique: Filling gap

a) 1931

b) December 1976

c) their public awareness and form their personality

d) the guidelines


Technique: Ask and answer drill

a) Any Vietnamse Youth From 16 to 30 years of age can join the Youth Union

b) It was founded on March 26 1931

c) The complete name of the Youth Union is Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

d) Some social activities of the Youth Union are: Helping the handicapped, Cleaning the


-T sticks the poster with the statements on the board and calls Ss to put True/False -Ss put True/False

-T corrects -Ss copy down

-T writes on the board and explains how to the exercise

-Ss takenote

e) These activities aim to help the young develop their public awareness and form their personality f) President Ho Chi Minh established the

guidelines for the Vietnamese youth

4 Post-reading/Marks

Technique: True /False statements

a) Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union isn’t an organization for Vietnamese youth from16 to 30 years of age F

b) The Union builds good character, love for the nation, and encourages good citizentship,soft skills and personal fitness.T

c) The Union was founded on June 23 1931 F d) The Youth Union have had the names over the years such as: The Young pioneers organization, the Viet Nam Youth Federation, the Viet Nam students Union T

e) People normally use the name “ Y&Y” for short F

5 Homework:

-Learn by heart Newwords -Read the text at home

- Prepare: UNIT6 (Cont.) Lesson 5 Write + Read passage Complete the letter + Read dialogue Write the letter

UNIT : THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Week: 13 th Lesson 5: Write

Period: 37th @& ? I/Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter about a future plan using “ Be going to”

II/Language contents: Grammar:

-Be going to + V (inf.)


-community, raise funds, register, recycling program, save, natural resources, environment


- Filling gap, Chatting, Matching, pair work, group work, …

IV/ Teaching aids: V/Procedures:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T.asks Ss some questions -Ss listen and answer

-T remarks and gives Ss marks

-T explains Newwords - Ss listen & guess -Using explanation: is the people who live in a place

-Using translation

-Using explanation: rescure / protect -Using explanation: coal, oil, iron, … under the ground or the sea -Using translation

-Using explanation: set down in writing -Using explanation: surroundings in which people, animals, or plants live

-T reads – Ss repeat (Choral- individual) -T has Ss write into their notebooks -T checks again

-Then T.lets Ss to read the passage.Ss read -T checks their understanding a)What members of the Y&Y have to in the recycling program? -Members of the Y&Y have to is to collect used glass, paper and cans.

b)What is the purpose of the recycling program? - The purpose of the recycling program is to help save natural resources and earn some money for the organization. c)What other programs can members of the Y&Y participate in? - Members of the Y&Y can participate in other programs such as: raising funds for the poor,

helping street children, planting trees and flowers along the sidewalks or in the part.

1 Warm up (Marks)

♥Technique: Chatting.

a- What are you going to next summer vacation? - I’m going to Dalat

b- What activities you often to protect the environment?

- I often sweep the yard and house, collect used glasses and cans, gather plastic bags and garbage c- In your school, what you do?

- In my school, I often sweep the class, clean the doors, windows, cut the grass, gather waste-paper, collect and empty garbage etc

2 Pre-writing: @Newwords:

-co’mmunity(n): cộng đồng

-re’cycling ’program(n): chương trình tái chế -save (v): tiết kiệm, cứu

-’natural re’sources (n): nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên

-raise a fund(v): gây quỹ -’register(v): đăng kí

-en’vironment(n): mơi trường

♥Technique: Matching.


-After that,T.calls Ss to complete the letter

-Looks at the letter and answer the Qs

a) Who writes the letter? (Nga) b) To whom does Nga write? (Linh). c) Is Nga a member of Y&Y ? –Yes, she is. d) What does Nga write to Linh about? +She writes about the programs of her school Y&Y that she is going to


-T guides “ Now you read the notice again and complete Nga’s letter to Linh about Y&Y plan by filling the missing information in the blank.”

-Tells Ss to compare the answers with the partners -T corrects – Ss takenote -T sets the scene “ Hoa talks to her aunt about the Y&Y Green Group, about the activities that she is going to

-T has Ss read the dialogue and asks Ss questions

-Ss read the dialogue and answer the questions

a)Why does Hoa look happy?

+ Because she is going to join the Y&Y Green Group.

b)What is she going to in the environment month?

+ She is going to clean the banks of the lakes plant trees, and flowers, in the school garden and water them.

c) What are they doing to earn money for their school Y&Y? – They are planting young trees and plants to sell to some schools to earn money for their school.

- Asks Ss base on the D in the book between Hoa and her aunt Imagine that you’re Hoa and write a letter to your parents about the activities you are going to

- Ss write the letter on the paper

- Asks Ss to compare their letter with their partner’s letter Then write it on the board

3/While-writing: 3.1/58

*Complete Nga’s letter.

1 community save recycling earn

3 collect participating send planting recycling 10 helping


*Suggested letter:

15 Nguyen Trai St Ha Noi

October 25, 2009 Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m glad to tell you that I’m going to join the Y&Y Green Group of my school


- Asks other students to read their letter and compare with the teacher’s letter, finding the mistakes themselves -T writes on the board and explains how to the exercise

-Ss takenote

-Helps them how to prepare a good lesson at home

sell to other schools

We hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for our school Y&Y The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it? I will tell you more about the group activities later Love,


4 Post-writing: marks

Ss’ letter

5 Homework:

-Learn Newwords by heart

-Write a letter to your friends talk about the things that you are going to next summer -Prepare: UNIT 6(Cont.)

Lesson 5.Language focus + Present tense with future meaning + Gerunds

+ Modals: may /can / could

UNIT : THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Week: 13 th Lesson 6: Language focus

Period: 38th @& ?


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review the present tense with future meaning, gerunds and modals: may, can, could

II/Language contents: ◄Grammar:

- Present tense with future meaning - Gerunds

- Modals: Can, may, could ◄Vocabulary:



- Ask and answer drill, Gap filling, Chatting, Brainstorming, pair work, …



Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T asks Ss to write -Ss write

-T remarks -Ss takenote

-T gives some questions -Ss answer

-T corrects and gives Ss marks

-T uses picture to explain Ss copy +When we use “When”?

+When we use “Where”? +When we use “What time”? -What tense we use in this example?

-What is after hates?  washing

-What is after loves?  playing

-What is after enjoy?  collecting

-What is after likes?  writing

-What you call “washing, playing, collecting, writing”


-What is the form of gerund?V-ing -When we use gerund? After some verbs: love/like/enjoy/ hate, mind, dislike, …+V-ing

1. Warm up:

◄Technique: Brainstorming planting trees and watering them

collecting used cleaning glasses, papers and cans up the streets

taking parts in sports collecting and emptying garbage

◄Technique: Chatting

-When you plant the trees? + I plant the trees in the spring

-I like listening to music What about you? + I like it very much

-Can you tell me the way to Phuoc Đong post office? + When you get out of the school, go straight ahead about 800 meters Turn right, go along that street, about 50 meters It’s on your right

2. Presentation:

*Newwords: -Revision *Grammar:

a)Present tense with future meaning:


-When they collect and empty garbage? + On January

- Where they collect and empty garbage? + At Dong Xuan Market

- What time they start and finish work? + They start at am and finish at pm *We use simple present tense to express an action that happens in the future

b)Gerunds: V-ing

Ex: She hates washing up

My father loves playing chess I enjoy collecting stamps He likes writing letters


-T explains -Ss takenote

-Asks them to work in pairs asking and answering about Y&Y Spring Activity Program

(When, where and what time) -Tells some pairs to read their answers

-T corrects Ss’ mistakes

-Ss copy down the correct answers

-T asks Ss to look at the table, talk about the things that Ba and Lan like and don’t like

-Asks Ss to work in pairs talking about Ba and Lan hobbies by using love, like, don’t like and hate Remember that these verbs must be followed by V-ing

c) Modals: may, can, could + “May”:

Ex: You may come in + “Can”: Ex: I can play soccer + “Could”:

Ex: I could swim when I was years old Could you please help me to this work?

3 Practice:


◄Technique: Ask and answer drill.

-When they plant and water trees along the streets? + On February

-Where they plant and water trees along the streets? + In the city center streets

-What time they start and finish work?

+ They start at am and finish at 10 am -When they help the elderly and street children?

+ On March 26

-Where they help the elderly and street children? + At the City rest home and orphanage - What time they start and finish work? + They start at am and finish at pm

-When they have big gathering to support Cultural – sport programs?

+ On April 15

- Where they have big gathering to support Cultural – sport programs?

+ At the Central Stadium

- What time they start and finish work? + They start at pm and finish at pm

3.2/61 a)

Ex: A: Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up

B: Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up, either

Ba Lan

love like don’t

like hate love like don’tlike hate Playing



Washing up


Cooking meals


-Asks some Ss to read the answers aloud

-T gives the correct answers -T has Ss rewrite the correct answers into their notebooks

-T has Ss copy the table into their exercise books

-Ss copy

-Then asks Ss to complete it with information about them

Performing music


Gardening V V

Gathering broken glasses


Watching TV


Camping V V

Playing badminton


Doing homework


C: Ba hates cooking meals but Lan likes it

D: Ba likes performing music, but he doesn’t like gardening

E: Lan likes performing music, but she doesn’t like gardening

F: Ba likes gathering broken glasses, and he likes watching TV , too

G: Lan likes gathering broken glasses, and she loves watching TV

H: Ba loves camping, but he hates playing badminton I: Lan likes camping, but she doesn’t like playing badminton

J: Ba likes doing homework , but Lan hates doing homework


◄Technique: Ask and answer drill

Ex: Partner: Do you like playing soccer? You: No I hate it What about you? Partner: Yes I love playing soccer

Me love like don’t

like hate

Playing soccer V

Washing up V

Cooking meals V

Performing music V

Gardening V

Gathering broken glasses V

Watching TV V

Camping V

Playing badminton V

Doing homework V


-And after that, ask and answer questions with their partners -Ss work in pairs

-T remarks -Ss takenote

-Asks Ss to use expressions in the box to ask for a favor Then practice the Ds with a partner -Ss work in pairs

-T remarks

-Ss listen and takenote

-Tells Ss to use the offering assistance and responding to assistance completing the Ds

You: No I don’t like it What about you? P I don’t like it, either

♣Partner: Do you like cooking meals? You: No I don’t And you? P No I don’t like it, either ♣Partner: Do you like performing music?

You: Yes I like it very much How about you? P: Yes I do, too

♣Partner: Do you like gardening?

You: Yes I love it What about you? P: Yes I love it, too

♣Partner: Do you like gathering broken glasses? You: No I hate it What about you?

P: No I don’t like it

♣Partner: Do you like watching TV?

You: Yes, I I like it very much.What about you? P: Yes I do, too

♣Partner: Do you like camping?

You: Yes I I love it What about you? P: No I don’t like it

♣Partner: Do you like playing badminton? You: No I don’t like it What about you? P: Yes I like playing badminton ♣Partner: Do you like doing homework? You: Yes I What about you? P: I don’t like it and I don’t hate it

3.3/62 a)

◄Technique: Filling gap.

A. Woman: Can/ Could you help me, please? Man: Yes, certainly

Woman: Can you buy a ticket for me?

B: Old woman: Could you me a favor? Boy: What can I for you?

Old woman: Can you take me across the road?

C: Boy: I need a favor Girl: How can I help?

Boy: Could you help me with this

Math problem?

D: Grandpa: Can you help me, please? Niece: Yes Of course

G : Can you water the flowers in the garden?


◄Technique: Filling gap

A: Can I help you?


-Has Ss make their Ds -T corrects their mistakes if necessary

-Ss takenote

-T asks Ss to choose -Ss choose

-T corrects and gives Ss marks -Ss copy down

-T writes on the board and explains how to the exercise -Ss takenote

B: No Thank you I’m fine A: Oh This bag is heavy B: Let me help you.

A: Yes That’s very kind of you

4 Production/marks:

Choose the most suitable words or phrases to fill in the blanks

a) It’s too cold outside _ you close the door, please? A Do B Are C Could D Why don’t b) Nam hates _ to the market

A to go B goes C go D going

c) “May I help you?” – “ _”

A.What can I for you? B.I’m afraid I’m busy now C Yes.That’s very kind of you. D.How can I help?

5 Homework:

-Practice parts 1-3 / P60-62 again -Do exercise P7/43

Gerund or Infinitive?Complete the sentences Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Ex: a- to go b- watching -Prepare: TEST 2 + Gerunds + Modals

+ Reported speech + Used to


Date: TEST 2

Week: Subject: English

Period: 39th Time: 45 minutes I/Aim:

By the end of the test, students will be able to review old knowledge from unit to unit 6.

♥The matrix of test:

Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng cộng



2(1,2) 0,5

2 0,5 Grammar

& Structures

6(3,4,5, 6,7,8) 1,5

4(9,10, 11,12)


10 2,5


3(13,14, 15)

1 ,5

1(16) 0,


1(17) 0,5


2,5 Writing

2(18,19) 1

3(20,21, 22)





3(23,24, 25)


1(26) 0,5


2 Tổng

cộng 8

2 8

4 4

1 2



2 12

3 14

7 II/Contents:

I/Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others (0,5m) 1 a excellent b memory c festival d semester

2 a behavior b participate c necessary d traditional II/Choose the best answer (2,5ms)

3 Nam hates -to the market.

a to go b goes c go d going

4 May I help you?

a What can I for you? b I’m afraid I’m busy now. c Yes That’s very kind of you d How can I help you?

5 She asked her children -.

a to stop playing b stop to play c stop playing d stopping to play. 6 His parents are always proud -him.

a about b of c on d with

7 We must be there -7.30 and 8.15

a at b before c between d after. 8 When I was a child I -stay at home.

a used to b like c get used to d usually. 9 I like - activities such as walking and camping. a outdoor b indoor c outside d inside

10 - is a large piece of furniture where you can hang your clothes. a wardrobe b refrigerator c desk d counter

11 They write the meaning of new words by their mother tongue. A B C D

12 However, he needs to improve his listen skills. A B C D

III/Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions (2,5ms)

Children’s education is changing rapidly today In the past, teachers made children sit

still for hours They made them memorize all sorts of things In other words, children had to go on repeating things until they knew them by heart Today, many teachers wonder if it is possible to make children learn at all They say you can only help them learn They say you must let children learn and discover things for themselves.

13 How is children’s education changing today?


14 What did teacher make children in the past?

……… 15 Were children in the past made to learn everything by heart? ………

16 Do many teachers say that they only help children discover things for themselves? ………

17 What is the modern learning method today?


IV/ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first (2,5ms) 18 It’s necessary to revise new words regularly.


19 “Try your best to improve your pronunciation, Tim”, Miss Jackson said.

Miss Jackson asked……… 20 I lived on a farm once, but I don’t any more.

I used……… 21 She said to her son, “Go straight upstairs and get into bed”

She told……… 22 Sao Mai movie theater is near Hoa’s house.

Sao Mai movie theater is not ……… VI/Listen and fill in the missing words (2ms)

(23)………….of our land unite. Let’s sing for (24)……… Let’s sing for right.

Let’s sing for the love Between north and south,

Oh, children of the (25)……….hold hands. Let’s show our love from place to place. Let’s shout out loud,

Let’s make a (26)……….,

Oh, children of the world, hold hands.




Period: 40th @& ?


By the end of the correction, students will be able to check again their knowledge. B/Answer keys:

I/ Mỗi câu 0,25 (điểm) 1d, 2c.

II/ Mỗi câu 0,25 (điểm)

3d, 4c, 5a, 6b, 7c, 8a, 9a, 10a, 11d, 12d. III/ Mỗi câu 0,5 (điểm)

13 Children’s education is changing rapidly today.

14 In the past, teacher made children memorize everything. 15 Yes, they were.

16 No, they don’t.

17 Today, the modern learning method is letting children discover things for themselves. IV/ Mỗi câu 0,5 (điểm)

18 You need to revise new words regularly.

19 Miss Jackson asked Tim to try his best to improve his pronunciation. 20 I used to live on a farm.

21 She told her son to go straight upstairs and get into bed. 22 Sao Mai movie theater is not far from Hoa’ house. V/ Mỗi câu 0,5 (điểm)

23 children 24 peace 25 world 26 stand

C/Remarks about students’ answers: 1 Statistics :

8A1: % 8A2: % 8A3: % 8A4: % Total: % 2 Advantages :

-Students understand the content of the test.

-Do most of the exercises They used grammar and vocabulary to choose the best answer. -They prepare the old lesson well



-Read the passage then answer the following questions.

-Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. D/Production:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T explains grammar again. -Ss takenote into their notebooks.

-T writes on the board and calls Ss to Ss Each student does a sentence and writes it on the board.

-T corrects their answers.

-Ss copy down the correct answers.


@ Reported speech:

S + told / asked + Pro/ N + (not) + to- inf.

Ex: Mary said to John “Can you carry my suitcase, please?”.

Mary told / asked John to carry her suitcase. S + used to +V(inf.) +…

Ex: I used to have long hair. *Exercises:

1/Read the passage, then answer the questions:

Learning a language is, in some ways, like learning how to fly or play the piano There are important differences, but there is a very important similitary It is this: learning how to such things needs lots of practice It is never enough simply to “know” something You must be able to “do” things with what you know For example, it is not enough simply to read a bookon how to fly an aeroplane A book can give you lots of information about how to fly, but if you only read a book and then try to fly without a great deal of practice first, you will crash and kill yourself The same is true of playing the piano So you think it is enough simply to read about it? Can you play the piano without having lots of practice first?


a) Is learning a language completely like learning how to fly or play the piano?

b) What is the similarity between them?

c) According to the author, what will happen if you fly without lots of practice first?

d) What is the meaning of the passage? *Answers:

a) No, it isn’t It’s just like in some ways.

b) The similarity is this: learning how to such things needs lots of practice.


-T asks Ss to Ss do.

Each student is asked to say a sentence and writes it on the board. -T corrects their mistakes if there are.

and kill ourselves.

d) The meaning of the passage is this: Learning a language needs lots of practice.

2/Do as directed:

a) Teacher said to Tim, “come into my office, please?” (Reported speech) Teacher told / asked Tim to come into his / her office.

b) “Make good use of your time, Hoa” Minh said. (Reported speech) Minh asked / told Hoa to make good use of her time.

c) I told Tim to hurry up (Directed speech) “Hurry up!” I said to Tim

d) The teacher asked Susan to go to the board (Directed speech)

The teacher said to Susan, “Go to the board, please” E/Homework:

-See the exercises at home again. -Prepare: Unit 7: NEIGHBORHOOD.

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read. + Find out Newwords.


Date: REVISION Week: @& ? Period:


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review the grammar and vocabulary that they have learnt from unit to unit 6.

II/Language contents: ♦Grammar:

- Review the grammar from units 4-6.

+ Used to, Gerunds or Infinitive? , Reported speech, give advice with should/ shouldn’t.

♦Vocabulary: - None.


-Ask and answer drill, Chatting,… IV/Teaching aids:

-Cardboard. V/Procedures:

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

-T asks some questions. -Ss answer.

-T corrects if possible -Then, T gives Ss marks.

-T guides and reminds.

1/Warm up:

♦Technique: Chatting.

-How are you today? –I’m fine, thanks. -How did people use to go in the past? + They used to go on foot.

-How people go now?

+ They go by motorbike/ by car/ by tram, …

-How students learn newwords?

+ They usually underline or highlight the words.

-What are you going to on the weekend? + I’m playing soccer, reading, and

watching TV.

-When you study physical education? + I study physical education on Tuesday. -Where you study it?

+ I study it in the school yard. -What time you start and finish it? + I start at am and finish at 8.30 am. 2/Revision:


-Ss listen and do.

-T corrects their mistakes. -Ss copy down.

-T.calls Ss to complete. -Ss complete.

-T corrects.

-Ss write down the correct answers.

-T guides and gives example. -Ss takenote and write it down. -T gives some examples. -Ss it.

-T remarks and gives Ss marks.

-T explains how to -Ss do.

-T corrects Ss, mistakes. -Ss observe and takenote.

or didn’t use to.

a- I - (go swimming) but now I don’t go swimming anymore used to go swimming

b- Mr An - (not drink) coffee when he was young but he likes it now didn’t use to drink

c- I - (not like) her but we are best friends now.

didn’t use to like

d- My father gave up smoking two years ago. He (smoke) a packet of cigarette a day. used to smoke e- Peter - (have) a motorbike, but last month he sold it and bought a car used to have

*Activity2 Gerund or Infinitive? Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

a- Where you want (go)? to go

b- Don’t forget (send) me a postcard when you are

on holiday to send

c- You must stop (work) so hard It’s bad for you


d- I hate (get) up early in the morning getting

*Activity3 Reported speech.

Ex: 1- Teacher said to Tim, “come into my office, please?”.

Teacher told / asked Tim to come in to his / her


2- Mary said to John “Can you carry my suitcase,


Mary told / asked John to carry her suitcase.

3- The lifeguard said “Don’t swim out too far, boys”.


-T writes on the board. -Ss copy.

The lifeguard asked boys not to swim out too far.

4- She said to her son “Go straight upstairs and get

into bed”.

She asked her son to go straight upstairs and get

into bed.

*Activity4: Give advice with should or shouldn’t.

a- I’m feel sick (see a doctor) You should see a doctor.

b- Tim’s Spanish pronunciation is so bad ( practice

speaking more often)

He should practice speaking more often c- My sister has a bad cold ( go to school) She shouldn’t go to school.


-Learn by heart all knowledge from unit to unit 6.

-Prepare: TEST 2. +Tenses


+Reported speech +Preposition +Used to. *Comments:


I/Choose the best answer (3Ms) 1 Nam hates -to the market.

a to go b.goes c.go d.going

2 May I help you?

a What can I for you? b I’m afraid I’m busy now. c Yes That’s very kind of you d How can I help you?


a to stop playing b.stop to play c.stop playing d.stopping to play. 4 His parents are always proud -him.

a about b.of c.on d.with

5 We must be there -7.30 and 8.15

a at b.before c.betwwen d.after. 6 When I was a child I -stay at home.

a used to b.like c.get used tod usually.

II/ Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (1M) 7 Mr Hung should (repair) -the roof.

8 Scouting (begin) -in England in 1907. 9 We enjoy (play) -soccer and volleyball.

10 The teacher asked Lan (read) -the passage aloud.

III/Change from the direct sentences into the indirect sentences (0,5M) 11 Answer my questions, please.

12 Return to your place, please.

IV/Choose the word (a,b,c,or d) that best fits each of the blank space (2Ms)

Hoa is excited about the (13) - activities she is going to The Y&Y is having a plan (14) -

the community She’ll (15) - in its recycling program In joining this program She’ll collect (16) -

paper, glass and empty cans Then she will send them for (17) -.

She hopes that she could save natural resources and earn some money for her school Y&Y in these

(18) -.She also thinks about participating in (19) -planting trees and flowers or (20) -the street children.

13 a interesting b.interested c.boring d.bored 14 a help b.to help c.helping d.to helping 15 a take part b.participatec.fill d.a&b

16 a use b.used c.using d.to use

17 a recyclable b.recycle c.recycled d.recycling 18 a organizations b.members c.activites d.neither 19 a and b.either c.so d.neither

20 a help b.helped c.helping d.to help V/Listen Write the name of the correct days (1,5Ms)

homework park movies Computer games

picnic basketball

22 23 21

VI/Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others (2Ms)


25 a memory b.try c.directory d.necessary 26 a highlight b.meaning c.stick d.habit 27 a used b.voluntary c.unite d.usually C/Homework:

-Doing the test at home again.


Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read. +Find out Newwords

+Complete the sentences Use the words from the dialogue. *Comments:

Class: TEST 2

Name: Subject: English Time: 45minutes. I/Choose the best answer (3Ms)

1 Nam hates -to the market.

a to go b.goes c.go d.going

2 May I help you?

a What can I for you? b I’m afraid I’m busy now. c Yes That’s very kind of you d How can I help you?

3 She asked her children -.

a to stop playing b.stop to play c.stop playing d.stopping to play. 4 His parents are always proud -him.

a about b.of c.on d.with

5 We must be there -7.30 and 8.15

a at b.before c.betwwen d.after. 6 When I was a child I -stay at home.

a used to b.like c.get used tod usually.

II/ Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (1M) 7 Mr Hung should (repair) -the roof.

8 Scouting (begin) -in England in 1907. 9 We enjoy (play) -soccer and volleyball.

10 The teacher asked Lan (read) -the passage aloud.

III/Change from the direct sentences into the indirect sentences (0,5M) 11 Answer my questions, please.


IV/Choose the word (a,b,c,or d) that best fits each of the blank space (2Ms)

Hoa is excited about the (13) - activities she is going to The Y&Y is having a plan (14) -

the community She’ll (15) - in its recycling program In joining this program She’ll collect (16) -

paper, glass and empty cans Then she will send them for (17) -.

She hopes that she could save natural resources and earn some money for her school Y&Y in these

(18) -.She also thinks about participating in (19) -planting trees and flowers or (20) -the street children.

13 a interesting b.interested c.boring d.bored 14 a help b.to help c.helping d.to helping 15 a take part b.participatec.fill d.a&b

16 a use b.used c.using d.to use

17 a recyclable b.recycle c.recycled d.recycling 18 a organizations b.members c.activites d.neither 19 a and b.either c.so d.neither

20 a help b.helped c.helping d.to help V/Listen Write the name of the correct days (1,5Ms)

homework park movies Computer games

picnic basketball

22 23 21

VI/Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others (2Ms)

24 a although b.sidewalk c along d.all

25 a memory b.try c.directory d.necessary 26 a highlight b.meaning c.stick d.habit 27 a used b.voluntary c.unite d.usually


I/Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others (1M).

1 a hobbies b bags c groups d organizations

2 a shout b loud c group d scout

3 a highlight b meaning c stick d habit

4 a meaning b heart c eat d speak


5 a behavior b participate c necessary d traditional 6 a garden b enroll c.sidewalk d drawing

7 a fairy b appear c.cruel d master

8 a chemical b precaution c electric d destruction

III/Choose the word or phrase that best completes each unfinished sentence below (2Ms)

9 He used - fishing.

a enjoy b to enjoy c enjoying d to enjoying 10 I am not happy - his work this term.

a.with b to c on d of 11 I was born in Viet Nam ; Vietnamese is my -.

a mother tongue b first language c foreign language d a&b

12 - is the study of the earth and its countries, mountains, rivers, weather, etc.

a geography b physics c chemistry d math

IV/Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English (2M)

(13) - a beautiful princess had a golden ball Unfortunately , one day she (14) - her ball into the water She was unhappy and started (15) - Suddenly a green frog appeared and offered to help her if she let him live with her in the palace The (16) - agreed.

(17) - the frog gave her the ball She took the ball and forgot all about the frog. The frog was angry and (18) - his story to the King The King asked his daughter to take the frog to her room and look at (19) - carefully The princess cried again, but she took the frog and put him on her bed The frog asked her to kiss him, so she did (20) - the frog turned into a handsome prince Of course , he and the princess fell in love And they lived happily, ever after.

13 a One b Once c.Two d Twice 14 a drops b droped c dropped d is dropping 15 a cry b crying c to cry d b&c

16 a girl b princess c frog d a&b 17 a So b But c However d For example

18 a asked b told c said d spoke

19 a for b at c after d.all are correct 20 a Latelyb Recently c Hardly d.Immediately.

V/Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard Enhlish (1M) 21.Tim’s mother said that she was proud about her son.


22 She taught her children how to care after their pets. A B C D

VI/Yesterday morning Mr Robinson was ill He went to the doctor and the doctor gave him

some advice Report the doctor’s advice (1M) 23 “ You should take a few days off.”


-VII/Make questions for the underlined words (1M)

25 They help the community by participating in recycling program. 26 They collect used glass, paper and cans for recycling.

VIII/Answer the questions (1M)

27.What you to improve your English?

MA TRẬN ĐỀ THI HOC KỲ I Khối – Môn: AV- NH: 09-10.


TN TL TN TL TN TL TN TL Vocabulary 8



2 Grammar 9,12,21,22


10,11 1

6 3

Reading 13 20




Writing 23,24


25,26,27 2

5 3 Tông số

câu hỏi

12 10 2 3 22 5

Tổng số điểm

4 3 1 2 7 3


ĐÁP ÁN MÔN AV HKI NH: 09-10. I/ Mỗi câu 0,25đ (1đ)

1c, 2c, 3a, 4b. II/ Mỗi câu 0,25đ (1đ) 5c, 6b, 7b, 8a. III/ Mỗi câu 0,5đ (2đ) 9b, 10a, 11d, 12a. IV/ Mỗi số 0,25đ (2đ)

13b, 14c, 15d, 16d, 17a, 18b, 19c, 20d V/ Mổi câu 0,5đ (1đ)

21c, 22c.

VI/ Mổi câu 0,5đ (1đ)

23.The doctor said he should take a few days off. 24 The doctor said he ought not to eat fatty food. VII/ Mổi câu 0,5đ (1đ)

25 How they help the community? 26 What they collect for recycling? V/ Một câu (1đ)

Students’ answer.

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2021, 18:04

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