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Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about video games and their effects1. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.[r]


Date of preparation: ………. Period 79 Language Focus 4(continue)

I, Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice the sentences in the simple past tense, the structures with” so, too, either, neither”

1, Knowledge. * Vocabulary:…

* Grammar: - The Simple Past tense

- The structures with ”so , too, either, neither” - Imperatives

- Indefinite quantifiers

2, Skills: Listening Speaking, Reading and Writing.

3, Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense


1, Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo, UDCNTT. 2, Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks.


1, Organization(1’).

Lớp Ngày giảng Vắng

7D 7E

2, New lesson(40’)

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

I, Kim’s game(10’)

- Show the pictures

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and try to remember as many as they can

- Have Ss write the words on the board

- Do the task


- Get feedback

II, Too and Either(10’)

-Give examples first and have Ss to practice exercises to base on the pictures


Ba: I like carrots. Nam: I do, too.

Ba: I don’t like durian. Nam: I don’t, either. -Get feedback

III, Noughts and Crosses(10’).

- Guide Ss to choose a number and the task

- Help Ss to play - Praise the winner - Example exchange:

- I like pine apple So I/ I do, too.

IV, Exercise(10’): Choose the best answer.

- Check and correct with the T

-Look at the pictures and try to practice in pairs

-Some pairs practice aloud

Team work Answer key:

1-A 2-B 3-C 4-A 5-C 6-B 7-C


3, Consolidation(2’): retell the content of the lesson. 4, Homework(2’).

- Do exercises in the Workbook - Prepare for the new lesson V, EVALUATION.

Date of preparation: ……… Period 81

Unit 15 GOING OUT. Lesson1 A1.

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about video games. 1 Knowledge.

* Vocabulary: … * Grammar: …

2 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

3 Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense


1 Teacher: lesson plan, textbook and stereo. 2 Students: textbook, notebook and workbooks.

III METHOD: Chatting, ROR, Ordering Prediction, Comprehension questions. IV PROCEDURE.

1 Organization(1’).

Lớp Ngày giảng Vắng

7D 7E


3 New lesson(40’)

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

I Warm Up(5’): Chatting. Tell what kinds of programs you like II Pre – Reading(15’).

1 Vocabulary(5’). amusement (n) (translation) - performing (n) (picture) - arcade(n) (picture) - band (n) (picture)

- Elicit the new words - Model times

- Record the new words - Check the meanings

1 Checking the vocabulary(5’): ROR. - Ask Ss to repeat the words in chorus - Rub out word by word

- Ask Ss to go to the board and rewrite the words - Get feedback

3 Odering prediction(5’). - Run through the statements Statements

a Video games can be addictive b Nam has a lot of homework to

c He goes to the amusement center to play video games

d He doesn’t spend too much of his time in the arcade

- Have Ss predict to put the sentences in the right oder without the books

- Collect Ss’ideas

III While – Reading(15’). 1 Checking Prediction(5’).

- Have Ss read the text to check their prediction

- Get feedback Key: c – d - a – b.

2 Comprehension questions (10’) - Run through the questions

- Ss answer

- Listen and guess the words - Listen and repeat

- Answer the T and copy down

- Practice pronouncing - Keep practicing - Do the task

- Correct with the T

- Ss read aloud one by one

- Individual work - Answer the T

- Do the task individually - Answer the T


- Ask Ss to read the text again to answer the questions

- Have Ss compare Key:

a He’s going to the amusement center b He’s going to play video games

c He goes to the amusement center about once a week

d No, he doesn’t He doesn’t spend much money e He usually stays for about an hour

f Nam must be careful because video games can be addictive

g He’ll his homework later

II. Post reading(5’): Get feedback.

- Have Ss practice asking and answering the questions to check and correct

- Pair work

Ss the task

4 Consolidation(2’): retell the vocabulary and the content of the lesson. 5 Homework(2’).

- Learn by heart the new vocabulary - Do exercises in the Workbook - Prepare for the new lesson V EVALUATION.

Date of preparation: ……… Period 82

Unit 15 GOING OUT. Lesson A2.

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about video games and their effects

1 Knowledge.

* Vocabulary: inventor, dizzy, outdoors, develop 2 Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.

3 Attitude: It helps Ss to have motivation, happiness to communicate with each other in English Besides, the lesson can help Ss work harder and get moral sense



III METHOD: Kim’s games, What and Where, True/ False Prediction, Multiple choice, Gapfill. IV PROCEDURE.

1 Organization(1 ).

Lớp Ngày giảng Vắng

7D 7E

2 Checking the old lesson(5’)

- T asks some Ss to write the new words on the board - T corrects the mistakes and gives marks

3 New lesson(35’)

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

- Warm up(5 ): Kim s game.’ ’ - Show the words:

arcade, carefully, tired, children, forget, people - Ask Ss to look at the words and try to remember as many as they can

- Have Ss write the words on the board - Get feedback

II Pre - Reading(15’). - Vocabulary(5 ).’ inventor (n) (example) dizzy (a) (picture)

outdoors (adv) (explanation) develop (v) (translation)

- Elicit the new words - Model times

- Record the new words

2 Checking vocabulary(5’): W n W? - Draw the circles on the board

- Have Ss retell the new words

- Ask Ss to repeat the words in chorus

- Rub out word by word but leave the circles - Go on until all the circles are empty

- Ask Ss to go to the board and write the words in their correct circles

- Check and correct

3 True or False statement prediction(5’). - Run through the statements


a Millions of young people play football

b Children shouldn’t spend much time on these games

- Do the task - Team work

- Check and correct with the T

- Listen and guess the words - Listen and repeat

- Answer the T and copy down

- Practice pronouncing - Keep practicing

- Do the task

- Correct with the T


because they can become tired and dizzy

c The inventors of the games become very rich

d All children should play outdoors and develop their social skill

e They mustn’t take part in activities with others - Have Ss guess True or False for each statement without the books

- Collect Ss’ideas

III While – Reading(10’). 1 Checking Prediction(5 ).

- Have Ss read the text to check their prediction - Get feedback


a F, b.T, c T, d T, e F 2 Multiple choice(5’).

- Ask Ss to read the text again to choose the best answer - Have Ss the task

- Have Ss compare - Collect Ss’ answer Key:

a D b A c D d B

IV Post – Reading(5’): Gap – fill. - Run through the text

- Ask Ss to put the suitable words in the blanks - Have Ss compare

- Get feedback Key:

1 Be have is

4 identify are use

7 can will buy show

- Do the task individually - Answer the T

- Individual work - Answer the T

- Listen to the T - Individual work - Pair work

- Answer the T

- Answer the T - Individual work - Pair work

- Answer the T

4 Consolidation(2’): retell the vocabulary and the content of the lesson. 5 Homework(2’).

- Learn by heart the new vocabulary - Do exercises in the Workbook - Prepare for the new lesson V EVALUATION.

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:04
