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ENGLISH 7 W 22 P61 LANGUAGE FOCUS 3. P62 63 UNIT 10 A1 A2-3

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Attitude:- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for details, doing some exercises talk about habits and routines with present simple.. Teaching- aids:.[r]


Date of preparing: 9/1/2020 Period 61 UNIT : LANGUAGE FOCUS 3

LESSON 2: 1,4,5 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Further practice using comparative with more, less and fewer, the past simple and future tense

2 Practice skill: - Practice writing, listening and speaking skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Further practice with the prices, comparative with more, less and fewer, the past simple and future tense

+ Advanced knowledge: Use the prices, and comparative with more, less and fewer, the past simple and future tense to write sentences

4 Basic language:

- Prices and comparative with more, less and fewer, the past simple and future tense

5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to some exercises B Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbooks, poster.

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work - Some techniques can be used: Nought and crosses D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students


Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP: 2’ W & W

will, more, less, fewer, how much III NEW LESSON (38’ ) 1: How much

Eg: How much is the pen? It is 2000 dong How much are the books? They are 20,000 dong

( Nought and crosses)

- Teacher asks:What question you use to ask for price ?

- Devide the class in to two teams , ask the to

1 How much

* How much + is + N(single) ? - It’s…


use the information in b1 to ask and answer - Ss work in pairs, practice asking and


Eg : S1 : How much is the violet dress ? S2 : It’s 35,000dong


- Teacher sticks the poster on the board - Ask Ss to look at the pictures (5.P98) and complete the sentences with more, less, fewer…

3 Simple tenses:

Look at Nga’s diary and complete the dialogue

-Ask Ss to write sentences about Nga using the simple tenses

Eg: Every day Nga cleans her room, … IV SUMMARY (1 minutes)-Prices

- comparative with more, less and fewer, the past simple and future tense

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) Exercices in the workbook

Prepare the next lesson: Unit 10 A1

3 More, less, fewer : - Before there were a lot of meat Now there is……… ( less) - Before there was half a litter of orange juice Now there is…… ( more )

- Before there were bananas Now there are … (fewer)

- Before there was a lot of milk Now there is……… ( less)

- Before there were tomatoes Now there are … ( more) -Workin pairs

Key: help my mom, study English,

cleaned my room, helped my mom, studied English, watched TV, played volleyball, stayed at Hoa’s house

will study English, clean my room, help my mom, see a movie, visit grandmother, buy new shoes

Homework :

* Evaluation :



1 Topic: - Personal hygien & Healthy living.

2 Competences:- Talking about habits and routines Read and write a diary entry, talk about a visit to the dentist

3.Skills:- Speaking: Talk about habits, routines and a diary entry; Talk about a visit to the dentist

- Listening: Listen to monologues / dialogues within 80-100 words for general information

- Reading: Read dialogues and passages within 100-120 words for general or detailed information; read a diary entry

- Writing: Write a guided letter / poster within 60-70 words with picture cues 4 Grammar:- Tense: Past simple

- Imperatives - Why, Because

5 Vocabulary:- Words to talk about habits and routines. II Unit plan:

Unit 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE (5 periods) Lesson : A1


Date of preparing: 9/1/2020 Period: 62 UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE

LESSON 1: A1 A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Read the letter A1 and answer the questions from a-f; talk about habits and routines with present simple

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to understand the details of a letter about Hoa and her family

2 Practice skill: - Practice the comprehension reading skill, writing and speaking skill

3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Find out Hoa's daily routines in A1; Read and answer the questions from a-f

+ Advanced knowledge: Tell about their daily routines. 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: nearly (adv), harvest time (n), to hear, to iron, to stay up late, probably (adv), to receive, to take morning exercises, so (adv), to forget. - Structure: What does Hoa's mother want her to do?

What does she want her not to do?

5 Attitude:- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for details, doing some exercises talk about habits and routines with present simple B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster, tablets, computer, projector C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Brainstorm, Ordering statements, Answer given, Question- Answer

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minutes) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students


Teacher's activities SS' activities

II WARM UP (4 minutes) Brainstorm

- Ask ss to work invidual to talk about Hoa according to the information teacher gives

- ASk ss to compare with eachother

- Call some ss to go to the board to write the information about Hoa

talk about Hoa according to the information teacher gives

lives with…



Step : Pre Reading(10ms) : Vocabulary :

( explain) ( example) ( trans) ( trans) ( picture) ( picture) ( trans)

- harvest (n) : - work hard (v) - hope (v) : - helpful (adj) : - receive (v) : - iron (v) : - probably (adv) : Check ing : Slap the board

2 Ordering statements

- Set the scence : Hoa has got a letter from her

parents Here is the letter but the sentences are not in correct order Please reorder them before reading by predicting

- Teacher sticks the poster on the board - Ask ss to run through the sentences

- ASk ss to copy down the table and predict the correct order

- Give feedback

- Teacher writes Ss’ ideas on the board Step : While Reading(17ms): (A1.P99) Checking the prediction

- Ss read the letter and check their prediction - Give feedback and correct

2 Answer given :

- Teacher sticks the poster with statements on it - Tell Ss they are answers for questions Ask Ss to make questions for these answers base on the letter from Hoa’s Mom

- Ss work in pairs to make questions

- Give feedback: Divide the class into groups Ss from each group in turns go to the board and write the questions The group will more correct questions win the game

Step : Post Reading(10ms): Question- Answer

- Ss ask and answer about Hoa’s Mom letter , using the answer given and questions from a to e on


- Ss work in pairs to the task


lives in… Vocabulary Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then

individually) - copy

Reading : predict

Hoa’s Mom writes a)Your dad and I hope you are fine

b) I hope you are taking care of yourself

c) I received a letter from your aunt last week d) I miss you a lot e) Don’t forget to write f) Your granddad talks about you a lot

Answer key :

1 - a - f - c - b - d - e Poster :

1 They are busy because it is almost harvest time Hoa’s granddad helps them on the farm

3 They will go to HN after the harvest

4 Now she gets up early and does morning

exercises everyday Hoa’s mother wants her to take care of


IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Reading a letter about Hoa and her family V HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Do Ex A1-2 P61-62( exercise book) -Prepare the next lesson: A2-3

her clothes, not to eat too much candy and stay up late

Answer key :

(Questions on page 100) Homework :

* Evaluation :


Date of preparing: 9/1/2020 Period: 63 UNIT 10 : HEALTH AND HYGIENE

LESSON :A 2, A.Objectives:

1 Aims:

- Listen to order the pictures and talk about Hoa's routines

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen to a text about routine to revise past simple tense

2 Practice skill:

- Practice listening skill,writing and speaking skill 3 The knowledge needs to get:

+ Standard knowledge: Remember actions in pictures; Listen and put the pictures in the order

+ Advanced knowledge: Write Hoa's actions in the right order. 4 Basic language:

- Vocabulary: to put on, to polish, to put in, to change, pants, - structure: The past form of the verbsi n B2: ( picyure a → f)

+ put on/ put on + polish/ polished + have/ had + put/ put + eat/ ate + drink/ drank + do/ did + change/ changed + iron/ ironed

- Idioms: put on shoes, clean clothes, change into 5 Attitude:

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice listening for detals, doing some exercises

B Teaching- aids:

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster, CD, computer C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Word square, Ordering pictures, Picture- story, Transformation writing

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minutes) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students


Teacher's activities SS' activities II WARM UP (4 minutes)

Word square

- Teacher sticks the poster on the board - Divide the class into groups

- Ask Ss in minutes, find the past form verbs in the square according to the arrows

- Ss go to the board and write the words they found

Answer key: : went

: ate, saw, gave, did : bought, were, sent : took, made, was, did : cut

: had : came


Step : Pre Listening(10ms) : Vocabulary :

( picrure) ( trans) ( picture) ( realia) ( trans) ( realia)

- polish (v) : - change (v)

- have a bath/ shower (v) - comb (v) :

- comb (n) : - sandals (n) : - drink -> drank - get -> got Check ing : Rub out and remember Ordering pictures

- Have Ss look at the pictures a -> h and order them in correct order to talk about activities Hoa did yesterday

- Get some ideas and write on the board

Step : While Listening(17ms): 1 Checking prediction

- Teacher plays the tape for Ss to listen - Ss listen and write in “ listen” column - Give feedback and correct

2 Picture- story




Vocabulary Sts : - listen

- listen and repeat (chorally then individually) - copy

Listening: predict

Pictur e

Gues s

Liste n a

b c d e f g h

Answer key :


- Ask Ss to use the pictures to retell what Hoa did yesterday

- Ss work in groups of Number from to 8, Each student describe a picture then combine into the whole story

Eg :

S1: Yesterday , Hoa got up at o’clock , S2: She took a shower and combed her hair… - Ask some groups to retell before class for feedback

Step : Post Listening(10ms): Transformation writing

-Ss write about what they did yesterday based on Hoa’s activities and Nam’s diary

- Ask Ss to list the activities they did first(as Nam’s diary) then write

Give feedback : Call some Ss to read out their passage

Teacher corrects if necessary IV SUMMARY (1 minute)

- Litening for details about routine and revise the past simple tense routine to revise past simple tense

V HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Complete the writing

- Do Ex A3-4 P 62-63( exercise book) -Prepare the next lesson: A4

Writing : write Eg : 5:30 : get up

5 :35 -> 6:00 : Review lesson 6:00 -> 6:15 : Brush teeth , iron clothes…

=> Yesterday , I got up at 5:30 I reviewed lesson for about 30 minutes then I brushed my teeth and ironed my clothes At 6:30 I had breakfast…

Homework :

* Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 06:13

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