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Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses to understand the differences between town and.. country.[r]


Planning date:15/11/2019


Lesson A- Is your house big ? ( A1,2)

A/ The objectives:

1.The aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to use there is / there are / and prepositions to describe their neighborhood and ask , answer about the things around the house

2.Language focus:

* Vocab : revision of unit

new words: old, new, vegetable, garden * Structures:

Is there a ………….? - Yes, there is/ No, there isn`t Are there any ………… ?- Yes, there are/ No, there aren`t 3.Skills: Make a dialogue Read for details.


+ Standard knowledge: Question with “ to be” : Is it ….? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t )

Is there a / an … ? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t Are there any …? Yes , there are / No, there aren’t + Advanced knowledge: Write a letter about a house

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to listen to a dialogue and reading a letter about a house to understand the details Ss love their homes and surroundings

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan,radio , projectors 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/Techniques: R.O.R, T/F prediction,

D/ Procedures:

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C


- T:Have ss use the picture P 72 and ask Sts to describe it Ss: Describe

*Describe the house

Eg : There is a yard There are flowers It is old It is small - T: Comment if necessary

III/ New lesson:

Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents *Presentation (8’)

Pre- teach Vocab.

- T uses pictures on page 73 to teach vocabulary

- Ss read the vocabulary chorally, then individually

*Checking Vocab : R.O.R Activity 1: Listening Pre- listening:

- T sets the scene: T show the picture on page 72 and say: (?) Who are they? ( Minh and Hoa)

They are Minh and Hoa Minh is asking about Hoa’s House Before listening,

You should stick in colums “ Yes” if it is right, and stick in column “ No” if it is wrong by prediction.

- Ss predict- T collects Ss’s ideas While- Listening

- Ss listen to the tape then check their predictions

- T have Ss check their predictions - After each student’ s answer T plays

the tape again to check Post – listening

- T asks Ss to use the grid to talk about Hoa’s house

Activity 2: Reading 1.T/F prediction

T sets the scene: You are going to read Nga’s letter which she writes to Lan Before reading the letter, you read the statements and tell me which sentence is true and which one is

I- Vocabulary: - garden (n) : vên - vegetable (n): rau qu¶ - photo (n) : bøc ¶nh - old ( a): cị

- new (a): míi - any: II- Listening.

a Listen and complete the table

Hoa’s house Yes No

………big? v

………small? v

………a well? v

………a yard? v

……….flowers? v

……… trees? v

b Talk about Hoa’s house - Example:

Hoa’s house is small There is a yard There are flowers There isn’t a well There aren’t trees

III- Reading

a- True or false statements.

a The house is in the country T b There is a river near the house F c There are trees to the left of the house



- A - Ask a student to read all statements first

- Ss read and predict T or F T gets Ss’ predictions

2 While- reading (A2 P 73)(15’) - Ss read the letter on page 73 then

check their predictions * Comprehension questions

(?) How many questions are there? (5) How many answers are there?(5) T: Have ss matching

Ss matching (one by one) : T- corrects

3 Post – reading(8’)

- Group work : ask and answer the question (A2: a e)

d There are two gardens T

b-Match * Answer key:

a-D, b-A, c-E, d-B, e-C

*Example Exchange

S1: Is there a flower garden in front of the house?

S2: Yes, there is

IV/ Consolidation:(6’) -T: Ask ss to retell the leson Ss: Answer

*For class 6A: Ask ss to ask and answer about their house Ex: S1: Is your house big?

S2: Yes, it is V/ Homework:(2')

+ Ask Sts to exercises A1,3,4 + newwords

+ write a letter to a friend to tell him / her about your house + Prepare: Unit 7: A3-5



Planning date: 15/11/2019 PERIOD 40 UNIT YOUR HOUSE

LESSON 2: A3-5 A/ The objectives:

1 The aims: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - describe a house, a town and things around them - ask and answer questions abouts around the house 2- Language focus

* Vocab : review: near, in front of, behind new: bank, post office, supermarket * Structures:

- Review: What is that? It`s a/ an What are those? They`re

Is there/ Are there any ………….?

3.Skills: - Practice listening skill,writing, speaking skill reading skill 4 Knowledge:

+ Standard knowledge: What is that? It’ a/ an ……… What are those? They are…………

Are there any……… ? Is there any………….?

+ Advanced knowledge: Listen and draw a house

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice vocabulary with “ Is there a / Are there any ?” and short answers to describe the town

B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, projectors

2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/Techniques:

D/ Procedures: Picture drill,

I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance I/ Organization: (1') - Greeting

- Checking attendance Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (4')


Ss: match *Answer keys:

p1:a hotel p2: flowers p3: a bank p4: a


p5: a restaurant p6: a hospital p7: a post office p8: a police station

- T: Comment if necessary III/ New lesson: (31-35')

*Presentation (8’) + Pre- teach: Vocab

- T uses the pictures p.74 for eliciting the new vocabulary - Read Vocab chorally, individually

 checking Vocab Rub out and remember

T: Ask ss to give examples with Is there/ Are there ?

Ss: Answer

T: Write on the board and have ss give the structure and use

Ss: Give the structure and use 2.Practice: (15’)

- Review the structures :

T: Have Ss practise the structure What is that ? It is a hotel. What are those? They are flowers. Ss: Work in pairs

T: Have Ss practise the structure Is there / Are there ?

Ss: Work in pairs * Exercise 5/ p.75.

T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures in A4 and describe them

T: Ask Ss to listen to the description and decide which house it is Ss: Listen and chose the correct picture

*Exercise 4/ p.74

- Have ss to choose a picture and the

I Vocabulary:

- a bank: ngân hàng - a post office: bưu điện - a super market: siêu thị - a shop = a store

- any: II Grammar:

Ex: Is there a yard? Yes, there is Are there any trees? No, there


=> Form: Is there a/an ?yes, there is/ No, there isn`t. Are there any ? Yes,

there are/ No, there aren`t. Hỏi trả lời xem có hay khơng có

cáigì III Practice: 1- Picture drill

a) Ex: What is that ? It is a hotel What are those? They are flowers

b) Is there/ Are there………

- Is there a bank near your house? - No, there isn’t

- Are there any flowers near your house?

Yes, there are ………

2- Listen: Which house is it? Picture c


others ask some questions: - Are there any trees?

- Are they behind the house?

……….Then tell which house that is

3.Production (8’)

- T ask ss to complete the sentences

( T uses sub- board) Ss: Complete

-T: Call ss to go to the board to write the sentences

Ss: Go to the board and write T: Comment

chooses. Example:

S1: Are there any trees? S2: Yes, there are

S1: Are they behind the house? S2: Yes, there are

4- Write

a) Is there/ bank/ in front of/ your house? (Yes)

=> Is there a bank in front of your house? Yes, there is

b) Are there/ pens? ( Yes) c) Is there/ book/ table? ( No) d) Are there/ trees/ behind/ your school?(No)

IV/ Consolidation:( 6' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the leson: Is there/ Are there ? Ss: Answer

*For class 6A: Ask ss to change these sentences into (-) and(?) ( T uses sub- board)

1 There is a bank near our school (-) There isn’t a bank near our school

(?) Is there a bank near our school? Yes, there is 2.There is a hotel in front of the hospital

3 There are trees behind her house

4 There are houses next to the rice paddy V/ Homework:(3')

+ Learn vocabulary by heart + Ask Sts to exercises A5,6 + Prepare: Unit 7: B1-3




Planning date: 15/11/2019


Lesson 3: B Town or Country ?(B1-3) A/ The objectives:

1 The aims: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: - Read the text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses

- Understand the differences between town and country

- Use vocabulary to describe the places where they and their relatives live

2- Language focus

* Vocab : an apartment , a clinic, a zoo, a paddy field, noisy, quiet * Structures:

- Review: Do you live ? Does she live ?

Is there/ Are there any ………….?

3 Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing skills 4.Knowledge:.

+ Standard knowledge: Do you live ….? / Does she live ?, Is there …? / Are there any …?

+ Advanced knowledge: Ss can describe the places where they and their relatives live

5 Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to read a text about Ba’s and Chi’s houses to understand the differences between town and


B/ Preparations:

1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, projector 2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books C/Techniques: Network, True/ false statements

D/ Procedures: I/ Organization: (1')

- Greeting, checking attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent students 6A

6B 6C

II/ Warm-up: (5')

Teacher & students Contents

T: Give the game of “Net work” about the words of places

Ss: Play in two teams

* Network:


III/ New lesson: 1.Pre- reading(10’) +.Pre- teach: Vocab

T uses some techniques for eliciting :(pictures and antonyms, synonyms) Ss read the Vocab chorally

Checking Vocab : matching

- T lets sts listen to the tape B3 to complete the table they hear T may stop at main sentences to check if necessary

T corrects and lets sts copy

+T sets the scene: You are going to read the texts about Ba’s apartment and Chi’s house Before reading the texts,the teacher asks ss to look at the screen and guess the statements if they are true or false.

Ss guess

2.While- reading(13’)

- Ss read the text on page (76/77) and read the text silently Then check their predictions above

T has students correct the false words

- Ask Ss to read the texts aloud * Answer the questions:B1/ P.76

( T uses projector)

(?) How many numbers are there? (?) What happen if you choose a lucky N0?

Ss play in groups

1 Does Ba live in town? Does he live in a house? Is the country noisy? LK

5 Does Chi live in town? Are there any stores? LK

8 Is the country quiet? 3.Post- reading(8’)

Pair work: talk about places they live (close pairs)

I Vocabulary: - noisy (a) : ồn

- quiet (a) : yên tĩnh - an apartment: hộ - a clinic: phòng khám - a market: chợ

- a zoo: vườn bách thú

- a paddy field= a rice paddy: II Listen:

Name city town countr y

apartm ent


Minh  x x  x

Tuan x  x x 

Nga  x x x 

III Listen and read: 1 True/ false statements.

a Nam lives in an apartment in town T b There is a river, a lake and a paddy field near his house F

c Chi lives in an apartment in town F d It is very noisy in the country F e It is very quiet in the country F 2 Answer the questions

- Play a game: Lucky Number Cat - Mouse



* Answer: a Yes, he does b No, he doesn’t c Yes, it is

d No, she doesn’t e No, there aren’t f Yes, it is

3 Talk about your house


* For class 6A

T: Have ss list differences between life in town and life in country

- Ss play in groups

4 City and country

City Country

It’s noisy

We live in aprtments

There aren’t any paddy fields

There is a zoo There are shops …

It’s quiet

We live in houses There are many paddy fields There isn’t a zoo There aren’t shops …

IV/ Consolidation:(5' )

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson: guessing questions Ss: Answer

V/ Homework:(3')

+ Learn newwords by heart, the task B3 in the text book + Ask Sts to exercises part B

+ Write a paragraph describing the place where you live + Prepare: Unit 7: C1,3

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:18


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