Translation for descriptive labels at various tourist sites has always been a challenge for students of language due to the level of terminology and cultural knowledge. In this research, methods of translating introduction and section labels at Vietnam Museum of Ethonology were studied based on theories on translation methods. The purpose of this research is to find out the most common translation methods used in translating these labels and suggestions for their translations. 57 indoor labels were collected and transcribed for the purpose of investigation. The researcher found out that four methods were being applied: communicative translation, free translation, semantic translation, and faithful translation. Based on the analysis, the most used method is communicative. For further studies, it is recommended that combination of methods and scope of study should be expanded
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHER EDUCATION GRADUATION PAPER METHODS OF TRANSLATING INTRODUCTION AND SECTION LABELS AT VIETNAM MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY Supervisor: Nguyễn Thành Vân Student: An Minh Khôi Course: QH2011.F1.E20 Hanoi - 2015 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP PHƯƠNG PHÁP DỊCH BẢNG CHÚ THÍCH TẠI BẢO TÀNG DÂN TỘC HỌC Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Thành Vân Sinh viên: An Minh Khơi Khóa: QH2011.F1.E20 HÀ NỘI - 2015 I hereby state that I: An Minh Khôi, class QH2011.F1.E20, being a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (TEFL) accept the requirements of the College relating to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the library In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for the care, loan or reproduction of the paper Signature Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Upon completion of this thesis, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Mr Nguyen Thanh Van, for his meticulous comments, thoughtful suggestions as well as encouraging support from the fist stage of working out the outline to the last step of counting up data and finding results for my thesis Without his guidance, this thesis could not have been completed Additionaly, I take this opportunity to give my special thanks to all lecturers of the Faculty of English Language and Teacher Education at the University of Languages and International Studies, for their useful lectures during my translation course Finally, I also want to thank my family and my classmates for their great support and encouragement during the time I was conducting this thesis Hanoi, April, 2015 i ABSTRACT Translation for descriptive labels at various tourist sites has always been a challenge for students of language due to the level of terminology and cultural knowledge In this research, methods of translating introduction and section labels at Vietnam Museum of Ethonology were studied based on theories on translation methods The purpose of this research is to find out the most common translation methods used in translating these labels and suggestions for their translations 57 indoor labels were collected and transcribed for the purpose of investigation The researcher found out that four methods were being applied: communicative translation, free translation, semantic translation, and faithful translation Based on the analysis, the most used method is communicative For further studies, it is recommended that combination of methods and scope of study should be expanded ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Abstract List of abbreviations PAGE i ii iii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Organization of the study 3 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Translation 2.1.1 Definition of translation 2.1.2 Translation methods 2.2 Culture 2.2.1 Definition of culture 2.2.2 Categorization of culture 2.2.3 Culture-specific items 2.2.4 Translation of culture-specific items 2.3 Exhibition labels 2.3.1 Definition of exhibition labels 2.3.2 Types of exhibition labels 2.3.3 Translation of exhibition labels 2.4 Vietnam Museum of Ethnology 2.5 Related studies 5 11 11 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 16 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Selection of subjects 3.2 Data collection instruments 3.3 Data collection procedures 3.4 Data analysis procedures 17 17 17 18 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 19 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 5.1 Findings 5.2 Limitations 5.3 Recommendation for further study 29 29 30 REFERENCES APPENDIXES 31 33 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS SL Source language ST Source text TL Target language TT Target text VME Vietnam Museum of Ethonology iii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study Since Vietnam’s introduction of “Doi Moi” policy in 1986, the whole country has undergone some major changes in all aspects of life – economy, diplomatic relations, or even cultural traditions While Vietnam is being more open to the world and willing to learn from other cultures, a number of people from foreign countries also show an interest in Vietnam’s lifestyle However, with 54 ethnic groups living in various areas across Vietnam, it is proven to be difficult for any foreign traveller to discover all of the traditional beliefs and values of Vietnamese culture Many museums have been opened for this purpose In recent years, the general public in Vietnam has paid more attention to the content and quality of these institutions for their responsibility in presenting the image of Vietnam to the world Being listed by TripAdvisor – one of the most famous and reliable travel websites in America – as among the top 25 best museums in Asia since 2013, the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology (VME) has gained the attention of visitors both inside and outside Vietnam In the list of best museums in Asia in 2014, VME ranks the fourth, up by two ranks in comparison with the previous year Moreover, 2014 is the third year in a row that VME has won the Traveler’s Choice Award, also awarded by TripAdvisor The VME is described by TripAdvisor as the perfect place to learn about the 54 ethnic groups in Vietnam, with a large exhibition area both indoors and outdoors Thanks to foreign journalists mentioning VME on various reliable news websites, the number of visitors coming to VME has been increasing rapidly In the first nine months of 2014, a total of 283,000 visitors came to VME, one third of which were from foreign countries However, that huge demand poses a challenge to the staffs at VME, which is to provide high-quality service to both domestic and foreign visitors To discover the content inside VME, a foreign visitor has two options that are to hire a tour guide or to read the interpretive exhibition labels The labels are originally in Vietnamese, with English and French translated version being added afterwards To ensure that English-speaking visitors are provided with the correct information, the exhibition labels should be professionally translated Based on this matter, the researcher decided to conduct a research titled “Methods of translating introduction and section labels at Vietnam Museum of Ethnology” to find out how was the labels translated Moreover, the researcher has other reasons to conduct this research Firstly, translation of culture-specific items has been proven difficult for translators due to a lack of cultural equivalence between the two languages Therefore, in the process of translating large texts, the translator must have used some specific methods to deal with this situation As the VME provides a large number of samples containing culture-specific items, the researcher decided to choose this museum for investigation Secondly, there are not many studies into translations of exhibit labels at museums in Vietnam because of their complexity and limitation of access to data Hence, the researcher wants to build upon the findings of previous studies to gain more profound knowledge on this subject Finally, the researcher wants to observe how translation methods are adapted in real-life context and the equivalent effect they bring 1.2 Aims of the study The research aims at identifying the translation methods used in translation of introduction and section labels at the VME As it has been proven to be difficult to achieve equivalence in translation of some culture-specific items in the museum, the researcher hopes to find out which kind of translation method is most dominant in translation of labels in order to apply this knowledge in the future Besides, the researcher will also give suggestions for translation of some particular labels some concepts In that case, translators need to make use of free translation to deal with this issue Free translation gives translators more room to express the meaning of those complicated terms and help readers understand them thoroughly However, it should be noted that the translator cannot change the meaning of the original text too much In terms of semantic and faithful translation, the former could lead to personal interpretation of the text – which might be incorrect and also inappropriate for an informative text – and the latter could cause confusion among readers, especially foreign visitors who are not familiar with the source language culture Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using these two methods in translation of labels at museum 28 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 5.1 Findings This research was carried out on the translations of 57 introduction and section labels from Vietnamese to English at VME After the analysis process, methods of translating were found within the samples at different frequency levels The researcher used those results, together with a theoretical background based on Newmark’s theory, to answer the two research questions and gave some suggestions for translation of labels at museums The major findings were presented as below (1) The most commonly used method of translating introduction and section labels at VME was communicative translation with 100% of samples Communicative translation was the most popular method thanks to its ability to provide a clear and concise translation which was suitable for most informative texts (2) However, in order to produce a smoother and more flexible translation, translators should also use free translation for translating labels because it provides a solution to deal with culture-specific words A full explanation of cultural words provided by this method would prove useful to many visitors (3) In translating exhibition labels, besides issues related to language competency, translators should also consider other factors that contribute to translations, like the word-limit of a real label, the readership level or the function of each type of label 5.2 Limitations: Despite the researcher’s endeavor, the study still had its limitations due to a lack of time and resources 29 The scope of the study was limited to the labels of the indoor area, because analyzing all the introduction and section labels at VME would take too much time Thus, the findings could not be generalized The topic of the study was not new, but there were few studies which concerned the methods of translating cultural texts Most of those studies focused on the microtextual analysis of translation strategies and procedures or finding errors Thus, there were difficulties in writing the literature review The study might contain subjective assessments because the researcher’s knowledge of translating culture-specific items was not deep enough Interviews with the original translators were not conducted due to a lack of time and also because of the update in materials and staffs 5.3 Recommendation for further study: Based on the above limitations, the researcher gives some recommendations for future study on this subject The scope of the study should be broadened to labels of both indoor and outdoor areas, or even newly-built exhibition halls An increase in the amount of data would lead to an increase in reliability of the results The researcher also expects further studies to research on better and more accurate translation to improve the quality of labels in museums Awareness of the topic should be raised by involving more people into the debate, for example, by asking for people’s perception of translations of culture-specific items 30 REFERENCES Baker, M (1992) In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation London: Routledge Baker, M (1998) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies London/ New York: Routledge Bell and Thomas, R (1988) Translation and Translating Bui, T.Y (2014) Translation procedures applied in translating object labels at Vietnam Museum of Ethonology (BA Thesis, University of Languages and International Studies) Davies, E.E (2003) A Goblin or a Dirty Nose? The Treatment of Culture-Specific References in Translations of Harry Potter Book In The Translator, (6), 65100 Hatim, B and Mason, I (1990) Discourse and the translator London/New York: Longman Koller, W (1979) Equivalence in Translation Theory, in Chesterman, A (1989) Readings in Translation Theory, Loimaan Kirjapaino Larson, M.L (1984) Meaning Based Translation University Press of America Newmark, P (1981) Approaches to Translation Oxford: Pergamon Press Newmark, P (1988) Approaches to Translation Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd Newmark, P (1988) A Textbook of Translation New York: Prentice Hall Newmark, P (1995) A textbook of translation New York: Prentice-Hall International Newmark, P (2010) Translation and Culture In Lewandowska, T.B (Ed.), Meaning in Translation (pp 171-182) Frankfurt: Peter Long GmbH Nida, E.A and Tabler, C.R (1969) The theory and practice of translation Leiden: E.J Brill Nguyen, T.N., (2005) A study on the Vietnamese-English translation of exhibit labels in the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology (MA Thesis, University of Languages 31 and International Studies, 2005) Retrieved from Oxford University Press (2010) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Retrieved November 30, 2014, from Oxford University Press (2010) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Retrieved November 30, 2014, from Pym, A (1992) Translation and Text Transfer: An Essay on the Principles of Intercultural Communication Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Vietnam Museum of Ethnology cited among Asia’s top 25 attractive museums (2014) Retrieved November 30, 2014, from 32 APPENDIX A A1 Ngữ hệ Hán-Tạng The Sino-Tibetans Hán-Tạng ngữ hệ lớn nhất, bao gồm This language family is the most widely nhóm ngơn ngữ Hán nhóm ngơn ngữ distributed one on the Asian continent Han Tạng-Miến, với dân số khoảng 1,5 tỷ người is the dominant language of China Han Các dân tộc thuộc ngữ hệ có nguồn gốc Chinese also live in Singapore and many phương bắc, di chuyển dần xuống phía other cities Several groups reside in nam vào giai đoạn lịch sử khác nhau: villages khoảng đầu công nguyên, kỷ XV The Tibeto-Burmese who live throughout từ kỷ XVIII Ngày nay, họ có the Himalayas migrated to the south in mặt Trung Quốc, Lào, Thái Lan, different historical periods: at the beginning Myanmar, Singapore, Ấn Độ, Bangladesh, of present times, in the 15th century, and Nepal, Việt Nam…Ở Việt Nam có dân especially after the 18th century In Vietnam tộc thuộc nhóm ngôn ngữ Hán (Hoa, Ngái, there are three Han speaking peoples and Sán Dìu) dân tộc thuộc nhóm ngơn ngữ six Tibeto-Burman ethnic groups Tạng-Miến (Hà Nhì, La Hủ, Lô Cô, Cống, Si La Phù Lá) A2 Ngữ hệ Hmông-Dao The Miao-Yao Các dân tộc thuộc ngữ hệ Hmông-Dao gồm The Miao-Yao (also called Hmong-Mien) khoảng 10 triệu người, phân bố Việt Nam, ethnolinguistic family has about 10 million Trung Quốc, Lào, Thái Lan, Myanmar people living in Vietnam, China, Laos, Người Hmông (gần triệu) người Dao Thailand and Myanmar (hơn 1,5 triệu) hai dân tộc đông The Hmong and the Yao migrated from ngữ hệ Đây hai dân tộc có southern China at different times They nhiều nhóm địa phương mang sắc have many local groups who have distinct thái riêng tiếng nói phong tục features of language and custom In tập quán Thuộc ngữ hệ Việt Nam, Vietnam there are three ethnic groups ngồi người Hmơng người Dao, cịn có belonging to this ethnolinguistic family 33 người Pà Thẻn A3 Ngữ hệ Nam Á The Austroasiatics Thuộc ngữ hệ Nam Á có 100 triệu This language family is made up of người khoảng 50 dân tộc Các cộng đồng approximately 50 ethnic groups with a ngôn ngữ - tộc người phân bố nhiều population of 100 million people distributed nước châu Á, Đông Nam Á Một throughout Asia Some of these peoples số dân tộc lập nên nhà nước, Việt came together to form nations, such as Nam, Campuchia, tiếng nói họ trở Vietnam and Cambodia Most Southeast thành ngôn ngữ quốc gia Các cư dân thuộc Asian inhabitants descend from ngữ hệ Nam Á có lịch sử lâu đời Austroasiatic speakers Đông Nam Á This largest language family in Vietnam Tại Việt Nam, ngữ hệ lớn nhất, bao includes Viet-Muong and Mon-Khmer gồm nhóm ngơn ngữ: Việt-Mường peoples with 25 ethnic groups who reside Môn-Khơme, với 25 dân tộc khác throughout the country phân bố khắp miền đất nước A4 Ngữ hệ Thái – Kađai The Tai-Kadai Có 90 triệu người thuộc ngữ hệ Thái- Ninety million people speak Tai-Kadai Kađai Đơng Nam Á Họ có mặt Việt languages in Southeast Asia They Nam, nam Trung Quốc, Lào, Thái Lan, originated from China Long ago they Myanmar đông bắc Ấn Độ Nhiều dân migrated southward and settled as far away tộc có nguồn gốc Trung Quốc di cư as Northeast India Some created nations xuống phía nam từ sớm Một số hình such as Laos and Thailand In Vietnam thành nhà nước, Lào, Thái Lan there are eight ethnic groups speaking Tai Ở Việt Nam, ngữ hệ có nhóm language ngơn ngữ: Tày-Thái Kađai Nhóm Tày- The Kadai has a smaller population Their Thái bao gồm dân tộc Nhóm Kađai có languages are the link between Tai and dân tộc, dân số nhiều, coi Austronesian languages, and between 34 dấu nối ngôn ngữ Tày-Thái ngôn mainland and more insular Southeast Asian ngữ Nam Đảo, văn hóa lục địa văn countries hóa hải đảo A5 Các dân tộc Việt Nam Đa dạng The peoples of Vietnam Unity and thống diversity Việt Nam có dân số gần 86 triệu người With a population of about 86 million (2009), gồm 54 dân tộc: người Việt (Kinh) people (2009 census), Vietnam comprises 53 dân tộc thiểu số Nhiều dân tộc lại 54 ethnic groups: the Viet (Kinh) and 53 bao gồm số nhóm địa phương Ngôn minority groups Many of these include ngữ phong phú, tập hợp numerous local groups The language of ngữ hệ: Nam Á, Nam Đảo, Hmông-Dao, ethnic groups is also diverse with five Hán-Tạng, Thái-Kađai linguistic families: Austroasiatic, Mỗi dân tộc có sắc thái văn hóa Austronesian, Tai-Kadai, Miao-Yao and riêng, đồng thời dân tộc có Sino-Tibetan nét tương đồng, tạo nên văn Each ethnic group has its own cultural hóa chung vừa đa dạng vừa thống Văn identity while still sharing certain hóa dân tộc Việt Nam vừa có tiếp similarities The culture of the ethnic groups nối truyền thống, vừa có yếu tố is a continuity of tradition, of mutual tạo thành trình giao lưu lẫn exchanges and mutual influences across and nước ảnh hưởng từ bên within national borders but also regionally, ngoài, đặc biệt quan hệ lâu đời với Trung especially the influence of China, India, and Hoa, Ấn Độ Đông Nam Á Sau đó, q Southeast Asia Afterwards, western tình tiếp thu yếu tố văn hóa phương cultural factors have been incorporated, Tây diễn mạnh mẽ especially in the globalization time Lối sống cổ truyền phổ biến dân tộc Traditionally, most of the groups rely on chủ yếu dựa nông nghiệp trồng lúa wet rice and agriculture or swidden nước, miền núi nương rẫy, kết farming, combined with raising poultry, hợp với chăn ni gia đình, hái lượm, săn collecting, hunting, and fishing; handicrafts bắt, đánh bắt cá; nghề thủ công (dệt vải, đan (weaving, forging, making pottery, 35 lát, rèn, làm gốm, làm mộc…) kinh tế carpentry) and on commerce of different hàng hóa trình độ khác Làng levels Most ethnic groups consider the đơn vị tổ chức xã hội quan trọng tất village as the most important social unit; dân tộc, từ hình thức quần cư, however, village organization, house styles, kiểu dáng nhà cửa, đến truyền thống gia family, society and religious traditions are đình, xã hội tơn giáo đa dạng Tín diverse Today the peoples of Vietnam are ngưỡng vạn vật hữu linh, đến phổ in various degrees of development and biến, sở cho sinh hoạt lễ tục international integration nhiều vẻ phần đông nhân dân dân tộc Hiện nay, dân tộc mức độ khác đường xây dựng sống đại A6 Lễ lên đồng * Religion of the Four Worlds Đạo Mẫu (Tứ phủ) loại hình tín The religion of the Four Worlds is very ngưỡng dân gian phổ biến người Việt, popular, especially in northern Vietnam miền Bắc Hệ thống thần linh The system of spirits is imagined like an hình dung triều đình imperial court ruling the four worlds: Sky, quân chủ có nhiệm vụ cai quản giới: Earth, Water and Forests Trời, Đất, Nước Rừng During the spiritual possession ceremony, Nghi lễ tiêu biểu phổ biến lễ lên đồng spirits are invited to possess the male or Trong đó, thần linh mời gọi nhập vào female performers to reveal the activities of ông hay bà đồng để thể số sinh the sacred world To ensure the joy and hoạt giới thiêng Với mục đích cầu prosperity of individuals and communities, mong yên lành, thịnh vượng cá nhân participants are believed to be able to cộng đồng, hương, đệ tử tham communicate directly wit the spirits through dự nghi lễ tin trực tiếp đối thoại the mediums These ritual với thần linh thăng hoa Cuộc “giao “communications” are usually theatrical and tiếp” thường diễn hình thức sân coded but also realistic khấu, vừa có tính ước lệ, vừa có tính The possession ritual is an occasion for 36 thực Người lên đồng người spirit mediums and participants to access to tham dự hội nhập vào the spirit world and find a balance sense and giới tâm linh, giúp họ tìm thấy cân sublimation outside of ordinary daily life thăng hoa tinh thần mà họ khơng có sống thực A7 Trò chơi dân gian trẻ em Children traditional games Trị chơi trẻ em thường hình thức giải Games show great ingenuity and creativity trí lành mạnh có tính giáo dục nhiều mặt and have time-old educational values In Các em thường chơi chọi dế, đánh đu vào summer and autumn, children fly kites In mùa xuân, thả diều vào mùa hè mùa thu spring, they organize grasshopper and Con gái chơi trò đòi hỏi khéo léo, cricket competitions and play on swings nhẹ nhàng, như: rải ô ăn quan, đánh chắt, Games for girls require great skills and nhảy dây, bán hàng, làm bếp, trông em Con delicacy, such as a pebble game and trai hay chơi trò mạnh mẽ, như: đấu vật, jacksticks Boys play more active games kéo co, cướp cờ, tập trận, chơi khăng, đánh like the stick game, spinning top, and flag- đáo, đánh quay Ở chợ làng, người ta bán snatching đồ chơi bột nặn hay đất The Mid-autumn festival, on the fifteenth of nung mà trẻ nhỏ thích, như: gà, vịt, ông the eighth lunar month, is a festival devoted phỗng bụng phệ, nhân vật tuồng to children They play with toys like kịch xưa tambourines and paper lamps in the shapes Tết Trung thu, trẻ em múa sư tử chơi of stars, rabbits, and spinning cylinders nhiều đồ chơi giấy, loại Since ancient times, the Vietnamese people đèn: đèn ông sao, đèn kéo quân, đèn have had great respect for education Hence, thỏ…Từ xưa, người Việt coi trọng việc a paper doctor is always put among the học hành, mâm ngũ đêm other gifts to express the family’s wishes rằm Trung Thu bày ông tiến for their children’s success at school At sỹ giấy để cầu mong trẻ học hành night, the lion dance is performed tới, đỗ đạt hiển vinh 37 A8 Nghề nón làng Chng Conical hat making in Chuong Làng Chuông (huyện Thanh Oai, Hà Nội) For centuries, Chuong village has been tiếng nghề làm nón Cách vài well-known for its conical hats It was kỷ, nón làng Chng nức tiếng Thăng famous in Thang Long (ancient Hanoi) as Long vùng trung du đồng well as throughout the Red River delta miền Bắc Chuong market opens on the 4th and 10th Chợ Chuông họp gốc đa đầu làng vào every lunar month under a large emblematic mồng mồng 10 tháng, nơi bán banyan tree at the entrance of the village nón nguyên liệu làm nón Mo nang đưa Raw materials for making conical hats are từ Yên Bái; dây móc lấy từ Hịa Bình, brought in mountainous regions The Phú Thọ; lụi chở từ Quảng Bình, Hà villagers buy sheaths of the bamboo shoot Tĩnh Làng Lựa cung cấp khuôn, làng Tràng from Yen Bai, fishtail palm (caryota) from Xn vót vịng, làng Dầu Tế đưa sợi guột Hoa Binh and Phu Tho, and palm leaves tới from Quang Binh and Ha Tinh The frames Lá lụi (lá nón) phơi 2-3 nắng ngả từ màu are made by Lua Villagers, bamboo circles xanh sang màu trắng, rải đất prepared by Trang Xuan village, and cho mềm rẽ cho rộng bản, sau đặt lên gleichenia fibers (a genus of ferns) provide lưỡi cày nung nóng để cho phẳng by Dau Te villagers Vịng nón chuốt trịn đặn, chỗ nối After the green palm leaves are dried in the vết gợn Sau đặt lên sun for three times, they turn white They lớp vành khuôn, việc cuối thắt are then spread out on the ground to become khâu Sợi móc len theo mũi kim qua 16 soft, and their creases are ironed with a lớp vịng cật tre Nón khâu xong đem heated ploughshare Palm leaves are stiched hơ diêm sinh cho thêm trắng to cover sixteen bamboo hoops of varying tránh bị mốc sizes Then, to make the conical hats whiter and to prevent mould, they are reheated over the smoke of burnt sulphur This craft is connected to the life of the villagers and makes a reputation for the village 38 A9 Cồng người Mường Gongs of the Muong Cồng loại nhạc cụ đồng thau, họ thân Gongs are musical instruments made of vang Mỗi cồng Mường thường có 12 brass or bronze A set includes 12 gongs of chiếc, gồm loại với tên gọi, kích thước three types with different name, sizes and âm khác Cồng chót (hay cồng tones Chot (tle) gongs are 20-30 cm in tlẻ), đường kính 20-30cm, âm cao Cồng diameter and produce a high tone Bong bng beng (cồng bồng), đường kính 40- (boong beng) gongs, which are 40-50 cm in 50cm, âm trung Cồng dàm (cồng khầm), diameter, produce a middle tone The đường kính 60-90cm, chí 1m, âm largest are dam (kham) gongs, which are trầm 60-90, or sometimes even 100 cm in Cồng sử dụng phổ biến để diễn tấu diameter and produce a bass tone hát sắc bùa đón năm Người chơi Gongs accompanied sac bua songs during thường nữ, nam New Year festivals, weddings or funerals nữ Mỗi người chiếc, tay xách quai are played by women, though sometimes treo cồng, tay cầm dùi gõ vào núm cồng men and women play together Each theo nhịp điệu tiếu tấu Có hình musician plays one gong, holding its stap thức diễn tấu: dàn hàng ngang đứng đánh and using a wooen mallet with a cloth chỗ, vừa đánh cồng vừa thành covered tip to beat at the center of the gong vòng tròn Người ta gõ cồng lễ Gongs are both valuable possessions and cưới, đám tang musical instruments of the Muong In the Cồng vừa nhạc cụ quan trọng, vừa tài past, noble Muong families used several sản có giá trị người Mường Xưa kia, sets of gongs at one time to celebrate có việc hệ trọng, gia đình quý tộc important events thường sử dụng vài ba cồng diễn tấu lúc A10 Cột nhà người Êđê Ede house columns Trong xã hội Êđê cổ truyền, cột nhà The columns of traditional Ede long houses gỗ lớn chạm khắc cầu kỳ are carefully carved with ornamental 39 hình thức thể vị kinh tế - xã sculptures to embellish the house and hội giả gia chủ Đây đôi cột display the owner’s wealth and social nhà sàn dài dựng năm 1967 position người Êđê Kpă tỉnh Đắc Lắc Trong nhà, Each column is topped with a carving of a chúng đứng vị trí giới hạn cuối “gian cooking pot called go bung, one of the khách” family’s most treasured possessions It is Trên đầu cột có hình nồi đồng Nồi đồng use as a container of water to be added to lớn (gọ bung) không dùng đựng nước the jars of rice wine, and to cook rice để chế vào ché rượu cần nồi lẩu whenever a ceremony is celebrated in the nhà đông khách, mà loại family Some Ede explain the carved design quý Có người lại giải thích chõ đồ to be that of the pot used to steam glutinous xơi, cịn chi tiế đỡ bên hình tượng rice, with the four stones or which it is put đá bắc bếp Ede society is a matrilineal one which Theo tập tục mẫu hệ Êđê, người phụ nữ women play major social roles This đề cao Điều thể qua hình tradition is reflected in the breats carved on tượng đơi vú phụ nữ tạc phóng thân the colums In other cases, the figure is that cột, khiến có người coi cặp ngà voi of a pair of elephant or rhinoceros tusks On sừng tê giác Trên mặt thân cột, người the surface of columns are carvings of ta cịn tạc hoa văn hình tam giác – cọ, hoa geometric designs, or figures of a four4 cánh – hay hoa hđrông, số petalled flower, hdrong flower or fruit mơtíp khác The two columns of a long house built in 1967 in Dak Lak province stand at the far end of the main room to receive guests A11 Lễ lẩu then người Tày Lau then ceremony of the Tay Lẩu then (hay lẩu pựt) loại nghi lễ mang Lau then or lau put is a religious ceremony tính chất tơn giáo, người “làm held by a medium called then It is then” “làm pựt” tổ chức, với ý nghĩa mang celebrated to pay homage to the Emperor of lễ vật tiến cống Ngọc Hồng theo thơng Jade, or to mark the then’s promotion to a lệ, gọi tiểu lễ, để cấp sắc, gọi đại higher ceremonial rank 40 lễ In some places, lau then is presided over by Ở nhiều nơi, lễ lẩu then bà then chủ trì a woman then, and lasts an entire night, thường kéo dài suốt đêm Gần 5.000 during which 5,000 lines of poetry are câu thơ diễn xướng theo 30 recited, relating the arduous journey of the chương đoạn, với nội dung thể “then army” The long poem is tinged with chặng đường khổ ải, gian truân mà “đoàn myths and folktales, reflecting the Tay quân then” qua Đó trường ca conception of life and the world It mirrors nhuốm màu thần thoại chứa đầy truyện their social relations as well as their cổ dân gian; phản ảnh không vũ trụ spiritual and emotional life quan, giới quan nhân sinh quan The lau then religious ceremony is very người Tày, mà quan hệ xã hội, popular It is represented in poetry, songs, sống tinh thần tình cảm họ dances, music, and beautiful decorations Lẩu then hình thức sinh hoạt văn nghệ dân gian, thể thông qua nghệ thuật biểu diễn tổng hợp, gồm thơ, ca, múa, nhạc nghệ thuật trang trí Nó có sức lơi cuốn, hấp dẫn, nhiều người yêu thích, say mê A12 Dân tộc Nùng The Nung Dân tộc Nùng có 900.000 người The Nung live side by side with the Tay in (2009), xen với người Tày vùng đông northeast provinces They are comprised of bắc Bắc Bộ bao gồm nhiều nhóm địa many local groups: the Nung Xuong, Nung phương: Nùng An, Nùng Cháo, Nùng Lòi, Giang, Nung An, Nung Chao, Nung Loi, Nùng Inh, Nùng Phàn Slình, Nùng Xuồng, Nung Inh, Nung Phan Slinh, Nung Quy Rin, Nùng Gian, Nùng Quy Rịn, Nùng Dín… and Nung Din They migrated into Vietnam Đại phận người Nùng di cư tới Việt around 200 years ago Nam 200 năm sống chủ yếu The Nung cultivate wet rice, but in some canh tác ruộng nước, số nơi làm places they cultivate dry rice-fields Their thêm ruộng khô nương Họ có nhiều handicrafts are varied, including textiles, 41 nghề thủ công: dệt, đan, rèn, đúc, mộc, làm basketry, metalwork, wooden furniture, yin- bàn ghế trúc, làm ngói âm dương, chạm đá, yang tiles, stone carving, incense and làm hương, làm giấy traditional paper fabrication Người Nùng theo chế độ gia đình phụ hệ; The Nung have a patrilineal system Social số nơi dấu vết hình thức gia relationships are influenced by đình lớn Trong đời sống xã hội có nhiều Confucianism whereas religious life is ảnh hưởng Nho giáo Đời sống tâm linh influenced more by Taoism then by chịu ảnh hưởng Đạo giáo sâu sắc Phật Buddhism They use Chinese characters to giáo Cả chữ Hán chữ Nôm Nùng write their lineage records, sacred texts, and dùng để ghi chép gia phả, cúng, horoscopes Sli and leu are folk songs số lời hát Sli hà lều điệu used by young men and women through dân ca phổ biến hát giao duyên theo alternating questions and answers lối bè: đôi nam đôi nữ 42 ...ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ KHOA SƯ PHẠM TIẾNG ANH KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP PHƯƠNG PHÁP DỊCH BẢNG CHÚ THÍCH TẠI BẢO TÀNG DÂN TỘC HỌC Giáo viên hướng dẫn:... nhân dân dân tộc Hiện nay, dân tộc mức độ khác đường xây dựng sống đại A6 Lễ lên đồng * Religion of the Four Worlds Đạo Mẫu (Tứ phủ) loại hình tín The religion of the Four Worlds is very ngưỡng dân. .. nghệ dân gian, thể thông qua nghệ thuật biểu diễn tổng hợp, gồm thơ, ca, múa, nhạc nghệ thuật trang trí Nó có sức lơi cuốn, hấp dẫn, nhiều người u thích, say mê A12 Dân tộc Nùng The Nung Dân tộc