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Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a dialogue to recognise polite offers and requests with “ what would you like?” and “ I’d like some / a / an.... 2/Stu[r]


Planning date: 18/01/2019 PERIOD 61 UNIT 10 STAYING HEALTHY

Lesson 2: A3-4,6 A/ Objectives:

1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read adialogue to recognise Polite offers and Requests with “What would you like?” and “I’d like some / a”

2- Language focus

* Vocab :would like, some, juice,noodles,…

* Grammar: What would you like? I’d like some … / a…. What would she like? She’d like some … / a….

3 Skills: Intergrated skill 4 Knowledge

+ Standard knowledge: “ what would you like?” and “ I’d like some / a / an to V(inf)”

- What you want? I want…

+ Advanced knowledge: make other similar dialogue

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a dialogue to recognise polite offers and requests with “ what would you like?” and “ I’d like some / a / an to Vinf”

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, projector 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books

C/ Techiniques: Slap the board, Matching, Gap-fill, Mapped dialogue D/Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5')

T : Guides Ps to play “ Slap the board ” game Ss : Play

III/ New lesson: (35')


tired full thirsty


Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1 Pre-reading(10’)

*Pre -teach vocab:

T : Asks Ps to remind structures how to ask – answer someone’s feeling

Ss : Remind structure - Plays tape

T : Introduces words and structure Ps : Listen and write

T : Reads words Ps : Listen and repeat

- Read it again (in … choral) *Matching:

-Shows the picture on p106 on the projector and asks them to listen and match the right names with the pictures

-plays the tape

-calls on some students to give the asnwers -gives feedback

*Predict dialogue:

-T :Show the dialogue on the projector and asks them to copy


Ss: copy the dialogue and fill in the blanks -T calls on some students to go to the board and write

Ss: go to the board and write 1 While -reading (15’) (A p105)

-T asks them to open their books on p105, read the dialogue and check their guess -gives the 2’

Ss: open books,read the dialogue and check, compare

-T calls on some students to give answers Ss: gives asnwers

-T corrects

*Ask and answer(A4/106)

T: Have ss to work in pairs asking and answering about Ba, Lan ,Nam

Ss: Pairwork

T: Ask ss to practice in front of the class

I/ New word :

- orange(n) : cam

- juice (n) : nước ép trái - noodles(n) : mì, phở, bún - (to) like : thích

- some: vài, II- Listening:

Phuong b) Nhan a) Ba f) Huong d)

III- Reading: 1/ Gap-fill

Nam : How you feel? Lan:I’m(1)……and(2) ………

Nam : What would you like ? Lan: I’d like some(3)……… What about you ?

Nam: I’m (4)……… .I’d like some (5)………


1.hot thirsty 3.orange juice

4 hungry noodles 2/ Ask and Answer(A4/106) Ex: *How does Ba feel? He feels tired

* What would he like? He would like to sit down IV- Structure :


Ss: Ask and answer before class T : Give feedback

2 Post-reading(7’) T: Guess ss to give examples T: Ask ss to give form and use Ss: Give form and use

T Give the task for ss to

He`d like some noodles

=> Form:What would + S + like ?

S + would like + N would like to + Vnt

*Note: I would like = I’d like * Use: Ask someone`s need. * Complete the sentences. Lan / noodles

What would Lan like? She likes noodles They/ orange juice 3.Minh/ a hot drink Mai/ go to bed IV/ Consolidation:(5' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson Ss: Answer

* For class 6A:Mapped dialogue

-T hang sthe poster of the mapped dialogue on the board -explains and gives example

Ss: Complete the dialogue A B ……… feel?

……cold and hungry ……….like?

… some noodles V/ Homework:(2')

- Read the text again

- Read the dialogue A6/106 and use the clues to make dialogues -Do exercises ,4 ( in workbook)

- Prepare: Unit 10: B1-3 *Evaluation;



Lesson 3:B- Food and drink(B1-3) A/ Objectives:

1-The aims:By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to practice using Some / Any with There is/There are, positive, negative and Y/N questions to tallk about Food and Drink

- Name some food and drink - Use “some” and “any” 2- Language focus

* Vocab : apple , banana, orange , some, any…

* Grammar: What is there to drink / eat ? There is/are some ……… Is there any …… ? Are there any …… ?

3 Skills: Intergrated skills. 4 Knowledge:.

+ Standard knowledge: - The present simple tense Some / Any with There is / There are, Positive, Negative & Yes / No questions + Advanced knowledge: tallk about Food and Drink

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to Get some / any with there is / are, positive, negative and yes/ no questions to talk about food and drinks

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, projector

2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/ Techniques: Network, Worcues drill, Picture drill


I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting, checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5') T has Ss play a game

Ss give some kinds of food and drink */ Networks:

Food Drink

-rice -a drink

-fruit - milk

-meat - orange juice


-vegetables - cold drink -noodles

- …… III/ New lesson: (31-35')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Presentation(8’)

T : Shows a menu and asks Ps to remark

Ps : Remark the content of it - Name the food in the menu T : Introduces words

- Reads words

Ps : Listen and repeat T : Plays tape

Ps : Listen and repeat

T : Gives some words and guides Ps how to make a dialogue

Ps : Practice in pairs - Practice before class T : Corrects and remarks - Gives the correct answer

1 Practice(15’)

T: Asks Ps to look at the pictures in the books and names them

Ps : Name the things in the picture T : Guides Ps how to B1/108 - Plays tape twice

Ps : Listen and match the names with food

- Give the answer

T : Corrects and remarks - Gives correct answer

T : Guides Ps how to practice B1 using structure “ What would you like ? ”

Ps : Practice in pairs T : Corrects and remarks

I/ New words : - fruit(n): hoa - an apple : táo - a banana : chuối - water : nước - rice : cơm - milk : sữa - meat : thịt

- any: khơng II/ Structure :

* What is there to eat / drink ? There is / are some ……

* Is there any + uncountable noun? Yes , there is some ………

No , there isn’t any …… * Are there any ? Yes , there are some ……… No , there aren’t any ……

=> Note: + Some: đứng trước câu khẳng định

+ Any : đứng trước câu phủ định nghi vấn

III- Practice: 1/ Worcues drill A : I / hot / cold drink

B : I / not hot/ hungry/ bread Answer :

A : I’m hot I’d like a cold drink What would you like ?

B: I’m not hot I’m hungry I’d like a bread

2/ Ask and answer: Picture drill Example:

- Is there any meat?- Yes, There is some chicken


3 Picture drill(8’) B3/109

Ask Sts to practice using Some / Any with There is/There are, positive, negative and Y/N questions to tallk about Food and Drink

2 Production(8’)

T: Give exercise and ask ss to it Ss: Do the task

T: Ask ss to give answer SS: Give the answers T: Correct

- Are there any bananas? - Yes, there are some…

- Are there any oranges?- No, there aren’t any…

Exe 1: Fill a,an, some,any Thu: What`s for breakfast?

Mai: There is bread and milk

Thu: Is there meat? Mai: No, there

Thu: Are there bananas? Mai:Yes, there are bananas IV/ Consolidation:(1-5' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson

*For class 6A: Change into (-) and(?) There are some bananas on the table -> There aren’t any bananas on the table -> Are there any bananas on the table? There is some milk in the bottle There is some meat in the fridge There are some apples

V/ Homework:(2')

- Ask Sts to study newwords + a/ an / some / any - Do exercises B2,3,4 in the exercie book

- Prepare: Unit 10: B4,5,6 *Evaluation;



Lesson 3:B4,5,6 A/ Objectives:

1-The aims:- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use uncountable and plural Food and drink nouns to make Polite Requests “I’d like some…” and Polite Offers ……….What would you like ?

- Name some food and drink 2- Language focus

* Vocab : menu, chicken, fish,bread, … .

* Grammar: - Review: What would you like?- I`d like some Skills: Listening and speaking

The knowledge:.

+ Standard knowledge: What would you like + N…? I'd like some… + Advanced knowledge: make Polite Requests

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to Get uncountable and plural food and drink nouns, polite requests “ I’d like some ” and polite offers “ what would you like?”

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, radio, projector 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise book C/Techniques: Picture drill, Chain game


I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (15')

Test 15 minutes: I.Chọn từ không loại.(3đ)

1 A apple B orange C juice D banana A milk B meat C water D.juice A meat B hungry C rice D noodles A want B thirsty C cold D hot A thirsty B hungry C rice D tired A want B feel C have D hot


1 She (go) to school every day

What color (be) your school bag?

He (have) full lips

4.They (do) their homework now

III Sắp xếp thành câu hoàn chỉnh (3đ)

1 color/ What/ eyes/ your/ are? orange juice/ would/ I/ some/ like isn’t/ short/ hair/ His

* key:

I C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D

II goes is has are doing III What color are your eyes?

3 I would like some orange juice. His hair isn’t short

III/ New lesson: (21-25')

Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1.Presentation(8’)

T : Shows the pictures on the board and asks Ps guess their names

Ps : Guess

T : Ask Ps to name them by English Ps : Name them by English

T : Introduces words - Reads words

Ps : Listen and repeat

- Read them (ind …… choral ) 2.Practice (15’)


T: Hang the poster on the board and ask ss to guess what they would like Ss: Guess

T: Let ss listen to the tape and check Ss: Listen and check

T : Plays tape B4 Ps : Listen and repeat

- Read the conversation (pairs) - Practice before class

T : Corrects

I/ New words : - menu : thực đơn - chicken : thịt gà - fish : cá

- bread : bánh mì

II/ Listen(B5):

Nhan Tuan Huong Mai Meat

Fish Chicken Vegetables Fruit

Rice Milk


* Picture drill

T : Guides Ps how to practice B4/110 using structure “ What would you like ? ”

Ps : Practice in pairs T : Corrects and remarks 3.Production(8’)

T has Ss play "chain game"

Tguide ss how to play and ask ss to work in groups of four

Ss: Groupwork

T: Call some groups to practice Ss: Practice before class

III/ Listen and repeat Then practice the dialogue:

1/ What would you like?

S1: I`m hungry I`d like some chicken and some rice.What would you like?

S2: I`m not hungry, but I`m thirsty I’d like some orange juice

2/ Chain game: Example:

S1: I’d like some fish

S2: I’d like some fish and some vegetables

S3: I’d like some fish,some vegetables and some orange juice

IV/ Consolidation:(5' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson Ss: Answer

For class 6A: Ask and answer using the words given Lan/ some bananas

What would Lan like? She would like some bananas They/ some meat and some chicken

3 Minh/ some fish and some rice She/ some apples and some milk V/ Homework:(3')

- Ss learn by heart all the new words and the question & answer -Do exercises part B ( in workbook)

- Prepare: Unit 10: C1-5 *Evaluation;

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 08:15
