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Anh 7 hệ 7 năm: Tiết 44; U7: L5: B2-4

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+ Standard knowledge: Read a text for details about a farmer’s work with comparatives and listen for details about jobs.. Compare between Mr Tuan And Mr John.[r]


Date of preparing: Period 44 UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK

LESSON B2-4 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

to read a text about a farmer’s work with comparatives and listen for details about jobs. To compare the work and the rest of the people in the text

2 Practice skill:

- practice the comprehension reading skill,pronunciation and the information in the text 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Read a text for details about a farmer’s work with comparatives and listen for details about jobs

Compare between Mr Tuan And Mr John

+ Advanced knowledge: To compare the work and the rest of people in B4 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: Pig, the main crop, the buffalo shed, the chicken coop,feed,rest, clean Tenses:comparatives

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice read for detalis B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, posters, casette C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work

- Some techniques can be used:Net work,slap the board,presentation text,word cues drill D Procedure:

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

7B4 -

-7B6 -

-7B7 ….………… ………

7B8 ……… ………. II Warmer (5’)


III New lesson:

Step 1: Pre-reading (12’) a pig: [pig] lợn(picture)

a buffalo shed: ['bʌfəlou - ∫ed] chuoàng trâu, bò (picture)

a chicken coop: ['t∫ikin] [ku:p] chuồng gà a main crop: [mein] [krɔp] vụ mùa

Work in groups

Grow vegetable - T models - Choral - Individual - Copy down



feed: (v/n) [fi:d] cho aên, cho ăn

rest: [rest] nghỉ ngơi(explanation: stop working) real (adj): [riəl] thật

be on duty: ['dju:ti] trực, làm việc(translation) annual (adj): ['ỉnjuəl] hàng năm(translation) - Checks: R.O.R

* Presentation text : B2 (P77)

Open-prediction: Set the scene: We will read about Mr Tuan,…

Time Activities

1/ From to a.m

a) rests and has lunch 2/ From a.m

to p.m

b) • has breakfast • feeds the animals • collects the eggs 3/ From 12 to


c) works in the fields 4/ From to


d) • comes back home • feeds the animals again • cleans the buffalo shed and the chicken coop

- Run through the table

- Ask ss to predict information about Mr Tuan by matching activity - time

- Limit time - Feedback

Step While-reading (15’) * Read and check

- Ask the to read to check the answers * Key: 1- b; 2- c; 3- a; 4- d

* Choose the best answers - Give ss exercise

1/ The text is about A Mr Tuan’s house

B Mr Tuan’s daily activities C Mr Tuan’s animals

D Mr Tuan’s crop

2/ Mr Tuan grows _ vegetables than rice

- Run through the table - Think of the information - Compare with partners - Speak out


A most

B more

C less

D fewer

3/ He feeds the animals A once a day

B once a week C twice a day D twice a week

4/ He has _ days off each year

A many

B much

C a little

D a few

- Ask ss to read the text again and it in pairs - Correct

* Key 1- B; 2- b; 3- C; 4- D * Grid:

Ask students to copy the grid B3 on page 77 in their notebooks

Ask students to read the text again and complete the grid

Give feedback and correct

Ask students to look at the grid and compare Mr Jones with Mr Tuan using fewer, more, less Making comparing:

a) Form:

S1+V+MORE + countable noun+THAN +S2 uncountable

S1+V+FEWER+ countable noun+THAN+S2 S1+V+LESS + uncountable noun+THAN+S2 b) Use: Compare with countable and uncountable nouns

Step Post-reading ((10’) B - P78 Listening: Open prediction

Set the scene: There are four people: Peter, Susan, Jane and Phong You have to work in pairs and guess their jobs, working time and vocation time Get students to works in pairs and guess

Give feedback and correct

Get students to listen and check their prediction Give feedback and correct

Tape transcript:

“ Peter is a doctor in a hospital He is on duty for about 70 hours a week He has four weeks’ vocation

do exercise Name Hours per week Days off Vocation time Mr Jones

40 Two a three-

week summer vocation Mr Tuan 84 One-four or five times a year No real vocation

Mr Tuan works more hours than Mr Jones

Mr Jones works fewer hours than Mr Tuan MrJones has more vacation time than MrTuan

Mr Tuan has less vacation time than Mr Jones

Students listen to the tape and take note - Compare with friends


each year.

Susan is a nurse She is on duty for 50 hours a week She has three weeks’ vocation a year. Jane is a shop assistant She works 35 hours a week She has one weeks’ vocation a year.

Phong is a factory worker He works 48 hours a week He has an annual vocation of two


Have students look at the grid and talk about Peter, Susan, Jane and Phong One student will ask and another will answer

Help students to make questions Give feedback and correct

a) Peter:

What’s Peter’s job? - He’s a doctor.

How many hours a week does he work? - He works 70 hours a week.

How much time does his vocation last? - His vocation lasts four weeks.

Name Job Hours

per week

Amount of


Peter Doctor 70 4 weeks

Susan Nurse 50 3 weeks

Jane Shop assistant

35 1 week

Phong Factory worker

48 2 weeks

b) Susan

What does Susan do? - She is a nurse

How much time does she work every week?

- She works 50 hours a week. How long is her vocation? - It lasts three weeks.

c) Jane

What’s Jane’s job? - She is a shop assistant.

How many hours a week does she work?

- She works 35 hours a week. How long is her vocation?

- Her vocation lasts only one week. d) Phong

What does Phong do? - He is a factory worker.

How many hours a week does he work?

- He works about 48 hours a week. How much time does his vocation last?

- It lasts two weeks. IV.Summary: (2’)

-Remind the contents of this lesson V.Home work: (1’)

-learn by heart all new words

write passages about Peter,Susan,Jane and Phong in your note books

Ex: Peter is a doctor He works about 70 hours a week He has weeks vacation each year



Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:47

