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Homework(1’): Learn by heart the new words and model sentence. Knowledge: : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic Free time activ[r]


Date of preparing: 28/01/2021 WEEK 22 - Period 83 UNIT 13: WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME?

Lesson 1: Part 1+2 +3 .I OBJECTIVES

1 Knowledge: : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic Free time activities?

ask and answer questions about what someone does in her/his free time, using What you in your free time?I…

* Language focus:

- Sentence patterns: What you in your free time? I

- Vocabulary: sufr the Internet, go to the cinema, clean the house, karate Skills: - Develope Ss speaking and listening skills

3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with others II TEACHING AIDS

1 Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, speakers, softbook, projector and computer. 2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach Techniques: + Game:

+ Ask and answer

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups IV PROCEDURE


- Greetings: T- Ss greet each other

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

Date of teaching Class Absent students

01/02/2021 5A

01/02/2021 5B

02/02/2021 5C


- Have Ss to play Bingo with phrases such as play badminton, play chess, go to the zoo, go swimming and watch cartoons

- Have Ss to make sentences with the phrases in the game - T & Ss praise the winners

3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

Act 1: Look, listen and repeat( 7) * Set the scene:

- T uses the picture of the dialogue on page (Student book 2) to lead Ss in the conversation - Ask students to look at the pictures in the book and ask them to discuss in pairs asking n

Who are they?/ Where are they?/ What’s Nam doing?

(In picture a, Tom is visiting Nam’s house In picture b, Tom wants to know what Nam is doing?. In pictures c and d, thay are talking about what they like doing in their free time?, using Do you like…/ and what you in your free time?- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and follow in their book

- Play the recording again for Ss repeat the text several times.( line by line in the bubbles)

- Point to the picture for Ss to read the dialogue again

- Have Ss to find out the new structure Act Point and say.(14)

a Prestenting new words. - Teach new words

- Check vocab: What and where

1.Look, listen and repeat


b Sentence Pattern:

* Prestenting model sentences.

- Point to the first picture and elicit the

words to fill in the gap Put the sentence on the board What you in your free time? I and have Ss repeat them several times - Check the form/ use/ meaning/ Intonation * Practice.( Picture drill)

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice saying What you in your free time? I

- T models – Ss listen & repeat.( P1) - T and good students model.( T S1, T S2) T asks Ss point and say

- Replace the activities by doing choral and individual repetition, using pictures in part in the book

+T- WC + Half/half

+ Pairs( Closed pairs, Open- pairs) Act Let’s talk(7)

Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with their friends Give a few seconds for Ss to read the questions and check comprehension

Call a pair to give a demonstration of the answer before starting the activity

Have Ss work in pairs Go around to offer help and correct the pronunciation, if necessary

Call several pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class

- Other Ss observe and give comments

a Vocabulary: surf the Internet: go to the cinema: clean the house: do karate:

b Model Sentences

What you in your free time? I

* Practice.


4.Consolidation(1’)-Ask Ss to focus on the model sentence once again. Homework(1’): Learn by heart the new words and model sentence Prepare for the next lesson

************************************************************ Date of preparing: 28/01/2021 WEEK 22 - Period 84



1 Knowledge: : By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic Free time activities?

ask and answer questions about what someone does in her/his free time, using What you in your free time?I…

* Language focus:

- Sentence patterns: What you in your free time? I

- Vocabulary: surf the Internet, go to the cinema, clean the house, karate Skills: - Develope Ss speaking and listening, skills

3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with others II TEACHING AIDS

1 Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, speakers, softbook, projector and computer. 2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach Techniques: + Game:

+ Ask and answer

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups IV PROCEDURE


- Greetings: T- Ss greet each other

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer


01/02/2021 5A

01/02/2021 5B

03/02/2021 5C

2 Warm up: (5’) Role play

- Spend a few minutes having the class revise the story in Activity - Invite one or two pairs to act it out

- T & Ss listen and give comments T praise the better New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

Act Listen and tick: a Pre-listening:

- T looks at the books and identify the characters(1 Mary Linda Phong) and what they are doing in the pictures

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen and tick b While-listening:

- Play the recording all the way through for Ps to listen Play it again for them to the task -Tell them that they should pay attention to the activities of the characters

- Get them to swap and compare their answers before checking as a class Play the recording again to confirm the answers Go around and offer heip, if necessary

c Post listening: - Role-play Act Read and complete: a Pre- reading:

- Ask Ps to look at the Activity P19. - Call a students read the words in the box - Ask Ps to look at the box

-T asks:How many sentences? Are they

1 Listen and tick Key :1-b 2-a 3-b

Read and complete: Key:


complete? (5)

- Ask a student to read sentences and guess the answer key

b While- reading:

- Ask Ps to read the sentences in the box and complete with the answers

- Give them a few seconds to read and the task

get them in groups Go around and offer help, if necessary

- Get them to compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class

- have the class read the completed conversation aloud( if time allowed)

Invite some pairs to ask and answer the questions

c Post reading: - Ask Ps to read questions and answer

Act Let’s play: A MATCHING GAME - Tell the class that they are going to play a game called the maching game?

- Divide Ss into groups of ten Give each pupil in each group a piece of paper with one of the following words/phrases: go, surf, clean, play, watch, cartoons, the Internet, badminton, the room and the cinema

3 Let’s play:


4.Consolidation(1’)-Ask Ss to focus on the model sentence once again. Homework(1’): Learn by heart the new words and model sentence Prepare for the next lesson


Date of preparing: 28/01/2021 WEEK 22 - Period 85 UNIT 13: WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME?

Lesson 2: Part 1+2 +3 .I OBJECTIVES

1 Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to ask and answer questions about accident prevention, using Why shouldn’t……… ?Because you may…………

* Language focus:

- Sentence Pattern: Why shouldn’t……… ?Because you may………… - Vocabulary: leg arm, climb, fall off, break, cut, burn

Skills: - Develope Ss speaking and listening skills

3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with others and to be safe at home


1 Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, speakers, softbook, projector and computer. 2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach Techniques: + Game:

+ Ask and answer

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups IV PROCEDURE


- Greetings: T- Ss greet each other

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

Date of teaching Class Absent students

02/02/2021 5A

02/02/2021 5B

04/02/2021 5C


3 New lesson:

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

Act 1: Look, listen and repeat( 7) * Set the scene:

- T uses the picture of the dialogue on page (Student book 2) to lead Ss in the conversation - Ask students to look at the pictures in the book and ask them to discuss in pairs asking n

What are their names? What are these children doing? What’s the boy doing? Should he that? Why shouldn’t he climb the tree?

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen and follow in their book

- Play the recording again for Ss repeat the text several times.( line by line in the bubbles)

- Point to the picture for Ss to read the dialogue again

- Have Ss to find out the new structure Act Point and say.(14)

a Prestenting new words. - Teach new words

- Check vocab: What and where b Sentence Pattern:

* Prestenting model sentences.

- Point to the first picture and elicit the

words to fill in the gap Put the sentence on the board Why shouldn’t I play with the knife? Because you may cut yourself.

and have Ss repeat them several times - Check the form/ use/ meaning/ Intonation

1.Look, listen and repeat

2 Point and say. a Vocabulary 2 Point and say: a Vocabulary: play with the knife play with the stove ride too fast, cut yourself: get a burn


* Practice.( Picture drill)

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice saying Why shouldn’t I …./ Because ……….

- T models – Ss listen & repeat.( P1) - T and good students model.( T S1, T S2) T asks Ss point and say

- Replace the activities by doing choral and individual repetition, using pictures in part in the book

+T- WC + Half/half

+ Pairs( Closed pairs, Open- pairs) Act Let’s talk(7)

Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with their friends Give a few seconds for Ss to read the questions and check comprehension

Call a pair to give a demonstration of the answer before starting the activity

Have Ss work in pairs Go around to offer help and correct the pronunciation, if necessary

Call several pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class

- Other Ss observe and give comments

Why shouldn’t I play with the knife?

Because you may cut yourself

* Practice.

3 Let’s talk

4.Consolidation(1’)-Ask Ss to focus on the model sentence once again. Homework(1’): Learn by heart the new words and model sentence Prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparing: 28/01/2021 WEEK 22 - Period 86 UNIT 13: WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE TIME?


1 Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to ask and answer questions about accident prevention, using Why shouldn’t……… ?Because you may…………

* Language focus:

- Sentence Pattern: Why shouldn’t……… ?Because you may………… - Vocabulary: leg arm, climb, fall off, break, cut, burn

2 Skills: - Develope listening and speaking, reading skills.

3 Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with others.Tobe safe at home


1 Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, speakers, softbook, projector and computer. 2 Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Communicative approach Techniques: + Game:

+ Ask and answer

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups IV PROCEDURE


- Greetings: T- Ss greet each other

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

Date of teaching Class Absent students

02/02/2021 5A

02/02/2021 5B

04/02/2021 5C

2 Warm up: (5’)

- Play game: Role play:

- Ss devides the class into groups.Each group choose one pair to act out the story in Activity in front of the class


Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content Act Listen and complete with the word

a Pre-listening:

- T looks at the books and sets the scence: How many sentences are there? - Tell Ps that they are going to listen and complete with the word

- Ask them to read the sentencesand try to guess the word to fill each gap

b While-listening:

- Play the recording all the way through for Ps to listen and complete Play it again for them to the task

- Get them to compare their answers before checking as a class

- Play the recording again to confirm the answers

- Give explanations for the answers which Ps find difficult

c Post listening: - Role-play

Act Read and complete a Pre- reading:

- Ask Ps to look at the Activity p15. - Call a students read the sentences - Ask Ps to look at the box

- T asks: How many sentences are there?(5) - Ask a student to read words in the blue box b While- reading:

- Ask Ps to read and complete the conversation

1 Listen and complete with the word

Key :

1.sharp 2.wall 3.burn 4.arm

Act Read and complete



between Tom and Phong

- Have them read the words given and the conversation

- Remind them to focus on the context to select the appropriate words from the box

- Get them to compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class If there is enough time , have the class read the completed text aloud

Act Let’s play: A matching game

- Tell the class that they are going to play a matching game Tell them that the aim of the game is to review vocabulary on accident prevention

- Explain how to play the game: aks Ps to word in groups of five One P is the leader and each of the other four holds a word card with part of a sentence, such as: Don’t/ play with matches/ ride too fast/ run down the stairs/ You may/ get a burn/ fall off your bike/ break your leg The leader say s aloud two sentences and the other four have to stand in a line, holding the word cards to make the two sentences

- Set a time limit for the groups to play game Monitor the activity

- Call on two groups to play the game in front of the class Remember to praise pupils who well

3 Let's play

A matching game


Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 19:03

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