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Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense.. II[r]


Date of preparation: ………. Period 103 Unit 16 Countries.

Lesson B4 – 5.

I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to give advice by using should/ shouldn’t

1 Knowledge.

2 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

3 Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense


1 Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo. 2 Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks.

III METHOD: Noughts and crosses, ROR, Picture cue drill, Write it up. IV PROCEDURE.

1 Organization(1’).

Lớp Ngày giảng Vắng


2 Checking the old lesson(5’)

- T asks some Ss to write the new words on the board - T corrects the mistakes and gives marks

3 New lesson(35’)

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Warm up(5’): Noughts and crosses.

plants water forests

power the air trash

wild animals the oceans coal

-Ask Ss to play this game by using ‘’Do/ Don’t ’’. Example exchange: Don’t destroy plants

II. Presentation(15’). 1 Vocabulary(5’).

should/ shouldn’t( translation) put(v) (mime)

leave(v) (translation) - Elicit the new words - Model times

- Record the new words - Check the meanings

2 Checking the vocabulary(5’): ROR. - Ask Ss to repeat the words in chorus

Team work

Ss listen and guess the new words from context

- Listen and guess the words - Listen and repeat

- Answer the T and copy down


- Rub out word by word

- Ask Ss to go to the board and rewrite the words - Get feedback

3 Grammar(5’).

*Checking understanding: meaning, use, form and pronunciation

* Meaning: Translate into Vietnamese. * Use: give advice

* Pronunciation: Falling tone at the end of the sentences * Form:

We should collect paper save water

We shouldn’t throw trash on the streets damage trees

III. III Practice(10’): Picture cue drill. - Run through the pictures

- Model the first picture

Example exchange: We should not leave trash. - Elicit Ss to the rest

- Have Ss practice

IV. Production(5’): Write it up.

- Ask Ss to write down what they have practiced - Get feedback

- Keep practicing - Do the task

- Correct with the T - Listen and answer the T - Copy down

- Look at the pictures and answer the T

- Listen and repeat - Make sentences - Some Ss read aloud

- Individual work - Answer the T

4 Consolidation(2’): retell the vocabulary, the structures and the content of the lesson. 5 Homework(2’).

- Learn by heart the new vocabulary and the structures - Do exercises in the Workbook

- Prepare for the new lesson V EVALUATION.

Date of preparation: ………. Period 104


III. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to review the units. 1 Knowledge.


3 Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense


1 Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo. 2 Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks. III METHOD:

IV PROCEDURE. 1 Organization(1’).

Lớp Ngày giảng Vắng


2 Checking the old lesson(no) 3 New lesson(40’)

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

- Guide Ss to the exercises to review - Have Ss the task

- Have Ss compare - Get feedback

1 Present simple tense. a)

Nam: Where are you from? Tom: I am from Canada.

Nam: Do you speak Vietnamese?

Tom: No, I don't I speak English and French. b)

Tom is from Canada

He speaks English and French c)

Lee is from China He speaks Chinese d)

Yoko is from Japan She speaks Japanese e)

Minh is from Viet Nam He speaks Vietnamese f)

John is from the USA He speaks English

2 Present simple and present progressive tenses. a)

What is her name? Her name is Susan

- Listen to the T - Individual work - Pair work



Where does she live? She lives in London c)

Where is she staying now? She is staying in Hanoi now d)

What does she do? She is a teacher e)

What does she teach? She teaches English f)

Does she teach you? No She doesn't teach me Mr Hai teaches me

3 Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives.

long longer the longest

short shorter the shortest tall taller the tallest small Smaller the smallest

big Bigger the biggest

high Higher the highest

thick Thicker the thickest

a) The Mekong River is long The Amazon River is longer than the Mekong The Nile is the longest river in the world

b) The Great Wall of China is long It is the longest structure in the world

c) Sears Tower in Chicago is tall, but it isn't the tallest building in the world PETRONAS Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur is taller than Sears Tower It is the tallest building in the world


4 Indefinite quantifiers.

The streets of Ha Noi are very busy There is a lot of traffic Most people only have a little money to spend on transportation As a result, there are only a few private cars on the roads

The bike is the cheapest form of transportation, so there are a lot of bikes There are lots of motorbike, too There are a lot of taxis, but they are expensive 4 Consolidation(2’): retell the content of the lesson. 5 Homework(2’).

- Do exercises in the Workbook - Prepare for the new lesson V EVALUATION.

Date of preparation: ………. Period 105


I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to review the units. 1 Knowledge.

2 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

3 Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense


1 Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo. 2 Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks. III METHOD:

IV PROCEDURE. 1 Organization(1’).

Lớp Ngày giảng Vắng


2 Checking the old lesson(no) 3 New lesson(40’)

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

- Guide Ss to the exercises to review - Have Ss the task


- Have Ss compare - Get feedback

I Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

1 ( in / on / / does ) you like vegetables? - Yes , I

2 Let ( him / her / us) walk to school

3 What about (playing/ going / doing) to Hue Lan needs a kilo ( for/ of / a) rice

5 Do you have ( some / many / any ) bananas? They are going to visit HaLong bay (in / for /

of ) two days

7 ( where / what / which ) sports you like? -I like soccer

8 ( How much / How many / how often ) rice does Mr Hai produce?

9 I’d like (have / having /to have ) a picnic 10 I’m going (see/ to see/ seeing ) Ngoc Son

temple tomorrow

11 (Do /Would / Can ) I help you? - I’d like some beef, please

12 (In /On / At ) the spring, I always ride my bike

13 Ho Chi Minh city is (big / bigger / the biggest ) city in Viet Nam

14 ( What /Where/ Which ) are you going to stay? - In the hotel

15 My house is (in / on / at ) the second floor II Change into negative and interrogative. She is going to visit Da Lat this summer vacation

2 We should save water

3 Mary and Peter are playing badminton now John studies hard

5 You often play volleyball in the fall

III Supply the correct form or tense of the verbs in the brackets

1 She (walk )……… to school every morning

2 They ( be ) ………my grandparents I (speak )……….…… English now We (be ) ……… …… going to go to the movies tonight


5 Peter (do ) ……… …… his homework at the moment

6 I ( not be )……….… a worker He usually (play )……….……… badminton in the fall

8 Mary and Peter (not go)……… school on Sundays

9 He ( ride )………… his bicycle everyday 10 Nam (have ) …… many books and pens 11 I (sit)… between two friends in my class


12 Let’s (go ) ……… to Hue 13 They ( visit ) ……… …

their grandmother tomorrow

14 He often (go )…… fising when it’s cold 15 The children (play )…… …… volleyball

at the moment

4 Consolidation(2’): retell the vocabulary, the structures and the content of the lesson. 5 Homework(2’).

- Learn by heart the new vocabulary and the structures - Do exercises in the Workbook

- Prepare for the new lesson V EVALUATION.

Ngày Tổ duyệt

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 04:14


