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tiếng anh9 tuần 11 tiết 20-21

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Nội dung

-Ask 2 good ss to work in open pair -Ask ss to work in pairs to play the role of the examiner & the candidate in an oral examination. - Ss work in close pairs[r]


Unit 4: learning a foreign language

I.Trọng tâm kiến thức, kỹ năng:

1 Topic:

- Learning a foreign language. 2 Competences:

- Expressing opinions

- Seeking information for learning a foreign language - Giving advice to someone


- Speaking: Ask for and give information about language study/ language courses; express opinions / preferences; Talk about methods of study

- Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 100-120 words for general or detailed information

- Reading: Read passages within 150-180 words for general or specific information - Writing: Write a letter of enquiry within 80-100 words following a model and an outline given

4 Grammar:

- “if ” with modal verbs: must, have to, should, might, ought to (to talk about conditions and results)


5 Vocabulary:

- Words to describe school settings, study, courses, school life

- words to talk about language study: time-tables, courses, subjects, ways of learning, learning activities

II Unit plan:

Unit 1: Learning a foreign language (6 periods) Period : Getting started- Listen and read

Period 2: Speak Period 3: Listen Period 4: Read Period 5: Write

Period 6: Language focus

Date of preparing: 29/10/2017 Period 20 Unit 4: learning a foreign language

Lesson 1: getting started + listen and read. A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Read the dialogue between Paola and Lan about an oral examination.

- By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to produce the ways of learning English and produce the questions for an oral examination


+ Structure: Reported speech 2 Practice skill:

- Practice speaking, listening skills 3 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for detalis, doing some exercises and use reported speech

B Teaching- aids:

- Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster, tape and cassette recorder C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Brainstorming, Prediction, Rub out and remember, Role play

D Procedure :

I Organization:(1')

- Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent ss


II.Warmer: +) Test 15’


2 Goodbye! See you (on/ at/ in) Monday

3 They wish they (stay/ stayed/ staying) in Hue Jane has been a player (for/ since/ so) two years

5 Van is an (interchange/ abroad/ exchange ) student in the USA Exercise 2: Use these cues to make meaningful sentences.

1 Last weekend/ my family / two-day trip/ home village

2 We / spend/ enjoyable/ weekend/ the country./ We/ all/ feel/ happy and healthy/ the trip

Exercise 3: Rewrite these sentences without changing their meaning. Mai doesn’t know a lot of students in her class (wish)

2 It is raining heavily We take our umbrellas (so)

3 The hotel was very noisy They couldn’t sleep (so…that) Answer Key:

Exercise 1: (5p)-1,0pts for each correct one. so

2 on stayed

4 for

5 exchange Exercise 2: (2p)

1 Last weekend, my family had a two-day trip to our home village We spent an enjoyable weekend in the country We all felt happy and

healthy after the trip Exercise 3: (3p)


+) Brainstorming: 3' (Getting started)

? How you learn English? Do homework ? Do you your homework?

-T model, divide class into teams

speak E with friends -Ss in teams write on bb the way they learn English

-T get feedback from ss

( T may introduce some other ways of learning E if necessary )

III.New lesson

Step 1: Pre-listening & reading ( 7’ ) +Preteach

Translation Translation Example Situation Situation Explaination

- T elicit, ss guess the meaning

-T model, ss repeat in chorus then some individually

- T check meaning, stress, … and ask ss to copy down

+Rub out & remember


- aspect ( n ): Lĩnh vực, khía cạnh, mặt - coming ( adj ): Sắp đến

- college ( n ): Trường đại học, cao đẳng - candidate ( n ): Thí sinh

- examiner ( n ): Giám khảo

- written/ oral examination ( n ): thi viết/ vấn đáp


- T follow steps of ROR +Pre questions

?Have you ever had an oral exam in E? What did the teacher ask you?

Lan Paola T give questions, ask ss to answer without reading book

Step 2: While-listening & reading (12’)

+Activity 1: Listening

- Ss listen to the tape to check the answers first, then compare with partners

- Ss listen again to answer the qts - T get feedback from ss

+Activity 2: Checking statements - T run through exer b P.33

-Ss read the dialogue in pairs to practice & tick ( v ) what the examiner asked Lan

- Pairs compare

-T get feedback from ss

+Activity 3: Introducing new grammar ? What is 1st question? 7th ? How does

Lan report?



a Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy? ( difficult )

b How many questions did the examiner ask Lan? ( 7/ )

2.Exercise P.33

1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14


“ What is your name?”


- T model, ss repeat

- T ask ss to discover the rules to change a directed speech into reported one

Step 3: Post-listening & reading (5’) +Role play

- T model with a ss

-Ask good ss to work in open pair -Ask ss to work in pairs to play the role of the examiner & the candidate in an oral examination

- Ss work in close pairs

- T go round to help & monitor

- > She asked me what my name was “ Do you speak any other languages” - > She asked me if I spoke any other

languages III.Speaking Eg:

S1: What is your name? S2: My name is …… S1: Where you live? S2:…………

S1: When did you learn English? S2:………

IV.Summary: (1')

- The ways of learning English in the lesson, and ss’ ways - Some qts in oral exams

V Homework: (1’)

- Learn by heart new words and the ways of learning E in the lesson - Prepare lesson “Speak”



Date of preparing: 30/10/2017 Period 21 Unit 4: learning a foreign language

Lesson 2: speak A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Practice speaking, persuading someone to something.

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to persuade their friends to go to the school they like to learn English

2 Practice skill:

- practice speaking skill and writing skill 3 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice speaking , making some similar dialogues

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster C Methods :

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Brainstorming, slap the board, Discussion D Procedure:


Class Date of teaching Absent ss 9A

II.Warmer: Checking homework: (4')

? Write directed speech, then change them into reported speech? (Sts’ answers)

III.New lesson:

Step 1: Pre-speaking: (10') +Preteach

Translation Situation Situation Situation Picture

Translation/ synonym: fame, honor Example/ translation


- T follow steps of teaching vocab +Slap the board: -T elicit from ss then write in circle on bb

-Call teams of ss ( ss in each team ) to stand in front of the class

-T call out the word in E, ss slap on Vnese Who first slap on right word - > have point


- Institute ( n ) Học viện, trụ sở, viện - scholarship ( n ) Học bổng

- campus (n): Khu trường học - persuade ( v ) Thuyết phục - dormitory (n ) Ký túc xá - reputation ( n ) Danh tiếng


Which team has more points > winner +Brainstorming

? What expressions can you use to persuade someone to st?

- T model, ask ss to write on bb in teams

( blue & yellow )

- T get feedback from ss & praise the winner

Step 2: While-speaking :(19') +Activity 1: Role-play

Kim Tam Thu T: They’re awarded a scholarship of $ 2,000 to attend an English language summer course abroad

- Divide class into groups of

- Ask ss to work in groups to play the roles of Kim, Tam & Thu Each person tries to persuade his/ her friends to attend the school he would like to go to

- Ask ss to read the advertisements to get information

- T model with a group, ask groups to work in open - > others work in


Why don’t we… I think…

We should

Let’s… What you think about… III.Speaking


+Thu: The Brighton Language Center U.K

- I think we should go to the Brighton language center in the UK Because the school there has excellent

reputation and we can live in the dormitory on campus

+Tam: Seattle School of English - USA

- Why don’t we go to Seattle school of English in the USA? You can stay with Vietnamese friends They will help us a lot

+Kim: Brisbane Institute of English -


close groups

- T go round to help, monitor & mark for oral test

Step 3: Post-speaking: (9') +Discussion

- T give a topic

- Ss work in groups of discussing T’s topic, persuading others to that he/ she offers


- What you think about the

Brisbane Institute of English in the Australia? It is quite close to

Vietnam and the course is the cheapest

IV.Further Practice

* Topic:

“What will you on Tet holiday? Some of your friends want to go to the Spring Fair, others want to visit their grandparents in the countryside…”

IV.Summary ( 1’ )

? When you want to persuade sb to st, how can you say?

V.Homework ( 1’ )

- Write a short paragraph about the reason why you learn English *Evaluation:


Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 09:56
