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Nội dung

- Go around the classroom to provide any necessary help, ask individual students to say out the letter and the sound. - Ask them to tick the correct letter that corresponds to each pi[r]


Week 10

Date of planning: 5/11/2016 Period: 37th




Lesson 1: Listen and tick - Look and write – Let’s sing

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

8/11/2016 7/11/2016 9/11/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Use the words and phrases related to the topic School

+ Ask and answer questions about where is school, using Where’s your school? It’s in + (place)

+ Practise listening and writing

II Language focus: - Vocabulary:Review - Sentence pattern: Review - Skills: speaking and listening

III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets


Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1.Warm up (5’)

- Spend a few minutes revising the question What can you do? and the answer I can

Get pairs to act out the questions and the answers in front of the class

Whole class Pairs

2 Listen and tick (10’).

- T asks Ss to look at the pictures to identify the the similarities and differences by saying what the school are and where they are - Tel Ss that they are going to listen to the three dialogues and tick the correct pictures

- Have them read aloud the names of the schools and their locations Check understanding

- Play the recoding twice

- Ss listen to the recording and tick the correct pictures

- Ss swap their answer with the partner

Audio script 1. A: Where's your school?

B: It's in Nguyen Hue Street

A: Is it in Ha Noi? B: No it isn't It‘s in Nam Dinh

2 .A' What's the name of your school? B: Bat Trang Primary School A: Where is it? B: It's In Bat Ttang village

3.A: My school is

Whole class Groups / Pairs/Indi


- Play the recording again

- Ss listen and check their answers - Ask a few questions to ensure their comprehension for the listening text

big and beautiful 8: Where is It? " A It's in Oxford Street, London Correct answers

1c 2a 3c

Whole class

3 Look and write (10’)

- Tell pupils that they are going to write where the schools are

- Give them a few seconds to look at the pictures First focus pupils-on the locations of the schools Then have them look at the sentence under each picture and find the appropriate words to fill in the sentence If necessary, get pupils to work In pairs

- Give pupils time to the task independently Go around and offer help if necessary

- Get them to swap their answers before checking as a class If there is enough time, call some pupils to read aloud the complete sentences

1 My school is in Nguyen Trai Street

2 His school is in Van Noi Village Her school is in South Street

Whole class Groups / Pairs

Individuals Pairs


4 Let’s sing (10’)

- Tell pupils that they are going to sing the song This is the way Teach the song following the procedure in Teaching the unit components in introduction

- Have them read each line of the lyrics Check comprehension

- Play the recording all the way through Ask pupils to choral and individual repetition of the song line by line

- When pupils are familiar with the tune, ask two groups of pupils to go to the front of the class

- One group sings the first four lines of the lyrics, the other sings the last four lines The rest of the class sings together, clapping hands

- Have the class sing the song again and clap their hands or actions to reinforce the activity

This is the way

This is the way we go to school Go to school, go to school

This is the way we go to school So early in the morning

This is the way we go for a walk For a walk, for a walk

This is the way we go for a walk So early in the morning

Whole class

Groups/ Whole class

Individuals/ groups

5 Home-link (5’)

Learn by heart the new words and structures Prepare for new lesson - Do exercise in workbook

Whole class


Period: 38th




Lesson 2: Look, listen and repeat - Point and say – Let’s talk.

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

9/11/2016 8/11/2016 10/11/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Ask and answer questions about what class someone is in, using What class are you in? I’m in class …

II Language focus:

- Vocab:

- Sentence pattern: What class are you in? I’m in class …

- Skills: speaking and listening

III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets


Steps Learning activities Languagefocus Modes

1.Warm up (5’)

Call some Ss to the front of the class to talk about the school, where a school is

Whole class

2 Look, listen and repeat (7’)

- Have Ss to look at the book at page 42 to discuss the contexts in which the language is use

- Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they are saying

- Ss look at the picture a, b, c and ask the questions:

+ Who are they? + Where are they?

+ What are they talking?

- Set the scene: we are going to learn to ask and answer questions about the class someone is in

- Play the recoding a few time for Ss to listen, point and repeat

- Divide the class into two groups Repeat the dialogue

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen, point to the characters and say along

- Ask a few pairs to role play

Whole class Groups / Pairs

Whole class Individuals



3 Point and say (15’)

practise asking and answering questions about the classes the pupils are in

- Draw their attention to the bubbles and pictures to understand how the language is used in different contexts In the first two bubbles, pupils ask and answer questions about what class they are in, using What class are you in? I'm in class …… in the next two bubbles, pupils ask and answer questions about what class someone is in, using What class is he/she in? He’s/She’s in class ……

- Ask pupils to look at the pictures and say the classes 4A 5B, 3C and 2D Check comprehension

- Point to the first picture and get one pupil to ask What class are you in? and the other to answer I'm in Class 4A Do choral and Individual repetition - Point to the second picture and get one pupil to ask What class is she in? and the other to answer She's in Class 58 Repeat the procedure with the rest of the pictures

- Ask pupils to work in pairs, pointing to the characters speaking Then call on a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class Check as a class and correct pronunciation If necessary

New words:


What class are you in? I'm in class …… What class is he/she in? He’s/She’s in class ……

Groups / Pairs

Whole class Individuals Whole class



4 Let’s talk. (8’)

- Tell pupils that they are going to revise what they have learnt In Lessons and 2, using facts about themselves

- Have them work In pairs: one pupil asks the questions What’s the name of your school? Where is it? What class are you in? and the other gives the answers

- Call on a few pairs to role-play in front of the class Correct the pronunciation, if necessary

- If there is enough time, ask one pupil to talk about his/her school and class, e.g My school is Nguyen Trai Primary School It’s in Nguyen Trai Street, Ha Nor’ I'm in Class 4A

What class are you in? I'm in class …… What class is he/she in? He’s/She’s in class ……


5 Home-link (5’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words and structure

Whole class


……… ………


Period: 37


Lesson 1: Listen and tick – Look and write – Let’s play

Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 8/11/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to listen the classroom intructions clearly, improve listening and writing skill

Language focus

Review vocabulary: Don’t talk, Open your book, Stand up, Come here Close your book, Sit down

Resources Recording


Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1 Warm-up (5’)

- Call some pairs to take turns to say and act out the classroom instruction

-Don’t talk -Open your book -Stand up

- Come here - Close your book - Sit down


2 Listen and tick (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to listen and tick the correct boxes under the pictures

- Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the pictures

- Play the recording times through for Ss to listen and tick the correct answers

- Ask Ss to exchange their

answers with their partners before reporting them to the class

- Call some Ss to read loud their answers

- Listen and give feedback


1 a c c

Whole class




3 Look and write (10’)

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures - Tell Ss what they are going to fill the gap


1 open quiet


- Elicit the words filling the gaps - Ask Ss to read individually silently and complete the instructions

- Remind Ss to write the initial letter of the word at the beginning of each sentences in capital


- Go around to offer help if necessary

- Get Ss to swap and check their answers with their friends

- Ask Ss to read their answers aloud to the class

3 close sit come stand




4 Let’s play (10’)

-Guide Ss to play the game Simon says

- Speak loud the instruction and act out times

- Have a group of give a

demonstration before starting the game

- Get Ss to play the game in groups

- Go around to offer help, if necessary

-Open your book - Close your book -Stand up

- Sit down - Come here

- Don’t talk Groups

5 Home-link (5’)

- Have Ss practise giving and acting out the instructions at home

Whole class


……… ………



Story Time – P2

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

8/11/2016 9/11/2016

……… ………


- To consolidate the sound of the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and the corresponding words - Learn and practice reading skills

II.Vocabulary: (review)

III Teaching aids: CD, Phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant

IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Warm up: ( 5’)

- Review the letters and words - play game slap the board

Read Play game

II New lesson

1 Choose and colour (10 mins)

- Point to the cat and the parrot

- Ask the students to say which animal the octopus has for the queen

- Ask them to colour that animal

Activity 1: Act Out (10’)

- Read the sentences in the story, pause at the key words - Invite the students to mime them (the queen, the

octopus, the parrot, the question mark, the nut, the nest) - Have the students come to the front of the classroom and act out the story

- Encourage them to have fun as they perform

Activity 2: Correct teacher (10’)

- Point to an item in the story

- Ask individual student to correct teacher’s statements

E.g Teacher: (pointing to the octopus in picture 1) Look! It is a parrot.

Student 1: No! It is an octopus! etc

Choose and colour that animal

Ps read the sentences

Ps mime them Ps act the story

Ss work individually

III Homelink: (5’)Do the exercise in the Activity book. Ss


……… ………




Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

9/11/2016 11/11/2016

……… ………

I.Aim and Objectives

To consolidate the sound of the letters Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd and the corresponding words

II.Vocabulary: (review)

Ant, apple, alligator, acrobat Ball, bed, bee, bear

Cat, carrot, clock, car Dog, drum, dragon, doll

III Teaching aids: CD, Phonics cards IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Warm-up: Run and Touch (5’)

- Put up some phonics cards on the board - Line up students into teams of

- Call a student from each team to stand 1m from the board

- Read words out loud, one at time (e.g ant), the students must run to tap the card of that word

- The student who taps the correct card first will get point for his/her team The team with the most points wins the activity

II Revision

1 Match and colour Say the letter and the sound (8’)

- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to say the letters

- The students match the upper case letters to the lower case ones

- Say the letter and the sound

- Ask individual students to repeat the letter and the sound - Go around and provide any necessary help

- Ask individual students to say out the letter and the sound

2 Look and tick () (6’)

- Explain the activity


Play game

Listen and repeat Match

Listen and repeat Colour



- Ask the students to name the items

- Ask them to tick the correct letter that corresponds to each picture

- Go around and provide any necessary help

3 Say the words Draw lines to match (5’)

- Explain the activity

- Ask students to name each picture

- Ask students to match the pictures that begin with the same letter and then match them to the corresponding letter

- Go around and provide any necessary help

4 Listen and circle (Track 27) (5’)

- Explain the activity

- Say the names of the items - Play the CD

- The students listen and circle the correct picture

Answer key: 1 – apple 2 – bee 3 – clock - drum

Activity: Get in line (7’)

- Ask 12 students to come to the front of the classroom and make a circle

- Give the students randomly 12 phonics cards of the words they have learnt Say: Go!

- The students must find and get in line with other students holding cards beginning with the same letter

The first students to make a complete line win the activity

Listen Draw lines


Listen and circle

Make a circle Find partner (have cards beginning with the same letter.)

III Homelink: (4’)Do the exercise in the Activity book. Ss


……… ………


Period: 39th




Lesson 2: Listen and number - Look and write – Let’s play.

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

11/11/2016 9/11/2016 11/11/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Listen to dialogues about the class

+ Look and write the missing word into the sentences

II Language focus:


III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording


Steps Learning activities Languagefocus Modes

1.Warm up (5’)

- Ss go to the front of the class to talk about their school and class (its name and location)

Whole class

2 Listen and number (10’)

- Ss look at pictures a, b, c and d on page 43

- Help them to identify the similarities and diffetences by explaining the names and locations of the schools {Pictures a and b) and the names of the classes (Pictures c and d)

- T check understanding by asking some questions:

+ How many pictures are there? + Where are they?

+ What class?

- T tell Ss that they are going to listen four dialogues about what the four characters can and number the pictures

- Ss guess the answer - Play the recoding twice

- Ss listen to the recording and number the pictures

- Ss swap their answer with the partner

- Play the recording again

- Ss listen and check their answers - Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text

1 A: Where's your school, Linda? B: It's in South Street, London A: What's the name of your school? B: It's Sunflower Primary School Linda: What class are you in?

Nam: I'm in Class 4C

Linda: Sorry 40 or 4C?

Nam: Class 4C Linda: Oh, I see A: What's the name of your school?

8: It's Nguyen Hue Primary School A: Where is it? B: It's in Nguyen Hue Street Hoan Kiem District Ha Not

4 John: Where's your school, Phong? Phong: It’: in Nguyen Du Street John: what class are you In?

Phong: I'm in Class 4A

Correct answers

1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c Whole class Groups / Pairs/Indi Individuals Individuals Individuals Pairs Whole class Whole class

3 Look and write (10’)

- Have pupils open their books to Page 43 Get Ss to identify the text

-Tell Ps that they are going to read the dialogues and fill the gaps, using the pictures cues

- Ask them to look at the four pictures to identify what the character in each picture

- Ask them to look at Dialogues and Explain that they need to complete

1 A: Where’s his school? B: It’s in Chu Van An Street

2 A: Where’s her school? B: It’s in South Street, London

3 A: What class

Whole class


the answers with the streets where the schools are in Then ask them to look at the pictures to identify the answers Then have pupils look at Dialogues and Explain that they need to complete the answers with the classes the pupils are in Then ask them to look at the pictures to identify the answers

-Set a time limit for Ps to the task independently Go around and offer help, if necessary

-Get Ps to swap their answers before checking as a class

- Pupils practice in pairs and complete - Pair works Pupils give their answers for correction

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to the class The rest of the class listen and give comments - Have the whole class read each line of the dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation

is she in? B: She’s in

class 4B

4 A: What class is he in?

B: He’s in class

4C Individuals

Pairs Pairs


Whole class

4 Let’s sing (10’)

- Tell pupils that they are going to play the game Pass the secret!

- Divide them into groups of six Ask them to line up In rows Then whisper the first pupil in each row a sentence E.g My school is in Nguyen Trai Street The first pupil then whispers the sentence to the second one The last pupil in the row says aloud the sentence she/he heard The group that says the teacher's sentence correctly In the shortest time will win the game To make the game more competitive you can select some pupils to act as teachers and whisper sentences to the first pupils In the rows These pupils should say something they have learnt from Lessons and 2, and they have to whisper the sentences to the rows at the same time

Pass the secret

My school is in Nguyen Trai Street


Whole class


Groups/ Individuals

5 Home-link (5’)

Learn by heart the new words and

structures Prepare for new lesson Whole class



Story Time – P2

Class Date of planning Absent

2A 2B 2C

9/11/2016 11/11/2016 1o/11/2016

……… ……… ………

I.Aim and Objectives

to consolidate the sound of the letters Nn, Oo, Pp and Qq and the corresponding words; to learn and practise reading skills

II.Vocabulary: (review)

III Teaching aids: CD, Phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant

IV Procedures

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Warm up: ( 5’)

- Review the letters and words - play game slap the board

Read Play game

II New lesson

2 Choose and colour (10 mins)

- Point to the cat and the parrot

- Ask the students to say which animal the octopus has for the queen

- Ask them to colour that animal

Activity 1: Act Out (10’)

- Read the sentences in the story, pause at the key words - Invite the students to mime them (the queen, the

octopus, the parrot, the question mark, the nut, the nest) - Have the students come to the front of the classroom and act out the story

- Encourage them to have fun as they perform

Activity 2: Correct teacher (10’)

- Point to an item in the story

- Ask individual student to correct teacher’s statements

E.g Teacher: (pointing to the octopus in picture 1) Look! It is a parrot.

Student 1: No! It is an octopus! etc

Choose and colour that animal

Ps read the sentences

Ps mime them Ps act the story


III Homelink: (5’)Do the exercise in the Activity book. Ss


……… ………




Lesson 2: Look, listen & repeat – Point and say – Let’s talk

Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 9/11/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to ask for and give permission of classroom intructions Language


- Vocabulary: come in, go out, speak, write.

- Structure : May I…………?

- Yes, you can / No, you can not.

Resources Recording, flashcards, puupets PROCEDURE

Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1.Warm-up (5’)

- Call some pairs to take turns to say and act out the classroom


-Don’t talk -Open your book -Stand up

- Come here - Close your book

- Sit down


2.Look, listen & repeat (12’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to practise asking for permission using

May I….?

- Introduce picture and ask some questions about the situations in the picture:

+ Who are they in the picture? + Where are they?

- Procedure the first picture and explain what they say

- Have Ss repeat the text a few times - Repeat the procedure with the second picture

- Play the recording through for Ss to listen and say along

- Call some pairs to role-play and

Model sentence: 1a:-May I come in, Mr Loc? - Yes, you can

1b:-May I go out, Mr Loc?

- No, you can’t


repeat the dialogues

3.Point and say (13’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to practise asking for and giving permission using :

+ May I… ?

+ Yes, you can/ No, you can’t

- Point to each picture and elicit the meaning of the words under it - Use the first picture as an example and put the question and answer on the board

- Have Ss repeat a few times chorally and individually - Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call some pairs to practice in front of the class

- Check ss’ mistake when necessary

Sentence patterns:

-May I come in/ go out/ speak/ write?

- Yes, you can/ No, you can’t

-whole class -pairs

4.Let’s talk (8’)

- Tell Ss that they are going practise more with their friends

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and introdure

- Ask Ss to predict the information they have to fill in the gaps

- Call some Ss to read loud their prediction

- Have some Ss make a dialogue based on these pictures

- Do the first picture as example if Ss don’t understand

- Ask Ss work in pairs in mins - Call some pairs to act out the dialogue

- Give comments

Sentence patterns:

-May I come in/ go out/ speak/ write?

- Yes, you can/ No, you can’t



5.Home-link (2’)

- Ask Ss to practise asking for and giving permission at home

+ May I…? + Yes, you can/ No, you can’t

Whole class


……… ………




Lesson 2: Listen and number – Read and match – Let’s write

Class Date of teaching Absent of student

3D 10/11/2016 ………

Objective Ss will be able to listen permission of classroom intructions Language



- Vocabulary: come in, go out, speak, write.

- Structure : May I…………?

- Yes, you can / No, you can not.

Resources Recording


Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1.Warm-up (5’)

- Call some pairs to ask and answer about classroom intructions Using some cues below:

a go out/ yes b come in/ no c sit down/ no d stand up/ yes

- Correct if needed


+ May I ? –Yes, you can - No, you can’t


2 Listen and number(10’)

- Ask Ss to pay attention to

pictures on page 43 then describe the differences between the pictures - Ask Ss to predict the order of these picture

- Write their prediction on the board - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and choose , number the right picture then write the number in the picture Ss hear

- Play the tape three times to listen - Call some Ss to read loud their answer with their explanations - Play the tape again to check their predicts with their answers

- Give feedback and comments

Key: B C D A

Whole class Individual

3 Read and match (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to read the sentences on the left and pair them with those on the right by drawing a line between them - Give a few second for Ss to read


the text in silence Check

comprehension and give feedback - Give mins for Ss to the task in pairs

- Go around to offer help if necessary

- Get Ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class - Call a few open pairs to read the dialogues

Whole class pairs


4 Let’s write (10’)

- Introduce the exercise on page 43

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit the missing phrases

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences in mins

- Call Ss to write their sentences on the board

- Read and check with Ss - Correct if needed

1 come in sit down close my book open my book


5.Home-link (5’)

Have Ss to practise asking for permission, using May I… ?

Whole class


……… ………


Period 20th


Class Date of planning Absent

2A 2B 2C

10/11/2016 14/11/2016 14/11/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: To consolidate the sound of the letters Nn, Oo, Pp and Qq and the corresponding words



nut, net, nest, nose

olive, orange, octopus, omelette pen, panda, parrot, pony

question, queen, quilt, quiz

III Resources:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette

2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks

IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Warm up: ( 5’)

- Prepare some phonics cards from Units 1-4 - Hand out the cards to various students - Teacher say out the sound, the students

holding the cards with that sound come to give the cards to the teacher

Ss hold the card

II New lesson

1 Match and colour Say the letter and the sound (6 mins)

- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to say the letters

- The students match the upper case letters to the lower case ones

- Say the letter and the sound

- Go around the classroom to provide any necessary help, ask individual students to say out the letter and the sound

2 Look and tick ( ) (8 mins)

- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to name the items - Ask them to tick the correct letter that corresponds to each picture

- Go around the classroom to provide any necessary help, ask individual students to say out the sound or the item

3 Match the letters and the pictures (5 mins)

- Explain the activity

Ss say the letters Ss match

Ss listen

Ss say the letters

Ss listen


- Ask the students to say the letters and name the items

- The students match the upper case and lower case letters

- The students match the pictures to the letters - Go around the classroom to provide any necessary help, ask individual students to say out the letter, the sound and the item

4 Listen and choose A or B (Track 27) (5 mins)

- Explain the activity

- Say the names of the items - Play the CD

- The students listen and circle the correct picture, A or B

Answer key: 1_parrot 2_queen 3_olive 4_net

Ss listen

Ss say the name the letters and name the items

Ss match

Ss listen

Ss say Ss listen

Ss listen and circle

III Production

Activity: Run and Touch (5’)

- Divide the class into two teams, A and B, make lines

- Put up the phonics cards (from part 3) on the board

- Say the word Two students, one from each team, race to touch the cards

- The first student to touch the card wins a point for his/her team

The team with more points wins the game

IV Homelink: (3’)Do the exercise in the Activity book.

Ss work in group


……… ………


Period: 40


Lesson 3: Listen and repeat – Listen and write – Let’s sing

Class Date of teaching Absent of student


Objective Ss will be able to pronunciate the sound c, d in the words come and

down respectively Language


Phonics: come, down  / c/ and /d/

Resources Recording


Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1.Warm-up (5’)

- Call some pairs to ask and answer about classroom intructions Using some cues below:

a speak/ yes b come in/ no

c open my book/ no d close my book/ yes

- Correct if needed


+ May I ? –Yes, you can - No, you can’t


2.Listen and repeat (10’)

- Have Ss open the book page 44, look at the words come, down and notice the letter coloured differently in both words

- Produce the sound of the letter c in the word come and d in the word


c: come May I come in?

d: down May I sit down? - Read loud the sounds and ask Ss to repeat chorally

- Call some Ss repeat individually - Correct their pronunciation if needed

Phonics: /c/ and /d/

Whole class Individual

3 Listen and write (10’)

- Ask Ss to pay attention to exercise on page 44

- Ask Ss to read sentences and guess the missing information - Play the tape times and ask Ss to listen carefully

- Ask Ss to write the words they hear then exchange the information with their partner

- Call some Ss to write their answers on the board

- Play the tape again and check with whole class

- Check and give feedback


1 May I come in?

2 Sit down, please





(10’) sit down.

- Check Ss’comprehension

- Play the tape “ Come in and sit down” for Ss to listen while they are reading the sing in their books

- Have Ss the choral and individual repetition of each line - When Ss are familiar with the tune, show them how to sing the song and the actions

- Get groups of Ss to sit face to face and practise singing and doing the actions

- Have whole class sing the song

Choral Individual

Groups Whole class

5.Home-link (5’)

Have Ss to practise singing “Come in and sit down” at home

Whole class


……… ………


Period: 40th




Lesson 3: Listen and repeat - Listen and circle Then … - Let’s chant.

Class Date of planning Absent

4A 4B 4C

14/11/2016 11/11/2016 15/11/2016

……… ……… ………

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Pronounce the sounds of the letters sch, sk, and str in the words school, skipping and streetrespectively

II Language focus:

Revision of sentence patterns and vocabulary

III Resources:

Ss’ book, recording


Steps Learning activities Language focus Modes

1 Warm-up (5’)

- Sing the song: Can you swim? Whole class


2 Listen & repeat (12’)

practice saying the sounds of the letters sch, sk and str in the words school, skipping and street

-First, put the letters s and sw on the board

- Play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few times and let Ps say the words and the phrases, paying attention to the target sounds

- Write the words school, skipping and street and the sentences on the board

- Play the recording a few times and let Ss say the words and phrases, paying attention to the target sounds

- Do choral and individual repetition of the sounds, words and phrases until Ps feel confident - Get some Ps to perform in front the class Check as a class and correct the pronunciation, if necessary

Sch – school - This

is our school

Sk – skipping

-Mai likes skipping strstreet – My school is in Nguyen Du Street

T-Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual

3 Listen and circle Then

write and say aloud.


-Tell Ps that they are going to listen to four sentences with the sounds sch, sk and str, circle the correct options and then write the words in the blanks

- Give them a few seconds to read the sentences in silence and guess the words to fill the gaps

- Have pupils listen to the recording and circle the appropriate options Allow them time to the task independently If necessary, have pupils listen to the recording more than once - Give them time to write the words in the gaps independently Have them swap their answers before checking as a class 60 around and offer help, if necessary - Ask pupils to read the sentences aloud

Audio script:

1 This is a street. 2 The street is beautiful

3 The stream is long.

4 I love my school. 5 Linda likes skating.


1b; 2b; 3b; 4a; 5a

T-Whole class

Groups or pairs



Whole class -Tell them that they are going to

read a chant: School, school, school!

- Have them read each line of the

School, school, school

School, school, school!


4 Let’s chant (10’)

lyrics Explain the new words or structures, if necessary Check comprehension

-Play the recording all the way through Ask Ps to choral and individual repetition of the chant When pupils are familiar with the tune, ask a group to the front of the class to read the chant The class may read along and clap hands or actions

-Have the class read the chant again and clap their hands or actions reinforce the activity

This is the way We go to school It’s so much fun. Street, street, street This is the way We walk on the street

It’s so much fun

Whole class Whole class/



5 Homelink (5’)

-Have Ps read and a dictation, using the chant learnt in the previous lessons at home

- Do tasks in Workbook Unit 6.(A, B)



Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 10:51
