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  • Part TWO: Development


  • 1.1. OVERVIEW:




  • 1.4.1. Attitude and motivation of students:

  • 1.4.2. Teaching strategies:

  • 1.4.3. Environment and context of teaching:

  • 1.4.4. Social context:

  • Chapter 2: METHODOLOGY

  • 2.1. THE SETTINGS:

  • 2.1.1. An overview of the research site:

  • 2.1.2. Descriptions of the teachers of English at Hoa Tien secondary school:

  • 2.1.3. Descriptions of the students of English at Hoa Tien secondary school:

  • 2.1.4. The current situation of English teaching and learning at Hoa Tien secondary school:




  • 2.4.1. Questionnaires

  • 2.4.2. Interview:




  • 3.1.1. Student questionnaire:

  • 3.1.2.Teacher questionnaire:





  • 2. 1. Varying the teaching techniques and activities:

  • 2.2. Adapting the textbooks:

  • 2.3. Organizing extra curriculum activities for language learning:

  • 2.4. Improving learning and teaching conditions:

  • 2.5 Having local teachers to teach English for students in their communities:








Nội dung

VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN BÍCH HUỆ A CASE STUDY OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN A REMOTE AND MOUNTAINOUS SECONDARY SCHOOL IN QUANG BINH PROVINCE (ĐIỂN CỨU VỀ VIỆC GIẢNG DẠY TIẾNG ANH Ở MỘT TRƯỜNG THCS-THPT THUỘC VÙNG SÂU VÙNG XA CỦA TỈNH QUẢNG BÌNH) MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS FIELD: METHODOLOGY CODE: 601410 HANOI-2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………… i AKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………… ii TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………… iii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES …………………………………… v PART ONE: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………… 1 Rationale of the study ……………………………………………………… Aims of the study ……………………………………………………… … Scope of the study ……………………………………………………… … Methods of the study …………………………………………………… … Design of the study …… ……………………………………………… … PART TWO: DEVELOPMENT …… …………………………………… … Chapter 1: LITERATURE REVIEW …… …………………….……… … 1.1 Overview …………… ……………………………………………… … 1.2 Definitions of second language acquisition …… …………………… … 1.3 Some stratergies of teaching English ………………………………… … 1.4 Factors affecting the quality of language teaching …………………… … 1.4.1 Attitude and motivation of students ………………………………… … 1.4.2 Teaching strategies ……………………….………………………… … 1.4.3 Environment and context of teaching …….………………………… … Textbooks ……… ……………………………………………… … Classroom structure amd climate …………………………………… School facilities … ………………………………………………… 10 1.4.4 Social context … ……………… …………………………………… 11 Chapter 2: METHODOLOGY …….……………….……………… … 12 2.1 The settings … ……………… …….……………………………… … 12 2.1.1 An overview of the research site ….…… ………………………… … 12 2.1.2 Descriptions of the teachers of English at Hoa Tien secondary school … 12 2.1.3 Descriptions of the students of English at Hoa Tien secondary school … 12 2.1.4 The current situation of English teaching and learning at Hoa Tien secondary school ……………… …….………………………………… … 13 The materials for teaching and learning ………………………… … 13 The current situation of English teaching and learning at Hoa Tien secondary school ……………… …….………….……………………… … 13 2.2 Research questions ………… …….………………………………… … 14 2.3 The participants ……….…… …….………………………………… … 14 2.4 Data collection ………… …….………… …………………………… 15 2.4.1 Questionnaires ………… …….……………………………………… 15 Questionnaire for teachers ….……………………………………… 15 Questionnaire for students ….……………………………………… 15 2.4.2 Interview with teachers ….…………………………………………… 15 2.5 Data analysis …………… …….………… ………………………….… 16 Chapter 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ……………………….… 17 3.1 Findings from the questionnaires ………… …………………………… 17 3.1.1 Questionnaire for students ………… … …………………………… 17 3.1.2 Questionnaire for teachers ………… … ………………………… … 22 3.2 Findings from the Interviews for teachers ……………………………… 30 PART THREE: CONCLUSION ………… … ………………………… … 32 4.1 Summary of the findings … ….………… ……….………………… … 32 4.2 Recommendations and suggestions ……… ………………………… … 33 4.3 Limitations of the study ……… …………… ……………………… … 35 4.4 Recommendations for further research ……… …… ……………… … 35 REFERENCES ……… …………………… ……………………………… 37 APPENDICES ABSTRACT In an attempt to investigate the reality of teaching English in a remote and mountainous school in Quang Binh province, the main purposes of the research were to find out: (1) teachers’ attitude toward English teaching; (2) teachers’ techniques and strategies; (3) teaching materials; and (4) main difficulties in teaching English at school The subjects of the study were 100 students and English teachers in Hoa Tien secondary school All of them answered the questionnaires Among them, three teachers were invited to participate in an interview The research finds out that they focus on teaching grammar points but pay less attention to speaking, reading and even communicative skills The findings also show that they often use black board, pairwork and groupwork, they sometimes use teaching aids which they made by themselves and often use their mother tongue in class Moreover, teachers often simplify, adapt or redesign some contents in the textbooks which are not relevant to their students The research also reveals the students’ negative attitude to and poor motivation for English learning Finally, in order to improve English teaching in a secondary remote and mountainous school, the study recommends the followings: teachers should vary their teaching techniques and activities; textbooks should be adapted; extra curriculum activities for language learning should be organized; learning and teaching conditions should be improved; and local teachers should be available to teach English for students in their communities PART ONE: INTRODUCTION RATIONALE OF THE STUDY: These days, there is no doubt about the fact that the English language is becoming something of a forerunner in global communication It is the first and second language in most countries of the world Almost 70% of the Internet is in English A huge volume of the information used on the Internet is also in English Thus, English is playing a very significant role in bringing the world together Therefore, teaching and learning English have become the necessity all over the world In Vietnam, English is a compulsory subject from primary schools to universities However, quality of learning and teaching English is different from one school to another, especially from schools in cities, towns and those from remote and mountainous areas Students in remote and mountainous schools, particularly in Quang Binh, have a higher rate of low marks than those in cities and towns It is the fact that there has been a big difference between them Therefore, how to teach English to students in remote and mountainous schools has been a controversial issue Thus, investigating the reality of teaching English in remote and mountainous schools should be carried out in order to identify the difficulties that teachers and students there encounter and the factors that affect their English teaching and learning process Hence, the topic “A case study of teaching English in a remote and mountainous school in Quang Binh” has been chosen This case study as the topic of this research is carried out in the hope of giving a few benefits to teachers, students and others concerned AIMS OF THE STUDY: The main objectives of this study are as follows:  To identify the reality of teaching English at Hoa Tien secondary school  To suggest some solutions for improving the English teaching in remote and mountainous schools SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The main focus of the study is on the investigation of the English teaching in a remote and mountainous school in Quang Binh As this is a case study research, its limitation is obviously on teachers at Hoa Tien secondary school, a school located at a remote and mountainous area of Quang Binh province METHODS OF THE STUDY: In order to carry out this research, the following methods are used:  Theoretical study  Survey questionnaires  Interviews with teachers DESIGN OF THE STUDY: The minor thesis consists of two main parts: the first part is titled introduction including the rationale, aims, scope, methods and design of the study The second part includes five chapters Chapter one conceptualizes the framework through the discussion of issues and ideas on English teaching theories The research methodology is presented in chapter two focusing on the settings, the research questions, the participants, data collection and data analysis Chapter three is the report of the results collected from data analysis and discussion of the research questions The last chapter is the conclusion of the study, including summary of the findings, recommendations and suggestions, limitations of the study and recommendations for further research 10 Part TWO: Development Chapter 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 OVERVIEW: This chapter deals with some of the most important issues in the theory of language teaching Firstly, definitions of second language acquisition will be presented Secondly, some strategies of teaching English put forward by some researchers and educators will be listed Finally, factors that affect the quality of language teaching in remote and mountainous areas will be taken into consideration 1.2 DEFINITIONS OF SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Up to now, there has been a variety of definitions of second language acquisition However, most of the authors have the similar definitions of second language acquisition Second language acquisition is concerned with the study of the way in which an individual becomes able to use one or more languages different from his first language This process can take place in a natural setting or through formal classroom instruction, and, although the degree of proficiency that can be attained is a controversial topic, it can start at childhood or during the adult age (Krashen, 1982) According to the website: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/second+language+acquisition, Second language acquisition is the process by which people learn a second language in addition to their native language(s) The term second language is used to describe the acquisition of any language after the acquisition of the mother tongue 1.3 SOME STRATEGIES OF TEACHING ENGLISH: Linda Woolhether (2010) suggests some strategies for teaching English These include:  Using technologies: Computer technology can help teachers to make learning process more effective, meaningful and socially connected Inquiry-based learning is a strategy that helps students better organize their thoughts and to complete projects The teacher can make a class presentation with instructions for completing research projects, creative writing or literature reviews through the use of an LCD projector Power Point presentations enable the teacher to instruct students in a clear, precise and motivating way 11  Planning and Organization: It is necessary for teachers to plan lessons that are suitable to a particular class In the lesson plans, student-directed practice should be concentrated on rather than teacher-directed instruction Responsibility of students for their learning should be encouraged The lecture content is probably not appropriate if it minimizes student interaction and expects students to understand the material just by receiving knowledge about the language Students of English as a second language require instructional strategies that are innovative and motivational English as a second langugage is a required course for all students that should stress the importance of mastering the skills included in English instruction For this objective to be accomplished successfully, students need to be able to make the connection between what is taught in class and their life  Active Learning: Students should be encouraged to participate in the learning process by taking part in class discussions, small group meetings, case studies and role playing Much literature lends itself to this type of activity Teachers who utilize literature circles find that students gain a better understanding of reading selections than those who read independently Literature circles encourage each student’s active participation When students are actively engaged, their learning output will improve As for students from remote and mountainous schools, many researchers and experts suggest a number of strategies for teaching English  Facilitate autonomous students’ learning: Weden (1985) states that learner strategies are the key element to learner autonomy, so facilitating autonomous learning is one of the most teaching goals Besides, it has been found that students can benefit from the strategies-based instruction (MacIntyre & Noels 1996) To facilitate autonomous learning, training in learning strategies could, therefore, be one of the teaching goals in an English classroom  Provide strategy instruction: Teachers can provide strategy instruction by offering examples of how they have used strategies for similar language tasks After explaining a strategy, the teacher can then explain the purpose and importance of the strategy They may explicitly discuss why a strategy works and when it might be used Explicit instruction in 12 strategies can make students use the learned strategy more frequently and more effectively, help them become better language learners, help them add strategies to their repertoire of learning tools, make them more aware of the strategies available to them and encourage them to decide which strategies are most effective for particular tasks (Chamot, Barnhardt, ElDinary & Robbins, 1999)  Emphasize the coordination of strategies: Once a few strategies have been introduced, instruction should emphasize the coordination of strategies The teacher can explain the importance of having a repertoire of strategies for language learning Students can be reminded that different strategies can work for the same task and that good learners plan, monitor, problem-solve and evaluate recursively during a given task (Chamot, Barnhardt, ElDinary & Robbins, 1999)  Encourage students to talk about their thought processes: This helps make them more aware of the strategies they have been using This awareness is important because it enables them to call on those strategies whenever they face challenging tasks  Encourage students to practice learning strategies: Finally, these learning strategies should be practised in different learning tasks Only through practice will students become more familiar with these learning strategies According to Kristmanson (2000), in order to create an effective learning environment, teachers should: - Create an atmosphere in which students are not afraid to make mistakes and are encouraged to take risks - Encourage and support students all the times and especially when they are struggling with or lacking confidence in certain areas - Be energetic and enthusiastic about what they are teaching and on those days when they not have that energy, provide activities that require learners to put forth the majority of the energy - Provide opportunities for interaction in the target language in and outside the language learning environment through preplanned and spontaneous activities 13 - Avoid tension-causing strategies such as surprising quizzes, overly competitive activities, putting students in front of their peers with no warning or chance for preparation, and correcting errors in a negative, accusatory fashion - Encourage goal setting and a sense of dedication and continuous commitment to the language learning task through meaningful, relevant and authentic language learning activities - Encourage learners to seek out opportunities in their lives that will help in the learning of the target language - Create, through the presentation of attainable goals and reasonable challenges, a learning environment with a definite potential for success - Recognize the "little successes", improvements and progress of each student or all the students in the group - Allow students opportunities to talk about themselves, their interests, and their culture 1.4 FACTORS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF LANGUAGE TEACHING: There is a great deal of factors affecting the quality of language teaching but because of the limited scope of the study, the focus is only on some factors affecting English teaching in remote and mountainous schools in Quang Binh province, which include attitude and motivation of students; teaching strategies; environment and teaching context; and social context 1.4.1 Attitude and motivation of students: There have been a large number of researches on the attitude and motivation of students on learning and teaching English According to Gardner (1985), “positive attitude and motivation are closely related to success in foreign language learning” An attitude is a mental or neural state of readiness organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence on the individual's response to all objects and situations to which it is related (Allport, 1935) An attitude, roughly, is a residuum of experience, by which further activity is conditioned and controlled We may think of attitudes as acquired tendencies to act in specific ways toward objects (Krueger & Reckless, 1931) According to Kavitha (2009), we must recognize that most success stories begin with the acquisition and earnest practice of appropriate and positive attitude toward the task on hand For too long, we have let our political desires, goals and propaganda come in the way of language learning For any 14 2.5 Having local teachers to teach English for students in their communities: With the finding from the questionnaires, students use their dialect (Nguon language) when communicating with each other, in their families and community; and their mother tongue can affect their foreign language acquisition Consequently, they face challenges of learning English and teachers from other regions also find it hard to teaching English to them If local teachers (who live in this region and can speak as well as understand their language) are available, they can teach English to students there more effectively as they can understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses in learning a foreign language The foreign language teaching and learning process will be more successful when teachers and students make themselves fully understood LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: Although the study has been seriously and intensively carried out, like many other studies, there are still some limitations Firstly, in term of methodology, the study is limited in the fact that the data may not fully reflect all aspects of English teaching in this remote and mountainous school Moreover, the data were collected at the end of the school year so there was not enough time for class observation for deep information Secondly, the interviews are carried out mostly in Vietnamese, then translated into English The translation may loose some intention of both interviewer and interviewees Thirdly, teaching is a large field, the research, however, has studied some aspects such as teachers’ attitude; teachers’ strategies and techniques; teaching materials and some factors affecting their English teaching in this remote and mountainous school The last but not least, limitation of the study is that it is a case study, so it is limited in scope Its findings may not be generalized but it provides information and data basis for further study RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: The following directions should be taken into consideration in the future research: Firstly, this is a case study which investigates the reality of teaching English in one remote and mountainous school in Quang Binh province, another study with larger scope should be done in the remote and mountainous schools in a province or a country 43 Secondly, because remote and mountainous schools have their own characteristics and the textbooks recently used for every secondary school in Vietnam have some contents which are not relevant to schools in the remote and mountainous school, designing textbooks and teaching syllabus is a necessary job A further study should be carried out with an aim to writing textbooks or designing teaching and learning syllabus which can meet the appropriateness of the social contexts Finally, as findings from the research, students’ motivation on learning English in the remote and mountainous school is poor Hence, a further study should focus on the students’ motivation for learning English in remote and mountainous schools in this province or in Vietnam 44 REFERENCES Allport, G W (1935) Handbook of Psychology Murchinson, C Worcester, MA: Clark University Press Bilgic, E & Yurtal, F (2009) An investigation of bullying according to classroom climate Journal of theory and Practice in Education Retrieved on May, 12, 2010 from the website: http://eku.comu.edu.tr/index/5/2/ebilgic_fyurtal.pdf Blagojevich, R.R., Illinios Capital Development Board, & Illinois State Board of Education.(2006) Illinois resource guide for health, high performing school buildings IL, Healthy Schools Campaign Brown, A.L (1992) Design Experiments: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Creating Complex Interventions in Classroom Settings The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2(2), 141-178 Chamot, A U., Barnhardt, S., El-Dinary, P B & Robbins, J (1999) The learning strategies handbook New York: Addison Wesley Longman Corcoran, T B., Walker L J & White J L 1988 Working in urban schools Washington D.C.: Institute for Educational Leadership Crookes, G., & Schmidt R.W (1991) Motivation : Reopening the research agenda Language Learning, 41(4), 469-512 Gardner, R.C (1985) Social Psychology and Second Language Learning The Role of Attit.udes and Motivation London: Edward Arnold Heschong Mahone Group 1999 Daylighting in schools: an investigation into the relationship between daylighting and human performance Fair Oaks, California Retrieved on May 10th, 2010 from the website: Heschong Mahone Group 10 Hutchinson, T, & Torres, E (1994) The textbook as agent of change ELT Journal, 48 (4), 315-327 11 Kavitha, V (2009) Attitudinal Factor in Second Language Acquisition: An Illustrative Example from a Class in University Language in India Volume Retrieved on May 10th, 2010 from http://www.languageinindia.com/may2009/kavithaattitudinal.html 45 the website: 12 Krashen, S (1982) Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition Oxford: Pergamon Press 13 Kristmanson, P (2000) Affect in the Second Language Classroom: How to Create an Emotional Climate Reflexions May/mai 2000 Vol 19 No 14 Krueger, E T., and Reckless, W C., (1931) Social Psychology New York: Longmans, Green & Company 15 Lackney, J A (1999) Assessing school facilities for learning/assessing the impact of the physical environment on the educational process Mississippi State, Miss.: Educational Design Institute 16 Lucas, J (1981) Effects of noise on academic achievement and classroom behavior Sacramento, California Department of Health Services 17 Woolhether, L (2010) Strategies in Teaching Secondary School English Retrieved on April 21, 2010 from the website: http://www.ehow.com/way_5813479_strategies-teaching-secondary- school-english.html 18 MacIntyre, P D & Noels, K A (1996) Using social-psychological variables to predict the use of language learning strategies Foreign Language Annals 29(3), 373-386 19 Maeroff, G., (1988) Withered hopes, stillborn dreams: The dismal panorama of urban schools Phi Delta Kappan, 69(9), 633-638 20 Yang, M N (2007) Language Learning Strategies for Junior College Students in Taiwan: Investigating Ethnicity and Proficiency Asian EFL journal Volume Issue Article 21 Reece, I & Walker, S (1997) Teaching, Training and Learning A Practical Guide (Third Ed.) Great Britain: Business Education Publishers Limited 22 Richard, J.C (2001) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching Cambridge Retrieved on May 1st, 2010 from the website: www.professorjackrichards.com/pdfs/role-of-textbooks.pdf 23 Richard, J.C & Platt, J and Platt, H (1993) Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics Longman 46 24 Rivers, W M (1981) Teaching Foreign-Language Skills Chicago: Chicago University Press 25 Schneider, M (2002) Do school facilities affect academic outcomes? National Clearinghouse for Educational facilities Washington, DC www.edfacilities.org 26 Soltis, J F (1984) On the nature of educational research Educational Researcher, 13 (10), 5-10 Retrieved on May, 12, 2010 from the website: www.education.nmsu.edu/faculty/ci/ruchavez/ /4_TheoreticalIssues.pdf 27 Tomlinson, B.(ed.) (2008) English Language Learning Materials A Critical Review London: Continuum 28 Wenden, A (1985) Learner Strategies TESOL Newsletter, 19(5), 1-7 47 APPENDIX A QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS PHIẾU ĐIỀU TRA NGHIÊN CỨU Bảng câu hỏi nhằm phục vụ nghiên cứu thực trạng học tiếng Anh học sinh trường PT cấp 2-3 Hóa Tiến, tỉnh Quảng Bình Các câu trả lời mà em cung cấp quan trọng với cơng trình nghiên cứu Dữ liệu điều tra sử dụng cho việc nghiên cứu, khơng mục đích khác Vì mong em trả lời theo suy nghĩ Cảm ơn hợp tác em -   -Xin em cho biết: ………………… Em học lớp nào? Em bắt đầu học tiếng Anh từ lớp mấy? ………………… Điểm trung bình mơn em học kì bao nhiêu? ………………… Vì em học tiếng Anh? □ em thích □ để giao tiếp tiếng Anh □ để có hội tìm việc làm tốt tương lai □ để thi tốt nghiệp (hoặc đại học) □ mơn học bắt buộc Lý khác: ………………………………………………………………… Việc đạt điểm cao có ý nghĩa thân em? □ quan trọng □ cần điểm trung bình □ em khơng quan tâm đến điểm số Em nghĩ học tiếng Anh lớp mình? □ hay □ hay □ bình thường □ chán Ý kiến khác: ………………………………………………………………… Em thường sử dụng ngơn ngữ giao tiếp với gia đình bạn bè? □ tiếng phổ thơng □ tiếng địa phương □ tiếng Anh □ khác 48 Ngôn ngữ địa phương em có ảnh hưởng đến việc phát âm nói tiếng Anh khơng? □ có □ □ không Thầy (cô) giáo dạy tiếng Anh em có sử dụng dụng cụ trực quan (tranh, ảnh, đài,…) q trình dạy khơng? □ thường xun □ □ □ không Các em có học tiếng Anh phịng học tiếng khơng? □ thường xun □ □ □ không Trường em có tổ chức hoạt động ngoại khóa tiếng Anh không? □ thường xuyên □ □ □ không Em sử dụng tài liệu số tài liệu sau để học tiếng Anh tốt hơn? (em chọn phương án trả lời) □ sách giáo khoa □ sách tập □ sách tham khảo □ báo, tạp chí tiếng Anh □ mạng internet Ý kiến khác: ……………………………………………………………… 10 Em thấy sách giáo khoa môn tiếng Anh em học nào? □ yêu cầu sách khó □ yêu cầu sách dễ □ vài nội dung sách không gần gũi với thực tế sống ngày em □ sách có nhiều từ Ý kiến khác: ……………………………………………………………… -   49 APPENDIX B QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEACHERS This questionnaire is designed for the research into the reality of teaching English in a remote and mountainous school in Quang Binh Your assistance in completing the survey is appreciated All the information you provide solely for the study purpose, and you can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data Thank you very much for your cooporation -   Your gender: □ male □ female ………………………… Your age: ………………………… How long have you been teaching English? According to you, the aim of teaching English is to enable students to: (Choose as many as possible) □ understand English grammar and grammar exercises □ communicate with English-speaking people □ read simple texts in English □ acquire a certain amount of vocabulary □ study abroad Others: ……………………………………………………………………… What you focus on most in your teaching at school? □ pronunciation □ speaking □ grammar □ writing □ reading □ listening □ vocabulary □ conversational/communicative skills What kinds of classroom teachniques you often use in your teaching at your school? □ using blackboard □ using tape recorders □ using simple teaching aids (pictures/ flashcards/handouts,etc) □ using supplementary materials 50 □ organizing pairwork or groupwork Others: ……………………………………………………………………… How you often use the textbook? □ teach everything in the textbook □ design new exercises □ simplify the tasks in the textbook if necessary Others: ……………………………………………………………………… Do you use other materials besides the textbook in your teaching? □ yes □ no If your answer if Yes, how often? (more than one choice is acceptable) □ in skills learning lessons (reading, speaking, listening, writing) □ in grammar lessons □ every lesson □ when some lessons in the textbook are nor relevant to my students Others: ……………………………………………………………………… Does your school have many facilities for your teaching? (tape recorders, overhead projectors, lab rooms, CDs, etc) □ yes □ yes, but not many □ no Do you often use your mother tongue in your teaching at school? □ often □ sometimes □ rarely □ never When you use your mother tongue in your teaching at school? (more than one choice is acceptable) □ In teaching language skills □ In teaching grammar □ In teaching vocabulary □ Only when giving instruction □ In most of the lessons 51 Others: ……………………………………………………………………… What teaching strategies you often use in your teaching? (more than one choice is acceptable) □ Facilitating autonomous students’ learning □ Creating an atmosphere in which students are not afraid to make mistakes and are encouraged to take risks □ Using communicative games (lucky numbers, crosswords, slap the board, etc) □ Using technology (computers, OHP, etc) Others: ……………………………………………………………………… 10 How important are these factors to your language teaching? (please tick in which is suitable to your ideas.) Very important Important Students’s attitude Students’motivation Teaching strategy Textbook Classroom structure and climate School facilities Social context -   52 Not very important Not important at all APPENDIX C TEACHER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Each interview lasted 10 minutes in which these following questions were employed to elicit information needed for the study How long have you been teaching English? Are you satisfied with the living condition here? Have you ever thought of leaving for a better school? What you think of the new textbook of English presently used? Do you find it suitable to your students? What you usually if there is something in the textbooks not relevant to your students’ daily lives, their background or language proficiency? What is your students’ attitude in your lessons? Do you often make use of teaching aids such as pictures, posters or CD players in your lessons? Do you often let your students work in pairs or in groups? Why or why not? What you think the most difficult problems to teach English at a mountainous and remote school like yours? 53 APPENDIX D TRANSLATION VERSION OF TAPESCRIPT’S INTERVIEW A TEACHER 1: How long have you been teaching English? I have been teaching English for years Are you satisfied with the living condition here? Have you ever thought of leaving for a better school? I am completely content with living condition here and I have never had intention of leaving for a better school What you think of the new textbook of English presently used? Do you find it suitable to your students? I think that the new textbooks are not really relevant to students in general and from remote mountainous schools in particular Grammar knowledge is too heavy and vocabulary is too much What you usually if there is something in the textbooks not relevant to your students’ daily lives, their background or language proficiency? I often adapt the difficult tasks by simplifying them so that they can be relevant to my students’ abilities or I can omit some difficult sections in order to make them well What is your students’ attitude in your lessons? They are not really active and excited in learning English and their English learning seems to be compulsory Do you often make use of teaching aids such as pictures, posters or CD players in your lessons? My school has a few teaching aids of English subject so I sometimes make teaching aids by myself Therefore, teaching aids are limitted in my lessons Do you often let your students work in pairs or in groups? Why or why not? This is a good way for teaching English so I often let my students work in pairs or groups Because in English lessons students are passive, I let them work in pairs/groups so that they can feel free in giving their opinions I really agree with this technique 54 What you think the most difficult problems to teach English at a mountainous and remote school like yours? + I think there are many difficulties in teaching English in remote mountainous schools but the most serious one is that students in my school not pay much attention to learning English and they consider English as a secondary subject + They often use their dialect so they find difficult in pronouncing some words of the offficial language Thus, speaking in English is a hard process B TEACHER 2: How long have you been teaching English? I have been teaching English for years Are you satisfied with the living condition here? Have you ever thought of leaving for a better school? Generally I find living condition here is rather good and contemporally I have no intention of leaving for a beter school What you think of the new textbook of English presently used? Do you find it suitable to your students? I think that the new textbooks recently used are not really relevant to my students’ abilities Learning English is for communication but the textbooks require students to learn a large amount of grammar points What you usually if there is something in the textbooks not relevant to your students’ daily lives, their background or language proficiency? I usually reduce the tasks which are difficult for my students and replace them with others I sometimes direct my students and lead them to concrete context However, generally I find it difficult so I replace other tasks that are easier for my students What is your students’ attitude in your lessons? Most of the students are passive in learning English unless being asked to by their teachers It is impossible for them to learn English freely (without their teachers’control) Do you often make use of teaching aids such as pictures, posters or CD players in your lessons? Yes, I often use teaching aids (pictures and posters) and CD players in teaching listening skill 55 Do you often let your students work in pairs or in groups? Why or why not? I often let my students work in pairs Because if being asked to work in groups, they often make use of the time for chatting Thus, I often let them work in pairs for more effectiveness What you think the most difficult problems to teach English at a mountainous and remote school like yours? The students here not really love English so we encounter many challeges in teaching English Most of them only learn it in classes where they are watched directly by the teachers They almost not autonomously learn English at home Therefore, it makes our teaching face many difficulties and become ineffective C TEACHER How long have you been teaching English? I have been teaching English for 10 years Are you satisfied with the living condition here? Have you ever thought of leaving for a better school? I not live in the motel but live kilometer away from this school but I find the living condition here rather good, except the water supply system What you think of the new textbook of English presently used? Do you find it suitable to your students? I think that the new textbooks which are used at present are not really relevant to students in my school There are two-three grammar points in each part of language focus which are hard to teach in one period Moreover, vocabulary is too much in each reading text What you usually if there is something in the textbooks not relevant to your students’ daily lives, their background or language proficiency? I often simplify the difficult tasks or design others easier for my students When some topics are not relevant to my students’ background or language proficiency, I replace them with other topics which are familiar to them What is your students’ attitude in your lessons? Most of my students are not active in learning English in class or at home They not pay much attention to their teachers’ lectures and even they not almost their homework 56 Do you often make use of teaching aids such as pictures, posters or CD players in your lessons? I sometimes use teaching aids in my teaching Because this school not have poster or pictures of English subject so I make posters by myself only when being observed by other teachers or school leaders Do you often let your students work in pairs or in groups? Why or why not? I often let my students work in pairs because it makes them feel free and confident of giving opinions What you think the most difficult problems to teach English at a mountainous and remote school like yours? In my opinion, the most difficult problem is students’ attitude towards English learning in this school In spite of teachers’ efforts to motivate students to learn English, they almost not pay much attention to it and most of them are not autonomous to learn it at home 57 ... bạn bè? □ tiếng phổ thơng □ tiếng địa phương □ tiếng Anh □ khác 48 Ngơn ngữ địa phương em có ảnh hưởng đến việc phát âm nói tiếng Anh khơng? □ có □ □ khơng Thầy (cơ) giáo dạy tiếng Anh em có... NGHIÊN CỨU Bảng câu hỏi nhằm phục vụ nghiên cứu thực trạng học tiếng Anh học sinh trường PT cấp 2-3 Hóa Tiến, tỉnh Quảng Bình Các câu trả lời mà em cung cấp quan trọng với cơng trình nghiên cứu. .. quan (tranh, ảnh, đài,…) q trình dạy khơng? □ thường xuyên □ □ □ không Các em có học tiếng Anh phịng học tiếng khơng? □ thường xun □ □ □ không Trường em có tổ chức hoạt động ngoại khóa tiếng Anh

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:09


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