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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ ĐIỆP TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES REGARDING TO TEACHING THE INDUCTIVE APPROACH TO TEACHING GRAMMAR – A CASE STUDY AT A HANOI- BASED UNIVERSITY (ĐIỂN CỨU VỀ NHẬN THỨC VÀ THỰC TẾ GIẢNG DẠY CỦA GIÁO VIÊN ĐỐI VỚI ĐƯỜNG HƯỚNG DẠY NGỮ PHÁP QUI NẠP TẠI MỘT TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC Ở HÀ NỘI ) M.A Minor Programme Thesis FIELD CODE : ENGLISH METHODOLOGY : 60.14.10 Hanoi, 2013 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES NGUYỄN THỊ ĐIỆP TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES REGARDING TO TEACHING THE INDUCTIVE APPROACH TO TEACHING GRAMMAR – A CASE STUDY AT A HANOI- BASED UNIVERSITY (ĐIỂN CỨU VỀ NHẬN THỨC VÀ THỰC TẾ GIẢNG DẠY CỦA GIÁO VIÊN ĐỐI VỚI ĐƯỜNG HƯỚNG DẠY NGỮ PHÁP QUI NẠP TẠI MỘT TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC Ở HÀ NỘI ) M.A Minor Programme Thesis FIELD CODE : ENGLISH METHODOLOGY : 60.14.10 SUPERVISOR : Dr LE VAN CANH Hanoi, 2013 DECLARATION I hereby certify that the thesis entitled “Teachers’ perceptions and practices regarding the inductive approach to teaching grammar – A case study at a Hanoi-based university” is the result of my own research for the Degree of Master of Arts at the Faculty of Post-Graduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, and that this thesis has not, wholly or partially, been submitted for any degree at any other universities or institutions Ha noi, 2013 Student’s signature Nguyen Thi Diep i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to specially dedicate my thanks to Dr Le Van Canh, who has supervised my work and given me constructive comments through the process of conducting the study Also, I would like to express my gratitude to him for his lectures in language teaching methodology course which gave me a lot of ideas to choose the topic for my research There are many people who have helped me complete this thesis I am greatly indebted to my colleagues who are willing to share their opinions and provide me with their lectures in the process of collecting the data I am also deeply grateful to my loving family and friends who has continuously given me their supports and encouragement and also for their patience and understanding Finally, I would like to thank all the people who are involved directly or indirectly in this particular study Without their help and cooperation, I would not have been able to complete this thesis ii ABSTRACT This study was aimed to investigate teachers’ perceptions and practices in regarding grammar teaching at Hanoi University of Industry (HAUI) The data for the study were collected through class observations and interviews with ten English teachers at the Faculty of English, HAUI The aim of the interviews was to gain insight into the factors which influenced teachers’ instructional decisions in teaching grammar, and in order to point out differences and similarities between their perceptions and their practices to English grammar teaching in the classroom The data were first analyzed qualitatively and then discussed to find out answers to the research questions The results of the study revealed that the teachers laid a great emphasis on grammar and grammar teaching with the belief that grammar teaching would help to develop the students’ linguistic skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing They were also in favour of teaching grammar deductively The reasons they gave for this pedagogical preference were the students’limited proficiency Basically, their classroom practices reflected their favour of a deductive approach to grammar iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration .i Acknowledgements ii Abstract .iii Table of contents iv List of abbreviation…………………………………………………………… vi List of tables vii PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims and objectives of the study Research questions Scope of the study Methods of they study Significance of the study….… ……………… …………………….… ….3 Design of the study……………………………………………………… ….3 PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Definition of terminology 1.1.1 Teachers’ perceptions 1.1.2 Grammar 1.2 Approaches to grammar teaching 1.2.1 The deductive approach 1.2.2 The inductive approach 1.3 The need of understanding teachers’ perceptions……………………… 11 1.4 Previous studies of teachers’ perception of grammar teaching……………11 CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY 14 2.1 The fitness of the case study to the research purpose 14 2.2 Restatement of research questions 14 2.3 Case description and context of the study 14 iv 2.3.1 The setting of the study 14 2.3.2 Participants 16 2.4 The instruments 17 2.4.1 Interviews 17 2.4.2 Observations 18 2.5 The procedures 18 2.5.1 Interviews 18 2.5.2 Class observations 19 2.6 Methods of data analysis 20 CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 21 3.1 Findings from the interviews 21 3.1.1 Teachers’ perceptions of grammar teaching 21 3.1.2 Teachers’ perceptions of their own ways of grammar teaching 22 3.1.3 Teachers’ perceptions of giving grammatical rules 24 3.1.4 Teachers’ perceptions of integrating grammar into skills lessons… 25 3.1.5 Teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of their own grammar teaching approaches………………………………………………………… 26 3.1.6 Teachers’ perceptions of the inductive approach……………………27 3.2 Findings from class observations 28 3.3 Discussion of the findings…………….……………………………… .34 PART C: CONCLUSION 36 Summary of the study 36 Limitations 37 Suggestions for further study………………………… …………… …… 37 REFERENCES 39 APPENDIX (Interview Questions) I APPENDIX (A Sample of Observed Lessons) II v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EFL: English as Foreign Language PPP: Presentation- Practice – Production HAUI: Hanoi University of Industry vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Advantages and disadvantages of the deductive approach to teaching grammar Table 1.2: Advantages and disadvantages of the inductive approach to teaching grammar Table 1.3: Relationship of deductive and inductive approaches to Krashen’s theory vii PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale Throughout the history of second language and foreign language, grammar and grammar teaching have always been at the center of any methodological discussion in teaching English Many people have been doing research on the importance of the teaching and learning of grammar It is the fact that most of them admit that the role of grammar and teaching grammar are crucial parts in language learning As Brown (1994) stressed that the teaching of grammar besides vocabulary has always been a central aspect of foreign language teaching With the rise of communicative methodology in the late 1970s, the role of grammar instruction was downplayed, and it was even suggested that teaching grammar was not only helpless but actually detrimental However, recent research has demonstrated the need for formal instructions for learners to attain high levels of accuracy, which is one important component of language proficiency This has led to a resurgence of grammar teaching, and its role in second or foreign language learning has become the focus of much current investigation While consensus on the need of grammar teaching has been reached, how grammar should be taught remains debatable In the broadest sense, there are two approaches to grammar teaching: deductive and inductive As suggested in the literature, scholars and researchers are still divided in their opinions about the superiority of each approach Meanwhile, in Vietnam, it is claimed that English language teaching and learning are grammar-centered Despite such a claim, very little research has been done regarding teachers’ perceptions and actual practices regarding grammar, especially at the universities where English is a compulsory subject Therefore, it is necessary to research this issue However, this study focuses just on university teachers’ perceptions and practices regarding the inductive approach to grammar teaching The reason I chose the inductive as the focus for this Secondly, teachers had preferences of the use of the deductive approach to grammar teaching They pointed out the difficulties which in applying the inductive approach in presenting grammatical items to their students, from the limited time of each grammar lesson to their students’ knowledge grammar All made it difficult for them to use the inductive approach Thirdly, the results also indicated a convergence between teachers’ perceptions the ways of teaching grammar and what they did in the classroom However, there is one point where the divergence between teachers’ perceptions and practices was seen It is the issue of integrating grammar into the teaching of skills To be more specific, when asked about the ways of grammar teaching, most of the teachers said that they normally taught grammar inductively to their students through giving some examples or integrating grammar into reading texts, or listening texts But in practice, just few of them followed the inductive approach It is the case of the teachers who used the reading text and listening text to give grammatical items to their students Others did differently what they said They often went straightly to introduce what the grammatical item is going to learn Last but not least, from the results of the study, it can be inferred that teaching grammar deductively is preferred at HAUI because of their students’ ability 35 PART C: CONCLUSION Summary of the study The findings of the study showed that the teachers attached a great importance to grammar They thought that grammar teaching would help students to develop their linguistics skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing These findings are not new On the contrary, these findings are similar to what has been found in other studies The teachers were also strongly in favors of teaching grammar deductively for the reason that the inductive approach was not appropriate to the students with limited proficiency Regarding the relationship between teachers’ perceptions and practice, convergence between the two was dominant, except for the case of integrating grammar into skill lessons where teachers’ perceptions differ from their actual practice The findings of the study indicated that teachers preferred a deductive approach to teaching grammar This may be because it is easier for them to teach grammar explicitly because of the students’ limited proficiency The conclusion can be made here is that while the literature of grammar teaching encourages teachers to teach grammar inductively or combined both approaches: deductive and inductive, in practice, teachers remain to be inclined towards the deductive approach According to what the teachers said in the interviews, this is because the students’ English was not good enough for the use of the inductive approach However, it seems that most of teachers were not familiar with this approach This is justified by the way they understood teaching inductively as presenting grammatical items through sentence-based examples then prompting the students to guess the rules This is in fact a simple understanding of the inductive approach to grammar teaching Another point that is worth making is that teachers’ practice is influenced by their own perceptions In this study, they perceive that teaching grammar deductively was more appropriate to their students and they did that in their classroom practices 36 The study has some implications First, despite the extensive literature on teaching grammar inductively, teachers still prefer teaching grammar deductively Thus, there is a tension between theory and practice In order to address this tension, teacher training should be given more attention to help teachers to get to know other options in teaching grammar Secondly, teaching grammar in the context where students’ proficiency in English is limited and teachers have to finish the predetermined textbook within an allocated time is best achieved deductively Limitations of the study Limitations are inherent in all studies involving classroom research The findings from the study many not be generalized to populations of all English teachers outside of the research setting The researcher only interviewed ten teachers because of limited time Additionally, the discussion of the thesis only focuses on some main points towards the three research questions while the oral reports of the teachers provided a lot of issues related to the teaching and learning grammar at university It is impossible to cover all the aspects emerging from the interview and class observation in the field of teaching grammar inductively Second, the result of the research is fruitful for only a specific context which is the learning and teaching foreign language at Hanoi University of Industry Last but not least, the study of teacher perceptions of grammar teaching would provide more information about the case if the researcher could investigate the teaching grammar at HAUI Suggestions for further study On the basis of findings and limitation of the study, the following recommendations are made for further research: First and foremost, the limitation of time, the participants of this study were ten English teachers from the English Faculty of HAUI so the results cannot apply for all teachers at the university It would be more detailed to conduct a similar study on the teachers from other departments or universities 37 Secondly, because of the minor study, the research only focuses on the teachers’ perceptions and practices to grammar teaching inductively at HAUI It will have more overall and insights of teaching grammar in regarding the inductive approach at many universities Thirdly, the study also carried out investigation teachers’ perceptions, but did not include students’ perceptions Therefore, it should be studied the teachers’ perceptions and students’ perceptions Fourthly, the study focuses on the perceptions and practices of teachers to grammar teaching inductively But in the fact, teaching grammar can combine the two approaches, inductively and deductively Therefore, it should be studied the effectiveness of the combination of these two approaches to grammar teaching Finally, the study showed the advantages of using the inductive approach to grammar teaching Therefore, it would be more useful if conducting a research about the advantages of using the inductive approach to grammar teaching 38 REFERENCES Andrews, S 1997 “Metalinguistic knowledge and teacher explanation” Language Awareness, 147-61 Al-Kalbani, Nora Rashed (2004) Omani English Teachers' and Students' Perceptions of the Role of Grammar Instruction in EFL Teaching and Learning Unpublished MA Thesis Sultan Qaboos University Borg, S (2006) Teacher cognition and language education: Research and practice London: Continuum Brown, D H (1994) Teaching by principle: An interactive approach to language pedagogy New Jersy: 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Sage Publications Inc 42 APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Interview Questions Appendix 2: A Sample of Observed Lessons Appendix 1: Interview Questions Do you think it is necessary to teach grammar? Why you think that? If grammar teaching is necessary, how you believe grammar should be taught? Why you think grammar should be taught that way? Can you describe the way you often teach grammar to your students? Why you teach them that way? Do you think students should be taught grammatical rules? Why? How you often teach grammar rules to your students? What are the reasons for you to teach rules that way? What you often to help your students use the grammar they have been taught in speaking, listening, reading and writing? Can you give examples of the most common grammar exercises or activities? In general, how effective you think the way you teach grammar is to your students? What makes you think so? Have you ever provided the students with a lot of examples to illustrate the grammar point, then, ask them to work out the rules? What you think of this way of teaching grammar to your students? I Appendix 2: A Sample of Observed Lessons Date and time of class observation: 25/8/2013 Length of observation: 45 minutes Teacher: B Numbers of students: 55 Class: CK2.1 K7 Lesson Focus: Articles: a an & the Teacher( T) Student (S) T: Phần học mạo từ, articles T: Chúng ta có mạo từ tiếng anh? S : a , an T : ( viết lên bảng) Article : a, an, the + N ( Chúng ta có mạo từ a, an , the ) theo sau mạo từ DT T: a/ an có nghĩa một, cịn “The” có nghĩa khơng? T: Cơ có từ girl , ta nói the girl có khác khơng? S: khơng, T : khơng khác T: a/ an khơng xác định, the xác định - Có nhớ cách sử dụng a / an / the không nhỉ? - Có nhớ cách sử dụng a / an / the không nhỉ? Khi dùng? -S: đứng trước danh từ số ít… -T : tơi nói, tơi học sinh, giáo viên, bác sĩ Thì e nói nào? -S: & T : I’m a student, I’m a teacher, I’m a doctor -T: a + dt bắt đầu phụ âm An + dt bắt đầu nguyên âm - T : Có nguyên âm Tiếng Anh : II - S: 5, uể oải, - T : u, e, o, a , I ( write on the board) - Tuy nhiên nguyên âm mặt chữa cái, tơi có táo, sách bạn nói nào? An apple, a book - T : Thế trường đại học : an university a university - S: ko nói - T: A university từ u phiên âm /ju/ - Hôm trước học vài danh từ ko đếm đươc, gạo , đường, sữa, rượu bạn muốn nói cụ thể bạn nói nào? - T : nào, tơi muốn mua lít rươu, tơi nói - I want to buy a litre of rice - Tôi muốn mua cuộn giấy vệ sinh : I want to buy a roll of toilet paper - Tôi muốn mua cân thịt : I want to buy a kilo of meat - T : thấy, a sử dụng trước lượng từ cụ thể phải ko - S : ko nói - T : cịn cách sử dụng a / an khơng? - S: ko nói - T : Bây lớp học buồn chán, bạn nhìn ngồi thấy gái qua xinh đẹp Bạn nói gái thật xinh đẹp - Thì câu cảm than : What a beautiful girl! (write on the board) - T : câu cảm than từ a xuất trước cụm danh từ - T : ngồi cịn có cách sử dụng khác khơng bạn nhỉ? - Chúng ta trở lại khóa, Ebay - Các bạn đọc tìm hiểu cho tơi xem, Ebay gì? Và gạch chân cụm từ có mạo từ - T: bạn khác đọc, mời bạn khác đọc cho lớp nghe III - T: Mời bạn Lâm - T: e gạch chân cụm từ có a / an / the chưa? - S: - T: gạch chân rồi, đoạn có từ khơng? Dòng nào, đoạn muốn hỏi? - S: dòng từ xuống, global - T : global nghĩa : tồn cầu, online trưc tuyến - T: ebay nghĩa gì? Là thương mại trực tuyến, có buyer, người mua sellers, người bán - T: bạn nắm nội dung rồi, trở lại với mạo từ - S: ko nói - T: nhìn cho từ a football dịng với từ the football dịng Chúng ta suy lần nhắc đến dùng a, lần thứ nhắc đến xác định dùng the - T: tiếp tục, nhìn cho dịng số : the + world - T: lại dùng The + world - T : hỏi lớp, có giới – T : có - , trái đất,- T: có - mặt trăng, , T : có - Vậy ta nói : the world, the earth, the moon, với - Cụ thể cách sử dụng a/ an/ the Các e mở trang 131, có đầy đủ cách sủ dụng a, an , the - T : đọc dịch - T: a an , the , có phần & - T : Bạn dịch cho cô phần - S: không dơ tay - T: đọc dịch IV - T: phần : đọc dịch cho S nghe - T: e có cần ghi lại ko? - S: ko - T: đọc sách - T: mạo từ the – xác định (T : đọc dịch sách) - T: lấy VD : The + biết - T: gia đình có người thấy mẹ ko có nhà Ơng bố hỏi: mẹ đâu con? - T: ( viết lên bảng ) F: where is your mother? - T: mẹ ngồi vườn, nói nào? - S &T : She is in a the garden - T: she is in the garden - T: lý sao: bố chủ gia đình, bố có biết garden khơng? - S: có - T: có biết khơng? - S: có - T: hai biết ta sử dụng “The” - T: tiếp tục, mạo từ không xác định dùng câu nói - T : the + tạp chí - T: Vd bạn có tạp chí thời đại - SV: báo hoa học trị - T: báo hoa học trị khơng tiếng giới - T: nói : the Times, - T: thái bình dương : The pacific - T: : the xuất câu so sánh - T: câu so sánh nhỉ?- the + SS - T: rồi, khơng nói phần lý thuyết nữa, bạn làm tập xem bạn làm - Các e làm tập trang 33, sau làm tập tờ giấy cô phát V Lớp trưởng lên phát cho bạn - T: ( go around class and help students) - T: ( remind) vừa làm vừa suy nghĩ kỹ lát hỏi lại điền a , an , the chổ đấy, ví ko điền vào từ a, an the chỗ - T: ( after minutes) mời bạn lên bảng làm cho cô Bạn Hải - S: lên bảng làm - S: A - T: chỗ, nhìn đáp án bạn , so với - T: number : bạn điền an, có bạn làm khác khơng? Vì sao? - S: ngun âm - T: nguyên âm chưa chuẩn bong, nhắc đến lần đầu - T: số 2, bạn điền không mạo từ rồi, trước tên quốc gia khơng dùng mạo từ, ví dụ Vietnam - T: David kicked it in the 2004 European Cup Final Ban dùng mạo từ The không nhỉ? - S: xác đinh, 2004 - T: tơi lại thấy cup bong đá Châu Âu có cái: nên dùng “the” - Câu : điền : There is an old Learjet for sales Vì lại dùng an - T &S: nhắc đến lần - T: a lot of money a lot of - T; chỗ số điền a, có điền khác ko? a sao? - T &S : lần đầu tiên, Hải sửa lại - T: thống câu có an, a, a - T: the film star who bought… Vì sao, Hải nào? The sao? Thế series câu film star xuất lần thứ nên điền ? - Hải : the - T: chỗ số 2, điền the Tiếp theo: chỗ điền ? a, an chắn VI khơng aroplanes dt số nhiều có điền the ko ? - S: ko trả lời - T: không dùng a, an , the ám chung chung - T: câu số : Ebay is a very clever idea chỗ bạn điền a dãy bên cho cô biết bạn làm hay sai Bạn Hà - Hà : em thưa điền the - T: - Hà: không trả lời - T: bạn Quang - Quang : khơng điền - T: ebay is a very clever idea Khơng điền khơng đâu, tơi thây trống trống tiếp It’s the biggest market in the world Bạn điền The chuẩn chưa? - S: chuẩn, chuẩn - T: câu số : I don’t go out to work I work at home on my computer Khơng điền Agree or disagree? Can you speak English? Các bạn có biết nói TA ko? - S: - T: rồi, go to work, go to school, at home, khơng điền - T: câu số 6: I go to shop on the internet Vì sao, internet What a great way câu cảm than - Vậy bạn Hải làm sai câu, cô cộng cho bạn Hải điểm vào ktra VII ... A CASE STUDY AT A HANOI- BASED UNIVERSITY (ĐIỂN CỨU VỀ NHẬN THỨC VÀ THỰC TẾ GIẢNG DẠY CỦA GIÁO VIÊN ĐỐI VỚI ĐƯỜNG HƯỚNG DẠY NGỮ PHÁP QUI NẠP TẠI MỘT TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC Ở HÀ NỘI ) M.A Minor Programme... nhỉ? - Có nhớ cách sử dụng a / an / the không nhỉ? Khi dùng? S: đứng trư? ??c danh từ số ít… T : tơi nói, tơi học sinh, giáo viên, bác sĩ Thì e nói nào? S: & T: I’m a student, I’m a teacher, I’m... taught by Teacher D The focus of the lesson was “There is/ there are” - T: Hôm đề cập đến cấu trúc ngữ pháp mới: there is/ there are 29 - T: Chúng ta miêu tả phòng Suzi - T: có tivi phịng nói - T &

Ngày đăng: 16/03/2021, 08:09


