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If hay receives enough rain at the proper time, it grows quickly like grass.. Your hair is long.[r]


Bài tập ôn thi

I.Choose the best answers

1 If he _ his father’s advice, he would not have lost all his money a follows b had followed c would follow d followed The city was be destroyed completely after terrorists bombed it

a b c d I know a place _ we can buy ice cream at a low price

a what b where c which d in where We are bored _ the same activities in English lessons

a to b with doing c at doing d to doing The closer a friend is to you, _(s)he is to you

a the dearer b much dear c the dearest d dearer I have known a person _hometown is famous for grapefruits

a who b that c whose d whom Great noise is known deaf of many people

a causing b to cause c causes d caused Do you mind to go out with me to buy some ice creams?

a b c d

9 I usually talk to a man who ideas are very interesting and creative a b c d

10 The film is so _that we walked out of the cinema after 15 minutes watching it a bored b boring c boredom d bore 11 I have stopped _ to my neighbour since I had a quarrel with her

a speaking b to speak c spoke d speak 12 It was said that sea monster attack ships and boats

a were used b used to c use to d were used to 13 Great apes are in _ of becoming extinct

a crisis b danger c threat d warming 14 It is the first time I _ a bird of this colour

a see b am seeing c can see d have seen 15 It hasn’t rained months

a from b on c since d for

16 If I the leader of this team, I a lot of things

a was/will b was/would c were/would d had been/ would 17 The climate here is just righ: neither hot cold

a neither b not c nor d not even 18 We had better to review this lesson carefully because we will have some questions on it a b c d

19.The more the relative humidity rises, the worst the heat affects us a b c d 20 Hung used to living in Ha Noi when she was small

a b c

21 If hay receives enough rain at the proper time, it grows quickly like grass a b c d 22 I’d rather _ to a concert than a film, if you don’t mind

a go b going c gone d to go 23 Most people enjoy to different part of the world

a to travel b travel c travelling d travelled 24 Your hair is long It need _

a cutting b to cut c cut d has cut 25 When we felt thirsty, we stopped

a drink b to drink c drinking d drank 26 _ time you spend learning English every day?

a How much b How many c How long d x 27 This is the place _ the accident occurred

a which b when c where d on which 28 If I understood the question, I _ give the teacher the correct answer

a shall b would c will d have 29 We had better _ an umbrella when we go out It looks like it is going to rain

a taken b took c takes d take

30 My mother is _ a busy woman that she really needs a helper

a so b very c such d with

31 Louis Paster in the 19th century.

a was living b lived c had lived d has lived 32 My father usually helps me _ English


a will buy b would buy c bought d has bought 34 What does he want now? He _ to speak to your brother

a want b wants c.is wanting d wanting 35 Where is the girl saw the accident?

a she b which c who d no word is needed 36 Please tell me where _

a does Peter lives? b Peter lives c dose Peter live? d Peter lives? 37 The doctor made me in bed for a week

a staying b stay c stayed d have stayed 38 He is sad because he all his money

a lose b lost c has lost d was lost 39 That is the key I lost yesterday

a who b what c whom d x

40 first, I could hardly believe him

a in b at c by d for

41 Do you know the beautiful lady in the car?

a sit b sitting c sat d is sitting 42 At present we an exercise on tenses

a b will c have done d are doing 43 We were prevented going fishing by the bad weather

a in b on c from d at

44 I fell asleep when I _ television

a was watching b am being watched c am watching d watched 45 We in this house for 25 years

a are living b will live c live d have lived 46 My friend and _ went for a walk

a me b my c I d mine

47 If she rich, she would help the poor

a was b were c is d has been

48 You play tennis _ I

a better than b more better than c more well d more good 49 I am going to a wedding on Saturday _ is getting married

a A friend of mine b A friend of me c The friend of mine d The friend of me 50 We went on holiday with some friends _

a of ours b us c our d ours 51 John cut _ while he was shaving this morning

a him b himself c herself d x 52 to go to the cinema

a It was too late b That is was late c It was late so that d such too late 53 My picture is different from

a them b theirs c they d themselves 54 He asked _ to leave the office then

a our b we c us d ours

55 You and have to finish this before noon

a me b my c mine d I

56 She broke _left leg in the accident

a his b her c herself d x

57 It is _ that I have read it twice

a such an interesting book b so interesting book c too interesting a book d such a interesting book 58 The piano was too _

a for nobody to move b for nobody moving c for anyone to move d for anyone to moving 59 The bed is not clean enough _

a to lie in it b to lie in c for lying d in which to lie 60 It is _ home from here

a too far walking b too far for walking c far to walk,too d too far to walk 61 I am _ a car

a not rich enough to buy b too rich enough to buy c too poor to buy d a and c 62 Jane is to this exercise

a no intelligence enough b not intelligent enough c not enough intelligent d so intelligent enough 63 It is _ to go swimming

a too cold b so cold c such a cold d enough cold that 64 She dances that everybody admires her

a such beautiful b so beautiful c so beautifully d too beautifully 65 He drove that I was scared

a too fast b so fastly c so fast d such fast 66 These are _assignments that I can’t finish them


67 It is weather that I would like to go to the beach

a such a nice b such nice c too nice d so nice 68 The village was very small There were only _ houses

a plenty b little c few d a few 69.a show b know c town d snow

69.a books b cats c dogs d maps

70.a made b play c said d afraid 71.a but b nut c fun d bury 72.a question b nation c correction d pollution

73 We visited two years ago

a Canada and the United States b the Canada and the United States c the Canada and United States d Canada and United States 74 Are you going away next week? No, _ week after next

a a b the c some d x

75 I can’t work here There is too much _

a noise b noises c the noise d a noise 76 When invented?

a was telephone b was the telephone c were the telephones d were a telephone 77 We haven’t been to for years

a cinema b the cinema c a cinema d any cinema 78 My mother goes to church in morning

a x b every c the d a

79 I eat every day

a a banana b banana c the bananas d any banana 80 If you live in foreign country, you should try to learn th language

a the b x c an d a

81 Did your train leave from _?

a the Platform b an Platform c some Platform d Platform 82 It took us quite a long time to get here It was journey

a tree hour b a three-hours c a three-hour d three-hours 83 I often watch _ Tv for two hours every night.\

a some b the c any d x

84 My father is a writer He writes books

a a b some c any d x

85 I am not hungry I don’t want _ to eat

a some thing b any thing c thing d the thing 86 Hardly did pass the examination

a some body b any body c body d no body 87 Unemployment compensation is money to support an unemployed person while he is looking for _ a job b a job c works d a work

88 They have

a a four-month–old baby b a four-months-old baby c four-month-old baby d four-months -old baby 89 _ people in my apartment building are friendly

a few b a little c little d much 90 She German for two years

a has learnt b is learning c learns d learn 91 I was sad when I sold my car I it for a long time

a am running b were running c have run d had run 92 I’ve _ to Singapore I there last year

a been/ gone b gone /went c been/ went d just/go 93 I think you should have that coat _ soon

a cleaned b being cleaned c cleaning d to clean 94 Tomorrow I _ my grandparents

a am going to visit b will have visited c have visited d visit 95 Bad driving often many accidents

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 14:04



