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So far, you ( make) no mistakes on this exercise... I) Supply the correct verb form: The simple past or The present perfect.. Susan, come quickly.[r]


I) Supply the correct verb form: The simple present tense or The present continuous.

1 Be quiet! The baby ( sleep) We seldom ( eat) before 6.30

3 Look! A man ( run) after the train He ( want) to catch it The sun ( set) in the earth

5 It ( be) often very hot in summer

6 I ( do) an exercise on the present tenses at this moment and I (think) that I (know) how to use it now

7 My mother sometimes ( buy) vegetables at this market It ( be) very cold now

9 It (rain ) much in summer It ( rain) now

10 Daisy ( cook) some food in the kitchen at present He always (cook) in the morning

11 My mother ( read) the newspaper now

12 Those children ( sleep) for two hours every afternoon 13 We always ( do) our English lessons carefully

14 At present, he (work) for a foreign company

15 Just a minute! I (look up) that word in the dictionary

16 The teacher ( point) at the blackboard when he (want) to explain something

17 We(study) the use of the verbs in English at the moment 18 The earth ( go) around the sun once every 365 days 19 That student ( know) all of the new words very well now 20 He generally ( sing) in English but today he (sing) in French 21 He usually ( leave) his office at seven o’clock, but this week he

( work) later

22 They ( not go) to the cinema very often but when they (go) they ( prefer) comedies

23 Those two sisters already ( speak) four foreign languages; now they ( learn) the fifth

24 He usually ( get up) at about seven o’clock; but this month he (be) on holiday and so he (get up) later

25 My dog usually ( bark) at the postman- but look at that ! For once, he ( be) friendly to the poor man

26 They left for England this morning I (wonder) whether they ( travel) by air or by train

27 I usually ( write) my letters on Sundays but ( write) this week’s letter today because this morning Sunday we ( go) out

28 She ( have) birthday party tomorrow and she (look) forward to it very much

29 I ( smoke) a lot those days because I ( study) for my final examinations I always ( smoke) a lot when I ( study)


32 Diane (wash) her hair every other days or so

33 Kathy ( sit, usually) in the front row during class, but today she ( sit) in the last row

34 Please be quiet! I ( try) to concentrate

35 ( Lock, you, always) the door to your apartment when you leave? 36 I wrote to my friend last week She hasn’t answered my letter yet

I ( wait, still) for a reply

37 After three days of rain , I’m glad that the sun ( shine) again today 38 Every morning, the sun ( shine) in my bedroom window and (wake)

me up

39 A: look! It ( snow)

B: It’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow It ( snow, not) in my country

40 Mike is a student, but he ( go, not) to school now because it’s summer He ( attend) college from September to May every year, but in the summers he ( have, usually) a job at the post office In fact, he ( work) there this summer

41 I can’t afford that ring It ( cost) too much

42 Look! It ( begin) to rain Unfortunately, I ( have not) my umbrella with me Tom is lucky He ( wear) a raincoat

43 I ( own not) an umbrella I ( wear) a waterproof hat on rainy days 44 Right now I ( look) around the classroom Yoko( write) in her book

Carlos ( bite) his pencil Wan – Ning ( scratch) his head Ahmed ( stare) out the window He ( seem) to be daydreaming, but perhaps he ( think) hard about verb tenses What ( think you) Ahmed (do) ?

45 There’s a book on my desk, but it ( belong not) to me

46 Dennis ( ix) the roof of his house today, and he ( need) some help Can you help him?

47 Barbara ( tutor often) other students in her math class This afternoon she ( help) Steve with his math assignment because he

( understand, not) the material they ( work) on in there class this week 48 Right now, I ( look) at Janet She ( look) angry I wonder what’s the

matter She certainly ( have not) any fun right now

49 A: Who is that woman who ( stand) next to the window?

B: Which woman? ( talk, you) about the woman who ( wear) the blue and gold dress?

A: No, I ( talk not) a bout her I ( mean) the woman who ( wear) the blue suit

B: Oh, I ( know not ) I ( recognize not) her

50 A: Close your eyes Now listen carefully What ( hear, you) ? What ( do, I) ?

B: I ( believe) you ( rub) the top of your desk with your hand A: Close, but not exactly right Try again ( listen, you) carefully? B: Aha! You ( rub) your hands together


51 A: Where are you? I (sit) in the kitchen B: What you ( do) there? I (help) my mother 52: A: Why you ( wash) your clothes this morning?

B: Because the sun ( shine): I never ( wash) clothes when there are clouds in the sky

53.A: Where you (go) now? B: I (go) to the theatre

C: I ( go) tonight also, but I ( not go) very often

D: I ( go) every week, but tonight I ( go) for the second time in three days

54 A: You ( hear) anything?

B: I ( listen) hard but I can’t hear anything 55 You can’t see Tom now He ( have) a bath

56 He usually ( drink) coffee but today he ( drink) tea

57 What she ( do) in the evenings? She usually ( play) cards or ( watch) TV

58 I won’t go out now as it ( rain) and ( not have) an umbrella 59 The last train (leave) the station at 11.30

60.He usually ( speak) so quickly that I ( not, understand) him

61 Ann ( make) dress for herself at the moment She ( make) all her own clothes

62 Hardly anyone ( wear) a hat nowadays

63 I’m afraid I’ve broken one of your coffee cups Don’t worry I ( like, not) that et anyway

64 I (wear) my sunglasses today because the sun is very strong 65 She ( not, work); she ( swim) in the river

66 He ( teach) his boy to ride

67 The aeroplane ( fly) at 2,000 metres

68 “ What Tom (do) now? “ He ( clean) his house”

69 “ It ( rain) “ “ Yes, it ( rain) very hard You can’t go out yet.” 70 “ What you( read) now?” “ I( read) Crime and Punishment” 71 It is lovely day The sun ( shine) and the birds ( sing)

72 She always (ring) up and (ask) questions 73 “ Where is Tom?” “ He ( lie) under the car”

74 Mother ( rest) now She always ( rest) after lunch 75 Could I ring you back in a few minutes?

I ( talk) to someone on the other line

76 Jane’s upstairs with Ann and Roy They ( have) a meeting about the catalogue

77 Could you tell Mr Ford that Miss Lee is here? He ( expect) me 78 What (make) a terrible noise?

It’s the pneumatic drill They ( repair) the road

79 “ What you( wait) for?” “ I ( wait) for my change”


82 You can’t see Tom now He ( read) in the room 83 The kettle ( boil) now Shall I make the tea?

84 Tom and I both ( belong) to big engineering firm I ( work) in the design section; Tom ( work) in the sales section He often ( go ) abroad on business At the moment, he ( travel) around America, and next month he ( meet) a customer in Toronto He ( like) traveling and ( enjoy) his present trip, but he ( feel) happy to get back home

84 Tom can’t have the newspaper now because his aunt ( read) it 85 I’m busy at the moment I ( redecorate) the sitting room

86 You ( enjoy) yourself or would you like to leave now.? I often ( enjoy) myself very much I want to stay at the end 87 How you ( get) to work as a rule

I usually ( go) by bus but tomorrow I ( go) in Tom’s car 88 Why you ( put) on your coat?

I ( go) for a walk You ( come) with me? Yes, I’d love to come You ( mind) if I bring my dog?

89 How much you ( owe) him? I (owe) him $5

You ( intend) to pay him

90 You ( belong) to your local library? Yes, I

You ( read) a lot? Yes, quiet a lot

How often you ( change) your books? I ( change) one everyday

91 Mary usually (learn) languages very quickly but she ( not, seem) able to learn modern Greek

92 I always ( buy) lottery tickets but I never ( win) anything

93 You ( like) this necklace? I ( give) it to my daughter for her birthday tomorrow

94 I won’t tell you my secret unless you ( promise) not to tell anyone I ( promise)

95 You always ( write) with your left hand?

96 You ( love) him? No, I ( like) him very much but I ( not, love) him 97 You ( dream) at night?

Yes, I always ( dream) and if I ( eat) too much supper I ( have) nightmares 98 The milk ( smell) sour You ( keep) milk for along time?

99 Those work men are never satisfied; they always ( complain)

100 We ( use) this room today because the window in the other room is broken

101 He always ( say) that he will mend the window but he never ( do) it 102 You ( know) why an apple ( fall) down not up?

103.You ( write) to him tonight?


104 Tom and Mr Pitt ( have) a long conversation I ( wonder) what they ( talk) about

105 You ( believe) all that the newspaper say? No, I ( not, believe) any of it

Then why you ( read) newspapers?

106 This car ( make) a very strange noise You ( think) it is all right Oh, that noise ( not matter) It always ( make) a noise like that 107 The fire ( smoke) horribly I can’t see across the room

I ( expect) that birds ( build) nest in the chimney

Why you ( not, put) wire across the tops of your chimneys?


I) Supply the correct verb form: The simple past or The past continuous.

1 When I ( arrive) at his house, he still ( sleep) The light ( go) out while we ( have) dinner

3 Bill ( have) breakfast when I ( stop) at his house this morning As we ( cross) the street, we ( see) an accident

5 Tom ( see) a serious accident while he ( stand) at the bus stop

6 While my father ( read) a newspaper, I ( learn) my lesson and my sister( do) her homework

7 The children ( play) football when their mother ( come) back home The bell ( ring) while Tom ( take) a bath

9 I (be) very tired because I ( work) all day yesterday 10 He ( sit) in a cafe when I ( see) him

11 They ( study) in the library when the fire alarm went off 12 It ( snow) when I got up this morning

13 Albert Einstein ( die) in 1955

14 Tom ( go) to the post office twice yesterday 15 Helen ( wait) in the lobby, wasn’t she?

16 He ( work) in his way through college at that time 17 He ( teach) economics at Harvard for almost 50 years 18 The wind ( blow0 very hard when I went out this morning 19 He fell while he ( go) down the stairs

20 My car ( break) down this morning on the way to work

21 What she ( do) when you( arrive) there? She ( write)a letter 22 She ( have) her bath while her sister ( get) the breakfast ready 23 The storm ( begin) at half past ten while the class ( study) history 24 When the students ( hear) the bell , they ( get)up and ( leave) 25 Mr Harvey ( ask) me about my plans the next time he ( see) me 26 Just as I ( leave) for home, a student ( stop) me in the hall

27 As I ( cross ) the street, two cars ( race) by me at a full speed 28 Dorothy and I ( just, leave) the house when the telephone ( ring) 29 The minute I ( hear) the news, I ( send) him a telegram

30 I ( go) to ask you to help me, but you ( sleep) so peacefully when I ( look) into your room

31 I ( look ) up at that sky ; dark clouds ( gather)

32 As he come up to his house in the darkness, he ( see) that a man ( climb) out of one the bedroom windows

33 Just at I ( write) the letter, the inkpot ( fall) over

34 A noise of breaking chairs ( suggest) that the men ( fight) 35 My mother ( arrive) while I ( clean) the kitchen

36 He ( just, close) the church door when he ( notice) a man still praying in the corner

37 John ( work) from morning to night; he ( study) to be a doctor 38 John( work) hard when suddenly the door ( open)


40 Lightning ( strike) the tree that they ( shelter) under Of course, they ( have) a terrible fright, but they ( be) very lucky No harm ( come) to them at all

41 I am sitting in class right now I ( sit) in class at this time exact same time yesterday

42 I don’t want to go to the zoo today because it is raining The same thing happened yesterday I (want, not) to go to the zoo because it ( rain)

43 I ( call) Roger at nine last night, but he ( be, not) at home He ( study) at the library

44 I ( hear, not) the thunder during the storm last night because I ( sleep)

45 It was beautiful day yesterday when we went for a walk in the park The sun ( shine) A cool breeze ( blow) The bird ( sing)

46 My brother and sister ( argue) about something when I ( walk) into the room

47 I got a package in the mail When I ( open) it, I ( find) a surprise 48 Tommy’s went to his friend’s house, but the boys ( be , not) there

They ( play) soccer in the vacant lot down street

49 Stanley ( climb) the stairs when he ( trip) and ( fall) Luckily, he ( hurt, not) himself

50 While Mrs Emerson ( read) the little boy a story, he ( fall) asleep, so she ( close) the book and quietly ( tiptoe) out of the room

51 I really enjoyed my vacation last January While it ( snow) in Iowa, the sun ( shine) in Florida While you( shovel) snow in Iowa, I ( lie) on the beach in Florida

52 While Ted ( shovel) snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife ( bring ) him a cup of ht chocolate

53 I ( have, almost) a car accident last night I ( drive) down the

Washington Avenue when suddenly I ( see) a car in my lane It ( come) right at my car I ( step) on the brakes and ( swerve)to the right The other car ( miss, just) my car by about an inch

54 Ten years ago, the government ( decide) to begin a food program At that time, many people in the rural areas of the country ( starve) due to several years of drought

55 It was my first day of class I ( find, finally) the right room The room ( be, already) full of students On one side of the room, students ( talk, busily) in Spanish Other student ( speak) Japanese, and some ( converse) in Arabic It sounded like the United Nations Some of the students, however, (sit, just) quietly by themselves I (choose) an empty seat in the last row and ( sit) down In a few minutes, the teacher ( walk) into the room and all the multilingual conversation ( stop)

56 A: (Hear, you) what she just said?


57 A: Why weren’t you at the meeting?

B: I ( wait) for an overseas call from my family

58 A: I’m sure met Carol Jones at the party last night: B: I don’t remember her What ( wear, she) ?

59 A: What’s wrong with your foot?

B: I (step) on a bee while I ( run) barefoot through the grass It ( sting) me

60 A: How ( break, you)your arm? B: I ( slip) on the ice while I ( cross) the street in front of the dorm

61 I lit the fire at 6.00 and it ( burn) brightly when Tom came in at 7.00

62 When I arrived at the lecture had already started and the professor ( write) on the overhead projector

63 I ( make ) a cake when the light went out I had to finish it in the dark

64 I didn’t want to meet Paul so when he entered the room I ( leave) 65 Unfortunately, when I arrived Ann just ( leave), so we only had

time for a few words

66 He ( watch) TV when the phone rang Very unwillingly he ( turn) down the sound and ( go) to answer it

67 He was very polite Whenever his wife entered the room he ( stand) up


I) Supply the correct verb form: The simple present, present continuous or The present perfect

1 I ( not, see) your brother lately Yes, he ( be sent ) to India

3 When he ( go)? He ( go) last month

5 You ( have) any letters from him?

6 No, I haven’t but his wife ( receive) many letters Does she intend to go out and join him?

8 No, they ( not, decide) yet

9 Where you ( be)? I ( be) at the sales

10 What you ( buy) ? I ( buy) some clothes

11 Why did you buy clothes? I ( tell) you never to buy clothes for me I couldn’t resist it They ( be) very much reduced

12 My teacher ( teach) English at this school for six years 13 Listen! I ( think) someone ( knock) at the door

14 Mr Smith ( pay) all of his bills at the end of the month 15 Michael ( study) English for six months now

16 It usually (rain) very much in that part of the country 17 I ( be) sorry I ( forget) that fellow’s name already 18 My secretary ( sit) at the different desk today


I) Supply the correct verb form: The simple past or The present perfect

1 Susan, come quickly! The milk ( boil) over and ( make) an awful mess of the kitchen

2 I ( be) very sorry when I ( hear) of his death He ( be) an excellent writer I ( read) all of his books more than once

3 We ( be invited) to a reception at the Palace next week

4 What’s matter? You ( not speak) a word since you ( come) home Hilda, I’m furious with you I ( wait) in this rain for half an hour I’m sorry dear I ( forget) to give Larry your message I ( leave) the

office in a great hurry

7 Do you remember that restaurant in Endinburgh that you ( take) us to last year? Well, we ( go) to find it again when we ( be) there last month It ( be pull) down We ( be) very sorry

8 Oh dear! I think our main water –pipe ( break)

9 Somebody ( steal) my wallet Unlucky man! It ( be) a cheap plastic one and there ( be) no money in it at all

10 I ( not, just, get) on the train, you know Why you keep asking to see me my ticket? I ( already show) it to you three times in the last four hours

11 I ( see) her before 12 I ( see) her last year 13 Tom ( never be) in Hanoi

14 I ( read ) the novel written by Jack London several times before 15 What you ( do) yesterday?

16 You ( watch) TV last night? 17 She ( be) born in 1980

18 He (write) books since last year

19 Mr Green ( teach) English in this school since he ( graduate) from the University in 1986

20 How long you ( learn) English?

21 What you (learn, you) since you ( came) here? How many new friends ( make, you) ? I hope you ( meet, already) a lot of interesting people

22 Since classes began, I ( have, not) much free time I ( have) several big tests to study for

23 Last night my roommate and I ( have) some free time, so we ( go) to a show

24 I admit that I ( get) older since I last ( see) you but with any luck at all, I (get, also) wiser

25 The science of medicine ( advance) a great deal in the nineteenth century


27 Libraries today are different from those in the 1800s For example, the contents of libraries ( change) greatly through the years In the 1800s, libraries ( be) simply collections of books However, today most libraries ( become) multimedia centers that contain tapes, computers, disks, films, magazines, music, and paintings The role of the library in society ( change, also) In 1800s, libraries ( be) open only to certain people such as scholars or the wealthy Today libraries serve everyone 28 A: Are you taking Chemistry 101 this semester?

B: No, I ( take, already) it I ( take) it last semester This semester I’m in 102

29 A: Hi Judy Welcome to the party ( Meet, you, ever) my cousin? B: No, I

30 A: Do you like lobster? B: I don’t know I ( eat never) it? 31 A: Do you much traveling?

B: Yes, I like to travel

A: What countries ( visit, you) ?

B: Well, I ( be) in India, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Nepal, among others A: I ( be never) in any of those countries When ( you be) in India? B: Two years ago I ( visit, also) many of the countries in Central America I ( take) a tour of Central America about six years ago

A: Which countries ( visit, you) ?

B: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua

A: I ( want, always) to travel to other countries, but I ( have, not) the opportunity to travel extensively I ( go) to England six years ago, but I ( go, not) anywhere since then

32 I ( go ) to bed late last night.; I ( do) this many times lately 33 Mr Ashe ( go) to Chicago last week

34 I ( read) that book several times

35 I first ( read) it while I was on my vacation last summer 36 I ( be) in Norfolk many times

37 Mr Dale ( have) little experience in teaching that subject 38 Billy ( fall) as he was crossing the street

39 I ( see) Dane a few days ago

40 When the bell rang, Wade ( jump) from his seat and ( run) from the room

41 I ( try) that restaurant again and again, but I not like the food there

42 When I was young, I often ( go) fishing with my father 43 I ( complete) my paper at last

44 You ( start) to study English last winter

45 The day before yesterday, we ( have) a bad storm 46 I hear that you ( give) up the idea of studying Russian 47 I never (be) to Italy


49 We ( learn) many new words in this course

50 The First World War ( begin) in 1914 and ( end) in 1918 51 Rebecca says that she (lose) her purse

52 I ( move) to Pine Street in March; I ( live) there for three months now

53 We ( live) in Washington from 1985 to 1990

54 Before he came to the United States, Emil ( work) as a carpenter 55 My former teacher was Mss Code I ( study) with her for one year 56 My present teacher is Mr Tom I ( study) with him for six months 57 Chavez speaks English well because she ( speak) English all her


58 John (work) hard all his life ( he is dead)

59 Eric work) hard all his life ( he is alive)Ms Pate ( leave) New York last month and ( work) in Pittsburgh since then

60 Gary, who is now in college, ( study) English for ten years 61 I myself ( study) English steadily ( regularly) since 1980

62 Henry who is now in the hospital, (be) there for several weeks 63 When I saw her, Linda ( feel) ill

64 We ( buy) this car two years ago and ( drive) it 5,000 miles since then


I)Supply the correct verb form: The present perfect continuous or The present perfect

1 I ( not, see) you for along time.

2 You must tell me what you ( do) since I last saw you

3 He ( not, be) here since Christmas ; I ( wait) for hime for two weeks I try to learn English for years, but I ( not succeed) yet

5 We (live) here for the last six months, and just ( decide) to move You already ( drink) three cups of tea since I ( sit) here

7 I ( wait) here for her since 7.00 and she ( not, come) yet Mary ( rest) in the garden all day because she ( be) ill How long you ( learn ) English?

10 You must wake her ! She ( sleep) soundly fro ten hours 11 I ( still, not, find) the stocking I lost last week

12 ( you , finish) with the book I lent you last week?

13 Ah, there you are! I hope you ( not, wait) for me for along time 14 I ( sleep) badly recently, doctor What can I about me?

15 I ( try) to finish this exercise for the last hour 16 I ( stay) at this hotel since that February

17 We ( live) here for the last six month, and just ( decide) to move 18 I ( work) here for her since seven o’clock and she ( not, come) yet

19 She ( work) so hard this week that she ( not, have ) ( not, have) time to go to hairdresser’s

20 He ( write) a novel for the last two years but he ( not finish) it 21 It ( snow) all day I wonder when it will stop

22 We ( have) three major snowstorms so far this winter I wonder how many more will you have

23 It’s ten PM I ( stuady) for two hours and probably won’t finish until midnight

24 I ( write) them three times, but I still haven’t received a reply 25 I ( live) here since last month

26 The telephone ( ring) four times in last hour, and each time it has been for my roomate

27 The telephone ( ring) for almost a minute Why doesn’t someone answer it?

28 The little boy is dirty from fead to foot because he ( play) in ther mud 29 Peter: You ( telephone) for ages You not nearly ( finish)

Jack: I ( not get) through yet I ( try) to get our Paris office but the line ( be) engaged all the morning


I) Supply the correct verb form: The simple past or The past perfect They (go) home after they ( finish) their work

2 She said that she (already, see) Dr Rice

3 When we came to stadium, the match ( already, begin) They told me they ( not eat) such kind of food before He ( ask) why we ( come) so early

6 After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest) Before she ( watch) TV, she ( do) her homework After taking a bath, he ( go) to bed

9 What ( be) he when he ( be) young?

10 It was the first time I ( ever, see) such a beautiful girl

11 When we ( start) talking, I realised that we ( meet) before 12 When I ( speak) to Mr Ho before the meeting ( begin)

13 When I ( look) at my suitcase, I could see that somebody ( try) to open it

14 Until yesterday I ( hear, never) about it

15 When I got to the restaurant, we found that nobody ( remember) to reserve a table

16 The doctor ( examine) him, and found that he ( break) his arm 17 Before my 18th birthday I ( not, be) out of England.

18 We were a few minutes late, so the film ( already start) when we ( get) to the cinema

19 When she got to England, she found that the language was quite different from English that she ( learn) at school

20 “ Good afternoon Can I help you?” “ Yes, I ( bring) my watch to you for repair three weeks ago Is it ready yet?

21 He ( do) nothing before he saw me 22 He thanked me for what I ( do) 23 I ( be) sorry that I had hurt him

24 As soon as you ( go), I ( want) to see you again

25 Before you ( go) very far, we found that we ( lose) our way 26 He ( die) after he ( be) ill a long time

27 My friend ( not, see) me for many years when I met him 28 In England he soon remember all he ( learn)

29 When the airplane landed, the pilot ( find) that one of the wings ( be damaged) by a shell

30 My father ( tell) me he ( give) up smoking 31 He ( be) late because he ( have) an accident

32 I ( come) to tell him they were the wrong seeds, but he ( plant) them already

33 It had been raining in the night, the ground ( be) wet

34 Mr John ( be) in England for four years when the new government ( come) to power


36 I now (have) to leave the house where I (spend) so many happy days

37 Although he ( make) some mistakes, he ( be considered) good enough for promotion

38 He ( want) to find out whether you ( arrive) 39 He ( be treated) like a slave , so he ( resign) 40 A: Where did you go last night?

B: I ( go) to a charity film show A: ( be) it good?

B: Yes, except the film ( start) before I ( arrive) A: Why?

B: Well, It ( take) me an hour to get there on the bus By the time I ( get) there all the stars ( go) in, so I ( not, get) any autographs I ( be) very disappointed How about you? you ( enjoy) your evening?

A: No, I ( spend) the evenign doing my homework I ( not finish) when my sister ( come) home from her party at midnight

41 He ( give) me back the book, ( thank) me for lending it to him and ( say) that he ( enjoy) it very much, but I ( know) that he ( not read) it because most of the pages ( be) still uncut

42 I ( think ) my train ( leave) at 14.33 and ( be) very disappointed when I ( arrive) at 14.30 and ( learn) that it just ( leave) I ( find) later that I ( use) an out -of- date timetable

43 He ( pack) his car under a No parking sign and ( rush) into the shop When he (come) out of the shop ten minutes later, the car ( be) no longer there He ( wonder) if someone ( steal) it or the police ( drive) it away

44 It ( be) now 6.pm and Jack ( be) tired because he ( work) hard all day He ( be) also hungry because he ( have) nothing to eat since breakfast His wife usually ( bring) him sandwiches at lunch time, but today for some reason she ( not, come)

45 He ( keep) looking at her, wondering where he ( see) her before 46 He ( be) a newspaper reporter before he ( become) a


47 I ( feel) a little bteer after I ( take) the medicine

48 I was late The teacher ( give, already) a quiz when I (get) to class 49 The anthropologist ( leave) the village when she ( collect) enough


50 It was raining hard, but by the time class ( be) over, the rain (stop)

51 Class ( begin, already) by the time I ( get) there, so I (take, quietly) a seat in the back

52 Millions years ago, dinoaurs ( roam) the earth but they ( become) extinct) by the time humankind first ( appear)


54 I almost ( miss) my plane All of the passengers ( board, already) by the time I ( get) there

55 Yesterday at a restaurant, I ( see) Pam Donnelly, an old friend of mine I ( see not) her in years At first, I ( recognize, not) her because she ( lose) at least fifty pounds

56 Peter, who is 14, ( pass) a difficult examination at the end of last term and thereby ( qualify) for a bicycle which his father ( promise) to give him if he ( pass) On second thought, however, his father ( feel) that a bicylce might not be exactly what the boy wanted and so he ( ask) Peter whether he would like anything else instead Peter, somewhat hesistantly, ( ask) if he could have a 410 shot – gun He (add) quicly that he ( do) a lot of shooting under supervision during the school that just (end), and ( learn) the proper use of a gun His mother ( not, like) the idea at all; she ( say) that she ( be) sure that he would kill either himself or somone else However, his father ( make) enquiries at the school and ( learn) that Peter indeed ( learn) enough about guns and their proper use to be trusted with one of his own So, to the boy’s great joy, a 410 shot- gun ( be, bought) for him instead of the bicycle he (expect)

57 It had been raining in the night, the ground ( be) wet

58 I ( come) to tell him they were the wrong seeds, but he ( plant) them already

59 The local cinema was no longer open It ( close) down 60 Mr John was no longer alive He ( die)

61 I didn’t recognise Mrs Johnson She ( change) a lot 62 Bill no longer had his car He ( sell) it

63 The woman was a complete stranger to me I ( never/see/before) 64 Magaret was late for work Her boss was very surprise ( never/be/

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2021, 02:56

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