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Unit 4. Volunteer work

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Instruction: Now you work in groups to talk anout a kind of volunteer work your partner in the previous task do to help other people. - Before Ss do the task, T may ask Ss to read thro[r]


Date of preparation : 23/10/2015 Date of teaching : 26/10/2015

Unit : Volunteer Work

Period 25


I Objectives

By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work.

II Materials

Textbook, pictures, handouts.

III Anticipated problems

Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to provide help

IV Procedure

Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activities





Ask students to look at the picture in their books and answer two questions:

What are these students doing? Are they volunteers



Instruction: You are required to decide which of the

following activities are volunteer works.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to decide which of the activities in the book are volunteer works Ss should also explain why a certain activity is not volunteer work

- T calls some Ss to give their answers ands for comments from other Ss

- T elicits other volunteer activities from Ss Suggested answers:

1.The activities which are not volunteer work: taking part in an excursion and participating in an English speaking club + Reason: You take part in these activities for yourself, not to help other people

2 Some other volunteer activities: taking part in environmental conservation activities, donating blood, directing traffic, guiding foreign sports teams around when they go to Vietnam to compete


Instruction : You are goimg to make conversations based on

the given suggestions.

- Before Ss the task, T asks them to read the model conversation onpage 50 Then Ss read the list of volunteer activities and the exact things related to them

- T can elicit or explain some words quickly: War invalid:th¬ng binh

Martyr: liƯt sü

Intersection : đờng giao nhau

- T gets across to Ss that one activity in the first column can go with several activities in the 2nd column T may require Ss to

Group work Answer the questions:

They are helping an old man with the housework

Yes, they are


match each activity on the left with corresponding activities on the right

Suggested answers:

Helping people in

mountainous areas

- Teaching the children to read and write

- Give them money Help old and sick people - Cleaning up their houses

- Doing their shopping - Cooking meals Helping disadvantaged or

handicapped children

- Teaching the children to read and write

- Listening to their problems - Playing games with them - Taking them to places on interest

Taking care of war invalids and the families of martyrs

- Listening to their problems - cleaning up their houses - Doing their shopping - Cooking meals Taking part in directing the


- Directing vehicles ar the intersections

- Helping old people and young children to cross the road

- T may design a handout for this activity to help Ss

talk more naturally and to lead to the next task Ss

may choose one or more activities to talk about , and

they change the role after one activity.

Student A

You want to take part in the volunteer work your friend is doing

Ask him/her all the information you want to know.

You can use suggestions below:

- kind of volunteer work - exact things to do

- frequency of doing the work

- length of time spent for the work

- your friend’s feeling when doing the work.

Student B

You are participating in a volunteer work Answer your friend’s questions about the work

You can use the information in TASK to answer the questions.

- After Ss have finished T calls on some pairs to act out their conversation

- T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments

Whole class & pair work Do Task in pairs

Take notes


12’ TASK 3

Instruction: Now you work in groups to talk anout a kind of volunteer work your partner in the previous task to help other people

- Before Ss the task, T may ask Ss to read through the example in the book T encourages Ss to use transition signals such as also, besides, moreover, etc to make their talk more coherent

- Now Ss work in groups to talk about one activity their partner takes part in They may say that: Mai usually takes part in directing the traffic She directs vehicles at the intersections Besides, she helps old people and young children to cross the road She enjoys the work very much because she likes helping people

- T goes around to observe and collect typical errors

- T calls on some Ss to talk about the activity they take part in - T elicits feedback from the class and gives final comments After that, T writes the errors she has corrected on the board to elicit correction from Ss and offers correction if necessary

- Work in groups - Take notes

- Each group gives a short presentation


WRAPPING UP - T summarises the main points of the lesson

- T asks Ss to the EXTRA EXERCISE as homework

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 13:18
