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( CÂU 20, 24, 28, 31, 40, 53, 54) Which of the following statements is NOT true about the US Vice president? A The elected person into the federal legislative body B Constitutionally, the president of the Upper House C Constitutionally, the second presidential succession D The second-elected politician in the executive body Which statement does NOT truly describe the characteristics of the public education in the United States? A Education must be free from religion B Laws of education vary according to states C Some schools are coeducational for sex equality D School facilities are affected by local budgets Which of the positions below does the US vice-president constitutionally take? A federal judge B federal legislator C cabinet head D president of the Senate Which of the following presidents’ sculptures is NOT found in Mount Rushmore? A Theodore Roosevelt B Abraham Lincoln C Thomas Jefferson D Andrew Johnson A/An …………family is the American traditional type, in which parents are the center with children around A typical B nuclear C extended D ideal Constitutionally, the Congress has the power to make law, but either the President or the Supreme court has the right to veto or …………… any act of the Congress A repeal B appeal C return D amend The gold rush in …………… in 1849 created a massive surge of immigration from Asia and Europe A Florida B Seattle C Virginia D California The explanation for the regional differences in the US is related to …………… A historical practices B religious differences C blended ethnic groups D geographical features The American democracy is based on the principle of ‘majority rule’ and ……………., which must be protected; otherwise, the majority’s rights lose their meaning A ‘freedom of belief’ B ‘justice for all’ C ‘equality right’ D ‘minority right’ 10 .……………… means that it is ordinary people in society or in an organization, rather than the leaders, who make decisions A ‘grass-root’ level B ‘Limited power’ C ‘Watchdog status’ D ‘Decentralization’ 11 Which of these statements does NOT exactly describe the framework of the political system and the executive body of the U.S.? A The American government follows a multi-party system B It describes the indirect democracy with periodic elections C The watchdog party holds the loyal position to the country D Federalism means separation of power between federal and states 12 For which of the following reasons did the of English people on Mayflower Ship came to settle in North America in 1620? A Freedom of religious belief B Establishment of trade routes C Exploration of the new land D better economic opportunity 13 The …………… settlers were far more successful than the British immigrants in setting up their colonies in the New World A Spanish B French C Dutch D Russia 14 Which statement below does NOT describe the current picture of American families? A The role of fathers has declined in the lives of American children B The number of children living with unmarried mothers has increased C Working mothers have created a new social need of day-care facilities D All children of divorced parents are deprived from contact with fathers 15 New England is a large territory of …………… states in the northeastern corner of the United States New England vùng lãnh thổ rộng lớn gồm ……… bang phía đơng bắc Hoa Kỳ A four B five C six D seven 16 Which of these ideas is NOT reliable, relating to the tradition of Thanksgiving Day? Điều ý sau KHÔNG đáng tin cậy, liên quan đến truyền thống Lễ Tạ Ơn? A A This type of festival is also celebrated in other countries Kiểu lễ hội tổ chức nước khác B It originally related to religious and political festival B Nó bắt nguồn từ lễ hội tơn giáo trị C D It has long been welcomed as secular holiday as well Nó từ lâu chào đón lễ hội tục It was originally held by the English Protestant refugees Ban đầu, nắm giữ người tị nạn đạo Tin Lành Anh 17 The US is the ………largest nation in the world Its great diversity can be found in geography and ………… Hoa Kỳ quốc gia lớn ……… giới Sự đa dạng tuyệt vời khám phá địa lý lẫn ……… A B C D third / religion fourth / population second / politics fourth / economics 18 The right to reproductive health is one of major issues of human rights that are sometimes used as justification for the existence or absence of laws controlling the freedom …………… Quyền chăm sóc sức khoẻ sinh sản vấn đề quyền người mà dùng dể biện minh cho tồn hay vắng mặt luật kiểm soát quyền tự ……… to die in case of incurable diseases chết trường hợp mắc bệnh nan y to develop in vitro fertilization phát triển thụ tinh ống nghiệm of women’s right to have abortion quyền phá thai phụ nữ of women’s pregnancy-healthcare chăm sóc sức khoẻ thai kỳ phụ nữ A B C D 19 As a nation of immigrants, the US has had a continual influx of people with a spirit of ………… to make changes in their lives Vì quốc gia người nhập cư, Hoa Kỳ có dịng người liên tục với tinh thần ……… để tạo thay đổi sống A pioneer / tiên phong B fortune / may mắn C equality / bình đẳng D justice / cơng lý 20 A B C D 21 Which of the following below CANNOT be American marriage value? Điều KHƠNG THỂ giá trị nhân Mỹ? Family ties are favored over education & merit Các mối quan hệ gia đình ưu tiên giáo dục lợi ích Making things change or happen is welcome Làm cho thứ thay đổi diễn đáng hoan nghênh They believe new may be better than old Họ tin tốt cũ Making money is superior than inheriting it Kiếm tiền xem trọng thừa kế “Three significant changes in population may alter the American character to some extent.” Ba thay đổi đáng kể dân số làm thay đổi tính cách người Mỹ mức độ đó.” Which of the following does NOT belong to the suggested trends? A The country’s population / Dân số đất nước B Its religious differences / Sự khác biệt tôn giáo C Its racial minority groups / Các nhóm dân tộc thiểu số D Its rate of graying or aging / Tốc độ lão hoá 22 The US multi-ethnic and multi-racial culture advises that you should not make ethnic : Don’t say anything negative about any ethnic group Nền văn hóa đa sắc tộc đa chủng tộc Hoa Kỳ khuyên bạn không nên làm ……… sắc tộc: Đừng nói điều tiêu cực nhóm dân tộc A.negative / Tiêu cực B slur / Nói xấu C convention / Quy ước D etiquette / Nghi thức 23 Many Americans can quickly tell what part of the country other Americans come from by just Nhiều người Mỹ nhanh chóng biết người Mỹ khác đến từ vùng đất nước cần ……… A B C D trying their cooking styles / Thử cách nấu ăn họ listening to their accents / Lắng nghe giọng nói observing how they behave / Quan sát cách họ ứng xử finding out their ethnic races / Nhận chủng tộc họ 24 The voyage of the people on Mayflower ship has become a cultural icon in the history of the United States, with its story of death and survival in the harsh winter environment of …………………… Chuyến người tàu Mayflower trở thành biểu tượng văn hoá lịch sử nước Mỹ, với câu chuyện chết sống cịn mơi trường mùa đơng khắc nghiệt ……… A B C D Wyoming New York North Carolina New England 25 A B C D 26 Which of the following rights has NOT been reaching agreement after several amendments? Quyền sau KHÔNG đạt đồng thuận sau nhiều lần chỉnh sửa? Freedom of religion / Tự tôn giáo Freedom of speech / Tự ngôn luận Right to bear arms / Quyền mang vũ khí Right of complaints / Quyền khiếu nại Which of the following fields does not lie within the U.S federal’s responsibilities? Lĩnh vực sau không nằm trách nhiệm phủ Liên bang Hoa Kì? A B C D Foreign policies / Chính sách đối ngoại Money print / Bản in tiền States’ commerce / Giao thương bang Education law / Luật giáo dục 27 Which of these ideas is NOT reliable, relating to the tradition of Thanksgiving Day? (Giống câu 16, với lưu ý “English Puritans” (người Thanh giáo Anh) “Englsih Protestants” (người tin lành Anh) kỷ XVI-XVII) A B C D This type of festival is also celebrated in other countries It originally related to religious and political festival It has long been welcomed as secular holiday as well It was originally held by the English Puritan refugees 28 The Declaration of Independence says “All men are created equal” can be interpreted by all of the following EXCEPT for equal in …………… A special rights B opportunities C rights and justice D ability or ambition 29 What was the reason for the meeting to sign the Mayflower Compact by 41 men on board the ship? A They thought of a future community, which really needed laws B They needed rules for proper behavior to survive the hardship C All the men onboard fought to be the leader of the community D The land was really promising for setting up a wealthy colony 30 What information is TRUE about the shipmates who began the festival of Thanksgiving? A The passengers on the Mayflower were English Protestants B They planned to land on the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts C They settled the first permanent English colony in North America D They were praised Pilgrims for their journey of religious freedom 31 The idea that a part of the Americas (the southern part) has a linguistic affinity with the………… since this part of the Americas was inhabited by people of ………… A Germanic cultures / Germanic races B Latin cultures / Latin race C Viking cultures / Viking tribe D Anglo-Saxon America / Anglo-Saxon race 32 Which statement does NOT truly describe the characteristics of the public education in the United States? A Education must be free from religion B Laws of education vary from state to state C Few schools are coeducational for sex equality D School facilities are affected by local budgets 33 “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence, drafted by …………… A George Washington B James Madison C Thomas Jefferson D Benjamin Franklin 34 After succeeded in establishing the Plymouth Colony, which later developed in a vast territory of six states, the boatmen on Mayflower ship took pride to call themselves …………… A Yankees B Pilgrims C separatists D Puritans 35 New England people were originally a group of …………, who objected the rituals of the Church of England and wanted to purify the religion as well as to make it stricter the way people lived A separatists B pagans C Catholics D Pilgrims 36 Detroit, a city in Michigan State, was founded by a …………… colonist in the early 18th century A English B Spanish C French D Italian 37 The Mid-Atlantic is a region of eight states of which ………………has a nick name of ‘Empire state’ A Virginia B New York C Delaware D West Virginia 38 Which of the following states bears the nick name ‘Mother of Presidents’? A Virginia B New York C Delaware D West Virginia 39 The joke ‘The only way to get to some mountainous town is to be born there’ is talking about which of these states? A Virginia B New York C Delaware D West Virginia 40 Which of the following states has the nick name ‘Appalachian states’ A Virginia B New York C Delaware D West Virginia 41 Which of the following regions has the nick name ‘America’s Heartland’? Vùng sau có biệt hiệu “Trung tâm Hoa Kì”? A New England B the Mid West C the South D the Mid Atlantic 42 The motto “Mountaineers are always free” spares for which of these states? Câu “Người miền núi ln tự do” nói bang sau đây? A Virginia B New York C Delaware D West Virginia 10 PART B: TRUE – FALSE 43 The American Civil War is also known as ‘industrial war” due to its might of technology – F Cuộc nội chiến Hoa Kì cịn biết đến với tên “chiến tranh công nghiệp” sức mạnh công nghệ (Fact: The US Civil War caused by long-standing controversy over slavery and state’s rights) American practical outlook means they always appreciate what is practical, efficient, and safe - T Quan điểm thực tế người dân Hoa Kỳ nghĩa họ ln đánh giá cao thiết thực, hiệu an toàn 45 “Children were financial asset” means, like Asian concept, children were gifts from God - F “Trẻ em tài sản tài chính” có nghĩa là, giống quan niệm người Châu Á, trẻ em quà đến từ thượng đế (Fact: Chapter - Marriage: American Style – In the past, children were parents’ assets -> Making financial contribution) 46 Sending flowers, food or cards with religious symbols to friends should not be done in the U.S - T Ở Hoa Kỳ, khơng nên tặng hoa, thức ăn hay thiệp có biểu tượng tôn giáo cho bạn bè 47 The Ghost Dance caused the massacre, which ended the Indian fight against the white government - T Ghost Dance gây nên tàn sát làm chấm dứt chiến người Ấn Độ chống lại quyền người da trắng 48 Manhattan is a major commercial, financial, and cultural center in the Southwest of the United States - F Manhattan trung tâm kinh tế, tài văn hóa vùng Tây Bắc Hoa Kỳ (Fact: Manhattan – New York is in Northeast of the U.S) 49 The New Negro Movement means the African-American explosion of culture and art in Salem - T Phong trào New Negro nghĩa bùng nổ văn hóa nghệ thuật người Mĩ gốc Phi Salem 50 The Lower East Side used to be an elegant neighborhood where President George Washington lived - T Lower East Side khu vực lịch nơi mà Tổng thống George Washington sống 51 Mainly affected by politics, New Englanders are principled, thrifty, to-the-point, and independent - F Người dân New Endland chủ yếu bị ảnh hưởng trị, nên nguyên tắc, tiết kiệm, vào thắng vấn đề tự lập 44 11 New Englanders played a significant role in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and slave liberation - T Người dân New Endland đóng vai trị quan trọng vào Chiến Tranh Cách Mạng, Nội Chiến phong trào giải phóng nơ lệ 53 American Protestantism stresses the moral value of work, thrifty, and regular church attendance - F Đạo Tin lành Hoa Kỳ nhấn mạnh giá trị đạo đức việc làm, tính tiết kiệm đên nhà thờ thường xuyên (American Protestantism stresses regular church attendance – Unknown) 54 Grass-root movements at the local level means the ordinary people in organizations make decisions - T Các phong trào sở cấp địa phương có nghĩa người bình thường tổ chức đưa định 52 12