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Nội dung

One year, the first class had studied chemistry for several weeks when Miss Richards suddenly asked ‘What is water?’ There was a silence for a few seconds, and Miss Richards felt sad, bu[r]



Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút MÃ ĐỀ: 209 HỌ VÀ TÊN:……… LỚP:………SBD:………

I.Chọn câu viết từ gợi ý cho sẵn: Câu 1: I/ not take part/ parties/ since/ come here

A I don’t take part in any parties since I come here

B I haven’t taken part in any parties since I came here

C I hadn’t taken part in any parties since I came here

D I didn’t take part in any parties since I came here

Câu 2: Spite/ terrible weather/ tourists/ like/ come here A In spite the terrible weather, tourists like to come here

B Spite of the terrible weather, tourists like to come here

C In spite of the terrible weather but tourists like to come here

D In spite of the terrible weather, tourists like to come here

II Chọn câu ứng với A, B, C D thích hợp với câu sau. Câu 3: Although it was cold, we all went for a walk

A Despite of the cold weather, we all went for a walk

B. Despite being cold, we all went for a walk

C Despite the cold, we all went for a walk

D Despite the cold weather, we all went for a walk

Câu 4: Jack has stopped writing to Jill

A Jack has stopped writing to Jill anymore B Jack has never written to Jill before C Jack used to write letters to Jill

D Jack stopped writing letters when Jill came

III.Đọc đọan văn chọn câu trả lời nhất:

Miss Richards was a teacher at a school in England She taught chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the school Sometimes the new classes learnt quickly, but sometimes they were very slow, and then Miss Richards had to repeat things many times One year, the first class had studied chemistry for several weeks when Miss Richards suddenly asked ‘What is water?’ There was a silence for a few seconds, and Miss Richards felt sad, but then one of the boys raised his hand He was not one of the most intelligent students in the class, so she was glad that he could answer ‘Water is a liquid which has no color until you wash your hands in it.’ The boy replied

Câu 5: What did Miss Richards teach?

A English B chemistry C physics D chemistry and physics

Câu 6: How did Miss Richards feel when the students couldn’t answer her question immediately?

A miserable B unhappy C happy D normal

Câu 7: The boy who answered the question was …………

A one of the most intelligent students in the class B not the tallest students in the class

C one of the laziest students in the class D not one of the best students in the class

Câu 8: The word ‘repeat’ in this passage means…………

A explain B reuse C say again D study more

Câu 9: Which of the following statements is NOT true about Miss Richards

A Her questions in the passage was in chemistry B Her new class sometimes learnt very slowly

C She taught natural science subjects D She only taught the highest class

IV Đọc đọan văn chọn câu trả lời từ câu 10 đến câu 14:


specific purposes They are(13) ……by computers The computers (14)……the robot what to and how to it

Câu 10: A of B about C over D in

Câu 11: A television B machine C car D person

Câu 12: A widths B lengths C sizes D heights

Câu 13: A controlling B to control C control D controlled

Câu 14: A says B say C tell D tells

V Chọn từ có trọng âm khác với từ lại:

Câu 15: A appearance B remember C stimulate D employer

Câu 16: A mysterious B altitude C communicate D diploma

Câu 17: A disabled B geography C destination D excursion

VI Chọn phần gạch chân cần sửa chữa để câu đúng:

Câu 18: (A) In spite of the house (B) was in bad condition, it (C) was sold at (D) a high price

Câu 19: She is good (A) at (B) sing English (C) songs and D) making birthday cakes

Câu 20: We didn’t use to (A) talked to (B) each other when we (C) were at (D)high school

Câu 21: She (A) told that she (B) would visit (C) me (D) the next day. VII.Chọn từ cụm từ để điền vào khoảng trống:

Câu 22: I……to school yesterday

A didn’t went B gone C didn’t go D go

Câu 23: The computer was the most wonderful ……in the 20th century

A invented B inventing C invention D invent

Câu 24: There were a lot of accidents …… the icy roads

A in spite of B because of C because D thanks to

Câu 25: is a film or a television programme giving facts about something

A Documentary B Drama C Comedy D Cartoon

Câu 26: There’s someone at the door I …… it

A answered B ‘ll answer C am answering D answer

Câu 27: “ ” means “unable to see anything”

A Disabled B Retarded C Deaf D Blind

Câu 28: Unless you ……all my questions, I can’t anything to help you

A would answer B answered C answer D are answering

Câu 29: “ ” does not belong to “computer”

A Keyboard B Software C CPU D Radio

Câu 30: ‘Why did you buy all this sugar and chocolate?’ ‘ I …….a delicious dessert for dinner tonight.’

A am going to make B will make C will have make D make

Câu 31: I don’t think he’ll give up money to buy a new car

A will save B save C to save D saving

Câu 32: You should stop ………… so much TV and study more

A to watch B watch C watching D and watch

Câu 33: ‘…….do you go to the library?’ –‘ Twice a week’

A How B How often C How long D How much

Câu 34: They used to…… the good friends when they were young

A being B be C are D were

Câu 35: More than 50 films in HANOI since June

A have shown B have been shown C has been showed D has shown

Câu 36: If Mary …….me, I will go to the party

A invites B inviting C invite D invited

Câu 37: The man ……… you visited last night is a famous scientist

A whom B whose C which D what

VIII Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với từ lại:

Câu 38: A mouse B towel C house D country

Câu 39: A eighty B height C sky D life


KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I – NĂM HỌC: 2008-2009


MÃ ĐỀ: 209

Phần IV:

Dòng số : Thêm từ all trước số (10)


KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I – NĂM HỌC: 2008-2009


MÃ ĐỀ: 209

Phần IV:

Dòng số : Thêm từ all trước số (10)


KIỂM TRA HỌC KỲ I – NĂM HỌC: 2008-2009


MÃ ĐỀ: 209

Phần IV:



209 B

209 D

209 D

209 C

209 D

209 B

209 D

209 C

209 D

209 10 C

209 11 B

209 12 C

209 13 D

209 14 C

209 15 C

209 16 B

209 17 C

209 18 A

209 19 B

209 20 A

209 21 A

209 22 C

209 23 C

209 24 B

209 25 A

209 26 B

209 27 D

209 28 C

209 29 D

209 30 A

209 31 D

209 32 C

209 33 B

209 34 B

209 35 B

209 36 A

209 37 A

209 38 D

209 39 A

Ngày đăng: 10/03/2021, 17:07



