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C.METHODS - Chatting, open - predictions, listen and check, matching and writeit up.. Introduction: T shows the flag the Olympic rings on the board and ask Ss what these represent. - T[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 13 UNIT 2: HEALTH


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for general and specific paragraphs associate with CALORIE then talk about how many calories you use doing activities

+ Vocabulary: energy, diet, expert, advice,essential, pay attention + Grammar: present simple

- Skills: develop and practice reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students should take part in suitable activities and know healthy number of calories for their activities

B TEACHING AIDS: - Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan , board , chalks, pictures and posters

C METHODS: Brainstorming, slap the board, matching, comprehension questions, discussion

D PROCEDURE: I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision / Warmer: (5’) Brainstorming:

- T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: write down as many activities as possible - T models the first one


- T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner

+ Possible answers : running, sleeping, watching TV, walking, gardening, aerobics,

swimming, cycling, III New lesson:

Step : Pre-reading(10’) * Vocabulary.

- energy (n): lượng ( example) - diet (n): ăn kiêng ( example) - expert (n): chuyên gia ( definition) - advice(n): lời khuyên ( example) - essential (adj): cần thiết (translation) - pay attention : ý (translation) * Checking vocabulary: Slap the board

* Matching: (Ex 1- p22)

- Before the Ss start reading, T asks the class if anyone can guess what the reading will be about

- After eliciting a few guesses, T asks the Ss to complete the exercise - For weaker Ss T may want to put the Ss in pairs

- T corrects

Key: B A C

Step : While - reading(16’)

* Activity 1: Find the words/ phrases (Ex2- p22)

- T puts the Ss in pairs and has them complete Exercise

- The Ss may use their dictionaries, but should be encouraged to write the meaning of the word as simply as possible and in their own words

- T elicits the meanings of the words from different groups Key:

essential – necessary

Pay attention – notice, be aware


diet(v) – meant a special eating toutine to lose weight or accomplish another health goal

expert – someone who has studied a lot about a subject or topic and understands it well

stay in shape – stay healthy

* Activity 2:Questions ( Part p 22)

- T asks Ss to read the text again and complete the activity individually - T then corrects the answers with the class

Key: A calorie is energy that helps us our everyday activities.

If we eat too many calories we get fat.

To stay healthy you need between 1,600 and 2,500 calories. Sports activities and running use a lot of calories.

People listen to his advice because he is an expert. Step 3: Post reading (Speaking)-Ex4,5,6-p22(10’)

- T draws Ss attention to the table and explains that activities are listed next to the number of calories used in one hour

- T may ask comprehension questions such as:

‘If I aerobics for hours, how many calories will use?’

- T puts Ss in pairs, or groups of and asks them to discuss the questions - T walks around the room monitoring

Possible answer:

1 Because you have to work harder.

2 Gardening uses more calories than walking. 3 I use 660 calories doing aerobics for hours. 4 We will feel tired and sick.

- When Ss have finished discussing the questions T asks them to move on to exercise

- T asks Ss to complete the table and think about how many calories each activity will take

- If the activity they like to is not on the table Ss can guess the number of calories by comparing with the table in

- Ss can share their table with their groups and, if time allows, with the class

Ex: I spend hours sleeping everyday I use 480 calories

IV Summary (1’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (2’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary


- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 2: Lesson 6: Skills * EVALUATION:

Date of preparing: Period: 14 UNIT 2: HEALTH


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to get specific information about health problem and advice then write a reply giving advice to someone with a health problem

+ Vocabulary: event, triathlon,maintain + Grammar: present simple, should, can

- Skills: develop and practice listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students should take part in sports activities


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures, cassette and the CD record, projector

C.METHODS - Chatting, open - predictions, listen and check, matching and writeit up

D PROCEDURE: I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision / Warmmer: (5’)


Introduction: T shows the flag the Olympic rings on the board and ask Ss what these represent

- T divides the class into pairs and asks them to discuss the questions

- If there is time T can ask Ss about their answers to question and extend the exercise by asking other questions


1 What kind of person can the iron man?

2 What kind of skills does a person need to the iron man?

III New lesson :

A Listening

Step 1: Pre – listening: (5’)

* Open- prediction ( Part 2,3 p 23 ).

- T sets the scene: You are going to listen to an interview about health problems he had as a child and advice he gives about preparing for the event

- T runs through

- T asks Ss to guess the word/ phrase - T models one

headache - sleep more. - T check students’ understanding

- T explains quickly : Event (n): kiện

Triathlon (n): thi thể thao môn phối hợp Maintain (v) : trì

- Ss guess individually then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ predictions and writes on the board


* Activity 1: Listen and check ( part p 13 )

- T gives the instructions: Listen to the tape then check your predictions - T checks Ss’ understanding

- T plays the recording twice

- T asks Ss to listen to the recording and circle the health problem they hear - T asks Ss to listen to the recording again and choose the right response - Ss listen individually then compare with their partners

- T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

Health problem: Sick, allergy

Advice: Do more exercise, sleep more, eat more fruits/vegetables

* Activity 2: True or false

T runs through the sentences

T asks Ss to listen again and decide T or F Key:


2 F - Taking up sports was hard

3 F - He takes part in this event around the world F - In this event, you swim, run and ride a bike T

Step Post - listening(5’) * Discussion:

T runs through questions

T divides the class into groups and gives them time limit for discussion and feedback as a class

B Writing

Step 1: Pre - writing ( 5’) * Matching

- T asks Ss if they remember who Dr Dan is (answer: he’s a diet expert)

- T asks Ss to read the questions and advice, then underline the different ways Dr Dan gives advice

Ex: I think you should

It’s good to You can

You should

-When the majority of the class has finished, T can correct the answers then discuss different ways to give advice

Key: c b a


* Write it up:

- T divides Ss into A and B then puts them into pairs

- T asks one Student A to write a health problem on a piece of paper (using the prompts from the book)

- T then asks Student A to pass the paper to Student B and Student B can write a response

- For advanced classes T may want to ask both Ss to write questions and then swap so both can write answers

- When Ss have written responses T may ask some Ss to share their questions and responses with the class


A:I eat too much so I’m putting on weight. B: You should more exercise and eat less.

IV Summary (1’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (2' )

- Finish your writing

- Do the exercises: 1, in part E in the workbook p 16

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 2: Lesson : Looking back + project * EVALUATION:

-@ -

Date of preparing: Period: 15 UNIT 2: HEALTH


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review some vocabulary and the use of “ imperratives with more and less, compound sentences ” then practice speaking more in “Communication”

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: Review the use of “imperratives with more and less, compound sentences ”


- Political thought and moral sense: advice students to know how to stay healthy B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures and the projector


- Picture drill, gap-fill, matching ,role-play, discussion D PROCEDURE:

I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision / Warmer: (5’)

Picture drill

- T shows some pictures and asks the Ss what they see in each picture - After a brief discussion time, Ss can complete the exercise in two teams - T corrects the exercise with the class checking for spelling

Key: sunburn putting on weight sunburn stomachache/sick flu

III New lesson :

Step 1: Activity 1: Vocabulary (7’)

* Health issues and advice( part p 24)

T runs through sentences T models: a sunburn

- T asks Ss to complete this task in pairs - T encourages Ss to write down their answers

- T corrects the exercise on the board to check spelling

Key: a sunburn b spots c put on weight d stomachache e flu

Step Activity 2: Grammar (10’) * Gap - fill ( part p 24 )


- T gives the instructions: complete the health tips below - T models the first one


- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners - T corrects

+ Answer key:

1 less more more Go outside… Watch less TV… Do more exercise…

* Matching (part p24)

- T runs through sentences

- T models: I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight. - T asks Ss to complete this task in pairs

Suggested answers:

1 I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight. 2 I don’t want to be tired tomorrow, so I should go to bed early. 3 I have a temperature, and I feel tired.

4 I can exercise every morning, or I can cycle to school. Step Activity 3: Communication (14’)

* Role - play (part p24)

- T divides the Ss into pairs

- T asks one pair to come up and role-play the example in the book Ex:

A: Hi, doctor I have sunburn.

B: You should wear a sun hat when you go out. A: OK Thank you doctor.

- T asks the Ss to create their own role-plays from the sample problems in the book - T chooses a pair or two to their role-plays in front of the class

* Discussion( part p24)

- T runs through sentences

- Ss remain in the same pairs as in exercise and discuss the sentences in - T sets a time limit and after a few minutes Ss can report back to the class - The class can decide what’s true and what’s a myth

- Ss can complete the Now I can! table Based on the results T can review any sections that the class had difficulty with

Step Activity 3: Project (5’)


- Ss can ask other groups in class or ask people outside of the class (other

students/teachers in school, family members, friends).

- The groups discuss the main health problems they discovered and what they would like to to fix them

- T may assign extension activities (i.e making a poster, a song, etc.) for homework or extra points

(If done at home, some Ss can make a brief report about the health problems they discovered and tell their groups/the class about what they found)

IV Summary.(1’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson IV Homework: (2’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary and grammar - Finish the project (p 25) at home

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit Lesson 1: Getting started * EVALUATION:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:33


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