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- Divides students into two teams and asks them to choose two numbers.. - Turns the cards over and see if they match" come - came" , gives them one mark.[r]


UNIT : THINGS I DO LESSON : A5-7 Period 27

A.Objectives: 1.Knowledge

By the end of th lesson students can ask and answer about Lan, Thu’s after school activities and themselves

-Structures: Auxilary verbs: do, does

-Does she play soccer? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t - Do you play soccer? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t

2.Skills: Pay attention to reading and speaking skills Attitude: Educate them to have a good habbit B Teaching aids:

Textbook, lesson plan, pictures, poster, projector, laptop, loudspeaker C Methods: Pelmanism, Dialogue build,

D Contents :

I :


Class Date of teaching Absent ss

6A1 ……… …………

6A2 ………… …………


Teacher & Ss’ activities Content II WARM-UP (5’)

Pelmanism :

- Prepares 12 cards with numbers on one side, the verbs on the other and makes sure the verbs are mixed

- Divides students into two teams and asks them to choose two numbers

- Turns the cards over and see if they match" come - came" , gives them one mark If not, turns the cards over again and asks the next team


Step : Presentation (12’) Activity1: Pre teach

Listen to the teacher - Repeat after the teacher

- Notice the main stress pattern

- Write the new words in their notebooks Check voc : Rub out and Remember

-Point to the Vietnamese translations and rub out English words

- Get students to call the English words Activitiy2 Dialogue build


- T sets the scene: They are Lan and Ba What are they doing? What are they talking about? - Read the dialogue and write few key words

go to (1)

listen to (2)

watch (3)

do (4) music


homework (6)

school (7)

TV (8)


- play volleyball : chơi bong chuyền - play football / soccer: Chơi bóng đá play sports )chơi thể thao (thể thao nói chung)

- girl ( n ) bạn gái, gái Dialogue

Ba: What Thu and Vui after school?

Lan: They play soccer Ba: Do girls play soccer? L: Yes, they

Ba: Do you play soccer? L: No, I don’t


on the board to help students remember what the two speaker in the dialogue say to each other

- Get students to write in the missing words on the board

- Get students to isolate the model sentence Model Sentences:

- Elicit from the students to give the model sentences

- Ask Ss to read the model sentences Look at the B, read model sents Give forms and meaning

=> Concept checking:Meaning, form, use, pronunciation

Step : Practice (17’) Activity 1: Grid: - T gives an example

- T asks sts to read the text again and complete the grid

- T gives feedback

Activity Yes/No Question Answer Drill: A6-p55

- Ask ss run through the questions - T asks sts to answer about themselves E.g Do you play sports?

Yes, I do

Activity Word cue Drill (Grid can be used as a drill)

- T models Example:

Does Nga play volleyball? - S2: Yes, She does

Step : Production (8’) Find someone who

- T puts the table on the board Retelling:

- Sts tell the class what they have found E.g Nga watches TV .


- Simple Present tense with Yes / No questions and short answers



Do you

/they play soccer? Does he /she


I / we / they

do he / she does


I / we / they

don’t he / she doesn’t

volleyball football Nga 

Lan 

Thu 

Vui 

Girls 

S1: Does nga play volleyball? S2: yes, she does

S1: Does Nga play football? S2: No, she doesn’t

Find someone who Name watch T.V

play football the housework play volleyball listen to music read books


- Sts stand up, go around and ask question “Do you watch TV?” When they find somone who say “Yes”, they fill in the name They can’t fill in


- Write it up: using information from “Find someone who ” E.g Nga watches TV - Learn by heart the new words and the


- Do exercise A4,5 in the workbook Change into (-), ( ?) ( for fair students) 1.Hoa goes to school every morning 2.We play soccer after school

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2021, 21:54
